The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 01, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING CALL. 01. X No. 230 A Warning to Mr, Bryan li iba! Mr Harrison, Mayor of Chicano, !t-ch- bim<f If strong enough IO -end a vvaroiog, io which a threat he< in’eaitd, to ,M r Bijhii lhe warn ing is that he must cut loote from John P. Allgeld, or be will have trou ble next year. As is well known, Mayor Harrison and Mr. Altgeld are bitter political enemies. Mr. Altgeld was a candidate against Mr. Harrison in the recent Mayoralty contest. He ran as a Detn octal, and had the support, apparently, of the Democratic national committee It is not believed that Mr. Bryan sym pathizes with Mr. Altgeld in bis can didacy. because Altgeld tan as an independent, while Mayor Harrison was the regular Democratic nominee. Mayor Harrison defeated not only bis Republican opponent, but also Mr. Altgeld, by a very considerable plural ity. He is in a position, therefore, to say to the leaders of his party that if they expect his support and co-opera tion next year, when the Democratic national convention meets, they must not give aid and comfort to his bitter political enemy. Mr. Bryan has to be careful, of course, how he mixes up in the local quarrels of politicians, but there does not seem to be any good reason why either Mr. Bryan or the Democratic national committee should make ex traordinary efforts to serve the pur poses of Mr. Altgeld. It is probably true that lie is a brainy man. He played an important part in the Chi cago convention, but he is something of a back number now. Physically, he is a wreck, and politically he is a bankrupt The wiser plan is to keep on good terms with a young and vig orous leader like Mayor Harrison, a leader that has the votes at bis com mand. There seems to have been some un derhand work in connection with the announcement that the Democratic national committee supported Altgelt for Mayor of Chicago, because in the conference of the committee at St. L)ui« the other day, steps were taken to inquire into the matter, and the impression was given out that the par ty responsible for making the an nouncement —an employe of the com mittee —would lose his place. Il is clear that the committee cannot have Mr. Altgeld as its adviser for Chicago sod Illinois, and at the same time ex pect Mayor Harrison to give its plans and purposes an earnest and hearty support.—Savannah News. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111, makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of con sumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well ; now does her own 1> tisework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Harris A Son’s and Car lisle A Ward's drug store. Only 50 cents and $1 00 ; every bottle guaran teed. They Are Coming Around One of the most hopeful signs of the day is the modified and moderate tone of the northern press on the sub ject of lynchings at the south. The Boston Journal, the leading republi can organ of the republican party in Masgcbusetts, says : “There are emphatically two sides to this question. Nothing could be more unjust and un'orfunate than indiscriminate criticism of the south for a form of lawlessness which its best and soundest pub ic sentiment deplores as profoundly afl the north does. And it is only fair to acknowl edge right here and now that there has been altogether too much of this indiscriminate criticism in northern papers.” And the Journal saw fit. to add : “We must never forget that the whole southern people are our friends and brethren, bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh. We have no right to chide them in a Pharasaica! spirit, and we can accomplish nothing by at tempting it The preblem which they face is a terribly grave one They de serve not our condemnation, but our sympathetic cc-)peralion and must have it.” CASTortXA, Bomb the lhe Kind You Have Always Boi’ghl “gsature y/ «r New Feature of the Trust Evil r- Having ■■■ bsi.rb ,-d < very thing ei.-v, > the trunts and combines wi t>< w urn 11 their auetiti'm gainir g coi.trol <.( • j the crop* grown on tin lairm. ol the .1 country, says the Columbus Enquirer - Already we are told that at, immense syndicate is being formed to control i the production of rice on the planta- I tions in South Carolina. When the b start is once made in that direction I where will it end? If one large syndi cate cun control the output ol rice on , lhe farms in South Carolina, is it not reasonable to suppose that a much - larger syndicate, in time, will seek to ■ control the production of cotton in the i south, the production of corn, bay, or 1 any and al! of the larger crops? There may be no immediate danger of such things being attempted, but who can • say that ii will not be done in lhe lu- ■ tore, unless the people take up this > fight against trusts at once and crush f them out of existence before they be ' come so all-powerful that they can not t be crushed. Already the trusts and ! combines exert a powerful influence over the political party now in power. While this party is in power, there can be no hope of anti-trust legislation. The democratic party is the party of 1 the people, and through it alone can they hope (o secure relief frem these unlawful combinations, which destroy competition at will. Story of a Slave- To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George I). Williams, of Manchester, Mich , tells how such a slave was made free. He says: “My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Elec tric Butera, she is wonderfully im proved and able to do her own work ” This supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep lesenese, melancholy, headache, back ache, fainting and dizzy spells, This miracle working medicine is a god send to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by J. N. Harris A Son and Carlisle A Ward, druggists. For Gravel use Stuarts Gin and Buchu. Bob Toombs’ Reply Rob Toombs, when on u visit to I Boston just after lhe war, was asked ' by a gentleman of that city if it was true that we “plowed negroes in the] south.” Toombs asked his questioner | in return, what was the value of a ne- i gro. “One thousand dollars,” replied the j Bostonian. “How many negroes would it take to pull a plow?” asked Toombs “About four,” was lhe answer, “Then,”exclaimed Mr. Toombs, “do you think we are d—d fools enough to emplo; four thousand dollars worth of negroes to pull a plow when a two hundred dollar mule would do?” Does Bostonian intelligence grasp the idea that it would be foolish for southern farmers and people generally to lynch the best common labor it pos sesses? Would we deliberately exile our dining num, nursery an.l kitchen help to import impudent white help from the scum of creation? It was but this week The Citizen editor saw a negro brick mas. n and a riegro car penter at work on a residence now being built by Capt. T. M. Felker, on Thornton avenue. These negroes have the friendship and cot ftdence of every citizen of this community, and any effort to prevent their pursuing their avocations peace fully would meet with armed force,but should a negro attempt any Sam Hose capers in this town he would be lynched incontinently. The memories of Bunker Hill nor Gettysburg would help him any, nor the strictures of the partisan eastern press.—Dalton Citizen. Bears the Its Kind You Have Always Bough* Signature y/y .// H< st of Appendicitis Appendicitis is not the surely fatal disease it has been often regarded. I Professor Nothagel, of Vienna, finds i that not less than SO per cent of the ) cases mn a simple course and recover I under purely medical treatment. He ■ states that opiates should be given, but ’ no purgatives. Thera need b« no uneasiness if the , patient has no movement of the bowels for six ot eight days.—Cincin nati Enquirer. For Diabetes use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu. GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 1. 1899. Hanna’s Political Fight- , : 1 i xprC'f Ith -t Svt’:r< r H un ) - ill m .kc ihi ci •!’. st sigh I • I his li'<- in the Ohi■ > 1; pul I r«n slat e cot«v< ti'mn whu i; i i;nv< i i - tl i- weel at the state capitol. The opponents o e the senator sre going there forth I avowed purpose of turning him down - and of practically putting an end t e his political power. , It is said that this convention wil • largely determine who shall compos i the delegation to the Republican na t lions’ convention next year. Th< i programme seems to be to proven i either Senator Hann ,or any f hi j friends from being a delegate. Tin ■ senator will, of course, have something i to say about that. He has his forcei well in band, and he will be very mud: surprised if he doesn’t come out ahead It was the intention of the anti- Hanua faction to arrange matters sc that an anti—McKinley delegation , would be sent to the national conven tion, but they have found nus they cannot do that. Nearly everv county has instructed its delegation to the state convention to vote for a resolu tion indorsing the administration. Now the ant;—Hanna faction is saving that at no time, has it bad any inten tion of making a fight against the President—that their only’ purpose is to eliminate Senator Hanna from the political situation, The Democrats have a good chance of carrying Ohio this year. There is a great lack of harmony among the Republicans. They may succeed in getting a ticket that will unite the party and bring out a full vote, but the indications are that they will not. lhe feeling between the factions is too intense to permit the leaders to work together. If the Hanna faction is suc cessful in making the ticket the other factions will be indifferent to the suc cess of it, and if the Hanna faction is beaten it is doubtful if Hanna’s friends will be as anxious for the party’s suc cess as they would be if they had named the ticket If the Democrats put out a good ticket and work to gether earnestly and energetically) the chances are that they will carry the state—Savannah News. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /''’lr y/ tfy A '"* i Signature of Mr. 11. A. Pass, Bowman, Ga., writes: “One of my children was very delicate and we despaired ot raising it. For months my wife ami I could hardly get a night’s rest until we began the use of Pitts’ Carminative. We found great re lief from the first bottle.” Pitts’ Carmina tive acts promptly and cures permanent ly. It is pleasant to the taste, and children take it without coaxing. It is free from injurious drugs .".ml chemicals. Wonders About Advertising. Twenty two thousand periodical publication* print advertisements in Grand total circulation,3.soo,ooo,ooo copies. There are 2,000,000 advertisement* in each collective issue. Thirty-five billion impressions ol advertisements are made in a year. Annual'advertising,sheet upon sheet, would make a pile 117,00*1000 feet The advertisements of a %• ir, < rid to end, would reach 111 000 n <». Annml newspaper and magazine advertising expenditure in \ .rth America is $150,000 000, There arc 100 000 pr ling th s,n North America. There is an < xyenditu ■ $ 1 000 ii year for c m-m-tt iil printed matter. Cost of covering the earth with printer’s ink, $2 000.00n.000, Aggregate annual circulation of the world’s periodicals 12.000.000,000 ; sev en hundred and fifty thousand tons of i paper that would cover 10,JO square miles, or make a pile 500 mil- - high, > are consumed—Chicago Hera 1 ♦ ♦ r THE MODERN BEAUTY . Thrives on good food and sunshine, with t plenty of exercise in the open air. He: form glows with health and her fa« blooms with its beauty, If her v tr: needs the cleansing action of a laxativi remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasan Syrup of Figs, made I y the Calif -m i F.. Syrup Co. only. " rjdtK jAte Your Bowvh Atith < .»-< • -.•> Carmy < ithartic, cure eor >tipa: m f< r ifC.C.C fail. druKEiKisicf ji.dniuutT. j IMml ‘ Baking Powder to Made from pure cream of tartar. > e ' Safeguards the food against alum 16 J Alum baking powders are the greatest I? i; menacers to health of the present day. | ■a ; . ! ROYAL RAKING POWDER CO.. YORK, h -1,,, i 1. 2== ~ Married Today. o Miss Mary Alice Perdue and Mr. n Will Hanes were united in marriage - at lhe borne of the bride’ father, Mr. y I. J. Perdue, near Milner, at 1 o’clock y this afternoon. P The affair wits a very q-::-: ou-- as . only the family of the contracting lt parties were present, and th< happy g couple left on the (’> p. in train for » their future home in Jon; .-her >, where e Mr. Hanes is a prosperous and honor -8 ed business man. e lhe happy couple have mar, y friends who join the Cal.i. in wishing them e a long and happy life. H __ Newspaper Errors- To run a newspaper without occa sioually printing an item that is un. true or gives offense, remarks a level headed exchange, is like running a railroad without having accidents or smasbups To do either is a physical impossi bility. No man on earth is to so great an extent at the mercy of both friends and enemies as the editor of a coun try newspaper. Pushed continually i with work, he must get much of the information concerning transpiring events second-handed or third-hand* Oil—or not at all. i Frequently statements are received : from supposedly trustworthy sources which are subsequently found to be without foundation. If, therefore, you find yourself aggrieved s>• some statement in y or horn pa er, be I charitable. Bear the above facts in mind and give the editor the benefit of the doubt until at- least you have investigated. Not one editor in a thousand wilfully i injures friend or foe by inisrepresenta jtion. Go to him anil ask Era correction, : and our word for it nine times out cf | ten, if your cause is just, you will be I received politely, and correction made I with pleasure. ■ o' y i &tt Excellent Combination. Tin* pleasant method ami bi u< filial effects of the well known n niedy, the value of obtainin 't: liquid 1a.'..: the one perfect st.rt every ol.j tionable qua 111 'he >ee .f I'.: 1.1 : 0 - , taste, but the medicinal qualities of the g remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plant-, by a method known to the Calii*>knia Fig >yi:vp ' ‘ Co. only. In order to get its beneficial - ffects and to avoid imitation-, phase i, printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO. CAI LOUISVILLE. KY NEW YORK. N Y :’gt sale by all Druggists -Price SOc per bottle h Farmers Meeting. The farmers of thi- and a- nn g counties are requested to meet at the court house in the < i'y -f Griffin feat , urday, June 21th, at I'l o’clock, for the purpose of electing wareh use directors y I -U ... c y. ,l Cli’mn. Hoard id Directors. R.F. Go. THE BUSIEST STORE INYTHE CITY. - jAVt* an* continually receiving new goods (*v(‘ry week. Something new to show you every time you are down town. Printed Muslins for wrappers, 4c. New line of Cocheco Lawn, Gc. P>eautilul new Lawns and Dimities at 10c. White checked Muslins, good values, 5c to 121 , Good quality white Lawn, Gc. o lute India Linen, beautiful qualify, wont thicken when washed, at ’ 10c and 12ic. New Belt Buckles and Collar Clasps. New line of Ensertions and Embroidei ie-. , i Our Shoes and Oxfords are the best money, , .wCPMI brains and experience can produce. A Ladies Oxfords, kid or patent tip, sl. —■ kzNjl : Our Leader, Price $2, equals any 52.50 NjXtO \j/ On our center counter we have placed for this week’s sale Oxlords wort h $1 and $1.25 . to close at 50c. R. F. STRICKLAND CO. . . KILL THEM. The Per Oxide of Cilicatcs will kill the bugs that are destroying thejiotatoes and garden plants. 25c for G-lb package. N. B. DREWRY SON. R, H. TAYLOR, M. D. J, F. STEWART, M. D. . DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, ' Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from Rp, m, r A physician will always be in our office during that time. PAQITFAMQ May deposit money r Vul 1 lull U Xor In hank tin position In secured, or will accept note*. < heap board. Car fare paid. No vacation. Enter any time. Open for both bcxch. DRAUGHON'S jO /?/} PRACT.CAU //[ J BUSINESS i Nashville. Tenn. (£ Savannah, Ca. I Calverton, Tex. %P Texarkana, lex. Indorsed by merchants and bankers. Three months'bookkeeping with uk equals mix. elsewhere. I All <-«-mtnorclal branches taught. For 'lrculars explain Ing “ Home Study ('ourse addrew “ Department A,” For college catalogue, addrefla “ Department 4■’ FRESH MEAT, Well elected, is worth considering m every household. We keep on hand the best and largest .-.lock cd Beef, Hutton and Pork and in tact all kinds of Fresh Meat to be found anywhere. Give us your order and be convinced. i'RESH FISH always on band. Also a first class RESTAURANT in connection with the market, in which we serve tip top meals at all hours. P.S. PARMELEE, Act. OTATE OF GEORGIA, sPA LDIKO (’ >U N TY. When ;i-_ Cha.M.T. Smith, administrator rjf Philip Smith, n present-t to i‘i<- court in his j - tit ion. duly filed and * nt -red on r» cortl. that ;e has fully ndmini n eed Philip SmithS < mt* - Tb.CTs Therefore to cit.- all persons ' ’■ erned kindred an! to show ■a ■ > . if any tiny can, why said admim-tralor -■"mid not. bo <iis< halved from hi-; administra tion, and receive h-fter-s of <dsniission, on the first Monday in August m This May I. Is9i». J. A. DREWin . Or Unary. MARCUS W. BECK. ATTOEKBY AT LAW., Office over Merchants and Planb.-rs IJ u.k GRIFFIN, GA. Everybody bays Sc.. ' .. > ’ Cali .ri ■ the n.'.'it won- < ! i-f t ! . ■ are, p <*as ant nn«i • fi-i . ,;,sr to the I: •. i gently and pi -’ll ■ iron kidne’.s,er .nd bowels, ■la; ■ 1 f‘>e « ■ ■ ■■, ~1, tn, ( :1 -i,. ! colds, Ct ■ ' 1C •r. habitual ■ obstipation I'.'-as' buy and try a box oft' '<• u< - . ; 10, J.',, ri) cents. iSoldand <1 to cure by all dru; gists. Notice of Removal. 1 have moyed my Plumbing and Tin ware establishment to the old Brick Laun dry Building on Broad street, wher • I am better prepared than ever to do all kinds of w<>rk in my line. If you need any Plumbing or Tin work I done, give me a call—satisfaction guaran tee 1. A. S. CAMPBELL. $3.00 per Annum laundry/ For the convenience of my patrons 1 have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run in connection with rny old business on Broad street, I will superintend the work at both Laundries and guar antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. GOOD ™ | .160 s . . • | ni’-'STRATED YOUTH IND AGE ■ ' ' : • ■ 6 r 30c. Itc.i-iUr I • -Si per . ar. It is at, b .-(rated, semi nxini.ijy journal,of vi to u pages. u...,P.n no, A, IS 11 '. nd 11 ,) | , r ~w , , 1,1.... aa<hV,'l pav i- i , '•< 1, GENERAL 1.%1-ORMA'i Iff.. ('MAN’S I>E <T, .« ■*. (,OV. 'FV.I-.H- hfcl'.W IMJ ’ taylor’s Love letters to tho Public are of kj ,e. .1 inter, i. s, co .,y Aoents Wanted FREE’ E V VCATIO " etC - ' l '> . ■rs at our regui ir r ites to equal t>-« r-indar pri - ■f tha article s< i. ~ xve will i.-iv,. f r ,-, I bvr le. • b‘ watch, dip or .f - • . -i .r 1 : : ' i ' J - ;< ■, ‘J . Mention Grifkin z Ga > Mossing Cali. Fine Chickens For Sale. 1 have for sale full breed Minorcas, War horf and Shawl-neck, Crossed Garre and Bard Plymouth Rock Chickens. Also settings of eggs from each breed. These birds are select. E. L. Roor.its. { —Md|lll II|T - Mill T-ri--reniß ijej.ii motwito * * * ® 11 # anything you invent or improve; also get / * CAVEAT.TRADE MARK. COPYRIGHT or DESIGN * / PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, cr photo. J J for free examination and advice. t ; BOOK OH PATEHIS fee before patent. < F C.A.SNOW&CO.I < Patent I.nwveri WASH'NGTON, D.C. J **xxxvvvwvvxv«,wvxwwvvww«t Furnimre Bejair Sldd 0 0 John T. Boyden has opened an Upholster Shop, and will, do all other General Furniture Repairs ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. Please call and see me. J OHN T. BOYDEN 19 1-2 Hill St. DK.K. 1,. HzYNES DENTIST. Office upstairs in building adjoining. «n the north, M Williams & Son.