The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 29, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING GALL. v.l. I *■ 202 SOCIAL SALAD PLEASANTLY reported FOR THE EVENING (’ALL. The thrifty feminine mind just now focused intently on the getting up cl things comfortable for summer, is liar rassed to a degree over the question of skirts. Woman who do careful 1 shop gazing” are coming to the conclusion that there is no faith to be put in the present cut of skirts, with its lanky tail and close hip fit, and the lurtune tellers of fashion a&v:.- •v< modified imitations of the wondrous skirts worn by the wax ladies in the show windows. They don’t believe itis ex actly safe to run with one's expensive silk or satin to the present extreme, and as a matter of fact it is not. Cling with cheerful conviction to your modi fied skirt if you would be wise, and if you wish to wear or make it over next season, let the rear width merely brush the floor, cut the front to easy stepping length, not as if you were making an old style riding habit, and don’t, as your reputation for taste and elegance depends upon it, close your pocket hole with ornamental pins or buttons. Let your frivolous friends waste their pin, money and deface their gowns with such eccentricities, which no more than arrive in the arena of fashion before they become hopelessly vulgarized, * ♦ * Wednesday was Memorial Day, and a softer, fairer, more brilliant day never blessed Griffin. The beautiful blue canopy of heaven beamed brave ly, but not more so than the memo ries awakened by the time—memories of those scenes which were enacted nearly forty years, ago when the silent heroes, with burnished steel and fly ing flags and screaming bands, went forth to victory or death. There was the flash of sabre, the clatter of char ger’s hoofs then—and we saw the one and heard the other in the velvety sunshine of the glorious day ; but they meant blood, mingled with tears then. Now, only tears and flower.-—tears for the bravest who ever bled and died ; flowers for the fairest names which ever adorned the temple of fame—the sweetest memories that ever shed their perfume from the loved and lost upon the assembled people who flocked to the city to pay the yearly tribute to the Confederate dead, who, dying, still live in the hearts of all true southern men and woman! A more notable Memorial day has never been witness ed in Griffin. The exercises of the day were arranged by the Daughters of the Confederacy, of which Mrs. James S. Boynton is the president. The eloquent address of Judge James Pace, of Covington, was delivered in a charmingly impressive way, and was heard with enthusiasm by the great crowd, It went home to the intellects and hearts of his hearers, at times calling forth unstinted and tremen dous applause. Judge Pace was in troduced in a most graceful manner by Judge Robert Daniel. At the con clusion of the program at the opera house, a line of march was formed in which the Confederate Veterans, Daughters of the Confederacy, Griffin Rifles, schools and organizations of the city proceeded to the cemetery and the graves of the dead ht rots were covered with flowers. » » » After the close of Memorial exer cises on Wednesday Capt. J. Henry Her Life Was Saved- Mrs J. E, Lilly, H cit . ■ :i of Hanoi' ble, Mo, lately had a wonderful de* o a frightful death In telling of it she says: "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into ’neuin inia. My lungs • dened. I was so weak I couldn’t even sit up iu bed. Nothing helped me, I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Dis* covery. One bittie gave me great re lief ; I continued ■to use it, and now am well and strong, I can’t say too much >t> its praise.” This marvellous medi cine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Tt >uble Regular size 50-cents and SIOO, Trial bottles free at Hariis it and Carlisle <fc Ward’s drug store. Lvery bottle guaranteed. C A. S T O .HI Zx . Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought For Diabetes use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu. . Smith, invited hi- entire company out i '<> hi- la iiHifn' ni ins on Btoad street. I Capt. Smith is the popular captain of | 'he Gr; tli a Rifle-, which t- <>>>- of the I largest arid b *s! drilled companies in the state militia. On Wednesday afternoon, Capt Smith ably sustained his reputatian as a royal host as well as a mod efficient commander. The Smith home was beautiful adorned with scarlet and white cut flowers, against a dark green backgrown of pa’ms, ferns and trailing vines, and the afternoon passed very happily for all present. Dainty ict s and cakes were served by Miss Mollie White and Mrs J. P. Nichols. t * * The meeting of the Hawthorne Club Tuesday afternoon was unusual ly pleasant. The programme was in teresting, and business of importance was transacted. Mrs. Ellis was re elected president, Mrs E R Richards vice president, Miss Martha Terry, secretary, Mrs. Thomas, critic. The programme for mxt week is as follows : Quotations, “Lowell.” Paper, “The Thirteen Colonies”— Miss Florrie Jean Richards. f Reading-Mrs. El- Miles Standish A is. t Character Sketch Mre. Clark, Recitation—Miss Nall. Current Events. Music —Mrs Victor Brown. Book Review, ‘'Cranford," —Mrs. Drewry. Mrs. M. E Wilson w ; ll entertain the Dorcas Society Monday afternoon, from 4 to 6 o’clock. The Social Circle will meet Wedncs day afternoon with Mrs. B B Brown, on Taylor street. * * * A wedding which is of interest to many Griffin people occurred on last Wednesday in Thomaston, when Miss Georgia Trice and Mr. Hugh Johnson were married at the Baptist church in that city. Miss Trice is the daughter of Mr J. G. Trice, and belongs to one of the representative families of the aouth. She is a beautiful young wo man, and her charming character has won for her a popularity that makes interest in the marriage extend to countless friends. Mr. Johnson, until a year ago, made Griffin his home, and has scores of friends here who rejoice with him in his new-found happiness. Mr. Johnson’s success in business has been signal and rapid. His ability and genial nature are well known, and bis talent and energy have won for him a high position in business circles. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are for the present at the home of Mr. Johnson’s parents, in Thomaston. M- * * Miss Sara Maynadier, of Baltimore, will visit the Misses Nail early in May. The presence of this attractive young woman will be the occasion for many pleasant social affairs. The members of Prof. Neil’s school are enjoying a most delightful outing today. Prof, and Mrs. Neel, Mr. and Mrs. Ragland and Miss Sherwood chaperoned the merry party. ♦ » * The Current Topics Club will meet with Mrs. Charles Neel Wednesday morning. The programme arranged for week before last will be given. A full tittendance is urged. Mrs. Thomas Nall entertained the Mystic Circle in a most happy manner Tuesday aftfrnoon, from 4 to () o’clock. The elegant home on South Hill street was very lovely in its profuse fl >ral decorations Nasturtiums and violets were used-abundantly, and arranged with admirable taste and skill. Mrs. Nail is most happily possessed of many No Eight to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, forth and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attract ive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney tr> üble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and purify the blood. It gives. strong nerves, bright eyesfsmooih, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good look ing, charming woman of a run down invalid. Only .>0 cents at Harris A Son’s and Carlisle & Ward’s drug store. For Gravel use Stuarts : Gin and Buchu. GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 29, 1899 t J charmir.g characteristics, and richly deserves her reputation fur tiring one I o! Griffin’s most delightful h oie-sr-, I’lli' affair of Tuesday alii ri.ooii had i mai y pleasant and uniq >e features. f One of the prettiest was the drawing 1 of needle cases—the dainty work of I the hostess—which were numbered. ! Mrs. Edgar Flemister was the fortun- I ate contestant for the priz-, a beautiful , Dresden match holder Tempting re f freshments were served at the close of I the pleasant afternoon * * * i Col. and Mrs. E W. Hammond chaperoned a merry party of young people who spent Friday very delight fully at Flint river. * * * Master Carrol Ellie entertained a . number of friends at a bicycle meet i yesterday afternoon. * * ♦ i The members of the Big Five Club, Messrs, Robert Word, Paul Slaton, . Ernest Newton, Paul Gorham and Hunter Goddard, complimented a number of their friends with an ele . gant reception at the residence of Capt. F B. Terry on Taylor street . last evening. This club is one of the swellest of Griffin’s many swell clubs and its members arc- among the most popular of society s younger set. That all entertainments given by this club are both elegant and exceedingly en joyablejgoes without saying. At a lata • hour dainty refreshments were served. » * * Mrs Albert Randall entertained at a beautiful and most delightful iunch ’ eon Thursday of this week. The guests of this happy occasion were Dr. and Mrs. Daniel, Mr. ami Mrs. Milton Daniel, Mrs. B. R Blakely, 1 Mrs James Stewart, Judge Robert Daniel. , When Traveling. Whether on pleasure bent or business , take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effec tually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, ' preventing fever, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cents, ■ bottles by all leading druggists. Manu ’ factured by the California Fig Syrup (M. • inly. - ‘ • Methodist Church. } Sunday school at 9 .'3O a m Preach I ing at 11 a. m., by the pastor, Rev. I C. S, Gwens, and at 7 :45 p. m., by , Rev. Henry B Maya, of Jefferson, the public are cordially invited to all ser ' vices. » . i How's This ? i Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be 1 cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe > him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West <fc Truax, Wholesale Druggists, , Toledo, O. Warding, Ktnnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. » Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, r acting directly upon the blood and muc ous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. I Hall’s Family Pills arc the best, Presbyterian Church. Services wi,h sermon by the pa-tor ‘ al 11 a. m , and 7 :45 p m. Sunday school and pastor’s Bible class at 9 :45 a. m Westminister League at 3, p. m. t W. G. W'IOPBRIiiGE, Pastor. I The I) rum in in u of the l.nlllnax. Suddenly, above the. <-rackingof the car- 1 blues, ruse a peculiar drumming sound, and some of the men cried, “The Spanish machine guns'" Listening, I made out that it camo from the flat ground to the 3 left, and jumped to my feet, smiting my j hand on my thigh and shouting aloud with exultation. "It s she Gatlings, men; • our Gatlings' ' Lieutenant Parker was t bringing his four Gatlings into action and • shoving them nearer and nearer the front. Now and then the drumming ceased for a i* moment; then it would resound again, al ] ways closer to San .1 unit hill, which Par ker, like ourselves, was hammering to as '■ sist tlie infantry attack. Our men cheert'd ,• lustily. We saw much of Parker;after that, and t here was never a mon-welcome sound - than hjs Gatlings as they opened. It was ■ - men cheer in battle, —‘‘The Rough Rid- > vrs." ly Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, in S : timer - i CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. I rThe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the y Signature of II Pitts’Carminative aids digestion, regu- I ‘ Sates the bowels, cures Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Pains, Grip- * ing, Flatulent Colic, Unnatual Drains g from the Bowels, and all diseases incident to teething children. For all summer com g plaints it is a specific. Perfectly and free from injurious drugs and chemi c&ls. RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest Jmenacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKING POWOIR CO , fCW YORK. Smoking Hefore Tol»ti<»<»<». There Is -»me reason to think that peo ple smoked 1,« fore tobact o was inttodm ed. In several old I oksof housewifery certain herbs named tire to be “smoked, " which means perhaps inhaling, as we should -ay. but the other signification is by no means impossible. A vast number of elay pipe have been found under conditions which seem to prove that-they Were deposited long before Raleigh’s birth, and a pipe of early date is so utterly unlike the modern form that these could not have been drop ped by laborers of the present day. If people were already familiar with the practice of smoking herbs, we should have an explanation of the astonishing rapidity with which they took to tobacco. It may bo noted that Cartier found the Indians of Hoehelaga, <m the St. Lawrence, smoking a herb which we recognize from his de scription as lobelia as well as tobacco. His sailors did not care for the latter, but the former met with their approval from the first, for it was “as good as drink" to them. The medicine men smoked lobelia before prophesying, and under its effect they raved.— London Evening Standard. Two Crank Siicß,-sli<ni.. A crank wrote thus to Mayor Ashbridge of Philadelphia the other day: "I would like to say a few words on typhoid fever. If the people of this city would stop eating celery and raw fruit of all kinds and stop drinking ice water, there would bo less sickness. If they don’t stop eating celery, we will always have typhoid with us." Another crank suggested that, electrio light wires should be placed in the reser voirs and in the bed of the Schuylkill riv er, and at slated periods every day heavy alternating currents of electricity should be run through them. By this method, the writer argued, all fever microbesand germs would be shocked to death. - ■ v -*T f" ■’ ■ ■ “Z Excellent Combination. The plea-ant method and la-m-fieial effects of the well known remedy, Svut I' <>i-‘ Tigs, nmnnfactureil by the California Fio SykvpCo.. :!h. -rat the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the s\st<-m. It is the one perfect strengthening la va five, cleansing tbe system effectually, dispelling colds, beatlncbi-s and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality ami '-ule stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver an<l bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufactur eg lies are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualit i<‘s of the remedy are obtained from senna an l other aromatic, plants, by a method known to the California Fig Svi:i p ■ effects and to avoid imitat orr . plea remember the full name of t he Com pan v printed on the front of e\ rv package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL tOUISVTLI.E. KY. " -7. . For sale by all Druggists -Pria ■ • An- Ordinance. To prohibit persons, while s< rving a 1■:. * prison, from escaping therefrom, and pre scribing a punishment tor tbe same. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of Griffin, that from and after the passage of this ordinance, that it shall be unlawful for any p :rw>n, while serving a sentence either in tbe city chain gang or city prison, to escape therefrom ; and it thereafter re-taken, such person shall be tried by the criminal court oi said, city for an escape,and, upon conviction, fined in a sum not more more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not e.'.-" 1 d ing sixty days, or both, in the discretion of said court. Said imprisoi ■ either in the city chaingang or the citj' prison, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 2Be it further ordain'd, That all .ordinances, and parts of ■ rdinance-, in conflict with this ordinance be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Southern Baptist and. Auxiliary Conven tions, Louisville, Ky., May 8-11. On account of above occasion, the Cen tral of Georgia Ry. Co. will a 11 ticki ts .1 Louisville, Ky ~ and return at one fare t i roundtrip. Tickets on sale May Sth t< 11th, retuming limit 15 days from date ol •ale. It J. William-, Ant. R.F. Strickland SGd. THE BUSIEST STORE IN THE CITY. More New Novelties Received This Week. New .Japanme Fans irc-ni Vantme. ' S' hd Cob red Organ lies, AH Colors, Ladies and Children's Parasols. New Indian Linens anil Persian Ladies Black and Colored Umbrel- > Lawns. las. Men's Boy’s and Children’s Straw Mens Gloria and Silk Umbrella. ' Hats. W! te dotted Swiss for waist and Ladies Bleached Undervsst, tape dressi j neck, only sc. White and Black Organdie. A splendid quality Undpfvest 3 for Plain Card and Fancy Striped 25c Figures. ' | The increased sales in our Shoe Department shows that we are giv ing better values and nicer Shoes than elsewhere. r"IHERE ARE M W TWO U VX" good v VALUES: PRICE, $1.50. PRICE. $2 00. R. F. STRICKLAND * CO. We are making special low prices on Toilet Articles and Lamps. Pure Drugs always at bottom prices. N. B. DREWRY k SON- R. H. TAYLOH, M. 1). J. F. HTKWAKT, M 1). | DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from B‘a. m. to Bp. m. r A physician will always be in our office during that time. DHQITIAMQ May dppoHlt money fVulllvllU X'»r tuition in bank UH u Bectired, <»r will accept jh.i.-h Cheap boarti. (ar faro paid. No vacation. Enter any time. Open lor both wxch. DRAUGHON’S Nash ville, Tenn. rt* Savannah, Ga. < ial veston, Tex. Texarkana, Tex. Indorsed by merchants am! hanker* Three ' months'iMKikkecping with uh equal.** six. elsewhere, i All commercial branches tautrht. JOreircularNexplain- i < “ Home Study ('ours#*.” addrewi “ liepaitmrnt A,” | For college catalogue, address “ Ix-partment \ p FRESH MEAT, Well selected, is worth considering in every household. We keep on hand the best and largest took of Beef. Million anil Port and in fact all kinds of Fresh Meat to be found anywhere. Give uh your order and be convinced. FRESH FISH always on hand. Also a first class RESTAURANT in connection with the market, in which we serve tip top meaia at all hours. P.S. PARMELEE, Agt.l NEW LAUNDRY CUT IN PRICES: Shirts, 10c. Collar, ip:. 1 offs, per pair, 3c. Undershirts, sc. Drawers, sc. Socks, per pair, 2« . | Handkerchiefs, li . Towels, 2c Neckties, 3c. Parties are earnestly requested to notice ; the plat <- (under old postonict-) where they will a: ways get good work, at the prices named above. L C. CHUNG, at New Laundry. . i L • < • ’. .. ' . ’ i . :. .• I Lld! , ' r » j.. I ■ ,b "J 1t: t box lof < • < Hr 1.,.. «... j,*-.. h? idaac Notice of Removal. I have moyed my Plumbing and Tin-I ’ ' ware ■ sta’ 1 I -hrnent to tbo Id Br? -. Littn ■ I | dry Building on Bn ad street, wber lam . . ' * of work in my line. If j u Qf'-l any Plumb ng r Tin w c lone, give rnr a call—satisfaction guatron itcel. A S. $3.00 per Annum LAUNDRY. For the convenience of rny patrons I have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run in connection with my old businesH on Broad street. I will superintend the work at both Laundries and guar antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. GOOm& ’ - k I!.UISTR> T n I" T 4 Hl U.F • ' Til—'l*Ga (| I! be ... • t <.r <• vr 1« to o ■ , „■ ~r ; m l.'H tl , l.r; 6 fur 30c. price j. per i R's’■ j ull V'.u 111 -- >!>,.. 11,... KAI UY. l« , n ; 'li .< », <>j •. i h i. i•, j , >», m\ • j' Woman’# ■mi \t. .« i <.. . ia . i • in »\K I v,. . inylor’# l etters to the Public t r - Hr■ t. • • ■ - .-ft Agents Wanted FREE! ' n, at Oi.r retfG .r r ,l, s to e<pial I e r-fular |.i-. ■■ ft he artk w: , / .• f . . ti< ■L . * '. I wat< h, «’ia: g 4 or a ft'h lar* .;» In cithrr f I »r< .1- I r.- I'. . < . \ • r d vrston, or I ♦•x.irkanu, 'i ex., <>r one i n almost m y iubiness C.aiege i.r Lit, rar , School. Write u». Mention Griffin (Ga.) Morhing ('all Fine Chickens I have for sale full bred Minorcan, War horse and Shawl.neck, ( > -ed Gameau '- Bard Plymouth Rock Chickens. Also settings of eggs from each breed. There birds are select. E. L. Homer ■. j j * BHHBLJHLJBJLJHMZdLJAJHLJi * anything you invent or improve; aleo get A ; CAVEAT.TRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHTor DESIGN £ / PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch, or photo. > A for free examination and advice. # i BOOK OH PATENTS fee before patenL ; { Patent Lawyers. WASH’ NGTON, D.C. { FurnitureßepairSliop 0 0 John T. Boyden has opened an Upholster Shop, and will do all other General Furniture Repairs ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction •on work and prices. Please call and see me. ijOHN T. BOYDEN j 19 1-2 Hill St. i’lMt.K'. L,. H A XKS DENTI . Office upstairs in building adjoining, on