The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 19, 1899, Image 4

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Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings. Our stock is in time with the demand. -lust what is sought after the most can be found al our place. What the season, style and trade wants we have. We respectfully ask you to give us a call. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA- _ • - r* ‘ ! '• Tangle Foot Fly Paper 25 dou ble sheets for 35c. With every 10c. worth Insect Powder we will give a sprinkler to apply it with. CARLISLE & WARD New Lot Beans Just Received. Now 18 the time to plant your second crop. Abo Watermelon and Cantaloupe .Seed tor late planting. Aleclicincs of all Kinds. Everything kept in a First Clasn Drug Store. Prescriptions a Specialty. J. N. HARRIS & SON. MEBONS. Fresh Water Melons, first of the season at rock bottom prices. G, W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST GHO( EIIS IN TOWN. sail--., a wi W J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. I he Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., JUNE 19, 1899. Gfliceover Davis' Hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. ??. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS OR. J. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. , Office: No. 23} Hill street, stairway I next to R. P. McWilliams & Son. Tele phone 27, 2 rings, Rube Gossett spent today in Barnes ville. Jas. A. Stewart male .> business trip to Atlanta today. John H. Casteel made a business i trip to Macon today. Robt. L Duke, spent Sunday with a I "friend " in McDonough. Lambert’s Death to Lice and Mites will kill lice and mites on chickens. For sale bv Lt W IS D Cl Alik 20, Hill St Otis Barnes is spending sevt ral days v ry pleasantly in Atlanta. Rev F M Blalock, o' .1 metboro. I was in the city this morning. Col. J B. Stewart of Atlanta, spent yesterday with friends in (his city Rev E. tV Hammond returned this ' morning from a trip to Woodbury Hon R ibt 1. Daniel went over to I'ayetteville today on legal business Dr. R H i’avlor made trip to At- I hints today on professional business. M. Ed w \\ i Ison has returned to Sa- I I vantiah, after -pending several days in this city. Mrs M l; Higgio- returned this l m icing fr m Macon, where -be .pent I a few day. Dr M . !• . < er son i- .-pending a few I day. on 1 . b >■ I land, • .Mug r much needed res’. Mrs J II Huff is spending -evera' days very p'.-a-ninllv with friends at i Buena Vista Mrs V\ M risom-o* and 'aitghter, I Miss Mary Roto, » 1W down to Milt er : l day to \ m' re'a.iv> a Mrs M. A Heard, >f Senoia, return ed home this morning after s; ending a few days very pleasantly in this city' If your little chickens are sick and weak, use Magic Poultry Food It will cure them. Lewis D Clark, 20, Hill St. Mrs. \\ E H Searcy, Jr., and chil dren left this morning for Gainesville where they will spend a month. Col. I Searcy accompanied them as far as Atlanta. Royal Daniel, of the Atlanta Jour. I nal, spent yesterday in this city with ; his wife, who is spending the summer here with her parents, Cipt and Mrs. J. S West brook. Miss Alice Burr, of Macon, who Las | been spending several davs with her uncle, Aiderman H. C. Burr, iu this city, left tliis morning to spend some lime in Atlanta JUST RECEIVED BY TODAY’S EXPRESS, New Pine Apples, Nice Ripe Plums, I ine lot Bananas, Capitola Flour. Every sack guar anteed. Unknown Peas $1.25 bushel. Ice Cream Salt 1c lb. Buy Hams of us. They are fine at 11c lb. Fine Mackerel, 10c lb. You will always find our goods to be Strictly First Class. MCOWELL & EDWARDS If your chickens have the sore-head, try Mack’s Sure Cure for Sore-Head. It will cure them. For sale by Lewis I). Clark, 20 Hill St. Jim Seagraves, colored, was fined $2 50 and cost by Mayor Davis this afternoon for acting in a disorderly manner. Major F. JI. Drewry, one of Drewry ville's mo?t prominent citizens, re turned home this morning after spend ing a few days with bis son, Ordinary llrewry, in this city. Lieut. M. J. Daniel retained this morning from Warm Springs, where be went with the Griffin Rifles. He reports the beys arrived and pitched tents with no casualties, and all are having a good time. Geo. Agee, of Carrollton, is spending a few days in the city. Agee will be remembered as the flagman who was so badly wounded in the battle be tween negro soldiers and our citizens several weeks ago. He has been off duty since that time, and the indica* lions are it will be several months yet before he is able to return to work. BARGAINS FOR YOU, j AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR US. One Gross Assorted Ladies and Childrens Summer Straw Hats. The 35 and 50c kind. Choice 10c. Ladies 25c Bows for 10c. McCLURE 10c. CO. A Bad Character. Jesse Gilmore, a notoriously mean 1 negro of this city, devotes some of his spare time every Sunday i-i ;tiug at persons who incur bis ill will. ■ On Sunday, June 18th, be emptied ( the contents of his revolver st Jack Banks and one ball struck (lie negro in the neck, making a v ry severe wound. Yesterday Gilmore was ’it gunning [again. This time he shot a negro i woman living on the Nunnally pi;ce, I about three miles from here, inflicting I a painful flesh wound There are four warrants out for Gilmore and it is hoped lite officers will arrest him before Sunday, for with the practice be has had recently he might kill bis next victim No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irrita ble. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pim ples, blotches, skin eruptions and wretch ed complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate the stomach, liver and kidneys, and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complex ion. It will make a good-looking, charm ing woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at J. N. Harris & Son’s or Car lisle & Ward’s drug store. Os Interest to Inventors. C. A. Snow A Co , one of the oldest and most successful firms of patent lawyers, whose offices are opposite the United States Patent Office in Wash ington, 1) C., and who have procured : patents for more than 17,000 inventors, say that, owing io the improved con- | dilions in the United States Patent! Office, patents may now b more I promptly procured than at any prtvi- i ous time in their experience • t w ei.ty I five years. Mr. 11. A. Pass, Bowman, Ga., writes; “One of my children was very delicate and we despaired of raising it. For months my wife and I could hardly get a night’s rest until we began the usY’bf Pitts’ Carminative. We found great re lief from the first bottle.” Pitts’ Carmina- • ly. It is pleasant to the taste, and children take it without coax Ing. 1 : . :;i injurious drugs and chemicals. What Victoria Has Seen- Victoria during her lite time has seer the entire world transformed On the day of h< r birth, May 21 1819 the first atf.ii) l> at which < ver cr.issec lie Atlantic or any ot ht r ocean rlarte. from Savannah to Liverpool, making the voyage in twenty- x days The same disiuttcf is now made in leer than six She a G'. ears of age when the first railway >.in in the world started to carry passengers. She was 18 years of age, and had just ascendec the throne, when the Morse system 0 telegraphy and that of Cooke and Wheatstone were first patented. Thir ij-ntne years of her life had passer when the first cable was laid under the Atlaixtic, end that one almost im mediately ceaeed to operate. Fifty—six years of it t xpired before the first tel ephone went into practical op ration. Scott mid Byron were in their prim, when Victoria first began to read the printed page. None of the great writer* —Thackeray Dickens, Bulwer-Lytton Tennyson, George E.iot, the Brown ings, and the others whose name have cast a glory over her country during the past half or tw< -'.birds of * century —had yet begun to work. Darwin, whose labors have revolu tionized science and have profoundly affected the thought of moralists and theologians, was yet unheaiJ of. At the time of Victoria’s birth th* tramp of Bonaparte’s armies had ju* t ceased to a! ake the world, and Bonr B parte himself was a prisoner on a British island in the South Atlantic She has seen every throne in Etuop< vacated many times. She has seen her own country transformed politically from au oligarchy, in which only om out of fifty of the population was per mitted to vote, into a democracy in which the voters number one out oi six of the inhabitants. France has changed its form of government four *imes since her early girlhood days, I taiy, then only a “geographical ex pression,” to use Metternich's phrase, has since become one of the great powers of Europe, while the empire oi Germany was far in the future. The United States was in the midst of the “era of good feeling” when Vic toria was born Monroe has bad 19 successors in the Presidency since that i time This country had only 9 000,000 I population then. Buffalo and I’itisbu'g I were frontier towns, and not a house I existed on the site of the magnificent ; metropolis of the West, Chicago. The [ annexation of Florida, Texas, New | Mexico, California at d Alaska, to say I nothing of the more recent accessions ' of teriiiory, all came since Victoria's [ birth. The world's map has ehang-d | in many place-, the world's ideals have ! been altered in many ic-pecte, and the whole face of huni.n society has been trauslorn • 1 in the Lar score of years which have elapsed since Brit ain's queen first aaw i■. light —I. .«• lie's Weekly. ♦ ♦ Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cures them; also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. ( nly 25 cts a b >x. Cure guaranteed. Sold by J. N. Harris& Son and Carlisle & Ward, druggists. The Shoe Factory- Several of our citizens met in the office of the City National Bank this afternoon to discuss the shoe factory which Mr. I). M. Wilson wishes to lo cate lure. Mayor Davis was called to the chair, and the matter was discussed at con siderable length. Mr, Wilson made a statement, -hew ing the price of the pl .nt and c -t of running the same, as w ell as the profit , which could reasonably be expected His talk w .a favorab'y received by those present and upon motion of Mr B R. Blakely a committee was ap I pointed to inV. stigate the matter fully I Messi- H C Burr an 1 W D Davis, | with others to be named by the chair, were appointed on this committee, with instructions to call another meet ing as early as poe-ihlc, and nuke their report The prospects are very good for the location of this factory in Griffin, and j the Call is confident I’ will be in op-1 I eration before fall cast o rr. t , j Bears the ThO Kind ’' 1 H3YB Alws, '■ P Relief in Sis Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by “New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It is a griat surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder,' kidneys and back, in male or female. Re-I lieves retention ot water almost immedi-! ately. If you want quick relief and care | this is the remedy. Sold by J N. Harris . . a. tor I Flemisteu bridges, I (o) Contemplating a change in the line of our business Sept. Ist, next, we have deter mined to place on sale our entire stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC., 11l fact every item in our stock, at great sacrifice m price for the next 60 days for spot cash. Parties having accounts with us can have goods charged at regular prices. You can save from 10 to 50 per cent, on your purchases during this sale. This will prove the GREATEST OPPORTUNITY FOR MONEY SAVING you have experienced since our Fire Sale of 1898. Flemister & Bridges BASS BROTHERS! Shoes and Slippers, ALL SIZES AND LATEST STYLES. We have too many low quarter ed Shoes, and have decided to sell them very much below their real I Iworth, so we have made another great cut in prices. if Iw G‘ ,; Y r. I ’’ 4• A. Drew Selby & Co. make the most stylish Oxford Shoes known to the trade. We have them in all the pretty shapes. Summer Goods Reduced in price to close them out. Great bargains in everything in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Millinery. miss our Shoe Sale. BASS BROS. REGARDLESS OF AGE Th ■ kid tie.s .re responsible for more lie'.;.uss, suffering, and deaths than any oth r r-rgans of the body. A majority of the ills sfllictiug people today is traceable to kidney trouble. It pervades all classes of society, in all cli mate , i gardlees of age, sex or condition. The ■■ mptoms of kidney trouble are tin mistake: ie, .• as rheumatism,neuralgia sleeplessness, pain or dull ache in the back a desire to urinate often day or njght, pro fuse or scanty supply. Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine are si of clogged kidney , causing pois oned an i germ-filled blood. Sometimes the heart ac'f badly, and tube casts (wast ing of the kidneys) are found in the urine, which if neglected will result in Bright’s Disease, the most dangerous form of kid ney trouble. All these symptoms and conditions are promptly removed under the influence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root. It has a world ; wide reputation for its wonderful cures of 1 the in -t distressing cases. No one need be long without it as it is so easy to get at any drug store at fifty cents ■>r one dollar. You can have a sam ple bottle ot this wonderful discovery, Swamp-R ot, and a book telling all about it, both sent to you absolutely free by mail Send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,N. Y.,ahd kindly mention that you read this liberal offer in the Mid dle Georgia Farmer. h Tax Receiver's Nolice. I will be at the different place”'- days mentioned below, for the put) ■ receiving state and county Taxes i' year 189®: Districts. April. May. Africa Inion 4 Mt. Zion Line Creek (i Orrs 7 Akins 10 Cabin 11 On Ore’s days will be at my off ’ cept the days named above 1 will be »■ J l '-' office in L. C. Manley’s store until the tm' of Ju v, when ray books will be cl aw. H T. JOHNSO*, 'fax Receiver Spalding U-'Wnty,' ■ ‘ J. CHESTNEY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Griffin Banking Co. - Gt'®''- Represents the best and most r cha’ -a L . 1 Fire. Accident and Sick Benefit Ire.u" Companies in the country. ». H ! I - '-D • MHtl ' '. <j»ii- ■ ■c: -Uy Fiu' 1 Pt ■ : 1-r.cand ’• • , d...... . te: L ;a r.u> strong. w. ,lru. • -ts,ucvi < . Jrf?s teed. Booklet and .'ample • Sterling Jleinedv C > - dii- :ir’u ' J '