The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 27, 1899, Image 1

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PHE EVENING GALL. Vol. X. No. 252 OFF THE SIDEWALKS Bicyclists Must Ke’ep in the Roads In the Future. The city council met this afternoon in regular session, presided over by His Honor, Mayor Davis Ihe minutes of last meeting were lead and approved. A petition was read liom a large number of citizens, asking the council to permit the riding of bicycles on the sidewalks out of the fire limits, under proper regulations and restrictions. It was ordered placed on file. A petition was read from the board jf education, asking the council to in crease the public school fix to 25 mills, and another asking that bicycles 3e kept off the side walks. They were ordered placed on file. Dr. M. F. Carson sent in his resig nation as city physician, to take effect July Ist. The resignation was accept ed. The reports of Chief of Police Igor, I Nall and Supt Howard, for day, were read and ordered placed on tie. The ordinance committee intro iuced two ordinances concerning the iding of bicycles on the side walks, Phe majority report asked for prohib ting of riding on the side walks and .he minority asked that the riders be dlowed to use the side walks from De lember first to May first. These ordinances brought nut con lerable discussion hum the ccuncil, md upon a vote, the report of the najority was adopted, and bicycle rid rs in future must “keep in the niddle of the road.” The ordinance vill be published, in full, in the Cali. The street committee was author zed to investigate the cost of buying wo carts for the street hands The street committee reported ad ersely to allowing W, H. Powell com pensation for a street crossing his lot n Sixth street, but gave him permis ion to obstruct the street. THE MODERN BEAUTY 'hrives on good food and sunshine, with lenty of exercise in the open air. Her >rm glows with health and her face looms with its beauty, If her system eeds the cleansing action of a laxative ctnedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant iyrup of Figs, made by the California Fig ; rup Co. only. At the Methodist Church- The prayer service at the First Meth jdist church la-t night was quite an nteresting one The pastor spoke for I I • minutes upon the subject of “Chris j ian Joy,” after which a number of the I congregation made beautiful and help- I fill talks. T here were only* 30 persons present I in this first prayer service of “the week i of prayer.” There were only 400 of the members of the church absent. No doubt all these could assign some reason for be ing absent. A great many were tired and did not feel like going to church —for all the poor, tired members of the church I bow in deep sympathy. Really, 1 think I they ought to take all the rest they | can get in this life, seeing that the high temperature of the atmosphere I in the next world will not permit them to rest. Yes, if they-expect to get any rest, they had better take it here. This first prayer service was a de lightful one to many fus When we thought of the multiplied thousands of Christian.! in the Methodist church all over this world praying atthesime lime, and praying for the same thing that we were praying for, viz: “A World Wide Revival,” our hearts were fi led with joy ; and we said “Lord, surely Thy Kingdom shall speedily come ” Services every night this week. We renew the invitation to all Christians, "who really love God, to join n« in this prayer service. C. S. Owens, Pastor. B< *r 8 the The Kind You Have Always Bought “Mama, what.would you do if that fiig vase in the parlor was to get brok en " said Tommy. “1 should spank whoever did it,” said Mrs. Banks, gazs ir, g at her li.tie son “Well, you’d bet ler L»egin to get up your muscle,” said Tommy, ,,i coz p a p a ’ a broken it.’’ — harper’s Bazar. For Gravel use Stuarts Gin and Buchu. FEVER IS MALIGNANT. Larger Percentage of Deaths Than Usual Reported From Santiago. Santiago, June 27,—Since the out break of yellow fever here, there have been 11 deaths and 35 cases Two new cases Were reported today and four deaths The percentage of deaths show the disease is more malignant than usual. The soldiers encamped south of the city are in good health. There is a general demand for the large numbers of American tramps and gamblers here to be driven out, as they give the Cu bans a bad idea of the American char acter. They have established resorts which are hotbeds of disease and vice. A dispatch from Havana says: Undue inportance is being given by the Cuban press to the row at Cienfue gos between Americans and the Cuban police. The trouble began in a house of ill repute, where the Americans cre ated a disturbance. The police inter fered and a fight followed. It is alleg ed by the Cubans that a guard of sol diers >n front of the pay office also fired on the crowd. A passer-by was bit, dying later. The riot was stopped by the troops. Two Americans have been arrested. Au iuvestigatiwft proves that the affair was merely a drunken row, though the Cubans claim it indi cates hostility on the part of Ameri cans. The prevalence of disease among cattle which have arrived here from Texas is causing a good deal of public concern. It is said that 2 men in Lu ayano have been poisoned by eating the meat of these cattle, and 2 other cases are reported in Pinairo. A com mittee of doctors appointed by the sec retary of public works and agriculture to examine and report on the disease declare that the animals are afflicted with Texas cattle fever, which poisons the meat and that the deaths reported were due to eating the flesh of such cattle Gen. Biooke has ordered the secretary of public works and agri culture to make an investigation as soon as possible and to take measures to prevent (he importation of infected cattle. He Fooled, the Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering for 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was performed; but be cured himself with five boxes of! Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the surest Pile | cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the 'World. 25 cents a box. Sold by J. N. Harris A Son ami Carlisle A Ward, drug -1 gist- It Affected the Tide The humorist had been tied band ■ and fool and lashed to a pile that pro : jected a dozen or more feet above the water at low tide, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer. He had dared to perpetrate an orig inal joke, and the Paragraphers’ Amal gamated Union had decreed his death. In vain he wriggled. The cruel waters were rising beneath him. The tide was coming in. “I’m afraid,” he murmured, as he looked down and noticed that the lit- I tie waves were lapping at his shoe, “I’m afraid that one tied will not af fect another.” And he laughed harsh ly “Any.vay,” he added a moment later, “I’ll stick to my post ” The tide rose faster, It was at his knee, his waist, elbow, and neck! Just as it reached his chin he gave a final glance across the waves and muttered : “Well, it seems to be up to me now.’ Whereupon the tide turned and ran out. He was saved The Appetite of a 9 oat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose , Stomach and Liver are out of order. AH i such should know that Dr. King’s New Lite Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily hab it that insures perfect health anil great en ergy. Only 25c. at J. N. Harris <fc Son’s and Carlisle & Ward’s drug store. “Os course,” said the Kettle, “it isn’t good form for the Pot to call me black 1 but if it should—” “Well, if it should,’ said the Pan, which was acting as les ’ gal adviser, “you can set up a genera) denial —Puck. For Diabetes use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu, I , //<■ A-' oi>c AU druggist* lit Li lllU'lK. | GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE 27, 1899. Good Advice to Negroes It would be well for the negroes of i the south if they would heed some of the advice given them by Booker Washington. In an elaborate resume of the race question and lynching, af ter arguing that lynch law is wrong and appealing to the whites in the matter, he says • “But there is still another side, the white man in the south has not only a serious duty and responsibility, but the negro lias a duty in this matter. In speaking to my own people I want to be equally frank, but I speak with the greatest kindness There is too much crime amongst us. The figures for a given period show that in the United States 30 per cent of the crime committed is by negroes, while we constitute only about 12 per cent of the entire population. This holds good not only in the south, but also in northern states and cities. No race that is so largely ignorant and so re cently out of slavery could perhaps show a better record, but we must face these plain facts. He is most kind to the negro who tells him of his faults as well as of his virtues. A large amount of the crime among us grows out of the idleness of our goung men and women. It is for this reason that I have tried to insist upon s nie in dustry being taught our young people in connection with their course of literary training.” Professor Washington concludes his paper by appealing to school teachers, ministers and the press to arouse such a sentiment regarding the committing of crime against women that no such crime will be charged against any member of the race. He says the ne gro has among the southern whites as good friends as he has anywhere in the world and advises him to stay here and work out his salvation. Supreme Court Decisions. Since Chas. O. Tyner began the manu facture of Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy, many people have inquired as to its effica cy. Chief Justice Bleckley, of Georgia, has tried it for indigestion and dyspepsia, and gives this as his decision : “Atlanta, Ga., March 14, 1894.—Chas. O. Tyner, Atlanta, Ga.: I have used, and am now using, Tyner’s Dyspepsia Reme dy. It is a mental as well as a physical elixir. With its aid and a pair of specta cles I can frequently see the law in spite ' of unsuitable or too much diet. "Louan E Bleckley.” This is a splendid decision and people are profiting by it. For sale by -11 druggists. Price 50c. per bottle. Sample by mail on receipt of 5c in stamps, to pay postage. Address Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy Co., Atlanta, Ga. Oldest Woman In the World. One of the oldest tribes that once in- I habited southern California was the Tanche. Today the remnant of the thou sands they once could raise are a misera ble five, who squat, tolerated, but not invited, upon the land their forefathers had owned. Yet these five would possess a distinction if their case were only known, for the oldest is the oldest wo man in the world, and the youngest is almost a marvel of longevity. The grandmother is now 145 years of age, her oldest child Is 120, and her grandchild, the youngest of tin; quintet, is 98. Their united ages are considera bly over 600, a record equaled by no oth er family on record. The old grand mother, whom courtesy denominates liv ing, is sleeping out her second century. She wakens only to take nourishment. Her hair is ns white as carded wool, and her flesh has wasted away from in activity until nothing but the skin and bone remain. They have to lead her when she walks, her appearance remind ing the stranger of the sorceress “She’* after she came out of the fatal tire San Francisco Call. Ants Eat the Fnper Money. Paper money cannot be used in the ■ Philippines. The islands are infested with ants, which eat almost everything, and are patieularly fond of paper. In a recent shipment of money for the i troops was $1,000,000 in paper money of small denominations, and preparations were being made to send more paper in the next shipment, when a warning wa given that hereafter nothing but. gold and silver coin must be sent to the is lands. It was stated that ants got into the boxes and attacked the packages f bills, which ware saved from destruction only by the greatest care. As far as officials here know none of the money was actual ly destroyed, the damage done being probably no more serious than the eating away of the edges of notes or perhaps ' making holes through some of them. St. Louis Republic. Discovered. Dy a Woman- Another great discovery has been made, ' and that too, by a lady’ in this country. “Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its se veiest tests, but her vital organs were un dermined and death seemed imminent For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She finally discov , ered away to recovery, by purchasing of of Dr. King’s New Discovery ' for Consumption, and was so much reliev- I ed on taking first dose, that she slept all night; ami with two bottles, has been ab solutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.” Thus writes W. C. Hammick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at J. N. Harris & Son’s and Carlisle & Ward’s drugstore. Regular size 50 and SI.OO. Every bottle guaranteed. I IRoYaII Baking Powder I Made from. pure 1 cream of tartar. i Safeguards the food ' against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest 1 menacers to health of the present day. 1 1 ROYAI. BAKINO POWDER CO., HEW YORK. ——ll i II —MM——» ‘ ; : Miranda (visiting city friends) —My, here’s her visitin’ card. Miranda's Husband—What does itj say? Miranda—lt says she’s at home] Thutsdays. Wonder where sbe stops rest of the time?—Tit Bits. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ; Suture Lt “What is that old proverb about the moss and the rolling stone?’’ queried tho Uhicago girl’. “A revolving fragment of the paleo .zoic age collects no cry ptogamous veg etation,’’ replied he cousin from Bos* ton —Chicago News. Hi ’. ■ Ary? sex- i Au Excellent Combination. | ' The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy. Syrup of inis. manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to tin taste and acceptable' to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling <.m to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening laxative. are used, as they’ are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK. N Y For sale by all Druggists.—Price 50c. per bottle. L.W. GODDARD & SON, ~ . ..... !. .< -r FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM3ALMERS. W. B. Harris expeiienced Embalm er. Services at all hours. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Hearse Free. L W. GODDARD & SON, Ncs 3 and 5 Solomon St- Os Interest to Inventors. C. A. Snow A Co., one of the oldest . and most successful firms of patent t lawyers, whose offices are opposite the ’ United States Patent Office in Wash ■ ington, D C., and who have procured 1 patents for more than 17,000 inventors, gay that, owing to the improved con ditions in the United States Patent Office, patents may now be more , promptly procured than at any previ ous tinift in their experience of twenty five yearu R.F. Strickland Sc Go. ■ SATURDAY WE PLACE ON SALE 300 Pairs Sample Shoes and Oxfords. Prices 50c. to $1.50, worth $1 to Don't miss this sale R. F. STRICKLAND $c CO. ZKZILTL TjEHZEjYE. The Per Oxide of will kill the bugs that are destroying the potatoes and garden plants. 25c for 6-lb package. N. B. DREWRY » SON. R, 11. TAYLOR, M. D. J, F. STEWART, M D. DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from Ba.m.toß p, m. A physician will always be in our office during that time. DDCITIAMC smtki n. » w £ VIJ I I I llji i) for lulUuu hi hank Uli fUMlUuri In * w cured, or will accept not.- Cheap board. Car fare paid. No vacation. Enter any time. Open for both sexes. DRAUGHON'S X? tTZ? PRACTICAL BUSINESS Nashville, Tenn. Savannah, Ga. Galveston, Tex. sjj Texarkana, Tex. • Indorsed by merchant* and banker*. Thren months’bookkeeping with ti« equals mix. elsewhere. AU commercial branches taught. For circulars explain ing “ home Study Couw.” address “ Depaitment A,” For college catalogue, address ** Department 4 ■ FRESH MEAT, Well selected, is worth considering in every household. We keep on hand 1 ■ ; ; o! B eel, atw and Port- and in fact all kinds of Fresh Meat to be found anywhere. Give us your order and be convinced. FRESH FISH always on hand. Also a first class RESTAURANT in connection with the market, in which we serve tip top meals at all hours. P.S. PARMELEE, Act. QTATE OF GEORGIA, O Spalding County. Whcroas, Chas. T. Smith, administrator of Philip Smith. r< presents to the court in his petition, duly tiled andenten ■ ! on record. that he has fully administered Philip Smith's es tate. This is therefore to mte all persons concerned. kindred an I creditors, to show cause, if anv they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administra tion. and receive letters of dismission. <>n the first Monday in August, IK'.lfi. This May 1. b». J. A. DKEWKY, Ordinary. MARCUS W. BECK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office over Merchants and Planters Bank | GRIFFIN, GA. Everybody Says Sc. ■ is < and (’ati ; rtic, the most won* » .i• i ■ - o 1 er\• o f 111 <• Bg'i*. |» cas* b- to the taste, art gently ai . ri k *. ji \> r and bowels, , I . ! ? al constipation ft ILii- ■ ’ ■< I*.* :!' - buy and try a box of ’• *.:i v, 10,50 cents. Sold and ‘} ? ar.ji.'*' .1 to < ire by all druggists. Notice of Removal. t I have moyed my Plumbing and Tin . ware establishment to the old Brick Laun , dry Building on Broad street, where lam better prepared than ever to do all kinds of work in my line. » If you need any Plumbing or Tin work done, give me a call—satisfaction guaran teed. A. 8. CAMPBELL. $3.00 per Annum LAUNDRY. For the convenience of my patrons I have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run in connection with my ol<l_.busin«« on Broad street. I will superintend the work at both Laundries and guar antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. GOOD g rnn I'' J > : ! > ' 1 k • liiis " 'UH | (jO C . .la , I t u)t.. the I ILLUSTr.ATED YOUTH AMO AGE £ • * r t.. y 'Ve f, er _ . •‘I • r a send it the Lrst $ , ■' 30C. b* , ■■ •! I■ ■ $i |•r \ . ,ir. it ’■ an 11-, t nioLt / jiiun .G.ct p. to paj ’s. I ;< no? , Pol la■. , Air. i . I i.y Si . and]. ■ >l, \\ I i \N 1> 1I ' M ■. II ; r« Ip V, Bl Os, KA Jt' \ ,'I »AVI t, U'IE.M », <jl Ji.ii, Im-okma JI I . Vmi.MA.n’n Dm »t, .< <■ •*•. J ayi • ' Department. iaylor’N Lore Letters to the Public are of * ;.v --j-'.t- 1 . . ronyfrip. Agents Wanted. FHFF I EDUCATION,etc. I o any su‘m rihei I I v' ■> will re enough new suhwril) rs at onr regular rales to equal the regular price ■I lhe arts ■•*w ill p- i f r b:< v< !» , I'tbl watch, diamond •. or a fi< !. Jar*.hip in either if Draughon’s Bu in. -u < !legrs, Nashville,Tenn., i>! vpston, or Tr xa rk .ua, 'I < x., or one i n almost an y liiaijK Ss Coll< :. <• * r Eitt rarv School. Write us. Mention Gjuffin (Ga ) Mousing Call Fine Chickens For Sale. 1 have for sale full breed Minorcas, War horse and Shawl-neck, Crossed Garre and Bard Plymouth Rock Chickens. Also ■'' ■ ' ' '• i ■ ■' '■■■• <■■■'■■. I reed. 'De se birds are select. E. L. Rogers. J anything yon invent or improve: alw get j J CAVEAT.TRAOE-MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN * > PROTECTION. Send model, Rketcb, or photo. / J for fr». e examination and advice. 'BOOK OH PATENTS :ee before patent. 2 5 co. i ' WASHI NGTON, D.C. $ FnrnitureßopairStiop 0 0 John T. Boyden has opened an Upholster Shop, and will do all other General Furniture Repairs ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. Please call and see me. J 0 HN T. BOYDEN, 19 1-2.H111 St. |I)1L 11. l.hanf:s' DENTIST. Office upstairs in building adjoining, mi the north. M Williams & Son.