The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 21, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING GALL. Vol. X. No. 247 FOR MANSLAUGHTER. Sillie Lewis is Bound Over Today iu the Sum of SI,OOO This m at 10 o'clock tin. j.u.-, Hminary tri-tl m Sillie Lewis who was charged wi.h the mnrd.r <4 Eozi Reid, which occurred ae a Hquel to het Saturday night’s riot, v, as held before Justice W. 1). Oarhait and the result was that she was bound over in the sum of SI,OOO to await the action of the grand jury at tho August term of superior court The evidence given in was oonfLct iug iu many respects by’ the courts council as the defendants cou- sei in troduced no testimony. Lue Weldeu, a sister of the deceased, testified that she wasn’t there when the fight began, but bad seen both parties earlier ; she didn’t know just what was said, but saw S.iiiie Lewis when she drew the knife and stabbed her sister; there were three stabbs, which were as follows: The first iu the neck, the second in the ehculder and the third under the arm. Her sister fell and she started to her, when the prisoner inn at her with a knife, and she made her exit from the scene. She stated that she went with her sister to Dr. J. T, Nunnally, who dressed the wounds on Saturday night, and that the light occurred betwsen 8 and 9 o’clock. She called Dr, Nunnal ly .< attention to wounds on Sunday msruing. She testified that Bill Sea graves was present, but that Charlie Phillips was ahead, and that she and Bill were the only competent witness es, as they alone saw the affair. Charlie Phillips stated when put on the stand, that be knew nothing of the affair, save that he was asked by Eliza Raid if be had seen Bill Seagraves, and later on he saw Eliz t and Bill talking together, when Sallie Lewis called Bill off He went on until he reached the bicycle repair shop, on Taylor street, and saw three women tusseling on th# corner near the Presbyterian church. He didn’t know who they were,except that he recognized Sallie Lewis, and couldn’t tell what they were doing. Bill Seagraves made a very clear statement, saying he was near Pitts’ barber shop talking to Eliza Reid, when Sallie Lewis came by and called him. The trouble occurred near Al len’s store, just at the Presbyterian church, and where music and dancing was going on, He stepped in there for a few moments, and then came out again. Eliz t Reid pushed him aside, and while ten steps away, he saw both her and her sister attack S illie Lewis. He didn’t go nearer, and swore that Le never saw either of the three with anything in their hands, as they were in (be shadow of the trees. Dr. Nunnally on being placed on the stand stated about the wounds one on the neck, which waa an abrai eion that might have been made by the nails; another that was on the point of the shoulder which was an inch long that lie dressed on Saturday night, and in direct controversion of Lue Weldon’s statement be said that he never saw a wound under the arm until at the coroners inquest on Monday. On cross examination Dr. Nunnally stated that the wound un der the arm could have been made af ter death, and that his opinion in the matter was based largely upon what he had heard from the family, and ■ that the woman could have died from B other causes than lock-jaw, but any B wound or abrasion would produce it. H Cd, Thurman, for the defendant, B v»ry quietly nude s one suggestions B to tlm court in regard to the matter, B aultbi, result w..s that Sallie Lewis B '* bound over in the sum of $1 .000 tc B answer to the charge of manalaugh- ■ 1 Brave Men Fall ® Victims to stomach, liver and kidney ■ kotlbles as well as women, and all feel th< B r ®ults in loss of appetite, poisons in tb< B hood, backache, nervousness, Leadachi B tired, listless, run-down feeling. Bu B there’s no need to feel like that. Listen t< 1| Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He sayi I Electric Bitters are just the thing for i B 81511 w ben he is all run down, and don’ B care whether he lives or dies. It did mor B t 0 give me new strength and good appetit B than anything I could take. I can not ■ anything and have a new lease on life. B °aly go cents, at j N u arr j s & Son’s c H Carlisle & Ward’s drug store. Every bo ■ tle guaranteed. V . -A. sst "r <o xi x.a . ■ tb 9 Ihs Kind You Have Always Bet; 1 I v AT WARM SPRINGS. i ■ The Griffin Rifles Are Enjoying Their Outing l at Camp Davis - Warm Springs, June 20—The Gris s du Rifles, forty aitong, officer* and i men,Surgeon Kelley am! Pimlogra a pher Hardee, pitched tents at Warm I Springs Sunday at 12, m. Tho camp a in t-ilusted in a r-hady grove to the i south of the hotel, ami up to the pres i ent has been an ideal camping ground, i Mr. Davis, the Springs proprietor, very kindly bad all tho underbrush - and loaves removed, which saved con s siderab’.e work ou the part of the men. • Sunday afternoon in publishing or ders, the camp was named Camp , Davis. i The Springs is by no means a dry i place, as one would naturally infer, t and the water, or something, has ef* s fected the heads and knees of a num -1 ber. , There have been no sick and ■j the guard tent has been deserted, ex* 1 C<*j ■. nigh! ■. t !,(■ -■ ml j y r has beeu occupied by the photographer I as sleeping apartments. 1 The company musician is certainly improving in the rendering of his r music, though most of the men mis- > take the different calls for mess, and , think they are to be marched to the 5 hotel where we have our meals. One tent occupied by the ‘ swells” i have ordered Electric Lights and - water put in, and intend to be very 3 exclusive iu selecting their guests. I Captain Smith was caught in a tight - place today by two of his men, namely : in a swing, ai d nut alone. He was i greeted with three cheers and j a tiger, when be reached camps, which i he teceived peacefully. 1 The baths are quite popular and the ; changes it has made iu some is al- I ready apparent, and a few may possibly ) not be recognized by their friends on , their return. II The company gave a drill this after . noon iu front of the bote), and bad as t their spectators the guests of the I Springs, and covered itself with glory by the exact and prompt execution of • all orders. ’ The boys on their return will have , numerous views to ebow their friends 1 of their camp life, such as drees parades ■ and other things i We are all having a good time, but ; strict military rules and regulations 3 are enforced, including guard t mounts. , Wednesday afternoon is the time j appointed for the abandoning of Camp . Davis. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to 3 know <>f one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and > suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New- Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten mill- f ion trial bottles of this great medicine; aud , have the satisfaction of knowing it has ab -1 so'utely cured thousands of hopeless < rises. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs 1 are surely cured by it. Call on J. N. Ilar -1 ris & Son, or Carlisle & Ward, druggists, I and get a free trial bottle. Regular size r 50c. and sl. Every bottle guaranteed, or . price refunded. The wealth of Stanford University, of California, after the provisions of * M rs. Stanford’s gift are carried out, is ' something that fairly staggers the imagination. It reminds one of a !1 chapter out. of ‘ Monte Cristo.” The Y present estimate of it- value places it at sllß 000,000 Then- are 800 000 ’ shares of Southern Pacific stock in it, * which if the present market value is ’ maintained, would rea ze s2l 000,000 s aud if they ever go to par would, of 0 course, mean SBO 000 000. i - —•— Os Interest to Inventors. C. A. Snow A Co , one of the oldest and most successful firms of patent y lawyers, whose cilices are opposite the ie United States Patent Office in Wash •® ington, D C , arid who have procured ie patents for more than 17,000 inventors II say that, owing to the improved con !. ditions in the United Slates Patent a Office, patents may now be more pt promptly procured than at any previ re ous time in their experience of twenty te five years w » CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ' Signature of f'CCt&At'y- I GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JONE 21, 1899. WORK BEFORE GEN. WHEATON. r Practically the Entire Filipino Army in Cavite Opposes Him Manila, June 21—Gen Wheaton 1 occupied Perez Ras Marina- today - after slight opposition. Tho town was i found deserted. It is a miserable, worth a less village, surrounded by swamps a am! it is nut deemed advisable to hold it. General Wheaton goes to Buena ■, Vista tomorrow, where it is reported 1 the insurgents have re-established the - arsenal and powder mil! they removed . from I mus - A reconuoiesance will probably be > necessary to develop the enemy’s posi tion. r The recoucenlration of the insur , gents furnished another proof oi their - remarkable recuperative powers and • Geu. Wheaton has practically the en tire Filipino army in Cav.te province ? opposing him. The country south of - Imus is composed of rice fields, sloughs ■■ and bamboo swamps, making it diffi r cult for the Americans to cover, though comparatively easy fur the r Filipinos. THE MODERN BEAUTY I Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her ' form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty, If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant ■ Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For Bladder Troubles I use Stuart’s Gin and Bn clni. The Hague Conference , Very little is being said about the real object for which the Czir’s paace conference was called. The delegates appear to be discussing tbs question of the arbitration of international diftis cullies. In fact, up to the preeent, , the greater part of the time of the > conference has been given to thia sub- • ject That it is a very important »üb* ( ject there isn’t a doubt, but, as yet,! there isn’t any certainty that anything ,! in respect to it will be accomplished, i There are several arbitration propcsi , ' lions, no one of w bich mr ets with such general favor as to justify the predic- I lion that it will bs adopted. Emperor . ■ William of Germany doesn’t want to II be bound by any agreement in I respect to arbitration, and it is a L question yet whether he will consent ,j to anything that would be a substan- i tial advancement in tlie direction of ipeace As for the real purpose for which ’ ! the conference was called, namely, the , limitation of the armaments of the I nations, the indications are that notb , I ing will I e accomplished. Russia . | would like to get rid of some of the 1 ' burden which her vast military estab* - ! lishment imposes upon her, so that • the could deviUe more of hir revenue U to internal impreo : nu iJ-, but it looks s ias if the had no reason to hope for ' j any thing in (hat direction of a sub* ’istantial character from the peace con* " r i fereuce. The delegates admit that the ! military establishments of the nations ■of Europe are much greater than cau ’i be carried with comfort — taxes f for military purposes are making pau -8 pers of the people, but. they cannot e agree upon a plan for doing that which a a'l admit ought to be done. It is ptetty safe to predict that the 1 conference will accomplish nothing in • the direction of the purpose fer which > it w»s calku. There wifi be some Bort B iof an agreement in t -pct to inter -1 j national nrbittation, 111 the agreement U will be of a chaincler that will bind tlie nations to nothing particular Such an agreement will be adopted so t that it will be possible to say that the conference was not entirely a failure —Savannah News e - State of Ohio, Citv of Toledo, ) I Lvcas Colntt. ) ss. I Frank J. Cheney makes oath teat he is ’» the senior partner of the firm of F. J. . Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, II and that said firm the sum of e ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be l ' cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh ’ Cube- FBANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this (>lh day of December, A. D., 1886. Lk- a. w. GLEASON. ■ seal y Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, a and acts directly on the blood and mucous I surfaces of the system Semd for testimo nials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., “ Toledo, O. ' Bold bv di ’ Hall’s Family Pills are the best. RoVal Baking Powder , Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against akim Alum taking powders are the greatest j menacers to health of the present day. TOTAL BAKING POWOHT.CO., Ww YORK. Where Air Is the Thickest. Iu a paper contributed to "The! Transactions of the British Institute of Preventive Medicine” it is stated i that, even iu a suburb, the dust par ticles number some 20,000 per cubic centimeter in the open air, aud 44,000 in a quiet room ; while in the city the totals per cubic centimeter were 500,- 000 when taken from a roof, 300,000 in a court, and about 400,000 in a room, in other words, the air of the square mile is 900 per cent, thicker than in the suburbs, which is in ac cord with the general experience that ! fogs are both more dense and mo:e | frequent over the center of a city titan ! in the outskirts But what is especially interesting in this paper is the statement that, al though dust is the great carrier of the micro-jrganiems, there is only one of these per 38,000,000 of dust atoms. Thia being so, it is calculated that • i man could live in the metropolis for 70 years and only absorb 25,000,000 of microbes into his system from the air, or the same number as he drinks in a half-pint of unboiled milk. 1 'Mb~ <• I r - ti ■ z li tJfiteawaLwWi • fcn Excellent Combination. J The pleasant method and beneficial j effects of the well known remedy, Syrvp of Figs, manufactured by the California Fio .Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative ami presenting’ them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, ’ dispelling colds, headaches and fev< i-s 1 gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freulom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidney ~ liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the Meal ( laxative. In the process of inanufacturirg tigs are used, as they are pleasant to the 1 ta-.te. but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fig syih r Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. ‘ CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N Y. For sab by all Druggists. —Price s<jc per bottle. L, W. GODDARD & SON, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. W. B. Harris expei ienced Embalm er. Services at all hours. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Hearse .|L W. GODDARD & SON, Nos. 3 and 5 Solomon St- i ■ _____ _l Farmers Meeting. The farmers of this and adjoining counties are requested to meet at the court house in the city of Griffin Sat i! urdav, June 21’b, at 10 o’clock, for the . purpose of electing warehouse directors j for the ensuing year. A. W. Walk E>:, Gli’mn. Board of Directors. R.F. Go. SATURDAY WE PLACE Oil SALE 300 Pairs Sample Shoes and Oxfords. Prices 50c. to $1.50, worth $1 to $3. Don’t miss this sale R. F. STRICKLAND CO. ZKZTLUL tt-iihiim:. The Per Oxide of Cilicates will kill the bugs that are destroying the potatoes and garden plants. 25c for 6-lb package. N, B. DREWRY & SON. R, H. TAYLOR, M. D. J. F. BTEWAKT, M. D. DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART,' Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from Ba.m.toß p. m. A physician will always L. in our office during that time, DfICFFTANC! RI *' !iR ED. May clenortt ..n..r i f vol 1 lull !J f,,r ’‘l‘lion in bank Uli position Jb 1 Htciired, or will hubs Cheap board. Car fare paid. bio vacation. I Euler any time. Open for both wxrs. DRAUGHON’S Z? /J/) 7/// PRACTICAL -J A BUSINESS Nashvilie, Tenn, Savannah, Ga. Galveston, Tex. Texarkana, Tex, Indorsed by merchants and hankers Three months’bookkeeping with us equals nix. elsewhere. All commercial branches taught. For circularseiplaln Ing “ Home Study ('nurse.” address •• Depai tment A For collegu catalogue, address “ Department a 4. FRESH MEAT, Well selected, is worth considering in every household. We keep on hand the best and largest stock of Beef, Kuttonanfl Port and in fact all kinds of Fresh Meat to be found anywhere. Give ns your order and be convinced. FRESH FISH always on hand. Also a first class RESTAURANT in connection with the market, in which we serve tip top meals at all hours. P.S.PARMELEE. Act. <? TATE OF GEORGIA, O Spalding County Whereas, Chas. T. Smith. administrator <.f Philip Smith. r< presents to the court in his petition, duly filed and ent-re 1 on record, that he has fully administered Philip Smith’s es tate. This is therefore to <•.!<■ all persons concerned, kindred an 1 creditors, to show cause, if anv they can, whysaid administrator should not be discharged from his admiulstra 'ion. and receive letters of uismissi-’ti. on the first Monday in August ISfffl This May 1. )*.«•. J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. MARCUS W. BECK, ATTOBNEY AT LAW,, Office over Merchants and Planters Bink GRIFFIN, GA. I - rv ody s»ys Ski .’ - ■. c-> ■ < tic. 1-1.10. f. ir- it v.'on- I- ~ - ipation • . y r.ii.t try a box Noticeof Removal. I have moved my Plumbing and Tin ware establishment to the old Brick Laun dry Building on Broad street, wber ? I am better prepared than ever to do al! kinds of work in my line. If you need any Plumbing or Tin work done, give me a call—satisfaction guaran teed. ' A. 8. CAMPBELL. $3.00 per Annum i LAUNDRY. For the convenience of my patrons I have opened a branch Laundry at i the Hecond door below' the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run I in connection with my old businets ion Broad street. I will superintend ! the work at both Laundries and guar antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. si.. * i at.--- .■ p I t-T ■■ J. L • 4»ar { .1 |■ r } a. It is an li- .'l'-.. ■ , ti.-'i ' Wj I WDHi’M'ip, 1 i psTOH Y, Hi l tr.Jt aph Y,Tr A Vb I. I!! ’.• 1 , <>i M \L INJ OUMATIO-.. WOMAN’S Dl -•KIM. .T, a I Guv. Tayiob- lbl-AH-1 Ml I. r»jb»r T H JMe Letters to the Public arc of spe i.l i irrer t. S copy fn . Aaents Wanted. PRPP | EDUCATION.etv. '1 o any sub>r< : . I fc’LwL-i » v. . J .1 P t new ;-ul 1 I ts at our ri-'-'u! -r rd«-- to equal the regular prb ■ . f lie article n-li- '<■'}, »ve •will gl’- •• frfe ! tc-.-rlr, (old watch, diamond rhj". or as* h ■■'.•’•-di ip in either >f DraughonV Ru • f'nu-., Nuuhville.T.-m,.. I r. ■ - .... ; < rone in silmot Ui . . ■ ' . r;' ■ .. Mention Griffin (Ga ) Mormng Cali Fine Chickens For Sale. I have for sale full breed Minorcas, War horse and Shawl-neck, Crossed Game and Bard Plymouth Rock Chickens. Also settings of eggs Irom each breed. These birds are select. E. L. Rogers. $ I anything you invent or improve; also get# CAVEAT.TR ADE-MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN < PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo. S for free examination end advice. e "BOOK ON PATENTS fee before jrateat. $ TC.A.SNOW& CO.; Patent Lawyers. WASH'NGTON, D.C. $ Furniture RepairSlioi) o 0 John T. Boyden has opened an UphoLter Shop, and will do ad ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on w’ork and prices. Please call and see me. JOHN T. BOYDEH. 19 1-2 Hill St. I—, , - _ I) IL E. L. HANES { DENTIST. Office upstairs in building adjoining, on