Griffin semi-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1868-187?, October 04, 1870, Image 3

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j§K Kiin Semi-Weekly Star, SiOCAL ITEMS?" J. E. Stallings, of Senois, •Kuthorized to act as Agent for the Star in Coweta county. Cotton continues to arrive rapid- Jk bales arrived Saturday last, and Bel mostly at 13a for middling. Con |Bemb]e activity in the market yes- Spday, and we quote prices 12J & 13c. . /Glorious N ews ! — lf it don’t rain on Wednesday, Scheuerman & Bro., will fipvo their store closed all day; if it nkts rain, they will keep it shut any ;&w i spjiJvAiN Bain.—A good many millions ipllons of pare water has fallen upon jtpr late dusty earth, in the last few vys. It has completely distroyed the |pall potatoe crop, as all the potatoes are bound to grow large now, j aOb Everything fresh in the Drug imo at Drewry’s. His stock is large vfpd of endless variety. His prices are reasonable. See advertisement. H Strauss & Schloss.— Bead the ad srtisement of these enterprising do tiers. They have addod anew de artment to their business. In addi pn to their large and fashionable ock of ready-made clothing, cloths, c., they have established a No. 1 erchant tailoring shop, where cus nn work will be done np in the best ivle, at fair prices. Give them a call. It is not Good for Man to be Alone. -In compliance with this injunction, knit half a dozen parties applied to trdinary Dismnko yesterday for mar inge license. The last we saw of Fed.” ho was going about with a ocket full of shin plasters watching )r another “case.” ®arAtlanta Presbytery convened on 'riday last Bev. John Jones was jeeted Moderator for next year. The Body is still in session in Atlanta. g J. M. Sparks. —This gentleman in forms our readers that he is still push ing the wholesale Confectionary busi nes, together with Family Grocery prade; and we take the liberty of ad ping that he is also driving ahead in tho matrimonial line, and from what wo can learn, he will leave with his wide, for New York in a day or two, nd will bring home a huge stock of loods. Sparks is no sardino any way rou take him. The DaltonFair. —We have received rom Mr. L. D. Palmer, Secretary of ho North Georgia Agricultural and ifeohanical Association, an invitation to tho Fair to bo held in Dalton, be ginning the sth of October. The Star Will endeavor to be represented. : Andrew Johnson has consented to de liver the address. Herschel V. John son will also be on hand and deliver an address. The presence and speeches of these two distinguished men will form a strong attraction. Trains wiU carry persons to this Fair for half-fare. We wish our North Georgia friends success in this enter prise. Wanted. —Six Ladies can get em ployment, at good wages, by applying at my Booms over Flemister & Brooks. tSuNone need apply but those good .with tho needle. M. A. Hightower & Cos. October 4, 1870. 2t A TORPID SYSTEM. Sometime, without any assignable cause the physi cal strength and animal spirits giro way. and a strange torpor falls alike on the body and intellect. There is little or no pain perhaps, and the natural rigor and elasticity of the nervous and muscular system seems to hare departed, and an indifference to the pleasures of life, and even of its grave responsibilities, takes th e S place of that earnest interest in both which character flses every well balanced mind when in a healthy oon- Sdition. This state of partial collapse Is often the premonl tory symptoms of some serious malady. It Indicates unmistakably that the vital powers are languishing and need a stimulant. In such cases the effect of a I few doses of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters la wonder fully beneficial. The great tonic wakes up the sys -tern from its drowse. The secretions and tho circula tion receive anew impetus. The relaxed nerves re cover tbelr elasticity under the operations of the spe cific, like the slackened strength of a musical Instru ment in the process of tuning. Lethargy and debili i ty are replaced by energy and vigor, the spirits rise, j and life that almost seemed a burden while the season of depression lastod, becomes once more enjoyable— That such a radical change should be produoed by a remedy entirely devoid of the powerful alkaloids and minerals so extensively used in modern practloe, may seem incredible to those who pin their faith on the medicinal efficacy of active poisons, but If these scep tics will take the trouble to enquire of those who have tested the corrective and alterative virtues of the Bit ters under the circumstances described, they will flndthe statement to be true. Coal! CoalM Coal!!! G. W. Clark & Son have an hand ' any quantity of Coal, at a resonable l price. GETTING MARRIED. «S.Easays for Young Men, or Social Evils, and the propriety or impropriety of “Getting Married,” with sanitary help for those Who feel unfitted for matrlmo [ nisi happiness. Bent free, in sealed envelopes. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. September 83, 1870-w3m Cream of Tennessee. —A large lot of this splendid brand of flour for sale at J. P. GARNER & CO’S. August SO, 1870. ts o o k HE ere !"«* I will keep Fbesh Beef and Mutton constantly on hand, at 5 o’clock, every evening. I sell for cash only, but will send home all purchases free of oost, when desired. W. B. CUNNINGHAM. August 5, 1870. ts Good Samaratans.— The members of the Good Samanttan Order, are earn estly requested to meet at the Lodge Room Tuesday evening, October 11th. Business of great important to the Society will come np, and it is hoped that no one who feels an lnterost at all will not stay away. A presiding officer, among other important matters, will have to be disposed of. Let no Good Saraaratnn stay away. Mas. J. R> Shelton, Seot’v. Soph 80,1870. 4t •A-It seems pretty oertain now, says the Louisville Courier-Journal, that Senator Morton will go aa Minister to England, and that he will be required to settle the Alabama claims. It is un derstood that he has already written to Admiral Scrnmes to know what the dickens the Alabama claims are. - • BS.A now game at eardß is reported from Texas. Qne holds a revolver, the other the cards, and the coroner holds an inquest S&-A Baptist church at New Orleans was recently offered the benefit of a horse race to cancel its debt, bat very properly declined the offer. COUNTRY HAMS—a choice article at J. P. GABNER & CO’S. August 30,1870. ts. WGff'We would announce to tho pub lic that we have received an elegant stock of Fall and Winter Cloth ing and invito all to come and exam ine. Lokwenstein & Pfeifer. September 16,1870. ts COMMERCIAL. GRIFFIN OOTfON MARKET. Corrected expreeelj tor the Grtffln Semi-'Weekly Star nuu< SOTS, WABBSOOSB KBS, OXOTIU. omau. • Gums, Noos. October 3.1870. Middling 13* Low Middling IS Good Ordinary 13 FINANCIAL. Corrected expressly tor the Grtffln Semi-Weekly Stir sx 1.1. (OHSaOS, BASXSB. Gums. Gi , September 30,1870. GOLD—Baying 10. SlLVEß—Baying at f. Selling 7. SIGHT EXCHANGE ON NEWYORK—buying at per. •• 44 << •< Selling at * prem RATE OF INTEREST—On money 3* per cent per month. GRTFFIN MARKET. Corrected expreuly for the Griffin Semi-Weekly Star Gums, Ga., October 3,1870. V CORN—per buahel $1 as MEAL— 44 1 GO WHEAT— 1 3501 60 BACON—Clear aids* per lb 33 Bib atdee •' 10030 HAMS—Csnveeeod •' .38039 Country <« 38030 SHOULDERS- •• 18 BULK MEATS— 44 30 FLOUB-Per bbl $ 7 0000 00 Fancy •• 6 00 LARD—Per bbl 33 Per* bbl 33 Retail 44 36 SUGARS— A 18. B 17. O 18 Common Brown 11 to 16 MOLABSEB 46 to 60 BTBUPB 75 to 1 60 OATS— 00 7 RICE— 10013 SOAP— 8016 CANDLES—Per lb 18036 TALLOW— •• 10 BEESWAX— •• 35 Va. SALT— " * 3 60 Liverpool per rack 8 00 FlSH—Kltta...., 3 6003 60 * bbl 6 0008 00 « bbl 0 00013 00 Bbl 1# 00038 00 POTATOES—Pink Eye per bbl 4 6005 00 Eerly Goodrich 4 6006 00 Bnrnott and Poaob Bloom 3 6004 00 TOBACCO—Per lb 85 to 1 60 GINGER— •• 3* PEPPER— 44 40060 FACTORY THREAD— fl 00003 00 * SHIRTING— 16016 ORSNABURGS— 18033 BUTTER—per lb 80040 Gotken " (6 EGGS-Por dox 30035 ATLANTA MARKET. Corrected expressly for the Griffin Soml-Wooklv Star. ATLASTA rnonuox AND provision mabkbt, bktobtkd ni STKPHXKB. FLYNN & 00., COMMISSION MXnOHANTS, FOBSTTU STBSXT, ATLANTA, OA. Atlanta, Ga., October 3,187a CORN—White, per boahel 1 1001 30 Yellow, 44 1 10 WHEAT—Tenn White, per bnsbel 1 80 Tonn. Red ■* 44 1 36 Georgia Red •• •• 1 101 30 RYE per bushel 1 30 BARLEY, per bushel 1 10 OATOper bushel..... 66080 FLOUR—Fancy, per aack 8 7604 00 Family, «• 8 8708 60 Extra, 41 Superfine, 44 3 8708 00 BACON—Shoulders, per lb 18 Hams, 44 33 Clear Sides, 44 I!!!!!!!'.’..*.'.’.'.'!!! *30030* HEAL* per bushel HAY—Tenn. per 100 tbs 1 80 Western, 44 178 LARD—In bbls. per lb 10 In cans, per lb 30 BUTTER, per lb 80086 EGGS, per dosen 35 IRIBH POTATOES, per bushel 8 00 to 4 00 FEATHEBS—New, per lb 76 VIRGINIA SALT, per sack 3 36 4-4 SHEETINGS, per yard 13 * SHIRTING, per yard 11 COTTON YARNS, per bunch 1 4601 60 PEACH BRANDY APPLE 44 3 0003 26 RECTIFIED WHISKY proof 1 3001 60 RYE 44 2 00 to 4 00 CORN •* —Country LIME, per bushel Grain Inactive. Baoon and lard firm; flour of best brands, such as the “Champion Mills,’ 4 So., found ree dy sales at our quotations. SAVANNAH COTTON MARKET. Our latest from Savannah, through A. M. Sloan k Co’s. Circular, la as follows: Tbtbsdat, September 39 The market has shown a good demand>t yesterday’s prices, but holders seem Indisposed to toll under 160 for e good style of Mid dling. Irregularity prevails and to quote correctly is almost impossible. We do to on the basis: Middling 14*@16e; Low Middling 14*014*0; Good Ordinary 13*o. The sales were 1,40* bales. LOUISVILLE MARKET. Corrected oxpreeely for the Griffin Semi-Weekly Star. BT VIAM, BABTLXT A CO., BBOXKHA. Lomjrvnxß, Ky., October 1, 1870. PORK—Men per brl SB4 86® 34 DO: Bump per brl, M; Jolee per 8001 b. brie, 16. LARD Kettle rendered leaf mixed 14 VQI4YS prime loaf 15; Prime eteem 14 V; kegs 17. BACON—Oleer Bides 17>,'; cleer rib aides 16V; •boulders, 14; Breakfast 19 | WHISKY—New Copper, free 1 40; one year old cop per 1 66; Raw 84. FLOUR—Fine $4 00; Superfine $4 <0: Extra 14 76; EUrm Family $6 36; A No. 1, $6 86; Fancy, $7 86. BULK MEATS—CIeer sidee, 16c; Cleer rib*; Shoulders, 18c. HAMS—Plmln Csnvmeeed, 23)fc; Ptaln uncenveeeed, 83V; Soger cured 84 Vc Magnolia none; Boer greet none; F. Lieb none* GRAIN—Corn, white, sacks 86c; Corn, yellow 84) Bye 80c; Berley $1 00® $l2O. BAGGING end ROPE—J. D. Flex, 3V lbs. per yard 80c; Kentucky, power loom 38 V; Machine rope none; Hand none; Twine 18a. IRON TIES—Lock ties IV; Buckle ties 5«. Bziubxs.—These quotations ere for this dey only. In filling orders we have arrangements by whioh our friends can have tho benefit of snoh markets as Chica go; Milwaukee; St. Joseph, Mo.; Kansu City; Leav enworth, Kansu; Indianapolis, Ind.; Oolnmbus, Ind.i Larayette, Ind.; Madison,lnd.; Cincinnati, etc., with out any extra charge to them If they see proper to purchase at these points. Omni Rnum on Mann*.—There ha* been good demand for sides sad shoulders past ten days.— we would advise our Mends to purchase only to fill pressing wants. The stocks are not large, but plenty until bulk meats will be on market CINCINNATI MARKET. Corrected expressly for the Griffin Semi-Weekly Star. CIKCWKATI FIIODUCX ABU FAOVUIOB KABBBT, OOBBSCT BD BT KOBBU A BBD>, PBODTJCE ABU TBOTIAIOg BBO xbbs, »o. 9, nn’aonuA bowl CnronntATr, Ohio, October 1,1870. PROVISIONS,—The market la firmer, and prloea generally stronger, but the demand still only for con sumption, though better than some days previous MEBB PORK—City packed held at 84 80; with soma jobbing sales at this; country sold at SB4. BULK MEATS—Shoulders am firm, with sales at 11 Vc loose; Bib sides sold at 14c loose, end not euy to buy at the dose; clear rib aides nominally quoted II fi)lsKc loo*©. BACON—Shoulders are quoted at no, but mostly held higher; Sides sold earfy at l*«17o; for clear rib and dear both packed, but now held at Vc®Vo higher, with light offerings. Sugar cured hams 340; canvass od ind ptokod. LARD—City kattled leaf 14Vo; Prime steam nomi nal at 14 vc. FLOUR—Demand local and light, but holders con tinue firm end prloea rule steady. We quote Family at $5 75® 16 25 as to brand the tatter for fancy; Extra, $6 60®$8 76; Superfine, $4 76®55 00, and low gmdea, $4 86®$4 60; Springffkmr, $6 76®56 00 as to quali ty and brand. WHISKY—High wines held at 86®86e per gallon to wooden and Iron bound oopnarage; with buyers ask ins oonoeMioiu of lo per eallou. HAY-We quote Timothy So. 1 sBo®BB. and lower grades sl6® 18 per tog on arrival and $1 00462 00 per Eries 4/JWIgAI }w «nrereori fc> dUanl«. Go., wa tori Mm Rail Boat. JwlO#. Per bW. Per ML Per 100 Par 100 Moon. Pork. Flour. Corn. Grain * Oats »* « M» $1 $6 MARKETS BY TKE.KORA.PH. l<>W ' “CSSS T UiK - afegmsp—i .1 ■ .———a. LOKWENSTEIN A PFEIFER Receiving Tlieir FALL - AND— WINTER Gr O O JD S* Call and see XJs. TiOfTW FNBTETN ft PFEIFER. B^toatbwtO^lim New A dvcrtisen\ents. J . A. B E E K « . ... f ill I. j Will!- Iji.'l i X am now receiving ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED MtOt* l<a. «» ■* «« «■ N In the City. LONG EXPERIENCE IN THE TRADE, enable mo to know tho wants of this community, and I oxpcct to be aide to givo entire satisfaction in GOODS AND PRICES, to all who favor mo with a call. l®“Thankfnl for the long and liberal patron age extended to mo, I most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same.-tM MV STOCK CONSISTS IN TART OE Staple fl and Dhy Qoods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Wagon ami Carriage Ma terials, Leather, Sngar, Coffee, Flour, Syrup, Molasses, Fish, Tobacco, Oils, Paints, Lon, Steel, Nails, Factory Thread, &c. ,T A 'RTTnETTR September 27, 1870. g m THE S T XT DEB AKEE "W AGON. Carriages, ißuggies, Express and Farm a o n s’, MANUFACTURED TO ORDER.-®# I®,,,Agents for the Celebrated Stride baker Wagon. September 27, 1870. OSBORN «fc BOLYE. .T O HTV I> . eE O RG E , | j| ~ | O-Basoment Corner, Hill & Solomon Sts., Grlffln, G«.V» for the sign of the “Gl'Ctli Barrel.” March 11, 1870. ly 18F0. Fall Announcement. 18F0. JT . C. KING, Corner of jEEill and Taylor Streets, Griffin, Georgia, ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC THM H « orß|<* Th K Fall C/u«r\i<i|t I[l Mire W DRY GOODS, Plantation Hardware, Wood nod 'Willow Wore, Ac. assisted by his old Corps of Clerks. With aH his energies directed to that end, he expects to make it to tho interest of the People tog continue the pat ronage wDich has heretofore been so liberally bestowed. PACKAGE GOODS. —I would especially ask those who buy Goods by the Package, to examine my prices before making Purchases. l&*Tlie closest buyer shall not go away dissatisfled.-®* OUR STOCK will consist at aU times of a complete assortment of Goods in my line, and of such duality as cannot fail to please. BALING STUFF. —We have in Btore a largo stoak of Bagging, Rope and Iron Ties, of the most approved brands, wliich we offer at lowest rates. September 2, 1870-6 m J. O. KING. wa-K 4 ! k T 4 B L I I II E D£l 8 1 l-#» Cushings it Halley, BOOK SELLERS and Stationers, ans Haiti more Street. Baltimore. hnvo th* largest *nd best remitted stock In th* City of School ftml Inw, Medtoal ttml Don tnl, ChuKHio;il mill MimollanßOUN ROOKS. M*Ao imißsnw supply of General Hunk red Counting Houm STATIONERY, blank Books mails to order in any style of Binding *r Ruling. gf»-Tho aamo enro ful attention given to ordors re to prreonai imrehwra. ’ Hand for Catalogues, Au. „ f o it ts t and: A SAFE KEY, which the owner con • get by calling it this ofltrs and paying fbr this advertisement. sjhull bslmtits to a ttnrnac kafo. May it, irrg* ts Lumber! Lumber ! JAM NOW prepared to furnish LUMBER infauy quantityjtayaOOD ;A8 Tins biter, '.and M LOW AS THE LOWEST.' |»U.T«BM Orehlou da llrery, WrOlvo meV all before purnMtfng «ta*> where, *O. & WASST. (iriflln, August SO, 1670. S Til VERY kind of Blnnks fbr lawyflf* A Justices of Uis Pmcr. Notary flWtfi A*., a* uutod vuit dtapeAcA at this ottos Head Ac Phillips nunss BRICK WARE HOUSE, jm soioMo.v STi:i:i:r, Y We are receiving a K 'A' OI K O FINK Whiskies, Brandies. Bin, and other Liquors. Also--A varlatjr of WINES, mid uamoroui choice an<l oornmou brands of Tokaaed ud Cigars. Wo shall keep this class cf Oooda oonatantlj on hand, to be sold at WHOLESALE and FOB CASH. Mu We invite the attention of the trade to our Goode end price*, eud gmuautee to SEI.L AS LOW OR LOWER, than the nme grade of Goods can be bought In other markets. WWe also guarantee ALL GOODS to come up to description. HEAD & PHILLIPS. Grtffln, September 30, 1870. 3m A NEW, E AIN I N G —AND— Instructive B oo *- THE MEMORIES OF 00 YEARS, Containing brief Biographical No tices of Distinguished Americans, and Anecdotes of remarkublo Men—inter spersed with Scenes nnd Incidents oc curring during a long life of observa tion chiefly spent in tho South-west. By \V. H. Sparks. Crown octavo; doth. tgLPrico, $2 50. For sale by H. T. BRAWNER & SON, August 9,1870. G. W. OOOK, of Monroe, j -{G. W. HEAD, of Butta. SOMETHING NEW! NOT FROM TIIE War in Europe, BUT FROM COOK & HEAD, WHO HEREBY ANNOUNCE TO THE PBorL*erQifirr | f> -AMD— SURROUNDING COUNTRY, fpHAT they have associated them solve* in bnilnoM for the purpose of nmninc • LIVE CONCERN. Our stock win conaiit of Groceries, Dry Goods, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. auo, Asaurx* fob n» piU*E!V |Mill* We would suggest to our numerous friends and acquaintances, and those who we have not met, that we can make it to their interest to avAminA our stock. •fir We have secured the servioes of that popular gentleman, Oapt. L D. Watson, of Batts, whose friends be will be pleased to see. At this Houm will also be found the genial face of Mb. G. D. Stewart, of Pike, who will be ever ready to serve his friends. amrOw Mb. Hbad leaves at onoe for the Northern Markets, to purchase a complete stock, in addition to the stock an head. MrOive ua a trial. OOOK ft HEAD, —T* ~ “~s - ~~r*- —TTT T Oil—, mil 14 l»m Uka I -A_ M ON IT. Q*Vocei^»es, Table Luxuries, A LL the delicacies of the GARDEN AND FIELD, for sale at my Store at Esgaa’t Old Stand, near the Poet Office. Ac Oysters. 80-I shell keep constantly on hand daring the Fel. eud Whiter, FRESH end FRESH OYSTERS. JAMES IS. ELIJS. September 80, 1870. BALTIMORE CLOTHING STORE. M.L. STRAUSE & CO, —DEALER* IN— CLOTHING. New Store! New Goods! New Prices! A S there is a general complaint about bard times, wo thought it advisable to open a New Store in Griffin, Georgia, In order to satisfy the citizens end country folks, siul keep them from complaining of HARD TIMES and SOABCITY OF MONEV. Asa natural consequence, the mure Stora, tkt LESS THE PRICES OF GOODS. Having a partner living North, and having the priv . lege of keeping posted in the market*, we are enabled to **ll cheaper than any other House.— We have one of the largest Wholesale Houses in Baltimore. dealing exclusively in CLOTHING. We are, there* fore, enabled to sell at 35 PER CENT. Icks than any other House in Griffin. « Intending to make Griffin our future home, we promise FAIR AND SQUARE DEALING, aud only beg the publio in general to give us a call, aa we pro mise to give them the worth of their money. Our stock ie KNTIKKL.Y NKW. aud it wUlhe a plcanuro for ua to ahow them. The Fall Season be ing at hand, we have laid in a atock accordingly, and any one in need of CLOTHING, HATS* CAPS, BOOTS, Oil SHOPS, will do well to call on BTRAUBE A CO , East aido Hill Street, next door to Brawner A Son’a September 37, 1870-tdocQ Book Stoic. ZELL’S Ammoniated Phosphate! W E are now receiving direct from BALTIMORE, our supply of this P O P IT I, A Tl FERTILIZER, for tho TURNIP uud WHEAT OROPB. L. R. BREWER & SOIY. July 33, 1870. 3m Alpha Ac Omega. Cash. Cash. MILLINERY. Mrs. S. A. Jackson to her friends and petrous, that she is again on hand for the Fell trade with a CHOICE STOCK OF f\U. \ND WIfJjEH QOODS. *9_Bhe will sell CHEAP FOR CASH, end CASH ONLY I My indulgenoe in the w*y of credit, lies Injured me badly, end I can continue it no longer. S. A. JACKSON, Agent, Over Drewry k (to., Hill Street, Grtffln, Ga. September SO, 1870. ts BiUiiery for tit IUIUr JJAVING permanently engaged the elegant suit of rooms over Flemister k Brooks 4 store FOR OUR |Milinei\y EsT\ BUS *tI* E NT we are fully prepared to furnish the ladies of Griffin end surrounding country with AU the latest style* of Fancy, Plain, —AND— Dress [Millinery. *@“Give ns a call.-©« M. A. HIGHTOWER & CO. . September 37, 1870. 8m THE LITTLeE SOLDIER, A WEEKLY Sunday School Fnricr. Eight pegs., beautifully Muatrated. retd sent to subscribers on the following terms for single coulee; Twice s month, 60 cent* s year; every we*. $1 00 e year; two or more oopiee of the Weekly, to different addresses, 76 cents each; four or more oopiee to one address, 60 cents each; fifty coplea to one address, 46 cents each; one hundred copies to one address, 40 oento each. Two or more copies of the Semi-Weekly to different addreuee, 40 cents each; four or more co- . plea to one address, 86 oenta each; fifty copies to one address. 38V cents each; one hundred copies to one address, 80 oenta each. **Jpelmen oopiee sentftee. BT Address J. W. BURKE fc 00., September 37, 1870-St Macon, Os. M E. KENNY’S New Ale Depot, No. 4 Pryor Street,? ~n J.. ATLANTA GEORGIA. J£ENNY is State Agent for the cele brated OLD WICXLZFFK. AW-KINNY l* Agent fto LUl's CHICAGO ALE. gVKENNY Is Agent for LONDON ROYAL NEC TAR GOf. AV-KXXNY is Agent fbr OLD TOM GEN. dOTUNNY meuukstarea ALL GRADES OF SB OARS. toST*^ttSn? m *““ n,,oi W “ o * Ued “• .n FM rWerulugl :• . '■ 4 a t.t. partiea indebted to the late firm WO. A. A H. C. CUNMINGMAM, ortomyaelf Icdirkl oaUjr, nr. hereby notified that If «toy do not come up wore pily sstd aetUe, they wUI find their etalm. tuthe hAßda of the eott*(Mn|7 edfiesre, as I eameot waltaay im«w. o. a cummaßAM -1 tavfiMaber If, IMS, . «t v .