The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 13, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING GALL. Vol. X N °- 188 BAPE and murder. A Negro Wau’ed by tbe Authorities of Brooks Station- Just we are going io press a dis* jial.h waH received by the police, a«k ji,g for the arrest of a negro who is i waoieo for murder and rape. Tbe particulars are nut known* I neither could we learn where the < crime w»s committed It may be the negro wanted for the murder o! Alfred I Cranford near Palmetto, but the p>• t lice entertain a different opinion, t They think another crime has been I committed and this time Fayette * county furnished the victim. The dis* ( patch received was as fmiuAs. ’ Brooks Station, Ga., April 13. t Chief of Felice : Arrest Sam Holt, ( colored, yellow, age 21, wears light pants, brown coat, and spotted hat. f Charge, rape and murder. ! (Signed) 8. Boykin. li LaTEK —A diepatch from Brooks Station states the negro is the one who £ committed the dastardly deed at Pal- « metto last night. He was seen last t night at 12 o’clock at Sharpsburg, and ’ is thought to be heading for Guffio. 1 This is not a very heathly place for ne- < gro rapists, and if he comes to Griffin he will receive a warm welcome from t the reception commilte. r Death of Walter Spence- s The sad news of the death of Walter t Spence was received hero this after noon, and although it was known that his condition was critical, tbe an- t nouncement of his death cast a shad'. , ow of gloom over our city, where lie resided a number of years. Young Spence was taken ill some days ago with brain fever, and al- f though everything possible was done c to restore him to health, the end came , 1 at 1 o’clock this afternoon. i He leaves a mother, Mrs. Emmie i Spence, and sister, Mies Laura Spence, i of Barnesville; a brother Ernest ] Spence, Gadsden, Ala., and a host of I relatives and friends in this city to 1 mourn bis death. ; The remains will reach here at 10 i o’clock tomorrow morning, escorted i by a large number of his most inti* | mate friends, who will act as pall ' bearers, and the funeral will take place , as announced elsewhere. Major Ransone Suicides. Major Julian Ransone died at bis borne near Macon some time Tuesday night from tbe effects of morphine taken with suicidal intent. For some time Ransone has been ill, and it is thought that his act was caused by despair. He was one of tbe most < noted duellists iu tbe south, and own ed some of the finest plantations in the state. He is reported to have lost about $75,000 in the wreck of tbe , Eagle A Phenix mills and tome of bis friends think that this turned his mind. FUNERAL NOTICE. ' The friends and acquaintances of 1 Mr. Walter Spence, Mrs. Emma and s Miss Laura Spence,of Barnesville, Mr. , Ernest Spence, of Gadsden, Ala, and Mr. and Mrs. W. \V. Wolcott and fam- f ily are requested to attend the funeral 1 of the former from the borne of the i latter at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. , Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cats, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum 1 Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, 1 Chilblains,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, 1 and positively cures Piles, or no pay re- < quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect < satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 , cents per box. For sale by J. N. , Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward, Intemperance Iu Drugs. There is a source of nervous ailments entirely’ special to this age and the un expected outcome of our present day chemistry and advertising. Intemper ance in drugs is becoming more com mon, and it may possibly outstrip the abuse of alcohol in its evil results. The manufacture of new chemical products is supplying’the public with endless car bon derivates of high molecular power and of imperfectly known physiological action Some are most dangerous, and their continued indulgence leads to con nrmed neurosis or hopeless neurasthe nia, and it thus comes to pass that as the therapeutic activity of the profession tends to abolish disease that of the pub be is manufacturing it—Medical Jour nal c 'A.S'l'OniA., Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature //fz? of '"'i? BM j c i,.ur rife Auaf. • " V .'•:>! hire, r; . be 1; - • ;ti -\ <. Nn To -ik •- < ak i’.'-r . ’ . Ct re r ::i! an k. 1 : t ■ • c.i'i f Aklress • -*einedy Co . Chicag o New York BRAINED WITH AN AXE. I Mr. Alfred Cranford Assassinated Near Palmetto. Palmetto, Ga , April 13—Our little village was again thrown into great excitement lm-t night when it was learned that Mr. Alfred Cranford had been assassinated and his wife assault ed by a negro. Mr Cranford’s plantation is about four miles from here, in Coweta coun ty. Last night about 7 o’clock be was sitting with his wife at the supper ta ble when a negro, armed with an axe, stepped into tbe room and dealt Mr. Cranford a terrible blow upon the head witli the weapon. His skull was crush ed and he died from the effects about 9 o’clock. The negro, after dealing Mr. Cran ford tbe fatal blow, seized Mrs. Cran ford, and dragging her into an adjoin ing room, assaulted her. Mrs. Cranford ran from the bouse and went to that of her father-in-law, about half a mile distant, and gave the alarm. She recognized the negro while be was in the act of killing her husband, but not in time to give Mr, Cranford warning. There is great excitement over the murder, and every endeavor will be made to catch the assassin. Mr. Cranford was about twenty-five years of ago and comes from one cf the best families in this section. The assassin is described as being of a ginger-cake color; has a black mous tache, and has the habit of shaking bis head while talking. Signs of Peace. Gen. Otis seems to think that the fighting in tbe Philippines is practi cally ended. It is not known, of course, how much of an army Aguinaldo has with him, but it is believed that it is very small. Many of the men who were with him before the capture of Malolos have left him and gone to their homes. They have had enough fighting, and would be glad to have peace declared It has been stated a number of times in our dispatches that Aguinaldo’s soldiers bad to be forced into battle by their offlceiS' There has been very little fighting since Aguinaldo’s retreat from Malo- Joe. The inference is that the insur gent army has gone to pieces and that Aguinaldo’s power is broken. The commissioners sent to tbe Phil ippines seem to have accepted this view. They have issued a proclama tion in which they set forth the inten tion of the United States in respect to the Filipinos. The proclamation is calculated to allay whatever fears tbe Filipinos may have bad respecting our purposes in their islands. It is diffi cult of course to make them believe that it is our intention to deal fairly and honestly with them. They have become so accustomed to the deceit of the Spaniards that confidence in our protestations of good will and friend ship will be of slow growth. Still, if we treat them honestly and fairly and show them that we intend to help them better their condition, they may accept our terms of peace and finally accept our rule. Much will depend upon the men to whom will be intrusted tbe duty of administering the law. If good laws are enacted, and faithfully and honest ly administered ths Filipinos may be come our friends and willingly yield obedience to our authority, but if we send a lot of politicians to Manila, and they follow the example of tbe Span iard-, we shall never have peace in the Philippines.—Savannah News. Bemarkable Rescue- Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111,, makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption, and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist sug gested Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottle, found her self sound and well; now doe- her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Harris & Son’s and Car lisle & Ward’s drug stores. Only 50c. and SIOO, every bottle guaranteed. 10,000 lbs. Seed Cotton For Sale. Ten thousand pounds of Piideof Georgia and Geo W. Truitt’s famous Cotton Seed for sale, at 20c. per bush el Guaranteed to be sound and ail right. Raised by R J Manley, Jr. J O Stewart, At Cole’s Warehouse. k GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1899. SITUATION IS CRAVE Disposition of Germany’s Consul is Dangerous to Friendly Relations > Washing ton, April 13 iln «!<vel . opments concerning Samoa make I i somewhat unci lt.iin wlnHe rli j . til 1 international cornmi-.-iou ahl go to ■ Apia. Git >it Britain has d. c • e,l to accept certain fealur s in u tor < non with the commission'.- functions After a day devoted to the con-idi i i ation of tbe news of the kil ing of American and British officers and sea , men by the Mataafune, the administra tion has decided that tbe general situ ation has not been affected, but, it is admitted that the incident has aggra vated the friction between Germany on one hand and Great Britain and the United States on tbe other and the latter may play an important part in determining whether the treaty rela tions shall be continued. For tbe present, the chances of a hostile outcome are small, but in the meddlesome disposition of German Consul Rose is an element of danger to tbe continuance of friendly rela tions. Another such affair as that of April Ist, traceable directly to the in fluence of Rose, may be followed by a clash that may affect the peace of tbe world. This government still favors sending tbe commissioners to Apia without delay, and is supported by Germany, but England’s position makes this im possible. The German embassy has issued an official statement, saying that England raised now difficulties of such a complicated nature that they are not to be dealt with telegraphical ly- Orders have been issued by the war department discharging a number of generals volunteer officers. This action was made necessary by tbe official end ing of the war. Maj. General James H. Wilson, Lee, Wheeler, Bates, Young, Chaffee, Ludlow and Wood and Brigadier Generals Davis, Echwan, Hall, Wheaton, Charles King, Grant, Hughes, Ovensbein and Hale con tinue in the service as brigadier generals of volunteers under the new law. Story of a Slave- To be bound band and foot for years by the chain of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a 1 slave was made free He says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two b.ittles of Elec tric Bitters, she is wonderfully im proved and able to do her own work.’’ 1 This supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, and sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Harris & Son and Carlisle <fc Ward Druggist. To Have Joint Terminals. Richmond, Ya , April 13—Negotia tions have been concluded whereby the Chesapeake and Ohio and the ' Seaboard Air Lino are to untie in con structing terminals and erecting a de pot and office building for their joint use at a cost of $3,000,000. ' Tbe Seaboard is represented iu the deal by the Richmond, Petersburg and 1 Carolina road, being built from Ridge way, N. C , to Richmond, which will be the northern division of that im portant system of which the Williams ' syndicate recently acquired control Contracts were signed for the con struction of thia entire road, including bridges across tbe James river here, and Appomattox al Petersburg How’s This ? J We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward . for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. • AVe, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe > him perfectly honorable in all business ■ transactions and financially able t >carry out any obligations made by their firm. West A: Tbvax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. ' Warding, Ktnnan & Marvin, Wide sale Druggists, Toledo, O. • Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, 1 acting directly upon the blood and muc- ■ ous surfaces of the system. Testimonials ; sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by . all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Pitts' Carminative aids digestion, regu lates the bowels, cures Cholera Infantum, ’ Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Pains, Grip ing, Flatulent Colic, Unnatual Drains ’ from the Bowels, and all diseases incident ] to teething children. For all summer com plaints it is a specific. Perfectly harmless and free from injurious drugs and chemi cals. I I SPECIAL SALE ; Baking Powder : iWf HOSIERY! ■ Safeguards the food ! Ladies fast black seamles- Ho- , elaefb- tops, worth 15c., 4 again - ~ alum . Special price lOc. Alum baking powders are the greatest Laoie.s •■.a.nlc.-.- .i-.i' fini-Leo, combed yarn, worth 20c., s | menaccrs to health of the present day. I Special price 12 l-2c. ’ _ I 'bo. 626—Lad> li.-.e, ti.r. d, i ie a nice mmmer r ■-—■■■■■—* — ; stocking worth 35c., Special price 25c. • They Look Alike N ’o. 510—Boys and girls school Hose, L-t black, seamless and elastic, , A prominent south sul • m n-er wort h anywhere 15c. Special price IOC 1 relates an experience, says the ('bicago Daily News, which he had night before ‘Boys an 1 gents super lislo thread hose, line gauge, worth 25c , last in a street car while he was return- i Special price 19c. ' Lo. 80 Black Cat Brand lisle hose, tine guage, wears and looks like T bn, „u,er 50.. Ho»e. We ar. sole ,«ent«-price for all sij.s 25c. m the car, a jovial looking man, who sat in one corner with his hat | til ed Mens fast black Socks, seamless, Special price 3 pairs 25c. • down to-hade his eyes. The minister No. 400—A very fine fast black Sock, -pl-ed noles am! heels, regular felt that the other man was watching 20c. quality, Special price 2 for 25c. him, but every time he turned fiis eyes w l in that direction the passenger was No.-ho Same quality in fans. ! looking cut of the window and smil- When calling forth e 4o C l::nr- ; < give th-- r .mber that we may know ing. Finally their glances men and the exact kind you wish. ! the pleasant looking pai-senger kept gw. » „ his eyes fixed on the minisler’e face, B I™ a IBy | wC 1— aw IA ("w Q > scrutinizing him carefully. The minis- • ter coughed and looked embarrassed, - ! and then the other man, locking a , I : little Hucpiih, mm. >. ■.-...1, EASi ERi' GROWN SEED 'i RHITTiY li iIiSrWS;: ? pvmm AW ■ k 111 'i f M ■;! r, i' | f-. 4-.... ~ j '' we look hi mur h a hke we'd mght I I(Jid LU CO. J get acquainted.” Tbe minister smiled J PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo. ' | e for free examination and advice. <> ' and shook the hand and they soon 'BOOK ON PATENTS were chat Hug ake oil .iu r> A- t. ■ v s « J Write wn sg onso is* *> 1 1 Stranger rose to leave the ear he ; ssa F FOSli V { Parent I ed out a card, saying : ev— “Come around when you’re down my way.” SpOll £ B ’ H - TAYLOR > M - D - J. m. d. After he had gone the minister WI DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, , glanced at the card and read after the ’ , man’s name : “Wines, liquors and Physicians and Surgeons. cigars. The coziest place on the south /q ' aide” I HQ It Office hours from B.a. m, to Bp. m, A r physician will always be in our office during that time. ' N. B, DREWRY & SON.| ' ■ ■ r. .U .Xi i?' rOn , j 60c. (Matups takea)luthe ' ————— — I ILLUSTRATED YOUTH AMD IGE ’ Watches Free to Young People. ' SB®®! f-tur.-r,! ummnati.Ohm.haveadopUMa -• T* ; novel plan I t the introduction of their •‘••' i, *• u»i-monthly i.,urn..i, i,t h. to v • ' 1 " 1 L 1 Wr'.tiLJ Ink. They are rivin/ L l ' "" '* '“' - A . s aw: ‘V‘ flDe stem winding and stem Mtting ' ’ i to cat U ! and girl who sells 4 him, nt, j pints of their New Idea Writing Ink at Love to the PubHc are ..f •‘•Vntrmluctorv pric. lo .-cuts a pint pppp nm A ’ en ’‘ Ag (ink is worth 5G .) fhey don’t want y-.n ’ i X «.»D*4 y L to send money, simjiiy mention that you <.•■!■...i i.-r.- u -a...r P >.. .- t notice in this nanpr and thov will ''' ■ ,rlil le l "' 1 - ««>* i'"-'- I lev. >. Pw'niklLmi t J » i i *' >' HY" • '44 ’- tt-h, din ».n<i Tinj», or a v !-• Lirwhip In rtther All ILXCCllent Combination, forwird you the ink prepaid, and when it f i»r.u-ho-• Bug n?‘ s( nlh-tM Nashville,'l enn., ' The plea-ant method ami h. neficial you send them the $2.40 you get c^.'’ ’nU wau effects of the well km-wn remedy, for rt, then they send you the watch free rLi erarysehooL Writ.u., .-?■ Fio-. marufa-’un Ib, c. ■ 1 hi- l-a splendid opportunity Ab nti?n (Gai Mormng Call California Fio Syi'ivH'.. . ilhi'.trat.- for some of our young people to easily earn the value of obtaining tdi l -’ liquid laxa awJ< h I hey a. o Lave other Vilnable Finn rhinLono Pnr tive principles of plants known t. ).<• pres''"ts h r the introduction oftheir ink-’. rinebhlCkenS medicinally laxative and present ing * nten b'» use the inks in our office. I have for sale full breed Minorca?, War . them in the form most refreshing t<> the hor>- an.l Shawl-neck, Crossed Gameand , taste and acceptable to t h<-stem. It i, , , r is the one perfect strong!hening laxa 1 i i • i Gard I lymouth Rock Chic kens. Also 3 tive, cleansing- the system effcctunllv. • I*l 111) 11 HllO* 1 settings of eggs from each breed. These . dispelling eohls. headaeh.s an<! Kv.-rs I 1 * • birds are select. E. L. Kouf.Rs. gently yet promptly and enabling'one Ji) ; ' to overcome habitual constipation per- . , i I manently. Its perfect freedom frmn O I * | f 4 UJ Summer liemes’ Fslder, 1839. every objectionable quality and sub- U J ' '■'* U1 11 1111 n .r . -r , stanje, and its acting on the kidney,, ( —| •£> '" r> '’ ■, * urk, General Passenger j liver and bowels, without weakening Ir ~| r >,. , . .. • Agent , the Southern Railway, is collat- .or irritating them, make it the i.h al I 111 Roofs I mg inlormation for Summer Homes’ laxative ■ O ‘ O folder for the ensuing Summer, giving In the process of manufuetur.tig figs ffl L \se names of proprietors, post office ad- I are used, as they are plea ant to the pl ■> • i ■ •], dresses, at or near what station,convey- taste. but the medicinal rpialitie: ■ f the 11 Cpilll*0(l <111(1 l> ance used, number of guests, terms per “ remedy are obtained from senna and * day, week and month. This information , other aromatie plants, by a method Q . will be printed in an attractive form and known to the California Fig Siiii v. 1 ),. J. x I a large edition published and distributed to. only. In order to get its beneficial UU * cllllK (I. " by the various agents of this immense . effects and to avoid imitath i.-. plea-* system throughout all sections of tbe r remember the full name of t lie (. ii. |,;i.. }■-( X. country. Persons contemplating taking ’ printed on the front of <■• >rv pacha ■■ p? 1 ft ft i linnriT T M ' ar ' ler ' Lr the ensuing summer are re- ■ cAL ™i A .™o s^ up co - m A S CAMPBELL m twRH’ i.ouis vii.i.e, ky new york n y II H< U, Ulll’ll JJAJUU (Jj inlormation, and forward at once i c*r- ale by all Druggists pric. ■. ;.cr u.-ttie * | to W. A. I urk, General Passenger Agent , I I'i Hill Strwt. ; •” ay, “ k NEW LAUNDRY r . n ... i c cuing r,,,,. An <*•»«<». Fmiliire BejairStop Ij. v>. V I1 I IvVJt, I I op. I>> amend section 1 of the ordinances * * creating the Board of Health of the City f 0 0 I have opened up a New Laundry Driffln, s>as to increase the number’ of . , T, , ■ under the old post office building T ’ Or *”'' “ and Will only do bers ->fsaid lx .rl Said section, when so I pho.-ter Shop, and will do all amended,. c hall read as follows : Beit or- PI WADV lainel by th-mayor and council of Grit- other General Furniture Repairs a iildi Uunuu nVikR. fin. that, at the first meeting in December, . .... 1599, there shall be elected by tbe may r mg, and Guarantees Satisfaction Satisfaction given or your money an 1 council a Board of Health, consisting , , . T ,, t,ar|( of three members, at least two of whom on work and prices. I lease call shall be physicians. One of said board L C. CHUNG, at New Laundry. _ unru 1 hereafter, except for unexpired terms, I fl H N T RflVrlkni , ' -;hall I < elected :>r three years. And in « Willi I. DUIUL.iI, Citv Tax Nnfirp addition to the a’uove, the mayor and city . <> tt h a*. Lily lax notfce. phy-icianof the said city Shail be lax n las »or city tax for the year cio members of-a: 1 board, with ad and '"’o'wFt" ■■j have :,V; : ■. r ■ : v. 1)1/ Iff ■■ T r A TXJ'Ts'Q tion. Call and settle the members '* Pnl?.F Xi '.' S B .xt | N VIST. t ordinances and parts n ■■ :ia '• ■ i. 1.-tJ.v , flic, with th ■-nfinance, * e un<l tl ame .s. I® buiMing adjoining, ou Chief of Police. are hereby r tie ' the M IpDtams <fc Son. $3.00 per Annum