The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, January 24, 1888, Image 4

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OF— Fire Works ' GRIFFIN ! : ft Candy, Fruits and ' bonfht before the J. M. Attention, Spalding Greys. The Spalding Greya are reqoeated to torn oat in fail dress at **»en o’clock to-night. By order of J. T. SiETHasaox, Captain commanding. MONEY To loan is etosSi •urn* os GOOD bE- CCR1TV Apply to These Em, Box HO,Grifla, *la. Special Notice. Gnnrrj.v.Ga., Dec. 30, 1SS7. Notice it hereby given that on the 21st day of Dec. 1887, one two horse wagon and a large yellow ox, with small loose horns, and about 8 years old, were seized at Price Parker’s and Jim Farisb’s illicit distillery near Locust Grove, in Henry county, for violations of Internal llevenue Laws Any person claiming them is mjuir ed to appear and make such claim within thirty dbjs from date of ibis notice. J. H. Rin<.£b, j8d3w Deputy Collector. To Rent. A six room Cottage, in good ra pair. jan!2<ftf Apply to J. A. Stkwabt. Notice to Teachers! Hon. Ja». S. Hook, State School Commiaaioner, has ordered an examln ation of teachers to be held on cither or all of the following days, to-wit: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, tfct 28th, 27ib and Kith days of January 1888. In compliance with this new taw, notice is hereby given to all per sons who may desire to teach in any of the common schools of Spalding selves County during 1888, to present them for examination at the Court bouse, Griffin, Ga., at filO O’clock a. ro. on either of the days named above. Jas. O. A. MriXEfi, County 7th, 1888.—tuesAwky3t School Commissioner. Jan. Thnrl>er*s Asparagus. Eiaporatofl Vegetables for Soups. Fine Irish Potatoes. Norfolk Oysters. White Shall. All Kinds String Fish. • BLAKELY : sr ecarra. Hj s of* m a I airy k^ww A.« pretty *• aej yoa’v# aetu. She’* witfcofit aoT g*Ha. Aa4 ha* ckaty of »*BSik— ia fact tie* the paette of our tsette. Henry Jafkao®, of Hollooville, waa :a town yesterday. This is good weather for wet feet and ; eons**] aest colds. j Mr*. Job** Boyd left yesterday for I A!&kt J *® T ^ 1 her Mrs. B. T. WaUt<ir ' f ,^£ «de* Sunday 3 ‘ • i , a a*«*. . Mrs. A. C. Sorrell returned yesterday frvm Atlanta, where she attended the j perfo™,^. Mr. #. W. McGee, of Warners vide, one of the •olkl farmers of Meriwether ______- county the .. city .. yesterday. , , | i was in J. A. Barbrer, of Greenville, who Burned Mrs. Nora tfnasey, formerly of this place, was in the city yesterday, j W. J. McCaalan wa, on on yesterday elected a member of the Gran Hand j Club, - an honor meet worthily bestowed. The Graatlaad Club bad a meeting yesterday eveuiog and made arrange menu for a reception ooThoradar night of thus week. The Chinese midgeta are to appear at j day Patterson’s Hall ou Thursday and Fn j nights, under the aniptcea of the Ifeihodiata. Min Hattie Nelms, after several months spent in New York eily. refnrn ed home Saturday night to the delight and pleasure of her many fneeds. Joseph La Boytaaux, of New York, * the only drummer on the road a ho Uavekd m this country before the war, , was registered at the Nelms House ' on Sunday. ! Judge the Boynton made a strong record | at session of the Supreme Court just finished, Lit decismn being af | firmed in every one of the cases carried i ! vp fro B the Flint circuit Mr*. G.T. Moore, Moore, cl of rortsmorth, PoTtninortb, i Va., *ud Mra. W. J. ILmaey, of Brook 1!d, have written very touching Utters inquiring the particulars of Mr Ramsey’* •uddeo death here. According to a recent count, made for leap year purposes, there are in Griffin Rj3 widows, 25 widowers, 24 old makls and 2tl old bachelors. This is startling, if not terrifying. Gov. Jno. t n. u Gordon ,, , took , supper at . the Nelms House on Sunday and be came so absorbed in expouoding she views of the News on the tariff question that he came near missing bis train. A Colombo* party consisting of Mr. snd Mrs. 8. G. Mono, Mrs, C. O. Williams Mis# O. C. Williams, Wm. Moses, Wm. Hunter and Fred Cca ningLain came up Sunday to view the c.ty, but unfortunately the weather was too bad for them to gel around. 5Ir. L. N. Johnson, an old Griffin boy who has been living in Fayette county for some time, will soon move hu family back to Spalding. Lucius says there is no place like home and J this is his home. He is building a new house ou his farm about two miles west - of the city. The Rome Tribuue speaks as 'follow mg of a young lady much admired here: "Miss ESia Smith baa returned from a visit to B:rm.agham, Ala. She leaves Wednen.Ly for August*, where nhe will , spend «oa< time. The Birmingham Herald of sat Wedn« lay La, a very oompnmenlsry notice of her attendance | at a V*p rear b«JL j -----... — j | * The m r .*i troubseaome eompaaivn a person can have while being away from home, it a cough, and I would advise everybody to procure Dr. Ball’s Cough Syrup before starting.” (Drummer.) " bar* &r«J mta tntas coca or tviaa. sad it iHcpd to Law beta caught the *et * Friday agfet. **» arrested under a abate »armtt a* Sum aiih pontto* a patfui at Tha Gaiaival m**ts at et the the Ot St. Htn^ hat bees itderei at tbs* dee. It arenas* d 16 page*, eoTess is fire edon, representing scene* m St Fan! daring carnival and a eery fine double page at the grand tee palace cow enctod sa that city. Thu same will sent, peat paid, to aa? address at oasts per copy, three for 25 cents. dress. St. Fas’. Herald. S Futon block, St Pan!. ^ There tr **verxl casnicg being bedt *. a the last three in the t> oth. r-ffin should btuld one. build ‘‘tr ax. 1 ' at * te sn !4 operation “ t , "f** and 1 , . . fill pay bandaonudj on the money Tested. It u oseiesa fer as to ship frail North, and after canning it pay the freight back south again, when we can have it canned {sere at Lett*. If tense of our Urge fruits growers wcuid build one and can bis fiust of ail kinds, we are satisfied that be would realize very btadnodf on <!■•» w uey weeded. -What U »*&ua Worth. «ked a fair damsel of a crusty old bach 5 if diseaae has a woman feeia worth little inTaded Let *T»tem and female’weafcuess ia dailr sapping her strength.' For ail «■ Dr - B. V. Pierce a “FstorU Pre SSSUTm Send 10 for pb let cent- ump* Dam to f Medr<ad Aservriatioo 9t»3 Mans Strer N. Y. t oncorfi CaiiiBcs. 8p^. ial to tfee Jfr» s Cobcokd, Gi-, Jan. 23,—Prof*. Keilb mi Brooks bjTe . Kboo ] 90 or 70 pupils and are giving satis faction. I hope they wili do well, Messrs. Cochran and Sparks have rented tie #ri« mill ol T. L. McLen <Jcn and are grinding SO bushels g TA \ r , The merchants arc doing well foi the times. Stock in the Georgia Midland i» selling at 40 per cent. I want one free ride, then mine is tor sale for all { can g Ct . Scven ° r e ’« ... Ut firrn3 are hx,C . . U P ^ to seJI gu« R «- M J opinion is, we bad belter make more at home these w ®t days, Rumor says we are to have a mar ^ ' ,............. in the ne „ future; " ’ a wbi:e ’ " he * fJed vouri ff m * :j 15 to marr v a Lru - - net,e ’ ____ ^ A . W. If, “a numeroua household lb the tale ty of the Republic,” it might aa well le proclaimed at once, household that the remedy up on which such should be reared is Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup. A good cathutic is worth its weight ia gold, yet Laxador, the infallible reg uktor ot the human system,is sold for odIv 25 cents a package. The First Registration. Tt,e N ’ EW? ' attention was called yesterday to the first registration bock used in Griffin, showing that tie first registration under the amended chart c . r wa s made from May 17ih to May 2Dt, 1809, under the regime of May or Geo. D. Johnson, it was on an election to compi jmise the old sub¬ scription to the S. G. 4 N. A. RR. and take 825,000 c.f new slock, which was carrieJ. The first man whoever registered in Griffin was A. Murray and the second was F. D, both of them always active politics and almost always on the sides of any question. The of whites registered was 284. A second registration was held in on the question of making to the 8am. Bailey to the pub schools' The registration of . e§ wa _ ]75 Thi tb,rd f ^ r Ulat J**' November 2.*;, being for city and the whites registered were 350. Th*s old volume is now b* ing cs i a scratch hoi k by a pupil in the schools. "Mid pleasures aud palaces though may roam lie it ever so humble,” no specific for pain like Salvation Price 25 cents a battle. Removal. We have removed from our location over Stilwci! & to the store room Nc- IS street, McKee’s old stand. We ail our friend? and the public to call or. us at our new on first floor. Mbs. Respectfully, M. R. Brown & Co. jan?ld2wA *4t i imUtB.lTIO> A5» BETELOFSi.’IT I What orilta Ifi, S*w I^ortrt R«me. Say*. . Wt -m . 4crpr ^i v «terday | dose . * from , atm* r , (or . a lew hams, , . took after hta basiaes? here. Baca ta cut only Secretary of Re ec Lar. J Company, lui was Secretary ted Treasurer of the ty of |sniE!grai;OG tsd which rcceotlv* organized a: ; ooogt. j ‘•I want jcu to »etp up the I tkw for cheap tzcoruoo rates and : er encouragement toward ! tk« to the Sosta,” said the | wbofD we 0 „ to n n Jo? . bat can no. .id, hi, t ud j of the title*. Nor:0 arid -It ... » the what only ba?tom thing , ., ; will build up this sect: n. V> e r ; t fce land, but need tfce people.” : «Wha: sa being done except f r ag ; u . Krl ? | We u , ~____ Lave _ petit:- ned the fer excursci rates of one cent a land thick we will gel it. { ^eelir gs will be held next I ; n Chicago. New '.nnr Orleans and ; from J oor societr w:.i be present * at each : . ,, . kl , ... i tkese . P scts ' CJ 'P ‘ ‘ ^ - j going and keep it bef .re the peop.e. i T “ - Ne - *“» f ‘ b : 6 ;:‘‘ i advocate immigration from the Norte, \ j aD< j b zs beets rather persistent r .n it . to see ] evsr iioce, aca we are giaa a concerted eflort being made to ren der this advocacy effectuki ] PlcreeH-Ple^aat — * Pelkts, Positively Popalar; Provoke Praise Prove Priceless: Peculiarly Prompt. Perm Perceptibly Potent; Producing a j Purchase. *- mK, Fierce presre petty. i-leety. Pharmacists | P a r -‘ z ! lentral Railroad Time Table, XOETHWABD BtrcesviHe Special tSunday only j 7:4-5 a. m. Biraesvilie Accommoda j Hon daily except Sunday 5:57 a. m i Passenger No. 3, 5:41 a. m. | P^senger Passenger No, and 11. Mail 11:31 No. a. 1. in. 4:01 j jp. ni. No. 13, 9:05 | Passenger p. u, SOUTH VVAED. Passenger and Mail No 2. S:20 j a. m. J I Passenger No. 14, 11:20 p m J Passenger No. 12, 4:05 p. c. j Biraesvilie Special (Sunday only) 4:58 p m. Barnesville Accommoda tion (daily except Sunday) 7:10 p tr. PisBenger No. 4, 8:43 p. in. j ! i ^fUU. w eight , | Its superior excellence proven in millions »f homes for more than a quarter of a cen tury. It isused by the United States Gov¬ ernment . Endorsed by the head- of the Great Universities as the Stronger. Purest and most Healthful. l>r. Price's the only Baking Powder that doc? r.-v contain Ani- inonia, I.ime. or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PP.ICE BAKING POWDER CO NEW TOEFL. CHICAGO 'T LOUIS d4th«? col.nnn For County Commissioner. EpitvR News—P lease aDuoncce the name of T. J. Brooks as a eandi date for Cocnty Commissioner, to fi 1 (be vacincy caused by the death of S W M lDgbsm, and oblige Many Yotep.s. “SANS SOUCI” BAR AND BILLIARD PARLOR. — )oi — Naloun stocked with the B< -t Specialty. —><K 1030 BROAD STREET. : : ; GA J. H. tDWARDS. Proprietor ?ep30fWtn: Christmas Goods! Fall Line Fresh Goods! Lots of TURKEYL and cranberry sauce ? And Everythin? That Is Good ! J. H. KEITH A CO. ugSWIj H. W. HASsELKUS, v.'JLNCFACTUEEF. and dealer in Boots and. Shoes, LEATHER AND FINDINGS. SS Hill Street, ... GIUFFIN, GA -O------- I agaia offer-my stock of Winter Boots and Shoes at Lowest poeible prices. Best Hcme-tnade Fsrtn Sh-yes in the State. H: W. HASSELKUS. j PIANOS ! ORGANS 1 CASH. OR ON TIME. AT DEANE’S ART GALLERY WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ! A fresh lot o? preserves. Jellies. Apples. Oranges. Panamas. Cocoanuts, AND IS FACT EVERYTHING A HOUSKEEPPER WILL NEED. BlfllS & CD'S, IF'ox’ 2 £Lxxisl&, Live Turkeys. Dressed Turkeys. Cranberries. Cranberry Sauce. Jelly Preserves. Apple Butter. Citron. Currants. Rasins. Prunes. Nuts. Apples. Oranges. Dried Figs, Pickles. THE FINEST LINE OF [FANCY AND STICK CANDY. Choice Selection of Toys. Vases, Ac. Will have Saturday. Oysters. Shid and Snappers HOLMAN fc CO. Guns atCost! FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. 677 , LES EIFLEB , AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. sep2Sd±w3m JL m IScrar .anW .satle iak; i prorortioo iw<i -denssa i f:illtreat u to Tr r. IGOROUS HEALTH ’ ; a *5e. itohea tii by ty,Orsrani_ use of f OH orinecnTtnieseeinnnTweT with tekenfie mention tnedusl to bnrmm, priixipk*. or mmm Bjr Fo«iid*.l dirscl pain srttHafv.i. Yi’ koon^orMia- feepltcetiaato insaenceie f.Heilkoyt Use eeot of delay. dime Theuwai its tftaS* thousand ttey • Years in lfc*ai»^nraBctioD»of ---- thr hi '----Ituim natorad. Tie e-red and broltffi 1 drr waited animat! nr fmecti of ____*lmbaefc,thepetiea« life are P^fertand toll Man. 7 . Bu he. becomes cheecdu and _g rapidly j eine both cxeoph endBcea# _T hoi who snii*' ____________ d 01 0 r from; m 7 obscure issasee TSUTMEHT. —Csi MatE 13. Two *»«, *to;: . trough nork.ortoofreo t a bo at by Jadiscrot. _ r-onm, (>TOr-jRrHin statement; Indnlgencs'. • troable, k th«tyGa and send us HARRIS REMEDY CO. Mrc Chemi” r-. ai £ e o. * oecore ., fill! ALPACKAGE FKb K,? ’nst’d -- I*amphlet,4o. _ EOev( K. Tenth Street,BT.LOTJTH, HO. RUPTURED PERSDK -V'. have FREE ---- Trie) of our Appliance. Ask for Terms! WHIPS, WAGONS BUGGIES AND IIAFNE8S. • — M- - Studebaker Wagon! White Hickory [Wagon ! Jackson G. Smith Wagon! Jackson G. Smith Buggy! Ar d the COLUMBUS BUGGY at the Lowest Prices possible. Repairs old Buggies a Specialty. W. H. SPENCE, aui-NiAwOr, Cor. IT ill d: Taylor Street?, GRIFFIN, GA IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THE STOCK GOLD WATCHES. SOLID AND PLATED JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. CHINA WARE, GRANITE, TIN AND WOODEN WARE. LAMPS. &C. BOUGHT AT BOTTOM PRICES BY THE NOVELTY CO., No. 57 Hill Street.