The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, January 27, 1888, Image 4

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p/ * .- Fresh Garden Seed ! 11! r. ■ ORION SETS AND SEED POTATOES. . F -AT—- fp'i; f: . fi. R. ANTHONY’S ffe BgpX Re J. DEANE, gj PHOTOGRAPHER. K; PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. pf*OM Fitter**, Copied sad Edirj^d. ■wlr'V HE#'" irtli, fit.. Jaa. 27. fe ■ THE FINEST I --GROCERIES - t........ji.,„ TOWNS IN Both Plain and Fancy. EVERYTHING Guaranteed to be First Class and always FRESH ! At J. M. MILLS’. MONEY To loan in small sum* on GOOD SE CUKITY. Apply to Tour Errs, Box 103, Griffin, (is. For Sale. A bargain can be had by a cash turchaver in the following named woperty: One half acre lot on Tay or street near the Sam Bailey Insti tute, seven room dwelling witn large kitchen attached and a wd! of water mat cannot be excelled in the city, a very rich garden, also a lot and nice little barn and stable, all ■' very conveniently arranged. This is a very desirable home for any one wishing to be near one of t he best schools in the State. Also 3 0 hundred acres of land in Pike county in one mile of Jolly on the Georgia Midland railrr ad. About one third of this land is original lira l»er, the remainder in high Mute o cultivation, of which about 20 atresia cf the finest branch bottom. Ibis is an admirable place for a sto 2 k farm and any one wishing to engage in the business would do well to pur chase, which can be done on very rra soaablc terms, either cash or ’part i and remainder in 12 months. T. G. Meriwether McAfee, at and B. P. 8th Blantons, corner id j j streets, or 1 dress through the mail, P. U. box 219, Griffin, Ga. j»n4dAwlra Notice to Teachers! Hod. Jas. S. Hook, State School Oororoisaioner, has ordered an exaniin ation of teachers to be held on either or all of the following days, to wit: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Ibt 26ih, 27tb and 28th days of January 1888. In compliance with this new law, notice is hereby given to all per sons who may desire to teach in any ol the common schools of Spalding County during 1888, to present them selves for examination at the Court house, Griffin, Ga., at $10 O’clock a. m. on either of the days named above. Jas. O. A. Miller, County School Commissioner. Jan. 7th, 1888.—luee&wky3t Seed Potatoes! Early Rose, Early Goodrich. Peerless, Beauty of Hebron, Onion Setts, Garden Seeds. All Eastern stock. BLAKELY 1 ’BOLAD ABOIT. Sitltrra ( ••trndat P»wU **4 »ral Xmu fitwlj. | OOl SO AT TO SIT MILES AS *OfB Tb* ur store, people said, least g®. so »l*o said inventors clever; It doe#. for by iu best w* know The car start go e* as well as trtr. H. P. Brown spent yesterday in Allan Clay Driver went dowa i» Moltn* last night. CoL S. M. Collcns a us in Atlanta yesterday on legal basine®#. The country need* immigration and the town needs manufactories. * The Spalding Greys are requested to be at their armory to night at 7 o'clock in fail dress uniform. Messrs. Julius Lipoma, G :*o. C. Sco field and Moses Kind, the gas coutrac tor*, left yesterday morniug for Ameri cu*. Dan Holman has the best invention of the age in the way of a foot warmer aud hee! and toe protector for bachel¬ ors. Chancellor t\ H. Mell, of Athens university, died on the college campus at six o’clock yesterday morning of ove r work and old age. Miss Forniar Farley, one of GrifliD.s most charming young ladies, spent the day with Miss Hattie Turnipseed last Sunday.—f Hampton Times. Attention, History Class' What miuis ter was it who, upon being appointed Archbisnop ol Canterbury, grew too conscientious to do the unreligious bid ding of Lis crafty sovereign? By a letter from Col. T. H. Baker it is learned that he and his Griffin wife have arrived safely ut their future home in Huntingdon, Tenn , minus nothing but an umbrella We had a pleasant call Monday from Mr. A. O. Benuett, of Griffin. He has been quite successful and busy sine- leaviug Barnesville, but has not forgot ten his old friends here.— fBarnesviile Gazette. The examination of applicants for county teachers _ certificates ___ was begiiD tomorrow. There were three applicants yesterday aud will probably be -t large number t merr .w Volapuk’s doom is *eakd fr -m the | wrr * beginning. Convenient though the m?ir ] aaglldg0 mav bo m some ro spools uo young man of sentiment could be induced to speak of his best girl as a “cbsrming ji gam Tin M Club, of- Boston, will give one of their exqusite musical euteriaiements at Patterson's HalI l!U Fi l? 7 th, uuder the auspices of the members of the Presbyterian church, who Wlll r( , c , 1V0 oai . ronrth of the pro ( . ^ ^<* etcasner I oft Augu> n, *'*.u a c^i-aoity l 8,000 bales of cotton, is now fading at Brunswick with cottea for Liverpool. This is cue of the largest steamships * of the South Atlantic porta this season, as indeed it has to be, because it'earries Griffia cottou. It is a blind confidence to suppose yourself incapable of mistake. It is indeed a serious blunder to refu-e to take Dr. Hull’s Cough Syrup when you even suspect you have tatren cold Price 25 cents. Wtiat & grand, great country this is with its vast territory, its big rivers, its pretty women, and its Yeni Vidi Vica cure—Silvition Oil. If you select good and healtv fcKal lor yemr family, ypu should also look to the wellfare of your baby. For all troubles cf earley childhood nothing is better than l'-r. Hull’s Baby Syrup, Price 25 cts. Iteivrd of oh nt—the popular praise accorded ‘re I.axakor by reason of its wonderful worth v* a household remedy. Price only 25 cents. Tlwiltam E»ter*l»»«t. Tli# «»t*rt«cmeol gmo by Chines party last night for the fis of the Methodist cboreh most unique and instructive was attended by a large and j dative audience, It illustratae-i 1 mannersami /asbioms of the «cw« »»»i* **?•-«" Chine* articles on exhibition curious and interesting. should attend to night “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there uo physician there?’’ Thanks to Dr. Pierce, there is a in bi.s “Golden Medical “balm for t-verv wound” to from colds, coughs, consumption, and chitis. and all chronic, blood affections. Of droggusts. —• • --- The tlcclte ul Judges of Saprc-oe snd 'uperior Coarts the next Assembly is iog cone! .erabre attention this far advance of even the election of ber> of , , General , Assembly. . , , toe M&uv names are . gw suggested p-iw »i»..... o «a not, iu a i l keuood, be or cvea allow ibe'r names to be used According . indication?, . b> pu?fnt Hon. \V. A I. ’ - '-peaker of *’*** Honst. . .Jge James R. Brown, if they a.11 accept the offices will be elected Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of Georgia, if the constitutional amendment is rati fied by the people. j Central i ’ oad Time Table, "nWABU Birn .-v. , *dal (Sunday only 7:Lj a. m Birccsville Accommoda lion (daily rxcept Sunday)5:57 u. ra. Passenger No. 3. 5:41 a. tn. PasetDger No. 11. 11:31 a. tn. Passenger aud Mail No. 1, 4:01 p. m. Passenger No. 13, 9:05 p. tn. SOCTUWABD. Passengei and Mail No. 2. 8:20 a. ai. Passenger No. 14, 11:20 p. m. Passenger No. 12, -1:0 > p. in. Birnesviile Special (Sunday oolyi 4:58 p m. Barnesville Acconiuioda tion (daily except Sunday) 7:10 p tn. Passenger No. 4. 8:43 p. tn. j The Ilol.oll-.Vi Raid on Rice. The bobolink, transferred to the south, lives daintily cn the rice fields, and this industry is actually crippled by these birds, which appear in innumerable hosts at seed planting and again at liar vest time. No one would imagine that our well favored ••Roixrt o' Lincoln” comes to us from a meet fearful raid on rice, and departs from us with the same evil intent. The rice crop by the last census • was valued at $6,607,000, the product the rice birds is estimated at $2,000,000 annually. Thousands of men and boys arc employed to shoot these trespassers, and the rice fields are shadowed by a ••sulphurous canopy,” as if some grand battle was in progress. The last report of the commissioner of agriculture has some startling facts in regard to the ravages of these birds. The rice planters are in despair. Individual looses are oft- n 50 pi-r cent, of the crop, and from $5 to $10 an acr, Is not uncommon. The flight of these birds i- always in the night. They appear in the spring in the last half of April, and return punctually j in South C arolina on Aug. 21 and the two or three days following.—Scientific Aim rican. Uo. d', Sareapariiiu cares cartarrh by expel linsr impurity from the blood, which is the cau 4 e ot the complaint. Give it a trial. 5) Advice to Mothers. Mr.'. Winslow’s Soothing Sirup, for children teething, is the pre-cription of one of the best female • curses and physieiaos in the United States, and lias been used for forty years with never failing for success by millions of mothars their children. During the process of teething its value is incalculable, It relieves the child from paiu. cures dys eatery and diarrhoea, griping ia the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the thihl. Price 25 cents a bo:tle. augeod&wly Removal. We have removed from cur former 1 cation over S’ilwell & K'-it’i’s. to the store roam No- 18 Hill street, McKee’s old stand. We invite alt our friends and (he public generally, to call or, > at < or r new quarters on first floor. Respectfully, Mrs. M. R. Brown a ( J :| 2Id*2wJt * It (*ood as the Best i C l c 11 as tbcei.e tpt; < ! Ail L 1 ol Frr. i Trees. Vine- m l Suit! Fruits AI! the new varieties tight it borne Will exchange for a good cow Call »t;>l exHtmoe or aC-hcs- S. M. Wavm*\\ D*c.4sn A«3 iii Pomotn. (j.». For County ------ Com mission j or. Ei-it^k News—F ir-isi nnconr.ce the came of T J. Biooks as u cauli dale for Conaly Coauaissioaf r. to , li 1 the vacancy caused by the death I S. W Mingbain. and oblige M \XY YoTFRi. i InuntloM a»d Tnonel W«gI*S. Work upon t’x.- Mom Cent, wa 1 rm &sa 185?. about two ; .n tor.- 1) Lnsepa commenced open.*i-.*i.« ll. ; The working parties in:!.- *. . 1 ;o-. French and It a! ,r.. r: 1 . »F-i - day. 1*70. about a y* r r t‘. 1 . ugnrarion of the Suez canal. t > M. ;r.I tunnel was begun after ileti -n f the Mont Cenis, in . bra-hug met Feb. 29, 188ft (; abut nine and a quarter Tlx . are the longest ninr.- L ever sJiurte*!. r , ai tntion, hr means of which ; soffits w rk was feci itated,«< ., ... in tile use of atmosplieric air as t.. r. Bv means of water power . reduced to* erne-sixth its ordimrr an ] ste: expansive force tiiua p rfoims the drilling. Owing to conditions under which tunneling is prb method is of signal IT h of the Alpine runnels was t!,f : ;h solid rock, so that Wasting nre- -rr. The use of explosives the air, while the* length of the and the impossibility of sinking made the ventilation question a vital Had the drills been run by steam, presence of steam engines generating smoke and gas would . }h ^ u< i an j vitiated the air still ! Br tin new invention the difficulty pipes. Here a double purpose was hr its expansion and liberation the J ran the drills, and ventilated the < F y Ve ld in Popular Montldy. ^ ^fuu. WEIGHT PURE_ _ Its superior excellence proven in wf homes for more than a quarter of a tury. It isused by the United States eminent. Endorsed by the Leads of Great Universities a? the Strongest, and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Baking Powder does no' contain I.ime. or Alum. Soid only in Cans. PRICE BAKIh.G POWDER CO. SEW TOBK. CHICAGO. ST. LOCI3 col.nrm PATTERSON'S GRIFFIN, GA. TUESDAY, FEB. --the- CONCERT COMPANY, OF BOSTON. Herr GUSTAV HILLE, Solo Violin. Herr PAUL MEN0E, Violin. Mr. THOMAS RYAN. Solo and Viola. Herr PHILIP R0DEL8ERGER. Flute and Viola. Mr. LOUIS BLUMENBERG. Solo Ion cello. —AND — Miss ANNE Prima Donna Soprano Benefit Presbyterian ~— :— Admission .... 75c. Reserved seats 11.00 served seats can be procured of Mr C. Wolcott, at G. R. Niles’ Clothing Store. LOOK AT One Hundred and Fifty Vacant For Sale from One-fourth to Five Acres I | In the City of Griffin, of a , tion of LI.Oaj, aud intreasing Three railroads completed, andj every two will be m a short time. It is the centre of Middle Georgia, only 43 miles from and GO fr> m Ma ori on the Central 17 trains aaily. Fruits of all kind can grown, except tropical. Spring and streams of free stona water. The and best climate in the world! Property all kind for saleat reasonable prices. in good demand and rents pay a good cent, on investments. Out; iif Hotel, All that is needed i» a $40,000 or and $10,000 guaranteed and sub scribed to any capitalist who will build Coir.-- r> d se- for yourself, or address G. A. CUNNINGHAM, Rta! Estate Agent, Griffin,Ga. r.cgl"difcw 2m A PERFECT FOUNTAIN PEN That i-, within the means of all. nulln’s New Amsterdam Fountain Pen (Fine, Medium and Coarse.) Always ready, writes freely, and never gets ont of order. Warranted 14-sarat Gold and to give er.tire satisfaction. I*rli-e 81.-3 by mull, prepaid Liberal discount to agents. Send for Ctt,arofourspc 'i a i tie? - JOHN S RULIN'. N'o. 4i 1 Buoydwat, N. Y. Manufacturing Stationer. jd-xlccwl m OK Hswes!*‘A its ------ end cured Whiskey at borne efi Hab¬ with Str CA1L 0N US FOB YOUR Christmas Goods! Full Line Fresh Goods! Lots of TURKEYL AND CRANBERRY SAUCE And Everything That Is Good ! J. H. KEITH ^ CO. agSbdty a HASbEliKUS, MANFFACTURER AST- i-F.^LER IN Boots and Shoes, LEATHER AND FINDINGS. qt* Hill Street, GRIFFIS. Ga I again offer my stock of Winter Boots and Shoes Lowest posible prices. Best Home-made Farm Shoes in the State. H: W. HASSELKUS. pianosT ORGANS ! CASH. OR ON TIME. AT DEANE’S ART GALLERY WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ! A fresh lot of preserves. Jelties. Apples. Oranges, lanarnas. Cocoanuts, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING A HCUSKEEPPER WILL NEED: Groceries 1888. .AND--- 1888.-- Groceries! PROVISIONS ALL KINDS HOLMAN & CO.’S. BbX, 9 restored _ of tients whom to a health Larro took a proportion, by foil use treat' of ICL ,h.jV:i;rsfes:ssffi RED tiiccands, doe* not In^rfwa EMINAL PASTILLES, wr-Ti asesuon to business, cr czur poia ■ Tconremeacc ia &i,y v«v Founded ■•for PJmicfi] Ner^-n'isDebility,Organic 7 Yin Young Mid- _ fappiicatioato pnL fit the medical P*2t oiaiscas*: priTvcipie*. iU Bydlrwl gpecific Testen Years or influence i» fett withe wt dc-lxy. Thenatanl I ibons&ndeases ------- s ---- they iRlit prematurely* in many "7 __- Md3fe=*M^.fcnrtiotiscfth * . homan orjtarism restored. TSw wl broken dor c 1 the restore fni of VSstcdanynct:n^ ciemmti < ’. of life art given back, the mtleal perfect h ana and foil Me > 1 enjoyment bee jtnes cheerfal a ud r^pidiy frxias both Kreurth. aud huHk h. end Vigoroas Health- To those who sal! ror many obscnrodiseasfrs TSEATMER'f.— Cvo K:s.ti. 71:" oronqLt work, a boot tree byl lcdu : . .xi i. Ex r-opnre, Ovcr-Braia or too -encr. vreoik that yea send us HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mr aCBth. fw T3UAL name withstateme'i: ot yoar trocble, and secure PACKAGE FRE E._w: thOllnst'd Pam r hlet A c. S06H If. Appir Tenth Street, ncor\“.^ ET. LOUIS, MO. RUPTURED PERSONS can Mmc FREE Trial cfour a rev TeTmel WHII WAGONS BUGGIES J •’ » ’ AND HAPNKSS. . -Top- - Studebake. , ’agon i White Hickory Wagon! Jackson 3. Smith Wagon! Jackson G. Smith Buggy! And the COLUMBUS BUGGY at the Lowest Prices fcssible. Repairs old Buggies a Specialty. nur?$d.tw6ro W. H. SPENCE, for. Hill A Taylor Streets, GRIFFIN, GA. • NEW I i I | ! M M, ‘ Arriving daily from the Lcadill" UrOTVCFS. f| S W. MANGHAM k Mi MICROBE KILLER Is now the rage in Austin, Tex. Mr. Kadam, Nurseryman, Austin, Texas, is the Inventor. Jurre Every Disease that doctors have sailed to core. Over 500 persons i:i and around Austin are now tsin,s: it. Send f**»r circular of his treatment sbowiug sworn statements and testimonials of cure- made ' Adress . ’ Election Notice. Office County Commissioners, f f Sp.4i.dikg County. Jan 12tli, 1888. Death having deprived liiei-eople of this county of the able and zealous services « late dist nguissd and esteemed associ** and a vacancy having thus occurred in tnl* board, by authority of law we do hereby i der that an election to fill said vacancy M held in the citv of Griffin, and at the various It is £*!£££»? noicc hepn further ordered that this tw : fished daily until the date of election u* city papers and that the legal number o. notices of same 1-c posted as required "fti Done special meeting of said board, tM* ; Mth January LSs* T.R. MILLS. C.G- jnnUtde ' M. PATRICK, C. C. | TO ADVERTISERS divided A list of 1009 newspapers in ST ATES AND SECTION’S will be tent on application—FREE. advertising - • „ to To those who want their I D pay. we < <r.n t*u ouci offer uu no better uoaci medium umw.— ‘ Qr than the ' . al . al , oagb un<i effective wo k List. sections of out beleet Local CO., Cl ». f. ROWELL 4 b .-. aper Advert sing Bureau, . 10 Sprate street. New Tor*.