The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, May 03, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING GALL. Vol. X. No. 205. A BLOW TO THE TRUST Court Decides Trusts Cannot Collect 1 for Goods Sold in Missouri- St Lot is, M>, May —Trusts :c i ceived a knock->nt blow in the court of appeals yesterday, which is likely to drive them out of business in the state. The judges unanimously de cided that trusts canrot collect for goods sold within the borders ot the state. The Missouii anti-trust law is sustained and it is further declared that all pools to fix a limit to prices of any commodity are illegal. The dicision today was particularly I against the National Lead Trust, which ' sold goods to a St. Louis lirm and was 1 endeavoring to collect therefor. I The trust people have made a very desperate fight, exhausting every legal 1 resource in their attempt to defeat the 1 constitutionality of the state anti trust law. The fact that the judges 1 were unanimous in their opinion : makes the decision a strong one. The < merits of the case and the constitu- 1 tionality of the Missouri law have I been widely discussed. There is a ‘ growing sentiment in other states 1 against, trusts, and it is believed .that < as a result of the unanimous decision £ of the court, auti-’.rust laws are to be t introduced in the legislatures of other I states, will follow the essential features c of the Missouri law, which has ah ready stood the test. The law is de- £ dared to be a model of its kind, it hav ing been framed by some of the ablest a constitutional lawyers ifi the country, c e A Fine Beef a Director R. J. Redding, of the Geor- c gia Experiment Station, sold a beef cow this morning for $-18 <>s, which is probably the largest amount ever real* 1 iz?d from a beef in this county. t The cow was a Holstein, having a t large frame, and Colonel Redding says ( be could have put 200 pounds more fat on her. when she would netted over 1 $ ;>5 The price paid was 3j cents per e paund gross, and the purchaser says ‘ he would like to take a car load at the f same price. . There is money in raising cattle in r Spalding county, and we are glad to 1 see that the farmers are becoming in* ' c terasted in the matter. H Only last week a car load of fine 1 Spalding county milch cows were sold to a party from New < trleans, who paid over SBOO for the lot. Dirt has been broken for the erec tion of the Dixie Creamery in this city, c and when it begins operation, dairy I farms will take the place of cotton fields and the farmers of Spalding, at < least, will be prosperous and happy, ' The manure from their dairy will ena ble them to raise cotton, if they care ' to do so, at a profit, when selling it at 5 cents per pound. i Off For the Satilla. < At 8 10 tonight the members of the Satilla River Fishing Club will leave < for their annual outing on the banks i of that noted river. All day long drays have been haul- i ing goods to the car, which is side tracked in the Southern yard, and | judging from the varied assortment with which it is filled, the party ex- < pects to have everything necessary for i their comfort during the ten days they are gone. The following members of the club I will leave tonight : W. D. Davis, T J. White J A I Brooks, Eli Brewer, J. F. Stewart, R. F. Strickland, R. A Drake, E. C. Smith, F. B Terry, J H. Smith, Doug las Boyd, Joe D. B .yd, J B Mills, F G. Bailey, J M Kimbrough, Jr. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten arc caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. c A s -r o n I Za.. Bears the Ihe Kind You Hare Always Bought “'■r GOMEZ IN THE SADDLE- ■ Junta Decides to Organize a Cuban National Guard of 12 000 Havana, May 3 Die junta of Cuban generals met yesterday, Gen. Gormz presiding. The meeting adopt ed resolutions removing from active service several generals and other an tagouiets to Gen. Gomez, The de posed officers are highly indignant. They assert that the junta has not ths right to remove them. The junta also decided to organize a Cuban national guard cf 12,000, des pite General Brook’s statement to Go mez that such a force is unnecessary and that the country was unable to bear the expense. D. F. Dolan, the special agent of the postoffice department, has just re turned from a trip into the country. He has been engaged in establishing a free mail delivery at Pinar del Rio, Sagna, Caibaiien, Matanzis and Car denas. In the latter two cities lie merely perfected the work already be gun. In the other three places he abolished the Spanish system, where three cents was charged for each let ter delivered. The letter carriers now get $350 a year in gold, which is more than they’ formerly received. The peo ple are greatly pleased with the change. Since November 307,903 tons of su gar cane have been ground A dispatch from Puerto Principe says that bandits have appeared in the outskirts of the city, where they sack ed a store, kidnapped the propritor and bis wife and committed other outrages. Spreads Like Wildfire. You can’t keep a good thing down. News of it travels fast. When things are “the best,” they become ‘‘the best selling.” Abraham Hare, a leading druggist, of Belleville, O, writes: “Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have ever handled in my 20 years experience.” You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders ol stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates the liver, kid neys and bowels, purities the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire system. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, run down man or woman. Only 50 cents, sold by Harris and Son and Carlisle A Ward, druggists. Guaranteed, MILNER Milner, May 3.—Miss Evelyn Reid one of Griffin’s most charming young ladies is visiting friends at this place. Miss Ethel Farley, of Liberty Hill, came up Sunday to spend this week with friends. Col 8 J Hale and wife spent last Wedne- lay in Griffin. Mrs J G C Bloodworth is visiting relatives in Atlanta this week. A B Fincher, of Zebulon spent Sun* day here. Capt J .1 Camp, Supt. Spalding county chain gang, was among the many visitors in our city Sunday. Miss Ina Akin, of Barnesville, vis* i ted relatives at this place Sunday. Mrs M E Wilson, of Griffin, was the guest of Mrs A M Speer last Sunday. R K Green and Miss Fannie Means of Zebulon, attended preaching bore Sunday. Sammie Hulette and Burnis Bul lard, of Barnesville, was among friends here Sunday. M F Swint,of Orchard Hill, spent Sunday here Prof W D B'unett, ol near Griffin, was among the distinguished visitors here Sunday. Prof Bennett led a lesson in singing at the Baptist church Sunday a'ter n on. „ Dave Maddox, ol near Griffin, was here Sunday. Dr A M Speer went up to Atlanta Monday on business Frank Sims went down t » Macon Tuesday to be with bis brother who is with Ray's Immuoes. Miss Ethel Fincher went d >wn to Barnesville today to visit friends CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought For Bladder Troubles use Stuart’s Gin and Bu ch u. GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 3, 1899. AKINS COIINEII. 1 Akins Corner Mav I—Mr* 11. F Akin and little Mi** Vera Wukim-on of Jenk ii sburg, are visiting relativei I and friends here this week. Ab, that young man fmm i» vl Ho) low says he “is aware that girls jokt sometimes, especially there.” Ed Akin went to Jenkinsburg Sun day on business. Rolf Bloodworth, of Griffin, visited friends near Semper yesterday. Prof. Morris and Eugene Ogletree visited the Misses Coopet, at S.mpei Sunday. Andrew Cooper, of Atlanta, sped Sunday with his parents heie. Mrs William Ogletree, of Brushey, visited her parents, Mr and Mrs E C Akin at Semper Monday. Lon Beckham visited MisaMerideth near Jenkinsburg last Sunday. Several from this place attended ti e singing at Bersheba yesterday. Abb Camp, of Orchard Hi , called on friends here last Sunday. It is said that Prof Morris of Owl Hollow, was seen buying chewing gum las'. Saturday. Misses Mattie and Mniit Akin, vis ited friends at Liberty Hill Sunday afternoon. They were accompanied by their father. Miss Ella Duke will visit relatives in Drewryville for several days. Yes, Owl Hollow they did have a jolly, sweet time at the party. Miss Bertha Maddox visi ed the Mieses Duke last Thursday. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of thisgieat medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cored thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Harris <fc Son and Carlisle & Ward Druggists, and get a trial bot tle. Regular size 50c and $1 Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. CASTOHIA. Bears the Y 0!l ave Always Bough’ Signature ,//%/? < _./Z. of Build More Mills. Charlotte, North Carolina, illustrates j the advantages of cotton mills. The Manufacturers Record, in referring to that progressive Southern city, says ; “Ten years ago Charlotte, N C , had a population of about 10,000 and one cotton mill. Today its population is more than 28,000 and its twelve cotton mills are running day and night in the manufacturing of cotton yarns, gray cloths, ginghams, toweling, wed ding, sash cord, hosiery, batting, and wadding, and its five clothing factories are titilC.iog every hr nr of daylight to keep up with orders, These factories are the direct result of cotton mills, while as an auxiliary feature of textile life there are the four firms which contract to design, build and equip cotton mills complete, and which are kept busy, while the five machinery and supply houses are shipping goods every day.” We call the attention of our local capitalists to the above showing. It is a striking one and illustrates what manufacturing does for a town. The cotton mills now here have proven a success so far, and there is room for more. We are in the heart of the great cotton producing section of the state, and cotton can be delivered at a fac tory here without a cent being paid for transportation. The question is one which every properly holder who feeli any interest in building up the town should ponder and study. When Nature Needs assistance it may be best to rcndei it promptly, but one should remember tc use even the most perfect remedies onlj when needed. The best and most simph and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syruj Co. Pitts’Carminative is pleasant to tin taste, acts promptly, and never fails t< give satisfaction. It carries children ove the critical time of teething, and is th friend ot anxious mothers and puny chil dren. A few doses will demonstrate it value. E. H. Dorsey, Athens, Ga., w rites “I consider it the best medicine I have ev er used in my family. It does all yoi ~ claim for it, and even more.” - For Gravel use Stuarts Gin and Buchu. 1 RoVal Bakinq Powder e <9 Made from pure cream of tartar. d Safeguards the food r t against alum t Alum baking powders are the greatest imenacers to health of the present day. I ROV»* aAKINO POWOEH CO “S" rORK. MfDWAY LOCALS. e Midway, May 3—Rev Jack Wright passed through here Saturday. I Ed gar Bowles ol Patrick, spent lest Sunday with his sister, Mrs H L Fut -1 nil. ? Miss Annie Weldth “pent Sonduy with. Miss Annie Biles. - Leonard Futral called on Miss Exie Z Maddox Sunday afternoon 1 Howell Welden visited friends near Rehoboth Sunday afternoon. s Prof A T Woodward closed his school at this place Friday. a J E Futral and children spent Sun* day with his brother, II E Futral. e Mr and Mrs Troy Wise visited their many friends at Orchard Hill Sunday. - _ Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum 3 Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re- I quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect j satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 a cents per box. For sale by J. N. i Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward. EAST GRIFFIN DOTS. ’’ J East Guii i-in, May 3. —J F Chap man, Jr., and wife ol Brushey, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs If G Thur man. George Barrow left yesterday for I Atlanta, where he will enter a business college for three months. Misses Leola and Laura Hudson s : and Mr Willie Parker, id Orchard i Hill, spent Sunday afternoon here. ( E B Oxford, of Midway, wa* here Monday, , There is some talkof building a new cotton factory, just out side of the city a limits, we hope it will succeed. Mrs S A Bennett visited friends Sunday afternoon. Sam Hammond, cf rn ar Patrick, was here yesterday on business. i ,z . , Excellent Combination, e The pleasant method and beneficial a effects of the well knov. n remedy, r Syrup of Fins, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., i'!>. tra.te the value of obtaining th- liquid lax;i --t five principles of plants l-.!i . >■ to I. ■ , medicinally laxative and pr.-senting ” them in the form most re's..,inn: '-■th • taste and accept::bii to tin- system. It j. is the one perfect •tn ngtln ni ■ laxa tive, cleansing tin- svstem ei'i'ectuady. e dispelling colds, headaches and sou rs f gently yet promptly ami eimb’ing->llO to overcome habitual con: tij.jC m p- r n manently. Its perfect freedom fr<.-m every objectionable quality and sub stanie, and its acting on t: e kidm ys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irrita'ing '.hem. m:i!<> it the --Lal r laxative. .0 In the process of mannfaetnr’ng fig* .. are used, as they are pleasant, to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of tin e remedy an 1 obtained from senna and S, other aromatic plants, by a mefmd p known to the California lig S> 1 Co. only. In order to get its bench- ml effects and to avoid imitation-, pi' . <■ rememberthe full nameof theCcmpany ie printed on the front of every package. 10 CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAI. ie LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YOKE N V . For sale by ali Druggists Pi ice &>c. j< r l>cttl<- ts s: Southern Baptist and Auxiliary Conven v_ tion Louisville, Ky , May 8 11. 11 On account of above occasion the South, ern Railway will sell tickets to Louisvill- Ky., and return at one fare for the S round trip. Tickets on sale May Bth to lltli, returning limit 15 days from date ol sale. R-J. Williams, Agent. IF. StricklandX Go. THE BUSIEST STORE IN THE CITY. More New Novelties Received This Week. New Japanese Fans from Vantine. Holid Colored Organdies, All Colors. Ladies and Children’s Parasols. New Indian Linens and Persian Ladies Black and Colored Umbrel- Lawns. l as - . Men s Boy’s and Children’s Straw Mens Gloria and Silk Umbrellas. Hats. White dotted Swiss for waist and Ladies Bleached Underysst, tape dress *, | neck, only sc. White and Black Organdie. 1 A splendid quality Undervest 3 for Plain Card and Fancy Striped i 25c Figures. The increased sales in our Shoe Department shows that wa are giv ing better values and nicer Shoes than elsewhere. Y'IiHEREARE ( —W/ ; TWO GOOD ks VALUES: PRICE. $1.50. PRICE, $2.00. R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. We are making special low prices on Toilet Articles and Lamps. Pure Drugs always at bottom prices. AL Bm DREWRY * SON- ■R, H. TAYLOR, M. I). J, F. STEWART, M. D. I DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, Physicians and. Surgeons. Office hours from B’a. m, to Bp. m, FA physician will always be in our office during that time. SECURED. May deposit money I vul 11 Uli O f<H 1” bank tin 18 uocured, or will accept note*. ('heap board. <ar faro paid. No vacation. Euler any time. Open fur both g» i<• DRAUGHON'S jO Nashville, Tenn. rt* Savannah, Ga, Galveston, Tex. %P Texarkana, Tex. Indorsed by merchant* and hankers. Three months'b<>ukk(?eplug with uk equals nix. elHcwhore. All commercial branch* ■*- taught. For circular*explain ing •• Homo Study ('nurse " address •• ix-paiuneut A,” Ulugue, address ** Department a t FRESH MEAT, I Well selected, is worth considering m every household. We keep on hand the best and largest stock of BeeUftuton and Port and in fact all kinds of Fresh Meat to be found anywhere. Give us your order and be convinced. FRESH FISH always on hand. Also a first class RESTAURANT in connection with the market, in which we serve tip top meals at all hours. P.S. PARMELEE, Act. NEW LAUNDRY CUT )N PRICES: Shirts, 10c. Collar, lie. Cuff#, per pair, 3c. Undershirts, sc. Drawers, sc. Socks, per pair, 2c. Handkerchiefs, Ic. Towels, 2c, Neckties, 3c. Parties are earnestly requoted to notice the place (under old postoffice) where they will always get good work, at the prices named above. I, C. CHUNG, at New Laundry. Everybody ' ays Hr. . ’asenrets Cam Cathart <•.!•:• -u■••stwon- , del f 1 I:.‘ fli< • is,-ox LTV of ’ ■ ■- p «i* ’ ant :nd h !>• -.ting to th ; ntly ' and pos.ti- .‘y. r> ' iuHVeU, Cleansing t' ' i ■ t -( M«, CUr>‘ lit: ch:.■■■•, ■ ...,• ' > .-T i, :on ar d biliou u’' I’k-af ■ buy and try ;i box •lof <' C. C. to-day ; 10, 25.50 cents. Hoidand J guaranteed to cure by al! druvgikts. Notice of Removal. I have moved my Plumbing and Tin ' ware establishment to the old Brick Laun dry Building on Broad street, wber .• I am i, better prepared than ever to do all kinds '• of work in my line. '' If you need any Plumbing or Tin work )f|done, give me a call—satisfaction guaran |teed. A S. CAMPBELL. $3.00 per Annum LAUNDRY. For the convenience of my patrons I have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run in connection with my old business on Broad street. 1 will superintend the work at both Laundries and guar antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. 6000 E .! nd, .r ■ .u, this , • I 60c. I mm; s taken) to the :«■; g ILLUSTRATED YOUTH IND IGE ~ ,1 I, , ~ y ' ar .... 'it ' »> pt ■>.’»; ” t-.r M-nd it the fir-t £ mox. r 30C. Regular price $i per y* -r. it is an il« ir it< i, .s-ojii month.y, of 16 to 34 page*. In i • •, l’"P. ip >, 1 t •. 11 hi by Sr \ and Land, Vv’i oil; M' ,Hl TOP Y, lIjOOKAFHV,Ta AVELS, '< J; ■■■ > , (ip'. I : AL INIOKMAIBA'. W OMAN** De- ULMIAT, d IA VI OP'. I>l PARI At ENT. Tajlor's Love Let tern to the Public are of spe dir.t-T- s. Sa tn tde copy free. Agents Wanted. FRFP I hI>CCATION\etC. '1 o any subscriber 1 riAE.IL • who will secure enough new subscribe at our regular r tU s to equal the regular price f the art’n selected, we will give free: bicycle, ■ Id watch, dianioi d rin:.i. ora scholarship In either fl’r.tughon’ lit: me s< >lirgt s, Nashville,Tenn., 1.11 eston. <>r 'I exarkuna, 'l ex., or one in almost any b. c.u. s College or I.iterary School. Write u». Mention Griffin (Ga.) Morning Call Fine Chickens For.Sale. I have for sale full breed Minorcas, War horse and Shawl-neck, Crossed Game and Bard Plymouth Rock Chickens. Also settings of eggs from each breed. These birds are select. E. L. Romers. 5 . ■ • ala c- * CAVEAT,TRADE-MARK. COPYRIGHT or DESIGN 3 J PROTECTION. Send model, aketch, or photo. S < for free examination and advice. J BOOK OH PATENTS lee before patent. $ V C.A.SNOW&CO.I J Patent Lawyers. WASH'NGTOIN, D.C. , FnmitureßejairSliop 0 0 John T. Boyden has opened an Upholster Shop, and will do all other General Furniture Repairs ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. Please call and see me. JOHN T. BOYDEN, 19 1-2 Hill St. —— ■ , _.'L DIL K. L. HAJN’ES DENTIST. Office upstairs in building adjoining, on the north, M Williams & Son.