The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 19, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING GALL. ?01. x. No. 193 A large reward. $1,250 Awaits the Person Who Deliv ers Sam Hose to the Authorities. jt been <'ue week tonight Siirr Hose committed bis horrible crime in Campbell county, and he is e iill at large. Governor Candler first < fit-red a re ward ot $250 for theatrestand delivery of Hose to the officers, and yesterday increased the reward to SSOO. The citiz ns of Palmetto have added $250 to this, and the Atlanta Constitution today offers an additional reward of SSOO. The reward is an unusually large one, and may induce some of the finesbdetectives in the country to take up the case. The liberal reward offered by the Constitution will be duly appreciated by the people of Georgia. But long after that is forgotten the women’of the South will bold in greatful remern brance the vigorous defense thatpaper has made of those who are hunting the black demon with the avowed in tention of burning him when he is captured. The Constitution in speak ing of the reward in a long editorial, says ■ “The Constitution makes this offer, fully convinced of the fact that we have reached a critical period—one in which the safety of the home must be measured against the chances for criminals to escape The people of Georgia are orderly and conservative, the descendants of ancestors who have been trained in American methods for 150 years They are a people intense ly religious, home living and just. There is among them no foreign or lawless element. When, therefore, a lynching occurs among such a people, it has connected with it premeditation and purpose, and it follows that when such a people can be so moved, be hind it there is a motive so strong and overpowering that all the bonds of conservatism have been broken. “Georgia is an agricultural state. Her people are forced to the isolated life of the farm, and as the farmer goes about bis daily labor, he must leave mother, wife or daughter in the lonely cabin to await his home-coming. Are they safe? The answer comes from the humble home in Campbell county, where an industrious citiz. an who bore hie part toward family and state was brutally murdered by the negro to whom he had given food and employ ment. “The search for Sam Hose should be kept up, and his punishment should be made summary enough to serve notice upon those who sympa thize with him that there is protec tion in Georgia for women and chil dren/’ Thought It Was Holt. Milner, April 19—Early last night a coal black negro was captured on J. H Wilson’s place by our vigilant marshall, E. W. Wilson, and brought to town and locked up for Sam Holt. At dawn this morning it was discover ed that toe captured negro was rather too shady for Holt and he was given a good breakfast and quietly conducted out of town. We trust this little incident will only spur our young men to renewed effort to apprehend the monster Holt. Death of Mrs. Patterson- Mrs. H.T. Patterson died at her home near Sunny Side this afternoon at one o’clock, after an illness of six mo n tbs S’le had been married only about one year, and is survived by her buss band. Hon. H T Patterson, her father, Mr. Joseph Eord, of Zebulon, and two br others, Joseph Ford of this city, and t Ford of Atlanta. Her remains will b- carried to Zeb u on tomorrow for burial. C' A S T O 1A . _ Kind Y :u Have Always Be:.?:. of Belief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder. Di- ' ' leve< ! ‘ n B * x hours by “New Great '■ ’Uth American Kidney Cure.” It is a Veat surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, and back, in male or female. Re l' e , 3 Mention ot water almost immedi -V' ‘ you want quick relief and cure V< 13 ', le reme dv. Sold by J. N. Harris ® Druggists, Griffin, Ga. 1 •’ * n* hr !':ft . I I -jc.SI i Cure L ipa i ion l<»rrr?». M :> .r;.. 1 , • . v C. fad to cure, druggists rtfurtd money CRIMINAL COURT SUSTAINED. Interesting Decision of Supreme Court Handed Down Yesterday. In the case of Cunningham vs. City of Griffin, decided yesterday, the Sus i preme Court sustains Judge Reagan in holding that the act of the legisla ture constituting and establishing the Crininal Court of Griffin is constitu tional. The defendants in a jjreat many cases have attacked the court as being unconstitutional but the question was finally decided against their conten" tiori in the case above referred to. They also decided that the “blind tiger” ordinance was valid. This or dinance passed in February of last year, prohibits the keeping of a 'blind tiger” or keeping for sale or exchange any various spirituous or malt liquors in the city of Griffin. The Supieme Court holds that it is a valid police regulation, and the Mayor and Council have power to adopt the ordinance under the general welfare clause of the city charter. There were other points in 'he case decided, but not of general interest, but the city was sustained on every point. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E Hart, of Groton, S I). "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lunge; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a ebort time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could cot stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above My hus band was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Harris & Son’s and Car lilse <fc Ward's drug store Regular size 50c and SIOO Guaranteed or price refunded. CAPTURED BY FILIPINOS Lieut- Gilmore and Party of Fourteen Captured or Killed- Washington, April 19—A dispatch received from Admiral Dewey said : “The Yorktown visited Baler, Luzon, April 12, for the purpose of rescuing and bringing away a Spanish force consisting of 30 soldiers, three officers and two priests, which was surround ed by 400 insurgents. Lieutenant Gilmore and a party of bluejackets were ambushed, fired upon by the re bels and captured. Their fate is un known, as the insurgents refused to communicate afterwards ” Admiral Dewey gives a list of fifteen missing, including besides Lieut. Gil more, Chief Quartermaster Walton, ; Coxswain Ellswor.b, Gunners Mate Myers and Sailmaker’s Mate Vendgia. Concern is manifested at the navy department over the news sent by Ad miral Dewey Knowing something of the cruelty of the Filipinos towards prisoners, the officials can only hope for the best. They are encouraged by the fact that the three American sol diers captured before Maloios were, at last accounts, being treated with con sideration. Instructions have been sent Admiral Dewey to use every effort to secure the release of Lieut. Gilmore and the fourteen missing men, either by ran som or in exchange. Gen Otis and Admiral Dewey have about 16,000 Filipino soldiers as prisoners and President. McKinley has three million dollars fi.r extraordinary expenses. , Already the suggestion his been made , that - me of this three million might , beu-ed to persuade Aguinaldo that his cause is hopeless, but the authori ties poi-phooh the idea, though thev . are exceedingly reticent in discussing it. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /TJr Signature of ; For Gravel use Stuarts Gin and Buchu. i • Fresh Mutton, Pork, Beef, Cured Hams, Fish and dressed Chickens, every day, prices low. The City Meat Market, 20 Hill street. T<» < nrc Constipation t •rrv**r. Ta. v Cu t . or 25c, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 19, 1899 dying with the bastes t Uncle Billie Smith Bitten by a Mad Doer With Fatal Results “Uncle Billie” Smith, an old genlle < man nearly 80 years of age, is dying i at his home near Sunny Side from the ■ effect of a mad dog bite last year. i Just before Christmas Mr. Smith • was bitten by a dog which had some of the symptoms of hydrophobia, but ■ under medical treatment he soon ap ’ peared to have recovered from the i wound and as the weeks passed the • incident was almost forgotten. Yesterday Mr. Smith complained of feeling badly and retired at an early hour last night. He soon began acting in a strange manner, and a physician was sum monsed, who discovered the old man bad every symptoms of hydrophobia. The physician did everything possi ble to relieve the patient, but a tele phone message received this afternoon stated that Mr. Smith was slowly dy ing with the rabies. We were informed that a grand child of Mr. Smith’s was also bitten by the dog, and died within a few days, Spain’s Greatest Need. Mr. R. P.Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America’s greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pains soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what this country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life in every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only . 50 cents. Sold by Harris <fc Son and Carlilse it Ward, druggists. , - ■ ■ ■— " *■ ♦ -•« - - - CJ-ZVSTOnxyv. Bears the Ihe Kind You Have Always Bough* Bignatcre /fl ./ /V/J » "* MILNER MUSINGS. Milner, April It). — Protracted meeting is going on at the Methodist church. Rev. Walraven, of Zebulon, is assisting Bro. Martin, and they are having splendid suc cess. Miss Arcalia Lesner visitel friends in Barnesville Sunday. Miss Mary Rice spent Thursday in Barnesville with relatives. What does it mean when a widower visits a place every two or three weeks? Miss Mary Alice Perdue is spending a few days in Barnesville. Mr. Montgomery visited Goggans re cently. Bob Starr, of Orchard Hill, was here a short while Sunday. Miss Mamie Beavers, of Waycross, is the guest of relatives here. Mrs. Charley Crawley, of Barnesville, was here Saturday. Milnerites are distressed this week over our neighboring town, Orchard Hill. No representatives from there were here Sun day. What’s the matter? Eddie Maddox, of Barnesville, was here Sunday night. Mrs. J. A, Fincher and daughter, Miss Lyda, visited Barnesville Tuesday. Mrs. Mattie Swint, of Orchard Hill, vis ited her sister here Saturday. Arthur Kitchens, of Atlanta, was here Thursday night, Mrs. Dr. Wilson ami daughter, Mrs. Atchinson, are spending a few' days in Fort Valley. Mrs. Jim Camp went to Orchard Hill Monday and spent the day with her moth er. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lesner were guests 1 of Mrs. Tom Farmley at Liberty Hill Sun day afternoon. The young man who drives a mule here from up the railroad must have tied to a telephone post recently. He was seen passing a place not long since, and the mule walked up to the post without his bidding. We advise the young man to watch his animal next time, and not his girl. Edgar Seagraves, of near Orchard Hid, was here Sunday afternoon. Bucklen's Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward. I Pitts’ Carminative aids digestion, regu lates the bowels, cures Cholera Infantum, ] Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Pains, Grip ing, Flatulent Colic, Unnatual Drains [ from tte Bowels, and all diseases incident to teething children. For all summer com plaints it is a specific. Perfectly harmless and free from injurious drugs and chemi cals. RoftL. Baking Powder I 1 Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. | ROYAL BAKING POWDCR CO., N£W YORK. EAST GRIFFIN DOTS. East Griffin, April 19.—We suppose the farmers fell bad during this weather. Mrs. M. A. McDowell returned home Saturday from Atlanta, where she has been visiting her daughter. We had a good rain on last Saturday ' afternoon. Some farmers are through planting corn, and waiting for pretty weather to plant cotton. Pope Barrow- is on the sick list. Mr. Prince Chapman and sister, Miss Eula, of Brushey, spent Sunday with Mrs. 11. G. Thurman. Dillard Bennett, of Orchard Hill, was here last Sunday. The farmers had pretty weather last week to plow. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Chapman, Jr., of Brushey, spent Sunday with the latters parents. We wonder what young man was, that carried a blacking brush in his pocket Sunday afternoon, and used it when be got near his “ ’ house? -LLe' —'T" ' --7— r \ i J ' *£- * t . - 1/' / J I So Excellent Combination. I The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one. perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant t<> the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California I io Syp.t r Co. only-. In order to get its beneficial effects ami to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Com pa im printed on the front of every package CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK N Y For sale by all Druggists —Price Sk?. per bottle. JUST RECEIVED BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF TABLETS, LEAD PENCILS AND PENHOLDERS. TOPS AND CORDS AND MARBLES. BE SURE YOl HAVE ONE OF THOSE ELORAL SETSEOR FLOWERS, AT J. H. HUFF, 24 HILL STREET. City Tax Notice. Tax fi fas for city tax for the year 1898 have been turned over to me for collection. Cali and settle the same at once or levy and sale will be made. E. I. ISON, Chief of Police. Plants For Sale! M-. Sawtell hai more cabbage and tomato plants than he can u-e, and would be glad to sell some. They are excellent varieties, and be would be glad to sell any nnmb«r desired, at the rale ol 25cte per hundred. R. F. StricklandX Go. (o> NEW LINE OF SAMPLE SHOES. 1,000 pairs, all styles, for men, women and children. Every Shoe marked in plain figures at manufac turers cost. This is a nice line of Shoes and we save you 25c to SI.OO on every pair. Come early before your style is sold. R. F. STRICKLAND Sc CO. We are making special low prices on Toilet Articles and Lamps. Pure Drugs always at bottom prices. N. B. DREWRY St SON. Watches Free to Young People. ■ The firm of Forshee & Co., Ink Manu facturers, Cincinnati, Ohio, have adopted a novel plan for the introduction of their Mew Idea Writing Ink. They are giving away a fine stem winding and stem setting watch to each boy and girl who sells 14 pints ot their New Idea Writing Ink at the introductory price of 10 cents a pint (ink is worth 50c.) They don’t want you to send money, simply mention that you saw the notice in this paper and they will forward you the ink prepaid, and when it is sold, you send them the $2.40 you get for it, then they send you the watch free (prepaid). This is a splendid opportunity lor some of our young people to easily earn a watch. They also have other valuable presents for the introduction of their inks. We intend to use the inks in our office. R, H. TAYLOR, M. I). .1. F. STEWART, M ». DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, HFhysicians and Surgeons. Office hours from sa,m,to Kp. in, * A physician will always be in our office during that time. ; Plumbing, ; I O ! 0 M [J Roof Guttering, P h p 0 Tin Roofs Repaired and N 0 . J bj) Painted. - K A.S.GAMPBELL j I 16 Hill Sireet. ; FRESH MEAT, Weil selected, is worth considering in every household. We keep on hand the best and largest stock of Beef, anion and Pork and in fact all kinds of Fresh Meat to be found anywhere. Give us your order and be convinced. FRESH FISH always on hand. Also a first class RESTAURANT in connection with the market, in which we serve tip top meals at all I hou PR. P.S. PARMELEE, Agt. tr- 1 B . t ar. 1 nan.u.c '• - A lr< Sterling llcwc ly Co . Ch’ Or >; £ , v York $3.00 per Anunni ! good "1 H ? • >, this t ‘i FOii ... > (jo c< (stamps taken) to the ILLUSTRATED YOUTH AND AGE Http (Su. to >' ■ (h t Adw.nt*', NASHVIi-L-K, Tt/tN., ant j p ill sent one year a« ‘trial subw ripn • .<>r w ill send It the first 6 m«»s. ' r 30c. Regular pr,'e $t p-r \e;ir. Jl is an il uMr.Ueil, s. nii monthly journal, of 16 to pa get. bIITIUS, I‘oK.TMY, AIiVFNTI H EM BY SKA AN D LARD, Wit and Humor. Hf rowv. Biography.Thavm.s, '•CU'.NC I, bt.M-KAI. InPOK MATIf'S, WoMAN’s De •artment, and (, .v. Tayeoh s Department. I sylnr's Love Letters to the Public arc of #pe id iit<r» t. Simple copy f ter. Agents Wanted. pPpp| EDUCATION, etc. I o any »ul < -rit • r i I’L.L. • v. ho w i I fce< ure enough new subscrib ■> •rs it our regnlnr r h-t. to eqmil the regular price >f the article we will give fm bicycle, ' >td watch, diamond ring, or a sc ie darship in either >f Draughon’e Busin*- st Nashville,Tenn., »al\ cston, or Texarkana, l ex.. <»r one i n almost any business College or Literary School. W rite ut. Mention Griffin (Ga ) Morning Call Fine Chickens For.Sale. 1 have f .rsalc full breed Minorcas, War horse ami '-bawl ne k, Crc--cd Garrcntr' Bard I’h ■» ’Vb Pc.- t ' ' ’ . , .» setting •oi< ,g ? i, ia i.u h breed. These birds are select. K. LfKoußßs. Summer Homes' Folder, 1839 .Mr. W. A. lurk, General Passenger Ag nt of the Southern Kailway, is collat ing informal! n fir Summer Homes' Folder f>r the ensuing Summer, giving the names of proprietors, post office ad dresses, at or mar what station, convey ance used, numtier of guests, terms per day, week and month. This information will be printed in an attractive form and a large edition published and distributed by the variou s agents of thia immense system throughout all sections ot the count* y. Persons contemplating taking b< arder- for the ensuing summer are re quested to apply to the nearest railroad agent for blank to be fill d out giving the als vc in! Tination, and forward at once to W. A. 1 urk. General Passenger Agent Washington, D. C., so that it may reach him not later th in April Ist. »VWVWWVWWCVWWWWVVWWWV, /anything you invent or improve ; also get f i caVeat.Trade mark, copyright or design * t PROTECTION. Henri model, sketch, or photo. * t for free examination au<l advice. / ; BOOK ON PATENTS fee before patent. / S v C.A.SNOW&CO.' * Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, O.C. J FmiliireflejairStoj o o John T. Boyden haa opened an Upholster Shop, and will do all other General Furniture Repairs ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. Please call and see me. JOHN T. BOYDEN, 19 1-2 Hill St. I-■■ ■ ■ . ! DI t. IL D. HA \ ES DENTIST. Office upstairs in building adjoining, oa tin north, M Williams A Son.