Griffin semi-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1868-187?, November 08, 1870, Image 3

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The Eriti Semi-Weekly Slai, LOCAL ITEMS^ Mr. Editor —Allow os to suggest the name of our fellow-citi*en, T. J. Brooks, as suitnble por»nn to lw> wflyjwrted at the approaching election for the House of Representatives of the General As sembly. Jeff is capable ami would make a good legislator. Firm and un flinching, you always know where to find him. Respectfully. Mast Citizens. KNITTED SHAWLS, NUBIAS aII styles and qualities, very low, at IiOEWBSSTEIN & PITOIR’s, October 21, 1870. ts FOE SHEBIFL We announce the name of A. J. Gibson, for Sheriff, subject to the Dem ociatic nomination. Voters. Speer & Walker. —We call atten tion to the advertisement of this new firm. Mr. Speer, by his strict at tention to business and affability of manners, has won many friends as a merchant. He will wait on a fine-cut customer as soon as a fifty dollar one, and treat him as fairly. Mr. Walker is well known in this community. He is energetic and enterprising. Their stock is good, and they will do a good busiuess. Mu- Jas. R. Ellis is still “On it.” Ho will koep up the fish and oyster trade, during the winter. Bset qual ity, packed iu ice, received daily. Mu 1,000 BUSHELS Ear COTIN, CHEAP, at D. W. PATTERSON'S. November 4, 1870. lm The Cash System Works Well. The old fogy way of selling goods is played out The times demand that b isiness shall be done quickly and completely; done in that way it gives satisfaction to all parties. Our motto is to sell nothing but good articles, at the lowest Casii Prices. Call an)} see us at the City Drug Store. J. N. HARRIS & CO. November 8, 1870. ts A Splendid Assortment of Boots and Shoes, at I. Thorner’s, Oct. 28, 1870—ts Cor. Bank Block. G. M. Anderson & Cos., have established a very useful Meat House, near Griffin. See advertisement— “ Doc” is a full team, and a big dog un der the wagon. BgU The latest very styles of Neck Ties and Paper Collars, at Loewensthin & Pfeifer's. Ootober 7, 1870. ts The Montgomery Fair- To afford those of onr citizens, who de sire an opportunity of visiting the Al abama State Fair, commencing Novem ber 15th., arrangements have been made to issuo through tickets. Pas sengers and freight for the Fair, will be transported for one fare. Arrange ments have also boon made to issuo through ticket from all important points. Nov. 8, 1870.-tw. COW FEED. —Wa shall make a spe cialty of the Cow Feed Trade during the winter. Mußran, Ship Stuffs, Oil-Seed Cake and Meal, will be kept constantly on hand. Stephens & Crittenden, Solomon Street, Griffin, Georgia. October 28, 1870. 4t A Bio Thing. —We notice from the Atlanta papers that the Mitchell prop erty (old Atlanta Park) sold on Thurs day last, brought over two hundred and eleven thousand dollars. After pay ing their attorneys, lobbyists, ect., it will still leave the heirs a very pretty fortune. WHomespuns, bleached and unbleached, striped and checked; a large stock bought siuco the recent decline of Cotton, aud sold at reduc ed prices, at Loewenstein & Pfeifer’s. October 21,1870. ts Good Beer. —Milton Allen and Bob Smith send us a big pitcher of fine Cincinatte Loger, for which the prin ters are much oblidge. I®, Our stock of CLOAKS and SHAWLS surpass anything in tliat line in this market, and wo offer great bargains. Loewenstein & Pfeifer. October 21, 1870. ts GETTING MARRIED. t&.Esstys for Young Men, or Social Evils, and the propriety or impropriety of ‘‘Getting Married," with unitary help for those who feel unfitted for matrimo nial happiness. Sent free, in seated envelopes. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. September 23, 187()-w3ra w* Fine GENTLE M»F NS’ SHAWLS, at Loewenstein & Pfeifer’s. heavy stock of ALL"WOOL BLANKETS, sizes, which we offer at prices to suit the times. Loewenstein & Pfeifer. October 21, 1870. ts . *su A Western editor accuses anoth er of having stolen his report of a meet ing, which was recognized by certain earmarks. The retort courteous is th ts? the first editor “should tie his ears over the top of his head while writing, to kiep them out of the ink-bottle.” fwr V NF,W LOT OF CLOTHING just roe 'iv“d, which we offer at reduc e 1 t>r!c“s. 1 ioewenbtein & Pfeifer. October 21 1870. ts **9u“Sir,’ s id a landlady to a board er who ’.a 1 •nl his cup for.vnrd for 1 1 > .wanfe "r n ninst bo very f«‘il >•' im!V• Yes, Mmlani",Tam," h<* re|,’i and, ’• ir I iie, „r should havo dr.r.i’ j» ui m‘*i wster to get. a little." pis, \ -lian who wa i to! 1 by a olerg '••n*a i iii “remt'iiber lot’s wife," re -1 li in' hi in, lli »i ;h with ■•id O. « -• .•*,•11, t.i« '• l'» nu • other J sbYUt Wt.'JK The Latent styles of Shawls and Cloaks at t Thokner's, Otf. 28, 1960-ts Cor. Bank Block. Griffin Male Institute.—This flour ishing Institution, we are pleased to st*?, is in a fur way for continued pros perity and success. As boou as it was ascertained that Messrs. Candler and Looney could not be engaged for an other year, the Trustees commenced ac tive operations to secure an able suc cessor for these gentlemen. The re sult was an engagement of Maj. W. F. Slayton as principal of the Institute for next year. Maj. Slayton has an enviable reputation as a first-class teacher, having been at the head of some of the most flourishing schools in Alabama and Georgia. Recently he has been quietly but largely engaged in planting in Meriwether county, and excels in this business as well as teach ing. There is no old fogyism about Malor S. He is fully up with the pro gressive spirit of the age, and we donbt not he will not only keep np the repu tation of onr excellent boya’ school, but will add vastly to it We congrat ulate our citizens on the wise arrange ments of the Trustees. aa-L Thorn er does not price his Goods in the newspapers, but sells thorn to SUIT EVERYBODY. October 28, 1870. ts The War.—The armistice seems to be settled, and there will bo no-news of the clash of arms for the next three weeks. In fact we have little doubt but what the war is over. Business circles hnve received anew impetus, and everything and everybody appear san guine. afif“We have a completo stock of GOODS, which we offer at extraordi nary inducements. Loewenßtein & Pfeifer. October 21, 1870. ts Editor Star: —Dear Sir—Please pub lish the following card and oblige Many Young Men. Citizens of Griffin—As there are those among yon who, like ourselves, deplore the discord developed in the meeting hold on Monday evoning last, and for the purpose of harmonizing with you to put forward live men to control our city affairs, wo propose to you to call a citizens' meeting as soon as possible, nnd ask of your generosity a fair and equal representation of our interest on the proposed Board of Al dermen. We are further willing to support any good man it may be the pleasure of the meeting to select for Mayor. You have our choice in the ticket published in the last Star, subject to your approval. We deplore strife and discord, nnd will, with you, strive for the interests of all. We hope no partizan feeling may be displayed, for wo should have uono in our municipal elections. Let our and all other inter ests in the city be represented. Let us have tho meeting. A Nice Stock of Dry Goods to be disposed of at a sacrifice, at I» Trorner*s Oct 28, 1870—ts Cor. Bank Block. Cotton, was lively yesterday at 14J, cents, Recepts light. Great confidence is felt in an advance. But we caution them who need money not to hold back at present prices. I®*We do not advertise Price Lists nor prices, but sell as cheap as any house. Loeivenstein & Pfeifer. October 21, 1870. ts B®“Doc Ison, has our thanks for a can of his dolicious Norfolk Oysters, brought here in ice. They are large fat, juicy, and in fact, superior to any Oysters upon the market. WANTED —1,000 second-hand Com Sacks wanted, for which the highest price will be paid, if brought in prompt ly. D. W. Patterson. October 28,1870. 4t W*fc„ln Ohio a merchant sent a duun ing letter to a man, who replied by re turn mail: “Yon say yon are holding my note yet. That is all right—per fectly right Just keep holding on to it, and if you find your hands slipping, spit on them and try again. Yours af fectionately.” •ipojfl; jjaitfr moo Jl-Om ‘BS PO ‘S.OTNHOHX "J ;t) ‘B33ud put) sopudS laaiagid—j j sim.i ATTENTION, FARMERS I After searching the world over, the undersigned has at lost got the best thimble-skein wagon that is made, for the price. Call and see the Celebrated “Jackson” Wagon. These Wagons are warranted to be what wo say they are. Oct 28, 1870— ts W. W. Woodruff. «gt- The ladies will do well by call ing at the Store of Messrs. Loewen tein & Pfeifer. #gk.We will make it to your interest to buy from us. Be sure and call.— We guarantee to please yon. Loewenstein & Pfeifer. Ootober 21,1870, A lively fellow under arrect in lowa has made a confesssion covering his doings for soven years. He re members nine mnrsders within that time, but don’t care to go baok any further. HATS, HATS, HATS, For the million, cheaper than e\ er, at Loewenstein & Pfeifer’s. Ootober 21,1870. ts VSuOn Tuesday, the 25th ult„ there was tho most imposing demonstration ever witnessed in Memphis. It was in honor of General Lee. #ou‘My dear,’ said a] sentimental wife, ‘home, you know, is the dearest spot on earth.’ ‘Well, yes,’ said the practical husband, ‘it does cost twice os much as any other spot* «Su“Mndaine, y mi miidyour son was a lawyer. Has he much practice 1” “Why yes, nr. lie lias It great praotioo—of sm ik'iig cigars. ’’ >•’■■■■ I » IS |» MP* ly yo'i want a good bargain in dry goods go lo Sliuriimu's j COMMEHCIAL. OKIFKIN COTTON MARKET. Oamo**dcxpraaaty forth. Otlfln Seal Weakly Star n bhu 1 aoTD, iiuiocu n*. aairvra. amaaiA. Ounra, Noon. Navambar ». lxru. Middling u Low Middling Ilk Good Ordinary KINANOIAU Corrected expreuly for the Griffin S»uui-Weekly Star by 9. a. jommav. ran ken. Qurmt, Oa., November 7,1870. OOT.D—Bn Yin* 10. SlLVEß—Buying at 5. Selling 7. SIGHT EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK—buying at par. •« *• «« •• Soiling at Vi prem RATE OP INTEREST—Ou money H s per cent per month. GRIFFIN MARKET. Corrected expreealy for the Griffin Semi- Weekly Sty Ganrnr, Oa., November 7,1870. BAGGING—Heavy Plax 35 Dundee 75 TIES— ....; 90 CORN—per bushel from wagon $1 00 MEAL- - old corn 180 WHEAT— " 1 25®t 50 BACON—Clear eidaa perlb 21* Rib sides •• 19®20 HAMS—Canvassed " *7<*W Country lIgST SHOULDERS— •• 17 BULK MEATS— « 20j| FLOUR—Per bbl $ 7 00®9 00* Per 1901 k 3 50ffi Fancy «* ..5 00f LARD—Per bbl 33 Per Vi bbl 23 Retail •• 35 SUGARS— % ...A 13. B 17. C 16 Common Brown lltolfi MOLASSES— 45 to 50 SYRUPS— 75 to 1 50 OATS— 90 RICE— 10®12 SOAP— 8® 15 CANDLES—Por lb 18® 25 TALLOW— " 10 BEESWAX— •• 25 Va. BALT •• ..$ 2 50 Liverpool per sack 3 00 PlSH—Kitta 2 50®3 so M bbl 5 00®M 00 X bbl 9 00(5613 00Ji Bbl 18 00®28 00 TOBACCO—Per lb 65 to 1 50 GINGER— «• 88 PEPPER- “ 40® 50 FACTORY THREAD— $1 900®2 00 \ SHIRTING— 15®16 ORBNABUROS 18®33 ** BUTTER—perlb 30(2)40 Goshen “ 45 EGGS—Per do* 90® 25 LOU IS VI LI jK MAUKIiL Corrected expressly for tho Griffin Semi-Weokly Star. BY rXABB, HARTLEY A 00., BROKERS. Louisville, Ky., November 6, 1870. PORK—Mess por brl $24: Rump por brl. 20; Jolet none. LARD—Kettle rendorod loaf mixed 16; prime loaf 16; Keg 18. BAOON—dear aides 20; dear rib sides 19X; shoulders, 14: Breakfast none. WHISKY—New Copper, free 1 50; one yoar old cop per $1 75(562 25; Raw 85. FLOUR—Fine $4 00; Superfine $4 50: Extra |4 75; Extra Family $5 25; A No. 1, $6 25; Fancy, $7 25. BULK MEATS—CIear sides. lGc; Clear rib sides, 15; Shoulders, ’ HAMS—Plain Canvassed, 23 l t c; Plain uucanvassed, 23‘f; Sugar cured 250 Magnolia none; Bear grass none; F. Lteb none. DRIED BEEF—Plain, 20c; Sugar cured 20. GRAIN—Corn, white, sacks 75c; Corn, yellow 70; Rye 65®70c; Barley 90®$ l 20; Hay per ton 18. BAGGING ami ROPE-J. D. Flax. 2 w lbs. per yard 23(3)27 v;c; Kentucky, power loom 28; Machine rope none; Hand none; Twine 18c. IRON TIES—Lock ties s\; Buckle tics stf. Remares.— These quotations are for this day only. In filling orders we have arrangements by which our friends cau have the benefit of such market* as Chica go; Milwaukee; St. Joseph. Mo.; Kansas City; Leav enworth, Kansas; Indianapolis, lud.; Columbus, Jml.; Lafayette, lud.; Madison. Ind.; Cincinnati, etc., with out My extra charge to thorn if they see proper to purchase at these points. CINCINNATI MARKET. Corrected expressly for the Griffin Serai-Weekly Star. •s CINCINNATI PRODUCE AND PROVISION MARKET, CORRECT ED BY MORRIS A RF.ID, PRODUCE AKJ> I’ROVISION MO 3M, MO. 9, PIKE'S OPERA HOUSE. Cincinnati. Ohio, November 6. 1870. PROVISIONS.—Tho market is dull with little Btock on the market. MESS PORK—Declined to $94 with sales of29olibis at this price since our lost, but it ia generally held at $24 50. BAOON —Only a sow small irregular lots of country are selling, but there arc no established prices and high figures are obtained.' BULK HEATS—There are few offered an yet; thir ty hhds ely&t sides 15 day* iu salt sold at 16c packed. LAUD—Small lots of old kettled rendered sold at 15}«c? 250 tea new steam beg round sold at 13 «%o. Mime steam lard can be baughtat 13c in tea. GREEN MEATS-Are neglected, tho weather being too warm for curing; they sold jor the flret good weather at 6*f, 10® 10,be for shoulders, sides ® hams, HOGS—Aaro dull and lower, with sales of choice at $7 25 early in tho day. but the market closes dull at 6 75®7 00 gross for light to heavy averages. FLOUR—The market is dull and drooping, and pur chases can bo made at lower prises, but even at the' concessions there is not much demand. We quote Family at $5 65(3)6 00 as to brand the latter for fancy; Extra, $5 26®56 40; Superfine, $4 50®$4 75, aud low grades, $3 75®54 00; Spring Flour, $5 40(2)5 75 as to quality and brand. WHISKY—The demand is more active, ank prices advanced 2c, sales in wood at 84c, aud in iron bouud barrels at 85c per gallon. OATS—Continue dull with little or no demand for black, which are offered at 22®35c; mixed are quiet at 35®38c for good to primo, whilo white are firm at 40®43c per bushel. HAY—Wo quote Timothy No. 1 $90®29, and lower grades $15(3)18 per ton on arrival and $1 00®2 00 per ton higher from store. Rate* of Freight from Cincinnati to Atlanta, Oa., via short line Rail Road. Per 100. Per bbl. Per bbl. Per 100 Per 100 Bacon. Pork. Flour. Gorn. Grain A Oats 92 45 169 61 65 ATLANTA MARKET. Corrected oxpreaslf for the Griffin Seml-Weeklv Star. ATLANTA PRODCCR AND PROVIHION MARKET, REPORTED B 1 STEPHEN*, PLTNN A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, POBBTTH STREET, ATLANTA, OA. Atlanta, Ga., November 7,1870. CORN—White, per bushel 1 10®l 15 Yellow, •• $1 01) WHEAT—Tenn White, por bushel $1 25 Tenu. Hetl " “ $1 lfl®l 20 Goorßi* lied « (1 00® 1 10 RYE per bushel l is BARLEY, perbnshel $1 local 15 OATS, per bushel 5:.(in70 FLOUR—Champion Mill* XX Snperflno, fl 100 lb* $2 H 7 ‘r XXXFamily. 78 100 lhp s;| 07U XXXX Choice 0 100 lb* $a » (In 24, 40, or 08 sack*.) BACON—Shoulders, per lb l»v tlHams. “ 22f,523 Canvassed, •* Clear Rib Sides :..., ißg Clear Sides, “ l» i- MEAL, per bushel HAY—Tenn. per 100 lbs 1 60@1 r. 5 Western, Timothy “ .. A... 17S LARD—In tierces per lb 18 In cans, por lb is BUTTER, per lb 80@:« EGGS, per dozen go IRISH POTATOES, per bbl $3 50 4 SO ONIONS ?) bbl $4 60@4 (10 STOCK PEAS, ¥ bushel 75 FEATHERS—New, por lb 75 Old, « ■■ 402.60 VIRGINIA SALT, per Baok. 25 4-4 SHEETINGS,per yard 12H \ SHEETINGS, per jwrd 10 u COTTON TARNS, per bunch 1 40® 1 48 PEACH BRANDY 3 00 APPLE “ 2 OOiaa 25 RECTIFIED WHISKY proof 1 20® 1 50 RYE •• 2 00 to 4 00 CORN •• —Country 1 lo@l lj Market quiet, with full etodks. A moderate debuted exists for prime white corn, bacon, lard and favorite brands of flour, such m the “Champion Kill*.” While outside brands of flour are neglocted. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York, November 2 Cotton heavy and doll: erics 4000 bales; uplands lfljf. Gold closed at 12 W. Government, dull, bnt steady. Sontkern* quiet. Money 8. Liverpool, November 2—p. M.—Cotton quiet: up lands 7%@8; Orleans A BODY AND MIND DISEASE. Snch Is dyspepe-a. The stomach ud the brain are too intimately allied for the one to anffer without the other, eo that dyspepsia ud despondency are Insepar able. It may be added, too, that irritation of tho stomach 1* Almost Invariably accompanied by Irrita tion of the temper. The lnvigoratlng'andtranqulllzlng operation of Hoa totter’* Bitters Is most powerfully developed In cases of indigestion. The first effoct of this agroeable tonic I. comforting and encouraging. A mild glow pervwle. tho system, the chronic nneulneas In the region of the etonuch ia lessoned, and the nerveneveetloeanesa which characterises tbe disease la abated. This im provement la not transient. It la nal aueoeeded by the return of the old symptoms with snperadded force aa is always tho cam* when unraedlcatod stimutaata are glvon for tho complaint. Each done seems to im part a permanent aeooaalnn of healthful Invlgoration. But this ia not all. Tho aperient and antlbUione poo pertlee of tho preparation aro aoarcly secondary In im portance to Its tonic vlrtuoe. If there ia au overflow of bile the secretion la soon brought wltlilli {&>per limits, gnd if the bUoary organ la Inert ant torpid It la toned aud regulat'd. Tho effect upon tbe dlscbsrg. organ* la equally salutary, and In case* of constipation thecatbartio action I* Just sufficient to prutue* lb* desired result gradually ud without pain. The Ilit tars also promote healthy evaporation from the tur. foes which to particularly desirable at thUfit'MOll win s •uAUm apolla of raw, nttpli'Miitt VMllmr ir« a|»l to ehooftr tho ntlnnl ptnpinUofi otid produen Mi|Mtl»ii of tho Hw \ ootijhi, in 4 ooido. Tho hoot oofofftiord aplMt % I illotaM If bodiljr rigor, md this tho froot TfihMi MootoroUft mioiiiiif proMoiot* FURN ITU it I*} r MOONEY, BOYD & TO., WholcKnlo and It otu i 1 DEALERS IN FURNITURE, CHAIRS’, MATTUASSES, &0.„ AC., &C., Solomon Street, GRIFFIN. GEORGIA. FINE PARLOR SUITS— From |T9 OO to t*oo 00. BED ROOM SUITS— From SO to S3OO 00. COTTON & SHUCK MATTRESSES, (Potent Spring.) BED BOTTOMS— And everything to be found in a first class Furniture House. iQuThe whole embracing one of the largest and most varied stocks ever brought to Grif fin. W-WOOD and METALIC BU RIAL CASES kept always on hand. SEWING MACHINE AGENCY—Wo .rs Agent* for the world-renowned Uowk Sawiso Machine, admit ted by all who hare used it, to be sups tor to any oth er in cxistenoe. Machines always on hand. October 11, 1870. tmhlO Atlanta Steam Brewery. undersigned having just put in operation a First Class Brewery, and guarantee, to fnrni.h Ale, Beer and Por ter of a. good quality aa the Cincinnati, Now York, or Foroigu Markets, and at much lees prices. WWo call the attention of the trade to the quality of our Goods and onr prices. SPENCER & CO. Atlanta, August.!, 1870. m GEORGIA STATE FAIR visiting Atlanta during the STATE FAIR, wilt find at J. M. HOLBROOK’S, 40 Whitehall Street, ouo of the largest and MOST DESIRABLE Syock of F Jl l s f ci minting in setts complete: SABLE, MINK, SEAL SKIN,‘ FITCH, BROWN and WHITE CONEY, SQUIR REL and ASTRAOHAN. Sff-Also, a great variety of Childrens’ and Hisses’ Furs and Cloaks, ‘Wllfcii will he sold at prices that will dofy competi tion. J. M. HOLBROOK, Outobck 18, 1870-lm to Whitehall Street STRAUSE Sr SCHLOSS. TJio latest anti most Fancy STYLE OF CLOTHING AS WELL AS Gents’ Furnishing Goods, HAVE JUST ARRIVED ATITHE Olothing Emporium —OF— STR AUSE Sc SCHLOSS, •MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLIHSMENT "We call attention to OCR ELEGANT PIECE GOODS, LATESTtSTYLES.I l®*Our Mr. Schloss who has had great experience in the Merchant Tai loring Business, will, with pleasure, re ceive all orders from City and Coun try Customers, for cutting and making all kinds of G entlomon** W ear. 10-We havo just received a splendid and well selected stock of HATS, BOOTS, AND SHOES. MPOftll ud RN at at rrhiq ha.tv3c iilook. (Xtobat 4,1474. as LOEWENSTEIN & PFEIFER. X . * New Fall ud Wiser deeds! We hare now in store a full and complete new stock of Fall and Winter, Htaplo and Fancy Mi*3r fwtiodfi, • p ClothlagAtHats, Gents' Furnishing Goods, and Notions, . Our Dress Goods havo been very carefully sejectod, are of tho latest styles and best of qualities. Our Clothing Department is fitted up with an entire new stock of Goods. Having sold out our last winter's stock completely, we we were not compelled to put any of them m camphor, and aro now able to offer only new makes nnd styles. Our stock of HATS is superior to any yet offered, and we recommend them to tbe trade. In furnishing Goods of all dcscriptio s, our stock is full, and the best lot of IVeckties, Collars, WHITE'SHIRTS, and Underwear, are now in store. We offer a full stock of everything in our line, and invite the atttentionof * «• • : . . Our Friends and ' f r ( • . f » and the public at large, to give ns a call and see for themselves. ••“Our Store is still on HILL-STREET, (east Bide) next door to Henry. Banks’Shoe Store. Very Respqdt(u6y,\ v i/, \ Loewenstein «fe. Pfeifer. 7, 1870. i u:i - t DREWRY ar-ee.T- Dry Goods Merchants, ' 1 i JJ AYE now in store a full supply of FALL & WINTER : Cay- ee eos dL flt 9 to which they',would respectfully JcsU the>ttcntion of the public. "We need ItdConey I In fact, we must have it to Carry on our busiDOss, and in order to get m much of it as possible, we must of" fer Inducements. We W made up our miuda to do so, and we will try to satisfy you that it.wiU bo. to yopr j 1 interest to leavo your money with ns, by giving you full valho for it. Come and see us. DREWRY & CO. October 7,1870.' 8m duo. IP. Garner Oo M , ( v- . DEALER IN GROCERIES, N ■ BACON* ; GRAIN, _ ; COUNTRY PRODUCE, and everything kept in a first-class Grocery House. ~ ~ The proprietors take this occasion to return their thanks to the public for their very liberal patronage of tinfir i ’ ’ ’I j new house. I f / Y . •Let it be Known, That we are better prepared to accom modate the pubiio than ever before.— , Our stock iilarge, flreeli Sc eiiolee MK)nr prices are reasonable. JNO. P. GARNER k 00., Under Masonic Hall, Hill Street, Griffin, Georgia. ■ Ootober 81, 1870. But o. at Wj iaan. or bu*g, SOMETHING NEW! ? SSOT FRO* TKKJ War in Europe, BUT rBOK COOK & HEAD, ' o who herebt AirkouNCi to thb peo P i«o r Qni rr i^ —AND— f crdTTN'TRY, M. -pwted tbem mlvM la bnaiDM. for Um pnrpoM of mnnlng . live OONCERK. Onr atook wUI oonaUt at i . ■ Groceries, «: Orockerv, ' - M Shoes, '*WB& j / . t ? -Gaps. ALSO, AOEMTi VOR TVM ILL. LIHOMU n,‘ 9 *i> 4i it ■ >*r ’ i •* r * ’r ; We would suggest to onr numerous friends and acquaintances, and those who we have not met, that we con it to their interest to examine S«~We have seoured servioee of that popular gentleman, Gan. L. D. Wataoe, of Batts, whose frieade he watte pleased to sea At this Hoast will also he found tho «ao M foes of of Pike, who will ever ready to serve Us friends. SRrOur Ma Hxad loaves at onoe for | Mu w . the Northern Markets, to porehass a romplete iWk, so miAitiwp (a tho stock on hand. ms a tried. OOOK 6 BRAD, . StS 90*4. (mates 10m * Rri ftnSmt ana*, aagwt ia Mia tm patent heuvoed. STANDARD SCALES, More than 890 Different, AgenU Mm tor the Beat Alum Money Dnvw, Fairbanks & Cos., 252 Heoadwat, Nrw You. 166 linltimorc St., IbUtimor., 53 Camp Street, NewOrlmm. Fairbank, Brown & Cos., 118 Milk Street, Boston. ffO-For mle by levMng Hardware Dealer*. October 28. 187 . j m OPENING —AND— Special 11 equ es t BY THE UNDERSIGNED, fJ'HAT the good citizens of Griffin and .orrounding country meet at th. Store of J. H. White & Cos., at the cariieet pOMible time, to auit their oonvanianee, to examine that ELEGANT STOCK of Mens , Youths’ & Boys’ Clolhing, Hats, Soots St Shoos, Al*o, the beet itock of SHIRTS, made c«i rcially for our trade—together with other Furnishing Gouda, ev er brought to thi* market. *g-Tlie cold weather 1. now upon ua, and ail muat have a good Overcoat, or Shawl, or a good Heavy Suit, all of wftlch can be had at the Store of JOHN 11. WIIITR A CO. Mens’ Overcoats, Boys’ Overcoats, Mens’ Glengarios, Boys’ Glengaries, Mens’ Talmahs, Boys’ Talmabs, Mens’ Fine Suits, Boys’ Fine Suits, Mens’ Fancy Cassimere Suits, Boys’ Fancy Cassimere Suits, Mens’ Low Priced Suits, Boys’ Low Priced Suits. Mens’ Shawls, Boys' Shawls, Mens’ Boots, Boys’ Boots, Mens’ Hats, Boys’ Hats. J 4A>Our itock I. Urge and complete, and from i ur experience in tho buatneu. mid facilltic. for buying, we know wo can and will comi>eto with any houau iu tho State. Very Respectfully. JOHN H. WHITE. October 21, 1870. ;j m Henry O. Burr, •ttrVVest side Hill Street,-©# —OPPOKIT*— Rliea & Boyd’s Ware-House, GRIFFIN • GEORGIA, — ® ♦«* v® RATES, Marbleized Mantles, &r, V-9 Aiao, a general aaaortmont of House Furnishing Goods, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in TI3ST WARE, OF ALL KINDS. 63u PsFticulßF. Attention pinffl to Roofing, Guttering, and Repairing, of all Una, and WORK WARRANTED. STE 8 . In the Stove Line I n*e none but THE BEST ■uch u The Barley Sheaf. Cotton Bant, Farmer, Em porta, *C., fto. gw.parlor and Otßee Stove., Grate., Ac., in great variety. September 20. 1870-Sm [ftxPECTORANfII ' r ° R FOB THE SPEEDY BELIEF AND PERMANENT CURE OF CONSUMPTION. Bronchitis, Asthma, Golds, Anil nil diseases off the Lung** Cheat or Throat. THE EXPECTORANT is composed JL exclusively of Herbal and Mucilaginous products —which ptrmult tils vwy substance of ihc Lungs. causing them to throw off the acrid waiter which ooliouta in the Broaohitai Tubas, sod at the same time forma a soothing ooating, relieving their. Mtation which groduces Uw cough. The object to be obtained iatoolaaaaa iha organ of all impurities; to.nouriah it and strengthen tt when it has become impaired and enfeebled by disease; ton new and invigorate the circulation of the blood, mid strengthen the nervous organlxatloa. The EXHSCTO RANX does tbia to an astonishing degree. It la active but mild and oongculal. imparting functional energy aud natural strength. It affords Oxygen to vitalfee the blood, and Nitrogen to ssalmiista thematter— It equalises Use “nervous Influence,” producing quiet ard composure. TO CONSUMPTIVES It is valuable, ea tt immediately relieves tbe diffi cult breathing and harrassing cough which attends that disease. FOR ASTHMA -7 It la a apaeiAo—oaa dots often relieving th- dWres aing choking, and producing oaimand pleasant rtpoaa. FOR CROUP No mother ahcnld ever be without a bottle of the EXPECTORANT in the hones. We have numerous earUdeatea of Its haring relieved, aimeet instantly, the little sufferer, whan death appeared almost inevitable. Mothers he advised f STKeep it on hand t This dread disease requires prompt action 1 at soon M the hoarse. hoUowoough is besrd. apply tbs mm dy, and it la easily subdued; But delay is Dangerous! rxwssafMt It brness the nsrvooa system and prodness pleasant •ad refreshing sleep. It Knhllarntee end Relieve* Gloom- InsMsu and Deprssslon. jssasasaissaßssr*»“ Most Valuable l.unr Balsam •*■'“■ mj liny I Pnyarsd by Wm. Yl. Tntt ft Land, AtNKMfA' &A Mb IHO. 41^