The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 21, 1899, Image 4

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NEAT, STYLISH ANO DURABLE AKE THE LINES OF Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings W« are showing this season. We are fully alive to the wants of the trade and urpe you to give ns a call and let uh show you through. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA. IF YOU NEED A TRUSS BE SURE AND GET The American Silver Truss. AMERICAN I SILVER I TRUSS. BEST FITTING / \ AND | .ht.l MOST COMFORTABLE COOL, I Easy to Wear. Petains pressure on IIIAI \OI <AN 1»( 1. FA KRY ONE IS I Severest V Hips or Back. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. I Hernia I No understrap e . |wiih ( omfort. i Never move ;. We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. NEW GARDEN SEED JUST RECEVED. ALL GENUINE.; ONION SETS—EASTERN IRISH POTAAOES. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, GLASS AND PUTTY. FINE LOT OF PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. JJL HARRIS & SON. FISH 3DA.Y. WILL HAVE TOMORROWPEATVRDAY, BARREL OF THOSE SHAD FRESH CAT FISH, PERL 11, BREAM. v i«; ict\a ih >i :s. WE ARE HAVING EVERY DAY FRESH I’.FANS, ASPARAGUS, SALID AND RADISHES. NEW RYE IN BUNDLES, AT sc. G. W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST GROCERS IX TOWN. See My New Bath ('abinds. They are the Latest with Improved , Attachments. I SELL THEM UNDER A GUARANTEE. If yon are not more limn pleased vour money will be refunded. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA , APRIL 21. W.' IMliceover Dav is Hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. 5*2 PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS • 0 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: N 2:',j Hill street, stairway next to R. I’. McWilliams A Son. Tele, phone 27, 2 rings. R H Drake attended Heniy Stipe rior court at McDonough today Supt. B C. Epperion, of the t’eti tral railroad, was in the city today Col. W. E IL Searcy made a trip to McDonough today on legal business. Cashier J. G. Rina, of the City National Bank, spent t lay in Mc- Donough. Capt Seaton Grantland, made a i business trip to Atlanta today in the interest of the Griffin Manufacturing Company, .1 net r< 1•:1v■ dti ne b1! Vinbi r Sor ghum Smd, German .Millet, Burt r ‘JO Day Oats, llm latter can I' ‘ sown until the middle id this month and make him mils I. is- D Clark, 20 HUI st reel Cid E W. Hammond attended the funeral of Hon. N. I. Hammond at. Atlanta today .Mies \ I. Ch irnbi rs, of Atlanta, is spending a few days in this city as the guest of Mis .1 11. HufT. Mrs M 11 |1 .wdai n wen t 11 p I ■ \t latita this m< rniuc to nitend tile firn neral of I'm N .I II ’.mm nd Mi-s I mniie Boykin, a lovely voting lady, of Bi 1 >ka St a I ion, s; ent today in the 1:11 wll hln 1 many friends H n W (' H.iks w<m 1 opt At. lantii this m ruing to attend the fuueril of Him. X .1 Hanim md K ml nw Riwß m> M «l f< : ft r tilizing r.’Ses, pot plants, grape vines, lawns, eti O Stewart Hot weather i* (mniit)g on now and if you are 1. t cirilnl the I e md mites wni kill yuiir Htie chick ns I’ry Limbeit'.. Di .th tn Lice and Mites, ind H will stop them For sale by I no D Clark. 20 Hill Tnt! D , E II Alb ■. v went down to Mac m tl n 'ruing to attend the mri-tn g1 ' lie State M di< a A»smia- Airs A S B aKe and children, re turned morning from MeDon« ougb, where they spent several day» v > y p eas intiy M'S li.ifau 1 I'h.imbos who has bi 1 11 spending a. me linn with her sis it r Mrs I E M tchell, n this city, i< 11 lor Mo: ’t 1. ;ma th:' morning. .1 F 1 d will leave tomoirr w 1 R■.nr . when lie wi’l s[ end several dn\s with his parents. His mother, Mis .1. C I'.rofl wtio lias men quite sick for some is n ’t doing s 1 well ami he goes <1 wu to tie with her LimLert s Death Io I. Ct .ml Mitts work.- immediately without ii'jnrv ‘n tin- eggs ir eh ck: n- ; <!•>■- • ’ • i pium-ge, vet purities anti dow n the skin. For sale by Lewis D C ark, 211 H ■ 1 " ■ reel MONEY >« LOAN ox Real Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when , Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office of W, H, NEWTON & C0.,1 Griffin, Ga. -r- Death of Mr. Smith- I “Uncle Billie” Smith, of Sunny Side ‘ who was bitten by a mad dog before j Christmas and taken down with the ; rabies last Tuesday night, died yester ’ day, after suffering intense agony for ' many hours. He was well known by a large num ' her of our citizens, and his death will I be a source of regret to al). His remains were buried in Sunny Side this morning. Will Lecture Here. Rev. 11)08. Dixon, the celebrated New York divine, will deliver one of his inimitable lectures in the Olympic Theatre on May 3J Mr. Dixon has no superior on the lecture platform, and Griffin is very fortunate, indeed, in securing bin) for this occasion. He, is an uncle of Mrs Douglas Boyd of this city, and will be her guest dur ing the few days he will be in the city. Griffin will bo honored by the pres ence of this distinguished guest, and will turn out en masse to bear his lec ture. Will Close at 6 O'clock. We, the undersigned, agree to close at 6 o’clock p. m., Sun Time, commencing on May Ist and continuing until September Ist, (Saturday excepted.) R F. Strickland A Co. Bass Bros. G. Cohen, i A. Rogawskee. T. J. White. Mrs, L. L. Heinz. McClure, 10 cent store. J. H lltiff. A. Lower. M. R. Brown & Co. Edwards Bros. Unie 11. Green, Agt. Wiley L. Smith. Flemister A Bridges. W. D. Davis A Bros. If. C. Burr & Sons. .1. Buchman. J. A. Scott. Bears the Ilia K nd You Have Always Bought “ ,£ “ I Bryan and The New York Dinners- What effect will the $lO Jeffersonian 1 dinner, the $1 Chicago platform din ner and the $1 Jeffersonian dinner ■ have on the chances of Mr. Bryan for presidential nomination of the Dftno cratic party ? They are causing a good , deal of speculation, and may have . ■ some influence in determining the ac tion of the Democratic National Con vention. It. is sai I that Mr. Bryan is r»i>* alto [ getlier satisfied with himself for refus- I mg to accept the invitation to the $lO ' I Jeffersonian dinner of the Democratic 1 I Club He was asked shout his refusal to att, ml (Lut ilmni rby the newspa ' I per rep' iters last Saturday lie de ’ dined to admit that he was sor r y he | refused, and said his reason- was that . | Perry B*druont was president of the . | club Mr. Belmont took the stump ■ against him in 1S I J(J f But it is evident that the dinner * I over wl> <h Mr. Behm nt | . -i I d was | a failure, tai far as the political pnrp'.se lid it was i on, erm d. 1 lie intention of I thine wlm i>riuitiHled it wa- to organ i iz.s a movement Io tiling out a eandis j dale for the presidential nomination of the Democratic putty in opposition to Mr. Bryan. Mr. Am is'.us Van XV yck v -- their cam;. : they had . him mni'.nated for Govern r i New ■ J York for the purp.-’ of starting a 1 presidential bo >m for him, and they ■ were bitterly disapp anted when he < was defeated, but they were not dis- I couraged. Mr Bryai,'- ref i-ai to bo I present at their dinner wuh t>. th a surprise ami dtaapp .ntment His re'uaal no doubt k th> r Derm crate ' | from euts de the state aw r- . T: a ub- i ject w! (!.. dim- r wa* u t therefore ' , attained I’lie plotting t ton g about X i Mr. Bryan’s defeat is, lnjwevt r, as act ive as ever, if there is anyihing in- tbe re| rt- which are appearing in public " prit I I '■ aim i- r> get enough dele ’ gates to prevent the nomin iticn of Mr. . Bryan XX hi oit - remeii hjie 1 that I it takes tw,.— birds of the convt otion 110 r.aminate a cand d ite, it can he A WO' IA . 3 HAND. TUe dawn go golden in tin- east, Th.’ dancinM hj 1U < mt.- ct-nsed, T’h* world, tin- .. <d hl <>i nu n, avve ke I Arid th»*n th<- gunnt who tamed Fpoke. iim he Fpoke h» ’<-•»!< h» r hand In his (lie could not r t;ui 1 And h«dd it, tiny, white and dim, While «he in alien- »: t.»-1 at him. 'Soft little tDiid« r. I u dike thing, May time ot toil," he murmured, “bring No line to th, - poor girlish hand!" (Oh, he could i .-t und« rstand!) Then ehe, with ’rantje wistful look. Drew back tii iin i lie idl\ took And, stnilinsj, hid it ti<mi hin gaz«‘ While he bo.v« d low ; nd Went Lis waya The little hand remained the Fame Soft, birdlike thing, ami no toil came To take its tenderness away Nor ideal its beauty day by day. For in the world its only task Was but to press a wayward heart (Ah, little hand, so white and slim!) That ached with all her love for him. —Arthur J. Stringer in Harper's Magazine. I TWELVE FILIPINOS KILLED- Rebels Attack a Party of American Scouts Near Taguig Manila, April 21 —Two hundred of tbe enemy, imitating the tacUcs of ti e Americans formed a skirmish line this afternoon and attacked a party of scouts of the First Washington regi ment, stationed near Taguig Rein forcements went to tbe assistance of the Washington men and the enemy were driven for a mile. Our ammuni tion was then exhausted and our men returned, after capturing several guns and killing 12 Filipinos. Our loss was 3 wounded. A party of 18 Americans under the command of a’captain, went ecouting north of Guiginto this morning and encountered a strong body of insur gents. In the skirmish which ensued, one American was wounded. Thirteen Spanish gunboats have ar rived here, under convoy of the Con cord and Petrel. While lying in the waters of the south, these ’ boats were looted of small arms and cannon by Filipinos. American merchants here have drawn up a petition to tbe San Fran cisco chamber of commerce, asking that its influence be exerted to secure a reduction of tariffs, many of which are prohibitive. —' ♦ —•— OA.S’L’OSIIA. Bears tho lt>B Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of seen that Mr, Bryan cannot afford to make many enemies Bui has Mr Bryan made any friends in New Yoik by allying him self with those who gut up the Chica go platform dinner and those interest ed in the Jeffersonian $1 dinner? He ‘ has undoubtedly, but they are not friends wlm can help him in getting a ■ delegation from New York to the Democratic National Convention fa vorable to fils nomination. There wire no prominent Democratic lead ers at the Chicago platform dinner. It is eaid there v as not a man there who could control a vote other than his own. Even tho leaders of the Henry George element were noticeable for their absence. While the leaders of the Belmont- Croker dinner didn’t accompush all they expected is certain that they will retain control of the machinery of the party, and will name the delegates from New oik to the Democratic National Convention. If Mr. Bryan should be nominated, however, the ' part he took in tbe $1 dinners would have the effect of making him votes I in New Yoik There is ot.e factor in the situation which must not be overlooked. It is the investigation oi lammanv's rule in-New York city. II that inveetiea tain should show Tammany in a bad light Tammany’s ability to get to gether a combination to prevent Mr. ! Bryun’a nomination wi uhl be greatly i weakened All things considered, it i is probably that differences growing I j out of tbe dmners in New York citv i I have not lessened Mr Bryan’s chances ' for tbe n amination. —Savannah News. i Bl6 : r * ■l . r < a; : ■ < 'ate: tl • m-- si '.ron- I dei- .. . o - ; e a..-, p eas- I ai t aiu! i e . - no to tl, tn e, a ' i ent ly I and |.... '.. ■iy < n koine and bowels. I cure I;u-!Il ■> , r. ,or- ipatiot) 1 and biliousness. I’lease I- y and try a box I ot ('.('.l' to-day; to, i-.-nts. Soldaui i guaranteed to cure by all druggists. NEW LAUNDRY CUT IN PRICES: ! Shirts, We. Collar, l,c. 1 Cuffs, per pair, 3c. Undershirts, he. Drawers, sc. Socks, per pair, 2e. I Handkerchiefs, Ic. Towels, 2c, Neckties, 3c. Parties are earnestly requested to notice | the place (under old postofflee) where they I will always get good work, at the prices i named above. L, G. CHUNG, at New Laundry. aiinativo ? r Life.” t •n, Ga., September 16, 1898, Atlanta, Ga. tend your Pitts’ Carminative too it. She had Cholera Infantum 2 : no relief until I began uslnr Pitt’s n 1 had given her but two bottlw ? ok like the same child I advise all v hildren to give this remedy a trial Mrs. LIZZIH MURRAY. J Will Save Your*, i /r.... C EDWARDS BRO& You do not often have the opportu nity of buying a desirable line of seasonable goods at NEW YORK COST! You may save many dollars by attending the cost sale of Mr. W. P. Horne’s stock at the SCHEUERMAN STORE This sale continues until May 1. Why not save a few dollars here ? EDWARDS BROS. < Eagle brand Condensed Milk > > Has No Equal as an Infant Food f C “INFANT HEALTH’seht FREE. [Scores of Customers Wanted! THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS TO OFFER, NEVER AS MANY NEW SPUING GOODS IN ONE HOUSE IN THIS TOWN AS LN OURS NOW. SOME OF OUR PRICES ARE POSITIVELY MARVELOUS. IN FACT, YOU'LL THINK THE CLOTH MAKER GOT HIS WOOL AND SILK FREE AND THAT COTTON HAD GONE DOWN TO NOTHING. 43 Silk Shirt Waist Patterns at $1.06, worth $2. ■36 “ “ “ “ 1.50, you would call’em cheap at $2.75 28 “ “ “ “ 2 85, some merchants would charge $5. To buy Silks cheap is to trade at Bass Bro,-:. Black and colored Orepons in short lengths for skirts, newest effects 25 per cent cheaper than the same goods sell elsewhere. We have about 100 short lengths in black and fancy woolens in Worst ed Serges and Henriettas, just enough for a skirt; we are going to close out very cheap.' Lace Curtains and White Quilts at your price. WASHABLES. Piques at 12ic, 15c, 20 and 25c, all colors, worth much more anywhere. Organdies in pink, blue, red. green, heliotrope and lemon at 10c a yard, real value 17ic. White Organdy, 34 inches wide, at 10c. “ “ “ 15c. 2 yards width at 38c. 1,000 yards colored Jackonets, 40 inches wide, as long as they lastßjcyd Yard wide Percal at 4|c. Spring style Percale at 5c LADIE’S FIXINGS. A big subject, but our stock is big enough and varied enough to its multiform and multiplex requirements, 285 sample Corsets Nos. IS to 30, at just half price. 200 pairs of Silk Gloves, your choice lor 25c. Some of them worth 7oc. Kid Gloves at 50c, domaged a little. Fans, Parasols, Umbrellas, Belts, ladies {Ties in newest styles, Collars, Cyrona Chains, Collar Buckles, Belt Buckles. I Waist Sets, Sash Pins, Beauty Pins and Tie Pins. Undervests at sc, 10c, 15c ami 25c. Ladies Hats in any style or color wanted. 100 new Sailor Hats just receive 1 for this week’s sale. BASS BROS.