The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, May 20, 1899, Image 3

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Application for Charter GEORGIA— Spaldikh County. To the Superior Court of Said County; The petition of 8. Grantland, Douglas Boyd, J W. Mangham, Jos D. Boyd, J. J. Mangham, W. J. Kincaid, James M. Brawner, G. J. Coppedge, John H. Dierck sen, Henry C. Burr, J E Drewry, B. N. Barrow, of Spalding county, of said State, and 11. W. Lynch, of Fayette county, and L. F. Farley, of Pike county, of said State, respectfully shows: par. 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors, heirs and as signs, to become incorporated under the name and style of “The Spalding Cotton Mills,” tor the term of twenty years, with the privilege of extending this term at the expiration of that time. Par. 2. The capital stock of the said cor poration is to be One Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to Two Hundred Thousand Dol lars when desired. The said stock to be divided into shares ot One Hundred Dol lars each. Par. 3. The object of said c rrporation is pecuniary gain and profit to the stock holders, and to that end they propose to buy and sell cotton and manufacture the same into any and all classes of cotton goods, of any kind and any character, as the management of the said corporation shall choose, having such buildings, ware houses, water tanks, etc., as they shall need in the conduct of the said business, and the said corporation shall have the right to sell such manufactured goods in such manner and time as they see tit, and shall make such contracts with outside parties, either for the purchase or sale of cotton, or for the purchase or sale of cot ton goods, as they shall deem to the inter est of said corporation Par. 4. They desire to adopt such rules, regulations and by-laws as are necessary for the successful operation of their busi ness, from time to time, to elect a board of directors and such other officers as they deem proper. Par 5 That they have the right to buy and sell, lease and convey, mortgage or bonds and hold such real estate and per sonal property as they may need in carry ing on their business, and do with such property as they may deem expedient. Par. 6. The principal office and place of business will be in Griffin, said State and said county, but petitioners ask the right to establish offices at other points, where such seem necessary to the interest of the corporation. They also ask the right to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and to have and use a common seal, and enjoy such other rights and privileges as are incident to corporations underthelaws of the State of Georgia. V» herefore, petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to all the rights, privileges and immunities, and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. SEARCY & BOYD, , Petitioners’ Attorneys. QTATE OF GEORGIA, O Spalding County. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original petition for in corporation, under the name and style of “The Spalding Cotton Mills,” filed in the clerk’s office of the superior court ot Spal ing county. This May 17th, 1899. Wm. M. Thomas, Clerk. TO THE EAST. SAVED BY THE SEABOARD^ AIR LINE, Atlinta to Richmond |l4 50 Atlanta to Washington 14.50 Atlanta to Baltimore via Washing- ton 15.70 Atlanta to Baltimore via Norfolk and Bay Line steamer 15.25 Atlanta to Philadelphia via Nor- folk 18.05 Atlanta to Philadelphia via Wash ington 18.50 Atlanta to New York via Richmond and Washington ,21.00 Atlanta to New York via Norfolk, ' Va and Cape Charles Route 20.55 Atlanta to New York via Norfolk, Va , and Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Company, via Wash ington 21.00 Atlanta to New York via Norfolk, Va., Bay Line steamer to Balti more, and rail to New’ York 20.55 Atlanta to New York via Norfolk and Old Dominion S. S. Co. (meals and stateroom included) 20.25 Atlanta to Boston via Norfolk and steamer (meals and stateroom in cluded) 21.50 Atlanta to Boston via Washington and New York 24.00 The rate mentioned above to Washing ton Baltimore, Philadelphia, New’ York and Boston are $3 less than by any other all rail line. The above rates apply from Atlanta Tickets to the east are sold from most all points in the territory of the Southern States Passenger Association, via the Seaboard Air Line, at $3 less than by any other all rail line. For tickets, sleeping car accommoda tions, call on or address B. A. NEWLAND, Gen. Agent Pass Dept WM. BISHOP CLEMENTS, T. P. A., No. 6 Kimball House, Atlanta <GEORGIA Z Schedule Effective April 1, 1899. DEPARTURES.? Lv. Griffin daily for Atlanta.. • .6:08 am, 7:20 am, 9:55 am, 6:13 pm Macon and Savannah .' 9:44 pm Macon, Albany ami Savannah 9:13 am Macon and Albany 5:30 pin I’arrolltoniexcept Sunday'lo:loam, 2:15 pm ARRIVALS. Ar. Griffin daily from At l .nta„ .9:13 am. 5:30 pm, 8:20 pm, 9:44 pin savannah and Macon .. .6:08 am Macon and Albany 9.55 am Savannah, Albany and Macon 6:13 pm < arrollton (except Sunday) 9:10 am, 530 pm For further information apply to R. J. Williamo, Ticket Aift, Griffin. Inn. w J o°’ L -“E'”. Aitent, Griffin. John M. Bg4N, X ice President,; v u'" .?• Ki ane, Gen. Supt., ? H- Hinton, Traffic Manager, • • ■ hails., Gen. Passenger Agt, Savannah, DARKNESS ETERNAL. 1 WHAT THE EARTH WOULD BE WITH OUT THE GOSPEL Rev. nr. Tnlniuwc Vhhll, Portrny* the Gloom of an Infidel World—Tri onipli of Atheism Would Mean Death of Civilisation. [Copyright, Louis Klopsch, 1899.) Washington, May n.—in this sermon Dr. Talmage gives a glimpse of what the world would be if the gospel were abolish ed and the human race left without divine guidance. The text Is Acts il, 20, ’The sun shall be turned into darkness.” Christianity is the rising sun of our time, and men have, tried with the ujiroll- Ing vapors of skepticism and the smoke of their blasphemy to turn the sun into dark ness. Suppose the archangels of malice and horror should be let loose a little while and be allow ed to extinguish and destroy the sun in the natural heavens! They would take the oceans from other worlds and pour them on the luminary of the planetary system, and the waters go hissing down amid the ravines and the caverns, and there is explosion after ex plosion, until there are only a few peaks of Are left in the sun, and these are cool ing down and going out until the vast continents of flame are reduced to a small acreage of fire, and that whitens and cools off until there are only a few coals left, and these are whitening and going out until there is not a spark left in all the mountains of ashes and the valleys of ashes and the chasms of ashes. An ex tinguished sun! A dead sun! A buried sun! Let all worlds wail at the stupen dous obsequies. Os course this withdrawal of the solar light and Ijeat throws our earth into a universal chill, and the tropics become the temperate, and the temperate becomes the arctie, and there are frozen rivers and frozen lakes and frozen oceans. From arctic and antarctic regions the inhabit ants gather in toward the center and find the equator as the pole.- The slain forests are piled up into a great bonfire, and around them gather the shivering villages and cities. The wealth of the coal mines is hastily poured into tho furnaces and stirred into rage of combustion, but soon the bonfires begin to lower, and the fur naces begin to go out, and tho nations be gin to die. Cotopaxi, Vesuvius, Etna, Stromboli, California geysers, cease to smoke, and tho ico of hailstorms remains unmelted in their crater. All the flowers have breathed their last breath. Ships with sailors frozen at the mast, and helmsmen frozen at the wheel, and pas sengers frozen In the cabin, all nations dying, first at the north and then at tho south. Child frosted and dead in the cradle. frosted and dead at the with frozen hand on tho hammer and frozen foot on the shuttle. Winter from sea to sea. All congealing winter. Perpetual winter. Globe of frigidity. Hemisphere shackled to hemisphere by chains of ice. Universal Nova Zembla. The earth an ice floe grind ing against other ice floes. The archangels of malice and horror have done their work, and now they may take their thrones of glacier and look down upon tho ruin they have wrought. What tho destruction of the sun in the natural heavens would be to our physical earth, the destruction of Christianity would be to tho moral world. The sun turned into darkness! Infidelity n Tragedy. Infidelity in our time is considered a great joke. There are people who rejoice to hear Christianity caricatured and to hear Christ assailed with quibble and quirk and misrepresentation and badinage harlequinade. I propose today to take infidelity and atheism out of the realm of jocularity into one of tragedy and show you what infidels propose and what if they are successful they will accomplish. There are those in all our communities who would like to see tho Christian religion overthrown and who say the world would be better without it. I want to show you what is the end of this road and what is the terminus of this crusade and what this world will be when atheism and infidelity have triumphed over it, if they can. I say, if they can. I reiterate it, if they can. In the first place, it will be the complete and unutterable degradation of woman hood I will prove it by facts and argu ments Inch no honest man w ill dispute. In all communities and cities and states Mid nations where the Christian religion has been dominant woman’s condition has been ameliorated and improved, and she is deferred to and honored in a thou sand things, and every gentleman off his hat before her. If your associations have been good, you know that the name of wife, mother, daughter, suggests gra cious surroundings. You know’ there are no better schools and seminaries in this country than the schools and seminaries for our young ladies. You know that while woman may suffer injustice in Eng land and the United States she has more of her rights in Christendom than she has anywhere else. Woman and Christianity. Now, compare this with woman’s con dition in lands where Christianity has made little or no advance —in China, in Barbary, in Borneo, in Tartary, in Egypt, in Hindustan. The Burmese sell their wives and daughters as so many sheep. The Hindoo Bible makes it disgraceful and an outrage for a woman to listen to music or look out of tho window’ in the absence ot her husband and gives as a lawful ground for divorce a woman’s be ginning to cat before her husband has finished his meal. What mean those white bundles on the ponds and rivers in China in the morning? Infanticide following infanticide. Female children destroyed simply because they are female. Woman harnessed to the plow’ as an ox. Woman veiled and barricaded and in all styles of cruel seclusion. Her birth a misfortune. Her life a torture. Her death a horror. The missionary of the cross today in heathen lands preaches generally to two groups—a group of men who do as they please and sit where they please; the other group, women hidden and carefully se cluded in a side apartment, where they may hear the voice of the preacher, but may not be seen. No refinement. No lib erty. No hope for this life. No hope for the life to come. Ringed nose. Cramped foot. Disfigured face. Embruted soul. Now, compare those two conditions. How far toward this latter condition that I speak of would woman go if Christian in fluences were withdrawn and Christianity were destroyed? It is only a question of dynamics. If an object be lifted to acer tain point and not fastened there and the lifting power be withdrawn, how long be fore that object will fall down to the point from which it started? It will fall down, and it will go still farther than the point from which it started. Christianity has lifted woman up from the very depths of degradation almost to the skies. If that lifting power be withdrawn, she fallschar back to the depth from which she was res aiirrucb d, not > i: hw-r. liecaus* then'is no lower depih. Ami yet, not withstanding th. i th.-.t the only salva tion of woman li i<|, -r.idation and woe Is the Christian :C j and tin' only in fluence that ha- over lift. .1 her in tho social scales is Christianity I have read that there are women who reject Christianity. 1 make no remark in regard to those per sons. In the silence of your own soul make your observations. Soviet} I >«* morn I i »ed, If infidelity triumph and Christianity be overthrown, it means th.' demoraliza tion <>f society, 'rhe idea in the Bible that atheists and infidels most hate is the idea of retribution. Takeaway the idea of retribution and punishment from so eietj, and it will begin very soon t > dis integrate. and take away from tin' minds of men the fear .>f .1 great many of them who would very soon turn this world Into a hell. The majority of those who are indignant against the Bible because of the idea of punishment arc men whoso lives are bad or whoso hearts are impure and who hate tho Bible because of the idea of future punishment for the same reason that, criminals bate tho penitentiary. Oh, I have heard this brave talk about people fearing nothing of the consequences of sin in the next world, and I have made up my mind it is merely a coward's whistling to keep his courage up. I have seen men flaunt their immoralities in the face of the communi ty. and I have heard them defy the judg ment day and scoff at the idea of any fu ture consequence of their sin. but when they came to die they shrieked until you could bear them for nearly two blocks, and in the summer night tho neighbors got up to put the windows down because they could not endure the horror. I would not want to see a rail train with 500 Christian people on board go down through a drawbridge into a- watery grave; I would not want to see 500 Chris tian people go into such disaster, but I tell you plainly that I could more easily see that than I could for any protracted time stand and see an infidel die, though his pillow were of eider down and under a canopy of vermilion, I have never been able to brace up my nerves for such a spectacle. There is something at such a time so indescribable in the countenance. I just looked in upon it for a minute or two, but the clutch of his fist was so dia bolic and the strength of his voice was so unnatural I could not endure it. “There is no hell, there is no hell, there is no hell!” the man had said for 60 years, but that night when I looked in the dying room of my infidel neighbor there was something on hiS countenance which seem ed to say, “There is, there is, there is, there is!” Ihe mightiest restraints today against theft, against immorality, against libertinism, against crime of all sorts—tho mightiest restraints are tho retributions of eternity. Men know that they can es cape the law, but down in the offenders' soul there is tho realization of the fact that they cannot escape God. Ho stands at the end of the road of profligacy, and he will not clear the guilty. Take all idea of retribution and punishment out of the hearts and minds of men, and it would not be long before our cities would become Sodonis. The only restraints against tho evil passions of the world today are Bible restraints. If Atheism Triumphed. Suppose now these generals of atheism and infidelity got the victory and suppose they marshaled a great army made up of the majority of the world. They are in companies, in regiments, in brigades—the whole army. Forward, march, ye hosts of infidels and atheists, banners flying be fore. banners flying behind, banners in scribed with tho words: “No God! No Christ ' No PunishmentNo Restraints! Down With the Bible' Do as You Please'" The sun turned into darkness! Forward, march, ye great army of in fidels and atheists' And first of all you will attack the churches. Away with those houses of worship! They have been standing there so long deluding the people with consolation in their bereavements and sorrows. All those churches ought to bo extirpated, tliey have done so much to relieve the lost and bring home the wan dering, and they have so long held up the idea of eternal rest after the paroxysm of this life is over. Turn the St. Peters and St. Pauls and the temples and taber nacles into clubhouses. Away with those churches' Forward, march, ye great army of in fidels and atheists, and next of all they scatter the Sabbath schools filled with bright eyed, rosy cheeked little ones who are singing songs on Sunday afternoon and getting instruction when they ought to be on the street corners playing marbles or swearing on the commons. Away with them! Forward, march, ye great army of infidels and atheists, and next of all they will attack Christian asylums, the institu tions of mercy supported by Christian philanthropies. Never mind the blind eyes and the deaf ears and the crippled |iml>s ami the darkened intellects. Let paralyzed old age pick up its own food and orphans fight, their own way and the half reformed go back to their evil habits. Forward, march, ye great army of infidels and atheists, and with your battleaxes hew down the cross and split up the man ger of Bethlehem. Army of Destruction. On, ye great army of infidels and athe ists. and now they come to the graveyards and tho cemeteries of the earth. Pull down the sculpture above Greenwood's gate, for it means the Resurrection. Tear away nt the entrance of Laurel Hill the figure of Old Mortality and the chisel. On, ye great army of infidels and atheists, into the graveyards and cemeteries, and where you see, “Asleep In Jesus" cut it away, ami where you find a marble story of heaven blast it, and where you find over a little child’s grave “Suffer I.ittli children to Conic Unto Me" substitute the words “delusion" and “sham,” and where you find an angel in marble strike off the wings, and when you come to a family vault chisel on the door, “Dead ou ■ dead forever." But on, ye great army <>f infidels and atheists, on! They will attempt to - ah heaven. There are heights to be taken Pile hill oil hill and Pelion upon O- i, and then they hoist the ladders against j the Walls of heaven. On and on until i! blow up the foundations of jasper and tie gates of pearl. They charge up ti e steep - Now they aim for the throne of hi' ; w!> - the Son, the Holy Ghost ‘ Down with • them ' they -ay “Down wh th-m from : ’ the tliroi»" "' they say Down out of sight' lb- -m’ C«1 li -1 has no right to-it tin rt- Down v. Down with Christ’ ; Hack to Bnrlmrism. A world with' t a li ’’ ■> without a king Orj 1; .n t Father)*-- galaxies Amir.- t A dethroned Jei ■ -I. All ■ ; God. Pat ’ mid< . ii-ri ' Is w Ini; t lay o ' ar, i w ill have if they can ■**•s*•»--~■ "■ ■ --ge-OMKxrajrt AwL i i«aaaiiir*i Civilization hurled ' k into seinfliarbn ri-m and-eniibarbar:.- driven back into H- "entot - i'ag> ri 'flic wheel of pro gr< -. turned the other way and turned to ward tho <1.,: k age-. The clrx’k of the cen turl. - put hack 2.000 years. Go tack, you Sandwich Islands, from your schools and from yiiiir colleges ami from your reform ed condition to vv bat you were in Is.’o, * home tho Sou infssionarit s from India and overthrow their oou schools, where they are trying to educate the heathen, and scatter the 1-10.000 little children that they have gathered out of barbarism into civili zation. Obliterate all the work of Dr. Duff in India, of David Abeel in China, of Dr. King in Gri'ece. of Judson in Burma, of David Brainerd amid the American abo rigines. and send home the 3.000 mission aries of the cross who are toiling in for eign lands, toiling for t 'hrist.’s sake, foil ing themselves into the grave. Tell these 3.000 men of God that they are of no u> Send home the medical missionaries who are docti,ring bo: es as well as tho souls of the dying nations, Go home, Lon don Missionary sor iety . Go homo, Ameri can Board of Foreign Missions. Go home, ye Moravians ami relinquish back Into darkness and squalor and death tho na tions whom ye li.iVe begun to lift. V cm Plot. Oh, my l: c i. !.. re has never been such a nefarious plot on earth as that which infidelity’ and atheism have planned. We were shocked a few years ago lusmut-e of the attempt to blow up the parliament houses in London, but if infidelity and atheism sucoeed in their attempt they will dynamite a world. Let them have their full way. ami this world will be a habita tion of three rooms—a habitation with just- three rooms, the one a madhouse, an other a lazaretto the other a piuttfenxi nium. These infidel bands of utii'-i- hove only just, begun their concert —yea, tliey have only lieen stringing their instru ments. 1 today put before you their whole programme from beginning unto close. In the theater the tragedy conies first and the farce afterward, but in this infidel drama of death the farce conies firstand the tragedy afterward. And in the former atheists and infidels laugh and mock, but in the latter God himself will laugh and mock. He says so. ‘I will laugh at their calamity and mock when their fear cometh. ’ F rom such a chasm of Individual, na tional, worldwide ruin, stand back. Ob, young men, stand back from that chasm! You see the practical drift of my sermon. I want you to know where that road leads. Stand back from that chasm of ruin. The time is going to come (you and I may not live to see it. but it will come: just as cer tainly as there is a God it will come) when the infidels and the atheists who openly and out and out and above board preach and practice infidelity and atheism w ill lie considered as criminals against so ciety, as they are now criminals against God. Society will push out the leper, and the wretch with soul gangrened and ichor ous and vermin covered and rotting apart with Ills beastiality will be left to die in the ditch ami be denied decent burial, and men will come with spades and cover up the carcass where it falls, that it poison not the air, and the only text in all the Bible appropriate for the funeral sermon will be Jeremiah xxii, 19, “Ho shall bo buried with the burial of an ass." Victory For C'tirlMtinnlty. A thousand voices come up to me this hour, saying. “Do you really think infi delity will succeed? Has Christianity re ceived its deathblow’? and will the Bible become obsolete?” Yes, when the smoke of the city chimney arrests and destroys the noonday sun. Josephus says about the time of the destruction of Jerusalem the sun was turned into darkness, but only the clouds rolled between the sun and the earth. Tho sun went right on. It is the same sun. the same luminary, as when at. the beginning it shot out like an electric spark from God's finger, and today it is warming the nations, and today It is gild ing the sea. and today it is filling the earth with its light. The same old sun, not at all wornoiit, though its light steps 190,000,000 miles a second, though its pul sations are 450,000,000,000,000 undula tions in a second. The same sun with beautiful white light made up of the vio let, and the indigo, and the blue, and the green, and the red, and tho yellow, and tho orange—the seven beautiful colors, now just as when the solar spectrum first divided them. At the beginning God said: “Let there !>e light.’ and light was, and light is, and light shall be. So Christianity is rolling cm, and it is going to warm all nations, and all nations are to bask in its light. Men may shut the window blinds so they cannot see it. or they may smoko the pipe of speculation until they are shadowed un der their own vaporing, but t he Lord God is a sun! This white light of the gospel made up of all the beautiful colors of earth and heaven—violet plucked from amid the spring grass, and the indigo of the southern jungles, and the blue of tho skies, and the green of tho foliage, and the yellow of tho autumnal woods, and the orange of the southern groves, and tho red of the sunsets. All tho beauties of earth and heaven brought out by this spiritual spectrum. Great Britain is going to take all Europe for God. The United Stati s are going to take America for God. Both of them together will take all Asia for God. All three of them will take Africa for God. “Who art thou, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabe) thou shalt become;*plain. ' “The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." Halleluiah, amen! Shell Window*. Among the various and curious objects brought from Manila by some of our re turning soldiers none excite more Interest than the delicate, platelike shells called conchas, not only because they belong to the usually unattractive and rough shelled oyster family, (mt from the fact that shells •o-rve as windows in manyof the buildings in the J'hllippines. The -hell is nearly round, about four ' im 'nes in diameter, compressed, and so thin that it is nearly transparent. In : the i - • the shell r< smubles isinglass, with opalescent tints, the exterior being slightly rough. The ; animal is so exceedingly flat that when the . Jv- ' arn cl cd they apparently touch. | This is probably the same species of mol i lusk which is known in China as the Chi nese. window oyster ami which is used for windows, lantern- and similar purposes, j Tlie-O ingetlio people also powder the i shell, which they us>- for silver in their ■ water colors. Ihe better class of houses in Manila have window frames which slide in groves, I so as to be opened or clo.-ed. a-desired, and 1 In tbe>e are -et the concha-, which -often th' bright tropical -un rays. As a further protei'ti -n against light and heat blinds j I aro used which run isi th" grooves w ith th" windows. The governor's palace, W: i'-b ' is rebuilt about .H) years ago, .hi- ‘ wind v- the -tine -iidiug frames I si '■ wi: h ii.anv panes iif the w indow oyster ’ —w—swfcfl -iiHWhiua •wVjMhrins rr«watiirmsiih *ir>am mn . - rr. a C‘ s ™iAh“ 1?" J ■ ; img ilvc Stonuuihs and Bowels of ■ tll6 X t Bmsiaßgi I o •' s M / —-- j signature //ly Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ■ nessandßest.Conteiins neither I d X JF a J 'I, Opium.Morphin'* nor Mineral. ■ vl Nor Nahcotic. | A a-,-' JSnJ fZv SrnM * » •' I a TA* in /?/>■¥ rvtint I & I» B /A 11 ■ f ■ I /map OSB Apcrfect Remedy i nslipa- MI V I itott. Sour Slontit h. Dim ihoea, Bl 14/ f Worms ,Convuls!o» ..feverish- ■ y Ln I* 11 If O F I ness and Loss OF SLEEP. ■ IMI Un Cl Tac Simile Signatms of 3| B i | thirty Years ICASTORIft -»■ •> ——— thi ciHt/un coMi’mif, ncai vo x crrv. Free to All. Is Your Blood Diseased Thousands of Sufferers From Bad Blood Permanently Cured by B. B. B. To Prove the Wonderful Merits oi Botanic Blood Balm B. 8.8.--or Three B’s, Every Reader of the Morning Call may Have a Sam ple Bottle Sent Free by Mail. Cures Deadly Cancer, Scrofula, Boils, Blood Poison, Bumps Pimples, Bone Pains, Ulcers, Eczema, Sores on Face, Catarrh, Rheumatism and Broken-down Constitutions. Everyone who i a sufferer from bad face in the bio 1. Strike a b’nw where blood in any form should write Blood ’!.<’< " , •• ; lIC Balm Company l<>r a sample bottle of by i i; 1, uud driving the baa their famous B. B. B.—Botanic Bkxd blood out of the txxly;in this way your Balm. | pimples and unsightly blemishes are B B. B. cures because it literally drives cured. the poison oi Humor (which product People who are predisposed to blood blood diseases) out ot the blood, bones and disorders may experience any one or all body, leaving the tb -h as pure as a n< w of th" following -ymptoms: Thin blood, born babe’s and leaves no bad after effect- the vital functions are enfeebled, constitn- No one can afford to think lightly of ■ tion shattered, shaky nerves, falling of the Blood Diseases, The blood is the life hair,disturbed slumbers,general thinness, thin, bad blood won’t cure itself. You hind lack of vitality. The appetite is bad must get the blood out - f your b< ■< - an 1 md breath foul The blood seems hot in body and streng hen the system by new, j the.fingers and there are hot flushes all fresh blood, amt in this way the sores and ’ over the botfy. If you have any of these ulcers cancers, rl eumatism. eczema, ca-1 symptoms your blood is more or less dis tarrh, etc., are cured. B B. I! does all ! eased and is liable to show itself in some this tor you thoroughly and finally B B L urn of sore or blemish. Take B. B. B. B is a powerful Blood Remedj (and not a ■ at once and get rid of the inward humo mere ton’c that stimulates but don’t cure) i Ix-fore it grows w orse, as it is bound to do and for this reason cuies when al) el-e j una-ss the blood is strengthened and fails. . i sweetened. No one can tell how Lad bl .id in the 1 Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B) is the system will show itself, tn one person it, discovery of Dr. Giliatn, the Atlanta will break out in form of scrofula, in specialist on blood diseases, and he used another person, repulsive res on the face 15. 15. B in his private practice for 30 years or ulcers on the leg started by a slight with invariably good results. B B. B blow. Many person) od by does not contain mineral or vegetable a br< iking out of pirn pies, -ore? > -n tongue - poison and is perfectly sate to take, by the or lips. Many persons’ blood is so bad i infant and the elderly and feeble. that it breakes out in terrible cancer on The ab'.-vc statements of facts prove the face, nose stomach or womb. Cancer enough for any sufferer from Blood Hu is the worst form of bad blood, and hence mots that Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cannot be cured by cutting, Ix'cause i - or three B's enres terrible Blood diseases, can’t cut out the bad blood; but cancer . and that it is worth while to give the and all or any form of bad blood is easily i Remedy a trial he medicine ts for sale and quickly removed by B. B 15. Rheu- by druggists every where at fl per large matism and catarrh au both caus- 1 l.y bottle, or s-ix bottles for |5, but sample bad blood, although many doctors treat liottles can only lx: obtained of Blood them as lo :al diseases. But that is the Bairn Co. Write today. Address plainly, reason catarrh and rheumatism are never Blood Balm Co., Mitchell Street, Atlan cured, while B. B. 15. has made many ta, Georgia, and sample bo’.tle of B. B. B. lasting cures of catarrh and rheumatism. anti valuable pamphlet on Blood and Pimples and sores on the face can never skin be sent you by return be cured with cosmetics or salves because mail. the trouble is deep down below the sur- —GKT YOUH JOB PRINTING IDONM jYT The Evening Call Office.