The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 11, 1899, Image 4

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NEAT, STYLISH ANO DURABLE AKE THE LINES OF Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings We are showing tins season. We are fully alive to the Wants of the trade i and urge you to give us a call and let ua show you through. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA. IF YOU NEED A TRUSS BE SURE AND GET The American Silver Truss. AMERICAN / SILVER I / TRUSS. \ I MOST KI TT IN < J / A- • A ND MOST COMFORTABLE I NmF cool. Easy to Wear. Retain, \/Nopres.ureon THAT YOl CAN Bl Y. EVERY ONE IS | Scverejt V ,u p» or Hack. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. I Hernia I No understrapn. Iwith Comfort. I Never move* We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. NEW GARDEN SEED JUST RECEVED. ALL FRESH AND GENUINE.J ONION SETS—EASTERN IRISH POTAAOES. DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, GLASS AND PUTTY. FINE LOT OF PERF'MERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. J. N. HARRIS & SON. STRAWBERRIES. We will have Strawberries today. G. W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST GROCERS IX TOWN. CUBA MOLASSES. The Genuine Article, in Original Package. GEORGIA CANE STROPS REBOILEO. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., APRIL 11. IHW». i.Mo-over l)>n is Hwrdw rireNtore fELEI’UONK NO 3S. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS DR. ,1. M lIIOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Otilce: No. 2:R Hill street, stairway next to R. I’. McWilliams A Son. Tele phone 27, 2 rings, Mlils McNeel, of Marietta, is in the city today. C. A. Dickinson, of VV illiamaon, was here today Henry Jackson, of Williamson, spent today tn this city. Rolf Bloodworth made a buainers trip to Atlanta today. J. N Hill‘bower, ot Columbus, Ohio, was hi the city today. Don’t rejoice too much or you will scare this w atber into rain again Miss Jessie I.iwtou is visiting Capt. and Mrs. J. M. Kell at Sunny Side. For Sai.i:—2<"» bushels unknown Pens I. win J) Claik-. 20 Hill street. \f ihh Cairn l< 'll <4 Sunnv Side, I “pent today w-itl- her many Giitfin t In, ii.lm It 1. I’uk, went up to A'lant i this tnoining to spend a lew days with friends S A !!■ wo ii, the , till I, 1.1 lux col« lector of of I'ikc couniv, spent today in this city. M -j,-J I; V!| and I.v>> in Rid w,n'. up to Aianta tins m iui>g to vi-ll fi ‘end". It v \\ M Wnlraven, of Zebulon, tvn tlie guest of his many Griffin friends today S A. 11 'Will, ihi'cii'i r ■ t!. x eullecU of I'.ki county mis n the city shopping today. Joe. 11 Diewii li-aV. ■ tonight tor LaGrange where he will spend a few d 11} S on b'l“l l>e*J, Gr.i E lEI g 0 v , IX-n, \,r of Barre sv ’e, -p>n' t d<y in Gi Ilin with his mini 11 lends t' J W S' e' i. i Sri.. • -i, came d ai. i, . i niiHiniif Io »j e ■ : ILe day with !: ,ei ds :n t hi“ <"ty • Ire th, m> icliants of Griifiu trying to induce the purchaser* to trade with th, in. In a few days it wd l> in order t. an -« a i thi * quest ion Owing to the recent > 11l ctc n in the r fine. ' f the Pie*. lent, Mrs i R, - Mi l*, ihete will bo no meeting I the Current Topics Club tomorrow-. , Mis, T J James, . Adrian, who h is be, n visiting in this city for some time, .eaves tonight 'or LaGrange, where she wi ! spend a few days The attention of our read* is is calls ed to a published rejort of the condi* ii >n of the City National Bank, which r|.p a s elsewhere today. Read it Burt Spring Oats planted now will double yield over other oat* E. r sale by 1. wis D C a:k, 2D Hill s.tre. t Will Beadles, wh ' has b t sj < rd* , mg several w -tka u Ins !:■ on in | Fayettevi !e, has returned to Gridin ; and resumed his duties on the Cali MONEY»LOAN ON Reni Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when ; Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office of W. H. NEWTON & CO., Griffin, Ga. Parties coming ia from Zebulon this morning state that Judge Reagan is fa«t disposing of the criminal dock et, and it is believed court will ad journ in another day. Mrs. E Hunt Davis, of Eatonton, I who is visiting her parents, C«pt. and Mrs. J. M Kell, al Sunny Side, came down this morning to spend a few days ; wtih her many Griffin friends. Just received fine lot Amber Sor ghurn Seed, German Millet, Burt or 90 Day Oats The latter can be sown until the middle of this month and make fine oats. Lewis I). Clark, 20 Hill street. Bob Shockley, who was to have been tried in Zebulon yesterday for assault with intent to murder, forfeit ed his bond and has not been seen or heard of. The State’s witnesses were dismissed and Shockley’s bondsmen will have to pay the bond The second quarterly meeting of ilia directors of the Georgia experi mental Farm, will meet in the office of the farm, at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning and transact all business that may come before it. The session will be presided over by Hon. 0. B. Stevens, the new chairman. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought A Oinners Union. We the dinner?, in and around Or chard H'll Ga , desire to organize a “ginners union” for lite benefit of the man that gins the cotton —and the farmers at large, and would like to have the c<-operation of all the gin ners of Spalding and Tike counties. We have arranged to have a teaipora ry meeting here Saturday April 22, at 2 o’clock, and would be glad to have all who are interested to meet with tie. We should have a cc-operation in our business as well as any other cn» (Giltner). —♦ - - KEIIOBOTII. Hi uobotii, April 10.—Rw.C. W. Ol iver filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Sunday. Son Beckham and Miss Leila Futral at tended ]'reaching here Sunday. A!> Caldwell, of McKibben, visited rela tives here Sunday. The young people < f this neighborhood cn.joye 1 a pleasant little surprise party at M.J. Maddox’s Thursday G. VV. and B. 11. Maddox made a trip to Griffin Thursday. Misses Leman and Notiie Kinard visit ed relatives at Brusbey Wednesday. Prof. Morris says his hors can trot a mile in 5 minutes. Why didn't Sherman Brown attend our singing? Gus Futral, of Midw ty, ; ,-ed through here Thursday. Misses Mattie and Rosa Maddox spent Wednesday in Griffin. I'. M. Whatley spent last Wednesday in Griffin. Rev and Mrs W. Z (< .rd net spent Saturday and Sunday with o.datives near Liberty Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Chapman visited their daughter, Mrs. .1 B. Orear, last week. J. 11. Grubbs and M, J M ,dd -x went to Griffin Saturday. Leonard Futral an I Will nr G 'ssett vis ited i; ■! i Is her, S .. ' ■ Marvin King and l ope Maddox were I here Sunday astern ;. Wl. '. Oxford v ■■ , ere '.in day. Ihe o.d speck.i. ■ -ter had better; roost under the li se.t r there is tin tin- 1 known owl that ba.- h. 1' w t i not far from here. \\ e advise Herbert t make an engage ment next time It w. -ave him from sitting a discons,>!»-, figure on the edge of the near by pond. Bear, the x? ' ■ * -I I.- H 'S Alwys Eotigflt Signature /O' y'/.T \ .TT"" For Asltima'use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. Syndicate Farming There are hi> dreds, probably thou drfinb, <d H,;ien < ( laud in this county which once grew boutitifu! crops o f c ittou, rice and corn, but which aie t),)W rav-ml with a valueless loiest growth, <>r i l e hr> ► > slovenly cultiva ■, I a m il; ti e Ib r expended praioeaily w -’.J. Pulsing through a dense pine .. • «tl in the southern pai ’ < <! ■' e ci■')■ ' ’I- i 1 r -I.ij the ceu 1 ia in »li ■D» tbe i r tof lar d rem irk ■■<! to h s com pan. mn that whin he w..s ab ,y tint tract Lad be, .i bis father's most productive sea island cotton plantation. It is a mailer of wonder to many who see the immense tracts of unem ployed land in the county, and in the neighborhood of the city, way it re mains idle while there ate thousands of colored and hundreds of white per sons in and about Savannah who are seemingly doing nothing to earn a living. There are many reasons for this condition of affairs. Some of them can be remedied, while others can’t. One of the difficulties, and one that it seems could be mitigated, if not ie moved, is the bolding of large bodies of land, by syndicates which bought the lands during the loom times of several years ago, and which cannot now sell out their holdings at anything like their cost. The good of the community would be advanced if these now idle lands were brought under cultivation. To this end the Morning News suggests that the land syndicates transform themselves into cc-operative agricul tural companies, and take steps to make the lands productive. By put ting a little more capital into tbeir investments, and employing compe tent men as managers, the syndicates could, no doubt, get interest on the money now tied up in unproductive acres. And at the same time employ ment would be given to labor, to the benefit of the whole community. There isn’t any reason why corn, cotton, sugar cane, and probably to bacco also, cannot be raised with profit on the lands in question. It has been done, and it can be done again. Would it not be well for those who have mon ey tied up in the lands to stop looking nt their beautifully colored maps of city or suburban lots and figuring up how much they would have made bad they sold nt the proper time, and give some attention to the possibilities of the lands in the way of farming? If some of the owners would show an amount of energy in turning their lots back into farms equal to that which they displayed several years ago when they turned the farm into lots, it would not be long before profitable agriculture in Chatham would be on as great a boom as town lots once were.—Savannah News. How’s This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West A Tri ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood ami muc ous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. o a. £5 •>: o xx x „ Bears the Kind You Hava Always Bougtfi LAUNDRY. For the convenience of my patrons I have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run in connection with my old business on Broad street. I will superintend the work at both Laundries and guar antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. J. 11. HUFF'S BOOK AND Ml SIC STORE is the place for you to buy your Bxiks, Stationery, Window Shades, and Fancy Goods. I IAN< >S an 1 OlltiAXS A . . Bar gain Prices. J. H. HUFF, 24 HILL STREET. ? Carminative ? | Savecf My Baby's Life." A Gentlemen: 1 can not recommend your Pitts' Garminative too n t strongly, as 1 owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum 2 1 when five months old, and I covld get no relief until 1 began using Pitfs i 2 Carminative. The fever left her when I had given her but two bottles y V and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. I advise all C □ mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial. 5 | Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE MORRAY. i ff Saifed Her Baby-Will Save Taura. I | ... .TRY IT.. . . COST SALE! ' We have bought out W. P. Horne, The goods are at the SCHEUERMAN STORE And for the purpose of moving them to your homesand raising money for ourselves, we will sell all goods at this store For Cost Until May Ist, Remember your credit may be, and is good, but this sale is to raise money and no goods will ba charged to any one. When you ask the price of an article there you will get what it cost, and we cannot charge, no matter how good your credit. This sale will positively close the first of May. Just as positively will it be a cost sale. EDWARDS BROS. I I Eagle brand > Condensed Milk % Has No Equal as an Infant Food % C ‘‘INFANT HEALTH'sent FREE. ’•*(oxotN5 £ t BASS BROS. - Here We Are Again WITH MORE BARGAINS. 320 pairs of ladies Kid Gloves, some are damaged, some are not. best makes as long as they last at 50c pair, worth SI.OO to $1.50. Greatest bar gains in Kid Gloves ever ottered in Griffin. 176 Corsets, boxes damaged Corsets in good condition, on middle counter this week at less than half value. Numbers 18 to 29, all grades and styles. 20 pieces of Piques, the 25c (quality, as long as they last at 15c. 10 pieces of beautiful Piques in all the newest shades at 25c. AtLnla merchants are getting 40c yard lor this quality. SHIRT WAIST SILKS. Our Shirt Waist Silks are lovely. We have increased our stock during the week Our prices for each pattern —$1.06, $1 30, $1 75, $2 and $2 »5, a good many of these patterns worth $5. Skirt patterns in blacks at 90c, sl, $1.25, $1.75, $2 and $2 50. These are all very low prices, not the cost of material, but on account of being in short lengths we name these prices to close them out. Millinery Department! P member our Millinery Department, when you want to save money. When y >u want a pretty, stylish Hat or Bonnet, come as early as you can. Shirt and Collar Sale. Have you heard of our Shirt and Collar Sale? Well if you have not come at once. I maundered white Shirts at 25c, 40? and 50c each, are worth sl. 2,000 Gents Collars, 4-ply ail linen, soiled a little, to sell at 5c * l <•• No one in need of Collars should miss this sale. W ben your purse suggests a saving just make your purchases at BASS BROTHERS’