The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 09, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING CALL. Vol. X. No. 237 TOLBERT AT HIS HOME AGAIN Was Quietly Notified He Could Ccuic Without Molestation CoH’MBIa. S. C, June 'J—Some Aeekaago R. R-d loiberi, who was November, during election rh.-m at Phoenix, expelled frern that commu nity, made a statement for p-übiicat: -u in a newspaper at bis home asking to be permitted to return and live in peace with his family, declaring he was opposed to negroes holding office or exercising unrestricted franchise; that he would not have accepted the Republican nomination for Congress if he had apprehended the trouble it would have caused, and <x, n .-sed his willingness to change his politics, if it were shown him wherein be was v rung, A meeting of bin neigbb’ : was call ed, but no public action v, •< taken on Tolbert’s statements. The community was “felt,” however, and he was quiet ly notified that he could return to his home without molestation. After an absence of six months, he is with his family again. The other Tolberts will not be accorded this privilege, unless they follow his example. The contest of R Red Tolbert for the seat of Congressman Latimer has been taken up. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile Cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaran teed. Sold by J. N. Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward. C/LSttOEIT -N-. Boars ths /J • K>ud lib ll2V“ . .■' L:. i Signature z .// y/? f—y~- of A Happy Marriage- Mrs. Lillie Mulligan, of Atlanta,and Mr. Thomas J. Baxter, of Lowell, Muss , were united in marriage in this city today at high noon, by R v J A. Drewry. Mrs. Mulligan came (luwr, on the train this morning and was met by Mr. Baxter, when they went to the ordinary’s office and were married. They left this astern wn for the b me of the groom in Mass ichusett« How Tha Spel ia Chikago- A dispatch from Chikago y> sterda xez that b : axtiz men t lar ~r i:» favor of fonetik epeling, narrates the New York Tribune. Dr E. Benjamin Andruz, the superintendent of the publik eknuj thar is in favor ov it, too. Wun bzniz min, it iz sed, wants the v.ord which mast pepil spel “through” t>. spelt "true,” but Dr Andruz is not is Hot in favor of this b. I.'i zhe i>< z t! it it in prononnst that wa. But the bizniz men sez it is prononnst that wa. Thia qiicshun of fc.mtik spding iz nu old wun, and this iz juit wun of the objeeshuns to the plan, tl.;-.l every body wood him <ll ?p< I wordz the wa he himself prone tl vm, even when he pronounat them rotig, and so a good many peple cood not retd what other peple rote. Thar iz another objeeshun to it. If it shod ever be uzed altogeth er, if books shod ba printed biz wa and if peple shud lern to reed this sort of stuf, tha wood not no how to reed the books Ilia or printed in the present wa, and so ol the I < i ks and ol the li brariz that thar ar in the world toda wood be simply vast paper, for nobody »d reed them except rkuiarz who had lerned the ■. id wa o' peling. —...... , ■- ♦ ■ ■ » Women Voted in New Orleans New Orleans, June S—New Or leans today ovi t whelmiugly decided in favor of a special tax of two mills for sewerage, drainage, pure water, paving, park and other improvements The plan contemplates an expenditure of $14,000,000 in the next few years, the tax paying the principal, and in terest of the bonds, which will run 110 years. Women property holders v< ro al lowed to vote and were mainly instru mental in gaining the victory, having a central league u’-d clubs in every Ward. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by “New Great South. American Kidney Cure.” It is a gnat surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidney s and Wk, in male or female. Ri lieves retention ot water almost immedi ately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by J. N. Harris A Son, Druggists,Griffin,(ia. F Industrial Securities. i ' l . ' hi: u - ii ■_ t< ct ivit .■ < • .< >r q’ 'I bu> Ul f t • loi. ili fl » nr .. c. i . i ij ..(W \‘! I O':- >« i 1:1- ■|■ti <i t < ■ ■ $ 1,0(10 o<Kt in i .hi t.E,i .■ •< .Uy ~r two ago, ui..t the other ih the impost* bility of inarkthng new trust securities in considerable amounts Il is cla'med that the gold could not have been shipped except at a very considerable loss, and there is therefore much speculation as to why it wat J shipped. The bank making the ship ment was the m e that handled the money with which Spain was paid for ’ the Philippine Islands, and, as it is managed by exceptionally shrewd men, it is but natural that there should be a desire to know why the gold was shipped at a lose if, in fact, it was shipped at a loss. One theory advanced is that the bank wanted to depress the prices of stocks by creating the impression that there was a movement of gold out of the country. If that theory ia correct the purpose sought was not accomplished, but it is hardly H reasonable that so great a bank would 1 engage in any such business Trust securities are net popular with investors because there is a well based ’ fear that the most of them will never be worth as much as the public is asked r to pay for them. It is believed that 6 pretty nearly all of the trusts are over capitalized, and that very few of them will ever pay dividends on their shares. Anyway, tho public is inclined to wait and see what the earning capacities of i the trusts are. , It is worth noticing that the banks , are lighting rby of trust securities > They don’t intend to be caught with ’ their vaults full of them at a lime * when the value of such securities is doubtful. Investors are taking their | cue from the banks. They are well ! established and dividend-paying trusts which of course have the confidence of the public. The trusts to which ti e public is giving a wide berth are the great number of new ones which have I been created within the last few weeks. , Their securities amount to thousands i of millions of dollars. Unless they prove that they are dividend-earning, their securities are likely to remain in t the possession of the original owners. —Savannah News That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of rcticnj.- have proved their matchless mer it for Sick and Nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and ’ build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 35 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by J. N. Harris & Son and , Carlisle A Ward, druggists. A Narrow Escape- Thankful words written by Mr-. Ada E. Il of Gr .ton, S D. “Was taken with .> I id cold which settled on my i lungs; ugh set in and finally termi . nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my ft < nd- on earth, I would < meet my rbu nt ones almv. My bus band was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, 1 Coughs and Cold. I gave it a tral, 1 took in all eight bottles It has cured ] me, and thank 6 d, I am saved and r now a well and healthy woman.” Trial I rrris a Son’s and Car 1 lisle A Ward’s drug store. Regular • size '>oc and SI.OO. Guarantord or ! price refunded. Returning Good far Evil- t ‘ I came upon a couple of boys fight ing on the street the other day,” said t tho port y man, as he laughed at the teem * etior-, according to the Detroit 1-' ■. - i 'i»» ■I i • y were tn . r< d w i h egg a-.d fi filling lil.f a couple of dogs “They «< i< fighting so fieri-r y and using sin h i d language 1 thought it best to sr-pai ite them 1 ' Getting hold of their > liars, I pull- ed them apart and demanded an ex ’ planation. “He threw a rotten egg at me'.’ K sl.uuled the younger of the two, as lie ' struggled to get at the other boy. “This was a fact, aa tha bey's cloth -1 ing was a strong testimonial to the point in evidence. “‘Tut, tut,’said I,‘you should have returned good for evil.’ ’ “‘I did,’ he sobbed, the reaction i.w ing set in. ‘The one I threw at bin was a good one!' ” 1 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Boughl » I GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 9, 1899. A GRINDSTONE GARDEN " j The Curious Fancy of an Oldtime Res ident cf Storkville Centre, Vt. r 1 A »j; gular ebar: cti r iu In.- way,’’ said Col. Calliper, “wns my old friend, . Philander Kuobstaw, who formerly y lived StorkvilD Center, Vt. Mr. Knob staw was a man with a foudnete for flowers and that sort of thing, and his flower garden was one of th? pleascnt e est sights in Stotkville Center; but it r wag his griu dstone garden that most g attracted attention, specially among j strangers, who never failed to maivel when they saw it. g “Air Knobstaw had read, it s<emg, 9 in his early youth, the more or lees j familiar paragraph about the tree that g had grown up in the opening through an old, discarded grindstone, and that t bad at last tilled the opening and then t lifted the grindstone clear of the t ground, and 1 suppose li- must have been kind of fascinated by this story, I for when he had come into ; .issegsion of bis property, after the death <4 his ! parents, which was when he w»s still j quite a young man, be set about the r cultivation of his gtindstotie garden i promptly. He bought in the vi’iage a t dozen grindstones of various sizes, and r here and there, in a space that he de voted to the purpose, he laid them ( down and planted saplings to grow tip t and lif them. I “Then he had years to wait, bn mil so many as you might imagine, for be . planted a variety of trees, including . some quick growth, planting the j thick-growth trees in the smallest 3 grindstones. And, as a matter of fact, s the first tree began to lift its atone in r about eigl.t years. This wasn’t a big grindstone. It was really more like a 3 stone collar or roll! i arout.d this tree , after the tree had grown up, but it j was a giindtt nc, ami the tree was , lifting it, and from the beginning Mr. j Kuobstaw watched it with emlhss in terest and unfailing care.' . “And, as a matter of fact, they r.l] , needed care, (or, as may be imagined,! none of them lifted the stone nro-ied I , them evenly and truly at first ; it would have been a marvel if they had ; j and Knobstak bad to watch out and prop up this edge of one ami (he other edge of another, and eo on around the I grindstone garden ; but a the coursr'i 1 of time he had the fi li ity <4 seeing all I the stones lifted clear of the ground, and then by almost imperceptible, but , to him delightful, d gnes, lie saw them keep co, until they were sufficiently [ high above the ; round to erve as seats. “Then Philander Kuowstaw let the ' public in—he h I ■> m time t- lime: , admitted a few friends, and few folks | ■ bad looked over the fence —iml much I • l the public Wondi red ; and Pnilandsr ’ j was gratified. In the course of time, ,I as the trees grew, thy lifted the grind ,-1 stones too high io servo as seats —then I it was that the grl: -'-.u.m- cams out on its tree, as I told you like a ’ stone collar, or luff; and they aii k-1 ed odd enough, up at difi’erei.t bight*,' I ; six feet, eight fee', .-erne ten ;• et above I 1 j tho ground. In that slope the garden ' I was really more wonderful than < ver ; r and wonderful it :emained fm a mog r time ; a great curiosity—perhaps you might eay, the great curiosity of Stork villo Center. “But whet) Philander died th? days of the grindstone garden were num-*! lb: rid. His descendant- Veter A in-: i terested in that sort of gai ten, and I they set about cutting down the trees atom.e. But i: v■ - ■•on di-'ov<red 'hat these grindsL i- - . '• < v ; id ( ; growing on burdwm-d *H' - j - ’-nd . aiih ! tree filled the whole in tho -tone snug I and full. Cut of!' with sufficient ngth through the stone -erved admirably as „ a spindle upon which to mount the p grindstone to tin n it, when put to that use. The practice with tl Knob staw grindstones was to cut ofl the wood,as I have indicated, and shave e the ends down a httie and put on each end an iron or steel cap, these caj« j prelecting the wood from wear and grindstone turned n h , r . ■ , “When the value of Grit, Islom s in the old garden was realized, tbt trci e . were not cut down h i al t, a- at i first intended, but thty were e 1 as thcr was t d :“■ ! I :r t' ;i. I siveral j ears win niiyb' l ,- i*r uml t Storkvi e wai 1 zrimli' tie ■>; .. z ; grindet me- ea ■ • •? • leaning up ig one: tin- -L- [ RoVal Baking Powder r Made from pure s cream of tartar. 1 Safeguards the food ; | again alum iI . 5 Alum baking powders are the greatest i menacers to health of the present day. ! J i ROYAL m.KING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. lTr>in n—nnM—m ■Mw»jjMLijtuijumujßmxu_jj^jr* R ~ iii i Ahl building, but they would go out to the • Knob-staw place and wok around in the grindstone garden and see if there 1 was anything there that suited ; ami if 1 there was, why, he’d buy his grind-, stone of the Knobstaw estate.’’—New i York Sun. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P, Olivia of Barcelona, Snain, spends his winters at Aiken, 8 Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head On using Electric Bitters, America’s greatest Blood ami Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what hit country needs All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the . nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents Sold by Harris AS ,n and Carlisle A Ward, druggists. TEE MODERN BEAUTY , Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Iler form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative " remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant 1 Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Henry Walters has notified the city ! author ■ >s of Baltimore that he is pre- ; : mind ti bniid :nd equip and present ' t > the city tw£> bath houses having all modern appointments The houses ! are to c-t from $20,000 to $2.>,000 each. They will be provided with 1 shower, spray and tub baths, using I what is known as the G« j gcnetrow eys- I tern of heating water. Mr. Walters is : a pl i oHi-pher as welt a- a benefactor ? of the people of Baltimore. By aiding ‘ the Baltimore public to attain personal cleanliness, Mr. Walters takes-a step / calculated to eleva e that public’s * standard of morality. ■.;.y ' w'-' I ■ ■ - Excellent Combination. The plea ant method and !■ -nefieial j effect!;, of the well known remedy, Svnt'l* of Figs, inanufactured by the 1 Cai.n iiniv Fig Sykui- Co., illu,irate j I the value of obtaining the liquid laxa i tiv, prinr-p.les of plant: knpv.n to be i ■ im- lie.nally laxative ami pre <-ntiru' them in the form moit refre: ning totbc • 'taste nd acceptable to th 1 - fj-m. it ■ is the one perfect .stren-t-tlu-nFr ' laxa tive. < lean-ing the sv ■-. <-tm.ily, < dispelling cold , !><• Ma la nd i'evt > s , gently yet. : rornptly . m em.l-Hngone mam ie •. : i : .n ! every ol>j< ti< : bl stan:e, ;• ml it: acti Jivcr mi l ti. ■.!■., wahom -likening 1 1 In the pro •.■ -1 of mamn't; ’ figs taste, but the medicinal qualitie , remedy ar<- obtained fi tn s< ana and i other aromatic plant- , by a method ! known to the < ai.ii < rma Fig Svki p ! Co. only. In order to get it beneficial , i effects and to avoid imitations, plea.- ! remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of i-verv package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE. KT. NEW YOR&. L Y I | For sale by all Druggists Price 50c perl ttle. Farmers Meeting. The farmers of this and adjoining counties are requested to meet at the : | cour’ li“u«c in the city of Griffin Sat :urd y, June 24’.h. >t 10 o’clock, for the j pur; • of f leeting w.n. ’ use directors A. W.', Cii’mn. Board of Directors. i’ Diabetes use Stu ai't'a Gin iiiid Biichn. R.F Strickland X Go, How to Keep Cool. Our Suggestions of Today Will Help You. —(oE .JUST RECEIVED NEM MUSLINS FOR WRAPPERS AND CHILDREN’S DRESSES AT 5c YARD. NEW BOTTISTE AND FIGURED LAWNS AT 10c. WHITE INDIA LINENS AT D»c AND 124<- CALMER MOSQUITO NETS, WILL KEEP TIIEFLIESOFF IN THE DAY TIME AND MOSQUITOES AT NIGHT PRICE COMPLETE $1.50. Our Shoe Department. SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES LOW QUARTEREDSHOES. ONLY 75c. ZEIGLER BROS. FINE OXFORDS. LAST YEAR S STYLES AND WORTH f:;oo ON CENTER COUNTER, TO CLOSE OUT, AT |1 70 IF YOU WANT SHORS OF ANY KIND Wl. HAVE THEM. Our Shoes Give Salisfaction. FL F, KILL The Per Oxide of Cilicates will kill Hie bugs that are destroying and garden plants. 25c for 6-lb package. N. B. DREWRY fc SON. R. H. TAYLOR, M. D. J, K. STEWART, M. D. : DRS. TAYLOR ANO STEWART, Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from Ba,m.toß p. m. A physician will always b. in our office during that time. PfIQITIRMQ SECURED. May deposit money I UOl 11 Un 0 for hl bank till portion is Bcrured, or will accept note*. Cheap board. Car fare paid. No vacation. Enter any time. Open for both sexes. PRACTICAL "/ // Nashville, Tenn. Savannah, Ga. Galveston, Tex. %P Texarkana, Tex. i In<l'»rsod by merchants and bankers. Three ! months’ bookkeeping with ns equal* six, elsewhere. AU commercial I.ranches taught. For circulars ex plain ing “ Horne Study Conw.” address “Department A ,** t ur college catalogue, address “ Department a 4.’’ FRESH MEAT, Well selected, i worth considering in every household. We keep on hand the best and largest stock of BBel, Billion anil Pori and in fact all kinds of Fresh Meat to be found anywhere. Give us your order and be convinced. FRESH FISH always on hand. Also a first class RESTAURAN T in connection with tLc market, in which we serve tip top meals at all hours. P.S. PARMELEE, Agt. OTATE OF GEORGIA, Spalding County. w hereas. Chas. T. Smith, administrator of Philip Smith, r< presents to the court in his petit ion, duly ill. d and ent -rod on r< . ord. that lie has fully administered Philip Smith’s tat<-. This is therefore to cite all persons ; • re. C. Ir. , an ! r<- bfoi-, t- -how cause, if anv, why said administrator •liould not be discharged from his admitiistnt iion, and receive 1< tters of dismission, on the fir-1 Monday in August 'l.-i'.i This Muy 1. I ,J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary, j MARCUS W. BECK. , ATTORNEY AT LAW,, Office over Merchants and Plant- rs Rank i GRIFFIN, GA. everybody Says Sr . < ■■■ ’ Catbar' i o.twon- ■ 1 , ntlv s . - -i .I bowels, ' '■ • , « , - T cOius. 1 ’ . t y and try a box - ; . . pi.’ 1 -, rHd anc -'ua;' ’ ! »« ire by ali drugging. Notice of Removal. I have moyed my Plumbing and Tin ware establishment to the old Brick Laun dry Building on Broad street, where I am better prepared than ever to do all kinds of work in my line. If you need any Plumbing ot Tin work I lone, give me a call—satisfaction guaran | teed. A . ' CAMPBELL. $3.00 per Annum LAUNDRY. For the convenience of my patrons I have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run in connection with my old business on Broad street. I will superintend the work at both Laundries and guar antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. GOOD j d ■■ ... ' . b-I '■ • r.|l. .I”or w ... sen.; It t. <- l.rst 6 '•••■ • I- 30C. >'■■■ v! J, |, r It , il- uslr.iti d, semi-monthly j....r I, t.f t» to i. . I 1 11 '", I' l >i ’k >, Ai<v i <it it. t.vSi a a." PLa >, WII ANI> 11 CM,:-. 11l tv, 1'.|,„., ,1-m ,'I :<A \ n Hltxtl, GENI I.AI, IsKRM.MI>r.. Wo.MA.< Dl ’ Kill !,>■:. Tavlob’-. lilrtKlMl.M. Injl.ii s l.ote Lettira in U.S i’ntdlc ... ■ . f ■ .1 i nt.T.-..t. S imple copy fr-e. Agents Wanted FPFF I EDI CATION, etc. Ton vs-' • r> ■ . ^ h new :.ul s< : ■r it our regular r sto equal the regular prL >fthe article select.-’. v e will e free bicvt!-, ■II wat<h, di-.unn’ .erase! : > n in «h' J Draugho!.’- iL ,i . . , N ishvillr/I <i ■ ■• I vPHtot), <ir I ’ i; i Ha, • x., or one i n almost .. ■- lusiiies 3 Colh •• <>r Lio-rar Pct-oL Write us. Mention Gitn-r.-i (Ga.) Morning Call Fine Chickens For Sale. I have for sale full breed Minorcan, War settings of eggs from each breed. These birds are select. E. L. Rogers. 1 anything you invent or improve: also get J CAVEAT.TRAOE-MARK. COPYRIGHT or DESIGN * PROTECTION. Send model, (sketch, or photo. for free examination and advice. e BOOK ON PATENTS fee before patent. < f J Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. J EmilnreßejairSliOD 0 0 John T. Boyden has opened an Upholster Shop, and will do all other General Furniture Repair* ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. Please call and see me. JOHN T. BOYDEN 19 1-2.H111 St. : DPk. K. L. FIATS lIS DENTIST, Office upstairs in building adjoining, on the north, M Williams & Son.