The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 14, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING CALL. Vol. X. No. 241 I THE GRIFFIN RIFLES Will Leave Sunday to Spend Four Days in Camps The Griffin Rifles are becoming vnry (.Ji lliil si ast ie <r«i r the outing ll.ej will tuke next week, and have uLunt com pleted all nece nary arrangements. They will leave Sunday morning al 7 o’clock via. the Southern lor Wurm Springs, wbete they will pitch their tents ami for lour days have an en campment oa a small scale. The tents, which were loaned by the state, arrived thia morning. Captain Smith, in speaking to a Cti.i reporter today, said lie < xpeeled to carry nearly every man in bis com pany, although some of the merch.i its hesitated in giving their consent r the eletks to leave. He is sure all objections will ba removed before Sunday, as the merchants should show their appreciation of the services ren dered by tbs company recently and grant all a few days leave of absence. The men pay their own expenses and Captain thinks it is as lit tle as their employers could do to give them the time asked for. The following is the roster of the company who will leave Sunday Captain—J. 11. Smith, Ist Lieut.—M. J. Daniel, Jr., 2nd Lieut.—Wm. 11. Beck, Ist Sergt.--E. B. Oxford, 2nd Sergt.—Louis Niles, 3rd Sergt.—C. A, Jones, 4th Sergt.—C? W. Slaton, sth Sergt.—Francis Sorrell, Ist Corporal—Geo. J. Barrow, 2nd Corporal—J. C. Nutt, 3rd Corporal—J. C. Smith, 4th Corporal—L. M. Brown, Bugler-C. R. Hale, Privates—Bailey, Bloodworth, Brooks, Robt; Brooks, Alex ; Brooks, Jack ; Baker, Cooper, Connor, Edwards, Evans, Futral, i A. E., Futral, 11. 8., Flynt, Gordon, Ham-: mond, H. 11., Hammond, J. W., Johnson, • Miller, Nutt. Owens, Patrick, Geo.; Pat rick, G. C.; Richards, Reams, Slaton, W. A., Slaton, Paul, Strickland, Taylor, Lem, Taylor, Cliff, Terry, Wilcon. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her t-rni glows with health and her face bln,ms with its beauty. If her system! needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant! Syrup of Figs, ma le by the California Fig Syrup Co, only. For Bladder Troubles use Stuart’s Gin and Bu ch u. Roosevelt on the Negrro The talk made by Gov. Roosevelt at ■ the unveiling of the statue of Fred | Douglas at Rochester, New York, Fri-! day, was interesting. It was about as I fair to the south us -an addre.-s of the I kind could well be from the standpoint j of the northerner, who really knows but little of the dangers the southern people have to contend with, especially those who live in the rural districts. The governor was right when he said I that the best colored man was the one | who put down crime wherever it was found, and the worst is the one who discredits his race by falling short of his duty as a citizen. The negro in the south has no wrong, except such as he brings upon himself, by the com mission of crimes so foul that commu nities are for the moment thrown into a passion they find it impossible to resist, even if they bad the inclination to make the attempt. S:> long as the negro is a law abiding, honest man, he Is seldom molested and usually gets ad tlm rights he is eniitled to as a cit'z i) Stop the crime and there "ill be no need < f a pun Oh hue nt, which (| v Roose Vs t s <■. s is “i qiia 11 v shame- It may be true in such cases that two wrongs do not make a right, but stop the first wrong and there will be no occasion for the second —Co lumbus Enquirer. A Narrow Escape- Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada h. Hart, of Groton, S D. “Was taken "■'th a bad cold which settled on my lungs ; cough set in and finally termi oated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a abort time. I gave myself up lo my avtor, determined if I could not stay W!l h my friends on earth, I would nttet my absent ones above My bus and was advised to get Dr. King’s Discovery for Consumption, oughs and Cold. 1 gave it a trial. I °°* ln a *l eight bottles It has cured I e. and thank God, I am saved and f h°Mi a We “ a,l d healthy woman.” Trial r •’ es free at Harris ft Son’s and Car Bi» e r " ar ci’ss drug store. Regular n .' oOc and SIOO. Guaranteed or P rj ce refunded. BARNETT NOT GUILTY. Ttia* Wai the Verdict of the Jury Yesterday Afternoon. The jury m th? case of the State vs. i G V Barnett, who was charged with mobbing on two counts ami a-sanlt with intent to murder, brought in a 1 verdict of not guilty yesteiday after -1 noon after being out about forty mito utes. Barnett's statement that he was al home with his sick wife on the night the crime was committed, was substan tiated by several witnesses and it was 1 the work of but a few moments for the jury to reach a verdict Barnett was placed on trial again 1 this morning charged with mobbing on Monday night, May 22 The jury chosen to sit on this case was compos ed of the following gentlemen : John J. Boyd, B C. Head B H. Evans, J. ’ G. Logan, C L. Elder, Starkey Hand, M. J. Maddox, Will C. Elder, G. A. i Steel, H. C. Starr, E P. Edwards and ■ W. P. Maynard. The entire day was taken up in ex- I arnining a large number of witnesses, but the c»se attracted little and the iurt room was comparativtuy empty during the trial, A * we go to press Judge Marcus Beck is making the closing speech and the case will go to the jury before night. A Family in Distress Yesterday morning when the 9:15 train came down from Atlanta, a wo man with four small children weie seen to get off and it.quire tue way to the Goddard Hotel. This morning the same crowd was at the depot and after the train had gone | down Officer Conner noticed the wo i man was Crying and accosted her to I ascertain if he could assist her in any I way, when she told him she was look ing for her husband but he had failed to keep bis promise and meet her here. Little by little the officer gained Ja few facts from the woman, which are as follows : Her husband hail persuaded her to move to Griffin and they had packed j and shipped their furniture; bad | bought tickets to Griffin ard were as i aisled on the train by Jimbo Hunter, of Atlanta After being in the car her ! husband said he had some important i business to look after in Atlantan, and would take the oldest eon and remain lover to join his wife and babies in | Griffin that afternoon. The wife met the train yesterday as- I teruoon and last night, but her hus ! band failed to come. She retried her .■ I they spent the night, but were up with the sun this morning thinking : sure th husband and father would be down this morning. But they were i disappointed again for he did not come and the woman told of her troubles in a pitible way. In a strange city,among stranges, with four small children j and only 25 cents on earth. The woman declares she has always . lived a peaceable life with her husband anti if he has used these methods to forsake her, he did so without provo cation. She says her name is Mrs. Emma Hickey and hsr busband, Edward Hickey, is a good friend of Jumbo Hunter of Atlanta ,Officer Conner made e-everal unsuc cessful attempts to talk to the Atlan ta officer over the telephone but failed. For Backache use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu, - . Mr, 11. A. Pass, Bowman, Ga., writes: “One of my children was very delicate and we despaired of raising it. For 1 months my wife and I could hardly get ,1 a night’s rest until we began the use of I Pitts' Carminative. We found great re . lief from the first bottle.” Pitts’ Carmina tive acts promptly and cures permanent ly, It is pleasant to the taste, and children take it without coaxing. It is free from ( injurious drugs and chemicals. LETTER LIST. List of letters remaining in the Griffin, i Ga., postoffice, week ending June 13,1899. 1 Persons calling will please say ‘advertised’ and give date. One cent must be paid on each advertised letter. MALE LIST. Frederic L. Todd, Alex Woodw’ard 5 FEMALE LIST. Mrs. Ella Goddard, Mrs. Fannie Pat- I terson. 1 R. L. Williams, P. M. ast ohia a Ills Kind i t'll Huts Always Bocnht r Bears tae r J j- I GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 14, 1899 ORCHARD HILI. NOTES. Orchaku Hill, Jone 14.—Rev A. B. I Sanders filled h's appointment here Satur day and Sunday. ( Mrs. J. R. Camp, cf Milner, who has been visiting relatives here, returned home last week. Mrs. W. J, Grubbs and Miss Lois King a visited friends at Milner last week. ‘ Rev. Wash Oliver tilled his regular ap k pointment at Rehoboth Saturday and Sun day. ( W. D. Bennett,of near Griffin, who has t been sick the past week, we are glad to , see, is able to be with us again. Prof. Morris, of Owl Hollow, was here recently. Wonder why he didn’t have on ’ that 13x19 smile? Miss Dedie Hall, of Vineyard, visited 1 friends here Sunday. ? Wonder why Marvin King looked so ? disappointed Sunday p. 111? - A. E. Futral, of Midway, and Albert j Futral, of Griffin, attended preaching here Sunday-. Miss Nannie Crawley, who has been ’ visiting her sister at Barnesvilh', returned home Wednesday. We had two visitors from Milner Satur day, and they didn't want us to mention • their names. Wonder why? , I Clarence Johnson took advantage of the > i"W rates to Tybee last week, and went to ■ take a look at the “deep blue sea.” Several of our people attended closing ; exercises of the Milner High School Mon day night. Miss Maud Cummings, who has been ' visiting friends and relatives at Macon and Milledgeville, returned home Monday. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Alice. ' Mrs. C. A. Cooper, of Semper, boarded ' the train here Tuesday enroute to Atlanta, 1 where she will visit relatives. 1 Dr. J. S. Wells went to Griffin Tuesday. Misses Emma and Fiorella Swint went to Barnesville Tuesday to attend Gordon Institute commencement. M. F. Swint went to Griffin Tuesday on business. The young people of Orchard Hill will picnic Friday, 16th., near this place, on Potato creek. We invite all to come, and bring well-filled baskets. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucas County. j ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath taat he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. 1 Cheney & Co., doing business iu the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Oatmhm (’run. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., 1886. , . A. W. GLEASON, | seal ' Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous . surfaces of the system Send for testimo nials free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv druggists, 75c. Hall’s ramify Pills are the best. --■ : BRUSHY BRIEFS. ) Brubhey, June 11.—The people are pre* - greasing nicely with their crops, with ex , ception of the drouth. Dr. T. J. Collins and wife, of McKibben, ’ were here Wednesday. T. T. and P. R Head went to Griffin Thursday. ’ Mrs. B. N. Barrow and mother. >f East ’ Griffin, spent last Frida;- with Mrs. J. F. > Chapman. Prof. Morris, of Owl Hollow, was here Friday. i Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Huddleston went to I Griffin Saturday. } The friends oi Mrs. Joseph Head will be glad to learn that she is up again. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bell visited relatives at Elgin Sunday. ' The friends of Mrs. Fannie McElheny • will regret to leant that she is quite sick with fever. • Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Chapman, Jr , spent Sunday with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Will Spruce, at Creswell. : G. W. Duke is “all frown ’’ over the ar -3 rival of a 12 lb girl. r Mr. anti Mrs. P. R. IL liw.nt ti Gris t fin Saturday. f Rev. Joseph Head and son, Walter, at- - tended preaclfcng at Rehoboth Saturday. Howard Welden aud sisters, of Midway - were here Sunday. , 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Colbert attended 1 preaching at Rehoboth Sunday. C. A. and P. R. Head made a business trip to Griffin Monday. Mrs. Tom Goddard, ot Midway, visited > relatives here Sunday. — .... c a. s *r o nt x -a. . Br-ars the Signature s cf Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved’in six hours by “New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It is a great surprise on account oi its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Re lieves retention ot water almost immedi- ■ ately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by J. N. Harris & Son, Druggists, Griffin, Ga. RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food ajgahst alum 1 Alum fcfcking powders are the greatest menaceSs to health of the present day. POVAt BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. = VAUGHN VOICINGS- and Miss M» rtis Nortonsj nt Wedne: !»y with relatives at Rover. Mrs. A. F. Bill has been sick lor a fi w- ■ days, but is convalescing. Miss Clyde Bridges has returned from a visit to relatives at Clem. Miss Mattie Westmoreland ha- returned ■ from Brooks, where she spot' si tie time with relatives. Miss Dessa Gable, of Brooks, was. here Saturday. J. W. Allen spent Saturday in Griffin. Rev,.‘E. W. Hammond filled his regular appoiirfment here Saturday and Sunday. TheAum of the thresh is htard, and a number of us can eat home-raised flour for a while. Miss Rena Culpepper returned b me this morning, after spending a lew days with Miss Minnie Allen. The entertainment at T. J. Alien’s last night was highly enjoyed by all. G. IL Steele Is attending court today, I i order of Judge Reagan. T. J. Allen is spending today in Griflin on business. Jkn Key, of Griffin, was here a short time today. C ■ •; ; - ... .y .(fit I • .7. * 11 Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and benefr :;il effects of the well known ronn de. Syri i* of Flos, inannfaetiircd by the California Fig Syrup bo., illustrati' the value of obtaining the liquid 1e...:- tive principles of plants known to i e medicinally laxative and pre-, nting them in the form most refr<-bin; to the taste and acceptable to tin • stem. It is the one perfect strong ' heni ig I:.\a tive. cleansing the \'tim off. ••tually. dispelling colds, headacln s and fev. rs gently yet promptly and enal ing one to overcome habitual eonstip n per manently. Its perfect ■ e<... 111 I tn every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting 011 the kidney-, liver and bowels, witle ut wenl:enii>g or irritating them, make it tie ideal laxative. In the process of manufacture g li. s are u cd, as they aiv pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fig Syiii p Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every packape. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SA.N FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N Y. For salel>y all Druggists.—Pric pr b< ttle L. W. GODDARD & SON, wdvU S 1 Wi jpw*'''-I’ll UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS W. B. Harris experienced Embalm er. Services at all Lour. Satisfac tion guaranteed. EEcarro b’rec. L W. GODDARD & SON, Nos. 3 and 5 Solomon St Farmers Meeting. The (aimers of this and adj cuing counties are requested to meet at the . court Louse in the city ( ,i Grsflin Sat ' urduy, June 24th, at 10 o’clock, for the purpose of electing warelrms- directors for the ensuing year. 1 Cli iuu. L xrd of Directors. R.r.StrickfandSGo. How to Keep Cool. Our Suggestions of Today Will Help You. — (ll> . Ji sr RECEIVED NEW MUSLINS FOR WRAITEIH AND < 1111.DREX'S DRE.-SES AT 5e YARD. NEW BOTTISTE AND FIGURED LAWNS AT 10c. Will I F. INDIA LINENS AT 10c AND 12i< PALMER MOSQUITO NETS, WILL K EI.P THE FLIES OFF IN THE DAY TIME AND MOSQUITOES AT NIGHT PRICE 1 COMPLETE $1.50. Our Shoe Department. 1 SPECIAL VALVES IN LADIES I OW QI'AR fERLDSHOFS ONLY 75c. . ZEIGLER BROS. FINE OXFORDS. LAST YEAR’S STYLES AND WORTH $3 00 <>N CENTER COUNTER. TO CLOSE OUT. AT $1 50 IF YOU WAN T SHOES OF AN V KIND WE HAVE THEM. Our Shoes Give Satisfaction. F, S THICK LAND CO. KILL THZZEIJVE. The Per Oxide of Cilicates will kill the bugs that are destroying and garden plants. 25u for 6-1 b package. N. B. DREWRY * SON- I It. H. TAYLOR, M. D. J. F. STEWART, M. D. I DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from Ba, ri. to Bp. m, A I physician wiii always b. in our office during that time. D l|C ITIA M (.'• ' 'I " !•>; ■■ !( ’ ifc 7 < heap board. (;ir fart* paid. No va< allun. ‘ Eider any time. Open fur both x-xes. DRAUGHON'S /hl BUSINESS . Nashville, Tenn. Savannah, C»a. Galveston, Tex. Texarkana, Tex, Indorsed by merchants and hankers- Three ' • inontiuT bookkeeping with ih equals six. elsow'.ere. ' ; AU commercial branches taught. Fur etrcnlarK ex plain- j i infir “ Horne Study Coqiw." address “ Department A,” t ■ For college catalogue, address “ Department j FRESH MEAT, ; Well selected, is worth considering in every household. We keep on hand I i the best and largest stock of M fflto»aiii Port : and in fact all kinds of Fresh Meat to ibe found anywhere. Give us your order and be convinced. FRESH FISH always on hand. Also a first class RESTAURANT in connection with the market, in which we serve tip top meals at all hours. P.S. PARMELEE, Act. (J TATE OF GEORGIA, O Spalding County. Whereas, Chas. T. Smith, a IminHtraL r of Philip Smith. r< presents to the court in bis T< t i t ion, .! .iy and vnt *re.j on record, that be has fully admirusb ri <1 Philip Smith's e<- : late. I bis i- therefore < t< ail persona 1 eonc< rm-1. klndie lan . creditors, b show cause, if auv tht > an, why said administrator should not be di-tcbarged from his admin Istra- I ’lon. and rei-eive letters of dismission, on the I first Monday in J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. MARCUS W. BECK, j ATTOBNEY AT LAW,, Office over Merchants and Planter.! Bank GRIFFIN, GA. F rrvhndy Says Sc. ■ < . i’j • ’ act p.ut)y i bowed s- r oisjK?l colds, •, ii it ual < obstipation ! ar»' ; tv ir <1 trv a box , | <' il ■ . c. ■ . Ih.-uU. Soidauc 1 •«> cure by all <lru?gi«t —„— Notice of Removal. K 1 have moyed my Plumbing ami Tin- . ware establishment to the old Brick Laun dry Building on Broad street, wher. I am better prepared than ever to do all kinds of work in my line. If you need any Plumbing or Tin work j lone, give me a call—satisfaction guaran tiee.!. A. S. CAMPBELL. $3.00 per Annum LAUNDRY. For the convenience of my patrons I have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run in connection with my old businem on Broad street. I will superintend the work at both Laundries and guar antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. (wOOD J r: . • ZG " | i6oC.V.'. l i.,s‘ , JUtIJSTRUfO YOUTH ANO AGE .. H l .J| | lf , <|ne yp ar ‘Dial < ri-.U'-ri .. r ■ and it the brsf $ inos. r 30c. It. .-unr prhe Jt per v<-:ir. It I. an 11- ■••■ p •‘'■“wnp'-V )" rn.ll.oi X.tojtMßM. I ’ s ip ,i*d ny, Abvi hk> ’ bySea ant>Land, AV i i nd ID ;h .] 1 j -t«>h y, .h a PHY, Travel ' v ‘‘ 1 » ( 'L .) lai. Information. Woman’s De •X;< I a ,11 (>, . Tayimh’s Depaktmen r. ItijlorS Love Letters to the Public are of ’■U i *b r. t, Sample copy fn c. Agents Wanted. FRFF I EDUCATION, etc. I o any Fiber I e v . w p| gr( ~r e enough new subscrib- es d our regular r ib :- to equal ti e regular price f the article sa-h-cb-d, v e will giv»* free: hicvcle, fold watch, dlani'ind ring, or a scholarship In either f firau-hon’ Bu inessColh-.p s, NashviHe,Tenn., rab r<ton, i r bi-x.’rk.nLi, Trx., or one in almost any lus;;:ci s College or IJterary School. Write u». M ntion Ghiffim (Ga.) Mornxhg Cali, Fine Chickens For Sale. I have fur sale full breed Minorcas, War horse and Shawl-neck, Crossed Game ani Bard Plymouth Rock Chickens. Also settings of eggs trom each breed. These birds are select, E. L. Rogers. - -A V x * XWV X V VA. X. anything you invent or improve; also ret / J CAVEAT TRADE-MARK, COPYHICHtor DESIGN * / PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, i { for free examination and advice. # ; BOOK ON PATENTS fee before patent. $ I C. A.SNOW & CO.I J Patent Lawyers. WASH’ NGTON, D.C. j Furniture Be jair S top o 0 John T. Boyden has opeted an j Upholster Shop, and will do all other General Furniture Repairs ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. Please call and see me. J OHN T. BOYDEN. 19 1-2 Hill St. DR E. L. HANKS DENTIST. Office upstairs in building adjoining, on the north. M Williams & Son.