Griffin semi-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1868-187?, October 04, 1870, Image 4

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alghtingAffi, wh<Ti arrived last Wednes went at one thousand dollars per night, a ****N«w hly from sen moknees durin&ihe early part of her voyage. She il of medium height, and her figure is wonderfully suited to the stage. Her chief charm lies in the expression of her face, which is singularly sweet and open. Her eyes are blue, and, in acting, become as expressive as the notes which fall from her lips. He hair is flaxen, and of great length and thickness. Her profile is almost Greek in its regulari ty, and her mouth completes a face which hits long bc§n renowned for beauty, even among the many beauti ful faces ou the operatic stage. Mile Nilsson was dressed in white tulle with an overskirt of white silk.— Around - her exquisitely formed neck was a massive gold chain, from which hung a horseshoe formed of magnifi cent pearls. She were very massive gold bracelets, and her hair was adorn ed with a crescent of diamonds. Ev erybody was charmed with the child like naivete of her manner. Her smfle is peculiarly fascinating, her teeth be ing beautifully formed, and her lips the richest ruby. A Remabkaulk Shibt.—Editors have a first rate time in Texas. The ladies of a town out there have givou to the oditor of the paper 1 an embroidered shirt, which contains a pictorial histo ry of Texas, including the war with Mexico, and tho meeting of the first legislature, and also pictures of the fruits and cereals of the State, all work ed in red worsted. The editor never wore a shirt in his life, and he thought it was a banner for tho temperance procession which was to come off the next week. So ho made a little speech of thanks, in which he said ho would “fling it out forever to tho breezes of heaven, that they might kiss its folds, and that until his band palsied it should never bo trailed in tho dust— never!” The ladies didn’t understand him; and when ho talked about its trailing they blushed, and said they were very sorry they made it so long. But a committee man took tho editor nside, and explained the|slnrt to him in a whisper, and the next day ho appear ed at the office with tha shirt mounted over his coat, and wrote four columns of explanation for his paper. Tho shirt is much admired by tho boys of tho town, and whenever the editor goes out for a walk, they follow him in reg iments, studying tuo history of Texas and the fine arts off tho back of it Some time aoo it was announced that a man at Titusvillo committed suicido, for tho strango reason that ho had dis covered ho was his own grandfather, 110 left a dying statement, explaining this singular affair: ‘I married a widow who had a grown-up daughter. My father visited our houso vory ofton, fell in lovo with my stepdaughter, and mar ried her. So my father bocoamc my son-in-law, and my stepdaughter my mother, becanso sue was my father's wife. Some time after, my wife had a Bon; ho wasmy father’s brother-in-law, and my uncle, for ho was tho brother of my stepmother. My father’s wife—i. e., my step-daughter—had also a bod; he was, of course, my brother, and, in the meantime, my graiulchid, for he was the son of my daughter. My wife was my grandmother bocuso she was my mother’s mother. I was my wife’s husband and grandchild at the same time. And os tho husband of a person’s grandmother is his grandfather, I was my own grandfather.’ The Man “Without an Enemy.”— Heaven help tho man who imagines ho can dodgo “enemies” by trying to please everybody! H snob an indivdual ever succeeded, we should bo glad to know it Not that we beliovo in a man’s goiug through the world trying to find beams to knock his head against; dis puting every man’s opinion ; fighting and elbowing and crowding all wlio dif fer from him. That again is another extreme Other people have ft right to their opinions—so have you; don’t fall into the error of supposing they will respect you less for maintaining it—or respect you more for turning your coat every day to match tho color of theirs. Wear yonr own colors, spite of wind and weather, storm or sunshine. It costs tho vacillating and irresolute ton times the trouble to wind, and shuttle, and twist, that it doos honest, manly independence to stand its ground. Take what time you pleaso to make up your mind; bat having made it up, stick to it! Milk and Water. —A Dutchman hod made a handsome fortune in Philadel phia by selling milk. Ho started off for Holland, his homo, with two bags ofgold pieces. When on board hccouut cd one bog of his dear treasure. A mis chievous monkey chanced to watch his operations. As Boon as the counted bag had been replaced and tied up, Jocko seized it and soon found his way to the masthead. Ho opened the bag, and after eyeing the brilliant gold, pro ceeded to drop one piece on the deck nnd another in the water, until he had emptied the bag. When he had fin ished, the Dutchman threw up his arms, exclaiming: “Pyjinkos, he must bn do dyvol, for vat como from do voter ho give to de voter, and vat oome lrom de milk he does give to me I” A Flourishing Georgia Family.— The Romo Daily Commercial of the 22d says: We noticed on the train, yesterday, • Mr. Casein, who has been living in Griffin, Go., but who has determined to make Rpme his home. Ho haddim family with him, and thero wero just thirteen of them. The oldest boy was fifteen years old, and the mother just twenty-eight; and a finer-looking, plumper, healthier lot of children we never saw. The mother is as jaunty, fresh-looking and graceful as a girl of nineteen. It is our opinion that the father should bo pensioned by the city and turned out to graze. Ho has gone to Pryor’s station to forage for a while and will thou oome to Rome, where he will meet with a hearty welcome. )&.Teacher in New Orleans Sunday school was examining his boys, nnd asked them “ Who was Pontius Pilate ?” when one of the boys, with a smile of triampb, exclaimed, “ I know, Mr. ; he was toe pilot of theß. E. Leo." J9*A young lady, about to be mar ried says she will not promise to "love honor and obey,” bat will say, instead, “love, honor, and be gay." -c, t A DMINISTRA.TORB SALE—Gecar taTare** vrtttbe sold topre? "utUH of Land oos hundred and forty-nine, (it 9) containing two hundred two and a half acre*, more or SZShI any sore* ate* it chared. ft* balance In <te wood* and wall Umbered. 2mL Beeft half cf Lot ntunbor ooe hundred and of ft* south-east comer of Lot number on* hundred snd forty-one, the same befog the Horn* Flaoe snd Im arova(arete. It has about seventy sen* cleared, and Soot tblrtv-aix acre* In tha wood*, wall timber ed; lone bottom land 3rd. One bnndrcd teres, mere er tea. off «f Lot of Land number one hundred and (tarty. (1*0) the aame bring all of ted Lot lying and beta/on tha went aide of thoZabuks Bead. *U In tha woods and well tim bored, except about right acres. ith. Ooe handled ions, more or tea. off of Lot number one hundred and forty, (1*0.) tha asms befog entbeaetd lot lying and befog on tha ate atda ot the Zebulon Bono—about eighty acree of th* lean being In tha woods and well timbered, the bnlano* Is dear ad. All of said Lands being (Unite about one and n half miles south of theCtty of Griffin. At the aame time and piece will bo sold. Lot of Land Dumber nerenty nlne, In the IMh district, 2nd section of Oberokee county, containing forty acres, more or leas. Said bonds wfll be aoM In paresis as abov* de scribed. gauPersona deairing small valuable places near Gridin, would do well ip examine the location end qaaltty of aaid Land* before tha daff of ada Bald linos are better for farming purposes than moat of the Lands near Griffin, and that portion in th* woods has mote timber on it dun any Land near tha dir. The same will be sold for the benadt of the heirs and creditor*. Terms: Ono-half cash; tho balance twelve months credit, with Interest from date, at 7 per cent, bond for title* given to make deed when all Urn pur chase money 1* paid. WThs Cherokee Lot win bo sold entirely for cub. M. M. ISON, Administrator with the WEI annexed. September dp, 1870-I'i-s fce gas 00 A DMINISTRATOR’B BALE—State ll of Georgia. Spalding County.—By virtue of in Older from tho Court of Ordinary of ted oonnty. will be told before tho oonrt-honw door, in the CITY Off GRIFFIN. >n ted county, daring leal mlo hour*, on the first Tuesday is December next, tho fol lowing property, to-wit: lot of Lend number thirteen, in the lit District of originally Monroe, then Pike, now Scalding oonnty, containing two hundred two and* half acre*, more or lea*, except ten asm* In the north-east oorner, A I*o— hot number fourteen, in the mme diitriot and county, except *0 much thereof a* is Included In the widow s dower. Said Lands have there good framed dwelling house with six rooms, ordinary out build- Inga, gin house and screw. This la splendid farming Land, with fifteen acre* of Ana bottom land, a portion of which la now suitable for cultivation. Tho Land la situated on Lino Creek and Flint Biver, fourteen mile* from Griffin. Sold aa the proportr of the Estate of Beverly May nard, late of aaid county, deceased. Titles good— Terms: Half cash; half twelve months—bond for ti tle*, and doed executed when tho last payment la made Sold for tho benefit of the lielr* and creditors. M Eli EDITH MAYNARD, Administrator of Beverly Maynard, deceased. September 30, 1870-Pr> foe *ls 00 A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—WiII X V sold before the courthouse door. In the City of Griffin, ou tho FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT, between tlio legal hoars of sals, ono small House and Lot, situated on the west side of mil Street, and Immediately north of the residence of Dr. Prichard. Sold aa the property of Miss Mary Cash, late of Spalding county, deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms cash. A. C. PRICHARD, Administrator. September 18, 1870-Pr's fee f5 TG'XEOUTOR’S SALE.—WiII bo sold la before tho court-house door in the City of Grif fin. on the FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT, between the legal hours of sale, two lots of Land, con taining too acre*. Inclusive, Nos. 411 and SO, lying In Die Srd (Thrower's! District, 8 miles oast of Gridin, and ou the ltiilgo Road. About half in a high state of cultivation: balance In tho woods. Also, a quantity of goi>d bottom land. Good dwellings and good out house*. Hold aa the Real Estate of Moses Slmonton, late of Hpidillng county, deceased. ffir-Terms cash. W. B. SIMONTON, Executor. September 8, 1870-Uls-lVs fee $5 Atiminisimtor’s Sale. BY virtao an order of tho Court of Ordinary, wll! be sold bofor© tho Court-House dor iu tho city of Griffin, betwocn tho hours, on tho flrot Tuomlfty in October noxt, tho followinK lot belonßluit to tho estate of A. E. Marshal, late ot Fulton county UecoMcd, to-wit: Hix acres of laud, moro or Inss, lying and being in tho city of Griffin, known oh tho Marshal Coilego lot, with all tho land pertaining thereto. Bounded on the south by laon, on tho east by street, on tho west by lot G. A. Doyal occupied in IHT.7. on tho north by lot then occupied by Niohols. Hold for the benefit of heirs and ccdltors. Terms, one-half canh, balance in four mouths* O. C. OHEVESJ, Adniniatrator. August 23, 1870. G 1 EOHOIA— SrALDiNo Oouimr. Sixty days after T date application will bo mado to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Spalding couuty, for leave to sell the lamia belonging to tho Estate of B. Maynard, lato of said county, dec caned. MEUEDITU MAYNARD, Administrator. Auguat 30, 1870-Pr’a fe© $3 G 1 EOKGlA— Hpaluing County. Sixty days aftor r date, application will bo mado to tho Honorable Court or Ordinary of Rpaldlnu county, for leave to sell Ural fiatato—a Hon no and Lot In tho City of Grif* fin—the property of 8. O. Mitoholl, Jr., late of aaid futility t J. It. VUTCUELL, Atliu’r. Auguat IC, 1870-Pr'n fee $3 Georgia —spaldino county. —Jndoth m. i/ock hart appliea for Exemption of I’ernonalty and Ret ting njnirt and valuation of Homestead, and 1 will pass upon the aame at my office, in Orillia, on tho 30th iu nUnt. at 10 o'clock, A. M. F. D. DISMUKE, Boptombor 20, IM7O. Ordinary. 01 EOUGl.V—Spalding Cotnty. Whereas, A. J. 7 Maddox, Administrator eu tho Eetato of C. J* Mn«lilux, deceased, auplfea to mo for Letters of Dis uiiHsion from Raid me. Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish ell i*artiee concornod, to be and ap p.-ar at my offico within tho time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why letters of diamia* Hion should not bo gran tod Raid applicant. Given un der my hand at office, this 23d September, 1870. F. D. DISMUKE, Ordinary. September 23, 1870-wlm-Pr’a foo $0 "a SSIGNEE’S SALE—Under a de- J\- creo lu Bankruptcy, will bo sold at MILNER, In Pike county, Georgia, on THURSDAY, tho 20ili day of OCTOBER, at 12 o'clock, tho intercat of Albert V. Vaughan, Bankrupt, in three hundred and alxtoen Heron of land, (excepting ucvonty-flvo acres to be laid off oh a homcntfrtd. including tho dwclUng.) the same be lug lot No. 224, oighty acres, west of tho road, on luU 223 and 228, and thirty-three and one-third acres in tho Houth*cast eornot t*f lot 223—a1l in tho tiocond !>iatrk-tof originally Monroe now Pike comity. Bold for the benefit of tho creditors of Albert B. Vaughan, Bankrupt. GKO. F. WESTMORELAND, September 27, 1870-20d Assignee. A DMINISTKATOIiS SALE Byvir .XX. tue of an ordor of tho Conrt of Ordinary of Butts couuty, o*., will bo sold before tho court-house door, in the tovru of JAURBON, between tho legal hourß of bale, ou tho FIItST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBEII NEXT, the following Lauds belonging to tho Estate of David Higgius, late of said county, deceased, to-wit: Two Hundred and Fifty (360) Acres of Land, known as tho “Smith llaoo;" ami Fonr Hundred (400) Acres, known as tho “Atkin Pisco;’* adjoining the Lands of G. W. Barber, Jack Vickers, J. W. Hoard, James Crittenden and Mm. Lawsou. Raid Land lying and being In tho 14tli District of originally Monroo now Butts county, ami oth District of origlually Ilonry now Butts coun ty, about two mlloH east of Indian Hpring. Hold for distribution. jmtTEUMS CASH. 11. H. UIGGINB, Administrator. September 20, 1870-Pr's fee $lO A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By j. lL virtue of au order from the Court of Ordinary of liutU county, (la., will bo told botoro tho court house door, in the town of JACKHON, between tho 1* gal hours of Halo, on tho FIKBT TUESDAY IN NO VEMBER NEXT, tho following Lauds belonging to the Estate of Thomas J. Dearing, lato of said county, divoased, to-wit; Lot of Land No. 217, In the Bth Dis trict of originally Henry now Butts county. Sold for distribution. *.%.TEUMS CASH. JOHN L. FINCHER, Administrator. GEORGIA —Bnrrs County.—Whoroas, Mary L, Ly ons applies for Letters of AdminiHtration on tho tutato of James U. Lvmui. t 1... u ... j 1.,.,, fore to cite all persons eonoerned. to be appear at my oflico within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any exist, why such letters should not bo granted. Given undor ray hand and official signature, at office. WILEY GOODMAN, Ordinary. August Printer's feo $5. GEORGIA— Butth CouitTT.—Sixty days after date, application will bo made to tho Honorable Court of Ordinary of Butts county for loave to soil tho Real Estate of James A. McCuno, lato of said county do ocaMod. W. K. TIIAXTON, Administrator do bouts uou cum tostamento anuexo. __July_22, 1870-Pr’n fco KOUGIA—Bmn Couuty.—Dawson Heath applies \JT to mo for Exemption of Personalty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and 1 will pass up on tho same, at iuy office In Jackson, on the Ist day of October, 1870, at 10 o'clock, A. M. WILEY OOODMAN, Ordinary. September 23, 1870>2t f 1 KOUGIA—Butts CoiraTT.—Mrs. M. C. Shreds ap- VX plies to me for ExviupUouof Personalty aud set ting Mldb and valuation oTtlomosteia, aud f will pass 3 ton the same, at my office in Jackson, on the Ist day Octolter, 1870, at 10 o'clock, a. M. WILEY GOODMAN, Ordinary • .September 23, JL£?o»2t (1 EOIIGIA—B VT T s County. Forty days after X date, application will be mado to the Honorable Oburt of Ordinary of Butts couuty, for leave to sell the i.'-al Estate belonging to the Estate of Robert W. TjyrbH, late of said con iffy, ffreoasod. HENRY HENDRICK, Administrator. September 23, Im7g Pr'a Am $8 R’S HAlJS—Agreeable to A J au order of tho Honorable Coart of Ordinary of Hlin couuty, will lx Kid before the coart-houec door. In the town of ZKBTILON, in mUi! rouuty, on tho FlitdT TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT, within the Triimfhoar* of sale, 10214 wren, of Lend, oil of Lot No. 103. adjoining the Lamia of Mr*. Bar ker Jordan, end other*; aleo. Lute No. 910. 333 end 311, and pvt of Lota No. 210 nnd 237, lying In the nth District of Eiii! county, in the vicinity of Elat Shoala. end belonging to tile Estate of Caleb COrtla. deceased. Sold for distribution auioug the heir., V. H- CURT® Executor. August 12. 1870-tU-Pr’s too IS bissolutlon of (foimrlnei-sliip. 'VTOTTCK is hereby given that My J. V eounection with the Arm of JUoeney, Ilovd ft (jo Manufacturers end TViler. In KnmUitre, h». ibn day coved- having eold my entire Intereat In the business U Vr. f.)l*i d.'White >inli f rteeunmi. nit llnblliliea TCiiirh iii»v in any way nila. li to tno by reaaoii of my umuecMm with saMUmi. GItAS. K- lUUIVES. jiy hie attorney in toot, 0. J. DRAKE. September X UTO-lm A RARE CHANCE For Inveatment For Bale I For Sale ! AX matMo Outcry! th. w»oia Lot. i. U»Smm of .SENOIA... wfß Da sou a* PUBIJO OUTCRY, coremeartag on Moadax, 17th day of October next, at 10 O’elock, A. M. *ff-T»tas wtn be ran daily to and Irecu Griffin and Savon, morning and evening, giving att parties wish ing to attend tha sale, an opportunity to do so FREE OF CHARGE. A. J. WHITE, President 1, CO.. » August a, mo-ta* william a barnes. Land for Sale! A PLANTATION containing 500 lx. A ssm, 175 cleared, and tho balsam WELL TIMBERED with Oak and Hickory; 100 acrca of well drainod No. 1 Bottom Land, and none of the Upland worn out, are 6 good tenant's honaea, and 3 dwelling*, a fine gin houae and acrew, good barn, .table* ana cribs. Premise* well watered and healthy. Situated 1 mile* from Bear Oreek Station, on the Macon h Western Railroad.— Priced, 0,000 Dull. Apply to J. M. CAMPBELL. September 33, 1870. lm finFplantation for SALE I QITUATED immediately on the Gris- O fin North Alabama Railroad,o miles from Griffin, 3 from Sharon Grove—containing 800 ACRES of splendid farming land, *0 teres well drained RICH! BOTTOM LAND. One hundred acres of wood land, with an abundance of fine timber. Ton acres of or. chard of choice peaches. Fine m w dwellings with 8 rooms, good out buildings, beautifully located, pleas ant neighborhood, healthy location and good water.— Terms made easy. Premises will be shown by J. M. G. PEAKSON. September 37, 1870. 3w VALUABLE Property for Sale I I WILL SELL the following proper ty, belonging to the Estate of the lato Judge Jas. H. Stark: A LARGE and CONVENIENT RESIDENCE —Hlnated on a omsacre Lot, near tho Femalo College, In Griffin, oa. firU contain* 8 targe rooms, and lias all necessary out-honses. Just west of tho College, and couth of the residenoe, are* one-half acre Lota, unimproved. Also, THE PLANTATION 4>£ miles north from Griffin, 3 miles east from Sunny Side Station, containing 706 Acres, 100 acres of good creek bottom, snd about 300 acres of cleared land, well watered and well timbered, and on the premises Is a GOOD MILL HITE. There are 8 tenant’s houses and a good framed Gin Honse. tffl will also 101 l Gtn, Thrash, E'en, Stock, Cattle, Wagon, Ac , Ac., with tho filaco. This Is oousldored one of the best Plantations u the county. Also—Unimproved Lands In Cherokee Dooloy, Dade and Haralean counties, Cos., and Brazo ria county, Texas. garTcrme— ’4 cash; H in twelve months; and H in 2 years, with interest. Call on Oapt O. 8. STARK, who will show the property. MAItY ANNE STARK, Septombor 30, 1870-2 m Executrix. VALUABLE Farm fox* Sale. HAVING determined to quit farm lug, 1 offor for salo ouo of the BEST FARMS in MidUlo Goorgia, containing Five Hundred Acres, 240 tu cultivation—7s of which is as good Crook Bot tom as there Is in the Btate; tho bolanco heavily tim bered. On the premises are four comfortable settle ments for tenants, excellent Gin House, Screw, Ac.— or ou me on the promises, 0 miles south-west of Zob ulon. Pike county. :M~Priee *5,000. September 2, 1870-lm JOHN P. GARNER. FOR BALE! I OFFER FOR SALE that valuable Tract of Laud containing EIGHTY-EIGHT AND TWO-THIRD ACRES, near Griffin, adjoiulng It. P. McWilliams, Esq., Capt. H. P. Hill and Colonel W. H. White, and known aa tho OLD BHIOIC YARD IH.ACE, all in the woods. No Improvements about it. -83*20 acres of GOOD BOTTOM LAND ou it. C. S. STARK. Boptombor 9, 1870. lm LIVERY STABLE FOR SALE I A SI am determined to change my business, I offer my STOCK, or any number of them, for sale. *5-1 will dlsposo of my WJIOLK LIVKKY STABLE at a FAIR PRICE, to a CASH CUSTOMER. J. H. JOSSEY. asr All pomoofl indebted to me, will p’oago come up immediately and settle all accounts , otherwise they will bo placed iu tho hands of an oificor for collection. September 20, 1870. 4t W W WOODRUFF CARRIAGE -AND— Buggy Repository, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. T INVITF. THE ATTENTION o[ Ml pereons, to my well assorted Block of BUGGIES, top nnd uo top. I am now Belling Buggies at from 1125 to |250. lam prepared to ftll ordora for any klud of Carriages, Pliwtoiw, Hacks, and Jersey Wagons. THE Woodruff Concord BUGGY —AND— Plantation Wagon, for 1,2, 4 and « horacs, le TIIE BEST WAGON IN AMERICA FOR TUR MONEY 1 89-1 hsvo hod an oxporicuco of tuikty years iu furnishing work for tho Southern States, aud know ex actly what is wanted to ataud tho roads. Constantly on hand, tlio Wood ruff Concord Buggy with Sarvau’s Pa tent Wheels.^# Oil-All Work tally wnrranlwl.^# W. W. WOODRUFF. Auguat 12, 1870. 3m 00-MULCBFOU NAI.K-W CASH Oli CHEDIT. MULES—large or small— In good order, young and eouniL ttvj.Wlll be sold am a credit, if desired. I. M. W. niLL. Anguet 1, 1870. ts TJDB’HT, AND PRO WTABLE EMPLOYMENT gnamnteed to persons In every part of the country. 811IU0I0 for Ladies or UuilltuitMU, Boys or Girls. t3uAiUr<wi lttila Ccßtnrjr Publlcstlon C»„ Jones , mo-ts CtariMton, S. 0 OOBSOLIDATIOM / i Jk 7|jpjpk * PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON •. ’'*• ? t • ’• ril 4 < . - - . *! n ■' :, V.ii LIFE •- 1 : WM Insurance Oompanv, RICHMOND 33-Home Offico, North-eaat oorner Main and Ninth Streets* Assets Over $1,500,000. !fet anrpluß ov» r 300,000 Pol If tea Isaartl in two year* over B,oo* gHOWING a success beyond prece dent. Issues on Mutual, Non-Forfoitlng and Rotnra Premium Plans. Dividend paid on whole life policies, 40 per oent., whtoh proves the ooonomy of its man agement and its careful selection of risks. WM. C. CARRINGTON President. J. E. EDWARDS Vice President D. f. HARTBOOK Secretary. J. J. HOPKINS Asaistant Secretary. I. E. WOLF.... suporlutendont cf Agenotoa G. T. .TONES, Gccu&lAgont for Middlo aud North Goorgia. S. 0. WEEMS, Agent Griffin, Go. No right ,;f old poliey holder* will be affected; they will continue to pay the eamo rale as before; to hold the same policies as before; to have the same rights, benefits and privileges as before, and bavo equal pres ent security with greater future boneflt than before.— AU renewals of old policies will be In the name of the now Company, under special authority from the re spective Directors of the old Companies. A uow Cliartor was obtained with tho rights of poll cy holders guaranteed, and we call special attention to tho following desirablo features In said Cliartor : “Sootion 2. Tho business of tho Company shall bo to make Insurance on the lives of individuals In all the branchee of Lifo Insurance; to grant, purchase or dis pose of annuities or re-insure risks.’* “Soctiou t, The business of tho Company sliall be conducted ou the plan of distributing to tho policy holders the PROFITS OF TIIE BUSINESS, as herein after provided, unless by the consent of tho assured tho policy selected la nou-parttcipating.” “Section 15. This Company may issue policies on tho lives of husbands aud parents, or others, for the benoflt of wives aud families, or othor beneficiaries in terested in their Uvos—as ancestors, descendants, cred itors or dependents, aud tho same sbaU not be liable for the debts or contracts of the assured, except as provided in the poUclos issued.” “Section 18. The Company may Issue policies paya ble in gold ; provided, premiums are paid In the eame.” “Section 18. Tho permanent investment of fnnds sliaU be in mortgages or leina on unencumbered Beal Eatato worth double tho amount loanod." Wo would also call attention to the rights recured in policy as part of the contract. Bights of party to non-forfoitnre In all Its policies. Bights of party to reinstatement—paid up policy, and enrrendor value where “Intervention of armies” or any oilier cause cuts the Insured off fro:;, homo of fice. This feature, omitted in policies of Northern Companies, cost the Southern people very heavily In the last war, and should mako them sock tlio only Company that provides against such contingency In future. Some Companies now have in their policies, that parties who “take up arms against" certain nam ed States, “or the United States." reuder their policy null and void. This is making certain what was be fore uncertain, and is too great a mingling of politics, war and Ufo insurance. "THE TIEDMONT AND ARLiNGhON" has s model charter and model policy, plainly stating rights of parties, and guarding those rights against sacrifice. This Company has fully complied with tho requlre meuts of the Suite law, with regard to the deposits with Comptroller General, S3o,l«K>. It gives dividends at tho end of the first year, when all cash le pafd. and of second year, when part loan la taken. The ail cash plan is unreservedly recommend ed as in evnry way most aatlsfoctory. We now confidently appea' to every one Interested in Soulliern prosperity to look to their interests, by sustaining thoir own Institutions, and thereby estab lishing that self confidence without which there can be no permanent prosperity, hoar In mind that al ready ovir $10,000,000 a nominally sent North tor Life Insurance, taking so much from our strength, and thereby giving additional power loom oppressors. We offer a solid, reliable Lite Ineuranoe Company. In the bauds of men of the highest Integrity, with abundant as nets, reoent risks, the most soenre of all investments, pledged to retain within the Slate of Georgia all funds sconcing therein, and. Indeed, pre senting erory advantage that can bo desired; and we only ask a full examination late tho superior merits of the "PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY" to Insure your patronage. The consolidation of the two popular Virginia com panies le bill of advantage to the policy holders of both companies. Its expenditures will be last and with less relative risk. The future dividends will be more certain, and a better reserved fund crested. CALL ON HAITI EL C. WEEMS, Agent for Griffin and sarronndlng Counties' December 14, MM If 1 \ i RA-SSENGER^ 1 desiring to visit axy or the N ortliern, Bo\ith.ern, Eastern, or WBSTHEN OITIIBe SHOULD STUDY WELL THE ATTRACTION OFFERED-«* —BY M»— Western & Atlanta Rail Road, THE CELEBRATED PASSENGER R O U T E OF THE SOUTH. THE ONLY ROUTE FROM ATLANTA —RUNNING A DOUBLE— Daily Through Passenger Train. Preventing the possibility of a delay of twenty-four hours (24) incident to lines running bnt ONE DAILY TRAIN. hi l *@» The Passenger Equipment of this Road is superior to that of any Road in the South."®* IN ADDITION TO THE LixarUiß Coaches OF THE ROAD Thoro are attached to all night trains THE FAR-FAMED PUIiEiKAN SLEEPERS, Which furnish accommodation equal to a first-class Hotel. J&*There are on sale, at reduced rates, for summer seivion, Tickets to Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, Alleghany Springr, Coyner’s Springs, Black Springs, Warm Springs, Little Sweet Springs, Montvale Springs, Bedford Alum Springs Bersheba Springs, Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, Lookout Mountain, Natural Bridge, of Virginia, Mammoth Cave, Hot Springs, of Arkansas, Niagara Falls. AND ALL OTHER RESORTS IN THE UNITED STATES. jM*This is the only Road io-the South offering for sale through tick ets to Yokohama, Japan, Hioga, Japan, Hong Kong, Chinn, Shanghai, China, Nagaski, China. STEAMERS LEAVE San Francisco fob China and Japan, On the first day of each month. X9*Tickets can be purchased in all tho principal cities. Baggage checked to destination and handled free. Ask for Tickets via Wctftsn & Atlantic Railroad. B. W. WRKNN, General Passenger and Tloket Agent a. l. n Aitms, Master TraaporiaUon and Supervisor. FOSTER BLODGETT, Superintendent La M. HARRIS, Southern reftffyr tm*e •->. JuncJ2l, 1870. If BAD BLOOD!, 1 1 ■ uirltJL Rn-viTj ilizr iifithiit s+ar.’- u, {ff iiX if ''Ui * ‘M-j '' t * -' ‘The Life is the Blood-’ i . ,;;v r ' •»“ trUsif j I i'iJ *♦': . .V * ’ ' T7ROM it we derive our strength, J? beauty,andmantal eapabtlltte. Hlattmeaojte of oux being, around which revolve* all that mate* existence happy. When this aonna la wreoptod. tha painful effects are risible In many shapes, prominent among which M SCROFULA. Thlil* a taint or Infection of the human organism, and probably no one la wholly free from it. It exhih- SS?SSE| from the Noetrila, Eruption*, Gtedute Swelling*, Throat Affectioua, Rhenmatiam, Heart Afiteettoim. Her gSStSSa It tea bem the custom to treat there ffiaeaaea with Mercury and other Mlnartl aubetmoea. wtileh though sometimes producing a cure, often prove Injurious and entail* misery in after life. The long known In jurious properties of these wrestled alterative* and purifiers, has led the philanthropic*! man of science to explore the arena of nature, the remit of which has been the .Recovery of vegetable products which goarere th* power of eradteteng three taints from the Dr. T utt’s COMPOUND EXTRACT OF BBRHAPARTT.LA AND COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT. Is the acknowledged antidote to all Blood Disease*. By Its use the afflictions above enumerated, can be permanently banished, and the Source—the Cen tre or Lire—th. Mood—be maintained in all ita parity and rigor. For Diseases produced by the vase ot Mercury, and fbr Syphilis, with its train of Evils, this Compound is THE ONLY SURE ANTIDOTE! To the poor creature, enfeebled in mind and body, in secret practices, whose nerve* are unßtrung, and countenance downcast, the SAKSAPABILL A —ANI>— Queen’s Delight la a blessing. Try it fairly, and your nerve* will be restored to their wonted vigor, and your dejected countenance be made radiant tri th the consciousness at RESTORED MANHOOD. Being free from violent minerals, it la adapted to goncmluse. The old and young may use it; tho most delicate female at any time may take it; the tender in fant, who may have inherited disease, will be eared by It FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD USE D K. T U T T’ S —EXTRACT OY— “Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight.” When used In the Spring, it removos all humors which infest the system; and banishes ths languor and debility peculiar to that season of the year. It acts promptly op the LIVER snd KIDNEYB, producing a healthy action of the Important organs by which all the impurities of the system are carried off, and the resultla u Clear Hlxtn, a. Good Appetite and Buoyant Spirits, PBEFABXD BT Wm. H. Tutt & Land AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. 49-And sold by Druggists everywhere. April 28. 1870. Cm BOTTOM’S Gelebrated Horn Power GUST GEAR! First Premium at all Fairs where exhibited ! A saving of 50 per cent, of mule flesh guaranteed I R. FINDLAY’S SONS, Findlay’s Iron Works, Macon, Ga., Sola Manulhoturers fbr Georsia. *®.Send for descriptive Circulars. Orders for these Powers will be prompt ly filled by BUS. P. JOHNSON, Agent, Griffin, Ga. Agency for Hie Griswold Gin. O GIN MADE has given more gen eral satisfaction. With the advantage of all late real improvement!. It la again offered to the public. Soma Gins oust men money, bat non# CAN TURN OUT MORE LINT COTTON tn a given time. Price, S4IOO par saw, delivered at Griffin. 49-1 am aleo Agent for the Utley Presa, which hM had all defect! remedied, and many improvement* added. A large stock of most approved Turning and Subsoil Plows, kept on hand. And any and til Unit of IMPLE MENTS and MACHIKERY furnished to order al man ufoctorere prices, with freight added. 49-My effloe and store-room are well supplied with Outs, Price List snd Sample! of all the late Inven tions, aa wen at the standard and time-teated Ma chines. All can have their wants supplied in kind by thetr own selection, at BXAon.vmanutocturor*! price* mid freight. AU interested an minted to OsU and ex amine. RUSSEL P. JOHNSON, Agricultural Depot, Hill Street, Griffin, da July*, 870. Sm A Proda.mation. GEORGIA. j BY RUFUS B. BULLOCK, , v ,. ' Governor of said State. fetF," • —' » Wsrtuus. It has been reported to this Department that on the night of the 17ft instant, a party of ate gntsed men. six In jramber. want to the house of Al bert, Wilson, a colored dtlaen, melding In the 117 ft District, O. M., Hancock county, and after shooting him, the aaid Albert Watson, the hall passing through the front part of his abdomen, took him some dis tance from his residence and cruelly boat him with sticks averaging from one to one and a half inches in diameter; and Where**, It is also officially repotted that them is no aecurity for the life of persons residing In Han cock county who take sny active steps to prevent theso outrages, or to bring their perpetrators to justice; and Whereas, This is the third outrage of this character has boon perpetrated In the oonnty of Hancock within a reoent period; and Whereat, By reason of the unrestrained operations of the masked banditti, the naaoe and good order of the aaid oonnty of Hanoook la being jeopardised and violated; and Whereas, Extraordinary effbrts seem to he neoeaaary to itlmulate the ettixena of said county to the arrest and punishment of these midnight assassins; Now, therefore, I have thought proper to issue this, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of Fjvo Thou land Dollars for the arroate with evidence to con vict, of any one of the disguised men engaged in the murderous assault aforesaid, and a reward of One Thousand Dollars each for the arrest and oonvlction of anyaddlfional number of said six disguised men. at the Ospitol, In Atlanta, the 28th day September, in the year of onr Lord Eighteen Hnndrod and Bov enty, and of the Independence of United States of America the Ninety-fifth. BUFUS B. BULLOCK. By tho Governor: David G. Coruna, Secretary of State. September 30, 1870. 4t A Proclamation. GEORGIA. BY BUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said Stato. Whxbxas, Information has been received at this De partment that a murder waa committed In tho county of Dongherly. on the the 4th day of November, 1867, upon the body of Edwnrd N. Emerson, by one William H. Bette, and that said Betts has fled from Justloe; and Whereas. There is now pending in the Snperior Court of Dougorty county a BIU of Indictment charg ing said Betts with having committed said murder; Now, therefore, I have thought proper to issue Mils, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for tho apprehension and de livery of the said Wm. H. Betts to the Sheriff of said county and State, in order that he may be brought to trial for the offouse whloh ha stands charge. Given under my hand and the Groat Seal of tho Stato, at the Capitol, iu Atlanta, this 26th day of Septem ber, in the year of onr Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy, and of tho Independence of the United Stata3 of America the Ninety-fifth. RTFUS B. BULLOCK. By tho Governor: llAvm G. Cottinii, Secretary of State. Septombor 30, 1870. 4t State of Georgia. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, I Atlanta, September 20, 1860. | ORDERED: By his Excellency, tho Qovernor, that tho rewaad of fered in his proclamation nf the 13th inst., for the ap proheu&ion and delivery of I*. D. Smith, with evidence to convict, io the Sheriff of Meriwether coun;y, be increased to ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. Given under my hand aud seal of office. DAVID G. COTTINa, Soc’y of State. September 27, 1870. 4t Atlanta Steam Brewery. rjpHE undersigned having just put in operation a First Class Brewery, and guarantees to furnish Ale, Beer and Por ter bf as good quality as the Cincinnati, New York, or Foreign Markets, and at much less prloeß. fiyWo caH the attention of the trado to tho quality ot onr Goods and our prices. SPENCER & CO. Atlanta, August 2, 1870. 3m Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stop* the Chills, This Uodicine hag been before the Publio fifteen yoars, and is BtiU ahead of all othor known remedies. It does not purge, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose and under all oirotunstonoos, and is the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fevor and Ague, because it Is a perfect Antidote to Hal aria. Bold tqr nil Druggists. March 22. 1870. If House Furnishing Goods. L. O. JOHISTSOISr, STORE EAST SIDE HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. JgEGS leave to call the attention of hit friends and the pnbllo, to his large snd nut qaht stock of mnsH tad pestbatoj. Spring and Summer Goods, offered on the most Ikvarable terms, WO-Keept all Staple Articles snd Desirable Novelties In the Houie-Furnlshlng Line. Stoves, Orates, and Hollow Ware; Plain Stamped and Japanned Tin Ware; Silver Plated Ware; Britannia Metal Goode; Table Cntlery; Wood and Willow Wore; Tin Plate Solder Metals; and Tinmans’ Furnishing Goods. 49-Aeran FOB'S* The Celebrated “P. P. Stewart Air Tight Coot Stove;” The Improved Cable Lightning Rod; Manning’s Patent Pocelain Lined Cof •’ fee Pot. April 22, 1870.