The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 15, 1899, Image 4

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NEAT, STYLISH AND DURABLE ARE THE I.INES OF Clothing and (tents’ Furnishings We are showing this season. We are fully alive to the wants of the trade and urge you to give us a call and let us show you through. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET. GRIFFIN. GA. IF YOU NEED A TRUSS BE SURE AND GET The American Silver Truss. AMERICAN SILVER / TRUSS. BEST F ITTING / AND I ( iiT | MOST COMFORTABLE COOL, Easy io Wear. Renin. \/No pressure on THAT YOU CAN BUY. EVERY ONE IS I Severest V Hip. or Back. GUARANTEED TO GIVE .-•ATIS FA < r ION. I Hernia I ho un<l?r<ittap«i. |witb Comfort. | Never move j We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. NEW GARDEN SEED JUST RECEVED. ALL FRESH’AND GENUINE.; ONION SETS—EASTERN IRISH POTAAOES. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, GLASS AND PUTTY. FINE LOT OF PERF’ MERY \Nb TOILET ARTICLES. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. J. N. HARRIS & SON. JF* ICTTICL We have the goods you want for your Picnic Dinner G. W CLARK & SON. I HEAVEN T GROCERS l\ IOU X. CUBA MOLASSES. The Genuine Article, in Original Package. GEORGIA CANE SYRUPS REBOILEO. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Call. GRIEFIN, GA., APRIL 15. W. '■nice over Bavh Hard ware Store* TELEPHONIC NO. 32. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS DR. J. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND :TV.EON. Office No. 23j Hill street, stairway next Id R. P McWilliams A P"ti. Tele phone 27, 2 rings. J. I’. Crawford,of Concord, was here today. A Steinheimei, o ( Br k.s Stn'i n, wan here t< day. P, S. P.irmalee tins mi nd < eewlirre : which none should fail to read Mrs R E. Strickland has leturned from a pleasant visit to Concord Mrs J C. Bro ks spent today in I 1 Sunny Side with Mrs J. M Kel Hon Will Stevens, of Fayetteville, will spend tomorrow wi.h home (oiks here. O B Stevens, Jr wi o up to. At lanta this astern >n ia spend a -w . . days. T'oi; Sill—2> I usln s nn I now n l‘r is L".- I.- D Cl ii I. .20 Hid -to et. M l>s TI-I •o- \ > I>. fR. v ■, IS VI-- iting h< . -i ’ ■ M>- \ .1 ( .r I . at E ,-t Io d Edit ■ •!; v Green, of Zebulon, w.;« c.iroi lai in g among his Gritlin I: Hlld s i 111 Mi- \\ G G miner i.turned t.> her hme lii B i r ne« v, de b da y , a l l > r visit ing Iler |ar eio s m th- i ■ Iy. Il M I ir n i ! this n i; m g to Ins home in Dilins utlei 'pending a f e 'A day Willi Rod B daor ■ 11. Mi and 'lie I. f S 1 Pomp- n, of Atlanta « nrriv. in the city to 11 gilt : I -.Hill II f .V thy. V. II ll thi n many friends Col and Mrs R I Re.tding and I : tie -n, M a-ter Hem. G ... , went d ivnt Mae today Kin .-th ', a ill epi nd - 111 e lima with t e .a! i vee Mr- t, ~ | Cope, - .of Ssv intiub, ah l liis bei .nd mg .vets . .i * iu : 1.1 -ei ■>w• i h iird ang lit< i. Mr -1 . I.' ' ■ ■, ri 11>> i .nd home this morn Ing. E, ■sh M lit' . Prk P. i f Cn red Him-, Ei-ii i d dn •-■ d Chick, ns, iv.ryda v, | : . - w M nke 2 11 it. \\ I > hi t t ; »' in , is • ; m in . ■ ei in bi’ C'ay Drivir on tie finger bit luck y a d. ct r «n n ir n d tin re la now onii a- igbt flesh w< mid t show the dastardly a'o inpt i f the rept ilo \i. 2 Ell Cin | i is i ae wag n, which i.v 1 log th. |.Higley os, remind and repainted, wi b emp ti d in ,u. >t !■ rm< in li. ;. nd a ii: I- i lew wage 1 brglit ted p mt 1- being put on it, beanies ''lx r im; r. v. mei.’« Mies Hattie Hi ad, vv has b ’»tl v -it eg ti itrvi sin Ci >ic rd fm a few dave. tetii'.i id this morimig and will spei it a few av s w ith Mi- R E. Strickland in this city, before return- I inc : bar home at High I'a’’-. Eri -h S tawl i rrii e, Bins o 1' i.icy I' :■ iI. I■ ■ ■ 1.1. ! A ; -. it :-, e. Navv o n iJin i B u Irish iind Point Ruta.bagii Turnips. l.i w i.- D Ci.aKK, 20 Hill St. :| MONEY jo LOAN ON Real Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office of W. H, NEWTON & CO., Griffin, Ga. AN UNFORTUNATE DISPATCH ■ i It Prevented the Arrest of Murderer Sam Hose. j Had not nome one sent a dispatch | yesterday to the posse who for the : past few days have been pursuing Sam i Hose, the negro would have, ere this, paid the penalty for his horrible crime. When the dispatch was received by the posse stating that Hose had been arrested and carried to Palmetto, they had the murderer and rapist located and would have, beyond the shadow of a doubt, captured him before the sun rose this morning. After receiv ing the ditpatch the men supposed they were on the wrong track and dis persed, leaving the brute to go his way un pursued. The persons sending the dispatch which called off the pursuers, evident ly had what they considered authentic information of the airest of Hose, but it proved to he a serious mistake. Mr Abe Rog -.vsk . : .s city, was one of the p.isse and to a C \i.i. reporter today he related b w the negre wa» tracked from place to place. Huge was first heard of at Digby and from there he went to Drewry ville, where he tried to pass a $5 Confederate bid. He was followed to Hollonville, and there he again attempted to pass the Confederate money for some tobacco at Mr Marshall’s store. The posse was not very far behind the negro ami pushed on with all png sih'e haste until they reached Mr. J. P. t’rawfdrd’s plantation, about a mile and a half this side of Concord. 1 hey learned from Mr. Crawford th i 1 a negro filling the description of Hose had applied to him that morning ab-ut It) o’clock, asking for employ ment, claiming he was from Jg’per County. He was hired and left saying he would return this morning and go t ) work. In a negro house on this plantation, wi i found th ■ blot d stained clothes which Hose had left o> be washed, with the understanding that he ' old Cad fi t tlit tn last night. rile pursuers were th n sat .-lied the', wet? i n the right tr i, k and ■A. nd i apture iho brute bef< is mid night. ior'ly a*!, t a ird.’ a d -p itch whs r< i ■ v. d ■ t it> g that Hose had !• u»n e.apnired and carried to Palmetto «Io i i> ■u m Ib-d- i l «ith at im e lie men in (. i. cip'iissed at this inf. -r nuti ft' 1 wired fir lu', r ; ir- ■ tieillars, -‘atit.g that they were sure they had the right man located Ihe message came to them again that Sam Hose was beyond till doubt ntidei art, st in Palmetto, and it was i • that ti ei • ghl’i re I Mr and Mrs I I Cranford gave op the chase and hastened back : P.ilm tt >, I. ping to get there in lime to wittit” the death of tb« brute Mr If gowsl.l su' • , U . . ; the par ly r ■named tn the ti.-ighl rl i.d st v e-«l I ura I ngt-r, arid then went to 1 d! -I the Bight He HAS itldig n-itit ft he ienr t: 'thi' negro had m t |.,0 n art- sted, and was e till,lent | his party ft. n d have caught Hme ‘ hut ft : the tin' rtuiiate dis; titcli Citizens living in Cn< I <i 1 I P . lit ve the negro IS in n. ;» !.;• , r . j and a' 10 t .sl< k this mor ,g wired to 1 (Diflin ra | me ' come ivn , tn ,| I hoip them to ci pt ure him Ihe posse was '. im> d n d est about bn* n heard ■ from them, and it is feiri I t 1 e ne to ha* escaped. How's This t We other One Hundred Dollars Reward for any < ase of Catarrh th t ..tie be cure 1 In Hall's Catarrh Cun F. .1. Chen i v A Co . I > We, the undersigned, have kt. >wn F J. I | Cheney for the last 15 years, o. > . , Heve ' t him perti etly honorable in all 1 i transactions and financially . rrT j out any obligati as made 'y tl ir ■ Wi -. a I'm n, . :, r , s I Toledo, O. Wai.dino, Kin\an a M vitvix w 1..>1e- I sale Druggists, Toletl .>, O. Hall's C itarrb Cure is taken internally .acting directly upon tic bio land muc i ■■-.- surtat'is t tin system. T. .titn.o ials I sent free. Brice 75, ’ per botth s.>’ iby ' j all druggists. I Hall's Family I’ll'. are ‘i, ' . .t, WHERE IS SCROGIN? His Sudden Disappearance a Perplex ing Problem j G W Set gins mad.. l>i- <x.t (torn j the wit,dow of his r jttm nt the John ston HoU’i last nig I .' .:.,i in a very pl peculiar maule r vanished ( Mr. Scrogin J ctn to our city I Thursday morin. and claimed to be I rf'prt stmt m.' i i.. < Iliee fixture i matiufftciuriiig establishment of Vir* gmi.i, nt d it. every le-pt-ct app artd a ; gentleman. | Yesterday aftt-rnoon lie moved his I baggage to the Jobnleon house and ' retired very early in the night. He was awakened at 9:30 o’clock by a party who bad left a piece of baggage in hie room s- 1 who was go -iug off ontbe 9 :40 train to Barnesville, i He was asked to band the baggage out the door and answered he would as soon as be dressed. Those standing nt the door heard i the blinds close, and suspecting some -3 thing, sent for Officers Gordon and i i I‘belps, who gained an entrance to the , i room by raising a window opening . ■ upon the front porch, and to the sur ! prise of all, its occupant was missing r An investigation disclosed the fact I that he had jumped from the side ] window into the yard and made a / : hasty retreat through the back yard to s i parts unknown. He left his valise of - clothing and sample case—evidently a 1 j typewriter, while his notebook and - i other articles were lying around the ■ 1 room. Every indication showed that | ho left very hurriedly. , ■ The, action < f Mr. Scroggins cannot _j be understood, as no cause was given - him to be alarmed at anything and he ' was only asked for a package in his i [ room, which did not belong to him ; His belongings have been carried to i! the police headquarters, where a card was found bearing the address of G. B \ Scrogins, Versailles, Ky., upon it. i When Traveling. Whether on pleasure bent or business take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effec tually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fever, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cents, bottles by all leading druggists. Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co., inly. C's 9U o X a ; Bears the Ue Kind Yuy Have Always Bough* A Good Rain- Farmers and others were made glad by a much needed rain this evening , about 1 o’clock. It was accompanied by some wind, but, so far, we have not heard of any damage done. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ■■ ' ■ Signature of Flemister & Bridies’ GENTS FURNISHINGS, Open Saturday Night Until 10 O'clock. 49c. for Colored Negliges Shirts, Best value in city. SI.OO Line White Madeas and col ored Negligee Shirts. 25 and 50c. Line Balbriggan Shirts, excellent value. 75c. Scrivens Drawers. 25 and 50c. Bleached Peppered Drawers 10c. for 4 ply all Linen Collars. 10, 15 and 25c. Gents Black and Tan Socks. KID GLOVE SALE MONDAY,! 17th Inst. 272 Pairs Repaired Kid Gloves, Black, White and Colors. SIOO and $l5O grade for 49c. 240 Pair Foster’s Hook Globes in Black, White, Grey and Tans, per fect. SI.OO Grade, 75c. pair. FLEMISTER & BRIDGES. MUST RECEIVED iIEAUTIFUI. A' ORTMLX P OF | FABLF-TS, | LEAD PENCILS AND PENHOLDERS. j T< >PS AND Ct »R1 >S A .\ 1) ! MARBLES I BE SURE YOU HAVE ONE OF THOSE FLORAL SETS FOR FLOWERS. AT J. fi. HUFF, 24 IIILL STREET. Pitts’ Carminative ? Saved My Baby's Life." (? Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1898. LAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. ? lEIv 1 asTowe your Pitts ’ too j she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. ladviseall V iers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy atrial. 5 Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE! MURRAY. J Saved Her Baby—Will Save Taura, w . . . ,TRY 1T.... C COST SALE! ’ We have bought out W. P. Horne. The goods are at the SCHEUERMAN STORE And for the purpase of moving them to your homesand raising money for ourselves, we will sell all goods at this store I For Cost Until May Ist. Remember your credit may be, and is good, but this sale is to raise money and no goods will be charged to any one. When you ask the price of an article there you will get what it cost, and we cannot charge, no matter how good your credit. This sale will positively close the first of May. Just as positively will it be a cost sale. EDWARDS BROS. rSjLBonMNrc® < I Eagle brand > Condensed Milk > > No Equal as an Infant Food “INFANT HEALTH SENT FREE. (pmr<s£ < Scores of Customers Wanted I THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS TO OFFER. NEVER AS MANY NEW SPRING GOODS IN ONE HOUSE IN THIS TOWN AS IN OURS NOW. SOME OF OUR PRICES ARE POSITIVELY MARVELOUS. IN J AC T, YOU'LL THINK THE CLOTH MAKER GOT HIS WOOT, AND SILK FREE AND THAT COTTON HAD GONE DOWN TO NOTHING. 4". Silk SlJrt Waist Patterns at SI.OG, worth $2 36 “ “ “ “ 1.50, you would call’em cheap at $2.75 28 “ “ “ “ 2 85, some merchants would charge $5. To buy Silks cheap is to trade at Baes Bros. Black and colored Orepons :n short lengths for skirts, newest effects 25 pei cent cheaper than the same goods sell elsewhere. We have about 100 short lengths in black and fancy woolens in Worst ed Serges and Henriettas, just enough for a skirt; we are going to close out very cheap. Lace Curtains and White Quilts at your price. WASHABLES. Piques at 12}c, 15c, 20 and 25c, all colors, worth much more anywheie* Organdies in pink, blue, red, green, heliotrope and lemon at 10c a yard, real value 17ic. White Organdy. 34 inches wide, at 10c. " “ " 15c. 2 yards width at 38c. 1,000 yards colored Jackonets, 40 inches wide, as long as they lastßlcyd Yard wide I’erca! at 4Jc. Spring style Per>‘als at 5c LADIE’S FIXINGS. A big subject, but our stock is big enough and varied enough to meet its multiform and multiplex requirements. 285 sample Cone ’ - Nos. 18 to 30, at just half price. 200 pairs ol Silk Gloves, your choice tor 25c. Some of them worth 75c. Ki'l Gloves at 50c, domaged a little. Fans, Parasols, Umbrellas, Belts, ladies Ties in newest styles, Collars, Cyrona Chains, Collar Buckles, Belt Buckles, Waist Sets, Sash Pins, Beauty Pins and Tie Pins. Undervests at sc, 10c, 15c and 25c. Ladies Hats in any style or color wanted. 100 new Sailor Hats just received for this week’s sale. BASS BROS,