Griffin semi-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1868-187?, June 25, 1869, Image 4

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KISSING. There’s a formal kiss for fashion And a burning kiss of passioir, A father’s kiss, A mother’s kiss, And a -ister’s kiss to nerve ; There’s a traitor’s kiss for gold, Like a serpent’s clammy fold ; A first kiss, A stolen kiss, A the thrilling kiss of love ; A mebting kiss, A maiden kiss, A kiss when fond hearts sever. But . the saddest kiss On earth is this— A kiss to part foreVer. A FEW MAXIMS FOR YOUNG GIRLS. Never make year appearance in tlio morning without having first bathed, if on lv with a sponge and t quart of water, brush - j ed and arranged your hair, and dressed yourself neatly and completely. Keep your clothing, especially your un dor-clothing, in perfect order. Never let pins do the duty as buttons, or strings take the place of proper Lands. Examine every garment when it comes from the wash, and. if necessary, mend it with neatness and precision. Do not sew up the holes in your stockings, as we have seen some careless untidy girls do, hut take a broad margin around tba hole, be it small or large, with a fine darning-needle and darning-cotton, and cover the fracture with an interlaced stitch, so close ns to be as strong as tlia body of the stocking and fine enough to bo ornamented. Stockings mended in this way need darn ing but a very few times in tire eourse of their existence. Never carry coarse embroidered or laced handkerchiefs. Fine plain ones are much more ladylike. Avoid open worked stockings and very fancy slippers. Fine plain white hose and black kid slippers, with only a strap of ro sette in front are more becoming. Train yourselves to useiul occupation.— Remember it is wicked to waste time, and nothing gives such an impression ot vanity and absolute sillinesss as a habit of idling and never having anything to do. Ifyouarein your father’s house, take some department of the household labor up on yourself, and a part of the sewing, and make it your business to attend to it. Do not let a call from this idle girl, or a visit from that, or an invitation from the other, interfere with the performance of your du ty- Let your pleasures come in as the recrea tion, not as the business of your life. If you want to marry do not court or try to attract the attention of a gantloninn. A little wholesome indifference, real or ass sumed, will bo raueh more likely to aecoms plish the object. Consider, moreover, that it is better to be a woman than a wife, and do not degrade your sex by making your whole existence turn on the pivot of matris mony. If you can cultivate by perfection some an by which you can gain an independent livelihood, do it whether there is necessity for it or not. Do it quietly, if you will, but do it. There is no telling when or un der what circumstances you may need it.— i Demorest. How to be Miserable. —Sit by the wins', dow and look over the way to you neigh bor’s exceilont mansion which he has re cently built and paid for and fitted out. “Oh ! that I was a rich man 1” Got angry with your neighbor, tml ■ l^: 1 - that you have not a friend in the world!— Shed a tear or two, and take a walk in the burial grouud, continually saying--*) your self, “When shall I buried here?" Sign a note for a friend and never for„ get your kindness, and every hour in the day whisper to yourself,“l wonderjif ho will pay that note ?” Think everybody means to cheat you. Closely examine evey bill you take, and doubt its being genuine till you have put the owner to a great deal of trouble. Put confidence in nobody, and believe every man you trade with to boa rogue. Never accommodate if you can possibly help it. Never visit the sick or afflicted, and never give a farthing to assits the poor. Buy as cheap as you can, and screw down to the lowest mill. Grind the faces and hearts of the unfortunate. Brood over your misfortunes, your lack of talents, and believe that at no distant day you will come to want. Let the work house be ever in your mind, with all the horrors of distress and poverty. Follow the recipes strictly, and you will be miserable to your heart’s content—if we may so speak—sick at heart and at vari-* ance with the world. Nothing will cheer or ei.courage you—nothing throw a gleam of sunshine or a ray if warmth into your heart? Cotton and'Cotton Goow. — The mar-. *et3 of cotton and cotton goods, the World thinks, have reached a crisis that must be followed by important results. It says : The stocks of cotton in this country have become so reduced that, we are told, with all that may be expected to come to market during the next four months, there will not be enough to keep the spindles of this country going during that time. A num ber of interesting questions consequently arise: Will cotton goods sufficiently ad vance to justify spinnners in importing cotton, to what prices vvili it advance ? In the “crushing on" process to which the smaller spinners are being subjected, what effect will it have upon public and private credit and the money market? llow long can our great manufacturers go on piling up goods produced at a loss ? Borne people argue that, because cotton goods cost more than they are now bring ing, they must therefore advance. This by no means follows. It has appeared for the past year that, though iavored by cheaper breadstuff's, more cotton goods have been maufa-itured than could be sold, even when prices were reduced below cost.— High taxes and an inflated currency are burdens whose weight will be felt, and it is not safe to prognosticate prosperity uns der their load. O.v Dct. — That Governor Bullock is send private notices, by mail and messenger, to the “elect,” to assemble on the Fourth of duly next. At that meeting he will en*- denvor to induce the body to reject the nes gro and the loth amendment, so as to make a ease for Congress,—Constitution. B<a*.“Ma, has Anty Sallie got bees in her mouth ?" “No, my son, why do you asx such a question ?" “Because I heard Mr. Briggs tell her he would take the ho„ ney from her lips, and he was so long about it 1 wonder he didn’t get stung.” Bachelorie exclamation—“A las !” Mai denly exclamations—“Ah men 1” JOSII BILLINGS PAPERS. TDK HOIK. The gote i/. a koarso wollen sheep. They hav a split hoof and a whole tail. They hav a good appetite, and a sanguine digestion. They swallo what they eat, and will cat ennything thoy can bite. Their moral karrakters are not polished ; they had rather steal a rotten turnip out ova garbage box, than tew cum onestly by a pek ov oats. The male itote bass two horns on tho ridge ov hiz hod, and a mustash on hiz bottom lip. and iz tho plug ugly of hiz nu berhood. A maskuline gote will fito ennythirg. Iron) an elephant down to hiz shadder uti a ded wall They strike from their but end insted ov sholder, and are az likely tew hit az a ham mer is a nailhed. They are a high seasoned animel, as mutch so az a pound ov assitidity. They are faithful critters, and will stick tew a friend as long az he ho lives in a shanty. They kan klime ennything but a greast pole, and kno the way up a ruck, as uatur al az a woodbine. They are az certain to raise az vnng ones, sum famileys are half gotes, and the other half children They are good eating when they aro yung. but they leave it oph as they get stronger. The are alwus poor in tho boddy, hut pliatt in tho stumick, what they eat seems to all go to appetight, you might as well agree to phatt an injun-rubber over shoe bi filling it with klam shells, az tew raise ens nv adipoze membraue on the outside bust of a gote. A phatt gote would boa literary onrios. ity. The use the sarno dialekt az the sheep, and (be yung ones speak the language more fluently than the parients do. Thare iz only two animals ov the earth that will cat tobakko—one iz a man and tuthcr is a gote, but the gote understands it the most, for he swallows the spit, chew and all. The malejmto, when he iz pensiv, iz a venerable aap philosophy looking old cuss, and wouldn’t make a bad. professor of arthmotik in somo of our colleges. They are handy at livin™ a long time, reachiug an advanced age without arriving at enny definite konklusion. llow long a gote lives without giving it up, there iz no man now old enough tew tell. Methuzeler, if his memory was bad nz forgetting, mite give a good-sized guess, but unfortunately for science aud this essa, Methuzeler -ajn’t here. Gates will in any klimate, and on enny vittles, except tanbark, and if they cum to a square death it iz a profound se cret in the bands of a few, to this day. I wouldn't like to believe enny man uns dor oath olio had never seen a maskuline goat acktually die, and stay so. Speaking ov Methuezzeler puts me in mind ov the fact that if a man should live now daze, as mutch as he did. and only huFytfb eye tew see things with, ho would have to hav an adishun built onto the back hiz bed tew stow away things into. The femail gote iz either the mother, or sister, or cuzzin ov the male gote, ackord ing tew the prevailing circumstances in the case, orclso ilaber under akelushun, i loro get which. They giv milk intuitively about a quart, before it is watered, in twelve hours, which is the subject of nourishment, in various ways. This milk, which is extracted from the femail gote, is excellent to finish up young ones on, but is apt to make them belly-cose and fightful. It iz not uncommon fora babe, while inhaling this pug nimbus fluid, oph hiz loft collection or diggit and ketch the tap of it for nurse on the pirn ikleolth smeller chr et. This is a kommon fakt among Irish babes, and explains tho reason whi, in af ter life, these same babes makes such bril liant hits. In writing Iho history ov the mail and famuil gote, to ndorn the pages ov future times, i flatter myself that i hav stuck tew tho truth, and haven’t allowed mi imagina.-< shun tew boss the job. A grate menny of ov our best hilt histo - rians are apt tewmistak opinyuns for facts, this iz an easy mistake tew make, hut when i strike a goose, or hod bugg, or gote, yon notis one thing, i stay with them.— Finis. To Distillers. —W. U. Morrill, Collec tor, writes as follows on this subject to the •Journal & Messenger: In answer to the interrogativos from your correspondent—first question—whether a distiller, after having complied with the law relating to the distilling of fruit, can dispose of tho spirits distilled in large or small quantities without violating tho law ? The law relating to distillers does not im pose a special tax upon any distiller who sells from his distillery spirits in tho orig inal easks or packages,JguageJand branded, and the tax paid stamps affixed by a Unis ted States gauger. The law does not als low any distiller to sell at retail on his premises, or in any other than in original casks or packages. In answer to the second question, viz:— “Whether a person who has taken out li sccnse as distiller of fruit, can distill corn whisky unde? the same license ?’’ The law relating to distillation of whL-ky is almost totally different than that of a distiller of fruit. A distiller of whisky must pay a special tax of §4OO, keep a bonded ware house at his owu expense, also have a United States store-keeper in charge, etc. It will he seen that a fruit distiller’s li cense does not authorize a person to distill whisky under tho same. All liscenso run from the Ist of May to the fJOth of April of each year. A person taking a license to distill fruit from tho Ist of July will have to pay 10-12 of 850 00, and his licenso ex pires the 30th day of April. All spirits drawn from a distillery must he placed in casks or packages, containing less than twenty gallons. W. C. Morrill, Collector. B*&»Mi88 Sallie K. Ranks of this city, has received the appointment of Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for this Col lection District, comprising the counties of Maegn, Schley, Sumter and Webster. Miss Ranks, we learn, is intelligent and woll-informed. She has been engaged for some time in this city in teaching the young ideas of African juveniles how to shoot, being originally from the starry vils lago of Griffin. The Star, not appreciating such “cases” as “Sarah,” takes pleasure in “turning her over” to the Republican. We like to let our “country friends” have use of “her sort.” Atlanta Business Directory. STATIONERY, &(J. (PHILLIPS & CREW, dealers in Buokp, Stationery ami Music, corner of Alabama and W hitchall Streets, Atlanta, (ia ; publi>hen» ami proprie tors of Scott's Monthly Magazine, Agents for Mason & Hamlin's Organs. SHEET MUSIC in endless variety. New publications received us soou as published, jeb. 5, 1569-ly HARDWARE, STOVES, &C. M. RICHARDSON, Dealers in Stoves, . . Orates, House Furnishing Go.'.ds. Tin Ware, Ac., corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, Atlanta, Georgia. ***Slovea at manufacturers' ptices. juu29-ly MoNAUGHT, ORMOND & CO., Impor tersof Hardware, Cutlery and Guns, and deal ers in Iron, Steel, Nalls, «fcc.. Ac. Agents for tho sale of DuPont’s Rifle and Blasting Powder Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. jls y 170 HOLS. LANGFORD & McCRATH, j Wholesale and Uetail Dealers In Stoves. Hollow Ware, Block Tin, Sheet Iron, and-Tinner's Findings, Lamps, Cillery, and Silver Plated Ware, House Furnish ing Goods of every description. Plated and Britannia Ware— Kej stone Block, Whitehall St, Atlanta, j lJ>-y CONFECTIONS, FRUITS, &Q. JACK & DAVIS, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of Candies, Cakes, Preserves, ellies. Canned Fruits, Pickles, Sauces, Nuts, Raisins, 'foreign Fruits, Toys and Fancy Willow-ware. Also— Fancy Family Groceries, French Confectionery, die.., corner Whitehall and Alabama Streets, Atlanta, Geor gia. We challenge the United States to produce an ar ticle of Candy superior to our's. j!5-y DRY GOODS, &C. Me. It -J. F. KISER, Wholesale and . Retail Dealers in STAPLR&nd Fancy Dry Goods, Yankee Notions, Boots and Shoes, Ilat , Cans and Straw Goods, Ready-made Clothing, (old stand of Talley, Brown Sc Cos) Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Gcoigia. jls y JOHN M. GANNON, Wholesale and Re tail Dealer in Foreign ami Domestic Dry Goods, is prepared to offer superior inducements to purchasers by having u buyer in Now York every day in tho year, ami having but ono positive price for all customers, corner Whitehall and Hunter Street, Atlanta, Georgia. jls-y __ DRUGS, PAINTS, &c. . \\T C. LAWSIIE, Wholesale and Retail M Druggist—Dealer in Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, I’atent Medicines, etc , etc . corner Marietta and Peach tree streets 1 Old Norcross Corner), Ailanta. The best grade of Buck Lead and purest Oils, at small advance on manufacturers’ prices. jan29-ly 66 THE LIVE DRUG STORE, M RED wink & Fox, Atlanta, Ga. The place t.o buy pure Drugs, Medicines, Window Glass, Paints and Oils, at Iho lowest figures for cash. jS ly rH. BRADFIELD, Wholesale and Re- J. tail Dealer in Di-urs, I’alnts, Oils anil Dye Stull's. Proprietor of Dr. J. Bradtield’s celebrated Fkmat.k Re gulator or Woman’s Best Friend. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. jS—l y fCOMMISSIOX aiEßch i I oDANIEL, STRONG & CO , COTTON 1t I Warehouse Merchants, corner of Pryor and Hun ter .Streets, near IT. 9 Hotel, Atlanta, Georaia. All consignments to us judiciously and promptly attended to. jls-y yiMMERMAN & VERDERY, Wholo- M J sale Grocers, corner Marietta and Broad Streets, Atlanta, Ga. Keep constancy on hand all goods in their line. Their motto, “Quicksales and short profits. 1 * Orders filled promptly at the lowest marko. prices, jls y JORDAN, HOWARD & HARRALSON, f | Tobacco Commission Merchants, Whitehall St reet. Atlanta, Ga. j3-ly ’ CIOX & HILL, “Wholesale Dealers if t ) Liquors, Sugars, Tobacco, &c., Pcachtroo SfcWt Atlanta, .Georgia. j'vly Mark w. joiinson, guano and Commission Merchant, for the purchase and sale I luster, Colton, Produce, &c , Broad Street, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. jS-ly I E ADMAN & SIMMONS, Commission K 7 Merchants and Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, I revisions and Produce. Goods consigned to our care will receive prompt Attention. Orders solicited. Ala bama Street, Ailanta, Ga. jS-ly _ BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, &o. MO. MARKIIAM, Dealer in BOOTS . nnfl Siiors, Leather. Calfskins, Shoe-findlnes, &c. Lad lee Fine Goods a Speciality. Empire Block Atlanta, Wa. js.iy __ CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. A T. FINNEY, Carriage and Wagon XJL. Manufacturer. Factory on Forsyth Ptroot, op posite New Capitol. Repository on Granite Block, Broad street Harness made to order, out of best im ported material. All work equal In price nnd quality to Northern nianufactute, aud warranted for one ’J M ‘\ . jS-ly MARBLE WOilksT YY"M. GRAY, Worker and Dealer in I- V V talian, nnd White Rutland, and American stilt nary Marble Monbmenis, Toombs, Head-stones, Tab lets, Urns, Vases nnd M antic-piece Work, and Furnish in - Mar bio Work of all description. {3gr Designs of Monuments, or any other Marble Work, furnished free of charge. Moulding Piaster done to order. Orders solicited, and promptly filled. Olliee and Yard oppo site Georgia Eailroad Depot. Mr. S. B. Oatman, the popular Agent, is widely known ns an accomplished gentleman of the strictest integrity. js ly CROCKERYwTreT&c! McBRIDE & CO., Importers and Job bers of Crockery and Cutlery. Silver Plated Wale and Glass Goods, Whitehall Street, Atlanta Geor s|B - j>'y HOTELS? A MEUICAN HOTEL, Alabama Street, -i r Y Atlanta, Ga. Width Sc Whitlock Proprietors. W I>. Wiley, Clerk. Baggage carried to ami Jrom Depot free of charge. jS-Cm notice! r |MIE PUBLIC are hereby notified that J JACK VAITGII.V (colored) contracted to work for me during the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine —that he has quit my set vice without the least provo cation, and I hereby warn all persons against hiring him, as 1 will prosecute sucli offender to tho extent of tho law, and without regard to the cost. c J. A. NUNNALLY. .Spalding county, Ga, May 2§, 1369-law4w City Tax Notice. I>Y resolution of the Mayor and Council, J passed 27th April, ISC9, tho Books for the recep tion of-‘CITY TAX RETURNS” arc now open at iny office, in the Banking House of J H. Johnson, and all citizens are requested and required to come forward IMMEDIATELY and make returns of all property tax able by the laws of the State, gave Real Estate owned or held by them on the Ist Inst. J. T. RANSOM, april fin, ISG9-tf Clerk. Take Notice! r |MIE public are hereby warned not to f hire a certain colored man named FLEMING, contracted with me lor the present year, and has broken bis contract without sufficient provocation I will prosecute to ihe utmost limit of the law any man who hires or harbors Fleming. , T „ „ IIUGII BREWSTER. Newnan, Ga, May 14, lSf.9-tf House to Rent! 'THIE House occupied by Mrs. SALLIE I BKJDGES, on Ilill Street, adjoining the residence Charles K. Newton, until the Ist of October.— \\ ith ihe House will be given the use of Furniture, Kitchen Furniture, Cow, and Garden. A servant is en gaged and paid to attend garden. ♦♦♦Price s‘iO per mnnllL W E. 11. BKARCY. WApply to G. J. DRAKE, Eto. Juno 15, ISG9-1I Wanted—Boarders! I WILL TAKE a few DAY BOARDERS If immediate.pplinatlon ia made. Term» renaon 11’be- [may 25, 1569-U] J. C. LITTLE. AG ENTS WANTED POK K A VTON’S MEDICINES —None Sold on Commission. REMEDIES. OnEiLT Southern Preparations! WIIAT AltE THEY ? r |' r IIEY arc a clnss of select Medicines prepared by Physicians, with accuracy and neat ness, from pure and fresh remedial agents, for the con venient use of families when a physician is not at hand. They are the result of a long bed-aide experience in the Southern and Western States, and physicians, drug gists and fanners are prefering them to ail others. A I'll II.I> OF FORTE YE Who can boast of a name in tho casket of a Nation’s glory, aud who is surrounded wlih all the glittering grandeur that riches can bestow, is unhappy, melan chollv and miserable when afflicted with those terrHdo female complaints which are so common all over the country. If thus afflicted, buy DROMGOOLE & CO.'S English Female Bitters, and be ouce more restored to health, beauty and buoy ancy. Tids compound is 'specially prepared for all those female complaints and irregularities depending upon an unhealthy action of the Uterine organs. It immediately arouses, restores and regul-ites, giving tone, strength and color to the pale and feeble. Put up in largo bottles, at*2 .VJ per bottle, or three bottles for Ot). Sent, to all part* of tin* country on receipt of price. Sold by all Druggists. ***Agents for Gritim, Georgia, J N. HARRIS & CO. FEMALE BEAUTY. English Female Bitters English Female Bitters English Female Bitters English Female Bitters Cures all Female Complaints. Cures all Eemale Complaints. Cures all Female Complaints. Cures all Female Complaints. Asa Female Regulator Asa Female Regulator Asa Female Regulator Asa Female Regulator It arouses Old and Y'oung. It arouses Old and Young. It arouses Old and Young. It arouses Old and Young. FOR KIDNEYS & ItLADDER, Use Extract Bearberry and Buehu. Use Extract Bearberry and Buehu. Use Extract Bearberry and Buehu. Use Extract Bearberry and Buehu. Curea Gravel and Urinary Deposits. Cures Gravel and Urinary Deposits Cures Gravel and Urinary Deposits. Cures Gravel and Urinary Deposits. Physicians prescribe it. Physicians prescribe it. Physicians prescribe it. Physicians prescribe it. Cures Weak Back a-nd Glccc. Cures Weak Buck and Gleet. Cures Weak Back and Gleet. Cures Weak Back and Gleet. Cures Effects of Dissipation. Cures Effects of Dissipation. Cures Effects of Dissipation. Cures Effects of Dissipation. Cares frequent desire to Urinate. Cures frequent desire to Urinate. Cures frequent desire to Urinate. Cures frequent desire to Urinate. S@yTt is a Powerful Diuretic. fieyTt ia a Powerful Diuretic. At One Dollar per Bottle, At One Dollar per Bottle. PURIFY YOUTU BLOOD With Constitutional Monarch. With Constitutional Monai'oh. Cures Scrofula and Old Sores. Cures Scrofula and Old Sores. For Diseases of the Skin and Glands. For Diseases of the Skin and Gland*. For Gout, Itch and Tetter. For Gout, Itch and Tetter. FOR CHILLS AIVD FEVER King of Chills is the best. King of Chills is the best. It arouses tho c totn.aeh and Liver. It arouses the Stomach and Liver. Does not effect Head, Ears or Nerves. Does not effect Head, Ears or Nerves. FOR PRIVATE DISEASES Use Euieka Secret Curs. Use Eureka Secret Cure. One Bottle will Cure you. One Bottls will Cure you. B@uTt costs only S2 50. S?g"'lt costs only 82 SP. B(B=Jt costs only 82 50. costs only 82 50. TIIE ABOVE I’REI’AKATONS ARE OFFERED BY J. P. DROMGOOLE & CO., PROPRIETORS, Memphis Tennessee. JBSf"Sold in Griffin, by J. N. Harris april 1, 18G9. Something New FOR EVERYBODY, Mis, M, A, Hightower & Cos,, HAVE just received thor Second Sprint] Stock of MILLINKRY GOODS, containing all the latest ST VLKS un.l X o V ELTIE3. MltS. HIGHTOWER Takes great pleasure in telling her friends an,l cus tenners, that they are 50 per cent, Cheaper! than at the commencement of tho season. Call an J sec for yourselves, and you will fin 4 all she says to bo true. MRS. HIGHTOWER, Has no old stock on hand—consequently you will not find any on exhibition. * may 14, 1809. THE LADIES’ STORE BLOOMING^. WE take this method of informing tho ? ▼ Ladies and nubile generally, that we have just received, and arc still receiving a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer mmiERT GOODS of the intest London and Paris styles Tho “VARIK TY STOKIi’’ will show for itself. Call and see us, as we flatter ourselves we can suit persons of different tastes Thcr“Mantau Maker’s Department” is kept un in good style by MUS. BETTIK SMITH and MLSS NANNIE SHKKMAN. The undersigned is also local agent for Wlllcox & Gibbs’ Celtf-V-ated .Sewing Machine. VKeeling thank ful to the pubJl< for past favors, we solicit a continu ance of the same. N. B—All orders in compliance with our usual terms, promptly filled. MRS. S. F. TAYLOR, Agent. april 13, ISCiMim Millinery. —o— Mrs. S. A. Jackson 4 NNOUNOES TO THE LADIES OF JL Griffin and vicinity, that she h now receiving a large and well selected assortment of all kinds of WMMMI GOODI Eml,racing EVEP.V NEW STYLE and VARIETY. NEW SPRING GOODS are PERFECT BEAUTIES, and she is desirous of showing them to her numerous customers. march 2J-tf L H BRADFIELD’S COLUMN DR. J. BRADFIELD’S Female Regulator! Woman’s Best Friend. THIS valuable Medicine is prepared for Women ex clusively, and to be used by Women only It is adapted especially to those cases where the Womb Is disordered, and will cure atey irregularity in the “men ses,” except In such cases as require a surgical opera tion. As t e-e last are very rare, tho Fkmals Regu lator ia of almost, universal application. In a sudden* check of the ‘monthly courses ’ front told, trouble of mind or like cause, it acts like a charm, by restoring thk DiaciiAimr. in KVF.KY instance, thus relieving the fever, headache, mdn in the small of the back and -‘low er stomach,'’ ilushes of best ahou; the face, chilly sen sations, burning of the eyelids and general restlessness. Taken in time, all these symptoms pass away immedi ately, wihout injury to the constitution. Frequent ly, however, the proper remedy is not applied in time, the disease becomes chronic, and the foundation laid for numberless evils to tho constitution of tho woman.— The next “turn"’ comes around, nnd there is r.o “show,” or perhaps tiie “whites'’ will appear. Thera wrll be some jpneosln&s about the womb, but very little 6f none of the natural lluid escaping. The complexion becomes sallow, bowels swollen, a sort of greenish caste about tho face, constant dull aching pains in tho head, weight iff the lower stomach nnd Back, with or without whites, palpitatioYra of tiie heart, pallor, ex haustion, indigestion, weariness, languor, an aching across the loins, loss of nppetl'e, pain in left breadt, tightness across the chest, cough and giddiness. If still allowed to go on, “green sickness” will be fully developed—the headache becomes severe, with loss of memory, diminishing sensibility, sick stomach, dyspep sia, no relish for food, loss of flesh, increased fluttering of the heart, swelling of the fkkt, legs and body and occasional spitting of blood. Tho slightest effort cau ses iiukrikp breathing, almost suffocation. The skin is flabby and a “doughy feel.” This is a sad picture, but it is the condition of thousands of women between the ages of 15 and 45, who are brought to tho verge of the grave by ignorance or neglect to take the proper remedy. To all wha are afflicted with any cftliesymp toms above mentioned, in connection with an irregu larity of ihe “monthly sickness,” Aim c*tly say— take DU. J. IJKADFIELD’6 FEMALE REGULATOR. A few ounces taken, you will at once experience its benefits, and with a little patience, you will be fully re stored to health. This remedy has been extensively used for upwards of 20 years by many of the most experienced and suc cessful physicians of Georgia. Wa repent, that-DR. J. BRAD FI ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR is prepared for Women, and to be used by Women only. A trial is all we ask. Prepared and sold in any quantity, by L. H. BRAD- FlEI.l), Wholesale Druggist, Atlanta, Georgia. Eff" Price, *1 50 per bottle. VSold by Druggists generally. Atlanta. Ga , December 29, 1SG I *. Dr J. Bradfif.ld— Dear Sir : I take pleasure in stat ing that some time previous to the late war, I used, with the utmost success, on a servant girl, your FE MALE REGULATOR, prepared then at Bradficld s Drugstore, West Point, Ga. She had been suffering severely from suppressed mei struntion, and this medi cine soon restored her to health. She is, to-day, living in Atuinta. sound and well. I will state further, that I know of its being used, with equal success, on a servant girl of mv brother-in law, Prof. Rutherford, of Athens, Ga. This woman had, I think, been diseased for six years. She waf4 house servant, and .K erned cured up to the “freedom.” Ido not hesitate to endorse your prepara tion for the puiposcs for which you recommend it. Yours truly, JNO. U. WiIITNER. STATE OF GEORGIA, Troup County. This i“ to certify that I have examined the recipe of Dr. Joseph Hradfteld, of this county, and, ns a medical man pronounce it to be a combination of Medicine:, of great merit in tho treatment of all the disc- ses of fe males for which ho recommends if. This Dece:nher2l, leOd. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. Mount viler, Ga., 1563. Dr. J. Bradfiktd —Dear Sir: I have much pleasure in saving l have witimssod tho most decided and hap py effects of your Female Regulator in tills neighbor hood, WM. 11. FIN CHEN. Mouxtville, Ga., 1563. Dr. J. Bp.aufift.d—Dear Sir: I have rnneatcdly used in iny family, your Female Regulator, aud have, in ev ery case, met with completesacce-s. G. L. DAVIS. jrsri also prepare and have for sale, a YEAST POWDER, equal to the best, and for much less price, L also pro part) a LIQUID BLUING, now in use by many of the bust house-keepers in tho city, and pro nounced by them t*» i><* very superior. L. 11. BRADFIELD, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., sole Agent for Gee. M. Hay’s Sure cure for Intemperance. march 9, 18G9-ty DR. O. S. PROPHITT’S FAMILY MEDICINES, CONSISTING OF HI3 CELEBRATED Liver Medicines, ANOHINS PAIN KILL IT, AN'fiLBILUOUS PILLS, AGUE PILLS, and DYSENTERY CORDIAL, FE MALE TONIC, and PURIFYING PILLS. THE excellent remedies of O. S. PROPITITT, M. D , need no recommendation; their well known pow er in removing tho diseases peculiar to our Southern climate havingalready established for them an ouvia b’o reputation in Georgia and the mlj i ing States. As the majority ol persons living in the South are predis , posed to disease of r, it is granted by all intelli* gent physTinans that most of the pains nnd aches of our people are ?u7\u •%; nic derangement of that impoitantw ,l 6*f ProphitFs Liver Medicine and Anti Billions Pill- -rTN.* directly at the root of the evil. They cure the Liver which, ; n_nine cases out of ten, is at the bottom of the CoUghs/MV'sp?psia, Colic. Sic k Headache, Rheumatism, Con-tipaiion, Menstrua! Ob structions, »c> common among our people Ear ache, Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia and bodily pains of every kind flee before PRi/PIHTT’S P.411V KILL IT, iikech’ff before the wind. If you have Indigestion or Dyspepsia in any form, or any other Chronic Diseases, use Prophitt’s Liver Medicine. _lt Is safe and reliable ; pure vegetable, and a liquid roa !;• for use at any and all times. Price a bottle— I '’tiVi percent discount by tho dozen bottles or more If you get SNAKE-BIT, use PROPIIITT’S PAIN KILL. IT, internal and external. If you have afresh wound of any sort, U3e the PAIN’ KITT IT. If you get dog-bit, apply the PAIN KILL IT. Dll. O. S. PROPIIITT’S Anti-Billious Vegetable Pills, I PURGATIVE and FEBRIFUGE, may bo relied upon I as a safe and efficient cathartic in all Febrile and Acute Diseases of all kinds. DR. 0. S. PROPIIITT’S VEGETABLE AGUE PILLS, A safe and certain remedy for Ague and Fever, Chills and Fever,and ail kinds of Periodical Diseases, and is safe and reliable for all to take ut any time. DR. O. S. PROPIIITT’S Compound Byscotey Cordial, A safe ami immune remedy for all kinds of Bowel Dis eases, Dysenteries, Diarrhoea, Bloody Kliut. Ac It may he riven to all aiz s, asres and sexes, and at. all times, with perfect safety, where there is anything of that class indicated. Cordial, Female Tonic, and Purifying Pitts. The Purifying Fills and Female Tonic .arc associated together as a full preparation, as you see in the Bills They have given perfect satisfaction in my practice for the last twenty years, in all cases that they are recom mended for. The Pills may be taken in connection with the Liver Medicine, without the Tonic, when there is any indication for them, such as Shortness of Breath, Swelling of the Feet or Face, or a Pale, Weak state of the Blood, or a Flabby state of the Muscles, as generally follow Fever, and Unilla and Furor. tar All of the above Medicinos aresoldby Druggists and Merchants generally throughout tho South-west.— For sale in Blakely. Us. at the Nows Offoe. Prepared only by DU. O. S. PROPHITT, Covington, Ga. %*All the above Remedies for sale by L. H. BRADFIELD, Wholesale Druggist, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Gn. or sale in Uriffln by N. 1). DREVVRY. I march 9, ISCO-ly DR. JOHN BULL’S COLUMN. DR. JOHN BULL'S Great Remedies*- DR. JOHN BULL, MANUFACTURER AND VENDER OF TIIE CEI E BKATED Smith’s Tonic Syrup,- FOR THE CURB OF m & mm —AND— CHILLS&FEVBH. f|TLl£ proprietor of this celebrated Medi cine, justly claims for-it a superiority over all ever offered to the public for the safe, certain and permanent cure of Ague and Fever, and Chills and Fever, whether of short or long standing, fie refers to tho entire Western and Southnwestcrn oountry to bear him testimony to the truth of tho assertion, that in no case whatever will it fail to cure, if the directions aro strictly followed and cerried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole families have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restora tion of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every oaße more certain tc cure, if its use is continued in smaller dor ses for a week or two after the disease hae been cheeked, more especially in difficul? and long standing cases. Usually, this medicine will uot require any aid to keep the bowels in good order—should the pa tient, however, require a cathartic medi-. cine after having taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dose of Bull’s Vege~ table Family Pills will be sufficient. DR. JOHN BULL’S Principal Office : No. TO Fifth, Cross Street, Louisville, Ry,- Worm Destroyer, To my United States and World-Wide Readers. | ¥ HAVE received many testimonials professional and medical men, as my manacs and vartous publications havol shown, all of which are genuine. The lowing from a highly educated and popu lar physician in Georgia, is certainly ono of the most sensible communications I have over received. Dr. Clement knows exactly what he 'speak* of, and his testimony de serves to be Written in gold. Hear what the Doctor says of BulVs Worm Destroyer; Villanow, Walker Cos., Ga., ) June 29, 1806. f Dr. John Bull— Dear Sir: I have recently given your “Worm Destroyer” several trials, ami find it won derfully efficacious. It has not failed in a single In stance to have tho wished for effect. I am doing a pretty large country practice, and have daily uso for somo article of the kind. lam free to confess that I know of no remedy recommended by the ablest au thors that is so certain and speedy in its effects. On the contrary, they are uncertain in the extreme. My object in writing you, is to fled ont on what terms I catT get the medicine directly from you. If I can get it upon easy terms, I shall use a great deal of it. lam aware that the use of such articles is contrary to tho teachings and practice of a great majority of the regu lar line of M. D.'s, but I see nojust cause or goodsenso in discarding a remedy which we know to bo efficient, simply because we may be ignorant of its combination. For my part, I shall make it a rule to use all and any menus to alleviate suffering humanity which I may bo able to command—not hesita'ing because some ono more ingenious than myself may ha’e learned its ef fects first, and secured the sole right to secure that knowledge. However, I am by no means nn advocato or supporter of the thousands of worthless nostrums that flood the country, that purport to cure all manner . of disease to which human flesn is heir. Please reply soon, and inform mo of your best terms. I am, sir, most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT M. I>, BULIi’S A GOOD REASON FOR THE CAPTAINS FAITH Vgglußead the Captain's Letter and the Letter from his mother. Bknton Barracks, Mo., April 3ft, 1c66.l c 66. Dr. John Bull- Dear Sir: Knowing tho officacyof your Savsaparilla. anfl the healing and beneficial quali ties It possesses, I seud you tho following statement of my case. I was wounded about two years ago—was taken pris oner and confined for sixteen months. Being moved bo often, iny wounds have not healed yet I have not sat up a moment since I was wounded. I am shot through the hips. My general health is impaired, and I need something to assist nature. I have more faith in your Sarsaparilla than in any thing else. I wish that which is genuine. Please express me half a dozen bot tles, and oblige CAPT. C. P. JONH SON, St. Louis, Mo. F. 9.—The following was written April 30, l?t»5, by Mrs Jennie Johnson, mother of Capl. Johnson : Dr. John Bull— Dear Sir, My husband, Dr. C. 9. Johnson, was a skillful surgeon and physician in Cen tral New York, when ho died, leaving the above C. P. Johnson to iny care At thirteen years of age he had a chronic diarrhoea and scrofula, for which I gave him your Sarsaparilla. It oukkd him. I have for ten yearn recommended it to many in New York, Ohio and lowa, for scrofula, fever sores, and general debility. Perfect success has attended it! THE CITHK9 EFFECTED IN SOME CASES OF SCROFULA AND FEVER BORES WERE ALMOST MIRACULOUS lam very anxious for mv son to aga'n have resource to your Sarsaparilla. He is fearful of getting a spurious arti • cle, hence his writing to you for it. His wounds were terrible, but I believe he will recover. Respectfully, JENNIE JOHNSON,- BULL’S CEDRON BITTERS. AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. Arkansas Heard From. TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL MEN. Stony Point, White County, Ark., ) May 28, 18f>«, f Dr. Joitn Bui.l—Dear Sir: Lost FebruarifejiT was in Louisville purchasing drugs, and I of your Sarsaparilla and Cedron Bitters. My son in-law. who was with mo In tlrestore, has boon down with rheumatism for sumo time, commeooed on the Bitters, and soon found his general health Improved I)r. Gist, who lias been in bad health for several years-stomach and liver affected—improved very much bv the use of your Bitters. Indeed the Cedron Bitters has given you great popularity in this settlement. 1 could sell a great quantity of your medicines fall-especially your Cedron Bitters and Sarsapa rilla. Ship mo via Memphis, care of Kicket & Neoly. Respectfully, B. WALKER. PREPARED AND SOLD BY JoHn Bull, At his Labr&tory, fifth Street, Louisville, Kentucky. |WKoranic in Grlflin by DR. N. B. DKEWBY, and in A Hants by L. 11. BRADFIELD. fclnuury 19, 1569-ly