The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, January 22, 1888, Image 2

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(tOUGLAS 0 LESSEE a. Editor k Drsy’r stiif,fliUn«*!rw *•»«»......**-«• iTM»v,OMl«r.................. >•©• . I ........ —.........- Griffis, Geerfia, Jan. 22, 188*. -—- Aa.:.! USlCiaS ttnnjk* sper of Of Cnaliiiml bpslulllg Pa to. I Official Piper ef the CHy of SrHfin. ........ Advertialuff Xlatem. J 04ILT-Oas dollar per *qaaro tor the leqwsi: i*»ti»^rH • or ' J a,«Bd«fty^totor«w^wb-j Ten tinea or tees to be ©want- •du • 1 v,r«. Jrlorertiol! No in^rtTon ocder thi* srliTuirJiaiu.'ssv “ire??: advance. made with parties liberal rate* will be wishing to eontinne their advertisement* 'nffiS-XJrfu... io> a, M.,. ! Courier Journal: Senator Joseph Brown, of Georgia, appears to have •elected this M bia Republican year, j and is doing bia duty to the G. O. P. in fine style. The illness of Speaker Carlisle j preventing him from making bis vis it to this State od the 23J iuit., as announced, the programme now is for bitu to epeak in Atlanta on Feb rnary 6th and Macon on the 7tb, when it is thought be will have en ! tirely recovered. An ice bridge has been formed over Niagara Falls for the first time since 1884, and persons with an eye to business will erect upon it a cabin where refreshments will be sold, and it will be possible to drink a cup of coffee on the bridge with one foot in Canada and the other in the Uni ted States. The national Republican conven (ton has been called to meet in Chi cago June 19th. On the 221 of □*xt month the national Democratic committee will assemblo in Wash ington to determine the time and place of the convention that will name the winner in the next Prt-ei dential race. The convention will go either to New York or Chicago. Louisville Courier Journal: Sun ator Joseph Brown, of Georgia, one of the two Republican Senators from the South, yesterday spoke in favor of Senator Blair‘s educational scheme just a* last week lie spoke in support of Senator Sherman's plan for dispos ing of the surplus without reducing the tariff. It is thought tb it Sen utor Brown will next week be heard in behalf of Senator Chandler's bill for regulating elections in the South ern States. Tbc*e three bills (qtially Republican party measures, and we fail to sco on what grounds Senator Brown can support tno and remain silent ou the third. Liter it is expected Senator Shot man will in trodnee a bill fur the admission of Utah, provided the state retains j o Ijgamj as its peculiar institution. There is a wide-spread hope in the party that the Democrats may g in control of the Legislature in Georgia and at the nrx? election choose Deioocr tt to succeed Mr 1 Ji. wr. hinging .Noise* lit the eats, sometime* ft roaring, buzzis _ •ound, are -aused by catarrh, that exceeii- ingly disagreeable taxi* and very common d - ea*e of an. ell or hearing also result from catarrh. Hood's ^araapar.tld, the great blood purtlier, is a peculiar!)- su, ccss- fat remedy lor this disease, which it cures by purifying the Mood. Jf yon -ufftr fro catarrh, try Hood’s Sarsaparilla, i tar medicine b Peace on Kart It Await* that counties/) army of inartj:-. whose ranks a _ e con tanlly r- cruited from the victim* of nervo ,*ne» * and ditto di- sca?es. The i rice of the b'.ion is a systemati, oourae of Hostetler- Stomach Bitters. if;t fines) and most genial of toni nervine- pur •tied with reasonable persistence. Easier, pleasanter an t safer ibis than ! )swa-li she alcoholic victualling department wit i pseudo-tonus, or the reverse, beef extract*, nervt- toods, narcotics, sedatives and poisons in disguise. “Tired Nature’* sweet restorer, of balmy weak *leep,’ is the provid-ntial recuj t rant nerve*, and cotisetiaT-ncc* this glorious frauehise being nscaily Uie of sound di ueslisn ai.d increased vigor, the crea) ■:n achic which insures bjtins productive al- of repose at Ihe required time Not cure- freshed awakens the indivi 1-iai who u- - it. hut vistorous. cl* ar headed and tranquil l *e tbe BHUr* *U> in fever and acue, tism, k'dney trouble* ' ■ n-tipa’ >n OOSnefS fiooil as tlio Hcsl ! (Thenj> as theebe iq » si ' All c d >f Frn t Trees, Nines and Small Fruits. AH :lie new varieties light tt home. Will exchange for a good eow. Call and examine or address * S. M. Waym vn, Dee,4sn Aw3m Pomona. Ga. •♦HELL FOR 8AKT1I.” The following appropriate sdito rial for I be dsr it Uk®o front lit Loui-riile Coulter Jour oil, wbieb ta fond of styling itself tbe grest reiig ions daily of the United States ; | *’ rof - Carsar A Taylor, M. P, a S. and P. E , whom tie Commercial j Adesrtiaer c.tils tic yessg co«ore<J sci« otific prodigy from the South. is m New York, anxious to meet Bob logetaoll ic debate and prove to bim U»t lb«r. ,, . lit,,.: MI. .her. It. fitc is tot quenched j Hi* j^p^ng imposing train train of collegiate i abbreviitiooi-, Prcf Taylor explains, means Moral Philosophy, Social Sd i ence. and Political Economy, and the Advertiser supplements the Pro f f . fsp * { aoalion witb the iofor matioc that be a .... bright ma'atto, , . ts about twenty one years old, and that o»i«o »«•«■«'i* a *»‘*r i « tmg win tv verbiage, but a scientist ~ the deepest , ,, 0 uVf* *°<* l *‘°* ««■ W 0 ™ claims are certainly worthy of no prejudiced atlcctioo, and the Cou rier Journal, at leas*, is prepared to ponder seriously ail bo may say, e-s w {, en b e compels our re s ^ ct t p 0 outset by announcing that “it may seem absurd to expect any new discoveries in a field whose earliest surveys tie recorded in the Theogonis of India, E^rp*. and Greece, and some of whose grandest features were evidently seen by Misemini, MemDon, Moses, I’lato and Aristotle-," and (hat these /or t Lies failed of discovering, he is now able to it veal and demonstrate. I*m/. Taylor cniists interest at once by Lis pcsitive and unequivocal Ahtement that hell, notwithstanding popular assumption to the contrary, has a bottom, and that Le Las loea ted that scgioD, mtasnrcd it and harmonized it ivith bis Bible. He declares positively that a mol leu Uke exists fifty-two mites be ueath the earth’s crust, which is the identical place to which the wicked descend when they die. ‘-I claim,’’ be says, “that the earth is a hot ball and liable to cool and not cold, as many of my brother scientists think. It is claimed, too, that the earth was formerly a molten mass thrown off by the sun by some violent convul sson, sr.d, as a result of the cooling process :t is going through, it is grad ually contracting.” This, he avows is a dogmatical assertion merely of poorly informed scientists, for actual measurement has shown ihe world is expanding and net contracting. In JS72 the cariii’s circumference was 24,000 miles, and now it is about 2g,OfO, t: iving i-xj unded more than a thous and iuih.~ in fifteen years. While ih • Profess r docs not sty so, wc lake it that tlu> is the best of evi deuce of the constantly increasing in flux of new inhabitants to that place which Ingcrsolf says is nut. Indeed, we wonder what a scientist of such an inquiring turn of mind ,.s Prof. Taj ;* . tak i g the exact expansion of 1 i - earth within the last fifteen years ns his basis, has not calculated ju-t i .v ma: ) now i»: rivals can be j crtdit<‘d in shat time to the place j white lngeia: d is going. Wc st all wai - , however, until Prof. Tail" r disc !«-«e* t! » exact location of this liadt* of iiis before wc commit our Suit:, ur,v, o..j to in in. , he o says 1 it is -ituare.i under the Slate < f Ohio w - j 11 begin t" b-ei reasons . it , . • biV 3 i: \ \\ ..•* bi;be is talkii g ,t < u; . But il he that it is arywher <1 ec < :i or c k di r ibis broad earth we shali reluctantly con elude that he doesn't know any more •nut ii; Colt Ingerscl! hitnsell. Aod wc warn 1’rof. Taylor in ad | vanco. that it v.ju lake scirn? mighty 8 ,tj \ t , , , .iT.fvil • world that hi. - ;. v :.;t\»l« • m - .:. I > s the any -HOt <-ft ON BATS,” ” -- c-;i r:.ts, mire, roaches, flics, ants, i . g-. I it!.*, insects, skunks, chipmunks, jack a!sparrow-, 5c. gophers, druggists. i :hf, moles. 1 At “BOlliii ON COHNS.” f r "Wells' “Rough on Coras.” Quick i lie /.complete cure. Co re -. w art s,bca i one. 5c. Drugcists. K. S. Weds, Jersey City, •‘ltm UirONnTtTI ” Rough on ltd ’ cures skin humors, eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt rh. una, frosted feet. \ htlblains, itch, ivy poison, barber'- itch. 5t*c. E. 8. Wells, Jersey City. ‘•KOrt.H ON VATXHHH” C, m els offensive odors at once. Com- plcte cure of worst ohrottic cases; unequal- Ion! t i as bix-ath. gargle Catarrhal for diphtheria, thrt at affecuooa. sore throat, 50c. Oil It* Wcnlor* cutpaJtx and 3 M-WOOUJKY. ettred C<H WWikfj sent Whitehall at B00»otpar- baow FREE HaV HD. with si. Rheumatism It U am tMeblitkM fa* Ottt SUxXT* Str gafiriu* hu protes an SfitaMt remedy te many mama ««<* aeaem^ot the Mood which a the cause ot the diaeaae, aad jwri tr*i “J fa^to umw that what flood * Sawspartu* hat *»e $«r other- ^ «* dw— h tc . F™ ttur potent remedy a fair Utah A positive Care. •<i was troubled wy mw*with rtcum* IS, yd a (Wd deal et the ttn». Being ree- oasme&M to try Hood’* Samparfila, I took four bottle* awl sun perfectly writ. I cfceerfii'Uj wsHsmeiwi Hood'a 8ar*ipar.:iv as oce of «* J»too4 putters tn ri. world " W. F. Wood, E^ r a l ngtoa. Sit. F'-r Ttreaty Years aare be :. aSb< with rheumatism. IV5 it ISS31 fou' ! do rt ’.but grew worse, libra U-gaE tak. ;B' s Sarsaparilla, and It did me more r -11 a all the other medicine f *rtr had.' J. T. P.alcom, Shirtey. 3ia*s. -I scfl-.-.ed from what the doctor* catted muscular rheumatism. I took fiood's Sar- taparOla and am entirely eared.” J. V. A. FKOCDrocrf, tetter carrier, Chicago, 111. We shall t>« glad to send, tree of charge to ail who may desire, shock containing many additional statements of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists- tt; aix tor IS. Madf only by C I- HOOD & IX).. Lowell, Mass. IOO Dos sr r o Dollar. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000, “We do Ueit' ' if y that we supeTvHv the arrangements 1 ! the monthly and Cjnar- U-riv Drawiugi ' he Louisiana State Loi tery Company, a: person manage and cot trot the Drawing vaemselm, ana that tb* same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and and in scood faith toward ail parties, v« authorise the Company to use thia certificate with fac-similesof oursignatmes attackedu dTcrtiseirei.ts.” f.imlHMun. We the undersigned Batik? and Banker) j will pay all Prize* drawn in The Louisiam Slate Lotteries which may he presented el ourcounters: y.H.OOlESBr.Fm. La. Sai l Bi P.LLXLrX. Pr«Siat»Jal lBk. 4. BAtnWIS,Pr*t.X O.Sat’l «»»l CARL *4 011 V I»rea. Colon VI Saak u NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Over Half a Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporatedln 1568 for 25 years by the Le? V.atuTe for Edurational and Charitable put- ooses—with a capital of $1.000,000—To which v reserve fund of over §550,000 has since beer aaJed. popular vote its fras ihife By an overwhelming of the present Slat was made a part lbTt Constitution adopted Decetnberiid, A.D., The only Lottery ever voted on. and el Jorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. It. a.rand Single Somber Drawlaii take place monthly,and the (Land Quarterly Drawing*, regularly every three mot-th* (March, June, September arid December). A 8PLEXDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN f FORTUNE. HK OND GRAND DRAW¬ ING, Class b. is th* Acadewt o* McbicNew Obleass. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 18SS. 213th Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, 8150,000 tST’NOTICE. —Tickets are Ten Dollars only Halve*. *5. Fifths, $2. Tenths, tl list or PRIZES I Capital Pbiz* or *150,000... $150,000 0 1 Grav'd Prize or 50.0(0.... 50,Ot 1 Gbasd I’bizk or 20,(00— 20,000 2 Labor Prizes or 10,000... 2(t.000 4 Large Prizes o» 5,000---- 20.000 20 Feres- or 1,000.... 20,000 50 •• 500. .. 25,000 iou *• ;ioo____ 300 -• 200____ 40,000 500 • 100.... 50,(00 approximation* prize? IUi A i - ro.xituRih'ii Prizes of fMOO.. ..$30,000 30,000 100 “ •• 200... 1U0 “ u 100... 50,000 10,0(i0 1,000 Terminal “ 5o---- 3,179 Prizes, amounting to..........foSo.COO Application for rates to clubsshonld be made only to the office of the Company ir New Orleans. For further information POSTAL write NOTES, clearly, Express gi>| iBff fall address. Money Order?, or N«w York Exchange it ordinary letter Currency by Express (si M. A DAUPHIN. New Orleans La or M. A. L)A UP11IN', Washington, D. C. Address Registered Letters tc KM OR LF IM X4T1B.14L BAX B New Orleans, La. REMEMBER 22 I ► ral» X. the Hmarrcaif {irraeace at »«•! Ewtly. is who are In rhurgr of Ik) drawings, a gnaantee of aiigolute fairnesi and iuPgrity. that the chances are all equa and th»t no one can possibly divine whe‘. numtw.-rs will draw a Prize. REMEMBER that the payment of all Prize * is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATIO NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tiekt ’.s ar-’ signt J by the President of an In -titalien, whose chartered rights are reoog nized in the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any imitations cr anonvmou c hemct “SANS SOUCI” BAR AND BILLIARD PARLOR. -)o-- >aiiH>n .tucked with the 1'.-t Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc IMPORTED CIGARS a Specially. —M UrAi BROAD STREET. COLUMBUS, : : : GA J. H. EDWARDS. Proprietor sep'NMdm Twenty Days! _______AND----- I I WORK WILL BE DUKE [ w have just bought of the largest and meet complete stocks of goods in Griffin, at auction, and a, bllow We one twenty dsys Low P»ice. will do the work and l first cost and they must be sold in the next w e will sell Winter Goods lower than any bouse in Gnffi,. or Atlanta. von your Hundred Suits of Clothes and Overcoats Below First Cost SHORT WRAPS AND NEWMARKETS ! Three Hundred Shawls, Three Thousand Yards of Flannele, Three Cases of Bleat-Lings and Sea hL Jersey Jackets from 50a. up. Two hundred Ladies’ Undervests at yonr own price, One Hundred pi* Jeans and Cassimere, 15c. per yard and up to 40c. ! Slxoes! \Ye have more Shoes than any bouse in town. Winter is here and down we below can fit New you York in Size, Cost. Style and Piicej whole side devoted exclusively to Boots and Shoes to be sold away FIFTY BOXES TOBACCO AND TEN THOUSAND CIGARS! We have recently bought cut two Fancy Grocery Store end we haven’t room for the goods. So come Canned Goods, Pickles, Sauces, Ac., at yonr owd price, to get them out of the way. Three Show Cases, one Iron Safe and one Oil Tank bought at 60c. on the Dohar and will sell them .or le than Factory Prices. All good as new. I0F Come and see us BEFORE BUYING ANYTHING and We will SAVE YOU MONEY ! “ ■** tt American Serial! “THE BRETON MILLS.” A Romance of New England Life. BY C'llA HI.BS J. BBBBAMY, Editor of the Springfield (Mass.) Daily News. M t' ■ ciM 1 The above Sketches, taken from among the ’ i .ores appearing: in tbe Story, trill sufficiently Indl* cate tbe CUa. ..eter of the Illustrations. 6&*\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • ' \ \ x \ \ \ v. \ \ .\ ,\ \ ;k,,,\i :yism COPYRIGHTED LxD ILLUSTRATED, This paper will shortly begin the publication ■. f a Serial Story with the above title, and of intense interest. Each chapter is alive with excitement and the plot moves on Avith a power and spirit which will, we believe, make this one of the most acceptable serials we have e\-er offered in these columns. THE BRETON MILLS Is a story that will satisfy the popular demand for intense interest in each installment. The scene is laid in a New England faelory village. Both the employing class and the class of the employed furnish actors in the thrilling romance, and the reader's interest will be closely held all through the changing scenes of the story. While not taking sides on the questions interesting working people, Avhich are touched upon in the story, the author dissedts the pa¬ thetic elements of the life of the poor with fearless hand. Still his romance, after all, is a romance of lo\'e, and all else in the story is only introduced to solve the problem of one man’s devoted and faithful nature. ILLUSTRATED BY CUSACHS And copyrighted under a special arrangement with the author. Look. Out for the Opening Chapters in this Paper f mm ililSE 1UHSER SHOP LADIES ! Electricity Eclipsed THE Dsl oiirUsa Dyrin;. «t Home with CHICAGO ELECTRIC LAMP COLC-MtilS. . GEORGIA, PEERLESS DYES, Most brilliant Ifctat produced frnft JOE McGHEE, Prop’r, They will dye everylbimr. They sold plete sample aod Wa circular*. to} j£ are wanted in every town; exclusive -)o(-- everywhere. Price 10c. a package— 40 coIots. territory Riven They have no equal for Strength, Bright¬ m sem ire.«., a***, ‘ ] ness, ness, Amount Amount in in Packages Packages or or forFastteas for Fasttes* of of ___--r=—TS*. _ I . , fc-esl , ]>lace , Coiumbu* , x bath . _ cleaa ue 8ha,e. IB tar gets Color, or uou-fading Qualities. They do not ! fftTSi Uric or Give us a call when in the Lam'S crock or smut. For sale hy S. Vf. Msng- 1E£&5?^}£!&TviV^!&r (0» JOE M(«HEE Drug Ktore.Griffin «a. mar^dAw 1 S 2X\ t hi' Jf *c -• V C f Vi u ?) x ' & ^ - i ; fK.:V J ' % ! | i r i® : r ^; t r4 MsS