The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 13, 1899, Image 4

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NEAL STYLISH AND DURABLE AKE THE LINES OF Clothing ami Gents' Furnishings We are showing this newo. We are hilly alive to the wants, of the tra<b‘ an.l urge yon to give us a call and let us show you through. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STHEET, G2IFFIN, GA IF YOU NEED A TRUSS BE SURE AND GET The American Silver Truss. a «h r J£» n , SILVER TRUSS. BEST FITTING / X- -- - ANI) I ( MOST COMFORTABLE \SJT COOL, Fast to V» < ar. Retain. N/Nu ( re-.-. Uie on THAT YOI CAN Bl V. EVERY ONE IS I everr.t V Hip. or Back. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. I Hernia I No understraps f i with (*<>mfor I. I Never I We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. NEW GARDEN SEED JUST RECEVED. ALL FRESH AND GENUINE. J ONION SETS—EASTERN IRISH POTAAOES. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, GLASS AND PUTTY. FINE LOT OF PERF'MERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. J. N. HARRIS & SON. FIC3SFTC- We have the goods you want for your Picnic Dinner G. W CLARK & SON. ( IIEAI’ESr GROCERS IX TOWN. CUBA MOLASSES. The Genuine Article, in Original Package. GEORGIA CANE SYRUPS REBOILEO. J. IVI. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Call. GKIFFIN, GA., APRIL W, I-.-'. HHceoVer Ihn is Hardw.wcSKr. TELEPHONE NO. 82. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS l)|{ J. M. DIOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SVRGEON. Office: No. I’4 UH', s’re.-f, stairway next to R. p. McW sms A bun. I\ - phone 27, 2 rings, This h is been much -ke a sunnie r day Bub Hale, of Jolly, «w m the city today \V. H Horne mid i I ii'iin-- trip t o Atlanta today O is Cumming* • ft tin* morning to make a abort butines i trip t. > Car < -11« i ton M re. T. J. Bru. ka est t In* iris to spend some limn with her patu.ts in Columbtiß Fok Sai.i. —J.’i Im-Ju D unknown Pea*. !.■ -win I). ('I irk 2u Hill street Di \V. \V W ic ' ■ ret nrm d thia miming from Barnesville, where he Went to *ee \\ Pier Sp 'UC ' B n no- ti ui.ii. l left 11. h morning j for (o'timhnt l , to attend II - m eting j of 'd e State Epworth I. ague Mrs. R. b> re i [’in. el Bil nosviile, ar ;vt d in ll.e city today, uml will r.jwnd s a.-- time with r- ■ itive*. M** < J>i* -»I' i mi*'i ri - i iirm- I lb's m iriimg 'i. in aj. 11 i,. a 1.1 v i-it to her tin.o-. B. li. 1 emister, in Atlanta Mrs A S il ,k- in.l eln.drill i.ft i lb’s in rnmg f t M< Dormugb. where i they w H *pen I - me t: me with Ir lendu | a!, i vi - * SnHii-m N ■■■ i< ij n.-*’* a large at' tendance at i nui-i.iiu i-f th lied M I’ll ' I :gil ’ . -I* 1 111 p r Ils' !>'!• ; I * to h > 11 ai. a act: d \ ■’ Sr. idi-r w ■ < v : M ■ a this mor ci ng ' - M-e hi* * i i - iw, Il> eland Br< ok*, who i* cri'ics y ill from e c er .j -mn ich Ml ( i Clock*’ , k r- tun ml t > i her lo me in M( Do ungli bi* m on* j ing after spemli g ver alibi« with i 1,. i sisn- Mr* A", P-'.ik- Burt S , ri ■ g < 1 -it s pl 111111 1 n w w ill |d- • iib’.- v : !•’■ d' i el I'•r• >, l * F ' * He- I by I. wi* D C iik, LM Hili mrtu t >•: , I n- I\ 1 i id th. i r i.. w |■' .it : tit for < practice thi* a-'t< rn- in. i T;. - n 'W si ' st e engini”, and ’ the n - mb. r* the i I'm P any nrepi ml Mr and Mr* Fro k 1 . in 1 i tie 1 n 11■ V. , : A.t >' 'a. a’: m I m the ■oy -m • g to s. . : ! -., \, ■ a days well M ■ . i i M ■ H C B r, on Sixth strvet. The fri-mls of Mr. U .: gG,d Nesbit, alm hi. I* ■ a it h<h-me . n tip| < r S( i I Hveuio , Will- pilini dt< - irn j yeaterdav that hi* conditii n o -i* enti ' cal. —C limbus Fi quiu r -!g- ar I M *. Wm H. B. • k o.d , little daughter, rtturnid th * m ■ ne i lo is ' ’. - ' ...on s and i Itli-hii- in Hawkn *v.. e, where tlu v ! epi nt - m>’ time vary p‘o i*.mtl v : Mom»LOAD ON ; Real Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when j Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office of ,W. H. NETO & C 0.,: Griffin, Ga. M rs. H. (’ Deane and two little boy h, i Georg' 7 and Sam, left thia morning to - I attend the meeting of the State Epworth Teague. While there they will be the gut.ta of Mrs. W. T. Mark* ham Mr*. J. J. Camp 18 critically ill at i her home in Orchard Hill, which is 1 ; greatly lamented by her many friends, iDr Jos M. Thomas, of this city, is making daily trips to Orchard Hili to see her, Henry Davis, colored, was sent to i the gang tod ry for 30 days for relus*. ing to work the streets or pay Tie i street tax of $2.00. There are several: t Hilling negroes in the city of the same ilk, and it is hoped they will all meet the fate within the next few days. For Gravel use Stuarts Gin and Buchu. Just received fine lot Amber Sir ghum Seed, German Millet, Burt or 00 Day Oats. The latter can be swn until the middle of thi* month and | make fine oats. 1.-wis 1). Clark 201 Hill street. E, S. McDowell has purchased the : brick building now occupied by J. M Sears’ grocery store. The property! > was bought yesterday from John S , Owen, of Atlanta, and brought a hand j some sum Mi McDowell will occupy the building after September first. For Backache use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu. Lem Taylor and Misse* Sallie Ma- li i e arid Vve Worthington h ave ibis ■ aft, rnomi for Columbus, t attend lhe ‘ sevr nth annual conference of IheGnor-l gia Epworth League, They go ss deb gates from the Griffin league, and I J will be entertained by the citizen, of] Columbus. The leaguers will be in < session three days. When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent or business take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of 1 Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effec tually <n the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fever, headaches, and other . forms of ,-icknes*. F-r sale in 50 uts, bottks by all leading druggists. Manu -1 factured by the California Fig Syrup Co, mlv. 9 oa.ra r i oxx x .v.. ir y? Ths Kind YjHr ■ Alw r Close Call for the General. > A biniy » ! rry is current about: * G<m Sir Hi r,rj ILs>ck> t bury, the di* j rector m uitC of ntHinai .in Eng* * ! lurid, say* an exe: n-ge Somebody! r | bad invented a field gun int• -nffi-d to I lie fired from h-■! .i-ba.-k Ll.e exp.ri ; nii i,i. C ■ place at W ■ I i< •>, the , horst bead b-ing tied t- a post, and , the muzz eof the gon being directed 1 t.ovard an earthen Im t. The g tier d I and his staff stood <m the > tber side of i the animal t < w.,ic’i the result The i gun wa. it d ami, in order I. To rd timv. a Cow .1)11 r>l in g !o,(» w rt s |n«,| to lire ii >il Inf r'limitCy ill animal was only f istem dI x the head The w ■* that wh< n it h- fizz- ing • th'- it I- came urn as. and I Commenced prancing oL .:• t| p , if , i so that tin- tu.n, m-'ead of p< mi'cg at I the butt, wad:• <c‘ ■ d straight at tho , head, of Sir ID; ry an i b . f gener ' al* -and ■ flic< rs w. b him, who is?rm* , ba d to watch the experiment. Not a mom i tit was to b -t Down they ail wint.llat < :■ tl.oir michsiti I the .11. I hen An g U!I w, i.< if, the I rec kt. eke I over the '.-e, which ‘ was foiled a me do-lance '. m the post ! on its Lack. I: was ano ~ <|, a t D 0 i harm wis done by rr t r Nonet of Hie olio ■rs rec'-iv 1 o•. o ,-y t \- cept t > their uni! rrns. Indeed, thev pres- nti d a rathe: <L m. ~ < appear ance when the experiment, w?,.. c<ver, i and under the cireumst: ■ ■■ - ■■ i. i;o t ast; ; :-hrig that t y hav- ; >rted ! Ist rem gl,i ■>£ a. ns t the a<h i ■ n t the: : gun Bear * ; ' 6 '' ’" J. : I , A Many-Sided Man j Wi. t rt r ' i man ai . I io,ma* ( IJi 111-r* Si an; iy II nd wI, .if w.c h » I i pilic il belief-" J Ins rpie- :m so rn« ’ |to b : pertmerit nt this time, bet a i~<- j iiosioimi: ha- cm- ">the fr.-tA s> ' j pr> mint ntl i o <■ ■mo Ct im <a oh the « -i •) . i *I d 11. i is i ' mu- to { in« .<. i| uo'e Im, ■■ . i .>i t |i.-- [. <i 11 * -, ~o; iII- . • .11 H pi 1 ’"■* I o # ' - Hide- i i m- 1 ■ - i; 1 k I h“\ 8 g: a i. Hat I . >i pi■t| it * f am 1 w :<i Be I ag: 11. g lio T1 dinner pei-po in N'.-v. Yura 1 t . i k they are follow'.r.g the teachings 5 <,! J. IT r.--m by giving a§l -linn- rin 1 ir<io<r of his birthday. J’rFelix ’ Ad or, in a hetur te fore the a iciety i r Eihical ( 'uiiure th# ether day, said • that associating “Democratic Simplici- ■ ty" with the name of Jefferson was like trying to fit a square plug in a round hole, because there was noth i ing particularly simple iu Jefferson’s ! way of 'iviny. He was a great and , rich planter and lived on a scale of *1 lavish magnificence. At times lie en* ' tertained as many as fifty guests at I hi* Louse at a time, and lais entertain j merits were so lavish that they finally > r tight about bis financial ruin. He kept a French cook, and possessed a j cellar of the rarest and most costly I wines. His residence nt Monticello , was declared by L Rochefoucauld to ; be the finest in America. Speaking of Jefferson from the standpoint of politics, a writer in one lof the Western dailies says: “The | judgement passed upon him diverge ; as widely as do Antony’s and Cassius’ ; estimates of Caesar. Men have quoted I I him on the free trade side and the pr -tectionist side, in favor of and ■ averse to every sort of currency which i has been advocated in this country in 1 the last thirty years, and for ami a* gainst every kind of policy which any lone has advocated in the United States ■ io the past three-quarters of a centu- ’ : :y.” There is one thing, however, that can be said of Jefferson to which all agree, and that is that he never : lost faith in the jieoj :e. In that he ■ j was wiser than most of the public men <■ f his day, and because he had such j unshakeable confidence in the people, : the people have always looked upon I him as their great frimid. But the . } nthfnl i ra 1 rs who quote Jefferson ■ as authority for all the political vega- I ries with which they undertake to I lead the the people w mid find much j that would fill their minds with doubt las to whether they are genuine disci i plea of hie, if they woo d give his life • ami wri'inge careful study.—Savan nah News. For Bladder Troubles > use Stuart’s Gin and Bu chu. For Wife Beating- Charley Martin, cu’ored, was ar rested by Officers Connor ami Flynt | this ni'.mirig f-.r wife beating. 1 I He was at once tried by Judge B-.ek, | I ami being f; uud guilty was giv- > s]3, ' i .'»■.> or ail -wed t > serve tiO day* on the | -tree!s He paid hi* tine. CASTORiA For Infants and Children. | The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ■'/JT?'" Signature of * For Diabetes use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu. JUST EECEffED BEATTIFLT, ASSORTMENT OF FABLETS, 1 1 LEAD I’ENiTl.* AND PENHOLDER-. TOPS AND CORD* AND MARBLES. i. BE SI’RE YOL HAVE ONE OF THOSE FLORAL SE I'S EOK FLOWERS. AT J. fl. HUFF.) 24 HILL S I’REET. LAUNDRY. I For the convenience ~ my patrons 2 I have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin : Banking Company, which I will run ! in connection with my old business 1 on Broad street. I will superintend I the work at both Laundries and guar-: antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. , p'PWfs* Carminative | ’ Saved My Baby's Lifo/' r I Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1891. V X LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. 7 A Gentlemen: I can not recommend your Pitts' Carminative too 4 A strongly, as I owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum I 1 when five months old, and I could get no relief until I befan using Pjff, * 7 Carminative. The fever left her when I had given her but two bottles ? " and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. I advise all c 5 mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give thisremedy atrtal. A v Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE M3RRAY. ? I It Saved Her Baby WIII Save Yeure, $ | , e .TRY IT. . .. C COST saleT We have bought out W. P. Horne. I he goods are at the SCHEUERMAN STORE And for the purpose of moving them to your homosand raising money for ourselves, we will sell all goods at this store For Cost Until May Ist. Remember your credit may be, and is good, but this sale is to raise money and no goods will be charged to any one. When you ask the price of an article there you will get what it cost, and we cannot charge, no matter how good your credit. This sale Avill positively close the first of May. Just as positively will it be a cost sale. EDWARDS BROS. < Eagle Brash® f > COHDENSED MSLK % > Has No Equal as an Infant Food < “INFANT HEALTH’sent FREE. ' > b a s s Ir oT Here We Are Again W I TH MORE BARGAINS. 320 pairs of ladies Kid Gloves, some are damaged, some are not : best makes as long as they last at 50c pair, worth SI.OO to $1 50. Greatest bar gains in Kid Gloves ever offered in Griffin. 17G Corsets, boxes damaged Corsets in good condition, on middle counter this week at less than half value. Numbers is to 29, all grades and styles. 20 pieces of Piques, the 25c.quality, as long as they last at 15c. 10 pieces of beautiful Piques in all the newest shades at 25c. Atlanta merchants are getting 40c yard for this quality. SHIRT WAIST SILKS. Our Shirt \\ aist Silks are lovely. We have increased our stock during the week. Our prices for each pattern—sl.o6, $1 30. $1 75, $2 and $2.85, a go I many of these patterns worth $5. Skirt patterns in blacks at 90c, sl, $1.25, $1.75, $2 and $2.50, These ire a; very low prices, not the cost of material, but on account of being in short lengths we name these prices to close them out. Millinery Department! ih-member our Millinery Department when you want to save monev. \\ i. >u want a pr.-tty, styli-h Hat or Sonnet, come as early as you can. Shirt and Collar Sale. Have you heard of cur Shirt and Collar Sale Well if you have not come at oioe. l/nl ru..'.ered white Shirts at 25c, 40c and 50c each, some are worth sl. 2,000 Gents Collars, 4 ply ail linen, soiled a little, to sell at 5c each. No one in need of Collars should miss this sale. When your purse suggests a saving just make your purchases at BASS BROTHERS'