The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 17, 1899, Image 4

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NEAT, STILISH AND DURABLE ARE TH® LINKS OF Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings Wf* are showing thia Reason. We are fully alive to the wants of the trade and urge you to give us a call and let uh show you through. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL 3TBEET, GBIFFIN, GA. IF YOU NEED A TRUSS RE SURE AND GET The American Silver Truss. AMERICAN SILVER i / TRUSS. BUST h’lTTlNd I ( !,r \ MOST COMFORTABLE cool. | Easy to Wear. I Retains \ /No pressure ou I THAT \Ol (AN Bl E\EK\ ONE IS Severe,. V Hip.or Hack. I GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. I Hernia I No understrap*. I iwitb Comfort. I Never moves. I We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. NEW GARDEN SEED JUST RECEVED. ALL FRESHIAND GENUINE., ONION SETS—EASTERN IRISH POTAAOES. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, GLASS AND PUTTY. FINE LOT OF PERF”MERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. J. N. HARRIS & SON. JE* ICTSTICL We have the goods you want for your Picnic Dinner G, W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST GRIM EILS IN TOWN. CUBA MOLASSES. ! The Genuine Article, in Original Package. i GEORGIA CANE SYRUPS REBOILED. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., APRIL 17. IM " OHcenvef Davin’ Bard ware Store TELEPHONE NO. iB. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS OR. J. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: No. 23| Hill street, stairway next to R. P. McWilliams A Son. Tele phone 27, rings. Marvin Owens is visiting in Atlanta this week. W. T. Gentry, of At tan'a, was m the city today Lem Taylor made a business trip to Atlanta today R-v F M. B al. ck, ! J.mesbmo, was here today. Mrs. A F. S. Briscoe is spending several days in Atlanta. Cliff Ford, of Atlanta, was the guest of Griffin friends yesterday. Rev. E W. Hammond returned this morning from a trip to Woodbury. Fol? Sai.i —2’> bushels unknown Peas Lewis !>. Cl nk. 20 Hill street. D T E ID wry spl i t today in IB r I kS „i , n pr..’e.sioual biisim ss It is I>: i k .• ' W i glit - v , came up ' Sil, ,1 iv nod • I ei. t I hi) 11 ■ with In ine | Dr O. II McDi'i'ild. ol A'lanla, spent. Sun bi \ w ■ l> ti <■ family of Dr. i R H. Tnv’i.r. i Mrs. F. I ili.i.eehbt this ill ’riling for Dt ent ur. !■ i -I. w: I n eml seme time v.i'h r> -.tivi-s M iss t«11-Hie <' o mi’ - 1: • 1 . ot Senoia, is spending m vi ral days in this city with Mrs W W \\ .mil, Wi I’c.r M< D i.a'd n term dto hii home in ti o ’ i t 1 \ after n short v ■»; i I.- :, i. p 11 n - bi re M s .1 S. B ■ ii:o.i . : tins morns mg t -; ei d aft v. dy s «■ ih her m-’ \ i 1 Mi -1 -. nr i S pen ci rm urm dto her loi- ■ 811 ■ ci- v > i i, cm ,>.b i: a few da I s \ : I 111 11 a'o.- 11l ■lilSei ’ y !•' sli Mnt i , P. ik. IL i f Puri d iliinf, Fish and do I (’Lukins, i v i v da i , pi;. , - : . a 1 Cl’ I M at M like', 20 Hill sum • Officer P F P i ' •v. r to \\ . db iry las' 1.1 -'.I I •>’ r tori . d this tl> ■■II : „• «.th ■ . .• i v - ' C ne jg < n Ute, >ll I , Hose CoW. E H S arcy, Sr., I. Clive iii I a i.d T E Pa'ter-on wt ni vi r to M D i ugh 'lns nu :: n„ t attend Henry county Superior court. C ' O H B lib i Iwcrth was here tb is morning wii> < nioute bom big home in F.rsyth to McD t.ough, ■ lore hs will attend H<nry county court April term of Henry County Stipe* rii ret iirt is n w m session it Me* D■■ ai d is piesidid ovtr by Judge C G Jami s. , f tin' Tallapoosa Circuit \CusK ng, Co'oied, ».i lint d sti 50 bv Judge Beck this afternoon for quarreling and lighting Being unable I t. i'i' Ins fine, he wdi setve 30 days on the gang. Mr. and Mrs J. M Sears are being MOW»LOAN ON Real Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when , Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office of W. H. NEWTON & CO., Griffin, Ga. i congintulated by their many friends over the arrival of a Hweet little girl; baby, which came to their home on I Sunday afternoon. A Texas pony made a wild dash down Hill street this afternoon, leav- J log consternation in his path. At I the Davis corner he took to the side I walk, when his feet slipped on the Stone pavement and be fell, almost going into a store Fresh Strawberries, Bananas, Fancy Dried Peaches arid Apples, Raisins, Navy and Lima Beans, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, Rutabaga Turnips, Lewis D. Clark, 20 Hill St. G N Porter, until recently one of the most popular drummers traveling in Georgia, arrived in this city today from Havana. Mr Porter is now en gaged in the brokerage business at Havana, and is rapidly building up a fine trade. After spending a few days here he will leave for New York, ac companied by his family, and from there lake steamer for Cuba. . For Bladder Troubles use Stuart’s Gin and Bu cliu. - Bears the Ue K in d Have Always Bought s ““ ■ —♦ —. Attention Veterans. Spalding County Camp, No. 519. U S. Confederate. Veterans, are hereby calb d to meet at the city ball atj 10 o’clock a. m , on Memorial day, Wed nesday, April 2li:h, for the purpose of taking “part in tin* Memorial exer cises, taking action (in regard to the Cbarltston Reunion ’<11)11 eiec'ing a new Commander. I have held the po-ititm of coms tnander long enough, arid it. timper ative in justice to the camp ami other worthy comrades, that, a eh.inge be mule. Canvass for a worthy man, as my re.-igna'ion takes place at once. Wm. R H \m.i itlk, A[ r. 15 h C un. S. C. Camp. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. .1. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. W est A l iu Ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wai. dino, Kin.xax & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muc -1 ous surfaces ot’the system. I’estimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best, Bankruptcy Proceedings- M B II en .)< u tied :> n applies ; n for v milarv bunk rnpt.'y n> tlve I I '' I 'ates e urt ;' At > ! a <•.' Ur dus . ami th. .1. ts i> th, R u-C ’ -tore Were <■!<:.o<.l ’odi.y If. ilal fries are giV, n ,1 (l • fl 500 • | (' Inifl 'he wi i; ;1 r;i U•! t ( , aboil' $5,000 Cha- Br. a !" ,y R c-e, IN v N >rk, is th irgi -t er; . r FUNERAL NOTICE. lue i lift d- and »cq n>: n t.i i.i ci. if i Major J I Horne hi d fan > a • re C|U< -ted ' i attend the liinerai * I Ma) >r ill r t.< , a Si t o ,■ -1 p a | | church at 10 n'c .. - m nov m rn -1 lie The I, OA I . I I I; ■ (• act as pall b arers, a: I vi. n ■ ••; ,> 9:15 | Ci ut rai pi sin in the i eg; L. B V - , ild Th.. s Nd!'. Wain r U B . F G Bailey, D ,1 Ba •y. W M T; J ( B'Ook- For Backache use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu. Time’s < Langei. W!u.'n a mother says herlaibe is just like his may lav c.insidi ml a high compliment to her husband, fait when she says the same thing about the boy eight • r ten years later it is not so flattering.— i Boston Transcript. City Tax Notice. Tax fi for city tax for the year I I 1898 have been turned over to me for collection. Call and settle the same at once or levy and sale will be E. I. ISON, Chief of Police. In Feniorinm I',, th,- Worshipfid Master, W> idi ns, and Brethren of Mobley J. idge, N>). 277, F. A Van . Im, < fa.- Brethren : Ah we travel llfi.’.j checkered way, lit it ever be remembered that noth ing is more uncertain than life, and noth ing is mc ie certain than dea’h. H" levels all earthly ranks and distinc tions, aril all il. fcf of mortals succumb to His withering t u<h. By Him all indi viduals shall he br ";!l.t to stand on a lev el before the Grat . s’.f r of’the universe, to be judged accord in.; to the deeds done in the body. Death is an enemy, but an enemy that is gloriously vanquished by all who put their unfaltering trust in God, regulate their actions by the rule and line, and square their life by the square of virtue. The grim-visaged monster has visited our lodge, and removed one of its bright jewels. During February last, our dear brother, W. 11. Horne, was called from la bor on earth to eternal refreshments in j heaven. In view of our sad bereavement in the removal of our brother, we feel that, as we walk the parti-colored and separat ed parts of the Mosaic pavement of life there is another tie that binds to us the loved and lamented dead. “lie’s in death’s slumber, we yet alive; lie freed from labor, we yet to strive; Hf paid ami joyful, we tired and sad; What, then, to us, brother, bindeth the dead? This, the great covenant in which we abide, Hearts charged with sympathy, Hands open wide; Lips filled with comfort, And God to provide.’’ Therefore, be it resolved, That in the re moval of our brother from earthly toils to a heavenly rest, this lodge has lost a faith ful member, his family a devoted husband and fond father, and his country a patriot ic citizen. Resolved, That the sincerest sympathies of this lodge be extended to his weeping wife and sorrowing son, with the assur ance that, as upon our knees in our devo tions, we remembered our brother, so will we remember them. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon our minutes, and a copy sent to the family of our deceased brother. F. J. Freeman, I. 11. Kendall, D. M. Die fee, Committee. Application for Charter GEORGlA—Spalding Covnty. To the Superior Court of said county ; The petition of John Wallace and H. J Wing of Spalding County, Geo. E. Clarke and Howard V Robinson of Algona, lowa, respectfully shows; Ist. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns to become incorporated under the name and style of THE DIXIE CREAMERY CO., for the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewing at the end of that time. 2nd. The capital stock of the corpora tion is to be Ten Thousand Dollars, divided into shares ot Fifty Dollars each. Peti tioners ask the privilege of increasing said capital stock to Twenty Thousand Dollars. 3rd. The object of said Corporation is pecuniary gain and profit to its stock holders and to that end they propose to buy and sell and convert and manufacture milk into Butter, Cheese ami other Milk Products ; buy and sell poultry, eggs, and other farm products, fruits and vegetables ami such other articles and products of every kind and character that they desire and deem profitable; having and main taining a cold storage and refrigerator and ice plant and conduct the same ami sell product and out-put of the same, and also to act as general or special agents for other persons or companies in selling or hand ling any articles or product, ami to make contracts to acts as such agent, and to ex ercise all other powers and to do all other things a person may do in carrying on or appertaining to the business they desire to conduct I'.h. That they may have the right to adopt such rules, regulations and by laws for their business and government of the same as they may from time to time deem necessary to successfully carry on their business sth. That they may have the right to buy, lease, hold ami sell such real ami personal property as they may need in currying on their lim-iness; ami may m irtgage, ['ledge or bond the same as they may see proper. That they may have the right to sue or be -ued, ['lead and be im pleaded. (Ith. The principle office and place of business will be in Griffin, said State and County with the right to have branch stations or ctcamerir - anywhere in said State. "Wherefore petitioners [ ray t be made a body corpojated under the name and I -tyle aforesaid, entitled t all the rights, privileges ami immunuties ami subject to the liabilities fixed by law. ROBT. 1". DAME!., Petitioners' Atb rmy. Q TAI’E OF GEORGIA. O Spalding County. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy < f the original petition f r .n --corporatiotoj under the; tine and style ot “The Dixie Creamery C 0.," tiled in clerk's office of the superior <’ mrt : said > >untv. I This April 12th, ISO. Wm M. Thomas Clerk. NEW LAUNDRY CUT IN PRICES: Shirts, 10c. Collar, l c. Gulfs, per pair, 3c. Undershirts, sc. Drawers, 5c Socks, per [’air, 2c. Handkerchiefs, Ic. Towels, 2e, Neckties,; ■. Parties are earnestly req restt 1 to n >tice the [dace (under old postoffice) where they will alway s get goo.l w rk, at the prices named above. L, C, CHUNG, at New Laundry. > xrrvbody -■<> - ’ .. -1V ( \.llh tin • •-* ti ck ; i.. u Jisue ev. » ! t ■ dud p .is- i a- • ... i u fi s’i ini to thr - ?.u’vi.r.v | Up :i! -;i T f *«o eiH *'• •11. di SIH I <t ' ; cut - ' ■ ici.e. ! •■ :>n ui I; i- • • 1’ i ? .r i lr. a x ! ofc (’ to-day; w. 25. so . «nts. bold ano 1 c iarante* dto cire i.y u’i dru. gists. I“PMs’ Carminative I Saved My Baby's Ufa." ? Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1893. LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. ? Gentlemen: 1 can not recommend your Pitts’ Carminative too A strongly, as 1 owe my baby’s life to it. She nad Cholera Infantum A when five months old, and 1 could get no relief until I began usint Pitt’s * Carminative, The fever left her when 1 had given her but two bottles ? and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child I advise all C mothers who have sickly or delicate children to jive this remedy a trial $ Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE MURRAY. C ff Saved Her Baby VJtH Save Yeure. $ . . . .TRY 1T.... C COST saleF We have bought out W. P. Horue. The goods are at the SCHEUERMAN STORE And for the purpose of moving them to your homesand raising money for ourselves, we will sell all goods at this store For Cost Until May Ist. •/ Remember your credit may be, and is good, but this sale is to raise money and no goods will be charged to any one. When you ask the price of an article there you will get what it cost, and we cannot charge, no matter how good your credit. This sale will positively close the first of May. Just as positively will it he a cost sale. EDWARDS BROS. i Eagle Brand > S Condensed Milk > > Has No Equal as an Infant Food. ; % C “INFANT HEALTH’sent FREE. Scores of Customers Wanted I THOUSANDS OF ' BARGAINS TO OFFER, NEVER AS MANY NEW SPRING GOODS IN ONE HOL'SE IN THIS TOWN AS IN OURS NOW. SOME OF OUR PRICES ARE POSITIVELY MARVELOI S IN FACT, YOU'LL THINK THE CLOTH MAKER GOT HIS , WOOL AND -U.K FREI'. AND THAT < 'iiON HAD GONE DOWN T NOTHIN'.. • • Siik Shirt Waist FatterLs at sls <>, worth $2 28 '■ “ “ 2 <BS, some merchants would charge $5 To buy Silks cheap is lo tia<T' at Bass Bros. Black and colored Crepons in short lengths for skirts, newe-’ effects 2-5 pet cent cheaper than the same . goods sell elsewhere. We have about 100 short lengths in black an 1 fancy woolens in Worst ed Serges and IL nriettas, just enough or a skirt; we are going to close out very cheap. 1 8 Curtail, and liite Quilts at your price. WASHABLES. I' que- at 12|c, 15c, 20 and 25c, all colors, worth much more anywhere. Organdies in pink, blue, re 1, green, he’iotr • a and lemon at 10c a yard, real value 17ic, White Organdy, 31 inches wide, at 10c. “ “ “ 15c. 2 yards width at 38c. 1 000 yards colored Jackonets, 40 inehi wide,;, long as they last 8 cyl Y.ird wide Percal at 4fc. : ing style Percals at 5c ' LADIE’S FIXINGS. A ; ig subject, but <air stock i.< big enough and varied enough to meet its multiform and multiplex requirements. 2"5 .--ample Corsets-Nos. 18 to 30, at just half price. 200 pairs ot Silk Gloves, your choice tor 25c. Some of them worth ,5. • Ki I Gloves at 50c, domaged a little. Fans, Parasols, Umbrellas, Belts, ladies Tms in newest styles, Collars, Cyrona Chains, Collar Buckles, Belt Buckles, • Undervests at sc, 10c, 15c and 25c. Lilies Hats in any style or color wanted. l !l 0 new Sc. r Hats just received f r this week’.- .-ale. BASS BROS.