Griffin semi-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1868-187?, February 09, 1869, Image 3

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GRfFFFW Sm-WEFKIY STA tu Esr» ay, FEB. 9 1869. Disnti.-trt —Dr. F. II Daniel h.,a loem ed in Griffin—rooms Aver Fiemfiner A Broelc-, and will serve the public in his prof, ■sstonal line. Fred is a clever young msn—understands his buxines* thoroughly, and we wish him immense success. HEadquaters FOR GARDEN SEEDS 1 A Large and complete assortment of LANDREUI’S famous GARDEN SEEDS, just received, and for Sale hv DREW RY i CO. SPECIAL NOTICE! D. W. Patterson respectfully c.lls on all who are indebted, eirhet to the late firm of Reid, George & Patterson, or to hiu>, indi vidually. to come forward and settle their accounts at ouce. February sth, 1809. lm. See notice of Rouse to rent. It is In good Tepair, and every vrny desirable. MORE ABOI T THE PEACH CUTTER A GOOD CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT. The inventor, .Tohn T. Vaughn,’ proposes l> have th* Cotters manufic'nred suhstan tiully, and in hnnrlxuuie style, and furnish in any quanty to those who purchase cun., ty rights at a price by which they can res ul : ze. more than three times the am unt of their tilnncy in one season. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE STAR. Ati.ania, Ga., Jan’y 19, 1809. Messrs. Star : Answer all inquiries you he:tr relative to the HAT and FUR trade in this city, that the subscriber ‘still lives,’ and his vast emnoritarn is in full hlnst, at the old stand on Whitehall street, where be continues to outsell creation. Respeetfnllv, J. M. HOI.BROOK. EXTRA SPECIAL NOTICE. Beware of Counterfeits 1 Smith’s Tonic Syrup has been counterfeited, and the Counterfeiter brought to prtef SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP. The genuine article must have Dr. John Bull's private Stamp on each bottle. Dr. John Bull has the only right to manufac ture ami sell the original John Smith’s Tonic Syrnp of Louisville, Ky. Examine well the label on each bottle, ts my pri vate mump is not on the bottle, do not pur chase. or ynti will he deceived. See tnv column advertisement, and my show card 1 will prosecute any one infringing on nn right. The genuine Smith’s Toniu Syrup Cun only be prepared by raveelf. The public’s servant* I>R .JOHN MULL Lojisville, Ky., April 23, 18(>8. *@~Tbe fo!lnw : ng nro the Grand Jurors empnnnt-11-d f.r ihe Bud week of Spalding Superior Cnur : J- ns T. Ravs'-m, Foreman. •I. H M. Bnirett, J. K. Stallings, Snmu el Hummiiml, A. T. Brown, W J. W. <«i| ♦ward, M. J Patrick. A. J. Mathews, H M, Gray. J. ('. Lttle, I. M. Chapman. llpnr\ Hammond, W. J Keith, J. F; Siilwe’l, 11. Mitlair, j. F Dupree, R W. Srnugh. J. T. Stone, A. Oglettee, T. I). II wk, D. II Shannon. Ge 'rue Curtis. W. Warren. N. 11. Simon & Bio tire still offers ing great inrlunements in Dry Goods, Clotli iag. &c., Ac. They are selling out to make a change in their business, end invite the public tt> los| feet their goa ls They are determined to sell everything in their store at and below New York cost. COMMUNICATED. Mr. EdltiS : —Tleilso illow me in he> half of the Ladies' Memorial Assneintfun, to acknowledge the receipt of s2’6 si>. the amount, raised by Gen. Win. T. Holt, Press ident of the South Western Railroad furtlfe benefit of our woik. A tew m re su It fjiehds as Capt. A. J. White and General lb .It, ond it would not be long before we Would have “Stonewall Cemetery” an or- Dement to the city of Griffin. May the two Railroads always t» blefs-'ed with such get s erous fend patriotic Presidents. Mss. M. E. Brewer, Chnit man Committee. Clottiiko.—To close ont their winter Stock, Loewenstein A Pfeifer will dispose of their entire stock or clothing at greatly re duced pi ices. No humbug about this house. They will do exactly what they say tlsy wi(l. Tlidir stock of Dry Goods is al so fully up to the requirements of the trade, and can be bought! on advantageous terms, 19* Our esteemed friend, ColV L. T. Doyal. has been engaged in the trial of ev ery case in tho Superior Court, thus fnr, and bis name is marked in all the impor* tant ones that are to be tried.- As an' eric deuce that the Colonel is a No. 1 lawyer, We will state that he has only lost one oase dor rig the term ; and bis success is owing to the fact, that when he is employed, he works like his own interest was involved. The Colonel is not only a good lawyer, hut is one of the most hospitable, elegan', high-toned gentlemen in the country, and as gallant among the ladies as an “olden Knight.” May be live a thousand years, and all His projects succeed. Fine Bttrxnmr Wink.—We are indebt ed .to Mr. J. D. George—under Patterson's store, for a battle of the finest blackberry wine we have -seen in an ago, George’s establishment is supplied with fine liquors of every deaoription, end his patrons are prnmply waited on by competent clerks.— His Ilestcjrtant Is supplied with everything good. GENERAL PRE'HWTMENTS OF THE GRAND JURY FOR THE FIRST WEEK FEIiIiU.VKT IERM. 1869. We, the Grand Jurors, >elected, rhi*.-n, and sworn for ti a Hist week. February, term, 1809. in bringing . ur labor* to a close! beg cave to make the following general presentments : We have great reasons to thunk Him who control* the de-si ole* of men, for the many blessing* conferred oo nans a people, in that He has showered Hi* blessings upon u* without stint. Our lands and fields have smiled in the past season with their prolific productions for the sustenance of both man and beast. He has also blessed us aa a community with a remarkable portion of good health, all of which should humble u* as a people, and till our hearts with gratitutde to llim who is the author of every goud and perfect ff'lt. We have appointed William M. Cline and Joseph C. Li tie a committee to exam ine the records "f the vnrious officer* ot the unnotv. and report to the Grand Jury, ,*t ill- August term, 1809, the true ounditinn of the 10,000a y affairs of this oquoty, and we pray his Honor. Jos. W. Greene, to en dorse this recommendation. We have ct ainined the Public Building*, and find the (Jnurt House in a leaky condition, tod re . commend its immediate repair. The Jail build ng and fence in fair condition. The roads in some parts of the county are in good condition, nmi other portions they are in had order, and the road hands refuse to work them. We hope the proper authori ties will take such step* as may he neces sary to have the roads in their sections put in good condition. We also recommend the Ordinary to use his u'iu Ist diligence and economy in the Poor House enterpri.-e, that the people of this County n uy he sat isfied , f its utility. In taking lea\e of his Elnnor, Judge Jus. W. Greene, we return t<> Him our thanks for the üble nianror he has presided at the present term, also to the Solicitor General, 1,. B. Anderson, for his O 'Urtesv and nffatii> ity to the jurors. We request that the city papers publish the foregoing presentments. J. C. Nioiioi.s. F.retnan. 2. D W W Rogers, 13. J C Little, 3. W B Cunningham 14. J N Furgcrson, 4. A Ogletree, 15. J T Mitchell, 5. Jos. Buntyn, 16. FA Freeman, ti. F D llawk, 17. R Skinner. 7. W W Grubbs, 18. T. Ogletree, 8. Ed. Griffin, 19. J 11 Starr. 9. G W Clark, 20. A T Brown, 10. J S Westbrook, 21 F Mobley, 'l. I D Si minima, 23. K B /.each, 12. C B Elder, 22. W il Morgan. A true extnet from the in nute* of Spall* ing Supetior Court, Feb. G li. 1869. G B Much iNAM. Dept. U S. 0. S. O. B&~ '‘The ‘Great Southern Preparations are not patent medicines, composed of mys t< ri< us root* and herbs found in remote and obscure corners of ihe earth, hut are made of pure and fresh drug*, the efficacy of which have been thoroughly tested by the medical faculty. The rapid sale and cnrit. me properties of the-e medicines are the best guarantees ■ lint he offered in their Invor. Their English Female Bitters is having a irrmei ilous rule in this county, ntid all arc del gli ed with its* effects.” (!. F. Moi'gand, ed 'o ■* f Kosc u*k >, (Mi**.) Chronicle, nays: * * ‘ The English Female B tlet* is highly rceommen led by the med ical fra'ernny ill ti i- plneo and surrounds mg country ” See advertis meot. AiiMsrtti.NO Cator & Co.—The oard of h s wi 11-known firm undor the li'-ail of new advertisement*. The house sells a vast deal of grain in Mold e G nr git, and is de-ervedlv ti malar every where 1,1s! «»l I.otters RKMAI.VINit Jn th- l*..n Ontc- ttirlffin. OiwgD, »>n the lot day «»f -69, which K not ?n --ken out within thirty days, w* l b» so r w.w do and to tfao Dead Lew »r * 4 lliet —I w«*s II Andofaon, J O Aden It- Wilvy lirudbv, John liltuks Miss M E Rroirh r»0 H D.rrett, Mrs Bett.e Brown, Miss Moll!,* E Brown, '-I s Klisth ih Hoyco Dr Jot* Bic *tnh. r> E J BUhoit, Kllison » aukmdth .1 M Belt l»\ G W Brown. 4 —J.tnii m t Ifini nts B ' Cr**ft«n, Wm II Cunning ham. 'la (or K K Clink As «’o , Mrs Min tha A Cooper, Elisabeth fan I g <*n .care N M Starr) .1 D I'ompton, Jiinv i *hunn. Mrs II B Cos. k, David S«. atlius, Mrs hlil tt> «*ih Cui lion F Mw.lnn-‘ A Freeman, Tolbert Freeman, W Thos Fincher Uillt Farley, .'lowirsFt’nton A Brother. (• t'TOentry. L Goddard, D D Gridin. .1 S Guinn, •T V Goodman, Alisa Fannie Goodwin, *Jo T Gridin, Lu cius God aid II—II J II uden. Mrs Ja e 11 arils Ho iJ P Ilnmoi, Wm O llarraU, .Mlm Julia Hail, Kr nk ightower, II W ll* Ims. Edw.iidt: liupinan, Patience Harris. I—A fl D ersort Mon oe 1 Irwin J—Ml b T Johnson, S J dottier Mrs M J .Toss-s. Mrs Jam* A .lone-, A B •Lotus, EX Johnston, Simon J Joy ner. Mrs L M ’ June . K Writ LKI gabeiry, Edgar KM tain; ter, Mrs'Mar* tha E Keller I.—Coluinhp.n Lewis. Archil a'd T-ary. M Kiss M try 'ltdows Bilcy Miller, T J Moore. Mr. McDaidel, Wm D Maitin, Sally J II Minton O Naocv Oxford 1 W K \»o..| K T Part ell, WmTPhilUna, Mary B Phillips, T K Potts, MisoCiecy PioCfno, Kobt^rlPiikifk, Mrs Eioily J iVnnmgtoh U David K.Kiley, ir *m Reeves, M M Beeves. B—Mary Am Titter Mlvcy, v.oses Stone, J D f'mith, Mrs E A Smltn, Mis - Carrie t*m th, Miss Mary Sevase, Miss Lucia Smith, Mis J B Smith T—A VV I urner, Augusta Taylor, Iss Sadie Turner. W— Mrs Martha Wise. Abba Wilke ■. W l. Wil>on, Miss "il on. (.0 It U Wlls-n, Mrs B Williams, Mrs Ku Wriglir, Mis M C Wiili.-uns Parties calling for any of the above letters, will please say. t ey are advertised. D II J - IJNBON, jcb. ft, 18CD. Post Master SEEF1 3 0TAT0£S ! 50 BARBELS EARLY GOODRICH, From tub farm of j. vine, tie eelrbrnied Seedman or Rodu-stdr, New Turk, and wurraated to be siuvh as represented. Will arrive la a few days L-ave your orders. KICH/i KDSON & MANN. January 2 ft, 1869-2 t BULK PORK! 1 K AAA LBS - 0* PRIME BULK JL t) • v/ul/ POBK, la store and for aale low, by J.n’*29-3* D. W. PATTERSON. mm WINTER ! THE ADVERTISER wiahe-* to harrow |N»UP. or PITR TITCHTfIAND DOLLARS for 1, * • r 8 years at a reasonable Ingres , which he will se cure ti» the h nd-r by II nn or mortgages on unencum bered H*-. 1 Ksta:e of throe times tne amourit borrow ed. Parlies having Irani SK»tW to dtftivoo t • And tillsagoinl>dtv For lurt'iar infoimation, apply at the *'BT.\ B OFFIQK.** at; IVolictb IN the Dls rict Court of the Uqlted Stales for the Northern Dfctrlct of Georgia, in tbe matter of W W HUFF, Bankrupt. Tbe undfraUrned hereby gives hoi ice of his appoint* menu* Assignee of the Ki ate of Win. W. Huff, in th«* ooimtv of Sfmldlng, 8 nte of Georgia, v* ho his been ndfudg'-d a Bankrupt up*»n hi* own peiltlo b. the IdatrictCoqrt of wild District. Dated at Grllßn Os, the Ath day of February, 1609. C P. DANIEL, |eb A, 8lk», Assignee, Ac. lilTlfiO M DEPOT, ME KENNY. Proprietor. Wholesale . ..a<l HetUl Ilvder ia Brand'*, Wiact, Whi. 04n* and Kapia WIKMH ALE, altraja M fcMK, suttmm.Qm. Jamn r ' “*• [OmCTALI ExgOITIVB I»SfAHTMti.NT ) Atlxrta Gs,. F"l>. 5. lotiO f Okokrfp. Thnt Dr. 0.-U. An,!rows be. end be D hereby nppoimed itispeotor i>f Fcitililera for the bounty fif'M"rg»n, by virtue nf the power and authority te.-ted in me by ait Aet, entitled ‘‘An Ait to protect the planter.* of this State Iruui impoe'tidn in the e«le of fertilizers”—upproveti Sep tember 17. 18G8. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Executive Department, at the Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, the day and year firat above written. Rufus B. Bullock, Governor. By the Oovernnr: B. B. dkGraffknrikp. Secretary Executive Department. feh 9 3t. [OFFICIAL.] F.XKOUTIVK DKfARTMBVT. ) Atlanta, F"h sth, 18G9 ) Ordered, That Dr L F. \V. Andrews bn, nhd hn ia hereby appointed Inspector of Ecrtilzr* forth" eottnry of Sumter by virtue of the power amt authority vested in mo by an Act. entitled -‘An Aet to protect the planter* of this Suite from imposition m the sale of fertilicere”—approved Sent. 17th, 1808. * Given under my hand and the Seal of the Executive Department at the Capitol in th« city of Atlanta the day and year first above written. Hurt's B. Bullock, Governor. By the Governor: B. B deGrafff.nrifd, Secretary Executive Department. ft b 9-3 t. OFFICIAL. Executive Department. ) Fobruary G It, 18G9. ( Ordered, that Edward M I’endleton be. * n< i he is hereby appointed Inspector of Fertilizers for Uancouk county, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me l!y an Act, entitled ‘‘An Act to protect the plan ters of this State from imposition in the sale —approved September 17, Given under my hand and the Seal of the Executive Department, at the C <pitol in Atlanta, the day and year above written. Rufus B. Bullo«*. Governor. By the Governor: B. B. DeG RAF fen re in, feb9-3t S*c.v Rx Uen’t. [OFFICIAL j Executive Department, ) Atlanta. February 3. 1809 J Ordered, That Wm. A Live be, and ho is hereby appointed Inspe*£ >rol Fertilizers for tbe county of Dougherty, by virtuo nf the power and authority vested in me by an Act. entitled, ‘‘An Act to protect the planters of this State from imposition in the sale of fertilizers.''—Approved Scptem bcvl7th, 18G8. Gi\Vi under mv Hand and the Seal of the Executive Department, «t the Cnpi« tol in Atlanta, the and y and year first, above written. Rufus B. Bi llock Governor. By the Governor: Eugene Davis, Sec’y Executive Department. feh 5-3'. jOKFlciAL] ExKCUTVE I>RPiRIM«VT. ) Atlanta, (In . Jan. 29. 18’>9. J Ordered, that 0 It. Leittierhe. and l e is heteii.v appviuteti luapector of F. ■riilizcrs lor the county of Mu-cogne. ],.y virtue pf the power anil authority vested in me hv an Act, entitled, "An Aft in protect the plant, era "I this S ate. Ironi imposition in tltos,Jo "f ffrtiii*ers."— Approved September 17ib, 181)9. Oivtui under my Hand and tho Seal of the Executive Department; nttlie Cap itol in Atlanta, the day knd year first abovo written. Rufus B. Bullock, Governor. By the Governor.: Ettocvr Davis, Scc’y Executive Department. febs-2t. [OFFICIAL.] Executive Department, 1 Atlanta, Ga.. January 12. 1808 j Pursuant tn Section Ist Or the tax act, ap proved It of October, 1808, which author tees the Governor, with the assistance of the Comptroller General, to ns-e-s and levy such a percentage on the taxable property as will pTod-ynef in tpe 1-aiinttitiitn til the Governor, (tie aum of five hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of Rpecifiu taxes, itn’d af ter appr..situating .is ueirly aa practicable the ainmint jn value of all taxable prop erty in tho State as exhibited in die digest; it is ordered-that fnuuenths of one per cent, die assessed and o dlccled upon the amount of the value of property returned by each tax payer, subject »o taxation ad valorem. Rurus B. Bullock, ~ * Governor. Madison Bell, Comptroller General fehs-8f [OFFICIAL J 7 Executive Department, V Atlanta, Ua . January 28, 1809. j Jo the Principal Keeper oj the Penitentiary: Whekeas, John Adams was convicted at the October Term, A. D 1866, of the Su perior dilnurt held in and for Franklin ooun ty. of the offence of Jogery. and was, at the April Term, thereafter, sentenced by the Judge presiding, to be imprisoned for said crime, in the Penitentiary of this State, at hard labor, for the term of iwo years, and was received therein the 29th April, 1867 : And whereas, the officers of said Peaitvn tiary certify to me that the said convict has .'ondnoted himself in an anexofpdnnul m«p> ner during raid tertb hitherto, find join in earnestly recommending his pardon, sta ting that he is entitled under the law, tn a deduction from said term, of forty days; therefore, believing the majesty of tho jaw has been sally vindicated, and that the said convict is worthy of being restbreHf to his ojyii rights as a citizen of this State, it is Ordered : That the said John Adams be, and he is hereby, fully pardoned of said of fence. to (tike effect on the flfs't day of Feb ruary next; that he then be restored to nil his civil rights as a citizen of this State, mid he then discharged and set at liberty. Given under my hand anil the Soul of the Executive Department, ot tha Capitol, in Atlanta, tbs day and year above written. Kurus B. BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: B. B. DeGrafeenreip, Secretary Executive Department., ' Kvrrotra M > SIO D fH9 - v^r “*• *7 *U *«*•«•' MISCELLANEOUS. Wlio Wants to MAKE MONEY? WE t> ill *ell the whole or one half of oar sn ok of Staple Dry Goods —A2ID— — GROCERIES, AT COST ! For the next Thirty Days! and rent our house for One or Three Tears, «* pnrttw mny do.Mro Our On di wor# hon.'ht when Cotton wa§ worth only KIGHTKKN CKNTS, and there Ik a clear profit of 91,000 to QQ 000 at New York Cost between now and then G. A. CUNNINGHAM, Sanrlvlng Partner of O. A. A 11. O. Cunafftghatn. ALL PARTIES Indebted to O A. k 11. P. Ounr.inghaio, are re fjuanted to conic forward nnd fettle, anil nil h ittmr claims ng .Inst the same, will present them aroonllng to law. G. A. CUNNINGHAM, Surviving Paitner of G A. A 11. C. Cunningham, fob. 2, m;*-Stn LIME FOR 1G?.IC1ILT11R1L PURPOSES. Great Reduction RATES OF FREIGHT —OVER THE Western & Atlantic Rail Road. HUDUOTIONT Cbatlanooga to Allanta, s2j to $lO, PEK CAR LOAD OF— -200 BUSHELSI FROM KINGSTON TO Athtcui, from SIG 0»to , f8 par car load of 200 Bn shell. Cum, * #;ftftO to-*0 •* * “ " Cartersvll e, a $ 2 Oft to #6 M M “ M Altato >na. * $;2 00t«5§d “ »* “ Acworth, “S2OO to $6 ** ’• 41 44 Ad iravllle, » 4 sl2 Oil to $6 44 « 44 44 Calh >u i, “ sl2 oito $0 44 44 44 44 Res ica, 44 £lB 75 to $& “ 44 44 44 Marietta, 4 ‘sl4 25 o$T « 4 “ 44 44 Dalton, 44 sl4 25 to *7 44 44 4 4 ‘ Tunnel 11111. “ sls lift to *T 4 4 4 ‘ 44 44 Rlnirgold •* $lO Oft to $< 44 4< 14 44 <•rayaville, 4 ‘slf» 0 to s■< 44 44 44 44 Chtek*wi>iuga 44 si7 oo t«» $3 *‘ * 4 •* 44 Clm tauooga ** <MB 00 to $3 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 B?9u * ***** r ite* will be allowed to count tiny Ho ids. “iffcaa E. B. Walker, Kfnster E. Hulbert, Jcb. B, ISPD-2t * Puperlntendeni. Pease and Uis Wife! Empire Restaurant, ATLANTA, 080 TO THR YOUNG FOLKS and old Folk-, anJ Wives. Aunts and Cousins, nnd nit of thos** whonrusn fortiinme H* to hav» n<* poor kin ; Yon must visit the KM Ts BE KEsTATTR \NT when ymi rnme Atlanta for n s nYe of.tnitsc GO T> THINGS I havn promised to the members of the l>tfbttAtul*« Cos live to •c-e me—there ia room for many more. JuiTy 26-lm W. B. ( uoningham, TAYLOB 53?., OPPOSITE BAPTIST CHURCH. /CONTINUES TO RUN HIS BUSINESS \J on business prlnslploa— P»T» CASH for hla Goods and sells them f r C SHORT PKOFITH. He buys And sell* COUNTRY PItODU B of *ll kinds, and nmkes*speciality in providing FAMILY aiiPPLiEH. liquors 1 In connection with his Grocery Katahllehment, Is a neat BAH.enpplle I with the BEST LIQUORS, at KIV TEEJI OENIB aght.a BTjAOK-SMTTR I I ala a have a HbAOKSMI I’H SHOT n**ar m'y store, wherv-parties ©itn have work of any kind done, at the the lowejd. living prices, io the b at manner, sud at the shorten nutioe, WM. B CUNNINGHAM. GHfB \ Geo., Jd'itmry 3ft, 1813. 8m iOilf! MOi\EF! ItlO.VEt! WILL BE SOLD to the HiffW Biii dtr, In the city of CMflin, nn the FIRSTTITKS DAY IN MARCH next, if uol sold private!) belurt* that tithe— THE WEST HALF OF THE .TWO IRON FRONT STORE-ULUSES, ON SOLOMON STREET, known aathn HoI.UGAY ftL-Kill. 9lae af Let tta th) feet store-room well tilted op—good cell, —two atorlwhlf It—covered with tin One of tile or nit aub •tanttal ti Ikllngn In the city. .Rented laat year fur *iHo., Price eh quo. Title. ,11 right Ala*. Will beyold at thn namo time. If not jirevl oucly eold nt private ealy—Tbe MALY of the tO-fcel rqnare m oe*Halely roulh. viao-Will be eold ut private aa'e—FOUtt IIAI.F- At KK LOT!*,* lyingtramedlately aeuth ot T. (J Man* ley'a place, and fientlag on th-north aide-the atrael ruontngraat. Apply to _ 1. J. BROOKS, *la». JF, IBM ts OMl.fe MISCELLANEOUS. K.MiIJMI iimi; BIITIsRS. lAtiiKS OF AMERICA ! Mntfon* .p J nm own ! I o von «Hi the gentle xephvra «»f ueahh t«> fan ihc brow « th a touch or delight ? Do nu wmh ihe pile, snd che k I'pgrU with the roeeato htievi oi nntuie t Do you *Ut) th*- d-»rk, iiuurv clou ‘b or de ti* t*e e *«!• i l»y tl»o r«mi»nt colon of hojns and CunaoLUo . ? If «.», u-e UttOMuOOLK CO '6 CXIbUMI FEMALE UITTERS S Do yon wish th«» gToii • «»f misery hushed, and the tear* of the diseased wipe<l from Sorrow’s check ? Use ENCiiLIKII FEUILE I1I1TERS! Do yon wish to he nliered of th»l lingering Fkmalb CoMPi.kiNT. wlrch nnnoy.H your th ughltt by da> mO'I h ii ts y**ur dreams by n*ght T I)o you wi>h to add h »l*h strength buoyancy and beauty to your feeble and em clste l frame? It so ut># FEM ALE HITTERS ! A. » vertsln *n 1 p .w.-rml ITt.BINK KEGCLATOR, rent rlnw the Uterus t*» Itnliedth t nctl*»ns st all times h* uhnatiiralty dbtuibeil. It. has no cq tai on the American c >nMn- n*. snd noftuffering female shoul *. de la.v in tc-tipg iu Intrinsic value. Two-thirds of he entire fe n.ile pop l.ul«*n are suffering with som- f«»rra « f those compiuinis peculiar <» t eir sex, which annual* ly consign Ihoustuds to an untimel, grave The E.VUI.ISII FEMALE HITTERS l Isthe only combination width will arouse and restore the Womb to its natmal con iltlon. FliUßllM CLII! Whither old *»r young, msrrtod ors!ncle, who are stiff r ing with any form «ir U f Klil \ K Id-KA.'E should at • •nee ptociiro th » remedy and bo cuted. Ilia particu larly recommended fbr i'AI.NFUL, MJ (TRUSSED. ■at IKRRtIULAR OAT AMENTA. Incarh and every case the menstrual f n**th n b* ing re stored t«* Is N *hMAL AOTIOJt, whether PKorO.-N, SCANTY, uirnctTLT, t* iRpiTL, ain*i*KHMi i» »*r ikkmjulak. Iu ac tion b truly womleiful a» n never-failing UTKKINK roNli* AM) KKGULATOR. louring the* 4 crlilcal p rtod of female life’ this compound q dels nd s*ioihe.-4 the nervous eysWm, ivgulates uter me a ti *n and enab • s orcLi pros llmt p-t|..d >nmost Imperceptibly. It cur. .< Lcucorrhoea «*r Whites, llys teilcs. (Tieerat on uiid lirita!*il Ity of the Woiub, ti ddtucv* of the Head, •."old Fee am! Hands Filpiia don or ihe Heart, Ditfl.uilty of Brest lung idek H-mi Mcliiichoiy, Waketnlnes-, Loss of Nervous » ner KV ami ulliho. u truu lesumu co.nplaiiiu peculiar to liie female sex. An e ni ent physician of Memphis say*: “I he c unbln.iiton known a* the Knousii Frmalk Bit tkioi is the most ceitaiti Uterine and g.-neral Tonic l have e er known lof en meseiihe it f«»r various fe male complaints with the mosts * i»f .ctory results ” Mr U. F. Morgand, edluirof the Kosciusco v-dississlp pl) t'hronlolc, say \ \ “This will certify the VNoLtsif Fkilalm BrrrKus is highly recoin mended by the medical fraieinity at this place and surround'n country ** Messrs Carpenter & Cos., of Hnslchurat, (Mlss)wrltes “Th® B:4, ‘i of he U.shLisit FkmalX Bitters is some thu'g wonderfiil. The Bitters arc hcautifulTy put up in largo bodies at ho low price ..f *2 oft per bottle, or three bottles f..r $(» est sent to any pai tot the country, by express, on ro cclpl of pritTo. Also, loi sale i>y Druggists ■I. N. 11 ARK f.s A i‘Q,. at Griffin. Ark your lungs affected t In those tioithh-some Pulmonary Affections, DKOMUOOLK A Co\*S Amagdalin Pectoral Isnn elticie I, pleasant and cheap * xpectiiyaQt.. It im inedlatc y relieves the cough, eases the pain, soothes and quiets the net voiia s.vs cm. p omotes free and easy ex pecioratlon, and Induces calm, refreshing slumbers. In couch-*. eoMs ami catarrhs, it afford* prompt relief, m bronchia*, pneumonia, pleurisy, : silima. croup and hooping cough, the ndlel is prompt, and decided. For spilling of liloikl, ni hi sweats, pains in the chest, dtfll cnlt. br-hthltig, i fluensg, an i all those lungdiseas. s at tended with cough or pain, its immediate and eii.cient act ou Is truly clianuini. Being prepared by regular physicians of long experi ence. it might to possess advantages overall other mud dies which ure reeommeiub and lor ih same UMtbes.— Trice large iiottles $1 i.O, t-r six hpt tics for $5 Oft; sent k*all p uisof ihe Countiy ou leedpt of price Also, lor ealo by Dn g.isML J N, luinns & ro.. nt C.rffiu. r F‘ll-; Kh»NKia AM) libADidilt me JL frequently the seat* of very troublehoma and un pleasant o unpl inis Do your Ki ne.\B aet free enough? Are you troubled with Gravel or any kind of Urinary deposit*? Do you pass bloody Ulnae occasionally? Are you mtnoyeti wtih too rr« quent inclination to UH. nne ? Is your Urine thick i»py, or milky ? Have v u j* pain in the buck? Have you an uneasy burning pain in thy region “f maduerf Are you nerv us, inehtiiclio lv .*r alarmed in v«Mir dreams, from she effects of habits of dt*<d pat ion or indiscretion ? Do you require a medl- Hn** which will Immediately arouse and restore your Kid CVS ami Gladder to A UeHtlhy aoliou? It so, pro cute on® bottle oi DKOMGOOLE & CO.’S EITB4ET ItURIT 11 111 nnd bo restored to healt h and manhood again. Prt'e, only *1 fti'ptw bottle, or six bottles for $4 00. Sold by all Druggi*ts. J. n. Harris* co., at Griffin. KING OF CHILLS 1 WE CHALLENGE TJIE.WOULD TO ic produce its. eqinit. FI low the dlrcctmns and It. will armue your torpid Liver, tdeanse your sbuit iich, carry off atltdlli us matter, ami break up any ease of t’hills, without alfectiug ihe ht a •, ears or nerves I y acclamation it is coiicedt.d to be the prettiest, eln apest and most reliable Chill in d(< Ine ever ofleriHl to the merican peole it Is prepared by physicians who In vc ]» nctieed medicine In uialarjoti* districtsol the tfoftt.i and West for 2ft years, ami' ft is coidhlently r»-cnmmeitdpd for all forms.of Chills, imd Fever, flilloofl Fever. Neiiridgia, ■"‘un-Tatu, Knlarged Spje -n, or Ague Cake, and all th <t class of diseases that are no trouble some in tinttarlotu district* One bottle will cure two cases. Tice, $i lift, or six bottle* t«r sft Oft. Sent to uny pai ls of the connlrv on receipt of in ice. Bold by all Druggists. J. N. II.vBBIS A OU., UilftTa, Ga. J. P, Dromgoole & Cos,, PROPRIETORS Jnn 1.1859-3 in MEVIPMIS. TEVN RICiiAR e SON & MANN HAVE MOVED frnm the Store under Odd f tllowa' Hall, to the store IDGR ILMIII HILL, Opposite BRICK WAREHOUSE. Gave new In (tore, and daily receiving, a freih stock of GROCERIES! AMD Staple Goods! Composed, io pnrt. of— BAGGING, ROPE And TIES, SALT, . SUGAR, , COFFEE, STRUP,,. . MOLASSES, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, MEAL, AICE, VINEGAR, WOODEN WARE. . grindstones; NAILS, AXES, . , FACTORY THREAD, STAPLE DRY GOODS, TOBACCO, SNUFF CROCKERY. Jnn. 19-3 m William M. Cline, Notary Putolio AND — Ex-Officio, Justice of tbe Peace, WILL nt lend primintlv to all bueinpeq enlruted to him -.•Ofhoe over <4, B. Beech er A iJv.'aßtnre, ouraerillU and Anluawa Mn.u, «M|- fln, Qe** ootoher (I, tW*-gm Wf ARRAN TY DEEDS.—Anv qunntitv Jrm j4‘«s u Atlanta Business Director;. STATIOXKRt7 AtO. - Phillips a ivbw. .1 trp^in boH Ma»ieiery and Music, cc>rner *«f Alabama and j V' biteh.-di Sir. ets A H tnts, <>s : pnbil-h. r* and f»r«»prlo» to • ..f Scott's Monthly .Mngarine, Ajf nt for Msso« A ll’iolin s Organ*. ,>IIKK* M UMI) In Mt« 4 ]e»s vsiiety. New I'ubltrations reccivaJ as soon as published. Job. a, l*jft-ly HARDWARE, STOVEsT AO FM. RICHARDSON. IVnlers in Stov«(, . Orates. Hou-« FurnUhlngGo >ds 'fin Ware.ftc., corner Whitehall and Hunter Street*, Atiaatn. Georgia. *,*S.ovea at manufacturers* prices. Jan22-ly MbNAOGnT. ORMOND iTcO.. Impor. t-r.of lUrdv.rt, futl-rr «nil (Inu. ,n<l de.l. *r* In Ir n.Slwl N.IU,*o. *o f-T" th« • le ut Dul’.nl’, tttfl.i .ml Ulwtlßg Fowsu, WhllMudl .' Ireet, Alt litl, Ueuigtk. jJ j IPO HOLS. LA NO FORD A McCRATH. Wholes Is and Retail Dealers In Stotka, fiolloir are, Rl«ek Tin. * n, and llmu r’s Flndiuea, Lamna, Cu lory r and Wlrrr Plated Ware, llnuae Furnish ing Good* or every desorqition. Pitted •* and Britannia W are-Ke>stone Block, W-duhaJldt, Atlanta. Jift-y CONFECTIONS, FRUITSTaO JACK A D WIS. Mftniirßotiir®.ra and Dealers In nil klnda off AKPrrs, rskea. Preserves, Jeftles, Gann* and Kr Ita, Tickles, 8 mces. Nuts, KsMnt, Foreign Fruits. Toys and Fancy Will w-w n. Also* ran y Fain ly i>hico ha, French Confrctloncry, Ac, corner Whit shall A lab mti Streets, Atlanta, Geor gttu tie challenge the United Mates to produce ah ar ticle of CA'itr superior to our'a jj^.y _ DKt GOODS, AC. MF. J. F . Retail Dealers In ST»rLitand FaWT DRT' oona. Yankee n otl ns, Itoota nnd Shoes, Hat .»* • on Straw Go.hls, Ready made nothing (old stand of Talby* Brown k < o) Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Geo gi*. jift y TOMN M GAXNON^Ch..I..*.,i7aMRe. 1 1 tnlt o<*at.*r In Fi>'. Ign ,n.l I>nm<*<llc I*rt 0.. .n, i, iirt*p.(te.| to Offer i>i.pri. . r lnducrm. nl, t.. ptrchurnh* hiiTlng I Nnortn *>•«• York rverjduv I. thr yr»r,»n4 i* vi ff nut on,- pn.litvcpita, for, I cu.toraor*, corn.. WWlchnll ami unntorfftrect, Altanti, (ieoriria. J|j.y DRUGS, PAINTS, Ae. WO. LAWSHE, Whnloaqlo nnd U^fatl . DRiTonmT—Dealer In Paints. Oils, Dyestuff* Patent Medicine*, etc , etc . corner Marietta and Tea o'l - street a iOld Norer •** Uornor), A lanta. The beat grade of 11 o* I*e«»«l and purest Ode, at small »dva os oh iL.umfacturvis prices. jfa-tiG-ly Buy your drugs. mediWine?’ I*atntr. rn> atuj nvetuff,. Fancy »n,t Tmlrt »r! Iln'ln , N W .! LL r,?‘ ‘ in ‘* ‘"VHVI 'nry. Undo, the NaMon il Ilotol, All.nln, On. iMm* 44 THE LIVE DRUG ST( RE. *•> RKD wtv* A Fox. Atlanta. o*. Thr p|*r« to har pure Omit*. M." Urines, Window Ulass, I'alnU and OilrL' at the lowest flgur s lor cash. jg jy J H. BRAOFf KLI), WHoVrala nnd ttr* tail n.-alcr In Drug., faints, o|l«un.l Drr Stuff,. Proprietor nf t r. J. Hr,dtlrld‘a K.wns Ka. oi latok na WoRiK'H lir ai I‘hiknd. Whitehall street.' Atlanta flcorgi a. js-'y COM Mi SSI ON is ' McDaniel stronij * 00. gotton Warehouse Merchant* oorncrof error ami Hun. reel, near IT. s lloirl, Atlanta. <lr,.“a All rurnittgtmienta to ua Judiciously nnd promptly utteodarl l °' R*-/ jfIMMKRMAN A VKRDBRY. Whnlff " comer Marietta and Broad Btre«t% Atlanta, Ga, K»‘«P c«»n*»an ly on ha «and all good* In hv r line I heir motto, ‘•Qa-ck aides and short profit'* Ordeis Ailed promptly at the lowest marke price*. Jls f TORDAN. HOWARD A U vRKALso'N. t-f. T° 'o <,c " c,Hum t*alon Merchants, Whitehall st-e.L quanta, ua. JS ly C, 0 * * WILL. Wlutlffsale Honiara in Jil mt l ®/.?* r ■’ Tob *°“'- * C ‘‘ IV/I'ARK W. JOHN ON. GUANO «rd #if C-nmmfs«4on v er< hank f*»r the purchaac and sale Floater, f'oton, IVoduce, Ac . Broad Street Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Go- JS-ly** dTEADMAN & SIMMOYS. Oommls-inn O Merchant, atpl Whohuln Dealer, in OrofleH. A Provialon. imd I rodttco. Onoda consigned to ottr care will rec Ive pr.itrrpt attention. Ordera oollctted \lv hatna Street, Arlanla, On. BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, Ad~ MO. MARK HAM, Donlnr in BOOTS • and Sitom, Leather. Calf akin-, Shoerßmllnm, 'J® . /unties rint Uoodti a Sptoitility. Umpire Block. Atlanta, Ga. ( CARRIAGES AND VYAtiONS. AT. FINNEY, Oarriniro and Waeon . Manrtfaetur-r. Factory .on Korevth Street «. p ure Ne. capltol. Ileporitory on Grnnlu. Bl.olt. Itrom! Street. H*a»rm mar'e tn order, nut ol he*l Im ported material. All work eqnal In pt|, «i and quality trr Northern manufacture, and warranted Zr on* vtar : >'y MARBLE WORKS. WM. GRAY. Wrwkfip and Dralor in !• lallnn, and White Itutl»nd. and Anperlean atat ttnrv Mmnt,p. Monr-Krtt* Toonne. llead eronns Tab lel*. Tlrni,Van aun t Mrunlc plec* Work.ain't Fur-hth -1 Ing Marble Work of a I deacrlptlnh. .fm Deelgna of Monument., or nnv nth-* Mnrhl ' Work, fnrniahed free of charge. Moul log Pli.ter rlone to order. Order! eotteiied. * n d promptly Bllerl. 01800 nnd Yard oppo t-l'! Oeorgla Kalltoad Depid. Mk. (t. B OtTMan. tbe popular Agent, le " Mely known na an accompll-hed gentleman or the atrioteet Integrity. js ly CROCKERVVYaRE, to. McBRIDE A 00., Initvirtnra nnd Josi. hem or Crockery and OiiUerr. ftlWer Pidrd Waiv and Oluaa GooOa, U hltehall Street, Atlanta,Dior «**• ■ IGy HOTELS, American hotel. AUbam* R. r *ct, AtMtta, Ga. WuitxA Wamnoc Prmtrirteia. W D *l.l, Clerk pr BaagVgVXmdStrrn' THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR SUGA.2. COrFEB, Syrup, Baooo, Lard, Ffonr, Meal, U* THE fLACE qpo LAY IN your plantation Supplies. THE PLACE nr o BOY staple dry goods of Swi Leeeriptiop.' .1 the Place T 0 get your Wooden ware »od x NoUdd*. the PLACE tue lrast J. C. KING’S, t NeeKtailhwiM, HUI Si., iw**- wm*, ti*