The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, May 08, 1899, Image 4

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COOL AND LIGHT FOR THE HOT DAYS | IN Full Suits and Coats and Vests, Sicillians, Alpaccos, Linens, Crushes, etc. UKOERWEAR in Egyptian Cotton, Muslin, Nansook, Balbrigan, etc. Scriven’s Elastic Seam Drawers. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL 3TBEET, GBIFFIN, GA ... ~ 11 IF YOU NEED A TRUSS BE SURE AND GE I The American Silver Truss. AMERICAN / SILVER I / TRUSS. BESTKITT.ING / \ and MOST COMFORTABLE Easy to Wear. Retains \/^ Q pressure on THAT YDI CAN Bl Y . EXJ>R\ ONE IS i Severest V Jlipa or Back. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. I Hernia I No understraps. I with Comfort. I Never moves. " i We also carry a fulliline ot Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. SOAP. White Honeymoon Soap, and Brown Windsor Soap. Very Fine. sc. a Cake. Nice line of Best Pei fumes. KODOL, the great Dyspepsia Remedy. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. J. N. HARRIS & SON. STRAWBERRIES, You can get home grown Straw berries every day. All kinds fresh Vegetables. Fresh Bread and Cake.; G. W CLARK & SON. iIIEAI’KST GIliH EKS iS TOWS. We Have ! To-jnorrow, Strawberries, Snap Beans, 5c per quart, New Irish Potatoes, Cucumbers, Lima Beans, Navy Beans, Squashes, White Peas, Oranges, Bananas, Apples, Celery, Cranberries, Large fat Mackerel Fish. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Cali. GRIFFIN, GA., MAY 11, 1899. OlliceoverDavis' Hardware Slot e TELEPHONE NO. 32. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS OR. J. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: No. 23 j Hill street, stairway next to !?. P. McWilliams A Son. Tele phone 27, 2 rings. Potato slips for sale. A W. Bl are. Mayor J. H Wilson, of Milner, was here today. N. T. Smith, of Woodbury, was here today on business. Rev. F, M. Blalock, of Jonesboro, 1 wag in the city today. t Morris Siein left thia m■irr,m l ; for a business trip to New York. If your little chickens are sickly I and weak try Magic Poultry Food and i t wi' I make I lie v he tit by Lewis I> Ci.auk, 20 Hid St. Marvin tlwims left ties io spin 1 s> v ral day .- in Atlanta Mi s Ida McLeod‘ ii of Concord, spent today with Grillin friends. Mirs Florence Bisln p is spending several days ii Atlanta this week. Smi B v kit,' ..f IF ks St.,:: . w the gut st of fro. i da in this city ' day, W\\ i .‘j>—G..od rdtdtie Oil " des man, on c'mimi"i<'O r salary. Ad dress (Pinker Od A Imph nit ril < , (Cleveland, () I . B Oxford uturi d tt ay :r m a abort busintu trip down the Southern r ad morning front a sl> -t trip i<> ihe Rock. .1 H Hull - ne • 1’ fi-thesis and M i.po t • mi at [Ji . k-' long Store. E 1‘ J.ihm-on c imedowii -■ m At lanta Kild r[’» r’ Sunday iti tills I ty Willi hit- lam: I. R Shedd n: d Bud Berry I. th s m: : iiing : oi C .<■ t -t> , w1 <r t hey w 1 I*pl Idr. >1 ■ 11 mo A F. Hii d«m <n t- to ltd Ulis morn mg ir in N' vtian, wiiio Im spent' tri r. d,»y -. .1 Lus - , E P \ iliums return -d this morn ing from Wi . iibury. where he spent Sunday with hie parents. Col. Wbitm in B iwdeu, a prominent young lawyer of Forsyth, was in the city today on t gal busim ss Mrs Charlotte Lucas, of Macon, is spending some time in this city the j guest of Mrs. Chas. L iwenthal Miss Reba Ruan.of Maeon, returned home last night, after attending the house party given by Mas Corinne Nall. John Daily anti W. \\ Cunning ham, of Atlanta, .spent yesterdrv in this city as the guests o? Lynd 11 P.u terson. R v. T. W. O’Kelley aud Judge E, : Will Have TOMORROW Fine fresh Strawberries, New crop Irish Potatoes, Fresh Trout, “ Bream, “ Shad. Fine Yellow Bananas. Hot-Tamales, the best and Biggest piece of t'aii | dy for Sets. M'COWELL & EDWARDS. i —— ' W. Hammond left today for Ogeecbee, where they will epend several days fishing. Mrs. Dallia Tarlton, of Heids, who hag been spending a few days in At lanta, was in the city today while en route home Miss Theo Tinsley returned to her home in Macon this morning, after spending several days with Miss Co rinne Nall, in this city. On account of the absence of several witnesses and attorneys this afternoon Judge. Beck adjourned the criminal court of Griffin until next Monday. Mrs. Will Roberts, of Annieton, Ala , who has been spending several days in this city with her sister, Mrs. J. D. Rivers, returned home this morning. The Griffin Gun Club will shoot again next Wednesday afternoon at 5 o’clock, and it is hoped that all mem bers will meet promptly at that hour. Lee Branch and Charley Cater, of Macon, who have been in this city for several days attending Miss Corinne Nail’s house party, returned home last night. Mrs. F IL Woodruff and Miss Abbie Woodruff and little Miss Ruth Wood : ruff left this morning for Chicago, i where they will make their future home. Allie Biker left today for Charles ton, S.C., where he will spend several days seeing the Confederate Veterans 1 reunion, and other things of interest I in that vicinity. Miss Louise Itsese, after a short ■ visit to Miss lutz Hammond, in this city, left this morning for Atlanta, where she will spend some time before returning to her home in Senoia. Judge Wm. T. Newman today ap pointed Col W. E. H. Searcy, Jr , as temporary receiver for Use slock of I goods beloging to J. H. Huff, who has I filed a petition fur voluntary bank. ruptcy. The boy a of Mercer Uuiversity pass .ed through Griffin on a special train I this morning enroute to Atlanta, I where they will meet the boys of the I State University in a debate at the , Grand tonight Rev. Gio. T. Div-.-, pastor of Pirk street Methodist church, Atlanta, ar rived in the city this morning to spend several d iys here assisting Rev. C. S. I Owens iu the revival services at the Methodist church. Miss Mabel Couch and Miss Nina I Perdu-', of Senoia, wt re in the city this m rnitjg tnroiitc to Atlanta, to attend the debate to be held at the Grand I opera bouse tonight betwe- n Mercer I University at Macon, and the State I I niver.ny at Athens. I nicet i.-. t ■ at i !;< Methodist I church were .irgely Htteuded yester : day .in,l this tn- ruing, and Rev. C S ; n- delivered a very iii.e sermon on ' each oc-’a- u> I'lie 30 minute song set vice let! by Mr Tillman, is indeed ■ very pretty, and will add greatly to I the meetings. A marriage occurred in this city I Sunday afternoon which will be a sur ; prise to the many friends of the con | trading parties when the affair is I m ide known. Owing the objections I of the couple in having the particulars | published for some time yet the Call I withholds all facts, but will promise to | relieve the curiosity of its readers at | the earliest possible date. ——— Off For Columbus- Several Red Men of Griffin will leave this afternoon for Columbus to j attend the Great Council of Georgia, j which convenes in that city tomorrow. . Among those wbe will go are Great ' Prophet of the United States, R. T. Daniel ; Great Prophet of Georgia, D. .1 Bailey ; Great S icliem of Georgia, 1 hoe In Patters -n ; Great .Macbinawa, W m 11 B-ck ; Repres-ntative from I Chicasuw Tribe, M J. Darnel, Jr , Past 1 Sachem, Jos 11. Drewry. Bryan s Chance for Success Editor Politz r told the peop>o of London,according to our dispatches yesterday, says tb< Smnuiih New-, that if Mr. Bryan will drop bis 16 to 1 idea and stick to G>« anti trust and anti-expansion !- i * Ik- will manti an excellent ' I - g the nrxl President ot the I': ited S'a't- As Mr. Pulitz - t t i', there are tens of thousands •, D im cin - in every part of the c unit. admire Mr. Bryan and v. i I so; rt '.,n> if be di vorces himself from the silver issue, but who will stand aloof from him if he insists upon making silver the lead ing issue in the platform ot I9GO as it is in the platform of 1596. There is no doubt a great deal of truth in what Mr. Pulitzer says. Mr. Bryan is about the best known man in the country, and he >a personally very popular. But the silver issue is not as great a vote getter as it was in 1896, and the quite general belief is that it would not command as many votes next year as it would now. In ! other words it is steadily losing ground. > It is worthy of notice that all of the J leading Republican papers are encour aging the idea that Mr. Bryan is to be , the Democratic candidate next year on . the platform of 1896. They encourage - it because they believe that the Demo cratic party would ttaud less chance r for success with that platform than if . they should make a new platform with silver in the background. It is true that if bard times should I come before the next national election the silver issue might be a helpful one, . but the outlook now is that times will remain good for several years It may be that the advice of Mr. Politz-r and ’ other New York Democrats will be 1 listened to by the Democratic leaders, ’ and that silver will be eliminated from the platform of 1900. Even the Salt ' Lake Tribune, one of ll.e leading sil ' ver papers of the West, said the other day that in its judgment it would “be useless to make another stand for ail-! ver in this coun'ry until conditions changed." It is certain that the East is against silver. Air. Bryan can depend upon the support of the South whether sil ver is the leading issue or not, but how about the West? Evidently Mr. Bryan thinks the West, is safe for silver also, but do not the signs seem to indicate that he is mistaken? Pitts’ Carminative is pleasant to the 1 taste, acts promptly, an ; never fails to ' givd satisfaction, ft carries children over » the critical time of teething, and is the friend ol anxious mothers and puny chil . dren. A few doses will demonstrate its ( value. E. H. Dorsey, Athens, Ga., writes : “I consider it the best medicine I have ev ’ er used in my family. It does all you 1 claim for it, and even more.’’ For Diabetes use Stu art’s Gin and Bucliu. ‘ ‘ MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR- ■ Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. For biliousness, constipation and ma -1 laria. , For indigestion, sick and nervous head , ache. For sleeplessness, nervousness heart fail- J ure, and nervous prostration. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. : Ladies, for natural and th rough organ- . ic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. 50c. and SI.OO bottles at all druggi-ts. ‘ Prepared only by Dr. If. Mozley,* At . lanta, Ga. j Gratitude. Dr. If. Mozley—Dear Sir : Since using 1 your Lemon Elixir I have never had an i other attack of those fearful sick head- I aches, and thank God that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those aw ' ful spells. Mus. Etta W. Jones, r Parkersburg, West Virginia. i Mcrley's Lemcn Elixir- I suffered with indigestion and dysen l tery for two long years. I heard of Lemon . Elixir; got it; taken seven bottles and am now a well man. Harry Adams, No. 1734 First Ave., Birmingham, Ala. i Mczley's Lemon Elixir 1 Cured my husband, who was a filleted for , years with large ulcers on his leg, and was cured after using two bottles; ami cured a triend whom the doctors had given up to , die, who had suffered for years with indi gestion and nervous prostration. Mrs. E. A. Beville, . Woodstock, Ala. t j MOZLEY'S LEMON HOT CHOPS. , Cures all Coughs, Colds, Horseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage, and - all throat and lung diseases. Elegant, re- > liable. 25c. at druggist. Prepared only by Dr. ' 11. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. For Sale Cheap-—One Improved Domestic Ma , chine, and Tapestry Carpet—good as new ; only in tine two months. For terms, apply to W. D CaRHaRT, Over Reeves’ Pharmacy J. CHESTNEY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office over Griffin Banking Co. - Griffin. Ga Represents the best and most reliable Life. Fire. Accident and Sick Benefit Insurance Companies in the country. ? Carmlnatlvfß ? a Saved My Baby's Life*" i Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1898. 1 LAMAR &. RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. 1 A Gentlemen: I can not recommend your Pitts’ Garminativt too A k stronriv, as 1 owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum I I when five months old, and I could get no relief until I bejanusinr Pitt’s S ? Carminative. The fever left her when 1 had given her but two bottles y " and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. ladvlsnall C 6 mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial. $ C Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE MURRAY. C ? H Saved Her Baby—Will Save Taura, w . . . .TRY 1T.... \ e j < Eagle brand i Condensed Milk i % Has No Equal as an Infant Food w C “INFANT HEALTH'sent FREE. SOLD OUTI MISS MYRTLE HARRIS AND MISS LELLA MALAIER HAVE SOLD OUT THEIR FIRST SPRING STOCK OF MIL LINERY AND MISS HARRIS HAS JUST RETURNED FROM MARKET, WHERE SHE BOUGHT ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL STOCK. This Department OF BA-S BROS.’ AS WELL AS EVERY OTHER .DEPARTMENT, IS GROWING IN FAVOR. THE LADIES ARE REALIZING THE FACT THAT WE ARE SELLING MILLINERY CHEAPER, Yes, Much Cheaper, THAN THEY CAN BUY IN, ATLANTA OR ELSEWHERE. New Sailors just rereived, New Hats, New Flowers, New Ornaments, New Tips, Nev/ Braids, Everything new for Ladies Headgear. BRING UP THE OI.D HAT AND YOU WON’T RECOGNIZE IT WHEN OUR MILLINER GETS THROUGH WITH IT. CHARGES WILL BE SMALL FOR THE WORK. REMEMBER OUR Special Sale of Wash Goods and Remnants CONTINUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER MADE BY ANY MERCHANT IN THIS COUNTY. Our Clothing prices Beat the Jews. BASS BROTHERS. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sc iiment or settling indicates an unheal thy condition of the kidneys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kid neys and bladder are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so of ten expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- Root,the great kidney remedy, fulfills ev ery wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and dvery part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or had effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp- Root is soon realized. It stands the high est for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may hive a sample bottle and a l ook that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention that you read this generous ofi'et in the Middle Gkokou Fabmbb. i ' HONEY HOiN ON Real Estate. Easy and Limited Humber of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when Security is satisfactory. ) For full particulars, call at the Office of W. H. NEWTON & CO., Griffin, Ga. ,'»C