The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, May 10, 1899, Image 4

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t X ■ *** ■ - . ' .5 ’ f COOL AND LIGHT FOR THE HOT DAYS IN Full Suits and Coats and Vests, Sicillians, Alpaccos, Linens, Crushes, etc. UNDERWEAR in Egyptian Cotton, Muslin, Nansook, Balbrigan, etc. Scriven's Elastic Seam Drawers WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA 25 Double sheets Tangle Feo! Fly Paper, -35 c Insect Powder, per pound, - - -15 c Insect iluns. 10c ! Ward’s Sarsaparilla, uncqualcd as a spring tonic and all humors of the blood. Largo hot lie - - -50 c CARLISLE & WARD SOAP. White Honeymoon Soap, and Brown Windsor Soap. Very l ine. sc. a Cake. Nice line of Best Pei fumes. KODOL, the great Dyspepsia Remedy. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED.' J. N. HARRIS & SON. ICE CREAM SALT | At Bottom Prices. G, W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST GltOl’EltS IN TOWN. We Have To-morrow, Strawberries, Snap Beans, 5c per quart. New Irish Potatoes, Cucumbers, Lima Beans, Navy Beans, Squashes, White Peas, Oranges. Bananas. Apples. Celery, Cranberries, Large fat Mackerel Fish. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening* Call. GRIFFIN, GA., MAY 10, IsO'.i OHiceover Davis’ Hardware 8 ton* TELEPHONE NO. X 2. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS OR. J. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: No. 2;’>t Hill street, stairway next to R. P. McWilliams & s,»n. Tele phone V7, rings, Petato slips for saie. A W. Bi.vki Nathan Phillips, od Com >rd. spent today in thia city J. W. Bullard made u business trip to McDonough today, Hon.O. B, Stevens returned this morning from a business trip to Mil ledgeville. A force of bands wag put t<» work today painting (he stand pipe id the water works. Dressed eh ken, mutton, p< k, b if and all p irk -ausage a 1 the City M it M irket, : 0 II; I si net C C. E| pi rum, st>[ i iinti •'dent sec nd divisin Central tniti id, was in i this city li d ,y M B Headen came ov-r from Els Berlin last night and is s; i tiding sev eral days ii. the city. Clever Cli,<th v Sini b of Ci nc< rd, the pioneer fruit gruwrr id G Irgiu, was tit re today on business Ehl - A. B !’ pe, of the Molena Etiterpiisi . was 'n the citv today look ing after the inti n sts > f his paper. .1. M S ade ind eon, Jas J. Slade, left tliis in- ri n g to sj -mJ a h w days in Cha is’ • ntti ui!i o:t i - Cot b -Jcr ate leuni m Mid week Mivice-ut thr Presbyte rian church t ought at S ,'rl. k, con ducted bi - :i- J; .- \v, <; \\ odbridge .1 fl Hull tine of I’. i indie ils and Maga ties iiu sale nt Brooks’ Drug Store C A. J. t’nrtis, of Washington, D C . win In I ■-i in this i-iti t-i si ver- I a 1 dll) S Vi: hllsim II il 1 red home ; I his morn in*. Charlev Edwards has iiccepttd a po-ltloll ',)th the old reiialde ding lion- ■ol N B Dii wry A Son, where fie wi be p • I 1,, meat iis many friends Adjt Gen and Mrs. J M. Kell and , II .ught< r, M-- I v |<. ,■ f Sunny i Side, came do vv n this morning to ape nd i a few days with n atives and friends in this city Mis G. J C pjiidge and daughter, tilth Miss Jennie Blake Coppedge leave tomorrow for Greenwood, S C, where they will spend seviral weeks visiting rei .tiv - nml friends. Miss Ada Evans, a charming young lady of Milledgeville, who has «ften visited Mias Rm-elyn Reid, in this city, returned In me th!.- morning after a sliort, though pleasant visit here. Mes-r-i k T Daniel, .V J Daniel, < J -i. H Drewry, Win H Beck and T. F. Patterson returned this morning Just Received A fresh slock of good New Orleans Syrup, which we are going to sell at the low price of 25c per gallon. 11 pounds full head Rice for sl. Fine Yellow Bananas. A fresh 10l of line juicy Hams at llc per pound. Flower and Garden Seed al half price. Guaranteed best quality. Mocha and Java Coffee 25c per can. | M WELL & EDWARDS. from Columbus, where they attended a meeting of the Red Men of Georgia. It hae now been definitely settled that the Sunday school picnic will be held at Indian Springs, on the 19d> inst. The contract wag closed today with the Southern Railway for a spe cial train to carry the picnicerg to Flo villa and return. “Madame Rumor’’ has it that a marriage is to occur at some one of our churches tonight. Just who it is, and where it will be solemnized, we cannot say. The Call is not agitating the matrimonial question for any mo tive further than to furnish the news, or as much thereof as can be bad, to its pations. If your little chickens are sickly and weak try Magic Poultry Food and it will make they healthy. i Lewis ]). Clark, 20 Hill St. Theo I). Kline. General Superin tendent of the Central of Georgia Railroad Company, was io the city this morning looking after the interest of Georgia’s greatest railroad. Mr. Kline inspected the Union depot and surroundings, and inquired into the I needed improvements, -v*4iich may ! mean that Griffin is to have a first i class depot before very long. c 3 q’ o r /k, Bears the 1 he Kind You Have Always Bough' For Diabetes use Stu art's Gin and Bucliu, Children's Service. Tomorrow evening at 4 o’clock at | the Methodist church, Rev, Mr, Davis j I will preach especially for the benefit I lof the young people. Parents are re- I | quested to arrange to have their child ren able to lie present. Roosevelt in Trouble. - Gov. Roosevelt of New York is be* | ta<en the devil am! the deep blue ssa. ( The corpuiati os are thrt Renin? him I with their mom y bags ami the people are watching to see whether or i ot be will stand up to his promise* and his pledg- s. Mainly through Li. ii the legislature passed the i ord tax bill It provides for taxing the (ranch .---.I of corporations—such franchises >ie are held by corporations which use the streets of cities for railroads, for gas pipes or for any other purpose These franchises in New Y’mk city, (or in stance, are w-.rtli many millions of dollars, Tie companies which own them have never paid any taxis on them. flic 1’ -rd bill author the tax assi -sors tu assess them The cor porations till the Governor that if he signs the bill they will use all the in fluence they pt ,--« ss and i'l the money liny emi spare t<> prevent bis re-elec ; lion as Governor In other I they declare that they will dig his 1 political gave and put him in it. On the ether side the r-eople will retire . him to politic.)' obscurity if he vetoes the bill. There is no way in which he can satisfy both parties, He must serve the people or become th tool of the corporations. It is pretty safe to say that he will j stand by the people. Ho cannot do otherwise without stultifying himself. ■To veto the bill after n itifying the legislature that they must pass it would be equivalent to saying that he had no further political ambition. The I Ford bill will become a law and the corporations will have to pay taxes on I the estimated value of their franchises. For Bladder Troubles use Stuart’s Gin and Bu cliu. ’ C ® o X*l X , jßears tie \j i j - £j.... . UNE CfiliEK L 0( 118- I,]se Creek Ga,Mhj B—As you have iiu correspond) nt from this part of the county, I will try am! give you thi new* iti ui d alamt h< le, We much in m < <! of rain, m tiiO garilerls, wheat, out- ami corn, hftVC b gun to still r, am! th i mini is »’ • light as Dick’s •’»* batul ’ WN C q>ped g ii -Ihe ft i>» st garden w<- I.»ve seen He l.a.< abb.ige- begin,- iog to head A g<-.of many from here attended the celt brat ion at Mt. Zion ■ itmilay. All report a Urge crowd and a nice time. Arthur Digby, who has been travel ing fur a portrait firm of Chicago, is spending a few days with home folks, to the delight of his many friends. One of our neighbors has Income so “stingy” o! late that he shells the corn off and gives his mules the cob, and they are looking well. Others are talk ing about trying the same. W W Shannon, of Williamson, spent Sunday here with his brother, E I’ Shannon. Mrs. Eliza Allison, of Griffin, was buried at Fairview Sunday. H C Coppedge spent Thursday tn Griffin. There will be c. ; at Digby the third Saturday iu May, and everybody has a special invitation to attend, with well filled baskets. Come, Mr. Editor, and get some Digby beef. Some farmers have begun chopping cotton, while some few are not through planting Some of our hoys go fishing and catch them, while others go and say they “never got a bite but ye scribe went the other day, ami his face and hands show very plainly that he got several. Horace Coppedge went to Griffin Thursday, Judging from all appearances, there will be another wedding here soon, r« one of our young men seems to mean business. The writer was the recipient of a letter from Copt. J. A J. Tidwell re cently, who is traveling through Texas on a pleasure trip. His many friends will be sorry to learn that his travels were delayed for a few days by a slight illness. At the writing of liis letter, he was at the home of Samps Hollon, an old Georgian. Mr. Tidwell writes that Mr. Hollon lias land that will pro* I duce from one-half a bale of cotton per acre, from 30 to GO bushels of corn, from 30 to 100 bushels of pats, and 20 to -10 bushels of wheat ; and that he and his sou threshed 33,000 bushels of grain la-1 year. Horace Coppedge has a severe case of measles - ~~ - His Conceit Knocked Out. “Strange the papers didn't say any thing about the great sei.nic distur bance ami »hower of meteors the other I day,” remarked Writer Scott H b-rrt, of San Francisco, at tl <■ club one af ternoon recently, says an i x i: ge. ■ I I - i wu ,' t, y place at Sin Mateo You know I have t. ■ n taking boxing le->oi;.- for some rm nth* to rtduce jb'sb, and it has worked like a charm. It’s good sport, too, tn ii, though I say it my-elf, I'm pretty c'i ver with the glove- now. Had an instructor c me down three times a wet k, ami we had some rattling bouts, 1 can tell you. But it got to be rather slow after awhile. The man had taught me about all he km w. I was up to all bis tricks ami he eimply couldn’t touch me I saw I d have to get a more scientific instruct' r and told the man as much one afternoon. I broke it to him gently, of course, but I let him -■ e I knew- he wasn’t in my class The poor fellow wa- all broken up, and 1 felt - > sorry f .r him that I sai l we’d put on the g’ v-- anyway for one last go. It wa- then that the extraordinary seismic phenomena I mentioned took place. 1 had just put up my hand-* and was getting ready to show a trick or two when the world seemed lo bump into imething b ird and jarred me clean <ff my feet. At the same time it. ran into a rain of meteors that marie the most brilliant pyrotechnic display 1 have ever wit nessed. S itnehow it didn’t seem to affect the professor mu ’h, for when i recovered from my - uprise he was bathing my bead and murmuring something to the effect th rt he ‘guessed the young guy wouain’t be so gay now for one while.’ I have decided to I keep him on until the cosmogony g»ts i a little more settled.” Pitts’ Carminative is pleasant to the j taste, acts promptly, and never fails to give satisfaction. It carries children over the critical time of teething, and is the friend ol anxious mothers and puny chil dren. A few doses will demonstrate its value. E. H. Dorsey, Athens, Ga , writes : “I consider it the best medicine I have ev er used in my family. It does all y u claim for it, and even more ’’ PHts 11 Carmbiative ? Saved My Baby's Life." — Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1898. IAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. 2 Gentlemen: 1 can not recommend your Pitts’Carminative too 4 igly, as I owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum X a five months old, and I could get no relief until I began using Pitt's J ninative. The fever left her when 1 had given her but two bottles, ? she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. I advise all V lers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial, fl Respectfully, Mrs. LIEZIH MURRAY. J Saved Her Baby—Will Save Taura, 5 , . . .TRY 1T.... y FSilßormn < Eagle brand > CONDENSED M’LK 1 > Has No Equal as an Infant Food < C “INFANT HEALTH’sekt FREE. »• > solhutT ~ MISS .MYRTLE HARRIS AND MISS J.ELLA ’MALAIER HAVE SOLD OUT THEIR FIRST SPRING STOCK OF MIL LINERY AND MISS HARRIS HAS JL’ST RETURNED FROM .MARKET, WHERE SHE BOUGHT ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL STOCK. This Department OF BASS BROS.’ AS YVELL AS EVERY OTHER DEPARTMENT, IS GROYVING IN FAVOR. THE LADIES ARE REALIZING THE FACT THAT YVE ARE SELLING MILLINERY CHEAPER, Yes, Much Cheaper, THAN THEY CAN 1:1 \ IN ATLANTA OR ELSEWHERE. New Sailors just received, New Hats, New Flowers, New Ornaments, New Tips, New Braids, Everything new for Ladies Headgear. LUING UP THE OLD HAT AND YOU WON’T RECOGNIZE IT WHEN oUR' MILLINER GETS THROUGH WITH IT. CHARGES WILL BE SMALL FOR THE YV<IRK. REMEMBER Oil! Special Sale of Wash Goods and Remnants CONTINUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER MADE RY ANY MERCHANT IN THIS COI NTY, Our Clothing’ prices Beat the Jews. BASS BROTHERS. HOW TO FIPeD OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an unheal thy condition of the kidneys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back i“ also convincing proof that the kid- ‘ neys unit bladder are out of order. What to 80. There is comfort in the knowledge so of ten expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- . Root,the great kidney remedy, fulfills ev ery wish in curing rheumatism, pain in I the back, kidneys, liver,bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain < in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled ( to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild 1 : and the extraordinary effect of Swamp j Root is soon realized. It stands the high- I est for its wonderful cures of the most dis- I tressing cases. If you need a medicine you j should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may h ive a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send youi addjess to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham- - ton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention that you read this generous ofi'ej in the SIibPLE Gbohuu. Fasmkr. i MONEYLOAN - ON Real Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office cf W, H. NEWTON & CO., Griffin, Ga. ■ ; J,' ‘1 • ' 'U ,,U