The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 18, 1899, Image 4

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NEAT, STYLISH AND DURABLE ARE THE LINES OF Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings! W« are showing this season. We are fully alive to the wants of the trade and urge you to give us a call and let us show you through. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STBEET, GBIFFIN. GA. IF YOU NEED A TRUSS HE SURE AND HET The American Silver Truss. AftSERICAM I SILVER I I TRUSS, j best fjitinc; / \ '"' ANl> I(- • . IGI IT, MOST COMFORTABLE 1 cool. Easy to V. • .tr Retains \ /No presentc on UIIA 1 \OI (AN BIT. EV 810 ON B IS I Sever. ( y Hip. or Back. <}UA RAN I'EED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. I Hernia I No understrap*. |witb Comfoit. | Ne’-'ur xnovcu We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. NEW GARDEN SEED JUST RECEVED. ALL GENUINE.” ONION SETS—EASTERN IRISH POTAAOES. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES. LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS. GLASS AND PUTTY. FINE LOT OF PERF’ MEKY \\ I) TOILET ARTICLES. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. J. N. HARRIS & SON. Some New Goods! Florida Cabbage, Turnips, Irish Potatoes, Asparagus, Lettuce, Spring Strawberries, Yellow Bananas, Cake Bread. Quick Delivery, Good Goods. We want your trade. Come to see us. G, W CLARK & SON. ( IIEAI’EST GROCERS IX IOWX. CUBA MOLASSES. The Genuine Article, in Original Package. GEORGIA CANE SYRUPS REBOILED. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Call. GRIFFIN, (<A , A PRIL I*. W.». Hicrover Davin’ HnrdwareStore TELEPHONE NO. «. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS OK. .1 M I’HoMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SCRGEON. Office: N<>. 2.SJ Hill street, stairway next to R. P Me\\ illiaiiv A I < !v- phone 27, 2 rings. J. W. Crawford, of Concord, wis in the city today. R II Drake was am " g th -e who spent today in Atlanta. L. W. Goddard made a busim . * trip to Atlanta this morning R. F. Strickland made a imsmi's* trip to A tlunta yesterday. \V. C. Strickland, of J- ly, -pt : to day with friends in this city Chas. G Milla i- spending a fee | days in Columbus on lilism-i- Kennesaw Raw Bono Men for- , liliziug roses, pot plants, grape vims, lawns, etc. For sale by J O. Stewart Fol: Soil—2."> bushi'l- imbnown p. I,■ AI - 1 > <’ lok 20 Hi 'met. Mo I, on o . I M .ic : . ■ our iip t his moi tiing to .i ••> mi : I:■■ ''o, Maj. J. I' Ho.' lie M r*. \V V> .\\. dt nli ■ t up to I Atlanta ill ■■ m"11111 g to d a i> w | day* with friend* Mm H (’ Burrhus returned from a pleasant visit to h< r si-li r, Mrs F I>. Peabody at Columbus Dr 11 H. I . ■ ■■ • v, ■ ■,' ‘.in Ma con thii ii.. iti ng t i spi iid i few days on pi ;’ i I.'no h ii »m .s. Mi«- I inic> F. Iw 'ird* hlt this m rn ing for Atimt a, w hem .he will -pi nd Sv V*■ I da ’. . v '*i i . s ■■»!>’ B t i , -i, md Fi in musti i II l B . . ( i In- ( < ntral rv hi t>.. m rning. Mi I F 1 d .; i. . . ft. • i.. ior ■ do: 11 they w ■ di-. io ■. of MJC F ■ 1 V ■ • I P iti •, w ■ is tv vn -pi>n ii. ’ • o w \ > , frb-i d< I ar 1 t vlt) . i tn: • I to her . ■ i• * ■ m \l . ill o m •i. m g ••• o tii' c Si).,days m thia I ’> l t ■li .i o' gnu. i,' *v is n wii Ib - '»- >■ non .ii s been j ni.nli .Su !.iy rcltm i ptci.ic. R V Ml l>. pistol' of the I pis i■ i \t it a, i'.; me do w n ■ orti g f . ; ducted th ■ fu ller <1 - v ..> id Mai r .) V. H rno. Fr. -h Mm P k 1 es Cured II mi-, Fob <d i. • - d Chick' ns, ' O r\ ■'V, J : - I i' C! \M ~t M i-l 2(i H -o C i I. >y d<' i v ind w ent \<r to M. 1 ton i:. i 11; < a re ng a: t i 1 e has r.vri . important v..- - to l>, tried duio.g Ids ton i ’ Htmr Superior court A ' i • ' - ila this o ', t lay - .ins i i! ' 1 d ' .. i Regi- mi'nt w> b- .. u»t< id i it Saturday | and the t" y* will o. av. for l>. me that ia' iri . Ii P . .wh i now . t here no n <:e ii.b iii : lie riier this yea: than waa ever k<< w n bid t v If this rain co n - MONEY i» LOAN I ON | Real Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office of W. H, NEWTON & CO., Griffin, Ga. ■ liuuen much long'-r we can estab ish a first class fuhery here in Griffin. Mian Julia Hammond, of Atlanta, and guest, Mi°s Sargeant of New York, who have been visiting Capt. and Mrs. I D. J. Bailey in thia city for several days, returned homo this morning. Fresh Strawberries, Bananas, Fancy Dried Peaches and Apples, Raisins, Navy and Lima Beans, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, Rutabaga Turnips. Lewis I > Clark, 20 Hill St. The traps and aupplies for the Grif fin Gun Chil> have arrived, and while they have not been opened up to the public, yet it can be stated that they are of the latest pattern and when the club opens up in May, it will be the commencement, of a summer of pleas ure which will delight sportsmen dur ing the interval of the hunting sens in. , All our readers may not bo able to I read the following item, but our city i edit> r is an accommodating fellow and I up m, wdl interpret it for them, especially if it is a ; retty girl • Sarne one -*ys the iii of the Griffin I girls are ike twin • >, and their is without an —in any A clasp of their fMr is ecstacy, while their | frown- are i t ; their ”>M9 excite ! I ’ of admiration in him, and can hardly resist the impulse to M them But, ho adds, if you want to kiss them, don’t ’. Just in and do it. —— *♦ When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent or business take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, ns it, acts most pleasantly and effec tually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing lever, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in. 50 cents, botllv-by a'l leading druggists. Mann factored by the Calitbrnia, Fig Syrup Co inly. For Diabetes use Stu art’s (Jin and Bucliu. BIRDI ORIELS. Biihhk, April IS.—Some i 1 ur farmers have planted Cotti 111. Mrs. Chas. Connor, of Augusta, and her sister, Miss Minnie Miller, <>f Atlanta, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Miller. Miss 1 bi Hammon I spot Satnnhy mil .Sunday with Griffin fricmls. George Maxwell killed tw ■ large hawks Saturday morning. W. K. Langford attended the Epworth League convention at Columbus last week. W. E. Elder, of Macon, came up Sutur I day and spent Sunday’ here with bis moth er, Mrs. Nancy Elder. Mr. and Mrs. J. SV. Andre’.'.-.squint Sun day with relativ< - at Lowery Mr. and Mrs. J. ,I. Elder spent Sunday in Griffin with their son, W. I’. Elder. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. IL Ehler ittenffi i the funeral, f Rev D. MeLu- at Inman M. nday. W. .1. Elder Irß ' i n tin -irk 1. t a ■ -w daj . CASTOR SA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought tiX“ur«‘°r | LETTER LIST ,L:-t of letters remaining in the Gr liu, i Ga., p.-stoffice, w eek ending A; r. IT, 1 5 99, Pet ins ial lit - will; k-a-e s-.: ’ lv- r! 1->• I" an ;.; I•> ■ date. One i ent r. ' 1 p n j ea. h advertii-1. 1 letter. M VI.I Ll-'l A B. Bn "i, Wil' >n (o ' ~ i. , le\ | I'LMALI. 1 IST. M g Bra.'.h ton, Ida Jordan. R. 1 William* I', M. "••***"' 1 , Pitt- i arminative aids d -stein, i pi | late - the ' 'Weis, cures I holei i Infantum, 1 Ch >lera Morbus, Dysentery, 1’ . ns, Co ip i I In. - , Flatulent C le, Unuat nl Drains ',fr m tie P> wels. .. . '■< - ■, ident . ’ ■ v .? I’o ■ . ' and free trona iniuri :: ■ dr igs and chemi -! j c ala. Atlanta. Springs Festival Arsccinticn. Ace. Hint t » . >v .- on, the Central of to . rgi i R.idw o- will -eh . . excurs a tick't- ' rate ' one fare I i for the r in iis t. \t.i ii. (.a , ind I return. Apr 1, 17 1- h, and : j 19th. Tickets to bear tit . limit Anri! > I 20tb. returning AKINS COKNEIU Akin Cot nkk, April in—Walter Duke und sister, Miss Ella, went to (iriffin Sat urday altcrnoon. Luke Brown wan the guest of Miss Clif ford Grubb* Sunday afternoon. Mr. and ‘I-.’ Toot, of Atlanta, visited the hitter’s piienis last Wei k. Misses Lojs Tl. irntoii, Ma'tieand Marie Akin, were tie "U< is ot Miss Lillie Diinns, at LIIlt! > ' I I, last Monday. 1 wonder if th it y. io man, frofti Owl Hollow, left lor Florida Monday. Pink Maynard and Carlos McKeely, of Drewryville, visited friends near Semper Sunday afternoon. Mrs. William Oglctr <■, of Brushey, visited her parents near Semper Sunday. By the way, “Frank” called at the same place Thursday night, but did not tarry so long as usual. I wonder why? Yes, Herbert,take the advice of Reho both, make an engagement “next time." The many friends of Miss Lois Thorn ton will regret to learn that she has been called home by the illness of her mother, Mrs. J. J. Thornton, of Griffin. Dillard Bennett and Olis Grubbs visited Misses Roslyn and LucileMaddoa Sunday afternoon. "Somebody” will not have to cut corn stalks, because three of our “bri.’htcs't” young ladies pulled them up Monday morning for mad dog protectors. What a case! Thursday evening, Satur day evening and all day Sundsy. Rolf Bloodworth called to sc Aliss Jewel Duke Monday night. Story of a Slave To bo bound hand and foot for years by the chain of disease is tlie worst form of slavery. George D Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free He says: “My wife Las been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. .After using two bottles of Elec tric Bitters, -he is wonderfully im proved and able to do her own work.” This supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, and sleeplessness, melancholy, h adache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only <SO cents. Sold by Harris <.t > m and Carlisle A Ward Druggist. OWL HOLLOW ECHOES. Owl Hollow, April is.—Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wise visited relatives at .Jenkins burg Sunday. Prof. J. H. Morris spent last Saturday in Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ogletree, from near Semper, attended preaching at Midway Sunday. Though I am very “wise," 1 cannot in form Akin’s Corner why that young lady didn’t go to see “Rip Van Winkle.” Leonard Futral called on Miss Clifford : Grubbs Sunday astern on. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Thurman, < fGrif tin, attended preaching at Midway Sun day. Prof. Morris failed to visit Semper Sun day afternoon. Tell that “old speckle ! ron tt r " to stay under the bouse, for that >wl is still hol lowing. Eugene Ogletree visited friends near i Semper Sunday- alterno n. Marvin King, oft trehard Hill, attended I preaching at Midway Sunday. Prof. Morris an,l Mis-Eloise M rideth I visited Iriands at Semper Friday after-1 noon. j Rock Springs Sunday. I wonder if those thu • young ladies went on that fishing trip to Florida Mon day in Tiling? How's’rhis ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cas, of Catarrh that cannot be cored b,\ Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney <‘v Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney tor the l ist 15 y ars, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Wi- -r A. Tuvax, WhCe.-ale Druggists, Toledoj O. Wai.ijinu, Kixnan A Marvin, Wh li sale Druggists, T >k I >, O. Hall’s C itarrh Cure Dta . ■ inters ally, : sicting din tly upon tl c bio da nd inuc ■ .nt ■ surfaces ot tin system. T- -tsmoiiials I sent free. Price 75c. p<;i i ttl - 'LI by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills an . - - Attention Vt terans. S isio’ (’ iTLtv C X ,519. ' U. S, C ;oi ib ■ V< ’ ins, . r Ii : , call- dt . meet st th- .dtv Im 10 o’, .is s m, o" M o d,! ~ W. d ne-day. Apn. 2(> h, :< ’ takii : put m th- M> rm - . < x r eist s taking in ti • re i trd ' the |Ch ir 1- ' ii Rem. :< nil t-.-. 1.1, ng a I new C mm srider 1 have belli tlie p ■ • o <■’ eon,* \ ; a th v i ■ mr . : ■. t ;m i !<• (‘< v j< I ' thy ir r. ; n Irk’- W.m R H -x-i till.. A } r 1,5 ( . S C. ('a i. p NEW LAUNDRY CUT IN PRICES; j Shirts, 1 ' C '.bar, 1 -c. c'liff-, pi r pair, tie. Undershirts, 5. . Drawers, sc. Socks, per pair, d . Handkerchiefs, le. Towels, 2c. Neckties. :',c. Parties ar. earm stly :■ >,ue-ti I ‘ n ’a I the place iunder old p dice) when they I will alwavs get good w rk, at the pis- s I named above. L, 0. CHUNG, at New Laundry. EPitis’ Carminative ? Saved My Baby's Life." C Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1893. UR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. 2 Gentlemen: 1 can not.recommend your Pitts' Carminative too 4 igly, as I owe my baby s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum 2 n five months old, and 1 could get no relief until I bepn using Pitt’s ? IYr t? hc J ever h er when I had given her but two bottles, ? she had fattened so she did not look like the same child I advise all t hers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial. Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE MURRAY. J Saved Her Baby -INill Save Yours, i . . . .TRY 1T.... f COST saleP We have bought out W. P. Horne. The goods are at the SCHEUERMAN STORE And for the purpose of moving them to your homes and raising money for ourselves, we wil! sell all goods at this store For lost Until May Ist. Remember your credit may be, and is good, but this sale is to raise money and no goods will ba charged to any one. When you ask the price of an article there you will get what it cost, and we cannot charge, no matter how good your credit. This sale will positively close the first of May. Just as positively will it be a cost sale. EDWARDS BROS. < EAt > Condensed Milk ' I J Has No Equal as an Infant Food. f “INFANT HEALTH’SEM Scores of Customers Wanted! THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS TO OFFER, NEVER AS MANY NEW SPRING GOODS IN ONE HOUSE IN THIS i TOSVN AS IN OURS SOW. SOME OF OUR PRK IIS ARE POSITIVELY i MARVELOUS. 1N FALL, YOU LL THINK THE ULG 111 MAKER GOT HIS hVOOL AND SILK FREE AND THAT < O'ITON HAD GONE DOWN TO i NOTHIN’ 1 l Silk Shirt Waist P 'terr.- it pl.' f>. w- rth >2 -bi “ " “ “ 1.• ■(.>, y i wouh 1 call’em cheap at $2.75 28 “ ... o 85, some merchants would charge $5. T>l '.y Silks cheap i.-i Io liTle at H iss Bros Bla-'k and colored Crepons iin ,sh .-t length'; for -I . ' . : - ‘ ei: ..s 2'> p i -nt < hearer than the same [ goods sell elsewhere. We have about 1< H ort . a th- in Liai . and fancy woolens in W.-rst led Serges and IL nriettas, lust er.-ugh tor a shiit; we are going to close out ;very . heap. I. . e t'urta::.- and White Qu:!', at ycT.r price, WASHABLES. riguf-.: at 12ic, 15c, 20 and 25c, ;2l coNrs, worth mncli more anywhere, Organdies -rt ] ink, blue, red, reen, beaotrope ar..l lemon at 10' a yard, . real v’ltlue 17 Jc. White Orgar.-'.v, : >1 in ■wile, at lOe. ' “ “ “ 15>. 2 yards width at 38c. 1.000 wards colors I da. konet ,40 inc:, v,: ;e, . > longm thev lastfi cyd Yard wide Perov at lie. Ury style I'ei ■ C? at 5e , EADIE’S FIXINGS. big sui ect, lit• ar stc k big enough and v.uued enough to meet its mu.t.iorm a: I■ •-x requirement-. > 30, .it j r.-t half price. 200 pairs of Silk G iVes, yt r choice lor 25c. Some of them worth 7’>c. Ki<l Gloves at s'.' , domage t abi’f ■>. Fans, Parasol-. Umbrellas, Belts, ladies Wais* Sets, Sash Pins, Beauty Pins and Tie Pins. 1. ndervest- at sc, 10c, 15c and 25c. 1.. ties II j- in any style or color wanted. ' Sul r Hats j ist received for this wet k' sale. BASS BEOS.