The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, May 04, 1899, Image 4

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another shipment JUST RECEIVED CONSISTING OF SOMETHING NEW THAT YOU SHOULD SEE IN NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, BLUE SERGE COATS, CRASH SUITS, BOYS KNEE PANTS, SCARFS AND NECKWEAR STRAW AND CRASH HATS. LIGHT UNDERWEAR, ETC., 0 AT POPULAR PRICES. WILEY L. SMITH J I 23 HILL STBEET, GBIFFIH, GA j , \ I IF YOU NEED A TRUSS BE SURE AND GET The American Silver Truss. AMERICAN SILVER TRUSS. BEST FITTING ' \ AND MOST COMFORTABLE 'W COOL, Easy to Wear. Reuia. \Ac pressure co THAT YOU 'AN BUY. EVERY ONE !> , I | Hip*° r Back. GUARANTEED TO GIVE -ATISFACTION. I Her- a I hoUDderstrap’. V*- • ’ | ? * .. ■ L-. ■'• We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters. Elastic Stockings. Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. SOAP. White Honeymoon Soap, and Brown Windsor Soap. Very Fine. sc. a Cake. Nice lino of Best Pei fumes. KODOL, the great Dyspepsia Remedy. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. * J. N. HARRIS & SON. STRAWBERRIES. You can get home grown Straw berries every day. All kinds fresh Vegetables. Fresh Bread and Cake. G, W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST GKOCEKS IN I’OWN. We Have To-morrow, Strawberries, Snap Beans. 5c per quart. New Irish Potatoes, Cucumbers. Lima Beans. Navy Beans. Squashes, White Peas. Oranges. Bananas. Apples, Celery. Cranberries, Large fat Mackerel Fish. J. m. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., MAY 4. HL'.- over Davis’ Har d ware Store TELEPHONE NO. S 3. PER33NAL AND LOCAL DOTS DR. J. M. THOMA.-, PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON. ' Ofic<- N . .Jj IF'.i ~‘r • . rvr-av next to R. P. McWilliams A ' it. Tie. phone 27, 2 ring-. Ice cream at T. J B k- drug store Judge Wai. JI. B . k Atlanta K 11. Wi iiam- hi, of R «,< in the city today J D Rivers spent t J* y in Tt. n. ton on bueit.t-.-j W. M. Thomas made a- ;:ts- p ’ io Atlanta t d 3 y. Ju- • \ ■ r Sor- g.iurn S cd. ■> rman M Burt r ‘JO 1)y <> i■ - I i - . • -;v n ■jt. !i • ' • - rr. ' an ! : m .«• rr ■ . - I. -- D C ak, 2" ! II ' -triet C (> H P. - . <r . .■:p to At .1. . t . y b - • > i I•- R II I'?. r r • . • ■ i • 1 a y t I from api le-> trip t Mac n. F •>in I : - Ic- (’r ui . • i i ty- i J. It: k - :.•)£! i Il T F ; • . •, Br " ■> ' ■ •u’ -• r' e? A. E. II •: - .<1 «n <'< ih : J rr os ing i i' r Y : an, « » h w.' ?pr nd <~me I linif ' be.“ t:rsi C J \ F • ■ t:; H ory ;I ’ nn! '■ W e>. ky, was in 1 <,> v f.jr a ehi r.t ne ' niorr.’' \\ »x . —; , 1 ; . • < a , J. n i’.. i u c- •i<t; -- • - ,ry Ad- ill ‘ nt u . . M . n re i «pi .)< t e ,’ay 5- ■ - : ’ Ci- • ’ f ? ' A ' * .. i. .■ y re< t-ndy. ■■ 1. ( -sib Ci ft :ei . y . -ease. t mites • Try t • ■ i Mites i ■ui F -by 1. -v ■ D < ark . Hl street i : J -- W rd, two of Gr :h;.i - j . g ladies, left .• -1 ■t l rar •i • ■ ’>J ’. ■'» tto N e w Yi.-k, W•- : ~ ■. . u .r j 'aces of ; t inti r--'. 1 .-.'nii'.y Griffin friends ' t wt.l them a ; ■. o-.t»t 'rip. Ci. er i M,ic ■ . .-liiir. i f the I ' r : G '<n i. I’. S V.’s, arriv- i in the ci'y th s a'ternoon to | * MONEY <» LOAN ON Real Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office of W. H. NEWTON & CO., 1 Griffin, Ga. : - VOV CA N GET Al M COWELL & EDWARDS STORE. Good Laundry Soap 44 bars for SI.OO, Garden and Flower Seed, two papers for 5c ta. Fine Sweet and Juicy Hams, lOcts per pound. 50 lbs. Pear Grits SI.OO. Florida Cane Syrup SOcts per gallon. Genuine Cuba Molasses 45cta per gallon. On hand at all times— A Good Line ol Fancy and Family Groceries. , All kinds of Canned Goods. All kinds of Pickle Goods. Barrel Pickles 12cts per quart. Little White Peas, 50cts peck. Crockery. Glass and Tinware 10 per cent less than anybody. Also a well selected stock of Cigars and Tobacco. Trash Mover Soap. The biggest bar | on earth. 25 for SI.OO. If you pay your bills we want your ' trade. Free Delivery and Prompt Attention. McCOWELL & EDWARDS. attend the house party given by the Aliases Nall. 320 per week ma le easy at home by man, woman cr child. Investigate. Stamp for particulars. Box 94, Atlan ta, Ga Lambert'- D-c’b tc and Mitfs w >rk- immediately without injury to ' the eggs or chicken?; d >.s not soil plumage, yet purines and cleaees d wn : the skin. F r sale bv Lewis D C irk, 20 11:11 street. Mieses R ba Euan and Theo Tins | ley, two of Macon's most accomp l-bed j I social fa’> , 'i’es. arrived in the city I j th:- after-: m and will attend a charm ing use ; arty b dug given by ' C >rinne and Rebecca Nal. at the h me’ ,f the r !»■: er, Tt, - Na :. uth Hi , street Misr-es Raan ar 1 Tinsley are well k-.own in ur city, w here they I lave , ften v; ited .nd it ie w itt much I pleasure th-ir friends Wrlcetne their: ’ visit on this delightful occasion. For Backache use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu. Delegates Elected At a me» di: g C. .nty | Camp. N ■ I' 1 . U C. \ , ilrs as ; .er. ■ t' ..v.;;: were ! elected to represent the camp at the | rem,: n in Ci.-irin : W. ,]. Kincaid, jc.A D. k■ >□, B. N. Barrow, T W.l \ Trrorrnan at. ! Wm 11. Hanieiier. .. . Have We any Such? 1 k lers, r-marks »>; ex i . ge, | : are < i-sitied, as f i w« Firs’. Th le wl .u t ft v 3 to Ido their ? b .ppirg Sec. nd. T w -.r- H i -.J toy improvemen' Ti. - i li. - p -a <, .Ist ! I■. ■>v ’ e p;*' i anl I; ia■.* &- *. that i II - every h at.d ■ :,i> • .’mate with ; ■ ■ * ■ . -■ every rn ihat d •-* benefit ibtru. ! 1- th 'I ■■ ■-C •• C if . Jre tlie ere lit r repuuti .-d ( ’ Hviduals. For Gravel use Stuarts Gin and Buchu. •• ■ - : t or.-t Ip 1- . .ft c*. J . < r 23C ■ For Sale Cneap—Cne Impr wed D rn>. oj c Ma-T chine, an 1 Tapestri Car? —;• 1 as’ new; niyin n-e tw r. : ths. Fori W.l) ( >,rh a i. , Over Reeve=' 1 i.armaey ' Plants For Sale 1 M -. ■ m -e < - ■g • and ton,a ; s t? tosn I - . .nd , I -me They are I exc ent varn -;e- and he wc i’d be r glad to s-.l am n mber d-- -• J >he r ra’e •• 25c:s ; -r : .;:,.-rt.i i' for I •fl > <,<. ’ i-. Health of Havana- ! ( Dr Brunner sanitary inspector of | Hav-.t i. i xprts-es surprise' that there ‘ have not been more cases of y ellow i fever id that c--y this spring In a i ref tt t i the surge. -. g> nrra. of the j ; “The j r,bs - <•' n -w ’' v r 1 anuot un- ] der-tan i With '-e Unittd State# ’ .-: > • : 't ■ ’ V .od th© ! 1 large nutnber ' Ameri ans wlijstill J : ear’v .. a m .-e non- ! , •i -11, -. :twr. st > ex pee ’c 1 that * is. ’ ■ cs-e- hl !de a- w ••• ;-I rr full | ! L- ' it- '.!..s time 1 l,t .-a. ,t. -y . ridi I tiotta have improved and no v-ne can ■ find fault with the methods emp' yed f genera y, but at the same time no one fl w. kr,.. we the situation should expect | any permanent sanitary work could | be perf rmed in less than three months. Nr.. ,i any one i : - ' :.,r the said work could have any , .Ret in reduc .;-g .2? death rate, cr could have any appreciable eject in checking the r-pread of yellow fever.’’ It :- probable that ti e i ltlt sanitary v a. . teei '. ce La? bad 'he effect of de .jying the annual out break of yellow fever, but, as Dr. Brun : oer in'.in ates, it :- u ’. reasonable to stiff se that th.- it:.« .at has been ' done t improve the health conditions ~f the city w. . have 'he effect of ward, ing eff the fever >' getl-*r. In a few weeks doubtless the fever wi. make its • appearance in various parts of the city, and will claim many victims before the coming of cool weather again. But the results obtained from the sanitary work ju-ii’y the hope that | when the city is put >n a thoroughly ’ I sanitary condition it will be entirely relieved of the yellow fever. If by the : spending. i 31 1 • <.»' c*'o on sewers and : drainage satisfactory health condition* lean be obtained, will not the money be! wisely spent? I: seems that notwith standing the large number of non-itn : iDUDes in the ciiy there was only one j death from yellow fever daring the! month of April. That is a splendid record —a record that justifies the belief that it is possible to entirely rid the city of the disease, and make Havana one of the healthiest cities in ’ the world.—Savannah News. C S *l. o Tt X ZA. , | Bears tie : : ~ ■ Signature 1- MCZLEY'S LEMIN ELIZIE- Heg-Rates the Liver, Stcmach, Eswels' and Kidneys. F r biliousness, constipati n ar. 1 ma-i ! iaria. For in-l gestion, sick and nerv head ache. For sleeplessness, nervousness hear: fail- ' ure, and nervous prostration. F r fever, chills, lei i'.ity and k:sney 1 diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies,Lr natural ar.?, thorough ,-rgan- ■ ' ic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. 50c. and |I.OO bottles at drugc.-’.s. Prepared only :-v Dr. 11. M z'ev, At- I Gratitude- Dr. 11. M . ley-Dear Sir Si:. - g your Lemon Elixir I have ver h.rl an-i other attack of those fearful -o k bead- . aches, and thank God that I hare at . tst found a medicine that will cure those aw ful spells. Mrs. Etta W. Jone-. Parker.-burg, West Virginia. M"z’=v's E' ; z ; - I suffere i with indigci m an! !y- n ! tery f r two . nc years. I heard of Lemon | Elixir; got it; taken seven 1: -tiles and :.m • i [ now a well man. Harry Adams, | N». 1734 First Ave., Birm;ngLam, A'.a. Motley's Lestn Elixir Cured my bus': and, who was afflicted f-r years with large ulcers ■ n his leg, and was ■ ure«daßer using two h' ”.'.e;, and cur . . friend whom the doct< rs had given up t die, who had suffered f r years with indi gestion and nervous pr< -’.ration. Mrs. E . A. Bevili.i Woods*. ck,Ali, MCZLEY’3 LEMON HOT EHOPS. Cures all Coughs, < .-Id.-, H.r-m- s, S »re Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage, and 1 all throat and :ung Elegant, r-.- f ’ ■ ■ ■o - - H. Moz.ey, Atlanta, Ga. bargains. ; If you are thinking of buying A SEWING MACHINE OR AN ORGAN, OR PIANO You will find it at 24 Hill street, ! c J. H. HUFF, i r ! 8 I —— 10,000 lbs. Seed Cotton For Sale. 1 Ten t'n< n-and rcr Pride of, c Georgia and Geo W. Truitt’- famous! C ‘' <n • f. • r sale, a 2'.» ’. re r 1. -1, el Guaranteed to be sound nd all 2 righ\ Raided by R J M uhy Jr. J O Stewart, At Cole's \\ arehonse. D' Pitts’ Carminativo ? Saved My Baby's Life.” f Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1898. X LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. A Gentlemen: 1 can not recommend your Pitts’ Garminit’.vt too 4 I strongly, as I owe my baby’s life to it. 'She had Cholera Infantum A I when five months old, and I could get no relief until I bejan using Pitt’s V r Carminative. The fever left her when I had given her but two bottles ? v and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. I advise all C mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a Mai. C Respectfully, MRS. LIZZIE MURRAY. \ jff Saved Her Baby—Will Save Yeure, J ....TRY 1T.... £ < Eaglebrand > Condensed Milk > > Has No Equal as an Infant Food, t C “fNFANT HEALTH’sent FREE. > THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN WASH GOODS EVER OFFERED IN GRIFFIN THE SALE BEGINS YIONDAY AND CONTINUES FROM DAY T ) DAY AND FROM WEEK TO "WEEK UNTIL EVERY ONE HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY OF BUYING LAWN, ORGANDIE AND DIMITY DRESSES. WE DON'T GIVE BARGAIN- USTONE DAY IN THE WEEK, BUT ARRANGE OUR SALES SO THAT EVERY ONE MAY HAVE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY T<> BUY OOODS CHEAP. We Lave about 1,40'J yards .f white and fancy F. yaes .r 1 I ::ok«, b- an tiful iuality, bought cheap, Willi sell cheap. We have about 1.750 yards of White Lawns ;:i -1, rt '.er.gth- of 3 to 15 yards each. Lovely quality for commen ement -Ires---, a’ yr; es never Le fore made by a Griffin merchant. Organdies Every Grade Imaginable. The-e bare tin - will be on our Mi-.l :ie Counter- where y -an makes selection without Rny troutGC. 40 inch Jac ; yards at - it- per yar 1. Often sold at 15cts and ...ed a great L-argain. Parasols and F.-.ns ast received for t;.i- -de in White, Cr-.a: Helios trope an 1 a.', the fashionable color ngs. Como as early as possible and you will be pleased with your purchase. BASS BROS. HOW TO FIND OUT. FiV a b ''tie or common glass with your w : md it - . .. stand twenty-four hours; a•• iiment or settling indicates an unheal thy condition of the kidneys; if it stains your l.nen it is evidence of kidney trouble; too 'r- . ’.-.-nt desire to pass it or pain in the back i- ah > convincing proof that the kid neys bladder are out of order. What to 80. Ther r is comfort in the knowledge so of ten ex; ressed.tbat Dr. Kilmer's bwamp- Root.the great kidney remedy, fulfills ev ery wish in curing rheumatiim, pain in the ba< -c, kidneys, liver,bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp- Root is soon realized' It stands the high est for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. lot: may hive a sample bcttle and a look that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send yout address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention that you read this generous offer in the Middle Georgia Farmer. f An Ordinance. i'o prohibit ; . r <->n-, wi. -vine a sentence in the city chaining r Clt f , prison, from escaping therefrom, an-i r,re scribing a punishment for the same. _ Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the mayor ana uncil of the city of Griffin, that from aim after the passage of this ordinance, that •• shall be unlawful for any p r? -n, wu*‘ e serving a sentence either in tbe city chai gang or city prison, to escape tlnreirom. and it thereafter re-taken, such pe' ! ', 1 shall be tried by the criminal court ut sm< ■ city for an escape, and, upon ccnvi-uO , fined in a sum not more more tnan o hundred dollars, ir impris-.-ned r. _t exceed ing sixty days, or both, in the .iic-cM of said court, iraid imprisonment, _i: either in the city chainga: g -r 1; - prison, in the discretion of the e r: - Sec. 2 Be it further ordaim ’.. ‘ iia - ja ordinances, and parts of or_iir.ui. conflict with this ordinance • • anu same are, hereby repealed. Ssuthera Baptist and Auxiliary Ccn 7ea ticns, Louisville, Ky.. May S-1A- On account of above occasion, the tral of Georgia By. Co. w-ill sed tic a Louisville, Ky., and return st ■■■■_• . t 0 round trip. Tickets on sale M*y - Q f 11th, returning limit 15 days sale. ' B. -I- Wii i.iaM',