The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 20, 1899, Image 4

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NEAT, STYLISH AND DURABLE AKE THE LINES OF Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings We are showing this season. We are fully alive to the wants of the trade and urge you to give us a call and let us show you through. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL 3TBEET, GBIFFIN, GA. IF YOU NEED A TRUSS BE SURE AND GET The American Silver Truss. AMERICAN / SILVER I TRUSS, i’kst kitting / \-■ ’■ \ A n i> I ( light. MOST COMFORTABLE ' S&F COOL. Katy to Wear. , , retains \ /No pressure on I’IIA.I \ (ANBI T . lAKKY ONE lb I Scvtrru y Hip«or hack. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. | Hernia I Nountierstrap'; |whb Comfort. | Never movrs. We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. NEW GARDEN SEED JUST RECEVED. ALL FRESHZAND GENUINE. ; ONION SETS—EASTERN IRISH POTAAOES. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS. LAMP CHIMNEYS, GLASS AND PUTTY. FINE LOT OF PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. J- N. HARRIS & SON. Some New Goods! Florida Cabbage, Turnips, Irish Potatoes, Asparagus, Lettuce, Spring Strawberries, Yellow Bananas, Cake Bread. Quick Delivery, Good Goods. We want your trade. Ccrne to see us. G. W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST GROCERS IN TOWN. See My New Bath (a binds. They are the Latest with Improved Attachments. I SELL THEM UNDER a GUARANTEE. If you are not more than pleased your money will be refunded. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The livening Call. GRIFEIN, GA., APRIL 20. IS9U. iHllceover Davis' Hardware S. *rr TELEPHONE NO- -• PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS OR. .1. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllce: No. 2!R Hill street, stairway next to R. I'. McWilliams A Son. Tele phone 27, 2 rings. Spring weal her again A. G Portir made a trip to Macon today. Mrs. C. J. L Henderson spent today at Lucile J. 0. Grubbs, of Orchard Hill, was here today. W.N. Blate, of Wi mini- n, w .<;■ m the city today. Mrs. K H Drake -pe.r :■ .lav very pleasantly in Atlanta Capt. C. Wheeler mid a trip tn Atlanta today Justrt . v.iliim 1.4 Amber Sor ghum Sul, G. rm in ’! rlr t, Bnr lir 00 D. O its '! iI•«111 i' cm I. r sown jlt.til thr nml.l mos this num l h and make fine ui's I. ■•. s|) (’ irk. 20 , Hill .in' Mri It E Jackson, of Liberty Hill, spent today wuHi friends in this city. I O. N R insc h 111. Igrtt: rm I today from a short Im mess nip to A'l Hila Misses Ella and R' hi Duke, of Spin per, spent todai with fir. ruls m thia city R. W I vrieh ami Jessie P spy, of Rm k . S’ itiiii), •■■pi ni tal iy in ibe city. Mies '•! i >• Younc, of Jonesboro, is in the city h e guest of Dr, ami Mrs. E. I . Ham ■ Cap) II H Bass went i. an to Al*- eon today, wOl rehew ;11 epei. I . b w day - on busi ra ss. Mis L .1 lb i.l ir d elmdr.n ■■ ft lot Macon this rm run .. 1 S[ md > lite time with r< i' ives 1! ('urn tilings ee.n.e up from Or cli.r 11l i It di \ ami spent t lie day witlr Grilliu f i m 1 ■ l< ■ inn saw Raw 1! me Mt • f,,r ter ti '."ng r. .«• s, | ,>| p all's, grape vines, Twee ilr Em rile bi ,1 <1 S'. ia r t M and Mrs H P Ogi •’! re hl ve .< t urim I f m•* p 1 <a- ■nt visit t > r■!a tuts ami Irmmis in T mm.isi. n. Mrs C irk So livui. i f Pedens.Te, arrived n tin < y th- iltt rir >:i to »p< tnl a few days hem with t atives <.'■.>',l, W, E. H Searcy, Jr, and L C.i vt ami wet,l over to McDonough th.a nn rnit’g to attend H nry superior con Rtv. E W Hammond went up to Al ania thia morning to attend the funeral of bis brother, H ur. N. J. Hammi mi. .1 II .L nkiiis of Km xvi. e, who lias been spending several days here, left tins umiming for a business trip tlimngh the s'ate, beiore returning h one Mr ami M'S D i vid J ll.dt y and cliildii n left b iiy for Atlanta, in an» swer to a telegram announcing the MONEY LOAN ON Real Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office of W. H. NEWTON & CO., Griffin, Ga. death of Mrs Bailey’s father, Hon. N. J. Hammond Lambert's Death to Lice and Mites works immediately without injury to the eggs or chickens; does not soil plumage, yet purifies and cleaves down < the ekin. For eale by Lewis D Clark, ' 20 Hill s!reet. Detectives Billfold and Barrett who have been at Woodbury trying to locate and arrest Sam Hose, the negro murderer, were here thin morning with their dogs They say no clue could be had of him at Woodbury, and they gave up the chase until some definite news can be learned. Alonzo Brown, colored, was given a commitment trial this morning before Justice Sorrel upon the charge of wife beating. The evidence was sufficient to warrant his being bound over to the City court, and in default of SIOO bond he was sent to jail. Brown has but recently finished a term in the chain gang for the same offense. Hot weather is coming on now and U you are not careful the lice aod mites will kill your little chickens. Try Lambert’s Death to Lice and Mites, and it will stop them For sale by Lewis D. Clark, 20 Hill street. Rev. H W. Williams, who has been assisting Rev. T. W. O'Kelley in con ducting the revival services at the Baptist church here, returned to hie home in Elberton this morning. Mr. Williams is a very learned and elo quent preacher, and did much good while here. It. is with regret we see him depart. The services will go on just us usual, and in the future Rev < t'Kelley will preach For Diabetes use Stu art’s (iiii and Buchu. Carried to Alabama S'n riff IL eves, of Tioy, Ahi., arriv’d in this eity ycsteiduv after Isaac Elder, Jr, a ni-gtu w!v> is wanted for grand 1 irceiiy. E dir lias been io this s- el, u [or about four months, and no st of (hat time bus been in the employ of Capt. Seaton Grantln: d Sheriff Morris heard the negro was u fugitive fr tn j istic.c and la«t Mon day arrested him ami informed the > authorities of Troy. Sheriff Reeves u turned home this morning wit'll bis prisoner For Gravel use Stuarts Gin and Buchu. *■ . Where Would Jefferson be? Our esteemed contemporary, the f Dublin Dim itch, fir a tbi- qucs' nat , the Times : ‘The question, then, simmers down to this If Uncle I’tmimis Jefferson ’ were alive today, would he hr caught associating with ‘Bryan free- Ever i cranks,’ ‘Cleveland plutocratic gold tings'or‘Tammany politicians’?” if Jefferson were alive to fay and in i vigorous hi .hh of 1 dy and n ;n !, he vould probabl . !,o a ~v | -r tn r of 1 (irovt r ('I, velatid, Jofm (> Carlisle, or a ] ofessor !;k< 'Vi! mm 1. Wi s m, or -■ tic ■ the o' i.i-r H ally grt it men wlm b v;> b<.■ 11 r, ..d ut of the I>emo• eratic party, t > make was a weaker lt> fell w wtm | io: biirio d Bryan a . greater man than the other ti ght, kt. w mor, tha i those who claim Him to b ’ a t ,iwt r ' Jeffer- ■ eon, because that man - slue to see the great gn'f which lias betwien the , prmcip' sos the re and ti,. of the other. Sad it is, b' v,il, but ,; JefTersou I were nave, today, and tl , light ami ta ked s lie did ui et .. 1 a;. , here ho .| w -uld lihhl yl> al. wed : -a at a banquet boatd.or in a party conven tion -villi Mr Bryan. He would bo , pi lied tn -li line am! abuse and diiv on to private life—Va'.dvCa Times. " " '♦ 1 I -» cHTO n ’ , « Bears tia, hW I.J H.HS AlWns Bo Jgfr* Notice The Griffin Gun Cub are requested to mi et at tlrn i fii <' < ! Dr J•» M. 1 bomas tt. iert i *i* I !o ~ ~ ck. By order, W D Davis Pres. 1 ZETELLA. Zr.i i, April 18.—We are having nicl I weather, and farmers arc busy. Master Thelbert Manard went to Mole na Monday to attend school. Mi l M. L, Drewry and little Tinnie were here Tuesday. L. I’, and W P. Blanton and son, Al bert, vLited Atlanta Wednesday. Dr. Luther GC -e, of Brooks Slat! in, was here Wedm 11. W. I’erdii", of <11 iiii n, was here to day. J. A. Tidwell left lor Texas ki t Wed nesday. Mrs. J. R. Leach la on the sick list this week. Misses Ottie Touchstone and Eunice Head went toGriffln today. Misses Leilie Dorsett and Eunice Huckaby, of Grfffln, was here Sunday. Hcw’s This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West A. Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Ktnnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muc ous surfaces of tbe system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Bears the 8 Kind Tn Have Always Bought Signature r rt- A Nebraska man not long ago fell in love with a voice It came to him over a long distance telephone line. The man was the manager of the tele phone office at Mid vale ; the owner of the voice was manager atAcada, miles and miles away. From time to time the voice came, soft, flute-like and entrancing, over the wires from Acade, The man at Midvale was absolutely sure that a voice so heavenly must be accompanied by youth and beauty. He proposed and was accepted. And then be took the train down to Acada. Once there, be found that instead of the houri that he bad dreamed of, he had been talking to “an ugly old maid.” He refused to keep the compact of marriage And now the owner of the flute—’ike voice issuing him for breach of promise )CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of | Ocmulgae Chatauqua, Hawkinsville, Ga- On account of above occasion, the Cen tral of Georgia Railway Co. will sell tick ets to Hawkinsville, Ga , and return, at one fare for round trip. Date of sale April 23d to May 4th, inclusive, returning May 7th. R. J. Williams, Agt. Banquet Third Georgia Immunes, Macon, Ga , April 21st, On above occasion, the Central id Geor gia Ry. Co, will sell tickets at one fare for round trip. Tickets on sale April 20th and 21st, returning April 22d, K. J. Williams, Agt, Ocmulgee Chatauqua, Hawkinsville, Ga. Ou account of the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell to Hawkins vill, Ga., and return at one eare for tbe round trip. Dates of sale April 23 to May ■1 inclusive returning May 7th. R. J. Williams, Agent. Banquet Third Georgia Immunes Macon, Ga-. April 21st. On above occasion the Southern Rail way will sell tickets at one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale April 20th anil 21, returning April 22nd. R. J. Williams, Agent. Cheap Bates to Atlanta, Ga,, On April the 25th, 26th and 27th, the Southern Railway will sell tickets to At lanta and return lor one fare, good re turning up to and including May 3rd. Children between 5 and 12 i ears half fare R. J. Wh.i.iams, Agent. j Southern Baptist and Auxiliary Ccnven tion Louisville, Ey , May 6 11. On account of above occasion the South, cm Railway will sell tickets to Lonisvill- Ky., and return at one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale May Bth to 11th, returning limit 15 days from date of sale. R. J. Williams, Agent. Southern Baptist and Auxiliary Conven tions, Louisville, Ey.. May 8-11. On account pf above occasion, the Cen tral of Georgia Ry. Co. will sell tickets to Louisville, Ky , and return at one fare for round trip. 'Pickets on sale May Bth to 11th, returning limit 15 days from date of sale. R. J. Williams, Agt. NEW LAUNDRY, CUT IN PRICES: Shirts, 10c. Collar, Ijc. Cuffs, per pair, Bc. Undershirts, sc. Drawers, sc. Socks, per pair, 2i Handkerchiefs, Ic. Towels, 2c. Neckties, 3c. Parties are earnestly requested to notice the place (under old postofflee) where they will always get good work, at the prices named above. 1.0, CHUNG, at New laundry.. Carminativo pF Saved My Baby's Use." I Johnson Station, Ga , September 16, 1898. V X LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta Ga r and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. I advise all t □ mothers who have sickly or delicate children to jive this remedy a trial. V Respectfully, Mrs. LIXZIH MURRAY. i Saved Her Baby -Will Save Youra. i I ... .TRY 1T,... t EDWARDS BR(M You do not often have the opportu nity of buying a desirable line of seasonable goods at NEW YORK OOSTI You may save many dollars by attending the cost sale of Mr. W. P. Horne’s stock at the SCHEUERMAN STORE This sale continues until May 1. Why not save a few dollars here ? EDWARDS BROS. c Eagle bkahb > Condensed Milk I > Has ho Equal as an Infant Food C C ‘‘INFANT HEALTH’sent FREE. ’ t vCo*o £KS£ LwYo® „ I ——l.l MWI 11.11 ■■■■■ ■» ■!■■! ’ imii-1-i —Wi——— Kaaaemn I win m null.— Scores of Customers Wanted! THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS TO OFFER, NEVER AS MANY NEW SPRING GOODS IN ONE HOUSE LN THIS TOWN AS IN OCRS NOW. SOME OF OUR PRICES ARE POSITIVELY MARVELOUS. IN FACT, YOU'LL THINK THE CLOTH MAKER GOT HIS WOOL AND SILK FREE AND THAT COTTON HAD GONE DOWN TO NOTHING. Silk Shirt Waist Patterns at $1.06, worth $2. 36 “ “ “ “ 1.50, you woulil call'em cheap at $2.75 28 “ “ 11 “ 2 85, some merchants would charge $5. To buy Silks cheap is to trade at Bass Bros. Black and colored Crepons in short lengths for skirts, newest effects 25 pei cent cheaper than the same goods sell elsewhere. We have about 100 short lengths in black and fancy woolens in Worst ed Serges and Henriettas, just enough for a skirt; we are going to close out very cheap. Lace Curtains and White Quilts at your price. WASHABLES. Piques at 12ic, 15c, 20 and 25c, all colors, worth much more anywhere. Organdies in pink, blue, red, green, heliotrope and lemon at 10c a yard, real value 17 jc. White Organdy, 34 inches wide, at 10c. 15c. 2 yards width at 38c. 1,000 yards colored Tackonets, 40 inches wide, as long as they last 81c yd Yard wide Fercal at 4jc. Spring style Perc ds at 5c LADIE’S FIXINGS. A big subject, but our stock is big enough and varied enough to meet its multiform and multiplex requirements. 2<85 sample Corsets Nos. 18 to 30, at just half price. 200 pairs of Siik Gloves, your choice lor 25c. Some of them worth 75c. Kid Gloves at 50c, domaged a little. Fans, Parasols, Umbrellas, Belts, ladies Ties in newest styles, Collars, Cyrona Chains, Collar Buckles, Belt Buckle-, Waist Sets, Sash Pins, Beauty Pins and Tie Pins. Undervests at 5:, 10c, 15c and 25c. Ladies Hats in any style or color wanted. 100 new Sailor Hats just received for this week’s sale.' BASS BROS.