The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 23, 1899, Image 2

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The Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., JUNE, 23, 1899. Olllccovor Davis' hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. 22. 2_ i Thk Evening Cali, is published every afternoon —except Sundays. The Midhi.k ukokoia Farmer, is pub- 1 lished every Thursday. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, 1 year, $3.00 “ ' 6 months, • 1-50 “ 3 months, "•> , Weekly, 1 year, 50 •' f> months, 25 8. B. &.LC. SAWTELL, Editors and Proprietors. Notica to Advertisers, To insure insertion, all changes lor contract advertisements must Ixj handed in by t) o’clock a. m. Notice to Subscribers. Whenever the carrier fails to deliver your paper, you will confer a favor by re porting the tact t/> the business office,which will insure its prompt delivery thereafter. Ordinary of Sjal ■> i; ctjiiniy and the City 11 Griffin. A foolish Kansas girl—and the world is full of them—sent a dollar to a sharp New Yorker for a "sure core for freckles ” The receipt was this: '■Remove the freckle- carefully with a pocket knife; «osk them over night in sai» water ; and thr u hang them up in the smokthouso in a good strong smoke made id sa.vdilM l . am) s ip.pery* elm bark for u week Freckles thus ireatid mv« r fail Io be thoroughly cured ’’ 1 he Cincinnati Enquirer say.- : ‘ 1 l.e ad in mis: ra 11 .1-i-i - do not promise much m i b« "ay ol iwi-ing the litiari ci a i s)-ii m Tl,< . r protm-ing il.iy -> are over, and now the qum-iioii with them it how to avoul (oltilling the promises They are ahaid of the money question. They do not comprt fiend it. They know that the carrying Mil of the lit tle they have proposed wimlu wreck them before the people. AH they can do is to send a lot of wordy fellows with resonant voices through the coun try to intone the old declaration that die'grand old party’ will be equal to any emergency that may arise. There is one country in the world, and probably only otie, which gets along with a single policeman ; that is Iceland. Iceland is peopled by the de scendants of Vikings, including many famous warriors and heroes, but they are so law-abiding that they have no need of policemen. The solitary officer in spite of bis great responsibility, has a very easy time. He is maintained more for orr.amt nt and dignity than for use The Icelanders think it would not do to have a capital without a po liceman, and so they keep one. Thia police force is large in trie reuse. Its member is six feet big! , broad--Louis dered, and handsomely uniformed. Wanamaker’s paper, the Phila delphia North A mer!can,aud, of course, a good republican paper, is not pleased with the expansion theories of Mr. McKinley It gays: "This war is hate fol io the American pnqde. The splendid courage of our s -' iu re and the gallantry and address of their commanders excite mitm.mii admira- ■ tion, but there is no natiomii exulta- i tion over their victories The stars and stripes, which appeared at every window while our army and navy were delivering the Cubans from Span ish oppression, are nut hung out in response to the daily news that the Filipinos have been routed with heavy loss ” It new seems that Philadelphia will take the lead iu a great reform, for the benefit of the masculine ball of the race, says the Savannah News. Why should men be compelled by custom to wear coats and swelter and steam io t hot weather, while womtn keep cool 1 and comfortable in shirt waists? Phil adelphia is discussing the question, and may institute a movement toward permitting the shirt waist to men as well as women. Materials identically ’ the same are uei d for making shirts t and waists, yet the man must keep his Madras shirt covered with a coat, no matter if the mercury is in the ninty’s, ■■ ■ . ■■ are cov- ered only by the waist. Why . sh. uld i not the man’s shirt be changed into a 1 shirt waist, and become a tiling of joy , and beauty to its wearer, and the envy of all beholders, just as a woman is? For Backache use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu. I ■ I ■ l Ou.l >,, > t 100 I'orc.ei. I’uiiel "IS < .1 .11;: ut n ;.ic or 25c. • , ? C :;oi u>'ui;-. druigists refund money A Thorou*li Cure. There is no sentiment about Grizler. . He is close and is not easily alarmed. It | is not surprising, then, that the doctor I ■ ler called to present the case of his wife. , ‘‘l’m greatly afraid,” said the - hus-■ baud, ‘‘that her mental equilibrium ia , disturbed. She is not liko other women and not as she used to bo.” ‘‘What are the symptoms?” “You may regard them of a negative character, doctor. To begin with, she never opens her fashion papers of late. ’’ * ‘ Bad I Bad 1 V ery bad 1’ ’ ‘‘l feared as much. The woman who | lives next door called last night and , wore one of the most elegant hats I ev er saw. You know that lam not given to noticing such things. Mrs. Grizler never seemed to seo it and said nothing about it after the caller had gone. ” ‘‘Awful, ” exclaimed the doctor, ‘‘aw ful. I’vo known your wife, Grizler, ev er sinco she was bom. No one over bad a brighter mind or a happier disposi tion. I can’t understand it. Used to be the life and beauty of every company she was ever in. Does she go out?” ‘‘No, nor entertain. Never mentions the theater, burns all invitations and is = without the slightest interest in the so- j cial whirl. I would give half I’m worth to see her tho girl 1 married. ” “Done,” snapped the doctor, and ho wrote out the strangest prescription on record. It called for horses, carriages, line raiment, jewels and a well filled purse. At tho bottom was a receipt in full for |250,000. There was no chance for Grizler to weaken, and now his wife is one of the most brilliant women in tho swim. When she and tho old doc tor meet, h" w inks and Dm whispers, •‘You dear old soul.’’—Detroit Free Press. Parliamentary Humor. The London World gives this as an illustration of tho keen humor of Jus tice Darling: Ou one occasion, when Mr. Gladstone was beginning to give up the lead in tho house of commons to Sir William Harcourt, it was noticed by the members that ho left tho house at tho dinner hour and Sir William Harcourt led for tho rest of tho sitting. Mr. Darling ono evening drove Sir Wil liam to fury, on failing to elicit a defi nite answer to an inquiry, by casually observing in the course of his speech, "1 have noticed that lately tho party opposite, adopting an ancient precedent, lias set up a greater light to rule the ■day and a lesser lightttftule the night.” He Passed Out. "1 won’t submit to being turned away, ” said the disappointed arrival at tho hotel. “See here—l’m flush I” And he displayed a roll of bills. “1 know, ” responded the clerk, ‘‘but I’ve got a full house. ” —Philadelphia North American. Working Night and Ray The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessmss into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They’re wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by J. N. Harris Son and < 'arlisle A Ward. Just aw< e k ago 90 j r crtit. >■' all the mills belonging to the window glass trust shi.t down, On the last day of tilt - month 10 per cent of these mill- w: : eli'-v tlitir doors. By this action 17.000 working-men, trained to labor along special lines and not able to find < . miiner.ative employment in other kinds of work, will be walking the -trei !- with nothing’to do 'Hid no hope of finding anything to furnish support for themselves and (aniilief, Hanna thinks that lb - qnes'.rn of trusts will not Im a pdli ieal issue in 1900 It v.<nlil be interesting to Han na to k:; -w list what those 1 i ,000 hungry hi 1 desperate men think about this —Chicago Democrat. MOSLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. ; Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels aud Kidneys. For bili'itisne -, constipation and ma laria. For indigestion, sick an I nervous head- For sleeplessness, nervousne- heart fail- . ure, an. 1 nervous prostration. For aver, chills, debility and kidney | diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies,for natural and thorough organ- ’ ic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. 50c. and SI.OO bottles at all druggists. j Prepared only by Dr, 11. Muziev," At lanta, Ga. Gratitude- Dr. 11. Mozley—Dea,r Sir; Sine* using I your Lemon Elixir 11, ive never I. id other attack of those fearful sick head- I .u-hes, and thank Gkl tleit I li:.' at i>' found a medicine that will cure those aw- I ful spells. Mrs. Etta W. Jones, Parkersburg, West Virginia. Mosley’s Lemon Elixir. 1 suffered with indigestion and dysen- | tery for two long years. I heard of Lemon : Elixir; got it; taken seven bottles and am I now a well man. Harry Adams, No. 1734 First Ave., Birmingham, Ala. | Moxley's Lemon Elixir years with large ulcers on his leg, and was 1 cured after using two bottles; and cured a friend whom the doctors had given up to I die, who had su Sere 1 foi gestion and nervous prostration. Mrs. E. A. Bevii.le, Woodstock, Ala, MOSLEY’S LEMON HOT DROPS. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Horsencss,; Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage, and i all throat and lung diseases. Elegant, re liable. 25c. at druggist. Prepared only by Dr. . 11. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. ■ Sarah E. Bowen, of Peru, Ind., ■ - » u H For eighteen years I suffered ■ ra -1 with weakness peculiar to my sex. ■ ■ I could neither sleep nor eat well, E * VII ■ and was re j uce j t o a mere s kele- ■ || ton. My skin was muddy, my ■ ■ eyes heavy, atid I vs dizzy much ■ p of the time. Doctors prescribed I / I for me without avail; medicine ■ ■ seemed to do me no good. I was at ■ / ■ the brink of despair when a friend ■ I told me what Dr. Williams’Pink ■ ■ Pills for Pale People had accom- ■ B ■ plished in a case similar to mine. ■ ’*l" | I I bought a box and took them. I ■ IIIC H bought more and took them until I 1 lllw ■ I was well and strong. Dr. Wil- I g Hams’ Pink Pills for Pale People g I brought me new life and I recoin- ■ I mend them to every suffering g ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ woman.” — From the Republican, ■ I WnißAll s 1 7 I IW Vllllmll V ■ Dr. Williams’Pink Pills for Pale Peoplt ■ contain, in a condensed form, all the ele- H In rnents necessary to give new life and rich- n lw ness to the blood and restore shattered M H ra nerves. They are an unfailing specific for K M such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial to paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neural- gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the J| S after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the W %I 11 B If H heart, pale and sallow complexions, and all ■ I 111 9 H forms of weakness either in male or female. ■ J & Or. Williams'Pink Pills for Pale People are never ■ O sold by the doren or hundred, but always in pack- h| M ages At all druggists, or direct from the Or. Wil- B B liams Medicine Company. Schenectady, N. Y., 50 H gj cents per box. 6 boxes $2.50. linative i r LlfO'” >n, Ga., September 16, 1891. Atlanta, Ga. tend your Pitts’ Gtrminitivt Joo a it. She had Cholera Imantum » t no relief until I bejan usinr Pitt s n I had given her but two pottles, t ck like the same child. 1 advise all V hildrento give this remedy a trial. 7 Mrs. LIZZIH MORRAY. Will Sava Yuira. > m.... 7 s 6ail Borden ssm < EM’LE brand f > Condensed Milk I > Has No Equal as an Infant Food C C "INFANT HEALTH’sent FREE. N v(i»'o tr,s£ «wYo£ Ripan 5 Tabules —ONE GIVES RELlEF— feet.' tFrl : liilt I ■■ ''' "wM - I* ■'''. 7- '■ «L- Fann y R, Ex ‘ up and makes me ; pated and have Grace i-uv 1 alt and take <■.:, • when You will find t in ter. mi uti : , and '.. re will be no head ache that l ay. WANTED :-A i l-nai.c.i ::: I - - ■ :! 11 k; i': : ,5*5 givoiratiet. Holo the wort R i r A > • wel.e l«wkrt.-)L r M rente. n> 'I" he 1 " 1 -an. ■ t bonsai. . leaded lo noy fuldrcsa for a etuis, forward li . I .ivuiival. ■., .so. iu opruoe oi., xora. ITTTT a FTI DO YOU WANT" It matters not what—sprayers, I JL-XjL, JL pumps, farm and factory machinery, canning ma i _chinery, nursery stock, evaporators, farm and i garden implements,' wire fencing, market quotations, fruit carriers, books, fancy stock and poultry, insecticides, farm lands, any information, farm and I garden inventions, household articles—anything. You can advertise for it ' in the AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS' JOURNAL i IT’we.nn ’ You will get answers from many sources. It * 1 W Ul a will save you money in the purchase. Ir you • want to get a month's trial subscription to the best weekly horticultural ' trade journal in the world—the farmers’ great business paper—send ten American Fruit Growers Journal, Atlanta, Ga., or Chicago, 111, > LAND POOR. A Scheme to Give Every Man a i Farm, by a Person Who is Land Pcor. Mr. Editor : Some years ago I tixyk an idea that land was the safest investment that a man could make in Georgia, and as a consequence, I am now land poor; have more than I can profitably make use of, and consequently want to get rid of some, or all of it, and I have decided to adopt the following measure to get rid of it: I will say,in the first place, that the land is the best in Monroe county, is fine ly watered, and is adapted to raising cat tle, sheep and hogs, and is the best for cotton, corn, wheat, oats and other grains in the county. There are a number of tenant houses on the place, and a home recently built that cost me over $3,000 to build. The land, in the first place, cost me from $25 down to $4 per acre—saying altogether,about $lO per acre, without improvements ; and to get rid of it, I will average the whole place at $lO per acre, in the following way : I will have the entire place, 1,000 acres, sub-divided into 50-acre lots, at $lO per acre, giving more than 50 acres to one party, if desired, and less than 50 to another, according to his ability to pay for it, as the case may be, the entire quantity to be drawn for. In other words, the number of lots and quantity of land to be put in a bat or box, and drawn out under approval of a com mittee of gentlemen, at some stated time, so that all shall have a fair chance to get a home at a low price, and no one has a chance of losing their m rney, or failing to get their value, as paid, and some get a farm at far less than cost. The land is 12 miles from Macon, a city of some 50,000 or 00,000 people, and is adapted to maiket gardening, and for northern people who know how to work, it offers a fine opportunity for a colony of energetic citizens. It is all together, and would make a fine settlement, having the best of pastures, water, springs, creeks, etc. The land is timbered with hickory, beach, oak and pine, and some cedar; in fact, it is the best place I know of, and I am satisfied the ed itor of the Call will vouch for what I say. I would be glad to have any parties who mean business, te go over the plantation, familiarize themselves with the advan tages, and communicate with me at Barnesville, before going into the matter, assuring them that I mean what I say. In addition to the terms offered above, I have concluded to make the terms of pay ment in four annual payments without interest, which is tantamount to putting the price of the land very low. The titles to the land have been in the posses sion of one or two parties for years, and ! have never been questioned and are as good as gold. 1 am not particularly wedded to this plan < f getting rid of my lands, but only suggest the idea —any better plan would ba thankfully substituted. 8. B. BI’RR, Sr, Barnesville, Ga. Excursion tickets at reduced ratez ! between local points are on sale after 12 noon Saturdays, and until 6 p. m. Sundays, good returning until Mon day noon following date of sale. Persons contemplating either a bus iness or pleasure trip to the East should investigate and consider the advantages offered via Savannah and Steamer lines. Tho rates generally are considerably cheaper by this route, and, in addition to this, pas sengers save sleeping car fare and the expense of meals en route, as tickets include meals and berths aboard ship. Me take pleasure in commending to the traveling public the rente referred to, namely, via (entral of Georgia Railway to Savannah, thence via the elegant Steamers of the Ocean Steam ship Company to New York and Bos ton, and the Merchants and Miners line to Baltimore. The comfort of the traveling public is looked after In a manner that defies criticism. Electric lights and electric bellsj handsomely furnished staterooms, modern sanitary arrangements. The tables are supplied with all the deli cacies of the Eastern and Southern markets. All the luxury and comforts of a modern hotel while on board ship, affording every opportunity for rest recreation or pleasure. Lach steamer has a stewardess to I look especially after ladles and chil j dren traveling alone. lor information as to rates and | sail! g dates of steamers and for berth I reserv;.!, apply to nearest ticket agent of this company, or to J. C. HAILE, Gen. Pass. Agt., E. 11. HINTON, Traffic Manager, - Savannnh, Ga. ’ ronsuinpiion AND ITS To the Editor :—I have an absolute remedy f< >r Consumption. By its timely use ; thousands of hopeless cases have been already fxirmanently cured. So proof-positive am 1 i of its power that I consider it my duty to I ran, fw to those of your readers who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or ; Lung Trouble, if they will write me tlwir express and postoffice address. Sincerely. 1 ». A. SLOCUM, M. C., 183 Pearl St., Hew York. The Editorial ami Busineaß Management of ■ a this Paper («uarantee thin ganeraas Proposition* Corn is a vigorous feeder and re. sponds well to liberal fertilize tion. On corn lands the yield increases and the soil improves if properly treated with fer tilizers containing not under 1% actual Potash. A trial of this plan costs but little and is sure to lead tc profitable culture. All about Potash—i hr results of its i> perirneiH on tli< br-’ > t;’n> in the I ~t , i told in little l» •• ;. uh;.- .we pun ish , (nail free to any farn ;n Au ei" ,< '- v GEk.IA KAI i UOI 93 Nassau • ; . New > 50 YEARS’ p ERIE N c e <jmrra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anvnno sending a .ketch anil description m., : .'l-cert.'lin enr Opinion invention is probably patentable. Conimunic. ti< >ns Rtrictly oontMent lai. 11 and book on Patent, sent free. Oldest agency for securing patet,t« Patents taken through Munn & ( o. xprrial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest nt, eolation of any scientific Journal. Terms la , year: four months. sl. Sold by al! newsdealers MUNN & Co. 36,8r0ad * a -New York Branch Office. 625 F St.. Washington. D. C. ” BiWpoisiiff MHWEsS curedinlato36days. Y. u. xnbetrej. { homeforsame price under vin ty. If you prefer tocome her, we w L“' traetto pay railroad fureandh ; " , '•! ’ nocbarge.lf wofail tocure. Ifyoul.a-. • cury, iodide potash, and still hare a.'-es,'i pains. Mucous Patches In mouth, . l h-. ,‘ ri.nples. Copper Colored Sp..|s, I Ic, r / ‘ any part of the body. Hair or Er : brows f-r'L','; out, it is this Secondary BLOOD J’dfs'-t we guarantee to cere. We the:: -iol,<? bate cases and < iiallcngo ; Ise iiori l f,- ' case we cannot «-iire. '1 his <h .t, B baffled the skill »f the most eminent n> Clans. SSOO,OO<> t.ipital behir I . ,■ , lienal guaranty. Abaoluteproof-s. • , e „ / ' applies, rm. Addons COOK Iti >J 349 llasonic Temple, CIiICAGO. iLL. ' e' WE PAY iel; cash for a ■ like cut! We pay >:> t « <;h h for many jm >st ... .> • ■.uui-. .1 I between 1 >47 . . [ i>?i j.. upyonroK! 1 ?t. is mJ of your neigh ■ i> : \ ;j: find stamps w. n.h tnousih > of dollars. ?>.i to-? f n . r FREE 11 lust; •• I ,X IM nil ST<Ml’< n.. M. I.ttnic.”,. ’ 1 J * FEES! FLEE I FREE I 1 A Life Size Fcrtrait, Crayce, Paste! ci Water Color, Free In order to introduce our excellent wort we will make to auv one sending uss photo a Life Size Portrait, Crayon, Paste, or Water Color Portrait Free of Charge. Small photo promptly returned. Exacl likeness and highly artistic finish guaran teed. Send your photo at onee to C L. MARECHAL ART CO., 34> Elm St., Du /i.-, Texas. "Southern Rhilw. i S) : . daily *-« r ■ 1 conn--ung n ■ > Atlanta, wdh V< t Unit.' -• I 1 W.. ) Also ;.i 1 K ? ■■■■ r ' \ , I \ . .. ) N <»i t !ibound. | I. < ' ' Lv. ;. • “ Wav. r‘v Hit-1 i 10. . '• V- ;•' •U’ffh. Ar. Alia-;!:;.. ’ Lv. v~i * Ar. Washington. " N. Ygi-R 5 Lv. Atlanta.. i A r. (’bat tan<*<«‘» Ar. Memphis . Ar. I.- ui ill.' ’ Ar. (’ineinnati. Southbound. t‘ ; • Lv. (’ineinnati. I I Lv. I-onisville Lv. Memphis.. ’ Lv. Chattanooga .Ar. Atlanta. Lv. New Yurie. > • Ar. Atlanta. Lv. Atlanta I " McDonough. ... , “ Grittill 1 “ Williaiiisou.. t “ Concord. “ Woodbury “ Warm Springs “ Oak Mountain “ Waverly Hall Ar. <Ydumbus ‘ TO MACON. Dally. 5 " Lv. Columbus. Soufh’n By Ar. Woodburv. Sonth n b’y .*• .Macon. M’. A 15. IL K. , Ar. Ln‘+rauge, M. AH. K.R Daily. 5 ’ ' Lv. LaGrange, M. &B. li !'■ ! ———— ’ Lv. Macon, M. B. It r Ar. Woodbury. MAb‘ K Ar. folumbus. South n K? ’ FRANK S. HANNON ■> 'I 1 I Thiid VP. A <le:i Mgr.. I ' ’ Washington. D. t • W A. TVKK. S 2‘ j , |'a- ' Gen. Fas. Agent. A : i Washington. D. C. A J -i k igent K. B WELLS. Passenger .V 1" ___ f Columbus. — — Mt