The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 27, 1899, Image 4

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Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings. Our stock is in tune with the demand. Just vvlial is sought after the most can be found al our place. What the season, style and trade wants we have. We respectfully ask you to give us a call. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET, GBIFFIN, GA t* . ■ ... - - .' H , i Tangle Foot Fly Paper 25 dou ble sheets for 35c. With every 10c. worth Insect i Powder we will give a sprinkler to apply it with. CARLISLE & WARD ■ TOUGH ON FLIES. Something, new for the leliel of horaea and cattle. One application lasts 24 hours, improves the hair and cures any skin disea.-es, A good disinfec tant. Try it. A full assortment of all kinds of Drugs and Medicines, Lamps and Chimneys, Paints and Oils, Combs and Brushes, Soaps, Perfumery, Pens, . L..t . V. > , ' ■ ■ ■ '■ ’•— nI. J. N. HARRIS & SON. TvHELOJSTS.. Fresh Water Melons, first of the season at rock bottom prices. G. W CLARK & SON.I CHEAPEST (JIUH'EILS IN sOH N. WE WILL HAVE SATURDAY. JUNE 24- Fresh Pine Apple, “ Tomatoes, “ Cucumbers, “ Irish Potatoes, “ Squashes, “ Canteloupes, “ Onions, Fancy Lemons, Bananas, Fresh water Fish, Finest Bread in the South. Try my Graham Cakes. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., JUNE 27, 1899. Hliceover Davis' Hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. 22. PERSONAL AND LOGAL3DOTS OR. J. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office No. 23| Hill street, stairway next to R. P. McWilliams & Son. Tele phone 27, 2 rings. Y. S B. Gray made a business trip to Atlanta today. Judge Henry Watterson, of Junes barj, was in the city today Dr. E R. Anthony made a profee sionai trip to Atlanta today. Freeh Jersey butter daily. Kept on ice. Lewis I). Clark, 20 Hill St. If yuti wish first v ass. e>ld J r , i sey Butti r. c.ill iui l.i- wis I) Ci. m;k, 20 H S • . Mrs If C, W Irmtt went d wn t, Goggai s today to sp- i <| sev ' <1 davs W th relatives. S. J Headen returned to Co 1 ington thia morning after pending several days in this ci' y ’A H B i - left this niointng for > bu-im .< trip | () Hawkinsv 'e ai d other places in Southern Georgia. B N Milm", f Barm-vil , camo up this morning to spend a few days looking after his interest in th is city. M>ss Mbjorie Dreary, a pretty little Miss us \ atighn, left this morning to spend some time with her grandfather at Forsyth Brantly Boilier left this morning h r Sm«rw, where he «i> j >in a partv of friends anil .pend a w• . k < n (> ‘mnlgei river fishing .»[■- Ji -~ i 1, ... X . i in, was in the city this n> ;> inc enrnn’e Io M ar“hnl. \ >,wlu re *hi wil I - pend the Mi-s May \\ ■ ••,)« ard. a i u has b <*n on a short vim to this city, hft this m -ruing t ittend the T> .chers C >n* vent i n .t Wsttn Springs I'he S ithern Express Co. has dr i| i i its otlii'e tier- i i di ■ p niocrn ing in response to a general order to , B Plant. Sanitary It -ped r W. B. Hudson is having the sanitary condition of the' city put in a first-cla-s order/ wh’ch is the propei thing during these hot summer months. Col. J J. Hunt, of Jone*b >ro, who lor a number of years was a prominent attorney if this city, and judge f the Superior court from thia circuit, spent today with his many Griffin friends. The Dorcas Society will have a Sil houette party at Mrs Kelly’a on Thors ■ day night, from Bto 12 o’c! "k Ad mission—2s cents for adu. -; 10 ceHe for children. F.veryb dy c irdially in* vited 1 JUSf RECEIVED TODAY, 54 Fine Frying Chickens. 20 and . 25cts. First come first served. 75 Boston Hams weighing 3to 61bs. I Will only cost you 10c per pound and just as good as any ham. Fresh lot of good Tea, Green, Black , and Mixed. Fresh crate Pine Apples and Lera- ■ orb. i M WELL & EDWARDS. 1 I i < Lambert’s Death to Lice and Miles , will kill lice ami mites on chickens. , For sale by Lewis I). Clark, 20, Hill St. T. P Bell, of Patilio, spent today with friend- in tLi- city .. of friends enroute to SavannaI', 1 ', where they will on tomorrow sail for New York. They will spend several weeks seeing the sights of New York and other places of interest. The Elder bouse, one o( the leading hotels at Indian Spring, was destroyed by fire last night about 7 o’clock. Nearly I<>o guests were in the building and all escaped, only two being slight ly injured. The loss on the hotel was about $5,000, with no insurance. Mr. James Cozby Sawtell leaves this afternoon for Marshallville,' where he will be married tomorrow to Miss An nie Lyle Lowe. The marriage will take place .at the beautiful homo of the bride’s mother, and will be witnessed by a large number of friends. Mr, Sawtali be accompanied by his best man, Mr. L S Davis. E I Drewry left this morning to i spend some time at Vaughn, sti[er intending the construction of -i brick- I yard at that, place Dr. T. E Drewry I has secured a contract for furnishing ! the new cotton mill to be erected here will’ about 1000,050 brick, which means a good thing for this enter- I prising Griffinitc. For Backache use Stu art's Gin and Buchu. Tinware at Wholesale Prices. We have bought the Gun ein Gi;o- ■ i:i.v Comi entire stock <»f Tin- I Wale, sad we especially urge the I ttfi rchauts ham' ng tin i > call at once Thru gi d- w. I b sold right < ut. Tiny were bough* before the advance and we bought them at a d—count. Prices guarantet d 15 per < ent che ap er than you can buy from factory today, Ihis is a chance for y n to ’buy in less than case lots and just I ■ what you r.eed Terms 2 per cent cash.. M< Ci i i i 10' Co. * O _zv » T O» Tt X . Bears the IM Kind Y "j Have Always Bought Signature /J? Didn't Miss Much- On one of the trolley lines leading io l well known amusement park they Live a system whereby the cars are stopp< d .it ceriain points i nil w uni ll I'uied inspectors to count the pas -lingers, presumably n» a check on the \ conductors, says the Philadelphia In ( ger- n tin' e. on whir . the S innti-rer happi o d to ba riding w>■ a well dri ssed young fellow with a enchant for cracking jokes at other people’s expense. When the ear ti pper for the count up he had a I t of fun thrusting gibes in the iu.-p ct .r, the conductor and the trolley company people in g< neral. Finn ly, just as the car was about to resume it j tirney, be called out : “Say, Mister Inspector, you mi -cd me.” The inspector turned and looked the young fellow < ver very carefully. '‘Humph!'' he retorted, ' I guess the company e.n st nid it I didn’t miss much ” Then everybody laughed, the young fellow got red in the face, the motor, man turned on the current and the car sped onward. ' Bears • - z? ' 1 K J -11. '■ a. B T rMnw .re * Bov - - Wilf. t Candy < 10c 25c If CC ' . tri | Z ETELL A. Zetella, June £6.—Mrs, L. I'. Blanton went to Griffin Tuesday. .Miss Scottie Sue Crowder, of Griffin, who has been visiting aunt, Mrs H. C. Wiggins, returned home Wednesday. I’rof. C. B. Mathews, < f Molena, spent Wednesday licie. Mrs. (’. D. L< ;i< h and Mrs. IL Credell spent Wednesday in Griffin We are sorry to 1. .rn that the infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Liach is very sick. .1. H. Crowder and W. C. Connelly vis ited Griffin Saturday. Lem Barron and sister, Miss Novella, went to Griffin Saturday. Messrs. J. F Davis and .1 I’. Bledsoe went to Atlanta Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leach, of Jackson, are vis iting relatives here. We arc glad to learn that Mrs. J. C. An derson is better, and we wish her a speedy recovery. Jim Patton went to Vaughn Sunday to see his best girl. P. T. Horton w'as here Monday. Glorious News C lines from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Wash ita, I. T. He writes: “Four bottles of Elec tric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suf fering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excel lent.” This shows wbat thousands have proved—that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. Il’s the supreme cers, boils and running sores. It stimu- * poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by J. N. Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward, drug- j gists. Guaranteed. SUNRISE DOTS. Sunrise, June 27. Little Robt. Boyd I has lieen quite sick for several days. Liddy Oliver lias been on the sick list a ■ few days.l * .Miss Annie Swann, of Griffin, is visiting j relatives here this week. Sowing peas is the order of the day. Berry Pounds, of Griffin, was the guest ■ of Wm. Glow, of Cabins Sunday. We expect a wedding here soon. Johnson Boyd and mother visited rela-; fives at Morning Star Sunday. Otis Oliver was the guest of his father here Sunday. Mrs. Hood is spending this week with • her mother, Mrs. Wiles, who has been visiting her ( daughter, Mrs. John Boyd, is spending! this week with her son, T. M. Wiles, of Morning Star. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd and children visited Mr. and Mrs. T. M, Wiles here last Sunday. State of.Ohio, City of Toledo, i Lucas County. f ss. i Frank J. Cheney makes oath taut he is ! the senior partner of the firm of F. J. ■ iof Toledo, County and State aforesaid, I and that said firm will pay the sum < f ii)NE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each ! and every case of Catarrh that camjot be ; cured by the use ot Hall’s Catoiru ' Cuke. FBANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in tny presence, this fitli day of December, A. ! I).’, 18SG. i , , A. W. GLEASON, Notary.l’iui’ic. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, an ! acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimo nials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’.- Family Pills are the best. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Ecwels ’ and Sidneys. For biliousness, constipation and ma laria. For indigestion, sick and nervous head ache. For sleeplessness, nerv aisness heart fail ure, and nervous prostration. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organ ic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. 50c. and SI.OO bottles at all druggists. Prepared only by Dr. 11. .Mozdey,’At- i lantn, Ga. Gratitude- Dr. 11. Mozley—Dear Sir : Since using I your Lemon Elixir I have never had an-1 other attack of those fearful sick head-' aches, and thank God th it I have at last found a medicine that will cure those aw-! ful spells. Mrs. Etta W. Jones, Parkersburg, West Virginia. Mozley s Lemcn Elixir. I suffered with indigesti m and dysen tery for two long years. 1 heard of Lemon Elixir; got it; taken seven L< ttles and am now a well man. II arry Adams, No. 1734 First Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir Cured, my husband, who wa< ail'icted for years with large ulcers on his leg, and was cured after using two bottles; and cured a triend whom the doctors had given up to die, who had suffered fir years with indi gestion and nervous prostration. Mrs. E. A. Beville, Woodsfiick, Ala. MOZLEY’S LEMON HOT LROPS. Cures all Coughs. Colds, Horseness, , r '', T‘‘ ir : 'L IT-Hemorrhage, aiiyl all throat and lung diseases. Elegant, re liable. 25c. at druggist. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. Pure blood is full of life at, 1 vitality, and carries vigor to the organs of the body. Dr M A Simin m- Liv. rMed. icine creates rich, pure blood IMPORTANT! You should not fail to attend our cr 60 Day Sacrifice Sale For SPOT CASH. We can save you money and will do it. 87 cts. for all SI,OO Corsets. 45 eta. for all 50 cts. Corsets. $2.00 for all $2.50 Corsets. $1.25 for all $1.50 Corsets. 22cts. for 25cts. Hose. 12jcts. for all 20ets. Hose. 30cts. for all 35cts. Hose. Can’t mention in this space prices on every article in our stock, but will Guarantee you a saving of from 10 to 25 per cent, on all purchases in our line. FLEMISTEB i MMES, BASS BROTHERS. Shoes and Slippers, ALL SIZES AND LATEST STYLES. We have too many low quarter ed Shoes, and have decided to sell them very much below their real worth, so we hatre made another great cut in prices. Mg v \ A-) \ £Lav ßCF\"\ / It-.. ' AJES- Drew Selby & Co. make the most stylish Oxford Shoes known to the trade. We have them in ail the pretty shapes. Summer Goods Reduced in price to close them out. Great bargains in everything in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Millinery. KkfS-Don't miss our Shoe Sale. BASS BROS. REGARDLESS OF AGE The kidn< • are responsible for more atokness, suffering, and deaths than any oth r organs of the body. A majority of the ills afflicting people today is traceable to kidney trouble. It pervade} ail classes of society, in all oil mans, regardless of age, sex or condition. The mptoms of kidney trouble are un mistaka!;!,•, ■ ■ di as rheumatism, neuralgia sleeplessness, pain or dull ache in the back a desire to urinate often day or n.ght, pro fuse or scanty supply. Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine are signs of clogged kidneys, causing pois oned au 1 germ-filled blood. Sometimes the heart acts badly, and tube casts (wast ing of the kidneys) are found in the urine, which if neglected will result itj Bright’s Ditease, the most dangerous form of kid ney trouble. All these symptoms and conditions are promptly removed under the influence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root. It has a world wide reputation for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. No one need be long without it as it i» so easy to get at any drug store at fifty cents or one dollar. You can have a sam ple bottle ot this wonderful discovery, Swamp Riot, and a book telling all about it, both sent to you absolutely free by mail Send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. A., and kindly mention th at you rea l this liberal offer in the Mid dl-e Georgia Farmer. 6 42cta. for all 50ctn. Hoee e 15cfg. for all French OrgaiulitY worth 30c ts. 42cts. for “No Rub” White Shirts worth 50cta. 85cts. for all ol our SI.OO Negligee Shirts. Tax Receiver's Notice. I will be at the different places on th' days mentioned below, for the purpose "! receiving state and county Taxes I>r t ne year 1899; Districts. April. Africa Union Mt. Zion Line Creek Orrs 7 Akins 10 Cabin 11 On Orr’s days will be at my office. L> cept the days named above I will be at office in L. C. Manley’s store until the I of July, when my bookswill be eb'y H. T. JOHNSON, Tax Receiver Spalding I 'minty. 1 ■ _ J- CHESTNEY SMITH- ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office over Griffin Bank’ng Co- - ' Itepresents the best and most r' l '!'. l C,.. 1 Fire. Accident and Sick Benefit 1> sn™ Companies in the country. rft •S- . Sll»< >■-* •‘ ii! 1 ' B.'- . • teed. Booklet sunt .-.unj e Sterling itemedv Co Cbl - '