The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, January 27, 1888, Image 2

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0OU6LA.S WIEHNSEK, Editor * SilLV,(ta*4v*oe*)Par Assam... WKCM tr.Oa# t»r............... drill, dMrfli, Jan. 27, 188*. ■ ’ Official Paper of Spalding .. Offioia! Paper of the City of Adrortinlntf Itnten. DULY—Oa* dollar por aqnara tor ir»» inaorttoB. and rifty oente for each Mqaeat oa*. Ten line* or ieee to be || § Moin. SPECIAL NOTICES 10 oenU per •r each insertion. No insertion under head for lees than 50 cent*. Ail lot lee* than one dollar innat be paid for advance. will be made with Liberal rates wishing to eontinuo their anger than one week. WEEKLY—Saint- rates a* (or the DaiW. WANTED—-MOHE PEOPLE. Tbe Goldoibns Enquirer Sue, dot ita oaw management, is up to some of (be wants that New* commenced to impress tbe public six years ago. It say* 1 ; Wbat Georgia needs today, than any other tbmg, is more |>«opl* We need more capital; wn nied manofactorie*; we need better tional facilities, bnt each of needs, or nil of ihe;u put tog - her, leas than (be uee<l of more Each of these needs will be supplied by a large immigration to our for an increase in population nil. bring an increase of everything to desired. There bus never been in the tj of Georgia so important a SS tbit on foot now, to bring gration to our state. Our will be very negligent of their eats if they do not give this moot tbeir strongest support. is no telling wbat unity of action accomplish. Uoity nnd and energy, when they are are almost omnipotent. When people want anything they will ly fail to get it, if they work Jot it, and work well. The south is being advertised, not in tbe best way. Our cities reoiving all the attention. OOUntry presents as bright tractions, and an advertisement these attractions will do the vastly more good than the meut of the advantages of localities. The adverusetnent the south has been icceiving, has at tracted capital to large corporate vestments. This is very well, an advertisement that would individual investments, would be ter. The man who would place 000 in one of our factories, might main at his home in a northern and ss the interest accrued on his vestment, it would go to him out the state, und though our state « u i grow wealthier, uur people would Take, on the other band, a who brings 85000 to Georgia, to vest in farm lands. lie will on the land and become one of people, and all tin* profits of investment go io make wealth for state and our people. Ills stay here, instead of going north. The great fault with our ments heretofore is that they been local. What we tied is a al advertisement ol the &d,antiges our whole state, and this require- union of all the people of the state tbe effort. The newspapers of gia are the natural of their sections. Can they not this matter before the people till oerted and energetic action is We propose to keep working for end. We will do our best till •ess is hopeless, or assured. ——----• • • ...... — Rheumatism 1* undoubtedly caused by Un ti l m id iu blood. This acid titlarks the fibrous ti-su- and causes ttic pains and aches In tbe shoulders, knee?, ankles, hips, and « ris!s Thousand? of pe oshlye pie have found In Thi? Sarsaparilla medicine, a - cure fur by it? purifying a< tion. tralises the acidity of the blood, ant builds up and strengthen? the a hole body. (d) The Ounce of Pretention. The satisfaction of feeling gafi from tog any disease from d inking w »ter, _ from sick from impure air, a person, Uet wlth foul clothing, Infection or UBB roAitl m Of Lilli VAC U f>Amn wfa anil all mu ing in the world In 1864 when a portion of Sber* man’s army passed through Jones county, several negroes joined if. Among them was a slave named Henry Anthony, belonging to Mrs. Loutber. He joined the Thirty fourth Colored Infantry, and while doing picket duty at Hilton Head in South Carolina, he contracted rbeu matisui, which bus hung oa to bun. At Macon Friday this negto. although a Union soldier aud fought against the South, made application to the United Stales government for a pen Bitn, and was vouched for by Capt. F. S Johnson, of the Fourth Geor gta, and Col. Isaac Hardeman, of the Twelfth Georgia, an.l bis papets were drawn up Lieut. L D. Ripley, of the Second Georgia Bitallion. all of the Confederate at my. An il ustratioD ol the proverb that ‘‘wine is a mocker aud strong drink is raging,* 1 see wbat inconsistencies the advocates of free whisky will fall into. Some of our exchanges stato that Mr. Randall has been whipped out n Feuits) tvduia. This is we.l, but to whip Mr. Randall out in the United States is to whip out tbe Democratic party. Free traders do not appre elate this now, bat they will before the year is out—Atlanta C'onstiin uou, Jan. 8, *88. Mr. Itandall is i‘> fivor of the se pea! of the tax on wbitky ai d tobso co Tin* is because Mr. Randall ie su favor of the lunff that taxes tbt pe-piu for the benefit of Penneyt vauii monopolies —Atlanta Cons’itu uou, Oct- 11 tb. ‘83, —— 4* - — To say that the farmers of Geer gia who aro pumped by protection to irrigate monopolies are in favor of the present tariff duties on imports and too repeal of tLo inteinul icvtn lie tax. is to slander them with an imputation of gross ignorance. Tie farmers of Georgia are among the most observing and thoughtful men of onr State, and the News repels the insinuation that tbc-y areas day id the hands of protectiouists. The farmers of Wilkes county buve, in convention, expressed tbeir views, which aro in harmony with the Demo cratic party leaders, Cleveland, Yoor bees, Carlisle, Colquitt, Gordon and all the Georgia Congressmen. Let the protectionists ra?t! Pretty £ tori os Not AH Prored. Tlv • art* fact.!, ray masters, not at all carrying out the prettv pictures < f the story writers, who i-.irly girls in family (lisa: t r end lure! of pro; c i ty have only to pick up tin ir pens nrd write a magazine article, c r r.u into fruit raising or bee¬ keeping, and I uy a farm and new fur¬ nish tin*’ ’.Kiti e t!. ■ season on the profits. Mi ;lt t’ics ■ r • loubtable young women hut condescend i-.j give the rest of the world - me inkling < i their .wri t suttees.- ■ ! livery year t!v.- competition of real life grows m -r- interne, till no favorite with gift? and;;iv iti.. fools recure in her place. < r keeps it but at cost of sleep].*' < \ iy.ilaucc and cfTort. Tlic t lion-anil successes arc offset by tens of thou-atulsof women to whom life is a constant strain < f l-ody und thought, with only lightening enough of the toil to bo endurable. It i- enough to know, from medical report*, that the majority with of cukivated women are aged at 50, the wrinkle* and pray hair fit for 75, and fieti after die of overstrain, or break down in mind. Imbecility and hysteria increase, to say nothing of insanity, wliil - the > trniiaid of i furtive kilxtr, in- telkvl’.K.l ili; .1. r pi-ily haver . l:ec..e. • tin-, :.-.min; f il-■ i.a • i • worn out.- t - . -. '. an. -jinrtat on hats,” y, : ,r- cat rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants abbits] nl-hugs, beetles, insects, skunks, chipmunks, jack sparrow*, 5c. gophers, druggists. roths, moles. 1 At “KOI Oil ON lOBN8.» ,-l; for Wells* “Rough Corns,warts,bunions. on Corns.” Quick tlief.complctecure. E. 8. Weils, Jersey City. 5c. Druggists. “IUHNTh ON ITCH ” “Rough oa Itch” cures skin humors, eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains, itch, ivy poison, barber’s itch. 50e. E.8._Wells, Jersey City. “Itort.U ON l ATAKK1I” Corrects offensive odors at once. Com pletc cure of worst chronic cases; unequal *1 a* breath.Catarrhal gargle for diphtheria, atTecaono. sore throat, lout threat 50c Peace on Earth A«ait- that vouatle-s army of martyrs, «!i>se ranks a*e tautty recruited from th victims of ih rv.i -sm .?, ami nervous di si-a-e-. The i rice of the boon is a systematic course of llo-tetter ? Stomach Hitters, the i tine?i end most genial of tonic nervines pur sued with reasonable persistence. Easier, pleasanter an I safer this than t i siva-h the vietnalling department wit 1 pseudo-tonics, alcoholic or the rever?e. tn*ef extract?, nerve tout?, narcotics, sedatives and poisons in disguise. “Tired Nature’s gueet restoier, balmy sleo: .* is and the this providential glorious reeui ernut of »i-nk i erves. franchise being us- a ly the eoesiqoenees of sown t di gestiou ami increased vigor, the ere at stem aehie which iu?ur,s both'is productive also of repose at I he required indiviiual time. Not ume- f e-bed awakens the who use- il, hut vigorous, el ar headed and tranqnd. I se the Bitters also iu fever and ague, rheuuia- ! tiara, kidney troubles.constipation and ttili- on Arc .Marriid People Happy f Do you fbink married “Dat people ar’pends are liap ! p V . Uncle Jake? alto ; •. <1 , u , r how dev enjoy demselves; if dey 1 * . . eetbing Rheumatism Hitoo ttUMUhtd faet that Hood** 8 or j japariUa ba» proven an rheumatism, invaluable remedy effect¬ to many severe ease* of ing remarkable cures by its powerful action , in correcting tbe acidity of tbe blood, which j is the cause of tbe disease, and purifying and enriching the vital fluid. it is rrrtainl p fair to omisu that wbat flood’s Sarsaparilla has done for other* . w" do lor you. Therefore, II you u.rr- r t! s pains and aches of rheumatism, give this potent remedy a fair trial. A Positive Cure. ** I was troubled very much with rheum a tism In my hips, ankles, and wrists. J •ould hardiy walk, and was confined to tnv ‘*;d a g'>od deal of the time. Being rec oinmended to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I took four bottles and am perfectly well, i cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla as one of the best blood purifiers la the world." W. F. Wood, Bh^mington, III. For Twenty Vears ,iavel« afflicted with rheumatism. Btfoi i 1 - llfoi; ro relief, but grew worse, ltlun t, -n ta 3 Hood’s 8arsaparl!la, and It did n nor „ood ttian all the other medicine i *v had - H. T. Balcok, Shirley. Mass. *• X suffered from what the doctors called muscular rheumatism. I took Hood’s Sar¬ saparilla and am entirely cured.” J. V. A. Pbootvoot, letter carrier, Chicago, Hi. Wo shall be glad to send, free of charge to all who may desire, a book containing man) additional statements of cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, gt; six for $5. Made only by C. 1- HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO r ~:s On© Dollar. Iks oaly aos-Alcohsile Vegettfcle aedldu pat op ta It all liquid diseases form ever arising diieovered. from biliousness cures and blood impurities. cleansing the A safe, sure, and gentle cathartic, system thoroughly. Tim old style is slightly bitter. The New La pleasant to the taste, and the best medicine in the world for children. Price $1 OO. McDonald dreg co., n. y. City SCHEDULE In effect November 2, 18S7. Trains run daily. NORTH BOUND. No. 52 No . 50, Lv Columbus....... 3 :55 p m 7:45 a m Ar. nt Warm Springs, 5:58 p m 9:40 a “ Woodbury........I 6:25 p m 10:06 a “ (irillin............| 7:5a p m 12:27 11:25 a m “ “ McDonough......j Atlanta via C R R I 10:50 9:40 p m | J 1: J5p p m p in m “ Macon........... I | 6:15 am “ Suvannuh........ 6:00 a m “ Brunswick........ I BOLTH BOUND. I No. 53 No. 51. Lv At’au'avia E. T., I V ,v(ia. R. R.....I 6:00 a m *• Atl-nta via GRK 6:50 a m 2:I!0 p m “ M-Donough.... ! 7.00 am 2:50 p » “ Hritlln,..........) Woodbury.......| 8:40 am 4:10 p m “ 10 05 a tu 5:20 p m “ Warm Springs ... I 10:30 a m 5:.'S p m Xr'ivc * olumbus.. . 12 25piu 7.55 p m i rains 50 and 53 carry through coaches 1 e tween Columbus and union depot, Atlanta. Making dose < onnections with through sleep ers for New York and all points north and vast. Clo-e conneciions made with through •ars for Chattanooga, Nashville, Cineinuati. Chicago and the not th west. I hia is the most direct route from Enfaula, Union Springs nr,d Troy via Columbus for Atlanta and points beyond. CRA M. E. V , Supt. 9 W. CHE ARS, Ueu’l Pass. Agt. Columbus, Ga. Libel for Divorce. Jane Pack Libel for Divorce in Jim vs. Pack., Superior Court. It appearing to the rt that the ant in the above stated caw, Jim Pack, sides without the State of Georgia, and by tht return of the t-ueriff that he ccttld not be found m the county : It i? ordeied by the Court that the defendant, Jim l’a-k, he and appear at the next term of this Cou t to answer ?aui libel ; and it is further ordered that 8,-rvice o the same be made upon the ih f ndunt, Jim Puck, by publ'eation of order in Die 1 itiFris Nxws once a month for four months before the next term ol this Court. This, August 12th, 18*7. JAMES S. BOYNTON, J Huge S. C. F C. E W. Hammond. Libellant’s Attorney. Oeort-ia, 8| aiding County.—I. \\m. M. fhonnis. Clerk of the Superior Court of county, certify that the foreg it g i* a < or reet on;, of the order granted at the gust term, 1887, of said Court, a? appear- !ro:n tlie n iuutes of said Court. HO This, 12th Augi st, 18*7. W.M. M. 'i MAS. oct7i>am4m Clerk S. C. S. C. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums PERFECTLY REST.-RE THE HEARING, whether deafness is caused by co ds, fey of injuries to the natural drums. Always in position, but invisible to otheb? aiul fort . bit- to wear. Music, conversation, whisper? heard distinctly. Wc refer to using them. Write to F. 1! ISO sX,849 Broad- wn; , cor. ltth St., New York, for book ol proofs free. "SANS SOUCI” BAR AND BILLIARD PARLOR, -)o(- SaitHia stocked with the Beet Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc IMPORTED CIGARS a Specialty. j - ) 0 \ 1020 BROAD STREET. 1 i COLUMBUS, : : : GA J. H. EDWARDS. Proprietor. c.p'Mm j ! Hats, >otions, &c., tormerl) ■ ©f these troods were shipped to Home and parWthem “enow InthcMaV U Griffin and by Thursday next we shall p„ t „ on onr counters one of the Larpsl aid Ctopest Stocks Of Gaols ble. JL h W tl7rM> c are their°cosf '?hat ns7not when we secure York goods cost. at We half like price to sell to sell out th« them speclaljpurdhas^quick te to New like opportunity so as to have room when a a presms. The Worn Must Drop Dirt Of 1,1 We shall positively offer goods for the next Thirty Days lower than they T^ V or?he d ^eril^S G?^- we have rcccn.Iypnrchased vet ailing at -0c. wehavc^ft per gallon. several barrels of pure Apple Vinegar that we are of Tobacco and Fifty boxes Laundry Soap at Factory prices. A large lot a good stock of Griffin Goods at Factory pricess. THEY MUST SELL! We have just received two cars of fine Tennessee Mules. Gome and see us. American Serial! / “THE BRETON MILLS.” A Romance of New England Life. BY CHA.RL,BS J. Editor of the Springfield (Mass.) Daily News. EgaSiAA \ \ \ \ \.\ \ .\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '* \ N V5J8 !! ■"Tr f&i IkJk mi j \ ^3 '4tn rf~ The above Sketches, taken from among :1) Pictures appearing; in the Story, will sufficiently indh catc the t'aaractcr of the Illuwtration*. mb&" v \ \ \ v.y.^os> \ \ \ \ \ * * ^ \ v \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a \ Ai^aaai COPYRIGHTED AND ILLUSTRATED. «m—c »-Wi This paper will shortly begin the publication of a Serial Story with the above title, and of intense interest. Each chapter is alive with excitement and the plot moves on with a power aud spirit which will, we believe, make this one of the most acceptable serials we have ever offered in these columns. THE BRETON MILLS Is a story that will satisfy the popular demand for intense interest in each installment. The scene is laid in a New England fadlory village. Both the employing class aud the class of the employed furnish adlors in the thrilling romance, and the reader’s interest will be closely held all through the changing scenes of the story. While not taking sides on the questions interesting working people, •which are touched upon iu the story, the author dissedls the pa¬ thetic elements of the life of the poor with fearless hand. Still his romance, after all, is a romance of love, and all else in the story is only introduced to solve the problem of one man’s devoted and faithful nature. ILLUSTRATED BY CUSACHS And copyrighted under a special arrangement with the author. Look Out for tho Opening Chapters in this JPnper i mm IIOLSE RJ RMli SHOP LADIES ! Vo E u CONSUMPTIVE Se YeurOnn Ort-fng. at !*«»>«■ with is»il®§ COLUMBUS, - GEORGIA, PEERLESS DYES, JOE McGHKE Prop'r, I They will dye They everywhere. Price everything. sold SSSPSSal - )o(- -- 10c. a package—40 colors. They have co equal for Strength, Bright- _ . . ness, Amount iu Packages or for Fastness of 1 he best place in . Columbus to get a bath Coior, or uon fading Qualities. They do not or clean Share. Give ns a call when in the i -crock or smut. For sale by S. W. M ng- K-. c Hy- JOE MoGHEK. wra'a urns? Store. Griffin On. mrSSdtv • nUACU