The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, May 22, 1899, Image 4

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COOL AND LIGHT FOR THE HOT DATS IN- - Full Suits and Coats and Vests, Sicillians, Alpaccos, Linens, Crushes, etc. UNDERWEAR in Egyptian Cotton, Muslin, Nansook, Balbrigan, etc. Scriven’s Elastic Seam Drawers. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL 3TBEET, GRIFFIN, GA- Tangle Foot Fly Paper 25 dou ble sheets for 35c. With every 10c. worth Insect Powder we will give a sprinkler to apply it with. CARLISLE & WARD SOAP. White Honeymoon Soap, and Brown Windsor Soap. Very Fine. sc. a Cake. Nice line of Best Pei fumes. KODOL, the great Dyspepsia Remedy. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. J. N.HARRIS & SON. Ice (’ream Saif. Ice Cured Meat. We have the grade of Tea for Ice Tea. We Cut Ten Days. Cuspidoes at 7c. Prunes at 9c. Maccaroni al 9c. Parched and Ground Collet 1 at 9c. Best Colfee at 15c package. • . G, W CLARK & SON. ( HEAI’EST GIUM EKS IN TOWN. We Have To-morrow, : Strawberries, Snap Beans, 5c per quart, New Irish Potatoes, Cucumbers, Lima Beans, Navy Beans, Squashes, White Peas, Oranges, Bananas, Apples, Celery, Cranberries, Large fat Mackerel Fish. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., MAY 23. 1899. ! < liroovor Bavin' Hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. SS. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS- OR. J. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: No. 23| Hill street, stairway next to R. I’. McWilliams & Son. Tele phone 27, 2 rings. J. W Bul'.ard spent today in Turin. W. H. Boyles spent today at Or chard Hill. H. C. Burr made a bueinees trip to Macon today. Rev. F. M. Blalock of Jonesboro, was here today. W 8 Scott, <•! Hidiunviut, spent to day iu litis city. A Picnic II im will tie nice fur your Picnic Diniit r Ihe City M• it Mark- I e', 20 H ill S' rid W B R-evrs made ii biHintss trip I to Atlanta today. Clifton Jones, d Columbus, spent ] today in this city. Mrs. S. B. Sawleil ep.nt today with relatives in Atlanta. ('. ’<]')!' Chirk made a trip ; . Will* iunison this morning. ,1. J Elder, o' Birdie, spent yester day with fi ien I- in this city .Alderman B R B ikely made a li - trip Atlanta today Janna S Brown went down to Mil ner ilia m i:dug t<> spend the day. Co'. II A Peeples at.d A. R Martin, of Hampton, were in the city today. Edi'or .I. T Harrison, of the Mon tezuma Record, was in the city today Fri-li Breakfast Bacon, Dried Beef, Picnic Harm. Dressed Chicken, Pork ami Beef. Dm City Meat Market, 20 Hill Street J. 1). Rivers weat down to Forsyth today where he will spend the day on business M rs Annie Pope, a beautiful young lady of Ztbnhm, spent tcdiv with Griftin friends. J W Lambert, formerly of this city hit now of Atlanta, spent today with his many Griffin friends Misses Lila Benson and Marie Star buck have returned from a pleasant visit to friends tn Atlanta Mi-.- Theo Burr was called to Atlan ta Sund ly afternoon on account of the illness of Mrs Frank Like W H Powell returned this morning from a abort visit to his daughter, V a J I 1' nui*, it Si ■ R' V E. W Hammonu returned this morning from Woodbury, where he li I * 1 his eguGr appoint men' yester d a y Miss Ida Bennett, of Barnesville' who has b-’tm visiting Ififfid-' in «h ; » city i.,r «, vwral dsya. refati.rJ n me thia m ruing Mrs B. R Blakely went up to At- A Few Bargains Florida Syrup 30c gallon. New Orleans Syrup 25c gallon. Cuba Molasses 45c gallon. 0 lbs. Red Owl or Arbuckles Coffee SI.OO. T. P. A. Coffee 25c can, satisfaction guaranteed. 10 lbs. good Green Cotiee SI.OO. 10 lbs. Keg Soda for 25c. Fiesh barrel Sweet Pickles. Fresh barrel small Mackerel. Nice Butter 17jc. Fresh Cheese 15c. All kinds Soap at prices too low to mention. Block’s fresh Tea Wafers 15c lb. Full line Can Goods and Bottle Pickles. Come to see us. You will get honest goods and prices. M’COWELL & EDWARDS. lanta this morning to attend the con vention of the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution. Rev. W. G. Woodbridge left this morning to attend a called meeting of the Atlanta Presbytery, which met in that city today. Cal. Will J. Hanes, of Jonesboro, returned home this morning after a short visit to bis brother, Dr. E. R. Hanes, in ibis city. Mrs. J. J. Elder, ol Birdie, returned home this morning, after spending several days in this city as the guest of Mrs. W. C. Elder. J. I). Brewster, of Newnan, who Las been to Milledgeville on a business trip, was in the city this morning while enroute home. Col. E M. Smith, a prominent young lawyer of McDonough, was in the city this morning enroute to For syth, on legal business. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Redding, Sr,, of Macon, have returned home after a pleasant visit to Col. and Mrs. R. J. Redding at Experiment. Misses J'ulia and Bessie Word re turned Saturday night from a delight ful trip to New York, where they vis ited mnay places of interest. Miss Minnie Brown Rtevtv, who is attending school at Milledgeville, came up this morning to spend a few data with her mother on Hill street. What, will be any nicer than Break - fast Bacon <>r Dried Beef for your breakfast? The City Meat Market, 20 Hill Stseet. Miss Mary Philips, of Columbus, will return home this afternoon, after spending several days very pleasantly in this city as the guest of her sister, Mrs T. J. Brooks. Officers I’helpg and Gordon arrested Torn Duncan this morning and locked him up for stealing wood. Tom knew the officers were wanting him and had made Ins bed under the front steps of his hou-e where he slept at night. The many friends of Mr J P Saw tell will regret to learn that he is laboring under a severe bilious attack anJ was quite ill yesterday They sincerely hope for his improvement under the cure or his physician and f imily. One of the hardest rains of the sea son fell th s afternoon about 3 o’clock. It was accornpanied by a terrific wind but no damage was done. The drought was broken yesterday afternoon when a fine rain fell. It was acceptable to the farmers and gardeners For Bladder Troubles use Stuart’s Gin and Bu clm. Closing Exercises. The closing exercises of the Chas, ■ M Neel Institute will occur this week. Tuesday evening, at the home of Prof, Neel, a reception to the graduating class w ill be given. Wednesday evening the annual con cert will be given at the Olympic. Thursday at S p m , a prize contest in oratory, and an oration by Hon, Claud Estes, of Macon. Friday evening at it p. m , the grad uating exercises occur at the Olympic. N,i charge for admission, and the public are cordially invited. Pitts' Carminative is pleasant to the taste, acts promptly, and never fails to give satisfaction. It carries children over the critical time of teething, and is the friend or anxious mothers and puny chil dren. A few doses will demonstrate its value. E. H. Dorsey, Athens, Ga., writes : “I consider it the best medicine I have ev er used in my family. It does all you claim for it, and even more." c A. S o n I , Bears the Be K ”1 Y~U Hj'-P AIftSVS BGUgtlt SUNRISE DOTS. Sunbisk, May 21.—Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd and Mrs. Wiles spent Sunday in Or chard Hill, the guests of friends. Lilly Oliver has a case of mumps. Mrs. Jonas Boyd is in Barnesville with Mrs. Dozier, who is still quite ill. Johnson Boyd and mother visited Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Maddox Sunday. Tom Hudson v. e.t to Orchard Hill last Sunday. Willie Oliver was the guest of Miss Izo- , la Smith Sunday, Miss Lula Turner, of Griffin, spent Sun day with home folks. Dr. Wells, of Orchard Hill, was here Saturday. Frank Oliver went to Orchard Hill Sat urday. Negro Man's Invention. I The colored man, Hal', wbobas in vented a grist mill that can he attach ed to a farm wagon, was giving a practical demonstration cf hie inven tion this morning He was driving through the streets of Waycross grind ing a bushel of corn every mile with apparent ease. Halt’s invention is a novel one to say the least of i’, and looks as if it might be made exceding ly useful, especially in the country districts. The traveling grist mill at tracted much attention in the city this morning.—Waycross Herald. Grand Encampment I. 0 0 F Rome will be filled with Odd Fellows from all over the State for the next few days, as the Grand Encampment will meet there tomorrow morning, and the Grand Lodge WedntsJay morning. Several from this city will attend these meetings, among the number being R T. Daniel, Grand Represent ative of Sovereign Grand Lodge; J. B. Mills, Grand Patriarch ; B C. Randal), Grand O S ; W. D. Davis, J. H. Smith, E L Hanes and W. M. Thomas, rep resentatives from Warren Lodge. — For Diabetes use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu. Excursion Was Called Off The mucb-talked-of negro excur sion from Atlanta to Columbus, which was booked for last Saturday night, did not materialize The excitement at Palmetto, due to the many wild sto ries about the intentions of someof the negroes aboard, resulted in the affair being called off The Columbus offi cials of the Central railroad received a telegram from Atlanta yesterday after noon stating that the excursion had been abandoned. It wus not generally know last night that the affair had been called i IT and quite a crowd hung around the depot to note the arrival of the excursionists or what was left of them, as the case I might be. No excursion came, how-I ever, and it finally became known that | the train would not c< me. The people at Palmetto, and other points along the road had prepared themselves fully I r any trouble that might occur, arid had a single drunk negro fired a pistol from the train a genera! riot would have been the re sit.t—Columbus Enquirer Siu,,. NCZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR. Begulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Sidneys. Fdr biliousness, constipation and ma laria. For indigestion, sick and nervous head ache. For sleeplessness, nervousness heart fail ure, and nervous prostration. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies,for natural and thorough organ ic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. 50c. and fl.oo bottles at all druggists. Prepared only by Dr. 11. Mozley,* At lanta, Ga. Gratitude. Dr. 11. Mozley—Dear Sir : Since using your Lemon Elixir I have never had an other attack of those fearful sick head aches, and thank God that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those aw ful spells. Mrs. Etta W. Jones, Parkersburg, West Virginia. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir. I suffered with indigestion and dysen tery for two long years. 1 heard of Lemon now a well man. Harry Adams, No. 1734 First Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Mczley's Lemon Elixir Cured my husband, who was afflicted for years with large ulcers on his leg, and was cured after using two bottles; and cured a friend whom the doctors had given up to die, who had suffered for years with indi gestion and nervous prostration. Mrs. E. A. Deville, Woodstock, Ala, MOSLEY'S LEMON HOT LBOPS. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Horseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage, and all throat and lung diseases. Elegant, re liable. 25c. at druggist. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. QTATE OF GEORGIA, O Spalding County. Whereas. Clias. T. Smith, alministraiur i f Philip Smith, represents to the court in his petition, duly tiled ami entered on record, that he has fully administered Philip Smith's es tate. This'is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred an! creditors, to show cause, if anv they can. whj- said administrator should not be discharged from his administra tion. and receive letters of uismission, on the first Monday in August 1899. This May I. 1599. J. A. DREWRY. Ordinary. ————_~ J __ —«•—«■ ~ 2 ’“Pitts' Carminative j J Saved My Baby's Life." $ 1 Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1891. C X LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. ? □ Gentlemen: I can not recommend your Pitts' Carminative too 4 k strongly, as I owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum I 1 when five months old, and 1 could get no relief until 1 began using Pitt’s V z Carminative. The fever left her when 1 had given her but two bottles 3 V and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. I advise ap ? 5 mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy atrial. 4 Respectfully, MRS. LIEZIB MURRAY. f | ff Saved Her Baby-Will Save Yaura. d . . , .TRY 1T.... C > < Eagle brand ( > Condensed Milk > > Has No Equal as an Infant Food < C ’’INFANT HEALTH’sent FREE. > 1,465 NIRS SAMPLE SLIPPERS I list Heceived at BASS BROTHERS. Prices Range from I Oc. to $2.50 per Pair, JL- A’ m & -d" n . . DID YOU EVER WEAR A PAIR OF DREW SELBY A’ CD’S. SLIPPERS? THEY ARE THE MOST STYLISH SLIPPER KNOWN TO Tire TRADE,FIT LIKE A GLOVE, IN FACT YOU MIGHT CALL THEM GLOVE-FITTING SLIPPERS. YOU CAN ONLY FIND THEM AT OUR STORE, AS WE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS. COME AND SEE THEM. Our Clothing Department HAVE YOU HEARD OF OUR CHEAP CLOTHING IF YOU HAVEN'T BOUGHT A SUIT FROM US RECENTLY YOU SHOULD CALI AT ONCE AS WE HAVE SOME CLOTHING SLIGTLY DAMAGED BY W ATER THAT WE ARE SELLING VERY CHEAT’. FoR INSTANCE, A SUIT WORTH <l2 7 ■ REFORE DAMAGED W. ARE NOW SELLING FOR $3 50. CHILDREN’S CLOTHING AT AND BELOW HALF PRICE, AGES 4 TO 20 YEARS. OUR MILLINERS. iSUST RECEIVED 10 DOZEN SAILOR HATS, ALSO MATERIAL IDR MAKING AN OLD HAT NEW. BEAUTIFUL HATS PRETTIER THAN EVER. CALL AND SEE THEM. PRICES Ml CH CHEAPER HERE THAN ELSEWHERE. THIS DEPARTMENT IS THE LADIE- HOME AND RESTING PLACE WHEN SHOPPING IN THE CITY. BASS BROS. REGARDLESS OF AGE Th-' kidneys are responsible for more sickness, suffering, ano deaths than any othi r organs of the body. A majority of the ills afflicting people today is traceable to kidney trouble. It pervad--3 all classes of society, in all cli mates, regardless of age, sex or condition. Tic symptoms of kidney trouble are un mistal. .bie, such as rheumatism, neuralgia sleeplessness, pain or dull ache in the back a desire to urinate often day or night, pro fuse or scanty supply. Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine are signs of clogged kidneys, causing pois oned and germ-filled blood. Sometimes the heart acts badly, and tube casts (wast ing of the kidneys) are found in the urine, which if neglected will result in Bright’s Disease, the most dangerous form of kid ney trouble. All these symptoms and conditions are promptly removed under the influence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root. It has a world wide reputation for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. No one need be long without it as it is so easy to get at any drug store at fifty cents or one dollar. You can have a sam ple bottle of this wonderful discovery, Swamp-Root, and a book telling all about it, both sent to you absolutely free by mail Send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and kindly mention that you read this liberal offer in the Mid dle Georgia Farmer, 8 Tax Receiver's Notice. I will be at the different places on the days mentioned below, for the purpose ot receiving state and county Taxes for the year 1899; Districts. April. May. J l,ne Africa 8 1 Union 4 2 Mt. Zion 5 Line Creek <> 4 Orrs 7 Akins 10 Cabin 11 9 On Ocr’s days will be at my office. Ex cept the days named above I will be st ,D --office in L. C. Manley’s store until the hrs of July, when my books will be closed. H. T. JOHNSON, Tax Receiver Spalding County, “I CHESTNEY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Griffin Hanking Co- - Griffin. Represents the best and most relist’ll - Accident and Sick Benefit Insurance Companies in the country. .«•■ t I • .> S]. i :-,a<! Sesiui c ' , 7 > ... • t- ..a.-o easily and toic “■ ' ■ a-.-; Bae.u.ew., •r. mat > ■ stumg. AU drug,.■•-.«, WC er »l- < teed, li >o!ilet and sample lie®- A Sterling Remedy Co . Chicago Or 7, eW •