The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, February 03, 1888, Image 4

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m Fresh Garden Seed ! ONION SETS AND SEED POTATOES. ____ E. It. ANTHONY’S jjMAwt?, iBEL-l. 1 —- ■ ..............................— -" ■ ” " I .................... ......... . R. J. DEANE, PHOTOGRAPHER. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. JST Old PI dajti, Copied sod Enlarged. " , m. : ' * r r ter W/ > 2 tiriffin, Ga., Lb. 8. Wffi ;-., THE FINEST -cmocEiura- IN TOWN! Both Plain and Fancy. EVERYTHING Guaranteed to he First Class and always FRESH ! At M. i. MILLS’. . RECEIVER’S SALE. For cash ort'y, will be sold Tie Entire StocK of Cools —OP- STILWELL & KEITH, from this date until all is sold. Dry Goods, Notions Hats, Boots and Shoes, and without mention all goods in store at Much Less Than Original Cost. Come first and get the best bargains. tur also. one large iron safe and store furniture arm fixtures. Or will sell whole slock and fixtures at a bargain to an/ one desiring to go into the business. J. F.STILWELL, Receiver 23 Hill St.. GRIFFIN. GA .IftU. 1^, JiV'A MONEY To M ums ICl'IV. loan .m <;«»<>!> in Apply small 8E to ’I !tl:> r- I VI Box H)s,tiritlln, (in. ■ For Count,v Commissioner. ! Editqr News—l'lciipo announce tho name of 'J' J. Btook* ay n camii date for County (’otumisnioof r, to fill the vacant v by tho death of S. \V Mnv.-'tpim, and oldigo Many Voter**. A <«ood Iforsp and Man* Will be bold cheap for cash. tf I'll.I Morris. Heceiveil llailv ! BLAKELY ’SOLID ABOtT. Mstl.r. < «ie*e resits* Pf»plr Or* .r»l Sews (iswlp. OffID TO TH* COAt. UtXLV. in the biltere*l * inter wesiber, Wn«c the borne* of the poor are - They pat their head* together of To add Uj their pile X'M. And That the price of eoa! got* h high— ighe r before tu ma n too Well, they will not lack for fire In the land of the by and-by Mr, It of us Ljocb, c-f Brook* 8ta‘ioo, *a* here yesterday. James Jestis, of (hr, Meriwether cjuoty, is in the city Capt. William C, Lyons, of Macon, will be in the cTy several Jay*. Mr. Hteve William*, of Saeserville, Meriwether county, i* io Ihj city. Mrs. James F. Button, of Woodbury, visiting friend* in the city. C. 8. Bhattuc left yesterday morning » teveral flay* visit to At anta. John WiisoD, an old Griffin boy, now Milner, was in the city yesterday. The indications are that there will be very light vote pdisd today for county Don't forget to turn out and. vote to Capt. Brooks will make a splen com a i winner, J. C. King has moved in,the city and occupying the residence on the corner Twelfth aud Taylor streets. Capt. J. Jf. White left yesterday for New York, where he will fur a couple of mouths. A very handsome and life like crayon of the lute Col. 8. W. Man may be seen at Deane’s gallery. A crop of wild oats a:ways brings a out in debt; bat if a young man sow tbern ha will not have to them. K. M. Walsh 11 turned to Columbus but will be back next week, it i» proposed to c wtneuce the of ice. A ruaga/.no writer asks: ‘‘.Should be limited ? ' Ttiu trouble with people’s fortunes is that the- nro limited. / number of tramps who have been around town for several da-.* the advice of the police ye* erday left for other climes. J. B. Brnitli, a fireman ou the down train, fell off the engine at tho tank a* Sunny Side yesterday an 1 bruised himself up prtt badly. Nearly one hundred tickets have ed sold to tho Meadelssobn Quintette on Tuesday night, but there are of good seats left for those who them. In Bbukespcaro s time, we are led to honesty was more rare than in day and generation. He said: ‘-To honest, as the world goes, ii t> be man picked out of ten thousand.” A lady if Marietta recently attended faslt oliable wedding dinner where the were tied with white satin Being extremely near sighted did not see the ribbon and did not that she had eaten it with tlu until she felt it in her throat. D might not be out of place for a lit wedding cake to accompany*’all mar notices. Not that the editor is | on cake, but a* a guarantee that I cake, was baked for the occasion. a fellow with wedding cake in can write a much sweeter notice the marriage. If you want to prevent typho d fever if you feel os if you were going to the chill* aud fever, take Laxador. cents n package. j Helen’s Pubic*.— 1 This work ih ackoow | to bo the best, selling article in bookstore*. Druggists say that Baby Syrup sell* better than ! oilier remedy, It i* always relia x —imag e Drepite it* two nu.'rowd* Griffin does I Dot often get (be freight rate* cf a com petitire {.oust. Freight from Ciocianats that cast* only fifty eeat* to Galeeatos, Tcias, or forty cent* to havacnab, costs sixty cent* to Griffin. Leon Levy, of Cite.coat.', says that oriffin is the high e*t freight rate point in the South. Wby »s this thus? Th' tantjMlai* shoot < sUrrli >* .U dan grruo* tesdeaf j to oorsoptioo. Hood's Bar- »«p*.iU cures caurrh by purifying I. vfce blood MILLIONS IN DIAMONDS. Extraordinary Window Display* GurM trjr feiui rp DfMsd^te*. ’• Diamond*! Did you ever see any thing like this display !’* These worth were spoken by an admirer of the spark- bug gems to a gentleman who was show ing him the beautiful things to be seen oa Broadway They had been looking in the window* i lew in precious stones, whose st ore* a near the post-office, and where t: y ar read out in the mod tempting ay i-atch the eye of p*«- «re by. *-Bine- 1 see vou are a lover of dia rru.r i- I 1 wrcjld waam suggest that that we we waur walk nr up a* far a* the hotel where you are going to stop, and we can. I believe, see more diamonds than can be seen in the shop windows of any other street in tbe world." was the answer. Then they started up Broadway on a diamond in- *j«errion. New York nearly all ‘ I have bve'J ir my life.” continue 1 (be last speaker. * and the fa<: ’ ver before saw sc many of these one time as are to be seen in tiie *tu< u windows here this winter. I was remarking the fact to one of the largest dealers here only a few evenings ago. when he said in explana¬ tion that the feucceae of the experts of Europe in imitating the genuine stones ha* to a great extent rendered even the finest quality of diamonds unpopular. They can be bought there now fully one- third cheaper n they could ten years ago. In the time the love for them in this corn .* grown greater year by year, and a r wealthy class is con¬ tinually getting larger the demand for diamonds is steadily on the increase. ' 'Our dealers find it profitable basinet® to bring them over from Europe. You would lx- surprised, too, if you knew the thousands and thousands of dollars' worth of these gems that are smuggled over here. There are men—and women, too, for that matter—whose business it is to smuggle diamonds into the United States, and they realize an enormous profit by their nefarious trade,” They were walking leisurely up town and stopped to gaze into the window of each jewelry store as they passed. When they had got a* far as Twenty-first street the display had grown to be really mar¬ velous. There were diamonds whose size* ranged from the smallness of the head of a pin to thirty-seven carat weight, and in colors they were from the deepest orange to the most brilliant steel blue. There was a necklace valued at $50,000 and brooches at $10,000. One pair of solitaire stones were noted which were made for ear pendants. They were pure white and weighed thirty-four carats each. A diamond crown, which consisted of several stars composed of the purest stones, and which was labeled as having once belonged to the Empress Eugenie, was conspicuously displayed in a window, and attracted a great deal of attention. It was surrounded by hun¬ dreds of other precious stones, and the value of the display in that window alone was estimated at more than $200,- 000. The eye of a clerk inside the store was constantly on the window, while a detective, it is said, is kept always on duty on the outside. The employment of detectives to guard the outside of windows at this season of the year, when the finest display is made by the diamond dealers, and when the streets are filled with strangers and many thieves, is very common. This precau¬ tion is always taken now, since a few years ago a window was smashed in and diamonds of great value were stolen.— New York Evening Sun. Jenny Unit’* Dignity. Her standard was severely high. Of her pupils at the Royal College of Music, it is said that she kept them as close to th'-ir scales as Mr. ltuskin kept his draw¬ ing class to the curves of a snail shell. Her resentment of what she deemed iin- pertinent curiosity must have been pain¬ ful to the American visitors, of whose re¬ ception we read: “What is it you want;” she asked, standing very erect. “Oil, Mine. Goldschmidt, we hoped to have the pleasure of seeing you and making your acquaintance. ” “Well, here is iny front!” Then, with a whisk round, “there is my back. Now,” with a deep courtesy, “you can go home and say that you have seen me.” It is a relief to read that afterward “she was very jienitent for having lx?cn at all rude.”—Chicago Times. .Inst a Woman. Proud Omaha Mother-—You ought to have -i n V.'iiiie sjieak his piece in school. It was grand, lie'll lie a great statesman some day, u leader of the people; a niokk-r of human destiny, I shouldn’t wonder if he'd lie president. Practical Husband He may grow up to lx- a very good man. but he'll never lie heard of in American politics, “Why won’t he?” “You went and got him to sign tho pledge for life.”—Omaha World. The world owes us a living, hut we have to enforce payment. -- —-- Oats and Ribiioii Cane. Some very fine Burt oats for seed; some choice ribbon cane. Ap¬ to me at Griffin. d&wt \V. M. Biieks Removal. W e have removed fruit) our location over Stilwell & to the store room No* 18 street, McKee's old stand. We all our friends ami die public to call or. us at our new on first floor. Mbs. Kespectfully, M. It. Brow n A Co. jan21d2wA- x4t s*—- ^XXWEIOHr^ PURE _ U - Iu superior excellence proven in Baiiiion* >f home* for more than a quarter of a c« " jr T- I* isused by the L uittd States Got- ment Endorsed by the heads of the . Grtlt Universities ss the strongest, Purest an< j tno-t Healthful. Dr Price's C ream Baking Powder doreno< contain Ammonia, Lime, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKI.'G POWDER CO. SEW tO»K. CBUXOO. *T XOCIS dt-.hw'iihp.lop col.arm For Sale. bargain can be had by a cash lurchaser in the following named in perty: One Laif acre lot ou Tay or street near the Sam Bailey Insti lute, seven room dwelling with large kitchen attached and a well of water that cannot be excelled in the citv. a very rich garden, also a lot and nice little bsrn and stable, a!! tery conveniently arranged. This is a very desirable home for any one wishing to te near one of the best schools in the State. A'so 3 0 hundred acres of land in Pike county in one mile of Jolly on the Georgia Midland railroad. About one third of this land is original tiro ber, the remainder in high s:ate o cultivation, of which about 20 acres is cflhe finest branch bottom. This is an admirable place for a stock farm and anv one wishing to engage in the busiuess would do weil to pur chase, which can be done on very rea sonable terms, either cash or part and remainder in 12 months. T. G. McAfee, at B. P. Blantons, corner Meriwether and 8th streets, or ad dress through the mail, P. O. box 219, Griffin, Ga. jandd&wlm. ■ATE SOU! BOB, Cive Them a Printing Press. All Sizes from $2 up Complete with Type. Send for Illustrated Price List. JOHN S. HULIN.* Agent for the Baltimore Printing Presses, No 411 Broadway,N. Y. jaudodAwwlra GRIFFIN FEMALE COLLEGE, GHIFFIN, OA. TUESDAY, FEB. 1TH. --the-- Me Oil CONCERT COMPANY, OF BOSTON Herr GUSTAV HILLE, Solo Violin. Herr PAUL MENDE. Violin. Mr. THOMAS RYAN, Solo Clarinette and Viola. Herr PHILIP R0DELBERGER. Solo Flute and Viola. Mr. LOUIS BLUMENBERG. Solo Vio Ion cello. —AND- Miss ONE CARPENTER, Prima Donna Soprano Benefit Presbyterian Cbuich! I3r Admix- ion tl.00. “SANS soucr BAR AND BILLIARD PARLOR. -)o(- Saloon stocked with the Best Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc IMPORTED CIGARS a Specialty. — )o( 1020 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, : : : J. H. EDWARDS. Proprietor. sep20d6m Libel for Divorce. vs. Packj > Libel Superior for Divorce Court. in Spalding Pack.J Jt appearing to the rt that the defend¬ in the above stated cm-.-, Jim Paelc, re¬ without the State of Georgia, and by return of the fcuferiff that he cculd not found in the county : It is ordered by Court that the defendant, Jim Pa-k, be appear at the next term of this Cou t to said libel: and it is farther ordered Service o' the same be made upon the Jim Pack, by publication of this m the Muffin News once a month four months before the next term of Court This, Auenst 13th, 1887 . JAMES S. BOYNTON, E. \Y. Hammond, Jucge 8. C. F. C. Libellant’s Attorney. Georgia. Clerk Spalding County —I, Win. M. certify of the Superior Court of said that the foregoing i* a cor 'ony of the order granted at the Au term, 1887, of said Court, as appears the minutes of said Court. This, 12th 1887. WM. M. THOMAS oet7oam4m Clerk S. C. S.’C FULL LINE NEW GCODS. LANDRETH GARDEN SEED-NEW CROP. j KEITH & CO HAS»ELKUS mancfactcbeb akd dealer in Boots and Shoes, LEATHER AND FINDINGS. v»v» Hill Street, - GRIFFIN, Ga I again offer my stock of Winter P.cots and Shoes at Lowest posible prices. Best Home-made Farm Shoes in the State. H: W. HASSELKUS. ESTEY PIANOS ! ORGANS ! CASH. OR ON TIME. AT DEANE'S ART GALLERY Grocerees —1888. --AND--- 1888.- Groceries! PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS ---at — HOLMAN A CO.’S, VfiftTlfflTPtlire'OiTyt i Avoid for the there imposition trouble*, at and pretentious all Quacka, rm> \v dies hose only aim is to bleed theirrie- .tims. }CURED Take a SURE Remedy that haj t.'ioncands, doe* not Interfere wiih attention to butmeas, or cause paia r or inconvenience in any wav. Founded fc3PappHcationto on scientific the medical oi principle*. diicase tta By specific direet ^influenceis scat Aged Men. 'enaction• of feU without or£*ni*m delay. restored. The natural The mated animat human MMud b roXecTd 'men toit L perfect sad fnUHaalr own Strength becomes checzfi ■— obioore .-------— diseases TREATMENT. —Caa $3. Two Hot. <5.5ir Tothoee who Buffer Indiecretion.Exi'OBnre.Orer-Bnun from the many HsatX brenghtabout WoSTor free bjr tod ' ------ ^FtfA rm*CKAORTOTpR.wiThmiast'dPamphlrt.ia. too H ARRIS REMEDY CO., Nrc Chek„ 306lj N.TenthBtreet.ST.LOUIS,MO. Term*} RUPTURED PERSONS can have FREE Trial of our Appliance. A«k for WHIPS, WAGONS, BUGCIES AND HAPNESS. —)°(- - Studebaker Wagon! White Hickory Wagon! Jackn n G. Smith Wagon! Jackson G. Smith Buggy! Ar.d the COL UMPUS BUGGY at the Lowest Prices possible. Repairs c old Buggies ?. "peci Ity. w. II. SPENCE, aug28dJtw0u. Cor. Hill & Taylor Street*, GRIFFIN, GA. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED I A fresh It; cf preserves. Jellies, Apples, Oranges. Banarnas. Cocoanuts, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING A HOUSKEEPPER WILL NEED: NEW Wen Ms, ArrivmgZdaily from the ^rowers. W. MANGHAM k SONS. KILLER "T now rhe rao-p in Anctin »r»v u , AnstiD, Texas, u is the Inventor. Ouri-* Every Disease that doctors have to cure. Over 500 persons in and Austin are now using it. Send fo r of his treatment showing sworn and testimonials of cures made LOOK AT THIS One Hundred and Fifty Vacant Lots For Sale from One-fourth to Five Acres I j In the thriving City of Griffin, of a popnla day- j tion of 0,000, and increasing every Three railroads completed, andj two more ; will be in a short time. It is tbe centre of Middle Georgia, only 43 miles from Atlanta and OOfri m Ma;on on the Central railroad 17 trains daily. Fruits of all kind can be : grown, except tropical. Spring and running : streams of free ston-» water. The healthiest ! and best climate in the world! Property of i all kiDd for saleat reasonable prices. Houses j in good deipand and rents pay a good per j cent, on investments. ! I-#* All that is needed is a $40,000 or $51V sub ! 000 Hotel, and $10,000 guaranteed and j 8( Come 'ribed to any capitalist who will build 1 *ec_for Yonrvelf, or address | G. A. CUNNINGHAM, ' 1 i Real Estate Agent, Griffin,Ga. aaglOdtkw 3m mm at is on the me Newspaper in Hhlladelphl* Anver . Using Agency of Messrs N. our authorised ace**