The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, January 18, 1888, Image 2

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........- - 1 )f ir -- _ MU6LAJB(ILIffilll,Miter MVt*^r ■ — ■ ■ ..... - .......... —-—- ......tue r.ouiw.................. i » ....... tirtlii Georgia, Ju. IS, 188*. Official Piper ef Spalding Co. the City of Griffin. AdTortlaiog B«tea. DAILY —On* dollar par *Wr* *•' •rat laaorttoB, and fifty t~*» tor Meh «b- MfMntOM. Tffi® Ujwmi Of !••• io b« oaoni- Ml 1 •qtiAn. 1U» SFEt',L .NOTICES 10 easts per mt aach iaaertwm. Mo insertion under this heed tor lew than 50 easts. Ail insertion* for lass thu one dollar most be paid tor is liberal rates will be made with parties Viebiac to eosUsne their adrertisemenU Sameratee ae tor the Daily. One hundred lire* are reported hart is the nottb western blizzard and foil returns moat increase the nnm tier. The atonn baa passed south west into Arkansas and Texas. When the IJoTington Enterprise stated that if the tax on whisky were remoied “factories would spring op in #T«ry neighborhood.’ it probably meant whisky factories. What tbs grad and shivering Northwest waota is protection from the nomerons blizzards *hicb come Btorming over, free of duty, from the pauper domains of British A merits?• L Q C. Lunar was on Monday confirmed as a judge of the United States Supreme Court, Senators Riddleberger, Stewart and Stanford voting with the Democrats and mak ing a majority of four. Now let tbe bloody shirt wavs and be ding danged. The uwue bat wean tbe two great parties, thanks to President Clave land, is clearly defined. Tbe Demo crate favor a tariff for revenue, with incidental protection; tbo Republi out* advocate a tariff for protection with ioeidentiai revenue. Tbe one betievaa in a government that pro teeta tbe rich, that tbe rich may care for the poor; tbe other favors a gov erameet that, knowing no classes, gives equal rigtata to all. “Take care of the peonies," said tbe wise Frank Un, “end tbe dollars will care for themselves 1 The proverb, so good for private economy, is good for poUtieal affairs. Look after tbe righta of eitixao, and the millionaire will look out for himself. At • tMetisg of the Indiana Dein ocracy WodoMday the following res olution* w*ro ooanioiouBly adopted. We hftil with ta^asiaam tbo bravo and able leadership of Grover Clove land, President of tbo Vnitcd States, end heartily endorse his adruinistra tion of Nitional affairs. Wo welcome tbe message of th© President of the United States as a courageous step toward tbo adreinis tration of the Government in harmo ny witu tbe requirements of tbe masses of tbo people, and we urge upon Congress to carry out its rec ommendatioos. We dedaaro that the so called doc trine of “Protection to American la borer," as illustrated in our preseut laws, is a fraud upou the laboring men of the country, especially plac ing them largely in the power of their employers, and making them victims of the oppressive power of coloMal aggregations of capital exert ed in tbe interests of monopoly and against the interests of labor. One Fact ©rth a column of rhetoric, said an Aincr an atalcaman. It is a fact, established by ibe tmtimony whpWI a** m vu w of tbou«&nd» of people, y w ^ ..... Hood's Sarsaparilla does cure ire M*ruiu scrofula, *alt abeam, WCUIB, MW and other WUCI «l*t«9Bn disease* Ut of or vi Hirtiuwu. affection* 2£f£S.'TSfXlSS. StfllS fsellog, creates a good appetite, and give* strength toJfTery psrt of the svitem Try it. (f) Peace on Earth Await* that counilees army of martyrs, whose ranks are con Untly r* cruited from tbe victims of nervousness and nervous di •eases. The price of the boon is a system tin course of Hostetler's Stomsch Bitters, the fines) end most genial of tonic nervine* pur sued with reasonable persistence. Easier, pleasanter an i safer this than to swash the victualling department wit i pseudo-tonics, alcoholic or tbe reverse, beef extract.-, nerve foods, narcotics, sedatives and poisons in diainuae. “Tired Nature’s sweet restorer. balmy sleep,*' is tbe this providential glorious rec franchi-e up* ran I of weak nerves, and being osoally the consequences of sound di gestien and increased vigor, the exeat stom¬ achic which insures both’U « productive - „ also of repo#e xt the required indiviiual time, wbou*e* ftot nnre- freched awaken* tbe it, but vigorous, clear beaded and tranquil. Use tbe Bitters also in fever and ague, rheum* turn, kidney trouble*, constipation and bill- otwne**. COURTT COM ffilSMOSTE B. Tbo candidacy of CspUlo Brooks --.... , « for lb* position on tbo Board of Coaot; CommifiMonora Inteij occo pied by Colonel Mangbsci. the elec I tion for which com* off on the 3d of nfxt tnoctb, ifi tueelisg with a 8«at deal of faror, a. it deoetooo. , for the office ! His qualifications are id undeniable, and his election won jjg a BJOSt de&irabie event tor lb« ; coanty. It is not an office that is worth a scramble, the compensation being merely nominal; and when sd old. well qualified and popular citi zen like Captain Brooks is willing to accept the place for the benefit of the comain-jity with whose interests bis own are so largely identified, it would seem that his support should be practically unanimous. Sectional folly and partisan bitter nes doss uot flourish as well in the broad and liberal Wesf as it does in tbe narrow and constricted Eiat. Senator Stanford, of California, and Senator Stewart, of Nevada, are the two Republican Senators whose votes elected Secretary Lamar to the su preme bench, and they don't seem to eare who knows it. The ambition of Tboebe was not Tboebe. In more idiomatic language, he didn‘t get there. -uorufl ON JU.TS** Sear* cut rate, mice. roaches, fiies, ants ed hues, bee ties, insects, skunks, chipmunks, jack abblts, sparrows, gophers, At d aoths, moles. 15c. ruggists. xbocuh © n celtss." Quick V*k for Wells’ “Rough on Corns.” . rlief.complete cure. Corns.wart3,buaiorj«. fic. Druggists . E. S. Weils , Jersey City. ‘‘Bor«MoSl'riH.« skin humors, “Rough on Itch” cures eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains, itch, Jersey ivy poison, City. barber's itch. 50c. E. 8. W ells, “ROCUH ON C ATARRH” Corrects offensive odors at once. Com¬ plete cure of worst chronic cases; unequal ad as gargle for diphtheria, sore throat, tool broa*.h.Catarrbal throat affections. 50c. LOOH AT THIS! One Hundred and Fifty Vacant Lots For Sale from One-fourth to Five Acres I In the thriving City 'increasing of Griffin, of a popala day. tion of 6.0U0, and every Three railroad* completed, f.cdj two centre more of will be in & short time. It i* the Middle Georgia, only 43 miles from Atlanta and 80 from Mai on. on the Central railroad 17 train* daily. Fruit* of all kind can t«e grown, except tropical. Spring and running stream* of free stone water The healthier* and bo*t climate in the-world' Property of a!! kind for safest reasonable prices. Houses in good demand atid rent* pay a good per cent, on investments. $50,. 14r At! that is needed is a HO ,000 or 000 Hotel, and 110,000 guaranteed and sub scribed to any capitalist who will build it. Come and -ee for yunrsetf, or address G. A. CUNNINGHAM. Heal E'tale Agent, Griffin,Ga. nngKXhVvr 3m Libel for Divorce. J ant- Rack Libel for Divorce a Spalding T*. Pack Sufterior Courl. Jim , fer.d- It appeal ing to the rt that the di ant in the above stated cag .Jim Pack, re- aides wilhot.! the Slate of Georgia, c?u!d and by the return of the ftueriff that be uot be found in the county : It is ordeu-d by the Court that the defendant, .Jim Pa k, be and appear at the next term of this Con t to answer said libel ; and it is further ordered that uiUMnieeu service o the uiinmcu, sume be made u.avi, upon v.,«.u the .... def ndaot, Jim Pack, by j.ubbcation of this order m the i.riffih News once a for four months t>eforc the next term of thi* Court This. Auanst 12th, 18*7. j JAMES S BOYNTON E W. Hamwn-d. Libellant* s AUornv'y ' Georgia, Cirri Spalding County.—I. Wm M. Thomas, of the Superior Court of said county, certify that the foregoing is a cor- rect ICCI t ’ '•opy Ul'/ of vti the lire order V/iVIVA granted htnutvu •«* at the »ov .am- Au- gust term. 1887, of said C ourt, as appears from fro» the >i.* minutes n.innte* of <.f said «aid Court. Court. Th:- This, 12th 12th August, 18*7. WM M. THOM \g. oct7oaui4m Cle \EW (iunlm Seeds, Arriving daily from tlio Leading Browers. S W. MAN6HAM & SONS. ; Election Notice. J Office Covxty Cos<mu»:o.vek*. - M'ALUlMi t'OI STY, J .III 12tl>. INN* - lieath having de; nv«l acd zt-alou* the people of this > county of the at>5e services of our late dist ngui-ed and esteemed associate and a vacancy having thus occum*d in this | t-oard, by authority of la" we do hereby or. der that an election to fill said vacaucy l»e held in the city of Gnttin, and at the various election prec nt* of the countv of Spalding on Uie Third (3) day o? February 1888. It is farther ordered that this noice be pub llubad d*ily until the date of election <n the t jiv paper* and that the lega! number of notices notice* of of same be posted a* required by law !>one special meeting of said Vw>ard, this 12th January T. R. MILLS. C t JanUMe M. PATRICK. C U Three Peculiarities Hood's feanaparM lac r«- :l >-• :S P ,f,v . j *brefi»«niiurtuea.*e. wi rcgatattag *.*»:>;.». n ’ ■; ‘ | *, r*« 181 c reawdat# utin i ~l. i * TLc nrejxsrUuWW *.! •<i« *• c i>« kil t, tttrt*, etc., arc adx*vl. pr „ . , y v u ., i; 3(J - - a* The n-isii». an cukme<£ uttosta. ‘IrenfC juiCWAK _£ItU di i^r/nhkU « These!***llariw* Wore sntq-uiied. SarsapxrlP.. and tie ew'iau*vl> to Uood * WllMlWtrii Others Hood's 8ar«j JiTd-v l* l rt fared with the greatest skid and eare. ty pfiarmacttl* o! (ducatloo and long experiente. Hvace U U a medicine worthy cf entire confide nee- U you m/I.-r fr< ra scrofula, salt rbecia, of any di* ease of |fc. I >.-»»' dysj<r«a, bUbiaumeM, awa bea-laci: .y and Hver eoapBriDts. catarrh r rl* -ati*», do not fail to try Hocrf’c Sarsaparilla -1 rec aend Hood's SarsapariHa to t7 m ,- frte' as the l«t bkxd jar Crr rr earth ' VVw. Gafv, druggist, Hamiltco, O - llood * SarsapartHa. has cured me of sert f clous humor, and done me worlds < f good otherwise.'’ C. A. AE 50, Arecld, Mr. A bo.-,k contain ing many additional state¬ ments of cart s will be sent to all who desire. Hood’s Sarsaparilla gold by ail druggists, ft; six for fis. Made tmly by C. 1. HOOD A CO.. Lcrwell. Mass. IOO Docs." C to Dollar. L.S.L CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000, “We do here' y >- < rtify thatwt supervise ttt arrangement* • ■ .11 the monthly and ynar- terlv Drawin. The Louisiana StateLoi tery Company n person manage and coi troi the Draw;,. heiaseives, and that the same are conduct. <1 with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all partiea, and w* authorize the Company to use this certificate with fac-similesof onr signatm es attached it dTertiseirei.t*."’ 3 r*MalHf«*eri. TVe the undersigned Banks snd Banker* will pay all Prises drawn in The Louisian* 'tale LoUtries which may he presented si our counters: jr. R.OULKaitl . PrM. La. Sai l Bl «». LIUI X. Pre»»ial*Sa* IBk. L.BALimi.V.Pm. M. O.Sall Baal . ( iHL MOHS. l»rea. I *i«a V’lBaak UNPRECEDENTED U ATTRACTION! Over Half a Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated in 136s for 25 years bythe Leg .slatnre for Educational and Charitable pni. oases—with a capital of #1,000,000—to which ^ •‘ecK-rve fond of over #550,000 has since beer aoCed. fraa By an overwhelming made of popular the present vote its Stal •.hise was a part 1871 Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., Tbe only Lottery ever voted on and ei iorsed by the people of any State It never scales or postpones. II* Craad Single Humber Drawing take place monthly.and the G.-acd Quarterly Drawing*, regularly every three wo"ths ( March, June, September end December). A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN l FORTUNE. SECOND GRAND DRAW, ixo. ClassB, nr rns Academy of MtsicNew Oblkans. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1888. 213th Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, ^150,000 fi^"NOTICE. -Tit kfcte are Ten Dollars only Halve*, $5. Fifths, $2, Tenths, $1 LIST or PKIZFS, i Capital Prize op $150,000.. $15( ,00« 1 Grasi* Prize of 50.000.... 5O,0i0 1 Grave Prize of 20,COO.... 20,000 2 Large Prizes of io,ouo____ 20.000 4 Large Prizes o* 5,000 ... 20,000 20 Press of 1,000.... 2U.OOO 50 5o0. .. 25.00n 10<J “ 300.. . • 30.000 2t>3 200 .. .. 40.000 500 100.. 50,(00 , I APPSOXIAIATIOX P&IZEt -\p] _ nzes , of . f300— „,. v , 100 1 20,000 too 10,000 1,000 Tcruiina! 50,000 _ __ L.17V Prizes, amounting to..........|535,COO Application for rates to clubs should bt made only to the office of the Company in | New Orleans, dearly, For *xr» IUI*UVI further information am.wi AUOfv. w "..Wvvwa.;, rite gnj ft..) mg full address. POSTAL NOTES, Exprett Money Mnnev Orders, Orders, cr or Ns* Now York Yurk Exchange Exchange is is | ordinary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense ( addressed M. A DAUPHIN, New Orleans La or M A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. Address Registered Letters tc EH ORLKAXRV4T10VAL BANK New Orleans. La. RFMEMBER ... ........___(«rB»r»U Early, &ei__ ES353 »»»*! aboarr la ckaryr at ih< drawings, is a gnaantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the Chance* are all equai and that no <>ne can possibly Prize. divine w hs£ numtwr* will draw a REMEMBER that the payment of all Pnz. * is GUARANTEED RY FOUR NATIO NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets are signed b; the President of an In stitution, whose chartered rights are recog nized in the highest Courts; ttherefore, beware of any imitations cr anonymou chcmes ‘‘SANS SOUCI” BAR AND BILLIARD PARLOR. *a!oon sb>cked with the Pt-t Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc IMPORTED CIGARS a Specialty. - ><* hrAi BROAD STREET. COLUMBUS, : : : J. H. EDWARDS. Proprietor. nepTOdfro ------------- - Twenty Days I -and— THE WORK WILL IE DONE I do.. w. s- ^ 1 b—a »si » tW *n Griffi*.* ,od will poll yoor Winter Good. *er lb«n »DJ boose id Gnffin or or Atlaota Atlsnls. TOO , 0 Four Hundred Suits of Clothes and Overcoats Below First Cost SHORT WRAPSJf AND NEWMARKETS ! Three Hundred Shawls, Three Thousand Yards of Flannels, Three Cases of Bleatbings One and Sea IduJ Domestics, Jersev Jackets from -50c. up, Two hundred Ladies* Undrrvests at your own pnee, Hundred pie*, of Jeans and Cassimere, 15c. per yard aDd np to 40c. Slides! Siloes I We have more Shoes than any bouse in town. Winter is here and we can fit yon in Size, Style ami Pric* One whole side devoted exclusively to Boots and Shoes to be sold away down below New lork Cost. FIFTY BOXES TOBACCO AND TEN THOUSAND * CIGARS ! We have recently bought out two Fancy Grocery Store and we haven’t room for the good?. So come and gtt Ga d G Cases!^^Iron S^fe a^d^ne OifTanT’booght 7 Thr ee Show at 60c. on tbe Dollar and will sell them for leu than Factory Pricer. Ail good as Eew. Come and see us BEFORE BUYING ANYTHING and We will SAVE YOU MONEY ! American Serial! “THE BRETGF rc-cgf' A Romance of New England Life. BY CHA.HLES J. A/V, Editor of the Springfield (Mass. > Daily v. ^V-VN \ N N \ X V \ WN X A N,N \ \ \ \ '. . . - Lv \ ’. ISIS ;M/ A ifV: • , ft & % 151. - d' \/ ■'bJ'A .■ ... 3jt 'l/ .rftv 1 \ m) 5 2 ~~ id v ■ The above kkeiche*, taken from among; tlie appearing; in the Story, will sufficiently indl* cate the <T*;. .aeter of the Illustrations. \ \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ .v \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ : COPYRIGHTED ELD ILLUSTRATED. Thi* Taper will shortly begin the publication f a Serial Story with the above title, and of intens interest. Each chapter is alive with excitement and the plot moves on with a power an 1 spirit which will, we believe, make this one of the most acceptable serials we have ever offered in these columns. THE BRETON MILLS Is a story tlf&t will satisfy the popular demand for intense interest in each installment. The scene is laid in a New England fadlory village. Both the employing class and the class of the employed tumisli aclors in the thrilling romance, and the reader’s interest will be closely held all through the changing scenes of the story. While not taking sides on the questions interesting working people, which are touched upon iii the story, the author dissedls the pa¬ thetic elements of the life of the poor with fearless hand. Still his romance, after all, is a romance of love, and all else in the story is only introduced to solve the problem of one man’s devoted and faithful nature. ILLUSTRATED BY CUSAGHS And copyrighted under a special arrangement with the author. Look Out for the Opening Chapters in this Paper! LADIES ! OilurOaa Uirltj, nt lUnraio PEERLESS DYES, I They will dye everything. They are gold everywhere. Price 10c. a package—40 colors. They have co equal for Strength, Bright- nea», Amount in Packages or for Fastness of ! Color, or non-fading Qualities. They do not i crock or smut. For sale bjr S. W. Mang i ham’s Drug Store. Griffin Ga. mar23dAw Mllll Pl'SE BIRRER SHOP COLUMBUS, . GEORGIA, JOE McGHEE, Prop r. -)o(-- The best place in Columbus to get a bath or clean Shave. Give us a call when in the city. JOE McGHEE. Elwctrleity Etllpssd CHICAGO ELECTRIC LAMP Moat brilliant Itgfct produced tnm j wanted Plete ««pJe avery and cfreoSar.. Iowa; eadsalra AaenM m terrttory atvea nUSTAPifiEl eat Ora- * _ |U‘» \.8-«rtU.qwBanv: •, IOSn»v*«e t "vOMfc .-■-WiPK-U W.JT J