The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 19, 1899, Image 2

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The Evening 1 Call. GRIFFIN, GA., APRIL 10, 1899. Ofllreover Dinis' hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. 22. Tkb Evening Cam, is published every afternoon—except Sundays. The Gkohoia Fammkr, is pub lished every Thursday. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - “ 6 months, Lob “ 3 months, Weekly, 1 year, -50 “ (i months, ”5 8. B. & J. C. SAWTELL, Editors and Proprietors. Notice to Advertiser!!. To insure insertion, ail changes lor conrtii<-t advertisements must be handed in by 9 o’clock a. m. Notice to Subscribers. Whenever the carrier fails to deliver your paper, you will confer a favor by re porting the tact to the business oflle.e,which will insure its prompt delivery thereafter. [■[ficiiti Paper of the Ordinary of county and the City rt Griffin. Tiie Presbytery o! Boston has leftis ed to make total alnl i insii'r Iron) to bacco a condition precedent to ordina tion in cash of young licentinie» under its care, and of elder* elect The mere rumor (bat Reed is to re tire from Congress Las flushed a whole coVey~of possible eindid.i.s fur the “peaker,liip, armms them being Snei tiliiii of New York, Gr >-vnnor if Ono, Hopkins of Illinois, Hepburn of Illi nois, snd m veral others Am one of tho-e mentioned might, inditd, lake Reed's place, but.none of them could fill it Thu claims id Dewey and ins t slicers slid men lor prill ■ money have been filed Should the Court of Claim* al low (lie claim* u* pie-ei.ted D. wey would receive something like $30,000 a- Ilia share, I’here is, howvi r, a question as to whether or not lin met and vanquished a supeii >r or inletior force In the former instance, he would get double the amount of prize nionvy a* in the latter instance And then, there i* a question regarding whether or not the Spanish ships that lie sunk and afterwards raised and put into commission, should he regarded ai prises as well as craft de-ti oyrd, in the settlement. The new America's cup defender lias been given a good name “Columbia” i* euphonious, patriotic and satisfying. 1( is a bueiuees-like name; there is nothing weak or < liildish about it It is far heller than the name of any flower II had been suggested that the craft should lie called "Goldenrod,” or "Columbine,” or something of that * .rt, becauss the challenger is to bo .S-liamrOck N...v, Sliami ck” liman* -otiiellling for mi Itl-li bout ; but no plant or ( r Ims special sig nitieanee m Anier'c t Wet ,ke them all ,ii. It i. to lie hoped the "Colum bia" wi I prove to be "the gem the ocean, ’ and i li it m \ t < ijtolier she « ill pan k the "Sli inir■ k " fur her coreagt . Tim Chieag , Ti me,-11 m aid leains that President McKinley eoiitenq late* making an appeal to the volunteers in the Philippines to continue in the service un>: tier six months if ry. He recogniz >s, it is said, that the me? have the right under their enlist v peace with Spain has been proclaimed 1 tint the President will put it before the volunteers us a matter of national honor whether they will quit now, with American supremacy menaced, or if they will continue in the ranks until the national purpose has been achieved Having presented the pro position in that light, the President will permit cacti man to decide for himself. Should the volunteers decide to quit and come bonis, the war in the Philippines would be extended over a longer period of time, in a probabili ty, but the final outcome w.iu d b’ tiie same Sli mid a direct appeal to their patriotism be made, the p> otmbilit iee are that a great many of them would rt—juli»l for six months a. tiie Presi dent dt si red. For Bladder Troubles use Stuart’s (sin and Bu ehu. 10,000 lbs Seed Cotton For Sale. Ten ifioti-aud pound- of I’iuieof Georgia and Geo \V I ruit''* famous C '"ton Seed for sale, ut 20c, per bush el Guaranteed to be sound and id right. Raised bv R .1 Manley,.!r J <>. Stkwakt, \i C.d.••* Warehouse. Each state is to bo represented in ’ the navy hy a splendid ship bearing it* • name; why should not each state be represented iu the regular army by a regiment bearing its name? In Euro‘ pean countries the regiments, or some of them, bear the names of the sections from which they are recruited ; thus the men are to a degree identified with Ibeir homes, and have local pride as well as patriotism to animate and sus- , lain thorn. If something of the fame | sort were adopted in our regular army ( tin-army would not be so completely apart from the people, and local inti r est would strengthen the military spirit Under the present system, the Georgia boy xdio enlists with the regu lars immediately lose* bis identity and the stimulus of slate pride 11 he were assigned to the "Firil Georgia Regu lars,” Im would uo doubt feel better satisfied and render hotter service. MCZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic For biliousness, constipation and ap pend iritis. For indigestion, sick and nervous head ache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organ ic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Moxley's Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tomes, and will not fail you in any rd the ab >ve named diseases. 50c. aiid SI.OO bottles at all druggists. Prepared only by Dr. 11. M /'ey, At lanta, Ga. At the Capitol. 1 am in my seventy-third year, and lor fifty years 1 have been a great sufferer from indigestion, constipation and bilious ness. 1 have tried all the remedies adver tised for these diseases, and got no perma- I nent relief. About one year ac , ’ | disease assuming a more severe and gcrous form, 1 commenced Mozley’s Li tnon Elixir. pounds in three months. My strength j and health, my appetite and my digest: :: I were perfectly restored, and now 1 fee' as young and vigorous as 1 ever did in my life L. J. Alldrbd, Door-keeper G i. State Senate, State • 'apitol, Atlanta, Ga. Kozley's Lomcn Elixir. T s the very best medicine I ever list'd for the diseases you recommend it for, and I have used many kinds for woman’- troubles. .Mus S. A. Gresham, Salem, N. C. MCZLEY’3 LEMON HOT EROPS. Lures all Coughs, ('olds, Horseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage, and I nil throat and lung diseases. Elegant, re liable. 25c. at druggist. Prepared only by Dr. 11. Mozlcy, Atlanta, Ga. (•,■■■ ion ~!<■<•/ . ■ "! I ;i(H 1— I ©’ WE PAU2OOI! J KI I -o.u ! I.v i Ti( itßlw's Notice. 1 will be at the tlifl rent plicesotl the ! days mentioned I'H"W, f r tb< purp< • U ; ' receiving state and c mnty Tn sUr the I year Pio . Districts \-ud. Mav A trie i ' Inion I Mt. /.urn Line Ore. k ‘ 1 Orrs I Akin* 10 *.( dm. « j On Ort s .las wiII be it my • I. \ |> . th< iv nam I ib ( vi I will I■ ut tiv i i 'tliei in I. t 'l'inii \ stun uiiti' '. ■ : ' ■ el Ju v, when m\ bo dt- will be , I. . j 11 T. JOHN.- IN, Ti\ Rei. vet Spa ling €'>unty, G . ir ,, ’‘ Vi u r '' • Hl IQ es irs . s: . ina ntt Cured tit* of his jt’ Kohjt.v cure, free anv ' who tnav .It’. -p r o > • • ~ • .< 1 i , V • ... ’ Ise . I . • . address 1 Prul.W. H. PE£Kx, F. 1>„ 4 Cedar St.. New York • I I An Ordinance. » 1 l o amend section 1 >f the ordinance - ’ ■ creating the Board of Health of the City . i , i members fr tn three t ' five, by m iking the i : nnyor and city physician t \ otlicio mem i ber- of >aid I ird. ’ Sa: 1 station, whin so ■ j amended,shall read as follows : Be it r dained by the mayor and council cf Gri: j tin, th it, at the first meeting in IXvembvr. | -»9, there -ha”: lx* cbvt. I by* the mtivnr | , and c uueil a B card of Health, c ns>t :/ ; jot thric numbers, at h asj two of wh-'tn • ! sba I be< h eted f>r one year, one tor tw ' y. irs mid otic tor three ye irs. All •.. etc 1 . hereafter, except for um xpired terms. ■ -hull be elected l. r tin■ y< irs. And in ' physician et the said <it v shall tv ex i e: ■ members of -rd ?• rd. with ill singular rights and powers ot the rlce:ed metnliers. I Sei 2. Be it further ordaim 1. t' -.’.1 : ordinances and parts of ordinance* inc n lliet w ith this ordinance, be ami the - line are hereby repealed. A fODO YOU WANT D njwft- not what—sprayers, VV JlXa >. JL pumps, farm and factory machinery, canning ma chinery, nursery stock, evaporators, farm and garden implements, wire fencing, market quotations, fruit carriers, books, fancy stock an 1 poultry, insecticides, farm binds, any information, farm and garden inventions, household articles—anything. It on can advertise for it in the AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS’ JOURNAL nf C’ncf ! Yo " will get rtlißWerß from many sources - Tt -IFC VI VvMj • w j]l eave you money in the purchase. Il you want to get a month’s trial subscription to the best ‘ekly horticultural trade journal in the world —the farmer great busine . paper —send ten cents to pay mailing expenses. Subscription price $2.00 a year. Address, American Fruit Growers Journal, Atlanta, Ga., or Chicago, 111. 1 A Prominent Physician. An Elderly Lady. ; I A prominent New York physician i An elderly lady living at Fordham ;l In discussing the merits of Ripana ’ Heights, a part of New- York City, q '[ Tabules with a brother M. D. said: and who was known tepbe a warm b • ' “Several years ago I asserted that advocate of Ripans Tabules for any J > If one wished to become a philan- case of liver trouble or indigestion, J |! thopist, and do a beneficent deed— said to a reporter who visited her for 5 '! one that would help the whole hu- tho purpose of learning the particu- S '[ man race—nothing could be better lars of her case: ‘‘l had always $ I : than to procure the Roosevelt Hos- employed a physician and did so on J o pital prescription, which it the basie the last occasion I had for one, but o 'I of the A'itane Tabulee, and cause it to at that time obtained no beneficial 2 be put up in the form of a ketchup n-ults. I had never had any faith S anti distributed among the poor.’’ I in patent medicines, but having seen ;[ I Ripans Tabules recommended very | ■alaa Increasing. highly in the New A’ork Herald con- S The largest retail drug store in i eluded to give them a trial, and S !» America is that of Hegeman & Co. J found they were just what my case * > on Broadway in New Y’ork City. I demanded. I have never employed e I A retxirter who went there to learn I a physician since, and that means a 5 how Ripans - saving of $2 a call $ tiles weYe selling A dofiar s worth of * bought a flve-cent Ripans Tauules carton and aaked: lasts me a month, ••Do von have / and I would not be much 6all for f H lIIMAI without them now £ these?" 1 E w » re 1 He was referred v dollar. At tiie <; 11 to a gentleman who yj Ssffi ll 3W' time of this inter- l proved to lie th. vlew * er e wer. head of th. depart- present two daugh- | ment. He said: ters who spectally | ;[ "The sale of Ripass Tabules is objected to their mother giving a * '! constant and is increasing, due testimonial which should parade her 5 '' especially to the influential character name in th. newspapers but to do ? > of the testimonials in the dailv press, this the elder lady argued : ' Lhere * :: and growing out of these, through may be other cases just like mine, i '! the recommendation of friend to and lam sure I take great pleasure > b friend. Satisfaction with them is in recommending the Tabtfles to any ? b rerv general. When one. thev ar. one afflicted as I was. If the telling 1 i begun I notice that a perms- ent about my case in the papers enables > ' I customer for them is made. This, 1 some other person similarly affected j b believe, ts through their intrinsic to be as greatly benefited as 1 have ' b merit which proves the bona tide been, I see no objection. Theaaugn- e S character of the advertising. I think ters, knowing bow earnestly she felt c ' I them specially useful in the general about the benefit she had received, ;; run of stomach troubles.” decided she was quite right. I' a n.w «tyl« oontalnlnir *n-A*« Tisvtus packed a>» P*P«r earton twlthoyt A l *®'J* ! •torekwpen, amenta and »t »ume liquor rtoreaand barber shop®. One gives relief. <; - ■ 1 q The Greatest Ever Known. TTIK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. Breaks The Dividend Record. It has always held the record securely, but the claim j aid by the compa ny upon a policy issued to Mr. Mirk Banks, of Connecticut, the paiticul: rs of which are given here, shows that THE MUTUAL LIFE 1. c- in this in stance eclipsed all previous dividend results: Mr. Bankswas insured forss,ooo 00 The vblen ; an: tinted : 12,028 00 Paid to the <state $17,028 00 How does this happen? Mr. Banks paid ail the premiums in cash, and be did this tor fifty-tour years. He did not utilize any porti nos Hie divi dends in payment of premiums, but permitted the Company to invest these f>r his bei.fdl. ti.-- part; iilar-i Policy No. 1,233. l-.-.ited March 5, 1x45, Am nnt $5,000. Aye to. Annu-d premium, S'CO. I.lie Plm. Original insurance in 1*45, ' $5,000. 1 hvidend a I.liti paid in 1 >8 12.028.08 Am in' th chain ... $17.02.-00 54 Premiums paid by insured 8,840.00 It dizedtoe 'ati >ver premiums paid $8.38800 living n< .rly equal to ; a return o( ill the prim an- j lid with two an 1 a halt (2s) per cent,! interest per annum, with insurance increasing annua’, v from $5,0t0 at age 40, to $17,02* at age !>■!. lhe dividend i1 pai 'to the , state Were 1 per cent. • a’.i the ’premiums paid for the insurance. Mr. Murk Banks the treasurer and cashier of the Greenwich Savings Bank, and died at the good old age of ninety-four. He appreciated the nower of compound interest, ami his wisdom is exemplified by the result of nis method ot investment—a result that has never been equal -'d by a policy holder in any other company in the world. For : ■ ; t p'ans ot insurance * lease consult me. ■JM. W. HILL, Special A ixciit. 11 BKi n The Wonderful | ArKlbM|W, Blood Purifier.... Cures absolutely Rheumatism. Scrofula. Syphilis, Old Sores, Constipation, (iout. arid All Diseases caused by impure Blood . ... TO STAY CURF r > Africana Has Never Failed f the hundreds treated. Therefore, we < er”, t > the pub ..- with entire confidence, and are willing to undertake the most de<- : ite case on which other so-called infallible cures have Jaded. Africana is made altogether from he:-. per.ct'.y harmless an I yet is the most powerful and surest remedy ever 1:> -■overe l for tl. • above named diseases Write for further particulars testimonials, etc Africana Co . 9 Atlanta, Ga. LAND POOR, A Scheme to Give Every Man [a Farm, by a Person Who is Land Poor. I; s M it. i i iitok : Some years ago 1 took an t idea that land was the safest investment p that a man could make in Georgia, and as •. a consequence, lam now land poor: have 1 more than I can profitably make use of, t and consequently want to get rid of some, j or all of it, and I have decided to adopt the following measure to get rid of it: I will say, in the first place, that the land is the best in Monroe county, is fine ly watered, and is adapted to raising cat tle, sheep and hogs, and is the best for j cotton, corn, wheat, oats and other grains in the county. There are a number of 1 tenant houses on the place, and a home { recently built that cost me over $3,000 to < build. The land, in the first place, cost me from $25 down to $4 par acre—saying . altogether, about $lO per acre, without improvements ; and to get rid of it, I will average the whole place at $lO per acre, in the following way : I will have the entire place, 1,600 acres, sub-divided into 50-acre lots, at $lO per acre, giving more than 50 acres to one party, if desired, and less than 50 to another, according to his ability to pay for it, as the case may be,' the entire quantity to be drawn for. In other words, the number of lots and quant if j’ of hint! to be put in a hat or box, and drawn out und- r approval of a com mittee of gentlemen, at some stated time, so that all shall have a 1 Tir chance to get a home at a low price, and no one has a chance of losing their m mey, or failing to get their value, as paid, and some get a farm at tar less than co-t The land is 12 miles from Macon, a city of some 50,000 <>r 60,000 people, and is adapted to maiket gardening, and for northern people who know how to work, ' it offers a fine opportunity for a colony of energetic citizens. It is all together, and would make a tine settlement, having the best of pastures, water, springs, creeks, etc. The land is timbered with hickory, beach, oak and pine, and some cedar ; in fact, it is the best place 1 know of, and I am satisfied the ed itor of the Call will vouch for what I say. I would be glad to have any parties who mean business, to go over the plantation, familiarize themselves with the advan tages, and communicate with me at Barnesville, before going into the matter, assuring them that I mean what I say. I have also a farm of 50 acres near Barnesville for sale,on good terms. In addition to the terms offered above, I have concluded to make the terms of pay ment in four annuai payments without interest, wki'di is tantamount to putting the price of the land very low. The titles to the land have been in the posses sion <>t one or two parties for years, and have never been questioned and arc as good as gold. 8. B. BURR, Sn, Barnesville, Ga. <GEORGIA z r' y cq y Excursion tickets at reduced rates i between local points are on sale after 12 noon Saturdays, and until 6 p. in. j Sundays, good returning until Mon- j day noon following date of sale. Persons contemplating either a bus- i fness or pleasure trip to the East ' should investigate and consider the I advantages offered via Savannah and ! Steamer lines. The rates generally • are considerably cheaper by this ; route, and, In addition to this, pas- ! sengers save sleeping car fare and the expense of meals en route, as tickets : ( include meals and berths aboard ship. ! Me take pleasure in commending to i ; the traveling public the route referred i i to, namely, via Central of Georg-ia i Railway to Savannah, thence via the : I elegant Steamers of the Ocean Steam- I ■ ship Company to New York and Bns- i ton, and the Merchants and Miners I line to Baltimore. The comfort of the ’raveling public is looked after in a manner that defies I criticism. Electric lights and electric bells; ! handsomely furnished staterooms, ; modern sanitary arrangements. The ! tahtvs are supplied with all the deli : cactes of the Eastern and Southern j markets. All the luxury and comforts ; of a modern hotel while on board ship, i afuirding every opportunity for rest, i ret real lon or pleasure. I Each steamer has a stewardess to ! i "look especially after 1 idles and ehil- ; I <!r< n traveling alone. 1 information a* to rates and > ■ railin ‘ of steamers and for berth i f this company, or to J. ■ . H VILE. Gen. Pass. Agt., : H. HINTON, Traffic Nlaunger. ivanf>iih, <>a« niiijfi , AND ITS : remedy f>r tn. By its timely use i i thousands of h .;vkss ca. .’s have Iven already | ; permanently c -:ed So pr xis-positive am ( I of its power that I consider it my duty to I send !-a\' b tiles free to those of your readers ; i who have C'nsumpt? n,Throat. Bronchial or : Lung Trouble, it they will write me tlietr . express and pistotlice address. Si:icerelv, ; T. A. SIOCVM, M. C-. 183 Pearl St., New Yc-rfc. ■W- Tr • rw - 01.1 V.v of , LLa® Paper Lmaraxitce t f ff.rvi. I‘reposiUQQ* . Cjorn is a vigorous feeder and re sponds well to liberal fertiliza tion. On corn lands the yield increases and the soil improves if properly treated with fer tilizers containing not under 7% actual Potash. A trial of this plan costs but little and is sure to lead to profitable culture. All about Potash-rhe results of i ; ., , :s , byactuaUx. penment on the best Lirins in the I'uired e, .. told in a little bu< k v.!:i hwe put. i- . , ill( i w i \ jpj mail free to any faina .n Air, n. ,w, , w •,, r ',t GEKM.'.N IvAl.i V OKK . 03 Nassau St.. New Yorfc, . 50 YEARS’ EXP E ” 1E NC 6 ilTTTrrn JIB, TJjgjLJik ■- Trade Marks Designs z Copyrights &c. Anvonn sending a sketch and description may qnfcklv ascertain our opinion free whether ah invention is probably patentable. ('«»inniuiiira t ions strictly conthlentlal. Handbook on Patents bent free, oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive < ial notice, without charge, iu the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a vear; four months, fl. Sold by all newsdealer*. MUNN &Co. 36,Broadwav New York Branch Office. 625 F St., Washington. D. C. HLQGSPOISOH iiary BLOOIi FO ‘ wON :: unc'p’ y curedin 15t035 days. You can i _t 3 home for same price under m m<’ run ran tjr» If you prefer to com< ’ . traetto pay railroad fareandh. t».lbi :? a-i'j nocharge, if we fad to cure. If you have ink . nic; - cury, iodide potash, and still have ; ,s m d pains, Mucous Ihitches in mouth. Son Throat Ti-uples, C’«»pper Colored Spots, Chars oa any part of the body. Hair or F_>’< Srow > iallinp out, it is this Secondary 15LizOI> FOISoS we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti* nate cases and challenge the world tor a case we cannot cure. Thiscii -case has nlwavs baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians. 5500,000 capital behind our un.-oml;. tional guaranty. Absolute proofs pent aled ou ‘Wplicatbon. Addr<- a COOK KWMEDY c 6». 349 Hason&c Temple, CHICAGO, ILL. KEEP YOUR BICYCLE WHEELS TRUE. . This little Wrench, which fits ail size s{ l.t -. sent with / Z X w a little book . full in structions h w t put in new \k x~y yy ‘jokes and keep ’ <wn wheel true. cniG< ri;t f 25 Q rs . E. T.\(i(iAkT, Pat. applied for. ton West Avc.,Buhalo,M.Y Size of Wrench, j . in. «:i‘incter. N .... ; l.u ■!. Mention this paper. fresT FREE I FREE I A Life Size Portrait, Crayon, Pastel or Water Color, Free In order to introduceour excellent w >rk. we will make to any one sending us a photo a Life Size Portrait, Crayon, I’a>tel or Water Color Portrait Free of Charge. Small photo promptly returned. Exact | likeness and hkrhly artistic finish guaran | teed. Send vour photo at once to C 1.. MARECHAL ART CO., 34- Elm St., Dallas, Texa- I Southern Railway. y. ■> And ' 4aUy service be j A: lai n. with \ - ' ’ti 'l S iedule -n < ' • • I h >’ ■ > . Na: 11; » ‘.i ’. Ar X1 :•i it a T.v. At cirn Ar Ah A i ' -o uo s« t-.iuthboi. ... I.v i ir-.rm- iml 8 - I.v 1 I.v. ... .. I.v ■ .. ■ ■ , -'i Ar. Atianta ■ a > : j • 1 * ■ i “ < nc-.>r - Ar. ( .;-:iO>us . ■ • ' I tv: -■ -.—. r . i TO MACOS. liailv. N s > ■ £7 Colr.mbus. U .Ah'u H Ar. V ivlb-.-.r.' . “ Macon, M. <V !'• R. R Ar. Luirange. M. Lv. Latlrange ' ' ' !i !. 1 : Lv. 3!aeon. M iv . it.' i.,ANN v - .-Al. ■ ‘V»h ' • '■n.’i 'W 1 ” V. , W A. 1 CKK. b. H HA'. .VI - Uet Pas. Agar.• A H.-.-i la.- A- Waahinpton.l C. Atlanta Ha. T. K. PEABODY Passenger Jt i’icke: A.-en: •• —••"?■■ —•: . - - -*» -•