The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 07, 1899, Image 4

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FOR SPRING AND SUMMER ! We are receiving the most complete ft, ‘ I t-atlsfaetory line of Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings| That we have ever been able to show to our patrons. This season we haw hivl an <t e to increasing our sales <n<! have )x«t> very particular and choice in our :- d.-tion s. We combine style, fit, handsome trimmings, good wear and low prices in every .-mt. Our NECK WEAR department is elaborate and up to date. Uc arc showing a handsome line of SHIRTS in all the new patterns. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA- IF YOU NEED A TRUSS BE SURE AND GET The American Silver Truss. AMERICAN SILVER TRUSS. BEST FITTING | MOST COMFORTABLE Easy to Wear, Retains ' pre '.sure • n iIIA. I \* H lAN I*l. A . TAKI v ONE IS I ■’ i 7 r "’‘ ( ?’•«>» (lUARAN FEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Het tn.* I No under st rap* J with Comfort. | Never move,. We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. NEW GARDEN SEED JUST RECEVED. ALL FRESH AND GENUINE.: ONION SETS—EfiSTERH IRISH POTAAOES. DRUGS, PATENT ME Dili XUS. LHIPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, GLASS AND PUTTY. EINE LOT DE PEKE'MEIiY \ND TOILET ARTICLES. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. J- N. HARRIS & SON. Yes, We Have It! CALIFORNIA EVAPORATED PEAUHL -. N. Y. EVAPORA I ED APPLES, i 10e SALMON, MINCE MI.AT 10c POUND, A GOOD CAN CORN 10c CAM, A GOOD CAN I'EA I".- ( AN, I’o • Il M CEREAL SMALL AND LARGE. G. W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST (HUH EKS IX TON \. I want to sell you your Gro ceries. You who ieat, see what we have today: Fine Celery. Roe Shad. Fresh Oyß Trout. CranberrieH. Fancy Bananas. Evaporated A ppi es. Evaporated Fears. Genuine Cuba Molasst ;< Finest line of I’ickles ever shown in Gridin. Fresh Bread. Try my Cream I’ulis. J. 81. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., APRIL 7, ISW.». nice over Ihiv i- H ard ware Slot TELEPHONE NO. 32. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS DR. J. M. THOMAS. (PHYSICIAN AND SVKGEON. Ottlce: No. 2; 4 Hill street, stairway next to R. P. Me'A'illiani* A Son. 'Tele phone 27, 2 rings. Mr*. J. M. Kelley spent t day with friends in Atlanta. John W. Wolcott ma lea business trip to Zebulon (■ da > Col. W. E II Seaicy. Ji , Httem:'d court at Zabulon today. Col Thus E ! atti r.<. n spent today tn Forsyth on leg d buelu -s Just received ( re.*h Ci Rota Baga Turnips, P, I. -a B Jn»;i nt.d Sweet Pota'oes Lew is D Clark, 20 j Hill Bt. I tag l\ lei Io eps iv tn.o ii-, |. d- bug-, ill- a i i ic 2. ■ I B ■d; I I lie S t" S'rw at t 11 : .e . . ■: I. i■ i was in Illis CUV ill's i, Hli.llg < n bn ,o as II :i W ( 1 Be, k i in ade ill ■ p up Hl- S ( , A N A R P ■ I,i ~n I, gal I i*ines*. E J. T’b -I- : wi i.t ivor Io Z bn. lon ibis morning to ntteml Pike superioi court. S. 1 > Bnll, Sr , eatne up from Barm-v: e tins morning 'o spent s >tue 11nir iti this citv. R . \\ 1 > I , haw, I, .an. be, A ~ w pie ?h hen 11:■ .>• li Su ( day in April All are invited to comii. \ spring lime p-1 ,-anti.i:; Non »>:■•>! us Pm ■ Ki'!■ r I ir -• I t: ie a' Brook s’ Drug stole Judge \\ D Sto c null's aide.' attorm'vs, was in the city this m liii’g ct.t m'e Lome fl 111 Zebulon. Roy il D into wli > he- bt en quite i in \llan ta, is i r.ii r V fng ni .i. ■ J ■i- b j d I<o wi I■■ in J M Br iv. n •, w-1, ! ■ b •I, :i ■he s red!.' rn >gt h ami wi . ;it in a few dal ■ H mt' 1 Bartlett, Member cf II strict, La- .nr thank . r va’ua iie public doe irnents M-- Mattie Scb oib t it dt. In r I nm ill I vGraiige }..'erdai all r- re I it i i es i i ibis city. ('apt I S \\ es'b: k ri-'iirnul this | n. irr ~g from a !< w dais ti p to 1 I t om.'- m, win te I 1 p iS |] ie . out i n't ho build g a lai ge .oiiiil. riuin G- im ! B i ea Ith-'.rs growing chick* tr mi: , I «JUlg tow'-. Pa* tio • <p> a P I > i ' - noi. I a- D Ca1..20 Hi x- \ 12 ' I ti t d -y ( ■ . .- .. t- ed gr I ami Mr. 1 gan D mg'as elect* | I MEDLOM ON Real Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office of W. H. NEWTON & C0.,1 Griffin, Ga. I e 1 alternate to the grand lodge, which meets in Rome on the fourth Wednes day in May—Macon Telegraph. If yon want to keep your little | chit kens healthy feed them on Ground | Bone and Oyster Shells Lewis D Clark, 20 Hill St President Popo Brown, of the State! I Fair Association, has appointed the various representatives for the differ ent departments of the State Fair, and among them wo see the name of B N Barrow, representive of department K—l lor lie. ij It u t < —of Griffin. A good appointment Are we to have a union Sunday school picnic this year? It has been the custom for many years to unite tin- Sunday schools of all denomina tions and have a picnic, and the pres ent bad weather cannot last always anti when it does clear up arrange ments should bo well nigh completed for the annual outing of the Sunday schools of the city Nur-poisonous Bug Killer a pre vention ami evndicator of bugs and | moths. Large size bottle 25 cents at I Brook. I>rug Store The first chapters of Count 'lol- j story’s great novel appear in the April ■ Cosmopolitan. Publication is taking! place simultaneously in tho United • States, England, France, Germany,: Austria and Russia. The novel has ! been carefully edited for the Cosmo-! politan. No part of the story has been j lost, tin ugh. | <-rha|-s. the reader i- I di-pr 1 vid < f some of the picturesque-: ncs i which appeared in the original! R ii'-i in ! For Whooping Cough use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT, — Both Were Alarmed- The young Siames Princess are hav mg a good time in Nice, says an ex I change. It. has become the fashion to j | invite them to ail the receptions, and t.> by their facts they enj-iv be | ini.' :oniz -1. \ dist i t tly fuimy | .'I i- ide I .OK phu- the r day. A eel 1 III) i idy, aft< r a pr- .t deal of | I ps.u s, siii e-di d in g'-ttiuc oi intro- i II >n to oni of (he diisk \ y ■ ungsters i I'be introduction to k plac- in a we!’— I ki...w u drart ing room. With peifcetl correi'tmss, b it r.i'ht r ! > the sur > pro o’thi e present, t specially his I high:u ss, (hi- lady saluted him with a deep court com less The little princeling, who had been wearing i good natured smile, looked almost terrified, and it was thought he was either going to cry or run a wav. W ith the benevolent idea of putting him at Ins ea--‘ the lady promptly . ii-ki-d him li w many Li-.ithetv and - Uers he had, to which he replied I qtill1■ i : ■■ ni •v, 1 it be '-I i. it ex t " he |lo-<lt ■ i .ri.-o t' • i.qui: th- mini- I In r was i n the < a rll . f SO. , Il'w is then the gt I d.n e urn to | i- k fright, ned. c -zk. s -o m x , |F..- Bt ., un : r . U:.. B- y-: For Asthma use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. 1 11. N w York 1 -m - - t ,s ■ I i. • :■ p r d that Pr. - lent M. Km' v is eh irg. - i-n - i -.u ili ' -I -g. in; to Cui m s - hr, ■ < r |-, ee i I from Cub ci : 's, ,1 lih.g a i ' lit it n , >: is -n., . t; t' . . n the I -r.-rl< I. -m . : : '< 1- , ! t , ‘in-A; t' r Cub i As t Spanish p -y, ■ r,rh mi i v<i system, ■ ' v is >'■ ■' ' I'fev-. i.t t. tc.s from ' d a great !ch i . ~r lt . <■ Presi- t i- ,ik-- y t > t -v ,- (he im- e denied m . n n ft -lint r\ hi ° u For Croup use CH ENEY‘B EXPECTORANT Hol;.:. .1!: .Ji it hou. in ns-ir tho J’-iin.etto bfiair L, : :in r : r.'.'i rigs in the South, the 1 . . . p<> is Ni" s i isk s the following •We have bid shame ui lyn lii ics I i>i 1: di uni, e- ■ i< y have d-ne in- I ( - c i,i «i. ,i .1 In - ' d name and -, nr -I I G I - r N rthern i. ■. i,. . i...,, .at v • - been si r>i i ■ 'ai..i--. r., d . niv-. .. i the ,'<>. . 1,1 ; , in, . a ■ .-1 I'll! press - i ,vi- <•> 1- o' a;: in-t 'ln di- grace, I i.nd hav ' -illed on '.be authorities to bring the leadi rs of the niob to justice. 1 "In the South today, w i find another i spirit. The tmwsqiapers t.nat really con demn the slaughter o! negroes are few. ! Scarcely a journal of repute has the courage to condemn, without reserve, I ill- perpetrators of these outrages, I Nearly all of the papers try to find some excuse for the lynchings. It eet-tna st range that the decent people of the South are unable to see that lynching is a monster wrong that can no more be controlled, once it is under j way, than can a piairie fire.” ) Courtesy requires the taking for ! granted that the Indinapolis News de sires to tell the truth, at. any rate in those numerous cases where the loose ethics of partisan politics do not call fur the contrary. Taking this for granted, then, it i-i viib-ut tiiat the editor of the News has failed to per form his duty of scanning the edito rial page of his prominent Southern exchanges. To say nothing of the utterances of numerous other papers, the Telegraph, the Constitution and the Journal of Georgia, each printed co less than three editorials on the subject, in every case dealing with the matter fearlessly and properly. In deed, the utterance of the editor of the News is without excuse and justly exposes him to a serious charge. Io ; view of which, the Memphis Scimiter ' may well be pardoned for the follow ' mg : "If all the editorial written by Gem | gia editors denunciatory of the Pal- - metto lynching ware woven iuto I threads, and all those threads twisted ! into a mpe, the same would be suffi cient to hang every man connected with that wretched piece of business, and leave enough te put :his Indiana slanderer where he could defame hon es'. people no more.’ —Macon Tele graph. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward ' for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. i Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe : him perfectly honorable in all business I transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West <V Tkcax, AVholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Makvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muc- ' ous surfaces oi the system. Testimonials scut free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by’ ail druggists. Hall’s Family’ Pills are the best. Southern After Air Line. Lot ISVILI.E, Ky , April 7 —President Samuel Spencer, Second Vice Presi dent W. W Fmley, Third Vice I’iesi dent and General .Manager Frank Gannon and other officials of the Southern railway left Louisville yes terday for St. Louis over the Air Line. The party was accompanied by Mr. George T. Jarvis, receiver and genetai m mager ol the Air Line. It is gener ally believed now that the Air Line will soon be controlled by the Southern. It is thought that this trip aas made with the view of improving the line. With fb.e Air Line as a part of the system, the Southern will have a direct line of its own tracks from St. Louis nearly- to New Orleans. Its mileage will exceed the 6,000-niile mark ■ • - "■ Bears tho 2 Kind Yen Havs A!w;r»o Bought LAUNDRY. For the convenience of my patrons I have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run in connecf’on with my obi business ’ on Broad street. I will superintend the work at both Laundries and guar antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. WE PAY S2OO rash for a Ptanip like cut! XX •• pay «A r « I" ?l'’icu< h f< -r many p< stage stampsusc-i b. IM. * i’i I'Knr. I V7IA lawk r find stamps worth ttmusan«ls < f dollar*. Sexid to-day t r I RF.F llustrated lists. \DARI» m. 1...1iM. t. ■ - A ( n«. «TIpH ’ » •"« V • > L C. t. k.- ’. mun . u: - '. s t ’ ml w • -t-- . ■. Carminative * My Baby's Life.” Johnson Station, Ga„ September 16, 1898. IN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga 2 IdLndLouma no relief mill S° ! "* 'l°'*™?,” C fever left herXn Ua'K £‘l &i“K L’ ? h »'rS-?X‘ 'TY" kt lh '“toeehSi. l ? uckly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial 7 Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE MURRAY. V for Baby— Will Save Youra. | . . . .TRY 1T.... I j-, c.T<~n y <~i <j <-»<_> o <j<l <j n -j-X ©f th© UlClr g ( .Grip is & treacherous disease. Youthink it nCCy wi is cured and the slightest cold brings on a p relapse. “ wj x ;n Its victims are always left in a weakened YcY condition— blood impure and impoverished} Jrif y/ nerves shattered. Pneumonia, heart disease and nervous prostration are often the w r esult. SA\ W Or.Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People will /N*) Yp drive every trace of the poisonous germs fromlW/J the system, build up And enrich the blood yji SJ and strengthen the nerves. A trial will (J? prove this. Read the evidence! When ths grip last visited this section Herman H. Eveler, Gl// of HU W. Main BU, Jefferson, Mo., a well-known contraotor and Z>n\\ builder,was one of the victims, and he has since been troubled / Mu Il mi with the after-effects of the disease. A year ago bls health be- IWjjJ 3\llll gku tofaU,and he wae obliged to discontinue work. That he lb OL Prt-A/ live* to-day is almostu miracle. He says: IVjA' “I wa» troubled with shortness of breath, palpitation of the Jy/ t/Af heart ana a general debility. My back also pained me severely. KfiX. SfAfl *'A tried one doctor after another and numerous remedies //V Ayl by my friends, but without apparent benefit, and lr\T began to give up hope. Then I saw Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills IPl| ILll for Pale People extolled in a St. I.ouis paper, and after inves- Ikjl Zpll ligation decided to give them a >. ml. ALjyl /Ai /Ai “After using the first box 1b it wonderfully relieved and /AK/jj IUaxII wm satUfled that the pills were puttinc me on the road to re- flVri/J irAA l| covery. I bought two more boxes ad continued taklngtbem. lifAM/ “After taking four boxis of Iw-M Pin )< Pi is for Pale illjM People lam restored to good health. I feel like a new man, and lly/tfl! (uek bavlng the will and energy of my for: "f days : turned. lam IP3IMJ ZArwS. capable of transacting mv business with Inereaß'<l ambition. /axL-, • “Dr. Williams’ Pink I’llls for Palo People are a wonderful Al lIWUn medicine and any one suffering from Ih<> after ■ ffects of the IIIL H \yaß|| grip will find that those pills are the specific.” H.H.EVf.lbb. Y-AjU Mr. Eveler will gladly answer anv inquiry n .ardlng thisi if ll stamp is enclosed.— Prom Cole Co. Democrat, Jefferson City, Mo. zifrA Look for the full name on the package. At druggist* of \v4/ rect T fOm ffi £ Dr ."Williams Medicine Co., Sclienectady, N.Y. ySadM aaw 50c. per box. 6 boxes $2.50. k BASS BROS. Busy as Bees, Yes, Busier. MISSES HARRIS AND MALAIER HAVE .< 'HARMED THE PEOPLE AND THEY ARE COMING To THEM FOR FINE HATSANDBONNETS ‘•THE HATS ARE BEAUTIFUL AND SO CHEAP,” WAS EXCLAIMED BY THE LADIES WHO VISITED OUR OPENING. JUST AFTER EASTER MILLINER- USUALLY HAVE A LAG IN BUSINESS, BUT TO AVOID THIS OUR MIL LINERS WILL OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THE FIRST OF THE WEEK TO THOSE WHO AVANT .OLD HATS MADE NEW BY RESHAPING AND RETRIMMING THEM AT JUST HALF PRICES. THE "WORK USUAL. LY COSTING SI.OO WILT. ONLY COST 50c. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. WORK WORTH $2.00 WILL COST JUST SI.OO DURING THIS TIME. DON'T FAIL TO BRING THE OLD HAT UP AT ONCE. NEW SPRING GOODS. I’iqueß 35c., Monday {-rices 25c., all colors. 25e. Piques at 15c. 60 new Shirt Waist Patterns for next weeks (rale at nearly give away prices—sl.o6, $1.30, $1.75, $2 and $2 85, no two alike. 43 black Skirt Patterns as long as they last at 90c., $1.25, $1.50, $2 00 and $2 50. I■> black Crepon Patterns, Athinta prices $2.50 yard, our pri-. - -—just come and see the difference. \\ ben your purse suggests a saving just make your purchases at BASS BROTHERS’.