The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, January 06, 1888, Image 2

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——— ~rxr, - m •OCULlfi (ILm!l£K, Editor k Frep’r •AI|l,(!i44tiM«)ht Atttt...... Urtffis, tiMrft*, iu> S» IW*. ". ' ill. ■ l lL.L"Ug | "UgL "—TP .. Official Piper of Spildioj Co. mm nt* * t* cay •» &mn. Advertlaiiiff Bate*. «ftq«*et ou«l Tm» H*mw or !*•* srjr-£ to b# ooont- #di Mi a r®, Jjfmcra MDli ItaM *PECl 1, 10 nndar l*r thi» wr M*h UtMrtioo. No i&Mrtion insertion* Imd for km Hum SO oral*. All for tow* than «*• doitor »o*t be paid io* is ^uSwsi rwUt wltt b» mad* adwtraemenU with p»rti« winttag to oautiua* their 1 *^fl4cLT~S<up'*^»toe » for the Pelli. Goagrws i» in srosiou again and Um Washington p*ople ban ceased to tsk* any iotereat io Weatero bliiz&rds. » ...... »■■■« #-» -" ■ ..... — » When a manu facturcr can go to Europe or to Mexico and sell bia pro docta for loss than be mIU them here, it look* a* if protection protected too pack Tbe postmaster at St. Lnii* refaa M to mail mince pie. A oil it ia well that be does A money letter ie a •mall temptation to a mail clerk com pared to pie. Senator Brown baa in trod need a (•eolation to abolish tbe internal rev •one taxer; bat Senator Brown ia not aa big a man in tbe United States Senate as be ia in tbe State of Georgia. ! - ...... —' "Moving time” with tbe negro ten ante and farm laborers wbo have •banged their abodes and fields of labor for next year ia abont over. Tboee wbo move oftenest generally have tbe leaatof this world’s goods to carry along with them. The saddest feature of tariff busi see* ia, perhaps, that tbe people of other coantries can not be robbed by onr unjust law. With but one nation to rob, tbe monopolies must sooner or iaier feel that tbey are be ing snffocated in a pent np Utica. One of tbe worst tbinge about tho tariff is its tendency to tbe production of inferior articles. With no competiton bat that at borne, oar progress moat necessarily be slow. It is an insignificant nation that can not stand op and take its chances witb the world. Tbe Washington correspondent of tbe Memphis Appeal informs that paper that tbe friends of tbe Blair •dncational bill are snre of a major* ty in tbe House for that measure. It woald have bad a majority last session if Mr. Carlisle bad allowed it to come before tbe House. Senator Sberman made a speech ou Wednesday attacking tbe Presi dent’s policy of tariff redaction. Senator Sberman tbongbt if tbe Re publican party bad been in power there would have been no surplus in tbe treasary, and tbe history of the party justifies this belief It is rumored that a prohibition daily is to be started in Atlasta soon, and that it will favor tbe chronic candidacy of Col. P. L. Mrnatt for Congress Tbe daily may be started, bat Col. Mynati will not go to Con grass. Judge Stewart is a good en ougb prohibitionist for this Fifth District of Georgia. * i . . I ** . — A number of prominent citizens cf Philadelphia, including Bush rod W. Adams, president of the stock ex change, ex~Governor Psttisoin ex Attorney General Cassidy. andjabout one hundred others, have joined in a call for “a mam meeting, to be held at tbe Academy of Music, io Pbila delphif, on Friday evening, January 27 next* to enforce and indorse tbe recommendations of President Ar thor and President Cleveland favor ing imtcaiisle revenue reform by en larging the tree list and by reducing the ta^ss os necessaries of living ’’ Salt Ekeeai booted With iu late intese patnfnl itching, cracks, dry. hot and skin, tbe often little •undmjr. watery yituples, often Paffcaparin* enuaee has iud.vribi.Me wonder moors fnipowwr over this disease. It purifies the blood without and expels the humor, and the skin bests - ‘Send - - for - book tolajfqi s a sear. con Hoed* many statement of core*, to C. I Go.. Apothecaries, Towel!. Mass (f Halstead's love of hia country is aa beautiful ss it ie utidymg. He live* only to deplore ftjtternsl strife, idsteu bow be chirrup*: “The exclamation of the Solid South upon Mr.Sberinan’f statement that be was opposed to tbe confirms tien of I.tmsr se a Justice, of the Su prerne Court, i* that Sherman’s oppo sition is, of course, sectional. The South is the only section in the na tion that ia all the time fussing and fuming and fretting about sectional ism. One could lorget there were sections if it were not for tbe everlast ing and preposterous sections! pas ttions and prejudices and ambitions of tbe South. Objection made to made to putting a man on the Sa preme Bench who is recommended aa one wbo was engaged in an enter prise to destroy the Government, tnd who ia urged as s sectional candidate because he sought to destroy hia country, is not sectional hate, but national pride and prudence.” Wbat was that tbe amiable wolf observed to the blood-thirsty lamb •bout muddying the water down at-earn ? Gov. Gordon baa appointed Judge W. M. Reese, of Washington, Vir gil Powers, of Macon, and C. B. How ard, of Atlanta, tho board of commis sioners to mako the inventory of tbe Western & Atlantic railroad, under a resolution of the last legislature. This is a splendid appointment, and under the wise and just appraisement of this commission everybody ioter csted will doubtless be satisfied. The late Dsniel Manning account ed for his success in life mainly by tbe fact that he began early in life to save money. He so adjusted his expenses in other words, as to leave a margin on the credit side at the end of each week. Thus he acquired methodical snd economical habits which served biro profitably at every stage of his career. - «»> While Mr. Blaine is in Romo be may converse with bis Italian ac¬ quaintances on ruui and rebellion, bnt be will be cautious wbat he says abont Romanism. THE MOOD OF THE CZAR T* » 1‘oasculon of Absolute Power Le ida to a Special Mental Diseaae. De Quincey, in hia wonderful study t-f the early Caesars, the paper in which hia power of suggestive narrative and his con¬ trol over the resources of language are pcrliaps ■seen at their best, is, so to speak, driven by wonder at the wild willfulness of his subjects to suggest that all the Caesars of the Julian house were mad. Caligula may have been, though his symptoms, as recorded by Suetonius, are ratlier those of delirium tremens; bat tho theory which makes of tho grand though sinister statesman, Tiberius, who gave the Roumu monarchy its final impress, a man of disordered mind in the ordinary medi¬ cal setose, will not readily be accepted as correct. He was no more mad than I’hilip II, whose private life was much of the same kind. It would, as we read history, be far truer to say tliat power, when really ab solute, so aleolute that the volition is executive and tbe necessity for self restraint is untVlt, produces of itself a sjiecial mental dwea»>. which is not in- sanity, txcause it would dift.iupi'iu’ with the power, hut has at intervals, like the passion of children, many of its external Symptom-, and effects. Nero, the artist aapenv. who was always seeking th* Lini>o**aWo, and whom the early Chris tians helievcsl to In- the veritable incarna¬ tion of evil, may be stud und-vubtedly to have suffered from it: so did one or two of the Italian tyrants of the Kennaissjmce; tnd so, in our judgment, though it is a disputable p>int, did Ivan the Terrible. I’o ver of that sort, though it does ?H)t al¬ ways injure tl» mind—for several of the Duhis and some of the emperors of Iv-lhi were men of splendid sanity and jadgcAmt—when it happens to fall to a man predisposed by inherited tendency or by drink, or by special solitariness of nature, undoubtedly weakens the re¬ straining force of the will aud strength¬ ens impuL-s.- until many of his act* iwmtilc closely the acts of mailmen, llnlf tin- great sovereigns of Asia, if their private lives were accurately known, would be seen to have liad their chamc tors, so U' sjKtik, pasoned by poisoned power, with as directly a« if tlK-vhad been oik* of the drug- whirh temporarily d»s- turti reason. r>r»Q«, wild an-l eominuous drunken- oe»i with had brandy, vas tlu> pmlis- powng cause in Peter th<* Groot, and. it *s bdieved, in Theetaw, and pit-hot>lv in the Em|-cror Ikdier. who, wise by day- light, laiusdf would in the moonlight occupy in jumping from battlement to battlement of lit- palace, eighty feet from ! the ground. In C'rar Paul the j>reui->- *.**ing caus,- was probably an insane ten* deary, though that is not quite proved; ; and in Alexander III it is n almost heyon<l example. TlK're is not a man in tlie world more deeply to be rimed tlian the present esapemrof Itussia The loneliness of kings, a kmelinee natu- rally mmlt-ug from their place, hardly admits of friendship aud does admit of equality, is always terrii-le, is frequently f»*l! hy tiimtigh tla-mselviv. so severely tint tlmy break all restraints prudence and m-aul law in order to rid of it. —Th- S|MvUi».w. The “old reliable”- Dr.S»f>'«Ct!t» rh Remedy. A Creat Victory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla III the winter oefSTS I was attacked with Scrofula in one of tbe must aggravating forms U one time I had n.a less than thirteen laiv jh^t se* over and around my neck snd thn*u ■ontlnually exuding an offensive mas* cl Moody matter disgusting to behold, and ilmoet intolerable to endure. Ill* Impossible I., folly describe my suffering*, a* tbs esse s a* explicated with Chronic Catarrh, liter three year* of misery, having been treated by three physicians, I was worse than ever Finally, on the recommendation of W. J Huntley, druggist. of Loekport, I was Induce.; to vry Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after having taken twelve bottles, within the lari twelve months, the scrofulous eruptions have entirely ceased, and the abscesses have al disappeared.- .t the unsightly scars, whkh are daily fceeoo. ‘smaller t>y degrees, what ft and beautifully less.' . do not know may have done for nt *, but 1 do know that ia my caae, 1; -nd's rsapariUa has proved aa effectives; iff* .deed. As an evidence <4 my gratiti' I e ed these the facts authenticity unsolicited, of and I air. r dy personal to verify correspondence with this enre. who by miubts it.” Ctt h .es A. Kon- any one . v i kkts. East Wilson, f>. T. This statement is confirmed by W. J. Hunt- tey, druggist, of Loekport, N. Y.. wbo can* the rare a great victory for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Send for book giving statements of many cure- Hood’s Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. $t; sis tor $5. Made only by C. I. nOOD & CO.. Lowell. Mass. IOO Dose" e* ^ Oollw, gew Advertisements. TO ADVERTISERS K list of 1009 newspaper* divided into STATES AND SECTIONS will be eent on application—FREE. those wbo want their adverhwng to To medium for thor¬ pay we can offer no better ough and effec t e work than the various section* of our b» t Local List. GEO - HOWELL & CO., New*pa, \dvcrt'sing Bureau, York. 1 < . ice street, New , MICROBE KILLER Is now the rage in Austin, Tex. Mr. Kadam, Nurseryman, Austin, Texas, is the Inventor. He Cure* Every Disease that doctors have failed to cure. Over 500 person* in and around Austin are now using it Send for circular of his treatment showing made. sworn statements and testimonials of cures Adress Wm. RADMAN’S. Microbe Killer, AUSTIN, TEXAS. $100 to $3000 UKS&SrK furnish their Agents and preferred give their who can horses and give own horses ovin Spare their whole time to the business. mo ments may be profitably employed also. B. F. A few rucaueies in towns ana cities. Johssoii & Co., 1000 Main St., Richmond.Va “SANS SOUCI” BAR ARD BILLIARD PARLOR. —)o(— Salooa stocked with the Bc«t Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc IMPORTED CIGARS a Specialty. -M 10-30 BROAD STREET. COLUMBUS, : J :JGA J. H. EDWARDS. Proprietor. wjCiOdfim Libel for Divorce. Jane Pack Libel for Divorce ,n S-palding T8 - f Superior Court. Jim Pack., . It appearing to the rt that ..... tae dofena- ant in the sbove stated case, Jim Pack, re¬ sides without tbe State of Georgia, and by the return of the fcneriff that be cculd not be found in the comity : It is ordered by the Court that the defendant, Jim Paek. he aud appear at the next term of this Con t to answer said libel; and it is further ordered that service of (became be made upon the defendant, Jim Pack, by publication of this order in the Grivtui N*ws once a month for four months before the next term of tiiis Court This, Augnst fifth. lh>T. JAMES S. BOYNTON. Jucge 8. C. F. C. E, YV\ HammoSD, Libellant's Attorney. Georgia, Spalding County —I, Rm M. Thomas. Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, certify that the granted foregoing is the a cor¬ rect eony of the order at Au¬ gust term, 18S7, of said Court, as appears from the minutes of said Court. This, lJth August, 1SS7. 1VM. M. THOMAS, octToamtm Clerk 8. C.8. C FI LL LINE j i | j Ctiristias Cards! j j NOW OPEN. I i | s v. uni i sons. i F0R | f CURE ... _ the DEAF j t Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums , RESTORE THE HEARING. j PERFECTLY ! whether deafness is caused by colds, fever* of injurie* to the natural drums. Always in position, but isvisiBi.* to ornaas and com¬ fortable to wear. Mu*ie, conversation, even whispers heard distinctly. We refer to those using them. Write to F. HISCOX.S49 Broad- way, cor. 14th St., New York, for illustrated book of proofs free. mm Bw nu§]k -------———— -...........— ---------- TW©Hty JL)B»yS ! -AND----- THE WORK WILL IE will sell Winter Goods lower than any house m Griffin or Atlanta. ami yon your Four Hundred Suits of Clothes and Overcoats Below First Cost SHORT WRAPS AND NEWMAR KETS ! of Jeans and Cassimere, 15c. per yard and up to 40c. ! Slaoes I FIFTY BOXES TOBACCO AND TEN THOUSAND CIGARS! We have recently bought out two Fancy Grocery Store and we haven’t room for the good?. So come and get Canned Goods. Pickles, Sauces, kc.. at your own price, to get them out of the way. S Three Show Cases, Iron Safe and one Oil Tank bought at 60c. on tbe Dollar and will roll them for leto one than Factory Prices. All good as new. • . lOT Come and see us BEFORE BUYING ANYTHING and We will SAVE YOU MONEY ! IMI. Walsh 3IANUFACTUREHSS OU -AGENTS- Moerlieris “JSational Export' Beer t .. +gg ? r — Jp ■> pr-'* s OHIO’S GRi:.vr brewery. WALSH k CO. ARK ALSO AGENTS FOR Dublin Stout, Bass Ale, (singer Ale, &c, At COLUMBUS and GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. orders for BEER or ?CE promptly attended to and the s; me delivered. CO. E. M. WALSH & isipis 1 ISMS»5WSSfBtei joid dies for tbe these Impnwrinn trooble*. ot djtTMl and pirtwttwi ail Quacks* raw* ---1> Cioosaud., tnterfcr. •riacOBVCBatae* wilk aoeKioa to butmea, ia oreuatfaia {MM V priwtfpfe*. any way. • FaMOcaUonto nB aesentfic medical ojdiaeaM Br dirert : htitw iiau tk« withoat atat driay. Tbtnatani tt> ttMeOe awwniaitiai ,—wtioaaoftha hmnan oryanUm wnt o i ad. Tka bceoBMaeaearUu* .innena tayMOycitaa of life an *i«n bank, th» j*B»n| »•£ both Oitiifta and TfUmgttT. Tv* OmlIB. ftrt spSE^ralfskaSsfisg, PtRSCMS hareFHM TrU..^7our HARRIS SOBH N.TeotbStreet.BT.XXJUIB, REMEDY ApplT^^^ktoJTe^a! CO., ttraCffCSc. no. can WHIPS, WAGONS, BUGGIES j AND HARNESS. — H- - I Studebaker Wagon 1 White Hickory Wagon! : Jackson G. Smith Wagon! • I Jackson G. Smith Buggy! Ar.d the COLUMBUS BUGGY at the Lowest Prices possible. Repairs on old Buggies a Specialty. W. H. SPENCE,5 angSSdAwfim Cor. Hill * Tnvlor Street?. GRIFFIN, GA LOOK AT THIS! One Hundred and Fifty Vacant Lots For Sale from One-fourtk t§ Five Acres I tion In the thriving City of Griffin,of a popnla Say. of 6,000, and increasing every Three railroads completed, and! two mere willLc in a short time. It is tt»a centre of Middle Georgia, only 43 miles from Atlanta and 60from Macon, on the Central railroad IT trains daily. Fruits of all kind c*n be grown, except tropical. Spring and running streams of free stone water. The healthiest and beet climate in the world! Property of all kind for saleat reasonable prices, flouae* in good demand and rents pay a good per cent, on investments. 000 IW Hotel, All that i* needed is a $40,000 and or $50, w*b and $10,000 guaranteed scribed to any capitaliat who wiU build Lt- Comc and sec for youreelf, or addree* G. A. CUNNINGHAM, aaglik'.vtw Real Estate Agent, Griffin,On. 3m ■L INTENDING ADVERTISERS should *1 dress CEO. P. ROWELL It CO., 10 Spruce Street, New York City, Fo SELECT LIST OF 1,000 NIWSFAPllir Will be sent FREE, on application.