The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, January 11, 1888, Image 2

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&OUULAB «LER8KKR, Editer ft •AXI,¥,<t» A<Jv*»c*>P»r Annum......♦».< tlMlV.OMlw.................. t Grltii, Georgia, Jan. 11, I88». Official Piper of Spalding OffioJ«! Paper of the City of ""■L" 1 ""LU™!- 1 A."............ ... 1 .......... ■ AU rortlnlna Unto*. DAILY -One dollar per *qoAre tor the tret Insertion, and fifty oente for each eub- •eqaeat oue. Ten lines or lesa to be oount- |4 u iMUitrd. line SPECIAL NOTICES 10 cents per this or eeoh insertion. No insertion under heed for lees than BO oente. All insertion# for lees than on# dollar most be paid for in literal rates will be made with parties Wishing to continue their advertisements Hamerstes a* for the Daily. It will be a wise thing if the farm era of the Sooth resolve to farm on the intensive plan, this year. The people want cheap clothing, cheap blankets, cheap salt, cheap tools and cheap farm equipments. Will Congress give beed? Chairman Mills, of the congress tonal waya and means committee, is reported as saying that tbo commit tee will not waste time hearing state msnts or arguments from manufuct Ttrers and others, aa the urgency of need of action will not admit of de lay, and the committee have already abundance of testimony of that kind. Tbe committee will promptly re port a bill, and summon to its sup port nil real friends of tariff reform. Every man may ran a reform and retrenchment schedule of his own, if he will. There is no law that con demns sny man to servitude. to vices or minor bad habits, and re trenohment in expenditures can he made in scores of ways. If this pro gramme were adopted by indirduals, families, communities and States, 1888 would be the most memoruulo year in all that is good in the his tory of tbe country. It may bo dune, it should bo done, but it will not bo dons, except in raro cases. This year will probably be a repetition of its predecessors, for the past quar ter tf a century. Individual and household extravagance will coutin us to point tbo moral of hard times. Iq a recent interview with an At lanta Journal reporter .Senator Col quitt, of Georgia, was emphatic in the opinion that the tariil' reform message of President Cleveland, in atead of damaging the chances of the Democracy has largoly improved its prospect of success. With this mes sage before the people, the Senator sayB tbs contest will be: “The people vs. the monopolists. “The working masses vs. the privi leged classes. “Low tariff for the protection of the poor vs. high tariff for making the monopolist richer. “The people's uioucy in the pock els of the people who earned it vs. tbe people's money in a treasury stir plus to be squandered. “Cheap clothing and low' prices for necessary articles vs. cheap whis key and untaxed luxuries." The Senator added tb t the Demo cracy need not fear tb : issue, yet that it was evident tbe llepnblicans feared to meet it and were seeking succor in tbo bloody shiit. And this undoubtedly accounts for the policy of bate which is being biush ed up by Sherman and his satellites alt along tbe line. “We Point with Pride” Te the ‘ Good name at home,’’ von by il ood Sarsaparilla In Lowell, Mass., where it i prepared, there it more of Hood’s Sarsapar 11a sold than all other medicines, and it has given the beat of satisfaction since its intro¬ duction ten years ago, This could not be if tte medicine did not possess merit. If yon •oxer from impure blood, try Howl’s Sarss parllla and realize its peculiar curative power (a.) Read the Death Roll Which the billsof mortality of any large city may be fitly designated, and yen will find that renal and vesical maladies, that is to say. those that affect the kidneys or bladder, have a aald—preponderance remarkable prominence—we had almost diabetes chronic Bright’s disease and In the stage are rarely cored, and gravel, catarrh of the bladder and enure sis, trouble (day merely many. Yet at the outset, when the involved, amounts the danger to iuactivjtp of the organs may be nulli¬ fied bv that pleasant renal tonic and diuretic HoateUer’e Stomach Bitters, which Imparts tbe requisite amount of tone to the organs, without over exciting them, and the use of which is convenient, and involves no clab orate preparation. Dyspepsia, a usual con¬ comitant of renal eompaiainU, and debility, which they invariably produce, aae rorac died by it. So also are constipation, malarial rheumatic and nervous ailments. A HOVEL COMPLAINT. Senator Sherman rnakee an tion to Democratic which, we think, is entirely He says that the Democrats are economical, and have not a willingness to spend the money. To ♦ his lamentable disposition attributes all our ills. But for there would not be a surplus. It Blair bill, and the Hci nepin bill, and tbo Fortifications bill, and tbe Dependent Pension hill become laws, there would be money in the Treasury, the high cs might continue, arid the would be happy. Senator Sherman is one of statesmen who think the prosperity and the people’s »re best secured by heavy taxes large expenditures. We have never been able to stand the bitterness of feeling Republicans generally against Democrats and against cratic methods and principles. Senator Sherman discloses the of that animosity. Generous Republicans do not like the Democrats who are not anxious spend other people’s money and not willing that other people spend their money. It is a groat pity that aro so stubborn ami narrow. happy they would bo if they only content to let ample minded largo handed statesmen Jiko man, Blaine and Blair have all earnings to spend upon great beneficent enterprises! Bat we in all seriousness, that enssedneas is likely to last. It gan at att early day. It led the Pilgrims to Plymouth, the lies to Maryland and *he to tho Hudson. It beheaded Charles, and made war upon George. As soon as the government established, this obstinate showed itself. Jefferson was full it, and in Jackson it was strong. Strange to say, the can people have always liked it. man who in public life showed that he was governed by it, has stood well with the plain men who govern this country. We admit that this is rather on tho men of generous natures large ideas. It is sad to see tho sive generosity of onr friends confined to the rigid ot Democratic simplicity and my, But that is a spectacle to wo are all accustomed, aud, to say, we find a certain pleasure in it. Wo do not think Senator Sherman will win many votes proviog that Democrats are too nominal. —-— • • • — 11IE HUNT WEEK'S The Atlanta Journal prints following important editorial: The returns from the counties show that the first week January broke the record on cs. The ladies seem to have a grand rush during the first week leap year, aud the result is SJmethiug appalling or glorious. The hallelujah chorus that up from the Georgia editors that there is nothing frightful this matrimonial epidemic. who are taken seldom recover, but they don’t seem to care, the rest us should bear it with fortitude. In the meantime the bachelor tors cf the state have our sympathy. It is said that Bill Moore is ing mortal agony. His mind is ed by a dread that he will be without his knowledge or consent. To our bachelor readers we the consolation of philosophy. -KOrtJil ON RATS,” Hears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, abbits, ed-bugs, beetles, insects, gophers, skunks, aoths, sparrows, druggists. moles. 15c. At •‘HOUGH ON CORNS.” V4; for Wells’ “Rough on Corns.” flit f,complete cure. Cc. Druggists. E. 8. Weils, Jersey “HOCiTiFoN ITC H.” eruptions, “Rough ring on Itch” cures skin salt worm, totter, frosted feet, chilblains, itch, ivy barber’s itch. 00c. E. S. Wells, Jersey “KOCli U ON C AT A UK H” Corrects offensive odors at once. plete %il cure of worst chronic cases; foul ns gargle for diphtheria, affections. sore breath.Catarrhal throat I lie Rest of All. OI all the medicines level heard of «s d, I consider Dr. Diggers’ berry Cordial the best medicine for bowel tronbie and childron teething used. A. T. Stint, Txford, N. (I. A CreatVictory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla • in the winter ot 1 was attacked with Scrofula In one of the most aggravating forms U o no time I had no less than thirteen large 'os oTt-r and around my neck arid throat ntinual’y exuding an offensive mass cl bloody matter disgusting to behold, and almost intolerable to endure. It Is impossible to fully describe ray sufferings, as the case tv-I* complicated with Chronic Catarrh. After three years of misery, having been treated by three physicians, I was worse Uian ever. Finally, on the recommendation of W. J Huntley, druggist, of Lockport, I was induc t d to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, aftr: having taken twelve bottles, within the last twelve months, the scrofulous eruptions have entirely ceased, and the abscesses havo all disappeared, «t the unsightly scars, which aro daily 1. * im. ‘ smaller by degrees, what and beautifully less.’ 1 do not know it may have done for < t s, but I do know that In my case, 1. -od .tdeed. rsaparilla As has evidence proved an effective ifi. scud these facts on unsolicited, ot and my gratiln I dy 1 to verify the authenticity of am r with tills cure, by tfoubts personal correspondence A. Bob- any one who It.” puts, East Wilson, N. Y. Tills statement is confirmed by W. J. Hunt¬ ley, druggist, of Lockport, N. Y., who calls the cure a great victory for Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Bend tor book giving statements of many cures Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. ?1; six for $5. Made only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. !00 5 Doaec e. - Dollw. 1st si. Harper’s Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. IDkveb’s Mac.a7.ino is an organ of pro¬ gressive thought and movement in every department of life. Besides other attrac¬ tions it will cc-ifnin, during the coming year, importan icles, articles superbly illustra¬ Ameri- ted. on the Grt est; on cau and fore’gn stry; beautifully illus¬ trated papers on .. Hand, Norway, Indies; Switz¬ erland, Algiers, and the West new novels by William Black and W. D. How¬ ells; novelettes, each complete in a single number, by Henry James, Lafcadio Hearn, and Amelie Rives; short stories by Miss Woolson and other popular artistic writers; nnd and illustrated papers of special editorial departments lit erary interest. The are conducted by George William Dudley Curtis, William Dean Hmvells and Charles Warner. Harper’s Periodicals. PER VEAlt. HARPER’S MAGAZINE.............§4 00 HARPER’S WEEKLY................ 4 00 HARPER’S BAZAR.................. 4 00 HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE........ 2 CO Postage free to all subscribers in the United states, Canada or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazino begin with the numbers for June ard December of each year. When no time is specified, sub¬ scriptions will begin with the number cur¬ rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper's Magazine, for tlireo years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3.00 per volume. Cloth cases, for binding- 50 cents each—by mail, post-paid. Index to Harper’s Magazine, Alphabeti¬ cal, Analytical and Classified, for volumes l to W, inclusive, from June, 1S5Q, to June, 18JS5, one vol., bvo, cloth, $4 made 00. by post- Remittances should be office money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this, adver¬ tisement without the express order of Har¬ per A Brothers. Address HARPER A BROS., New York IMfxts*. Harper’s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper’* Vvcekly has a well-established place as the leading illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of its editorial comments on current polities has earned for it the respect and confidence of all im¬ partial readers, and the variety and excel¬ lence of its literary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, tit it for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuit*. vided, and Supplements are spared frequently bring pro¬ the no expense is to highest order of artistie ability to bear upon the illustration of the changeful all phases of home and foreign history. In jts adapted features be Harper’s welcome Weikly geest is admirably in to a every household. Harper’s Periodicals. PER YEAR. HARPER’S WEEKLY........$4 00 HARPER’S MAGAZINE ..4 00 HARPER’S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE .... ‘J 00 Postage free t<> all subscribers in tbe United States, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes of the Weekly begin with the first number fi r January of each year. When begin uo time with is mentioned, number subscriptions time will the current at of receipt of order. Bound volumes back, in of neat Harper’s cloth binding, Weekly, will for three years be sent by mail, postage (provided paid, or by freight ex¬ press free of expense tho does not exceed one dollar per volume) for $7.09 per volume. Cloth eases lor each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent b. by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1.10 cu Remittances should be made i>y post- office money order or draft, so avoid chance of 1» a. New spape vs are not to copy tin adver¬ tisement wi’Lout tbe express order of Har- JH-r A Brothers. Address Harper A Bro-., Nc« York. \\\M USE I1.II1IIEII I 1 COLUMBUS. - GEORGIA, JOE MeGHKE, Prop'r. -- )o( --- ll.e best place in Columbus to gets hath or clean St-uve. Give us a call when in the city. JOE VcGHKE. Twenty Days I w 1 ____AND---------- THE WORK Will and will sell Winter Goods lo wcr than any Louse m Griffin or Atlanta. yon your Four Hundred Suits of Clothes and Overcoats Below First Cost SHORT WRAPS AND NEWMAF KETS ! Three Hundred Shawls, Three Thousand Yards of Flannels, lbrte Cases of Bleacbings aDd Sea^ Island Domestics, Jersey Jackets from 50s. up, Two hundred Ladies’ Und-rvests at your own price, One Hundred piece* of Jeans and Cassimere, 15c. per yard and up to 40c. Slioes! STxoes I We have more Shoes than any house in town. Winter is here and we can fit you in Size, Style aDd Price. One whole side devoted exclusively to Boots and Shoes to be sold atvny down below New York Cost. FIFTY BOXES TOBACCO AND TEN THOUSAND CIGARS! We have recentiv bought out two Fancy Grocery Store and we haven't room for tbe goods. So come acd get Canned Goods, Pickles, Sauces, Ac., at your own price, to get them out of the way. Three Show Cases, one Iron Safe and oue Oil lank bought at 00e. on tbe Dollar and will sell them for leg* than Factory Prices. All good as new. ytr Come and see us BEFORE BUYING ANYTHING and We will SAVE YOU MONEY ! -*g EL JVC. Walsli <&, Co. MANTJFACTUKEU^, OF -AGENTS- Moerlieris “JS ationol Beer ! '-ukT ffe: riftn If f ‘ * wmmSM « &£Mn» mm ’■tiff ■ f 0m • oiiio’.-; Ci141■ U BREWERY. WALSH & CO. AIR ALSO AGENTS FOll llublin Stout, Hass Ale, l^inger 41e, &c. At COLUMBUS and CClFFIN, GEORGIA. orden for BEER or ICE promptly attended to and the t me delivered. WALSH & CO, LiLPACKAGEFKKR.with-,JUust.’dI’amphlet.iix RUPTURED PERSONS have gouq R AppUan^f’Ask forTe^Si! can FREE Trial of our WHIPS, WAGONS BUGGIES J AND I[AI‘\,:SS. --)o(— - Studebaker Wagon i White Hickory Wagon! Jackson G. Smith Wagon! Jackson G. Smith Buggy! ol/S 2 g gts C LspSy C ' JC0Y " !C L0WKt FriCSS p0SSiblc - R ' paire tv. 11 . SPENCE, aug.2h.Uwbm Cor. Hill & Taylor Streets, GRIFFIN, GA. LOOK AT THIS! One Hundred and Fifty Vacant Lots For Sale from One-fourth to Five Acres I In the thriving City of Griffin, of a l*>pnl» tiou of 6,000, kail increasing every <isj- Three railroads completed, andj two centre nto o will be in a short time. It is the Atlanta Middle Georgia, only 43 miles from and 60 from Macon, on the Central raitrow 17 trains daily. Fruits of all kind can M grown, except tropical. Spring and running streams of free stons water. The healtnie and all kind best for climate saleat in reasonable the world! prices. Prop^ty Bous« in good demand and rents pay a K ooa P* cent, on investments. *40,000 or *ot.- , r /> ;-»r All that is needed guaranteed is a and sun 000 Hotel, and 810,000 who will bui i scribed to any capitalist yourself, address Come and see for CUNNINGHAM, or G. A. Real Estate Agent, Griffin,Ga. i an.glt'Ui&w 3m INTENDING ADVERTISERS should *d X dress CEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spioce Street,New York City, Fo SKLEC i LIST OF 1,000 NEWSPAPER b en t FREF,. on application-