Griffin semi-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1868-187?, September 13, 1870, Image 4

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fwP '\w jffj »”*»*** y°t» jm to “ w * _ TbitffelM m V*iaC7*B DhIOtMBM Itet tiatah In flu «tr; Hu pawion «m » mockery • .zzsrzssr Thatvtakmofmyyouthl Whan I compared my hare ■*.-$ To toomcfaterted eoog, I found enabantment not to them— ** Aj did V) Ms* belong I Aht fsithle** M Me proved him. By hi* mu gtanee aid too* 1 do Micro in that till Urn* Hla heart wma ell my own. And by tost power bewitching I felt when Ural we mat. And by my heart, 1 know that past Ht mw an forget I Foe Nature changed tot him and mt In taadanaaa dlrtna Whan I gexedin htaazure ayaa And ha amUad down In mine! Alai! toaeblawkFoffn- A Praam te of para lore, * Ax sweet aa perfumed sighs of Jana, As geotlssss dovel Bat where my Ideal god onoa reigned So radiant and rare. A sorrow keen, a grief profound Sow darken* all the air. An Idol shatter'd In the dust. Broke to my wretched hoe I And atainaof ahame on Falth’a tkirfhne. So weeping can aflhoel Lore'* lata that once sweet ornate woke— Sow rireu and unstrung— On earth no more ehall echoing elgh The tender eonge Hope sang 1 Sor ran the raya of brightness The fntnro years may wear. In royalty and radimpe With that dear dream compart I And no after-time of iwoetneaa Can e’er to me restore Tba glory and the gladnoaa Which life’s bright morning wore 1 In reelating the enchantment Os a lore that waa untrue— In Oblivion’! turged waters All Hop’s rtatona perished, too; Bat whea the last great teat la oars. And Life laal chain la riven. When angels rt*i™ thetr harps and crowns I'li. cun mt naxAM tn Ha*van. Bucklmd, 1870. * Tub Atlanta Soup Hoube and Chab ity Hospital. — Kenny headed the list for the establishment of a "Soup House and Charity Hospital,” with SSOO. H. L Kimball gave SSOO. His Excellency, Governor R. B. Bul lock gave SIOO per year, so long as he resides here. Foster Blodgett gave SIOO per year, so long as he resides here. Who will be the first of ten men who will pledge themselves to give SSO per year for five years, payable annually, or monthly ? Who will bo the first of forty men who will pledge themselves to give $25 per year for five years? Who will be the first of fifty men who will plodge themselves to give $lO per year for five years? Who will bo the first of one hundred who will pledge thcmselvor to give SSOO per annum for five years. Who will be the first body of one hundred who will give SIOO per annum for five years? A suhreription list will be left at the post-office, in charge of the energetic and accommodating news dealer, Ori on Dozier, where everybody can put down tho amount of their contribu tions, with their names opposite, and they will be called upon when the funds are necessary to carry out this grand charity. Mr. M. E. Kenny voluntarily and kindly proposes to keopa subscription list open at his Ale Depot, and it is earnestly hoped that aU his visitors will contribute.—Constitution. A NEW, ENTERTAINING —AND— Instructive Book. THE MEMORIES OF 50 YEARS. Containing brief Biographical No tices of Distinguished Americans, and Anecdotes of remarkable Men—inter spersed with Scenes and Incidents oc curring daring a long life of observa tion chiefly spent in the Sonth-west. By W. H. fjparks. Crown octavo; cloth. WO-Price, $2 50. For sale by H. T. BRAWNER & SON, August 9,1870. VALUABLE Farm for Sale. TTAVINQ determined to ttuit farm- IX lug. I offer for sole obo of the BEST FARMS in Middia Georgia, contain tag ■*, Five Hundred Aerey. 140 iu eolttvation—7s of which li t< good Onv-k lint mania for ten«ut«, excellent Gin Hou*«. lr«v- Orchard. Every thing la twfr* t 1 wdur. jgrFor particular! a2 o®o. J.Kl>»wmll. Wrbfln. " r- HoptoiDber 2, 1870-1 lit JOHN I*. 0\ UK Bit. ir o'lTSTb! ‘ SAFE KEY. which the owner can at brooUlMAi thin oßkw and tMtag for this cftß Js o oil TJI-B OKBAT SSPVTATIOy of the country % AS A GREAT & GOOD MEDICINE, Ami tfee Ur*. awobw mt TMtaMltb TTkliih n nionl|-1T rueeJted &«■» Fbyrieton NlimoHib tost assn ctmm by its OAhcw ewammotr tHa intmmj ruca AS A BLOOD PTRIFIKR, t*r K A S N O EQUAL THE MOOT POWERFUL VEGETABLE ALTERA TIVE VET DISCO VEILED I DISUSES OF THE BLOOD. **Tha US* of the Saab la (ha Blood," la a Scriptural maxim that admm proraa to be true. Thepeopto talk at bod blood, is the caste of many diseases, snd Uka many popular opinions, thli of had Mood la fnnmWl In troth* The symptom* of bad blood are araaUr quite plain —had DigesUon-caoaee imperfect nutrition, and con aeqnenUy the drrnlstion la feeble, the soft tieanee loose their tone end elaetldly, and the tongua becomes pale, broad, and fteqoeatly coveted with a pasty, white coat. This condition noon show* Itself In roogAarn of the akin, the Krnptive end Ulcerative dleeaane, lad when long continued. reentta to serious lesions of the Brain, Liter, Lange, or urinary apparaoa. Mach, vary much, suffering is caanod by impure blood. It Is estimated by some that one-fifth of the homan family are effected with scrofula to some form. When the blood la pure, yon are not so liable to any disease. Many imparities u the Blood arise from Im pure diaosiMts of large cities. Eradicate every Imparity from the fountain of life, and good spirits, fair sklu sad vital strength will return to you. KOSKOO! KOSKOOI AS A Liver Invigorator, STANDS UNRIVALLED IIF.INO THE ONLY KNOWN MEDICINE That EFFICIENTLY itimilata and Corrects the hepatic ircrctiang and functional DERANGEMENTS of the Lit er. withont Debilitating the system. While It acts freely upon tho Liter intUad ts copioiu purging, it gradually ekamget the discharges to a perfectly natural flute, SVMTOMS OF LIVER COMPLAINT AND OF SOME OF THOSE DISEASES PRODUCED HI IT. A sallow or yellow color of tho skin,'or yellowish brown spots on tho fsoa sad other parts of the body dullness and drowsiness, sometimes headache; Utter or had taata to the mouth. Internal host t to many cases a dry, tearing cough; unsteady appetite ; some times sour stomach, with a raising Os the food; bloated or fan feeUngabout the stomach,and rides; aggravating pains In the side#, beck, or breast, and about the shoulders ; constipation of the bow els ; piles, flatulence, coldness of the extremities, fco. IC O S K O O 1 In a remedy of Womlerjul Efficacy In tho cure of diseas «• of the Kulnryi and Htaitder. In these Affections it is as hear a specs Ac at any rrnovfy can he. It does lte work kiiylly,silently and surely. The Relief which It afford! certain and perceptible. DISEASES OF TUB KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. Peruana unacquainted with tho atnictoro andfuuc- Uona of tho Kidney* cannot estimate the importance of their healthy action. Regular and anffletant action of the Kidneys lsasim portent, nay. oven more eo, than regularity of tho bowels. The Kidneyi remove from the Blood thoee effete matter* which, U permitted to remain, would speedily destroy life. A total anaponalonof tha urina ry discharge* will oocaslon death from thlrty-el* to forty-eight honre. When tho Urine la voided In email (juantlUea at tha time, or when there la a disposition to Urinate more frequently than natural, or when the the Urine la high colored or scalding with weakness, In the email of the back, tt ahonld not be triflod with or delayed, but Kos koo should be taken at once to remedy the difficulty, before a lesion of the organ* takes place. Moat of the diseases of tho Bladder originate from those of the Kidnoya, tho Urlua being Imperfectly secreted In the Kidneys, prove Irritating to the Bladder and Urinary passages. When we' reoollect that medicine never roaches tho Kldneya except through the general circu lation of the Blood, we aee how necessary It is to keep the Fountain of Life Pure. KOSKOO! KOSKOO! Meets with OREAT SUCCESS In the CURE of Diseases of the Nervous System. Almost nine-tenths of our people suffer from ner vous exhaustion, and are, ihorefore, liable to ita con comitant evils of mental depression, confused Ideas, softening of the brain, Insanity, and complete break ing down of the genoral health. Thousands are auf fcrlng tootsy with broken-down nervous systems, and unfortunately, tobacco, alcohol, late hours, ovor-work, tmental and physical), are causing disease* of the ner vous system to incrosac tt s fearful ratio. The symptoms to wfelch.dlqps* of tho nervous ay a tern give rise, may be stated as follows: A dull, heavy feeling in the head, sometimes more or less severe pain or headache; Periodical Headache, Dirtiness, Noises or Ringing In the Head; Confusion of Ideas; Temporary I-oss of Memory; Dejection cf Spirits; Starting dating Sleep; Usd Dreams; Hesitation In An swering Quotients; Dullness of Hearing; Twitching of the Ptce and Arms, kc„ which, If not promptly treat ed, lead to Paralysle, Delirium Insanity, Impotency. Apoplexy, Ac., Ac. KOSKOO! KOSKOO! la NOT a secret quoth remedy. FORMULA around each bottle. Recommended by the beet Physicians, eminent Divines, Editors, Druggists. Merchants, Ac. THE BEBT AND MOST POPULAR MEDIO** IN USE. rakraamt oni n J. in LA WRENCE, M. D., Organic Chemist, I,,- and Office, !fo. ® Main Itreet, NORFOLK. VA. r ryioV., one dollar per bottlk. rent sals bt druggists KVBBTWBBMM, March UMh. UN. Mb - ' LUM ;, O , “H * I : ■ * pi PIEDMONT A N||- ARLINGTON r„> 1 I m V*,. |*l FK L -r ar fa -» f v-Sr*! S& EH;?’**'* pPi ; * ■ M Pj.- '* '• ff ■ ■ 4 Inltt csomj>axxv» i ** \jt- ’ t K*V;- A . V m JP **■ 'W Kjcnrom.... ■ •9-Home Office. North-eset renter Mato and Nlath Street.** Assets Owef'„f... ..... ..•1,900.000. Net surplus ower • SOO.OtMt. Policies Issued In two jrenrsower S.tMMi gHOWING a success beyond prece dent. issues on Mutual, Non-Forfeiting and Return Premium Plans. Dividend paid on whole life policies, 40 par cent., which proves the eoonomy of it* man agement end its careful selection of risks. WM. C. CARRINGTON President J. E. EDWARDS Vlee President D. J. HABTSOOK Secretary. S J. J. HOPKINS AsstatauiSecretary. j. E, WOLF superintendent at Agencies O. T. JONES, Gern el Agent for Middle and North Georgia. S. C, WEEMS, Agent. Griffin, Ga No right of old polley holders will be effected; they will continue to pay tlto samo rate as before; to hold the same policies as before; to have the same rights, benefits and privileges as before, and have equal pres ent security with greater future benefit than before.— AU renewals of old policies will lte lntho name of the new Company, under special authority from the re spective Directors of the old Companies. A uow Charter was obtained with tho rights of poli cy holders guaranteed, and we call special attention to the following desirable features In said Charter: .'Section 2. The business of the Company shall be to make Insurance on the lives of Individuals in all the branches of Life Insurance; to grant, purchase or dis pose of annuities or rw-insure risks.'’ "Section 4, The business of the Company shall be conducted on the plan of distributing to the policy holders the PROFITS OF THE BUSINESS, as herein alter provided, unless by the oonaent of the assured the policy selected is non-participating." “Section 15. This Company may Issue policies on the Uvea of husbands and parents, or others, for the benefit of wives and families, or other beneficiaries in terested In their lives—as ancestors, descendants, cred itors or dependents, and the same shall not he liable for the dobts or contracts of Lhe assured, exoept as provided tn the policies Issued.” '-Section 16. The Company may Issue policies paya ble ik oom>: provided, premiums are paid in the same." "Section 18. The ponnauent investment of funds •hall bo In mortgages or lelna on unencumbered Real Estate worth double the amount loaned." We would also caU attention to tha rights secured fs policy as part of the contract. Bights of party to nou-forfeitnr# in OR Its policies. Bights of party to reinstatement—paid up policy, and surrender value where "Intervention of armies or any other cause cute the lnaurod off froc home of fice. This feature, omitted tn policies of Northern Companies, cost the Southern pesple Wry heavily In the last war, and should make them seek the only Company that provides against such contingency In future. Some Companies now have in their policies, that parties who "take up arms sgahist" certain nam ed Statos. “or the United States, *’render their policy null sml void. This is making certain what was be fore uncertain, and Is too grest a mingling of politics, war and life Insurance. "THE PIEDMONT AND AULtNOhON" turn s model charier and model policy, plainly stating rights of josrties, and guarding those rights against sacrifice. This Company has fully compiled with lhe require ments of tho State law, with regard to tha deposits with Comptroller General, |30,000. It gives dividends at tho end of tlis first year, when all cash la paid, and of second year, when part loan la taken. The all rash plan la unreservedly recommend ed sstn every way most satisfactory. We now confidently appeal to every one Interested in Routhsrn prosperity to look to their Interests, by •ustslidng their own Inetitatlons, and thereby estab lishing that self confidence withont which there can be no permanent prosperity. Bear In mind that al ready over 110,000,000 are annually sent North for lAffi Insurance, taking so much from our strength, and thereby giving additional power to our oppressors. We offer a solid, reliable Life Insuranos Company. In the hands of men of the highest Integrity, with abundant assets, recent risks, the most secure of an Investment*, pledged to retain within the State of Georgia all funds accroetng therein, and. Indeed, pre eentlng every advantage that can he desired; Old we only aak a fun examination Into the superior merited the "PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE INSU RANCE UOMTAXY" to Insure your l-atronsgo. The ceneoUdatlau of the two popular Virginia com panies la full <»l advantage to the policy holders nfboth -nepoate*. Its expenditure* wOl be leas and with . « relative risk. The futer* dividends will be more o'lain, and shatter reserved fund create.]. '’AM ON SAMUEL a WEEMS Agent tor Griffin and ntxroundiug Ooawfu- Besasaber 14. Mffi . ****"*■ u Loewenslem ® PitJHcrColmßllr HP v, , W © Have and a r -v 3* - #l. id ■»BtWa®*v .... -4S MEHJBBUeTIrtS i3r>fv- |v;' * in our entire Stock ot f %y+ - *' DB Y GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, &C., &C.u &C., AND INVITE ALL TO CALL AND Examine our Stock and Prices BEFORE purchasing ELSEWHERE LikeweiinMit A I‘feller . East tdde Hill Street, Griffin, Georgia, Loewenslein & Pfeifer s Column. April W, UN. '" V -B.vSy-» '■* * ' ,v ’• m 1* A 8 S E N K *S DSBIBMG TO Yfmr tmx OF IMS Northern, * Southern* Eastern, or WBSTBBH OIVXBBe SHOULD STUDY WELL 9* WT” ATTRACTION OFFERED-®* ' ■'-W* EtotifiK- Western & Attantc Rail Road, TFPt i> A -Si? E 1? OS £ ROUTE N . - OF THE SOUTH. !- 'W r ONLX ROUTE* FROM ATLANTA -RUNNING A DOUBLE— Daily Through Passenger Train. Piwventiig the possibility of a delay of twenty-four hours (24) incident to lines running but ONE DAILVTBAIN. *®rThe Passenger Equipment of this Rood is superior to that of any Hoad is the Sonth.-®S IN ADDITION TO THE ©®*cfces ' ’*■ M OF THE ROAD There are attached to all night trains THE FAR-FAMED PULLMAN SLEEPERS, Which furnish accommodation equal to a firat-clasß Hotel. are on sale, nt. reduced rates, for stun mer season, .Tickets to Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, Alleghany Springr, - Coyner’s Springs, Black Springs, Warm Springs, Little Sweet Springe, Moutvale Springs, , Bedford Ahull Springs Bersheba Springs, Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, Lookout Mountain, Natural Bridge, of Virginia, Mammoth Cave, Hot Springs, of Arkansas, Niagara Falls. AND ALL OTHER RESORTS IN THE UNITED STATES. J6T*This is the only Road in the South offering for sale through tick ets to Yokohama, Japan, Hloga, Japun, Hong Kong, China, Shanghai, China, Nagaskt, China. BTEAMERB LEAVE San Francisco fob China and Japan, On the first day of each month. BVTickets can be purchased in all the principal cities. Baggage checked to destination and handled free. Ask for Tickets via > Western & Atlantic Railroad. B. W. WEEire, General Passenger and Ttoket Agent A. In HARRIS. Master Trsaportstlon and Supervisor. FOSTER BLODGETT, A •*•§£ Superintendent. L. H. HARRIS. Southern Passenger AffSßt Jan. M. ISM. « If ißTaraßr Img FeveTwfinLgue Always Stops the C toil la. This Medicine haa been before the Public fifteen year*, god is Atm ahead at all other known remediea. It does not purge, does not riche the stomach, ia yteity safe in any does and under all dreramsfonoea, and is the only Madicme that wUI CURB IMMKDIATKLY and pswnanfljtly every form ot Fever and Ague, bocatue it ia a perfect AuUdate to Balaria. J Bold by »U Dracafeta. March 33. 1870. ly A Proclamation. GEORGIA, BY RUFUS B. BULLOCK. Governor of arid State. Whebkas. Offlcixl lnlorm»tlon ha* been received at thia Department that a bill of indictment 1* now pend ing to the Superior Court of the county of Bibb, charging one James R. Newman with the crime of murder, alleged,to have been committed upon the bo dy at Michael M. Hartley, in arid comity of Bibb, on or about the 36th of December, U 08; and Whereas, It ia farther made known to this Depart ment by the Sheriff of Bibb oounty, that the said Newman baa fled from justice: I bare thought proper, therefore, to issue this, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of Five hun dred Dollars for the apprehended end delivery of the ■rid James R. Newman, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State. And Ido moreover charge end require all officers in this State, to he vigilant to endeavoring to apprehend the arid James R. Newman, to order that ha may be brought to trial for toe crime with which he stands charged. Given tinder my hand and toe Great Seal of toe State, at the Sspitol, In Atlanta, this 18th day of August, to the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seven ty, and of toe Independence of toe United States at America tho Nlnety-lUto. BUFUB B- BULLOCK. By toe Governor ; David G. Cormto, Secretary of State. September », 1870. 2t M. E. KENNY’S New Ale Depot, No. 4 Pryor Street, ATLANTA ...... QEOROIA. J£ENNY is State Agent for the cele brated OLD WIOKLIFFB. aa-KENNY to Agent for LUl’s CHICAGO ALE. aa-KENNY to Agent for LONDON ROYAL NEO TAR GIN. **-KENNY to Agent for OLD TOM GIN. asrKENNY manufactures ALL GRADES OF BE GARB. asr’KENNY’S BITTERS cannot be excelled as a tonic. Try them I aa-Go and see KENNY at his new stand on Pry or Street. January 31, 1870-ts Plantation for Sale! 1 J OFFER FOR SALE my Plantation in Pike county, situated near Zebnlon, 11 miles south of Griffin, and M miles west of Barnesville, containing 6 2 1 A ores, with a good and oommodlous dwelling upon it, togeth er with all necessary out-buildings, a well of as good water as can be found to Middle Georgia, healthy, lands productive, and ample supply of timber— gar Price, SB,OOO. J. 8. POPE, August 3. 1870-lm Zebnlon, Ga. Boty’s Washing Marine. LATELY MUCH IMPROVED—AND THE NEW UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, Improved with Rowell’s Patent PopnLE Coo- wheeze and tho Patent Stop, are now miqueet'.onablly far su perior to any appartuß for washing clothes ever inven ted, and will save their cost twice a year, by saving la bor and clothes. Southern people who have used them testify aa fol lows: They save thr-o-fourths of the labor and cdfct, and By for themselves both in money and contentment. t every young lady learn to use them, and evey married one keep them in her house.—now Orleans Picayune. "An excellent Washing Machine We have tried it The Clothes Wringer ie very superior. A good hand will wash a large number of pieces in a few hours.”— Raleigh (N. C.) Episcopal Methodist. "We have one of Doty’s Closhes Washers, and our household are in ccatades over it They are great economizers of time and labor.”—Edgefield (S, 0.) Ad vertiser. “After over two years’ experience with a Doty, we sro assured that It is the greatest help and econo mizer of time, labor and money we liave yet had in troduced into our household.”—Wilhuhson Smith, New Orleans. ■•I have had a Doty Washer in my family for some time. It gives entire satisfaction, and I take pleasure iu commending it to the bead of every household.”— R. Towers, Jefferson, Texas. "I have had one of Doty’s Clothes Washers in nse for a year, and am perfectly satisfied with it family have tried it faithfully and have never known it to fail to accomplish aU that it profess to.’’—Prof. J. F. Stevens, Concord Female College, StatesvUle, N. J. August 10,1879. 2m Dictionary of the Bible, Comprising its Antiquities, Bioobapht, Geography, and Natural History, with numerous Illustra tions and Maps. Edited by William Smith, LL. D. Published bY the National Publishing Com pany, Cincinnati, Ohio. XjTO BOOK hns been issued from the _L V American Press for a long time that deserves so universal a circulation as this. Bible Dictionaries have been prepared in former years; some were mea ger and imperfect, and all have been outgrown. Cam let’s was surpassed by Kitto’a; Kltto's, and Indeed, aU others, have been fsr outrivaled by this at Dr. Smith, of the Dnndoh University, and the most emi nent Lexicographer of the English speaking world, Hsvlug finished this great work. Dr. S. then prepar ed a condensed edition (the work being In three mas sive octavo volumes, was too large and costly for the public generally,) which ehould Include all that is best adapted to the needa of Christian families and Sab bath School Teachers. This is the Work now repub lished in this country, whose title we have given, and we do not hesitate to say that it should go Into every dwelling where there is any dasire to read and atndy the Bible intelligently and with profit. Every person connected with a Sabbath Behoof, either as teacher or pupil, and every parent ehould, by all means, avail themselves hf thlstnooinpnrable help. This edition lain the highest style of the art, large ly illustrated with elegant wood and steel anffrtvtags and maps, printed in clear and bseotifal type, and In every respect tn harmony with the high character and value of toe work. No House surpasses tola enter prising publishing firm In toe artistic finish and ele gxucc oftheir books. And to the issue of this, they Save spired no pains nor expense. It As* severel suecisnmd essential merits beyond toe English edi tfouTaud especially over any otoer reprint to tola country. It contains aU the matter of toeJUn-gest edi tion, except numerous disquisitions and critical notes ob original Hebrew Greek tcnoi< which are of no practical value to .toe general English student, and considerably more then twice toe reading matter of the smsller books. With aU ita elegance and embnl isbtnents, tt la the cheapest edition. o«-It is having a large and rapid sale, as nothing but straightened means can induce any wise parent or faithful teacher to decline tlio offer of an auxiliary for the understanding of the Scriptures *■ AS-MR. B. wTvaN DYKE is Agent tor the oounlj of Spaldtof- ■ - June 28, U7O-lm - ST -r>^- vrT , rr ,-JTI "" ' wU J. XUM b m . : - • Celebrated Horse Power , GIN IJEA^ •• tsT'* .‘v c.- # . ■ " First Premlnm at airljfa|i : # where exhibited ! A saving of 50 per cent, of mule flesh guaranteed! R. FINDLAY’S SONS, Findlay’s Iron Works, Macon, Ga., Sole Marvufbooturera for Georgia, B@-Send for descriptive Circulars. Orders for these Powers will be prompt ly filled by RUS. P. JOHNSON, Agent, Griffin, Ga Agency for the Griswold Gin. u . " IB jB GIN MADfe has given more gen ual satisfaction. With the advantage of all late real kto. 1 improvements, it to again offered to toe publlo. Some Gins ooßt mere money, bnt none CAN TURN OUT MORE LINT COTTON In a given time. Price, $4 OO per saw, delivered at Griffin, mrl am also Agent for the Utley Press, which baa had all defects remedied, and many lro provemento added. A large stock of most approved Turning and Subsoil [Plows, kept on hand. And any and all kinds of IMPLE MENTS and MACHINERY furnished to order at man ufacturers prices, with freight added. *g-My office and store-room are well supplied with Cuts, Prioe List slid Samples of an toe late Inven tions, as well as the standard and time-tested Ma chines. All can have their wants supplied In kind by their own selection, at exactly manufacturer’s prices and freight. AU Interested are Inin ted to call and ex amine. RUSSEL P. JOHNSON, , Agricultural Depot, Hill Street, Griffin, Ga. July I, 870. 8m BA_ D BLOOD! ‘The Life is the Blood.’ T3RQM it we derive our strength, Jl beauty, and mental capabilities. It is the centre of our being, around which revolves all that makes existence happy. When this source is corrupted, tho painful effects are visible in many shapes, prominent among which is HCROF U Jx A . This is a taint or infection of the human organism, and probably no one is wholly free from it. It exhib its itself In various shapes—as Ulcer*, ami sores, De cayed Bones, Diseased Scalp, Sore Kye*». Weak and Diseased Joints, St Vitus* Dance, i ou. Discharges from the Nostrils, Eruptions, Glandular Swellings, Throat Affections, Rheumatism, Heart Affections, Ner vous Disorders, Barrenness. Disorders of the Womb, Dropsy, Syphilitic Affections, Liver Complaint, Salt Rhenm, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Loss of Manhood and General Debility. It has been tbe custom to treat these diseases with Mercury and other Mineral substances, which though sometimes producing a cure, often prove injurious and entails misery in after life. The long known in jurious properties of these so-called alteratives and purifiers, has led the philanthropies! man of science to explore the arena of nature, the result of which has been tho discovery of vegetable products which Bossess the pow r er of eradicating these taints from tbe Lood I> r . T u tt’s COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT. Is toe acknowledged antidote to all Blood Diseases. By its use toe afflictions above enumerated, can be permanently banished, and the Bourse—tbe Cen tre of Lice—the Blood—be maintained in all its purity and vigor. For Diseases produced l>y the use ol Mercury, and for Syphilis, with its train of Evils, this Compound is THE ONLY SURE ANTIDOTE ! To toe poor creature, enfeebled in mind and body, in secret practices, whose nerves are unstrung, and countcnanoe downcast, the • £ SARSAPARILLA —AND— Queen’s Delight is a blessing. Try it fairly, and your nerves will be restored to their wonted vigor, and your dejected countenance be made radiant With toe consciousness of RESTORED MANHOOD. Being bea bom violent minerals, It is adapted to general use. The old and young may use tt; the moat delicate female st any tone may take it; the tender in fant, who may have inherited disease, win be cured by It. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD USE r> R . Tur T T’S -—EXTRACT OF— “Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight.” When used to toe Spring, It remove* all humors which infest the system; and banishes toe languor and debility peculiar to that season of the yetw. It sets promptly on the LIVER and KIDNEYS, producing a healthy action of the Important organs by which all the imparities of to* system are carried off, and the result Is m Clear Skim, a Good Appetite and Buoyant Spirits. PREPARED BT Wm, H. Tutt & Land AUOUSTA, GEORGIA. 83*And sold by Druggists ererywhere. ‘ April 28, 1810. fist