The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 28, 1899, Image 4

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NEAT, STILISH AND DURABLE AKE THE LINES OF Clothing and Cents’ Furnishings We tire showing this Henson. We are fully alive to the Wants of the trade and urge you to give us a call and let uh show you through, WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA. IF YOU NEED A TRUSS BE SURE AND GET The American Silver Truss. AMERICAN SILVER i nls I,!E TRUSS. BUST IT ITTI N G / • -,»■'o fr ‘ AND I ' MOST COMFORTABLE COOL, Easy to Wear. Retains \ /No pressure on 111 AT 5 <ll CAN I»I \ . IA KRY ONE IS i : ' I c , verr ' s ‘ Y Riptofß-ck. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. 1 Hernia I No understrap- Coinfort. J Never moves. We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. SOAP. White Honeymoon Soap, and Brown Windsor Soap. Very Line. sc. a Cake. Nice line of Best Pei fumes. KODOL, the great Dyspepsia Remedy. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. ’ J- N. HARRIS & SON. STRAWBERRIES You can get home grown Straw berries every day. All kinds fresh Vegetables. Fresh Bread and Cake. G. W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST (IKOCEKS IN TOWN. New Case Butter Thin Wafers. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. I he livening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., APRIL > isffi). iMliccover Davis' Hurdwart'Store TELEPHONE N<> 22, PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS OH. J. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: N 2Hj Hill street, stairway next tn R. I*. .McWilliams A Son. Tele phone 27,rings, R H. Drake made a Imsme.-s trip to ; Atlanta today. Luther H orn- f M. > . today in the city. You should not fail to attend the (’ak’e Walk tonight Rev. W. W W adswortb, of Atlanta, I is spending a few days here Mrs J. S. Boytit n is being pleas antly entertained >n Atlanta 44 Bars Best Laundry Soap,.fl 00 M> Cowei i A- Ei>tv siu.s Brinlly Snider, of Jone-horn, is spending a few days in this city. Miss Bessie llaials n,o' Hnllrmville, spent today with friends in this city. Cuba Molasses, original package 50c per gallon MgCowfij A Edwards, Cd. W H Taylor, of Senoia, return ed home this morning aft' r a short stay in this city. Mrs, T. IL Muis and daughter, Mies Mamie Mills, went op to Atlanta this morning to vi-it friends. Mine Marv S lickland, of Concord t is spending a f»w d tys in thia city as the guest of Mis R E. Strickland. Pearl Grits, fresh and fine, 50 lbs for $1 00 M< Coutu, A Edwards. Just received fine lot Atnbir Sor gli u m S. i >|, (. i rm an Mi lb ', But t or 00 Day tics. lb" Litter c m b sown u i-111 t Io- n dl. of H u month and m ,'ke ti ie ■. ■- ]. w- 11 t ark 20 H'H street I 1 M II liy ri•i ifi r his li me m 11 111 .a:-" in this m leirig ifitr a •i. ’ 1 v -t I > I’ll I iv'or in this c i y M»■ I -.i M irhe! '.a .i \ pretty ■> 'U og ! , 1; m- vi wnc in tbis chi' l.\ w 1 •n ri i. M. ■ M is!' r I It >k • • P-. IVI e, is a bright hi I o n resin _ i, . guest of liis aim! M i G J < ’ : i dge. on \ i'. ■ I I • • ■ : Genuine b b rida Can.i Syrup, HOc. per gallon. M Cimi ii. A Lin I lie curtain vid promptly at S IO o'clock tonight and all who fail to see the Georgia ('.'on Cake Walk at th" (1 y mpie w ' mis- , treat '■Ls li W Daun ret unit d to \t« ianta this morning after -pending sev eral days with her patents, Caps and Mr. J. S Westbrook in tins city Iho Jacks -i Recm J says that Mr !•’. Z Ctirty i< at home under bond j granted him t weeks ago He will , n main there till hi- trial comes Gil'in ■ Savannah. Good and juicy Atlas lL.:n-, • qua. to Dov. Brand, and eveiy bam guar ai teed. At 11k per lb M Cow til .( Edwards j "iWjgn.i •oii’l* ’ MONEY * LOAN ON Real Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office of W. H. NEWTON & CO., Griffin, Ga. The Southern Express Company is having its office in this city remod eled and when completed it will be one of the nobbiest offices anywhere to be found. Dr. T. E Drewry left this morning for Bronwood where he was called by telegram announcing the serious ill ness o! his little daughter, Annie Hill. Dr. Drewry left his family all well last Monday and (he telegram yesterday stating that his baby was very ill with pneumonia was quite a shock to him, J. B Smarr, of Sunny Side, who wag arrested a few days since upon a warrant sworn out by J. W. Greshanai charging him with cheating and swin dling, was taken before Justice Cars hart today for Lis preliminary hearing. He waived trial and was bound over in the euni of S2OO for his appearance at the next term of City court. Morris Stein left this morning for Macon to spend a few days, after which he will go to Barnesville for some time, Stein has recently been honorably discharged from the service of the volunteer army, where be prov ed a true and efficient soldier. Ho has decided to locate here, though his friends elsewhere are opposed to it. The Sunday School Picnic- Can any one tell how far back the custom of holding an annual Sunday school picnic, runs? As far brack as we have any knowl edge of, this has been a great day for the children of the churches and it should be encouraged for many re i s<> ns That the Griffin Sunday school are to have a picnic at Indian Springs <>n the Hhh <>f May, we chronicle with pleasure, for there is no place in the Stale better adapted for an occasion of this nature than the one selected. I'lie arrangements have about been completed, the fare will be 30 and GO cents for the round trip. The Cali, understands there is a possibility of one Sunday school for saking its custom of long standing and decline to picnic with the other churches. The reason for this may be good, and with no ill intention, but we do think the churches of Griffin should |on this occasion, come together as a unit, and make, the picnic at Indian Springs, on the Iffih of May, a pleas 1 ant one for all. i REPORT Ob' Thos. Nall, Treasurer. For March, 1899. (<>) ITo eash on hand. $3,62982 1 Paid HZlson, dIOOuO | " l I Ison report, 1'4115 E I Ison, p> " Orient Eire Insurance Co . I i “ P !■’ Phelps. 4u 2 " F renum s Fund. to I: A Gorden, m . 4 " Havre Fire Insurance < e I" ” M 1, ‘ onnur, pj 8 " Johnson & Murray, 5 " AV W Flynt. li “ 11 W llasselkus. 10 i>H V Slaton, ru i 1 25 ■ Lewis l> Clarke, in " W H Be k, " FlemistirA Briilgi - . I " W DDavi-, “ Edwards Bros.. |0 < u Lynch. a, " Griftin Wood Yard. 12 so M .1 Daniel, "n 11 ‘J H Huff. 20 - fill Jon. ~ p) " N H Dreivry. 2" Il H Futral. e. " Allen A An li-rs"i>. 25 •• Dick Ball, a-,i li 1 Bass Bros . 50 2 " New York I!»,‘liar.r• . 4-, 2. Heiief. | " I, I'atiers.m, I" " Sue Jones, 4 > w It Hiinleitei, 10 Sue Jones ; pi 11 ' N H A Mei Ins., 10 MorohaiH an.i Flam, . Hjnk 3, “ A D'wi r. 10 N VV Harris i C 17 ’’ J E Drewiw. 12 50 Sed A <re. wire scp "S < Mlt ■ bul 1, 12:0 9 AFCu Ipi -ppi ■ ~85 27 " J Bi erman. 5 Belief ■ Georgia Hom. In- <' 1 ‘‘ Savings Bank, 75 11 Ned A Geoi .-c s hi 111 An lb, A. 1 . 1 15 I tit A Co. .. ... " Imihanri’i • I f \ A . 1.1 .1 H -ti-vii. 2.' " Nat. Ins. t o. of H., li Iff W <.od Yard ■ J I. Brewer, 2. W H Beck 5 :| ■ Re. vi - Pharma, y < . 2" Teh phone Er. h u >■< 3so M F Carson 5 r : ii 15 I s Ned A Geeivc - .() ' Nc'itonC ialA Lumber 1 , 2. Relief u .21 22 Hack hire •>-, 2ii 27 Ned 4 George s .711 "'MI r. .lot" K Howard -ijt, r-; ■ 1 27 i> Il F Slaton " Mar. h Tua Collected, 146114 <> HF Slaton " M Thom*- 1:; 55 I'iij National Hum FMm < ity National Ban J F Stewart 50 , W A Goodrich. 150 M F Car-on |2 50 r VV H New ten ,V i 44 2! HI Thos Nail 50 <> HF Slaton 5 Newton Coal A Lumber Co. 148 49 1 Newt a Coal A Lumber < . . 113 39 I'hos Nall 15 I’nblie Schools 92 35 Griffin Light and Water t'.i. 2407 9t Cash to balance 1245 31 f |ll Total f 554'1 11 1 Examined and ;ound irrecf, being sustained by proper vouchers. HENRY C. BURR, B. B. DAVIS, April 24, iSBt). Finance Committee. Georgia Mason* ’ £ li, o1 < ■ ■ l l ’.I .>• >r>, t• <* 77 i> i' - ( , , •• , t o I Ar. :> Mm-oi - * <1 110 ir vi i k and adj air ltd I • |,i v>i id 11, i n ,v. .- .>od Griflit> M•- • l- oior. ami iiidll Io a worth) J Hinn, hr i' <e ‘ ,t <>: i1 11 j h J'r ;■ -I a Henry <’ Bur r I Io ■i-- iciates in 1 i. > <-o- ■ ti ia • ■ 'or th- ensiling j vp-i r. '■, •v. I k t,< .v i t. •Ibe er a't i n 1 Ge.ogl-i H- ill- '■ : is ■rl.i II» de- J v./. d •<> \laoo .1J ,n.l .- w< I’ 'he 1 I, <.i)i|- lii I h » M’s h • ii • H| •! f > CII b V i liis >icl ? ) liid h«1 <b; ii-Ira’ u■ ti j Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bough* 1 ““-.t f Lambert’s Death to Lice and Mites i works immediately without injury to ' the eggs or chickens; does not soil • plumage, yet purities and cieases down the skin. For sale by Lewis D Clark, • 20 Hill street Summer Time Approaches- Have you thought where you are going this summer? No! Well, before it is too late, let us call your attention to Salt Lake City—the island city by the sea. The late Col Cockerill once said to the I readers of the Cosmopolitan: “There are three quaint and unique cities on the con tinent, Quebec, St. Augustine and Salt Lake,” and to this he might have truthful ly added—and Salt Lake is the most ■ quaint and unique of them all. i To the visitor, it is all that Col. Cocker ill describes it. To the summer resorter, ( it offers sea bathing in Great Salt Lake, a mile above sea level; all the curative prop erties of Hot Springs, Sulphur Springs, ' etc. ; a delightful temperate climate with • cool nights ; a walk or drive through the cannons and parks ; a glimpse of all that i is beautiful in nature, and all the advan tages of a city of thrift, enterprise and r commercial supremacy. The RioGrande Western Railway, with its Colorado connections, the Denver & RioGrande and Colorado Midland rail -1 roads, offer choice Os three distinct routes 1 through the very heart of the Rocky • Mountains and the most magnificent sccu t ery in the world—not excepting the fa i mous Alps. Those celebrated summer re- ! sorts, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Glen- , ■ wood Springs, etc., are located along this route, and stop-overs are permitted. Low summer excursion rates to Salt Lake City can be obtained from all cities of the I nion. Before deciding on your ' summer outing, write for descriptive pam phlets, etc., to E. Copeland, General Agent, Bedford Building, Chicago, or F. A. Wadleigh, G. P. A., Salt Lake City. bargains. . If you are thinking of buying A SEWING MACHINE, OR AN ORGAN, I OR PIANO, You will find it at 24 Hill street. J. H. HUFF. 10,000 lbs. Seed Cotton For Sale. Ten thousand pounds of I', ide of • Georgia and G- o W. Truitt’s famous Co'ton Seed for sale, at. 20?. per bush i el. Guaranteed to be sound and all , right. Raised by li J. Manley, Jr J (> Stewart, At Cole’s \\ arehonse. i -? - . ■■ ~ . ? “Pitts’ Carminative 5 Saved My Baby's Life." i — —. 1 Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1898. I LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. 5 5 Gentlemen: I can not: recommend your Pitts’ Carminative too I P strongly, as I owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum ? I when five months o*d, and I could get no relief until 1 began using Pitf* C I Carminative. The fever left her when 1 had given her but two bottles y t and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. I advise all t 5 mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a frlal 4 Respectfully, MRS. LIZZIH MURRAY. C 3 H Saved Her Baby-Will Sava Yaura. I ‘"' TRY IT " " " EDWARDS BROa You do not often have the opportu nity of buying a desirable line of seasonable goods at NEW YORK iCOSTI You may save many dollars by attending the cost sale of Mr. W. P. Horne’s stock at the SCHEUERMAN STORE This sale continues until May 1. Why not save a few dollars here? EDWARDS BROS. > taiLßonMNpSa { « Eagle brand < > CfoHBENSED Milk 1 > Has No Equal as an Infant Food C C “INFANT HEALTH SENT FREE. t Scores of Customers Wanted! THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS TO OFFER, NEVER AS MANY NEW SPRING GOODS IN ONE HOUSE IN THIS TOWN AS IN OURS NOW. SOME OF OUR PRICES ARE POSITIVELY MARVELOUS. IN FACT, YOU'LL THINK THE CLOTH MAKER GOT HIS WOOL AND SILK FREE AND THAT C<>TTON HAD GONE DOWN TO NOTHING. 43 Silk Shirt Waist Patterns at SI.OG, worth $2. 1.50, you would call 'em cheap at >2.75 2 85, some merchants would charge $5, To buy Silks cheap is to trade at Bass Bros. Black and colored Crepons in short lengths for skirts, newest effects 25 per cent cheaper than the sane goods sell elsewhere. We have about 100 short lengths in black and fancy woolens in Worst ed Serges and Henriettas, just enough for a skirt; we are going to < lose out very cheat .' Lace Curtains and White Quilts at your price. WASHABLES. Piques at 12Jc, 15c, 20 and 25c, all colors, worth much more anywhere. Organdies in pink, blue, red, green, heliotrope and lemon at 10c a yard, real value 17Jc. White Organdy, 34 inches wide, at 10. . " “ “ “ 15c. 2 yards width at 38c. 1.000 yards colored •! ack on ets, 40 incite: wide, a long as t hey last 8 cyd Yard wide Percal at Spring style Percale at 5c LADIE'S FIXINGS. A big subject, but our stock is big enough and varied enough to meet its multiform and multiplex requirements. 25,5 sample Corsets Nos. 18 to 30, at just half price. 200 pairs of Silk Gloves, your choice lor 25c. Some of them worth isc. Kid Gloves at 50c, domaged a little. Fans, Parasols. Umbrellas, Belts, ladies Ties in newest styles, Collars, Cyrona Chains, Collar Buckles, Belt Buckl* 9 > Waist Sets, Sash Pins, Beauty Pins and Tie Pins. • Ladies Hats in any style or color wanted. 100 new Sailor Hats just received for this week's sale. BASS BROS.