The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 20, 1899, Image 4

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Clothing and Cents’ Furnishings. Our stock is in tunc with the demand. Just what is sought after the most can be round al our place. What the season, style and trade wants we have. We respectfully ask you to give us n call. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA Tangle Foot Fly Paper 25 dou ble sheets for 35c. I With every 10c. worth Insect Powder we will give a sprinkler to apply it with. CARLISLE & WARD New Lot Beans Just Received. Now )« the time to plant your second crop. Also Watermelon ami Cantaloupe Seed tor late planting. M of al) Kinds. Everything kept in a First Class Drug Store. Prescriptions a Specialty. J. N. HARRIS & SON. MELONS. Fresh Water Melons, first of the season at rock bottom prices. G, W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST GROCEKS IN TOWN. ■aS v ai wlwA ‘ W' J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., JUNE 2), 1890. Dttlceover Davis’ Hard ware Num ♦> TELEPHONE NO. ...A PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS DR. J. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: No. 23| Hill street, stairway next to R. I’. McWilliams & Son. Tele phone 27, 2 rings. M F Swint, Orchard H ,».,«! ie today, L. P Blanton made > business trip to Atlanta today Henry Mooney is spending several days iu McDonough Mrs. Anna Stark Pritchett went up I to Atlanta this morning. Lami’-’rt’s Death to Lice and M:te« will kill lice and nines on chickens. For side bv I ewis D Ct u:t< 20, Hill St Mrs. B M Owen, id ll» ! l.mviile, spent today iti the city shopping. Rev G A Whitney returned today fr rii >. lew days visit to Bartit .st ille Miss Eulsi Beauchamp, ot William day »w ith G rilli n friends. C-,| ,J. ft -infer Terrell, of Greenvi.Jle, spent mt iii'Jit «i'h frit-mis in this ‘I ■ 1 (’wrnmiasi u.' r O B Stt v< ns est this morning to n'lt nd the Cbati’autp.a tl Junior Shank el I. ,r. I cime up from I’> > uicbt. ke this in to spend a few d iys Pro' C W Richter : St:iiy Side, was circulating cm -i.i* Griflin friend- today t s h r > retmm'd Iwnne t: . rn r i g ijf I • 11 y our 11 chit kt: - »is rn k ni.d I w- »k . u-e Magic P .nil ry !•'. ■ d I «i I core t Dm. Lew is I) Ci.aRK. 20, Hills J li t> W i rd. wh. > it n» bfn s[ etid • lt.g rev > d dnys wi<h his family in thia City, h aves ihi- a't« rimim f r St L uts, Mo E P. Gossett returmd today from Barnes viilb, wliere !.;■ atiedid tie funeral of the infant child of Mr and Mrs .1 H Gardner. Leon S Davie, (\> ~1 amtß J Flint Dre 1 b s J Nunnally and John H. Ward went up tn Hampton las’, right to attend an entertainment. IL W. Goddard, who has been at home for several days < n account of illness, left this morning for a business trip through Alabama and Florida. Wiibur McDonald, of Atlanta, who is spt tiding a week with his parents in 1 thia city wm 1 . over to McDonough this morning to aiteiid Commenci rm n’ I II ,V’ Ur chickens havt itad, j try Mack t» Sure Cure for Sort-Head. llt will cure them. For sale by Lewis D Ci.akk, 2d Hill St. JUST RECEIVED BY TODAY’S EXPRESS, New Pine Apple. I*, 1 *, Nice Ripe Plums, I ine lot Bananas, Capitola Floor. Every ■ .tck guar anteed. Unknown Peas $1.25 bushel. Ice Cream Salt 1c lb. Buy JTaius of uh. They are fine at 11c lb. Fine Mackerel, 10c lb. You will always find our goods to be Strictly First Class. M W ELL & EDWARDS The Social Circle will meet tomor row at the home of Mrs. L. C. Mauley, on llill street, at 1:30 o’clock. All who have not sent in mite-boxes, will please bring them. Luke Brown, Henry ami Wood* Hammond ami Ed Rickards, who have been spending a few days with the Griffin Rifles mi their outing at Warm Springs, returned home thia morning. Col. Geo I. Jones went up to New nan this morning to attend the an nual barbecue given by the Coweta Fertilizer Co., of that city. It is need less to say it was a grand success for everybody knows the reputation of these feasts. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haye Always Bought Signature of For Gravel use Stuarts Gin and Buchu. Legacy of the Ancients. Mr. William McCabe, residing near I Riverdale Md., is the recipient of six | kernels es corn from among others I found in a m aintain cave of Aikamas ami raid by those versed in iLssil signs to bn 3 000 or 6.000 years old, Mr. John E BuiL-n, the sender of these i precious grsiii.s. has in hi- office i:i j Milwaukee, Wi-., nineteen erne in all i respects like other ears of corn, save I they are much larger, and in color a I dark chocolate. Mr. Burton rtc-ived I tlio coin from Mr. George Barnum, of . Ct.luu’.lms, Neb, and Mr, Barium raised these ears from ti e original seed that he discovered in » cave, ber metmali i m i;< <1 in - n.v .a: ". I t eml I curious pottery. Mr. Barnum plant",j (i, () kernels last June. The growth seemed to him to be marvelous, in . pile < t the dry weather and an ur.favoral e season. While other grain shriveled ami per plied befoie tL< Lot winds and sun, ; thia antedohivian mniz 11 urc-hed ai d I grew It the bight i f let fe«t, , d in I some inetaiices ,o Llttrt t. 'n t, the I stalks measuring st ven inches in cir cumference, with leavt s- fir fid ’ong. : Some of tin stalks bore ten .ml twelve eats of corn Mr. Burton, seeing not • of inis j gigantic cereal, wrote to M . Barnum ; about, it, thinking that the -tory was* “fake." Mr. Barnum rep-li* oby scud | ins* him s' rue of he ft id. and Mr. ; 1 m u ■ ! :i mi ere w i iet e what can be with I r'b ■ - gacy • the ar <it Mr' i: m hax <1 •■ ■ ■. -■ ■a, i,] t ii“ that thi- e m Was actua y discovered • I titii* S. -i tai pr< -hi ri m < were lying about in the -mt- eve. Mr Mc< • ■ . ;1 ki rm-maii.ii. ' ; . ' interest in the matter has been awaken ed in the neighborhood of Riverdale— Washington star. Bears tu Kind ¥ju 11.t.s Always Bough*. Signature t s? oi Mr. 11, A. Pass, Bowman, Ga., writes: | “One of my children was very delicate I months my wife and I could hardly get I a night's rest until we began the use of i Pitts’ Carminative. We found great re- f lief from the first bottle.” Fitts’ Carmina- i tire acts promptly and cures permanent ly. It is pleasant to the taste, and children - take it without coaxing. It is free from I injurious drugs and chemicals. — . ■■■ ft All 4IX i-* The Filipino’s Queer baying- .Rank Nt >riy every > ravitichil Filipino ,of thrifty prop'ttsi 1 it’s ■ tit’ his I rmt in a Manila Link, but in a strong | box The b< xi» usually lain y iron I cbesil of small dnni’i hot is se cured bj' luck - arid bolt to ih'fv a Chinese lock-m 'lt The outer i keyh-im i- Tn- IL-t ecu t of the box, i and i- usually hidden under some jtn viog iron I-o d ' bat c-mb-llLbes the I eh. - i Aber moot g Lie first lid there I is n, or two more that must he open : ed, and the locks or hra of these ate equally bidder.—'hough in most casts simple to the ingenuity of the Yankee soldiers The whole contrivance is a relic of Spanish feudalism, and as a place of safety is an easily solved toy to tlie ingenious American. The ' Fiiipim.-s, however, found it. ne-cersary, | while under Spanish friar.-;, to secrete their savings from the watchful rye of the official and priest. It was the custom to bury ths box under a tree uear their houses. When cur soldiers swept over the country and villages around Manila hundreds of these strong boxes were unearthed In most cases the natives bad anticipated the soldier and fl-d with his earnings, but it was often the case t; nt time was too short, under our rapid advance, to un earth and unlock the strong b x-s, so : that when our 1t... , Lail driven out ! the insurgents many cd the boxes were found. In some cases the chi st jvus < found above the ground, but on ae- ■ i count of the intricate system of L iks, i time was not sufficient for the Filipi : nos to withdraw the money. Sums j ranging from SIOO to $2 500 were , : found. 1 met a soldier one day hur . i rying to the rear after we had taken a • 1 village north of Manila. f “What is your rush?' I asked. “I guess you would rush,” he said, “if you found four hundted dollars in I Spanish gold.” “What arc you going to do will: it"” I said. “Well, I’m going to buy a draf on New York and send it to my mother ; and I’m going to do it just as fast as Imy legs will carry me. Good-bye.” And off he went, and 1 didn’t ques tion the propriety of the act. For be 1 was one of many I had heard of, and I : doubt if al! of the “fit.ds” served such i a good purpose—Manila Leiter in i Lesley’s Weekly. Brava Men Fall tl Victims to stomach, liver and kidney j , I troubles as well as women, and all feel the | , results in loss of appetite, poisons in the : blood, backache, nervousness, headache I and tired, listless, i un-down feeling. But; there’s no need to feel like that. Listen to j ; .1. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says I “Electric Bitters are just the thing for al 1 I man when he is all run down, and don’t i ; care whether he lives or dies. It did more ; i I to give me new strength and good appetite ; ; than anything I could take. 1 can now | eat anything and have a new lease on life.” i Only 50 cents, at J. N. Harris & Son’s or' Carlisle & Ward’s drug store. Every ’■ t-! tie guaranteed. o , "■ ' ■ - ! Boars tho ' iie Ki:ld 122 Havs A ” ■ r ' j ■< ,-<! I, i;> !: .p In ilifd. exist, -I bjtw -:t 'fr: I'L -S. Grant and Mi- .1. .l'er- >n 1> ;\i- It is accounted for in t: : way; before the civil war. . wh<-:> Grant was statiotied with his reiri meut its the far northw -t. charg.s were preferred against him and Wi re t-.-\iewvil by Uttvis, who wa.-. then secretary of war. I lie took the young officer .- par: and <IL niis.-ed the charges with a gentle repri mand. ‘'The silent man of Galena’' never forgot this; neither has his widow. State of Ohio, (Tty of Toledo, ) Ll'C tS Covnty. I S 3. Frank J, Cheney makes oath tuat he is | the senior partner of the firm of F. J, Cheney & Co., doing business in the City i of Toledo, County and State aforcsaidj and that said firm will pay the sura of I ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each] and every case of Catarrh that cannot be | cured by the use of Hall's Catchrhl Cvre. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed ini my presence, this (>th day of December, A. I D., 1880. j ( A. W. GLEASON, - seal , Notary Public. ; Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous Dials free. F. J. CHENEY i CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Quick Sales. Prompt Recurts. SAVANNAH MARKET CO., Wholesale Produce ■and I'omniission Merchants. j Foreign ani Domestic Fruits, Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Cnions, Early Vegetables, Fish and Game. I Writs for Daily Quotations, Shipping Tags and Stencils. Special attention given orders from the trade ( : We will buy your Melon Crops at Highest t Cash figures. i I Wire coops, egg cases and butter pails free • We pay highest prices for poultry, eggs ; and dairy products. ] 242 W. Broad St, Savannah. Ga. ’ FLEMISTER & BRIDGES. I Contemplating a change in the line of our business Sept. Ist, next, we have deter mined to place on sale our entire stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC., In fact every item in our stock, at groat sacrifice in price for the next 60 days for spot cash. Parties having accounts with us can have goods charged at regular prices. You can save from 10 to 50 per cent, on your purchases during this sale. This will prove the GREATEST OPPORTUNITY FOR MONEY SAVING you have experienced since our Fire Sale of 1898. Flemister 8 Bridges BASS BROTHERS. __:__ (o) Shoes and Slippers, ALL SIZES AND LATEST STYLES. We have too many low quarter ed Shoes, and have decided to sell them very much below their real worth, so we have made another great cut in prices. I iff A I ■ “ Drew Selby & Co. make the most stylish Oxford Shoes known to the (trade. We have them in all the (pretty shapes. Summer Goods Reduced in price to close them out. Great bargains in everything in Dry | Goods, Clothing, Hats and Millinery. miss our Shoe Sale. BA 8 8 BROS. REGARDLESS OF AGE T! ki Inc- ire r-?spon:-ible for more •lc n= s suffering, and deaths than any oth i organs of the body. A majority of the ills id'lcting people today is traceable to kidmy trouble. It pervades all classes of society, in all cli mate regardless of age, sex or condition. The upturns of kidney trouble arc un mistak. , .a as rheumatism,neuralgia sleeplessness, pain or dud ache in the back a desire to urinate often day or n.ght, pro- Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine are signs of clogged kidney s,' causing pois oned and germ-filled blo-d. Sometimes the heart ac t? badly, and tube casts (wast ing of the kidneys) are found in the urine, which it neglected will result in Bright’s ise, the most dangerous form of kid’- oey trouble. All these symptoms and conditions are promptly removed under the influence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root. It lias a world wide reputation for its wonderful cures of the must distressing cases. No one need be long without it as it is s > easy to get at any drug store at fifty cents or one dollar. You can have a sam ple bottle ol this wonderiul discovery, Swamp-lb ot, and a book telling all about it, both sent to you absolutely free by* mail Send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. A.. and kindly mention that you read inis liberal offer in the Mid ole Georgia Farmer. 6 Tax Receiver's Notice. I will be at the different places on !1 ". days mentioned below, for the purpose'll receiving slate and county Taxes lor . yTr 1- Districts. April. May. Africa . Union L Mt. Zion Line Creek 0 ' Orrs i ■ ’’ Akins 10 , Cabin 11 0 ' On Orr’s days will beat my offlc i cepi the days named above I will be ll ,‘A office in L. U. Stanley’s store until tie . ■ , of July, when iny bookswill I® ’ II T. JOHNSON. Tax Receiver Spalding County, * Tchestney smith- ATTORNEY AT LAW. T' I*l rl* il oiliee over Grilhn Banking < "■ Represents the best and mo-' '' ‘ I'.'.Arai'C* Fire. Accident and Sick Bent nt Co ni pa ni es in the country. __—- ■ : '- ' ’ / Al ldrr-* teed. 1. .. t r*:;J Minp 1 , yot* Sterling L nu ’v <*'» 1 ■