Griffin semi-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1868-187?, February 09, 1869, Image 4

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A CALIFORNIA i.EULB. j A CHUN* V BOI’IH* •»'!> KX oki.lkscm* -* o»yr._«>.r fA-muA. AbL* VilTtl‘* AK» mUnVI U Mrs. T'llet, in her rec nt book rn * Faaa tti American Women," inak# mention of a California Indy remark able for her ability to entertain twen ty gentlemen at once by her vi vacious coversational powers. If this were the only or chiefly remarkable thing al>oat Miss Hitchcock, she would be a far less remarkable {>erso»age than she is. But she is a character, aud such a character as this age cannot, and need not, duplicate the country over. As Americana, we have Img boasted of the versatility of our clu mate, soil and people. Perhaps Mbs Hitchcock was a necessary nn ional production that the world may he con vinced of the truth full ness of this boast. She is a public character—an actress requiring a far broader stage and larger house than other actresses of the time. She is an only daughter —an only child, I bulievo—of n Wealthy, and most respectable family; her father, Dr. Hitchcock, having come to this coast as an army aur geon during the Mexican war. He is now a retired physician, and among the most substantia! and wealthy of Sun Franciscans. Ills accompl ah and daughter has long been one of the belles of this city, without whom no social gathering of the elite was com plete if she was in the country.— When a child, she was rescued Iroin a bu; niug budding h v some members of Knickerbocker Kngine Cos. No. 5, since which time the lias n« v r f>r gott« n them—wearing coiispicnou-lv. ut all times and in nil pluci s, a neat gold “6” upon her dress, and at times making the company, of which she s n duly elected member, costly pres ents. r n;ing from the cherished to the gold mounted firohorn. She is eccentric to an extent that would shock our New England notions of propriety, showing her eccentricity now by presenting the ‘‘Fives" with a barrel of brandy, now by staking a thousand on a favorite horse ut the races, again by riding on the cow catcher with the c »ns i noting r over the entire length of the Napa Valley Ituilroad, to which she chal lenged saitl engineer, ami still again by some of the noblest deeds of phil nntlirophy and charity. She has up wards of sso,<>o<) in her own, right, ami of course is expected to inherit the hundreds of thousands of her fa» tlier’s largo estate. Flora her own purse site supplies the wants of many needy objects of cha ity, being gen erous in tlie extreme and of imble impulses. Sin* vibrates between Sin Fa icisco and Pa is, taking N w Y »rk an 1 Lo id>» i in her w.iy, and astonishing the natives of these qu et f?) int rmediaie cities hy what ■he does and what she does not do. Sh 1 ' defies all rule* ami o< nvontion alitesof society, dresses and net* as she pleases ever\ where, selects ner company from all classes nt will, and vet commands the confidence and good will of all. She is con-p cu ms at the grand b ills of the Empress at the Tuileries, attends annually the Derby in England, where, it is said, ■he amuses herself winning or losing a few hundred pounds a day at the hands of the young girls of nobility. A few days since she started in com pany with her parents overland to New York and thence to Paris. Two days after her marriage notice ap peared as evidence of the last of her eccentricities; she in a ouict way. with tho personal knowledge of but two human beings besides herself and the unfortunate (?) groom, having suddenly experimented in tb trole of bride. Another admirer was with her all the afternoon of that day, un til 6 p. m., when she went., as lie sup posed, to dinner. At Bp. tn. he met her again by appointment and went with her to the theatre, alter which he accompanied her and the family as far ns Sacramento on "her overland jouney, quite ignorant of the fact from 8 p. in. li« had lieen in «>mpnny with Mrs. Howard o«>it in stead of M •« Ili'c'x <K-k T.iis :• tlie tame youth whom she dared to 4rivo down an embankment on the Cliff Some rood a fi-w yearn ng<, whl h he did at thu stnnll nun of $1,200. Her husband is left bt.nml, •he not having get n him, sitic r they left St. James’ free ehurvh. »oubt lens, ero tide, Blie has iufon ed her loving pa and dearest mi of < r last romantic experiment and is r> >w en joying some other innocent amuse' nient. But while tide heroine is thus eccentric and rotmntic in hercompo •ition and thus reckless in her demean or, as bcloro remarked, there are in her character many of the noblest traits possessed by any. tST" A bri>w- braling lawyer, in cross- ex amitiing a witness, a<ie<l linn HOi‘>i,g other question*, h here he wue on a particular day to which be replied: “In cm puny with two friends.” “Fri -nd* l" exclaimed the tewyer : two thievea, 1 suppose you mean I ••They mat be en,” replied the witaee*, ••for they a»s both lawyers-** Mu Don’t • >i ry your *«e set'handker ebiel under »--ur iut You *houldii’t take a wiper to year loyooi. vuaa .. o^7Pusrhe*tad RICH I as e#x* r*A* sxw jxesrt. Bf th* Fat Contrthoior ) There was an amusing scene on boa>d the Louisville mail boat the other day. There was the usual con glomeration of passengers in the cab in just before the boat landed, and mid the general hub-bub of conversa tion a man remarked incidentally, “Now, in New Jersey, where I live’’— Instantly an -old man, who sat moodily and silently pondering by the stove for some time, sprang to his feet and exclaimed— “ Stranger, are you from New Jer sey r "Yes.” “And willin’ to acknowledge it ?” “Yes sir; proud on’t.’ 1 “Hurra, give us youi hand,” cried the old man, fairly dancing with ex altation, “I’m from New Jersey, too, but never felt like declaring it afore Shake! I’m an old man. I’ve trav eled long anil far. I’ve been in cv cry city in this here West—steifin boated on the Ohio and Mississippi— been to Californy over the plains aid mo md the llom ; took a v'ynge once to Liverpool; but in all my travel- 1 , hung me if this ain’t the first time 1 ever heer’d a man acknowledge that he kurri from New Jersey. “Boys," turning to the whole assembly, uug tn nted by railroad-runners, hack men, boo blacks, newsboys, and ap ple-girls, for the boat had land (I, •let’s all t ike a driuk to New Jer sey. the land of Frclinghyson, Old Hyson. Commodore Stockton, and Dan. Rice. 11 ;p.” FANG i uAi.liiLS. TnEinUFK IM'.NO Till! .UIrtTOCRArT HP CAR'S. (From ihe Pa’.l Mull Oai«tt*‘ J # Among the wealthy foreign resi dents of Paris are fifty negro and mu latto families, who hold intercouse with a great many aristocratic French families on terms of perfect equality. \f. Pontchcry, a wealthy negro from Port-au-Prince, lives with his family in one of the fin st houses on the Chuussc d’ Antin ; kc ps half u doz en white servants, and was invited last win'er to all <>f M. Rouher’s pat ties. Ho is a millionaire, and lias a very fine gallery of paintings and statuary. Another negro resident of Paris is Candoris, whose father owned a large plantation on the Island of Mauritius. The son sold the planta tion, married nn English woman at (’ape Town, and went with her to Paris, where he lives now in brilliant stylo, is one of the boldest operators at th ■ Bourse, almost white, and iiis oldest daughter, a hello of* eighteen, is courted l»y a great many yo-mg of ficers anil others, who - e a not to care n lig for her colored descent.— Belleisle, a black ncgio. win two or three large business houses in Paris, where he settled thirty or forty years ■ go. and made money in the oysur 'rude. 11- is also married to a white woman. His daughters are all in.;r ned to Frenchmen. Tlie y,t(v Yo. k I’ Hmua's Plan. — Tho Tribune g oats over the murder, ape, a ram an 1 robbery that have been of Into meted out, to Arkansas, saying, “the Arkansas rebels only needed to be dealt with in a business like manner to be brought to their senses." Ilnw unconsciously does this bru tal sentiment reveal the animus of moral ideas. Differ with me and 1 will burn v<>ur house, pick your pock et, cut your throat; all in the fear of tlie Lord, beloved. Oh, Morality with a big M, Huuranity with a big 11, and Loilty with a big L, has hell a trinity to bo your match ?—N. Y. World 2fiih. t!er2» There uro a great many names for matrimony. Anew one has recently been sprung upon the public. Some punster denominates it “twoicide.” A onc-legge l soldier and a one-arme>l sailor have gone into part tu rsliip in tbe hand-organ business in New York, and grind out about S4O worth of music a day. Carpets, Oil Cloths, CURTAINS, SHADES, &C. KE\DRI(!R’$iilitPET STORE ATLANTA, GA. OUK S CIVIC t“ c -inn'ere, and wa eolieit **rd*n from Otltto foruij Lind* of C ur|>elM, OH ClotlM, Cornices, Window Shade*, Curtains, Rugs Main, Ac., Ac. of luquiry promptly answered. We hare a largo spies of CHEAP OAR- PtTS, at IS, 50. C«* and 75 rents. 8. S KENDRICK A SON. Oorner Mx-all* and llros-l .Street*, Jan's 20 IHC.tI 'f Vfl, XST.y UA. FOR R MU 'T'UF PUTNAM UOUSE—in West Orlf- JL «a ajMf t* AW.SKI.It, Dexsaitair 1, IMA ts LEGAL NOTICES. Si*ALiitV4 tOl'STf. Puttpnneit SUerHT’s gale. \v t*-l- -*'J 1-1 <ho Ottjr «f Ortffln. Sp.MtK.oo**. M ty no'hePl-l f TUIiSOA YIB WAKOH »*t, l»-t t t s .urt-tina e hmr, be'.ae i the u*ual k- ur* of esl** lb« follow iiur p‘- p«r»y f to wtll , , im • ilooar Md Lot IB tb# (Jrtjr of art**, contouno* on. Air •<*-, Ih’.r* or Im, i minded root ky ** op«“ Lot on tb- north by Street, on tho nrot by Mr. At, on th. •oath l>y lira Stmt. Lerte* “■ J# the |>ro|«rtr of Nod Trapp*, A dun li rator, to uttlsqi n 1 fit from the Court of Ordinary (hr mil. A lao at !h« mom llm* .nrl pi.CO will bo ooid, two niHlard Tnblra, tool TO KlllUrd lloto nlnMe.n tom, thrvo Unern on! Situron. Lortod on « tho property of i. O Sherrill, to mll-fy * It. I». form Sp .Mlof Sup* rlor Court. In '.for of ,tl. Nib II J. I). hh.r.iil and T. Ii Bcrviijr. Property pointed oot hr pi laiit* ot t..niTT 1> I>. I*OVAC, Dept Shell* ■ole 6, IW». Kpaldltt* Uep’y HbenU ’a Sale*. \A 7 ILL HE SOLD before bo fourth mat dour, th Vv the rtty t,f tlrtffin, spuldinf County, <* th# IST TUhSIMY lo MAKt H next, bet-oehthe uaU hour, of role, the f II .a In; propel ty, l« wit t SeTrirtr-ItTe acreo of 1,3'1, more or tern, heln* »«•■ rod of lot N .. 4T, adj loin* the laorin of Jeter day, Thomn* !> Billa-'i an t others levieduutbr proper tr ol Nathan Mlddl, brook., to utl.iy two 1. f-*. from the .lumleei curt .o*B irut ft ■tn favor of Lewi* via dlehrook TO Natt'au Mtdd'obroohs Tenant In po*- se-.-loii ho, lihd legal ootloe end | roporty pointed out by I'lotniUt lebi W. 8 RriVhUl, D»p« T Shari*. Ut-piily Mierlß* tUtle- W ILL IIS SOLD on tho HSST TCtSO vT In v f .MAIN U n.x . between the «»nal h nr- of nolo, fmi tin* Cum lb-ms# Hiwr ia i«*w|«|f |»rn; tfly, V* Hi On** llmiM iDd l-dt In th«* «lly «f ttri#*, b*ni»4#fi o» thr i#» by Ufll ir« c, •»« waa by 4 rchwuefm* on iU -of i*l*by in all.*/, •*# i.• ■ «rth by Mr* Taylor, © nfaiumethrr«»-fLur| * of an*©:* inwreor I***, l«rt*d on • ih»- prupr ty of A. Waul \m , foi Jtfl. Max a rfl an© .Sirab A W. ’via*well and thetr cblldrrn, to* itut/ one II la. from Kulum In farof ©f W K rhill p»A Oo.T*. A. A G ulling tn.*W*,A© Pro* |»*n> [Mwn'efl out by K. S9 Deck, alt*•ra*/. -ALAI— On* 11ou»* and Lot In tbr City ut Orlffia, ©onUhtlng two no**, more or l.*a, und kn«»a*n ** the l »r. ?*«ay pJao* b*>itni* and ou (Im* w est by IV 11. K «dtl», ob the r**: by lllli St't «t on tbeooutii by Mr% Fa-mer. Le vied n i at tiie |>r p-'fy Leone VI. Gu'lett* t«a*ti»fy one ft. fa from ?«|»-nor ‘..our. ia f*Tor us A. W. June* v* Deoree M. «.uiielt. Propart)' pointed *ut by J. 8. lioyntoa, plain* iff • attorney. Jan'y -• If. If. in>YAL. I'epntr BbeHff. N OI I E IH> I.EIiTOHS* ANOCEEnITOKS—Nbtio* <• hereby given in all |» »rt e* Indthted to lb© ro ta « of Bb<ituen C. Mii' bell, t**>* «»f F|*aidlrtg ©onnfy, decewH'd, tn-.t they *r»‘ i q tired 10 mak# liuma l tta paymeot; aud tho»e h .vlrtg olaltat ngnlmu theaama, are ir<i'»i*t' il t» |»r-»ent them, duly aaibeauoatad t trllLiu iLe tiuia preaciibed by law. J U. MlltiliKLL, / Mkh K K MITCHELL,! Jana Try IJ. 186 -4 4 Prifee f5 (*1 KOBGIA SPALmna Count*-Where**, L M. T Cbm man applim f..r Lett- r» of Admlni* rutivn oa the estate of Kmallna P. K itoo, late ni *aid county, d-t*aNß«*i« Tha*e are, tner*-fora to cite ami admonish all mi*i sliuraiar the kindred an.t credl'oraof >aid*-atata to be au«l Np|H‘ar af u«v oftica within ine rih etl oy law, to »h«*w cauae if a m iy they hare, why anid letifi w ati -uld not b- g. anted. Girt nat my "li or. thL «ibday ut <funUiiry, list’d* V. I>. LIdMUKK, •January Mh, 18* 8-t'r* fra M »*r< l ln *ry. / x KORGlA—Spai.iuno ( ofntt— Whetaa**, Jolm 1> " T Mew-art apidiea to me for l.ettaraof AdininUtratioa on tin* autute of Mary Mnltn. late of n.d.l county, dacM. ThoM- ate. th r«-f<ir«% to ette and adtnoidth all ind v»n yular the kindr. and and crrdit«niof t e e nd e-tat-* t» Lo am! at my otlleo withiu the liute pieoctibed by lutr, to vh«'w eatiae, if any tuny hare, why aul.l Lucre r-l» •»n I• n the ia .nit and Given a: mv ofbee, this * U and > ut January, Is &i V D bIdt.UKK. d.munry 118. Ih**9. Pra fe*» *B. o"»Hnarv ■ Vainer apple* ?or l i er* o’ a * minted ration on Hi© eofaiaa of A J and -J ’w Varner, Ida of add «• *un’ v • l«cea**'l. The e are tb«*reiO'e, to die and arininnodi id and fi gxlai the kindred and creditor*, •-U*t *ll oth er* ist* icern*'d o be au>l appo ir at my office, ait bin the time preaer -ad b.v law. lo ihow can-e. if any the) hive, why said letter# *b .«*l.| n tie grunted. Given un ler my h md. at oilluc, tltl* iSlb »ny of December, 1-6. [| .in Iff] WtLKY GOODMAN, OtPy. NKK t liriTY, Gi EOUGf A— PiKfc ilao.i i v —d hcreiA W. S. Seott, I Kxeeutor of rh«- **» Mary 8«ott, deiw aaad, ■ ppltea to tow lor l.etteta f DiNiuin-l m from said Ea luce. The* are, theretore i** ere atid admonish #ll perri'ifia eo. ee m*d. o i e and appear at my office, with* in that me pit#<-rlhed by law. lo show <*■•»*«. If arty th *v have, why Id'crn aboil and <io» be grunt* and said *|>- pile im. Given nd'-r uiy h« i<r and offi dal flignaturo, Octob*r‘2l nfii ». .1. 11 UfriK, Ordinary, oc . !f4, l#6s-6in-Pra fee ffi lil l'O i OtKNY. Itu*fa intinK Sales. V 1 IM 1U! MiMlhffftw the • ourih«tone door, in Hi Kiwi hi .liriiwf.n. it'he riR.iT TUESDAY IN M.\ << II n« xt, wMhin the l< gul hours of wile, the billowing pn.p, ny, t«. wit: Hue him rt*i| nlid fifty itenvg m<ira or lot**,. It b«.*lng* th • M«i pri «*• lor •• IH, In ih«* In, rth • it. t riel of orig in.Hr vs ii n roe, now II ilt« county, levied on a-i he prop •TU of Mi'pbeii \V I'll*-.. luie* f paid co'.nU,deceased, h\ vptin* >l all f . at ih iii*tnn<*eof Ko'-.ert O Duke, ttir on-i Kel’* l*rli*<. K *•••*•» «»r t*f the last a ill end te* imV n* f ibe • till dec-tAed. IToptfrty (>• luted out by • he pi tin tiff \ia-» M the same time and pl*i*e, fifty acres of lantl more or lea , the mine lying South of the r.>a«l letoioff fro JaeUm to *h'* K’at fboaL on the Tows* li*M River, and houn 'vtl net w. et and south by Sandy Creek, N* s not known ben*/ purl *if the land** belong ing to the on Vile of Slept* n V* (Viee, fa’.e o r sal l coun ty, decetiued. and levied on to sVi'fr oft U In f .\or of ll«ury It Kiel her against Kell* Pi ice Kxoflv tor of he last will ad It (.lament of s i I deceased.— I'r perty pointed ut by defen lant No ipo given to tenant in p I >n. GKO. \V. THORNTON, Jan’y 2 »'h. ISI'9 IV ~t- ‘•’he Iff K.OKGI A—BCtts County—Whereas, he estate or 1 Jon n A. Mov une deceased I* unrepresented hr the tienthof ituih .1 M« *’nne. «hc Kxecnt'U of the win of n P dec. ast'd; And Wh- r»*as. The §#i i estatv It not likely t'i be represented, no one i:,t*Toa?ed in said estsrv making - i»|»li< itinn for Letters of Adininietrttlon de b nl non, with the will ai negcd Add \s her* u\ Car rie Utl M» Mich.-I one of the legatees under h« and will, has made nppl c .tion XpihU Court that the sdd Le*ton he gr nie to the « ie*lc of th«» up<rn»r w .rt, or »nno» oCverrti and r pernoit. under the law inmi. h case* rofttie and |iro\filed. Now. iherofore, all per*<-ns Inter e.-te*| in t*a:«l estate ar«* hereby req tire. I to "be and uppear at my ofliee on the fliwt M n lay In viarrh n« «t, to wbow cause why aaid letters should not l»e granre I. Glvea und r my hr.nd and oibeiai algmito-e. tfel™ SAlh day es January, Is 0. WILKT G«M)DM A N OTdius f January 2T ISfiO-lm IVnt-.’s f.e $6 •« KOli'.iA—llrna tkiUNTT—M’hereia, II N Bvurs ■ ad William U Nuit, Ad.idols*rotor* of Wtlllaui It. NSM. Üb‘ of said ro intv, deceased, apply lor an o der (*• ibpe ling James R Lyon* mtrst r de bonis non, cum te*t*rnen’o annex.», of Jshn Hall, daeM to make tit'o» of hind. These are, thereforo, to olre the Nt>d James R Lyon t*» be and apitear at my otfioe within the tl epr«w rib dby I w oshow cause. If anjr e*i«L wrliy an order should not be pa-sed r« q**liing him to make titles to said land in accordance with th law in sai l made and prorMed. Given under injr ban*! at office, this J6th d*v f January . j wiLliY GOODMAN, Ordinary GB<»- «.la-I;ptiw Uomnrr—*Mxty d*ysaft**r date, r*ppt| A*i'«n will he ma la to the Couit of Ordinary o? said c only by Wtlbam T i' Redman, Ks *eotorof Maty K<*' in n, la*o of sold o**« ty, deceased, to sell ro* al estate of said Jbarv l:«*dni *n deces»«*d febJ ILr.Y Goodman. Ordinary, />»>Br.lA—' trrrs (k.rNTT-Martha Collier, wife of \T l-mn W Cofii'T. tpp.|i-sfor exe*np*!<>a of Person* ■Hr and vnlaatt* n sn*l setting apaitof nnm#*tead, and 1 will net upon the aame at •• y office on the t h day of K broary, at It o*c **ek J to 30,1863 MIiJCT Ot K) DM AIIfY f Ordinary. tjj EOR<i l*A—HtrAs OiwtT- Jwsit T Gann applies " for exemption of Personalty and vaination and setting apart of llountciJ, and I «tll act upon tae mw at my office on the loth day of February. 1863, at 10 o'clock, A. JL let* WILETGOODMA3T Ordinary. DOME IN GRIFFIN, 61- TO PERSONS WISHING TQ MAKE A In Krai latnt. » Sommor KcMi-nra, or t-i in-ur* a Horn - | n , dralraM* and heilihy Cty with racnitom I'.cilliir, r«.r ctluratlnx tkrirchll rrn alt-nil- n blnvlMtoUh- fotl.irtiif prop erty now nfflrnt lor rale : A «n,r,rttl.|. OOTTAOI and TWO ACKVB ot L\SD,d nimbly |.wal«l„n Hlil <trr,t .boat ten min ute. walk Ikum Heiml. nmrtlM- Mt Col l-«a. and In »n* of hr b .1 n,lft,lr>rbo.-b la th» elty Thr hoim rnnUln, right room, of which, on (hr Srat fl or. threw n»r H»Kon.UvH „n arroad Sw-r tw* u alxtwo ISxld- rr--nth.ll 10 Ihci wldn tßhliwav In low. hall. Alan Hu • Kitcbrn, k’.oihmv, M.bla, awl W,l ot nc- Urni walrr on thr ha. Me* (A(w>. Trmw M IW-ea-h—rvatalwlrr lnr^ul> l<Tm Mit>lni<N«. two awl thrrr ,rar*, with Inlrrv t, ,nd aanty-t nn p utHKir T.. rxaiuln, call o. W. (*.|T -1 KIJIUN. Url in, «»a. ,4h< r inf. rmalluo, addrr-a WMIWT A. lifcKK-S Av»r.t, Jsa’r 31. tßt* lin Albany, r, For Sale! ADFBTH Uii.K KESIDKNOK— aituAt- Wls Ww» UiW a. Apply a- U» *»TAI« Or. P Bsrawhw MS, Um-tt SCOFIELD’S COLUMN. THE SCOFIELD Bolling Kill Comp’y, ItANOrAOXTIRBRS 0* ELL KINDS O* RAILROAD IRAN, SPIKES, &€. NEW IRON! Furnished in soy QUANTITY, sod at the 3JIORTB3T NOTICE, of soy de sired pattern aud weight. Old Iron Rerollcd! Nev lion Exchanged for Old! SPIKES ! FIRST QUALITY, delivered on the care, at 5} cents, warranted of a SU PERIOR QUALITY. MERCHANT IRON Os ail Sizes, rolled to 01 der. Stock always kept on hand at the CORNER OF BROAD k WALTON STS. PLOUGH STEEL! Os all Sizes, made to order. CASTINGS! Os all Description. IRON FRONTS & COLUMNS! Sark it Sugar Hills! SAW-MILL GEAR! Sash tfreights ! GRATES! And other Muds of CASTINGS ! MADE TO ORDER. MS- AU Oder* left at the 00R&ER of BROAD md WALTON STREETS, will be filled immediately, la. Parties at a dtatadca will address BOX **R,” Jaa’y U, IMO-ly ATLANTA, OA. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT CLEAIUNG-OUT SALE! FOR HaViNo dissolvkd my business connection with mb. janes a BEEKS and taken One-lmlt of all the Goods on hand and rem.ired them to the ut'.re formerly oc upied by J. I'. MILNER, r.ezt door to FLMISTEK * BROOKS’, HILL STREET. I now tdfor tuv porti. nos the Stsatk at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, And many ARTICLES UNDER COST, FOR CAS H! I have determined tn change my bnsineea, and WILL SELL if you will give me a chance. If von want BARGAINS, now ie the time. I mean what I Ray, and will satis fy you of it if you will give me a call. It is nnnet-esßary to enumerate every article, as' everybody knows that we kept goods of every description. Jolm Stilwell, Griffin, Jan’y 12th, 18C9 lm til is So iinim Great Reduction in Prices! GRAND CLOSING-OyfjALE FOR so DAYS l A. SCIIEUERJHAN & BRO., Jftasonic Hall , SELL TIIEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS&E10IH1& AT AND BELOW NEW YORK COST! Our Dry Goods Department ! Contains the following splendid variety, of all co'ors and quality, tc wit: DcLainPs, Merinos. Poplins, Alpiieas, Bombasines, Pm press Cloths, Silks, £i!k Poplins# Flannels# F! an nets# OPERA, CANTON, and COTTON-all Colorp. Cadies’ Shawls, Cloaks, Balmorals, Son-^ TAGS, NUBIAS and HOODS — will lie Hiild at rtimiZM gly low prices. Oentlemen’s Wear! Such M CLOTHIXO BOOTS, SHOES, IIATS, UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS— roust und will he di*putted "f, tiring wiiai Wiuy u ay. Cotton is Up! Bat the pnceecf nar HOMESPUNS, PRINTS, and BLEACHING?, nre VEP.Y LO^. Crockery and Glass-VVarc, We olfer tlnre t-nnahly L 'W: UfTfjpiff ktJIT'DtJ f Arn not limitod to n SMALL STOOK tn select l U KLllAouliO . from, but have a CHOICE in MERCHANDIZE amounting to V We mean what we say, and our friends ad I patrons have but to visit u* before puY. ehaaing elsewhere. A. Schcuerman & Bro., Grriffin. Jan. 12. lSfiO.Cw M A SONIC HALL. Daily Passenger Line BkTWRRN Atlanta & New York Philadelphia, Washington, and other Bastern Cities, —via — Western & Atlantic —AND VIRGINIA* TENNESSEE RAILWAYS I ALL RAIL ROUTE! Time Table, Nov’r, IT, 1868. xffoxTrrxx. Lnn atlanto « 43 r « Lrsve 1)«1i..n t»i> Lnavy Knox- Ilia II Ift a ■ lAb ItrinM 7 2- p H Hun Lnehbunr , 0 a m Lra< o A h-xan IrW Mlri Lrave DM a a Arrl.yAtNew York < IKI A it SOUTH. Lrar, N««i- Tork S 40 p u lent ,-lrxnn-li-IH 7 8 an Lear* l.yn. ht.dr* >4 f; r a Lena* Hriatol am Ia»« K»«rlll< ..•••■ 1 II P « L*at* OalP.d 6 40 p M Arrlp* at Atlanta 8 a a Time between Atlanta and New York, PHt,-Beven Hour*. Oreat Miil brtwen Allnda and A’esp York, iy tat rift exclntivt/t/ hi/ Hit Lint SLEEPING COACHES NiaRT TRAllfg THROUGH TICKET g«md until w>ed, and Baggage chocked through to all Important pointa. E. IIULI'FKT, Superintendent. E. B. WALKER, Ma-ter of Transportation. jitnls-1869. i&ub'wrr atovsuu CWOrrOAITE DEPOT, MACON, OKOMSIA../-fl G. 6. BrovaA Mi, Proprietor*!. well known ll >u*n hut Va rrfl X o-lWlnre. *“d ItMdWrl tha Nr.\T- Pf HWkUI in thr Klaa. and lha-mi«t aoarrnl. nl In U rapptoe ,h. FAMILY GROCERIES! I did’nt: but hang me if I don’t, hniicefor'h. WI. REEVES & CO., DEALERS IN FAN O Y AN9 F A ML I L Y GROCERIES, CONFECTIONS AND FRUITS? j 32 GRIFFIN. GA. PURE Drugs k Hedieines. WHOLESALE M SPECIAL INDUCMENTA f 10 Whnlenatr Buyern, •t*-r , li i« lit P-.-e nnd emtipla** Era. rrthlar rKßril and NKW. All «i. r i. i.f FVINTHf an<l DTM, I'lM. LAVPP, bO.U‘B, I'KIIJ Ulit 147* T lIU. CH>, I ID >RB Ac Pi:KdOKI D ITONe aaraluUy rampoitpdad, dap a» * l * kl ' J. N. HARRIS & CO., W.-si Side „f Hill St., GRIFFIN GA. •stSlir, ■arreahsr «l, |« 1. 1 nv mv GriO'eries WM. REE.VES A LO. AND RETAIL.