The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, May 30, 1899, Image 4

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COOL AND LIGHT FOR THE HOT DAYS —IN Full Suits and Coats and Vests, Sicilians, Alpaccos, Linens, Crushes, etc. UNDERWEAR in Egyptian Cotton. Muslin, Nansook, Balbrigan, otc. Scrivan’s Elastic Seam Drawers. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET. GRIFFIN, GA Tangle Foot Fly Paper 25 dou ble sheets for 35c. Willi (‘very 10c. worth Insect Powder we will give a sprinkler to apply it with. CARLISLE & WARD SOAP. White Honeymoon Soap, and Brown Windsor Soap. cry Fine. sc. a Cake. Nice line of Best Pei fumes. KODOL, the great Dyspepsia Remedy. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. JL bLHARRIS & SON. Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. G. W. CLARK & SON. CHEATEST GKOI EKS IN I OVV N. We Have To-morrow, Strawberries, Snap Beans, 5c per quart, New Irish Potatoes. Cucumbers, Lima Beans, Navy Beans, Squashes, White Peas, Oranges, Bananas, Apples, Celery, Cranberries, Large fat Mackerel Fish. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening’ Cali. GRIFFIN, GA., .MAY 30. IStl'.t ultlrrovrr Davis' Hardware Store NO. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS OR. .1. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: No. 23| Hill street, stairway next to R. P. McWilliams & Son. Tele phone 27, 2 rings. Van Marcus, of Columbus, was in the city today. J. Q. Boynton made a business trip to Atlanta today Isaac N. Royal*, oi Fort Valley, wag in the city today. Capl. H. H Baas made a business trip to Williamson today. \ Pic 11 on w ill be nt •» I r you Picnic Dinner The City Mint Mark' et, 2b Hi. ''riel Il •'T. . Jworth spending a ftfl days in Barnesville on business. W H T iy!is left this morning or a business trip ttirm.h Alabimi. .1. D. Rivers left th- nu ining on i , :rt Im i ; Tip y h N urtl Georgia. He. rv Ware, o S m : tcti atm- among tlieii G : .til u. L ' .3* I. <li: ■. Mis. i B K, iiy retinoid to lici ' if nt? in 'i innah today, after spend' i ine ,-eviim ska in th s city What v n in nicer than Break fa-l Hie n i i I'rbd Ibi'f for you: Hill St-a t. who I is been tin gins! of Mr- ,J E Mitchell in I hi' city , : Tm i ' T. mt t h s in :ni n Jr I r; I ch V-r baggage mas ti r at the I'm n di put, is baing made hip;, by havii _• his < slice fitted u[ BF Br %: n( I'ik i. minty, is in tin city tl ■ giifg t his brothers, St. ve . d 1 ■ Br- ti, whii enroute 1 Tn .rti-et Nall is pub lished m this issue <if tin ( t 1.1., It has be. n in this . tlice for several days but its pul ;icalion was unavoidably Mrs R S. Berry and Mrs. Z 1., Frye, of Barrvevil'e, arrived in the citv this m ruing ami will spend sev eral days the guests of Mr. and Mr#. ( S Moora Miss Carrie Gresham went down to Forsyth this morning to spend some time with relatives. Miss Carrie is one of Gridin’s brightest little ladies and bet friends wish foi her a pleas* ant si j >urn. Rev. and Mis J. T. Richardson and childretrleft this morning for Dalton Mr Richardson will return tn his church here in about two weeks, but his family will remain in Dalton throughout the summer Wednesday WE WILL HAVE: Fine Pine Canteloupee, 5c and 10c. Beane, best in town, 7jc quart. Crate tine Cabbage, 5c lb. Large fine Mackera) 10c lb. Fresh Lemons 20c dozen. Breakfast Syrup, orange, lem n> honey and sugar flavors. New lot Hams, 11c lb. All kinds Crackers fresh. Laurel wreath Salmon, 17ic can. Florida honey peaches, get a basket Standard Blend Tea, 5c package. 1 Best black and green Tea, 50c lb. M’COWELL & EDWARDS. Fresh Breakfast Bacon, Dried Beef, Picnic Hams, Dressed Chicken, I’otk and Beef. The City Meat Market, 20 i Hill Street. Miss Lizzie Mills has returned fr.nn I Gainesville, where she has been at" tending school for the past year. She was accompanied by her friend, Miss Wadlow Durham, of Gainesville, who j will be her guest for some time- C. V. Barnett, who was arrested last : week upon the charge of whipping negroes near the Kincaid mills, gave bond today for his appearance at court Friday, and left for Henry county to see bis mother, who is critically ill. Beginning with next Saturday ths Central railroad will sell during the [ summer, excursion tickets to Tybee Island every Saturday night. The exceedingly low rate of $6 00 for the round trip has been made and the schedule is the beet to be bad. * Mrs. J. \V. Hunton entertained her music class last Saturday, when a prize was awarded to the most suc cessful contestant. Miss Annie God dard proved the lucky pupil. It was 1 a most enjoyable affair and fully appreciated by Mrs. Hunton’s ten pupils Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, PI lintield, 111, makes the statement, that -he caught i cold, which settled on her ungs; she was treated for a month by her family * physician, but grew worse He told her she was a hopeless victim of con* sumpti in and that no medicine coil I cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King’s New Discovery for (_' usiimp- ■ tir.n ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from first d se She continued its use and after taking six b Mlles, found he:-elf sound anil well; now does her own ir housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial b Hies of this Great Discovery at Harris A Son’s and < ir> lisle J W ard’s drug store <>n!y .>0 " ■ cents and $1 ’0 : i \ ery bottle u tiara a* I teed. n t .V iMchiwoua to the lind. a w.i- a very i. inm- n thing fi >r gun b irrela h t<> L I m I, r-di<'-of the great battle there. There wa- a blacksmith wh ■ <lug , tie in up in order to make u-.- of the " inatoi ial. One of them exploded in his ! furnace, when he exclaimed: “Bad luck to your love of murther! Isn’t the bat r tie of Aughrim out of you yet i” REPORT OF j Thos. Nall, Treasurer. For April, 1899. e Ap 1 1 < ash on hand, $1,346 31 A: r 1 Paid i. I 1-on, 1 E I;. rt, 721 22 VV W Flynt, 1 yueen Fire Ins. C< . 10 00 II L Connor, 40 00 ( 3 Itobt Griggs, 20 00 P F Phelps, 40 00 3 Robt Griggs, 15 00 R A Gordon, 40 00 3 J C Smith, >OO (' P> Linch, 35 00 l> > Mechanic Fire Ins. 10 00 VV D Davis, b Mangham Bros, 37 50 VV 11 Beck, 5 Ilan ver Fire Ins t ■>, 10 00 OHP Slaton, 25 00 10 J M Brown, 12 50 Dick Ball, 11 Imp rial Fire Ins Co, 1000 II B Futral, 10 00 12 VV II Newton & C", 25 00 1111 Jones, 10 00 1 > Vv M Jennings, lo 00 M J Danit 21 A D Brown, 10 00 L Bishop, 27 Met'<>well A Edward-. 25 00 W II Bet k, 5 00 - i 30 W K Howard, Supt L& VV 545 21 Ned and George, sSO t April tax collection, 413 23 Sue Jones, Flemister & Bridges, M J Daniel, Jr, ; 6 Telephone Co., 30 W B Hudson, Supt., 40 50 ■ 10 Sam Scroggins, 1.00 » 13 Osborn A Wolcott, 150 13 “ “ “ 102 50 2.10 13 “ “ 40 14 Exchange, 14 N W Harris A G , 180.00 15 W< • >d 7 ard, 50 , 15 VV B Hudson, Supt., 40.35 15 Drewry & Son, 22.65 * | 18 Sawtell Bros., 16.00 22 VV B Hudson, Supt, 31.80 39 Lights and Water, 890.31 Cash to balance. 1407.85 [ $3,225 97 $3,225 97 Examine 1 and found correct, being sustained by proper vouchers. HENRY C. BURR, B. B. DAVIS, May 23, 1899. Finance Committee. O:if < oiler: fexpeiiMeit. The - creme c art of Now York, Judge Gilders! prvshlinrr, has decided that a hoy ot Ji', ought to Lave an allowance of fl,.Vina year to defray college expenses This is the case of Richard Delafield Ship man. Shipman is an orphan, the heir to a considerable fortune, which is held in . trust, for him. i pto last fall, when he entered Har- I \nrd. he was get dug an allowance of $2,000 a year rih Til. :< r his arrival at Cam bridge he a ppi: ■■■'. i.r an increase of $2,600, itemized as folio.-. Tuition, $500; cloth ing. $500; !'<>•■ .nd stationery, sls; , board and 1 u.lgiwg, . l.COO; traveling ex penses, *750; pi-isonal expenses, $750; miscellaneous expenses, SI,OOO. The court did not inquire into the de- - tails of the last two items, but promptly issued an order upon the executors of the estate to increase the allowance as re quested Deafness Cannot be Cured I by local applications as they cannot reach • the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de- i stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for j any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) ; that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh I Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Fills are the best. An Indorsement- The Boston Journal says it has ’ received the folrowing indorsement of I i a certain popular song from Sicux City : “Gentlemen: I introduced Borsch Sheeley’s beautiful sentimental ballad, ‘She Was Saved by Her Mother's Tears,’ and to say it was a hit would be putting it mildly—l wis hit fifty times before I could get off the stage. “The city officials gave me a ban quet after the show. The spread didn’t consist of very much —it was chiefly I bread and water. I was so pleased ' with it I remained ten days. I am ! now having a suit of mail made and i will continue to sing your beautiful song. Yours respectfully, “Charles Rubberneck, “The Voiceless Tenor, with ‘George Jays From Jay Town.’” — . - . CA.ST O 1 A , Baarsthe Zs Tfee Kind \ Hav3 A!ways Signature . .//%/? An Irlnli Spaniard. "After the surrender on Aug. 13,” says (’-.rp..ral E V. M'.unitv. ■-d the ('tah But• tery, now in the Philippines, the Colo rado men in part advanced on a company of Spaniards which still held out. General Hale summoned to his command what Spanish he knew and demanded a surren der. Great was his surprise when the re ply came in a broad Irish brogue. ‘Divil a • bit I'll surrender: The Spanish captain was an Irishman. “I met him afterward, subsequent to .I- d des; • flit prote»tiiti-.ti-. Ii id : .arrii-d a Sp: - F so found his way into the - Spanish army. There are many Irish in Spain. Any number of Irishmen have married the fair daughters of the proud C.istilian race. Because of this incident tin-etliiers around G-’i ral Otis-an.- regard: as a proverb ‘ The only Spaniards who can fight are Iri-hi- an.’ ’ <•» For Backache use Stu art's Gin and Buchu. —— —♦ •'■•i’l ft- • > 1 ent* I ,e Pltts’ Carminative ? Saved My Baby’s Life.” J X 1 Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1891. LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. r Gentlemen: I can not recommend your Pitts’ Girminitiv# too A strongly, as 1 owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum X I when five months old, and I could get no relief until 1 began using Pitt's J ? Carminative. The fever left her when 1 had given her but two bottles, ? V and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. ladvUeall ? □ mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial. A f Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZH ’AWRRAY. J It Saved Her Baby-WH! Save Yeura. \ . . . .TRY 1T.... a u > J Eagle brand wl< > Condensed Milk I Mas No Equal as an Infant Food C C “INFANT HEALTH’sent FREE. f REMNANT SALE -JYT BASS BROTHERS. ALL HIE SHORT LENGTHS IN WASH GOODS TO GO ON MIDDLE COUNTER AND PRICES PLACED ON SAME THAT WILL MOVE THEM OUT AT ONCE. WE HAVE A GREAT ACCUMULATION OF THE M--T DESIRABLE Spring Goods in Remnants, RANGING FROM YARDS UP TO 1:. YARDS EACH. AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY CHILDREN'S DRESSES, SKIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS FOR LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST. IT WILL TAKE ABOUT TEN DAYS TO CLOSE OCT THESE REMNANTS-FIRST COME WILL OF COURSE GET PRICES. About 325 yaids plain and striped Lawns at 3Jc, worth 6c. About 110 yards white and checked Lawn worth Bc, to close at 5c y-1. About 265 yards white Lawn in sto 15 yard lengths, to go at 6Jc. This lot is well worth 10c. The 20c white Lawn we will close out at 10c. White Organdie in 5 to 12 yard^,lengths, at 10c. GREAT BARGAINS. link, blue, red, cream and green Organdy at 10c. Irish Lawn at 7Jc. White and colored Piques in skirt length-, very cheap to ■ lose i remnants. Linen Crash for skirts at Sc, worth 15c. Remnants in Percale, Calicoes Bleachings, Cotton a des Cassimer. i otted Swiss at \c yard. A beautiful line of ladies Silk Ties bought cheap, will sell cheap. Don’t miss this sale of Remnants. Come a- soon as you can. Sample Slippers to fit every one al about half price. BASS BROS. REGARDLESS OF AGE The kidim.s are responsible Ibr more sick iiess, suffering, ana deaths than any oth r organs of the body. A majority of the ills afflicting people today is traceable to kidney trouble. It perva; is all classes of society, in all cli mates, regardless of age, sex or condition. Ti. symptoms of kidney trouble are un niistah.i. . -'"i has rheumatism,neuralgia < plessness, pain or dull ache in th< a desire to urinate often day or night, pro fuse r scanty supply. Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine are ■ 01= of clogged kidney-, causing pur--, oned an 1 germ-tilled bio.- 1. Sometimes the heart acte badly, and tube casts (wast ing of the kidneys) are found in the urine, which if neglected will result it} Bright's Disease, the most dangerous form of kid ney trouble. All these symptoms and conditions are promptly removed under the influence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root. It has a world wide reputation for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. No one need be long without it as it is s • i.-y to get at any drug store at fifty cent- or one dollar. You can have asam ple bottle of this wonderlul discovery, Swamp-Root, and a book telling all about it, both sent to you absolutely free by mall Send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and kindly mention that you read this liberal offer in the Mid dle Georgia Farmer. 6 Tax Receiver's Notice. 1 will be at the different places on th days mentioned below, for the purpose receiving state and county Taxes lor tl year 1899: Districts. April, May. Africa 3 1 I n ion 4 2 Mt. Zion 5 3 Line Creek 6 4 Orrs 7 5 Akins 10 8 Cabin 11 9 On ()rr’s days will be at my office. Ex cept the days named above 1 will be at i»' office in L. C. Manley’s store until the ’ of July, when my bookswill be close.! 11. T. JOHNSON. Tax Receiver Spalding County, J. CHESTNEY SMITH. ATTOBSBT AT LAW. Office over Griffin Banking Co. - Griffin. Represents the best and most reliable I . ' l ire. Accident and Sick Benefit It’.sm ■' Companies in the country. Don't Tobarco Spit and Snioi.e tour 1 it:' •' To quit t< naec.r easily and forever. bejna netic, full of rife, nerve and vigor, take Bae, the wonder-worker, that maar ■ a ' : strong. All druggists, 50c or *l. Cureguaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Adito s Sterling Remedy Co . Chicago °C New 5 01