The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 04, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING CALL. Vol. X. No. 180 TO BE MARRIED Miss Stevens and Mr Janes Will Wed Tomorrow Morning Tomorrow morning at the residence of Col 0. B. Stevens, at 8 :30 o’clock, Mr. Mark Johnston Janes, of Daweon will be married to Miss Susie Seal Stevens, the ceremony being perform ed by Dr. J. H. Scruggs, of Columbus. Immediately after the wedding the young couple will leave for their future home where Mr. Janes occupies the important position of vice-president of the Dawson Grocery Company. The splendid home of the Stevens’ has been elegantly decorated for the nuptials with ferns, palms and lillies and the parlor especially is exceeding ly tasty and handsome. The bride will go in on the arm of her lather and be met by the groom on the arm of hie best man, Mr. Ken neth Spencer Worthy, of Dawson, while Mr*. J. H. Scruggs, of Colum bus, plays the wedding march. This wedding will be one of the most swell spring home weddings that Griffin has known for years as it will unite two young people who stand high socially over the state. Miss Stevens is a young lady of beauty and rare accomplishments, who during her short residence has endeared herself to all who have met her, while Mr. Janes is one of the most substantial of Southwest Georgia’s young business men. Tonight Col. and Mrs. 0. B. Stevens will tender the bridal party an anti—nuptial dinner which will ba er j >jed by quite a party of friends from a distance. The many tokens of eateem that have been sent in to the young couple are handsome and elegant which in a high degree' shows the popularity of the contract ing parties. Among the distinguished guests from a distance will be Ex Gov. W. Y. Atkinson, H. C. Fisher, of Newnan ; Mrs A I) Candler, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Haralson, Mrs. S L Richmond, Hon. R U. Hardeman, Dr. George Brown and Dr McCandless, of At lanta ; Mrs M. J. Yeomans, R. C. Bell, Mrs S 8 Janes and Mayor VV. B. Cheatham, o! Dawson ; Miss Tate, of Tateville, and Hon. \V. J. Stevens, of Fayetteville. On the arrival of the bridal parly at their home in Dawson they will be en tertained at a six o’clock dinner by Mr. F. M. McNulty, an uncle of the groom. The hearty congratulations of the Evening Call are mingled in advance with those of the host of friends of the young couple, who will begin life under the happiest aus pices. Remarkable Rescue- Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption, and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist sug gested Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first She continued its use and after taking six bottle, found her self sound and well; now does bar own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Harris & Son’s and Car lisle & Ward’s drug stores. Only 50c. and $1 00, every bottle guaranteed. LETTER LIST. List of letters remaining in the Griffin, Ga., postoffice, week ending Apr. 3,1899. Persons calling will please say ‘advertised’ a nd give date. One cent must be paid on each advertised letter. MALE LIST. Alexander Lynch, Andrew McCrair, D. E. Williams. FEMALE LIST. ictoria Atkins, Miss Daisy Jordan Miss Dink West. R. L. Williams, P, M. When Traveling. hether on pleasure bent or business take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Ligs, as it acts most pleasantly and effec iUally on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fever, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cents, bottles by all leading druggists. Manu i factored by the California Fig Syrup Co., Sonly. >IO,OOO lbs. Seed Cotton For Sale. Ten thousand pounds of Pride of ■ eorgia and Geo Vv . Truitt’s famous cotton Seed for sale, at 20c. per bush . Guaranteed to be sound and all r| gl>t. Raised by R J. Manley, Jr. J O. Stewart, At Cole’s Warehouse. WILL MEET IN GRIFFIN- Georgia State Baptist Convention Meets Here Next Year- Savannah, Ga , April 4 —The Geor gia State Baptist Convention, which Ims been in session here for several days, came to au end yesterday after selecting Griffin as the place for the meeting next year. There were six candidates for this honor —Macon, West Point, Athens, E berton, Marietta and Griffin. The committee to which the matter was referred decided in favor of Griffin, and as it had been agreed that the decision of the committee should be final, it was at once concurred in by the convention. The time of the next convention will be Thursday before the first Sun* day in April. An unsuccessful effort was made to change the time of meeting to Decem ber. Judge George Hillyer, ex-mayor of Atlanta, presented a report on lynch ings to the convention which was somewhat sensational. He gave start ling figures upon the increase of crimes ; urged the consideration of the question upon the church, and sug gested that as the law was slow, an appeal be sent to the legislature, urg ing action, and reminding them of the army of voters presenting the appeal. Judge Hillyer’s report and recommen dations were adopted. Judge Hillyer said that the increase in lynchings was due to the loss of popular confidence in the liw.s, the ease with which verdicts are set aside, and the facility with which notorious criminals escape punishment. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped, Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Karris & Son and Carlisle & Ward. C A S I’o X . Bears the _yj The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature .//'%/} > S? °f Politeness in Dresden The people of Dresden are very po lite, so over-polite that they not infre quently bring down ridicule upon themselves, says London Tid-Bits It used to ne told in that city that a stranger was one day crossing the great bridge that spans the Elbe, and asked a native to direct him to a cer tain church which be wished to find. “Really., my dear sir,” said the Dreg deoer, I wing lowly, “I grieve greatly to say it, but I cannot tell you.” The stranger passed on, h little sur prised at Ibis voluble answer to a sim ple question. He had proceeded but a short distance when he beard hur ried footsteps behind him, and, turn ing around, saw the same man run ning to catch up with him. In a moment bis pursuer was by his side, his breath nearly gone, but enough left to say hurriedly: “My dear sir, you asked me bow you could find the church, and it pained me to say that I did not know. Just now’ I met my brother, but I grieve to say that he did not know, either.” CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought For Whooping Cough use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. Died in Thomasville- The sad news was received in this city last night of the death of Miss Mariou Joseph, the bright little daughter of Rev. and Mrs. G. Sherwood Whitney, of Thomasville The news of the death of this baby is greatly regretted by our people as she was a grand daughter of Rev. G A. Whitney, rector of St. George’s church in this city. Rev. Mr. Whitney and daughter, Mias Mabel, left for Thomasville this morning to attend the funeral. CASTORIA, Bears the Re Kind You Have Always Bought Bignature of GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 4, 1899. ' WHITE FLAGS EVERYWHERE 1 The Better Class of Natives Are Re turning to Malolos Manila, April 4.—A recotinoissanco 1 today by a squad of cavalry under 1 Major Rucker developed into a sharp r skirmish with one thousand insurgents 5 entrenched at Ininguia, five miles northeast of Malolos. The main in ’ surgent army was apparently located > between Ininguia and Pulitan Other ’ detached rebel forces retreated easl -1 ward and entered Mateo valley, where > they were repulsed by Hall’s troops ’ Scouts penetrating close to Calumpit • found several mules sinking in a soft spot in the road This led to the dis covery of two breech-loading coast guns which bad been buried. The ' presence of the guns is a mystery, but the troops will make a thorough search 1 for any additional arms. For more than twenty miles the country between Caloocan and Malolos is dotted with white flags displayed by the Filipinos returning to their homes, i The better class of natives are return ing to Malolos. A priest entered the American lines 1 today seeking permission to resume his duties. General McArthur estimates that there are fully 10,000 deserted homes, and believes that the returning of the natives is a favorable indication. A prisoner reports great scarcity cf food among the insurgent troops. The situation in the southern islands con tinues uncertain. The latest move of the natives there is to extinguish all the lights in the various lighthouses. Major General Elwell S. Otis, com mander of the American military forces, has received the following mes* sage : “Hearty congratulations on the most magnificent victory of the army. (Signed) “Dewey ” How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax*, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hail’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muc ous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. IVASIIINGTONLETTER. Washington, April 4 h —A bomb was exploded in administration circles by a prominent New York republican who came to Washington for the pur pose, when it was announced that Gov. “Teddy” Roosevelt was in the field for the republican presidential nomination, next year, and that there was an understanding between “Ted dy” and Gen. Miles, who has been credited with entertaining a similar ambition himself. Some of Mr. Mc- Kinley’s friends appear to think that he is bound to be renominated and re elected, but those of them who are long-beaded and who have had ex perience in politics, do not look at things that way ; they know that both Roosevelt and Miles have qualities which are calculated to arouse the enthusiasm and support of the young men in their party, and that with good management a combination of their following might give the Hanna- McKinley machine a hard fight, if not an actual throw down. If this an nouncement is straight, Boss Piatt must have failed in his efforts to keep “Teddy” off the McKinley track. With all Czar Reed's faults, and he has enough and to spare, he has never been a sneaky fighter, which is more than cm be said for the administration crowd, which is afraid to come out in the open and try to defeat Reed for the speakership, but is engaged in ■ trying to bluff him into not being a candidate, by stating that the admin istrating has determined to throw its influence for Reed, but with the ex i press understanding that the rules of . the next bouse shall be changed so as i to cut out all the Czir business. The idea is that Reed would not care to be , speaker, if be is to be shorn of the au i tociatic power he has weilded. This is on a par with the talk which has at times been beard ever since Reed first became speaker, about republicans who were going to unite with the dem ocrats to change the rules and curtail i _ ... —_ RoYal j Baking Powder I ’ Made from pure cream of tartar. r Safeguards the food , against alum ; Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. I ROYAL BAKINS POWOCR CO., HEW YORK. i 1 the l ower of the speaker. They never did so, and if the republicans elect Reed speaker cf the house again, as they will almost surely do, he will be 1 the same old Czar. Mr. McKinley has apparently at last become aroused to the danger, to his own political fortunes, of retaining Alger in lie cabinet, and, unless all I the political “wise men” are at fault, 1 the “Ex” is hot on the trail of Alger and cannot fail to catch up with him very soon. It has been, these men say, fully determined by Boes Hanna ’ and the other directors of the admin. 1 ietration machine that Alger must go. They prefer that be should do so will ingly, but if he declines to tender his resignation without being requested by Mr. McKinley to do w, Mr. Mc- Kinley will make that request. From a strictly selfish point of view, demo crats would prefer i hat Mr McKinley should keep Alger in the cabinet, fori then it would be impossible for the administration to deny responsibility for rilgerism and nil its horrors, but democrats are 100 patriotic to wish to see a man filling the responsible of fice of secretary <d war, who deserves to be kicked out, just to make political capital for their party; they wish, ( above everything else, to see the as« I fairs of the government properly ad ministered, and know that they will not be in the war department, as long ; as Alger is at its head. Pitts’ (farminative aids digestion, regu lates the bowels, cures Cholera Infantum, i Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Pains, Grip- ; ing, Flatulent Colic, Unnatual Drains from the Bowels, and all diseases incident : to teething children. For all summer com plaints it is a specific. Perfectly harmless and free from injurious drugs and chemi- f cals. j s Small Sale. i The only property sold at public ? outcry today was a twc-lhirds interest ( in 23 acres of land ir Union district, t It was sold by W T Beasly, guardian J of his minor children, to W B. Head i for $133 cash. _ * ~~ : 1 ROeW ■ Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy. Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syp.up Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ' gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub- < stanre, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening ' or irritating them, make it the ideal I laxative. i In the process of manufacturing figs j are. used, as they arc pleasant to tie taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fig Sy hi p Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please j remember the full name of theCoinpany printed on the front of every package. • CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ] SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. KT. NEW YORK. N Y For sale by all Druggists —Price SOc. per bottle For LaGrippe and Influ- ; enza use CHENEY’S EX- ' PECTORANT. R.F. Strickland X Go. Choosing a Corset. I." A VERY EASY THING TO DO HERE. OUR NEW STOCK OF CORSETS WAS RECEIVED YES TERDAV. CORSETS IN EVERY SIZE TO FIT ANY FIGURE. • NO. 397, “THE LONG SHORT” CORSET, IS THE MOST POPULAR CORSET ON THE MARKET TO DAY. : A BOOK ON CHOOSING A COR SET FREE AT OUR CORSET DE PARTMENT. R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. EASTERN GROWN SEED J Potatoes. | Fresh Garden Seed, Chea p for Cash. N, B. DREWRY & SON, Watches Free to Young People. The firm of Forshee & Co., Ink Manu facturers, Cincinnati, Ohio, have adopted a novel plan for the introduction of their Mew Idea Writing Ink. They are giving away a fine stem winding and stem setting watch to each Loy and girl who sells 14 pints of their New Idea Writing Ink at the introductory price of 10 cents a pint (ink is worth 50c.) They don’t want you to send money, simply mention that you saw the notice in this paper and they will forward you the ink prepaid, and when it is sold, you send them the $2.40 you get for it, then they send you the watch free (prepaid). This is a splendid opportunity for some of our young people to easily earn a watch. They also have other valuable presents for the introduction of their inks. We intend to use the inks in our office. Plumbing, (I) H 0 Roof Guttering, 0 Tin Roofs |j Repaired and 0 il bj) Painted. ij A.S.MPBEII g I 16 Hill Street. State Epworth League Conference On account, State Epworth League, the Central of Georgia Railway will have on sale, tickets to Columbus, Ga., and re turn, April 12th and 13th, limited return ing until April 17th, 1899, at rate of one fare for the round-trip. City Tax Notice. Tax fi faa for city tax for the year 1898 have been turned over to me for collection. Call and settle the same at once or levy and sale will be made. E. I. ISON, Chief of Police. Eggs! Eggs!! Eggs!!! From thoroughbred Barred Plym outh Rock and Silver Laced Wyan dotte, SI,OO per 13 If you want to raise prize winners try a sitting of these eggs. Lewis I). Clark, 20 Hill St. $3.00 per Annum ; »** VVV | * iW, ■■Bl li W S’- <• anything you invent or improve: aiao get' l ; < CAVEAT.TRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN ; J PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo. ]> I { for free examination and advice. I BOOK ON PATENTS fee before patent. £ C.A.SNOW&CO. ■! J Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON. D.C. R. H. TAYLOR, M. D. J. F. STEWART, M. U. DRS. TAYLOR ANO STEWART, Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from Ba,m.toß p. m, A physician will always be in our office during that time. P In orHrr l w>D‘Ttlx* our pa* 9 p‘ K " I nbb< i ilmh s rnay clip ■ H l, if soon, this < nf h •"OK S .tfitl 60€. (stamps Liken)to the I illustrated tduth mu age “*o* ra (Bu> Ceasor to Y '.tl’t Advocat' . g nASMVfLUtr, TSNN., and it will be s. nt one year as 'trial subscription;** or will send it the first 6 mo*. or 3OC, Regular price per year. It is an il u-strated, semi'monthly journal, of 16 to 3J pages* !• u rio'., l*oi try, Am kntlwis by Si aamXand, tVi i and Humor, History, BroGKAi »«Y,TJt.Av in>, Science, General Information, Woman's De •AHiMLvr, and Gov. Taylor's Department. laylor’H Lore letters to the Public are of spe ial interest. Sample cony fre**. Asents Wanted. FREE! •rs at our regular S to equal the regular price •ft he article selected, we will give free bicycle, r<>M watch, diamond ring, nr a scholarship In either <f Draughon’s Business Colleges, Nashville,Tenn., Jal vestnn, or Texarkana, 'l ex., or one in almost any business College or Literary School. Write us. Mention Griffin (Ga.) Mormno Call Fine Chickens For Sale. I have for sale full breed Minorcas, War horse and Shawl-neck, Crossed Game and Bard Plymouth Rock Chickens. Also settings of eggs from each breed. These birds are select. E. L. Rogers. Summer Homes’ Folder, 1899. Mr. W. A. Turk, General Passenger Agent of the Southern Railway, is collat ing information for Summer Homes' Folder for the ensuing Summer, giving the names of proprietors, post office ad dresses, at or near what station, convey ance used, number of guests, terms per day, week and month. This information will be printed in an attractive form and a large edition published and distributee! by the various agents of this immense system throughout all sections ot the country. Persons contemplating taking boarders for the ensuing summer are re quested to apply to the nearest railroad agent for blank to be filled out giving the above information, and forward at once to XV . A. I’urk. General Passenger Agent Washington, I). C., so that it may reach him not later than April Ist. FurnitureßßjairSlioj 0 O John T. Boyden has opened an Upholster Shop, and will do all other General Furniture Repairs ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. Please call and see me. J OHN T. BOYDEN, 19 1-2 Hill St. DR. E. L. HASTES DENTIST. Office upstairs in building adjoining, oa the north, M Williams & Son.