The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, February 10, 1888, Image 2

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mmtuzxA offlMMMU * r t n * f | «*•*.!.* ai» ?«tr : I -*- •intBu. H—rtfi*. **». I#, 1 ***. | | Oidal Piper *C SpUttj <* { «f ft* Dt* *f €rrfsi» * | | Q(B:iai Pa#*r \ A<!rrrti«ia« 04.ILT—*#«*» **» *f**« Ifr *** •»( tMNc r- * #*>i »«r «•» *®r mA «b mmme.i m*. 7 * - <**'.*•*t© *»“*- id'a» « »rt* **. OTICER It MWU p*r ,. U»* g|»En V aid*r th;» •t Mee, S***r Mt, b* amtrMB kt»d tor Wo* taSsa* att «****. All for lot* Was 9»o 4<4l«r salt b* paid for in *^?Sonil rai** will b* tbatr nttcU *dT«rU*«m»Bl* with partita Ifftfiay to oootiBS* ^EKLY-^Sato* rotM a* f<>' U»* tMi)'. Hundred* of people have frozen to death when io there Minneaou wu a little tbU crod usnttrt *n»p but j the East last week the citizens of St. | , Peal held » public meeting sod pass j •d leaoiotson* of sympathy 1 * * | was decidedly cheeky. j Ii m,» lb.’ bMinilb Oi .r.r •- too P of ... the WaJcot street p„.htii.T Presbyter I | er aa a poker . room, tea ,, ,i treii . rt-f, &'j fa > forgot, it is asid, u to itdo;ge with bis frietdi io ‘.be enticing game , While tbe coBgtegaUcn was «t wot I •btp in Ibe ebureb below j The A Use l a Jioard of Trade has j leased oat its bail il the Chamber ef j Commerce building to the Southern Reilwar and Steamship Association, which organization now occupies two floors of the building. The s to run until August 1, IMS, end .he amount it 800 per reamb. Ii is claim ed that the Board of Trade meet* a* a body, and that when tt does si can bold ite aemiona in (he ooaocil chamber. Atlanta «tem. to be too amall a place for a Board of llmfe, Roybow. _ - lawivii^ »««: itvptlOKliAff |;8|>tr» which support the tariff position of Pretidtnl Cleveland, are the PortSaud Adrcrtiscr, from Mr. Blaine’s* own State: _ the , Boston Advertiser , . and , „ Boston _ Transcript: ifco , f ., rov.-Jence ,, r Journal: , the .New .. . Commercial ,, . . 1 ..ra Atoymnb*,*. , ... <be I'»-, ,, «• and Harpers Tseekly, m New Fork; tbe Chicago Tribune; the St, Paul Pioneer Press; tb<* Mir.neapolia Journal; the Otnaba Bee and Port land Oregonian. At the same time all the Independent paper* arc sup¬ porting the message. ———■ a •• ■—- Tbe Uepubiican* are almost going distracted be came President Uleve lan«l recoin mended a reduction of the tariff, her we don't remember that they t v r denounced President Arthur for hi* message in 1882. in winch he male inbMnnliaHy tbe same recomroendationr. Here i* an extract from President Nrtbur'* mes sag.: I recomroeml nn enlargement of |M , free . list ,. to , include . . within . . SO as 44 it .La the »»«.„«„. numerous article* which u l,t,.L yield .,. 1,1 inconsiderable , ., . . revenue; a simplifies -f „ tioo of tbe complex and incouMfsteot scbtdnie of duties upon certain rnvn ofactuirn, cotton, iron and eteeJ, and a substantial reduction of tbe daties upon those si tides and upon 1 sugar, molasses, *i!k. wool at.d wool 0 ft goods. Tfin Republican* are inconsistent political dersngogues 1 Rhenraatlsw 1 * undo iMedly e*u*e<l t»y tsetl-J a . i in ti.- blood Ttti* *• Id atU. k* the tii.rou* t -u ». and c*u*e» the paifts a-<1 r tit-v in th- •boulder*, knee*, ankle*, hig*. anJ «r;»t* Tbottvan-i* of t>* otfciie •!.;* have found in H-y.*; • 0 *r**j*arilU a 1 cure fir rt.«- hi-' *m Tbi« medicine, b/ It* purifying 10 tn,n neu¬ tralize* the avidity < f tbe blood, »nt , > build* ud a»*l *tr‘-Bj{tbeB* ibe whole b-*ly. td' 4 I»i*covery. Ibe dtecovery By tbe ittlisbiUti t* of a o- al itf hitherto oayjaited t > the |*»tiltnt *' ' orge or fever and »jfu<-. that it e^uts ;u iht-ir vi rj n»id*t‘ it dvcidtdiy Hartilng, cacti discover le* arc ni»di- at every ». ,aoo, in every i.arl of the bn ion .■‘absequeutiy, when it i* a* eertained, a* it inrirlably i* at such time* through the valuable experience of *orne one who ha* t>cen txmefit'ed an i enn-d. tl>.>t Ho*tattfcrit Htoinacli Bit*c-r* 1* a thorough!)' eRlcaciou-s cradicator of the malarial pe.i«on. and a mean* of fortifying the *y stem again*: tt,la feeling of more m c rity and tnnqtiiii ty reign* throughput th< wb:)e neighiior hood. Beside the febrile form* of ir. ai l dttea*e. damb ague and ague eaki n ,■ rt aaovtd t.y tbe potent action of the Il.ttei*, to which *eienee &;*<> give* its ^auction a- . remedy for rheumatism, dy-iripsiv. cotistipa tion, liver eompiaint, debility, kidney trout, lee, and all diseases impairing the organ* of digestion and ***imilsfimt cerm auut i* ra* a*** ? T)k M*x.sf»e4cm* RetoiA km p-w* skacfa »Ucctk« to tfe* i&do» trul tfltfviofMfct ©f lb* ijootli. A •frtci*! «Llaoe Js*t ***i » <ie«c-ud sjtfafucisriog is :L*ti te* } to aotiic. r» ertry «—J twill *®4 stsosc i of - ri>if.*r» is t»A. There tie '*-*4 afcu.»* kti.zg 1495,115 * piodle* *td HMK kromt, tgmiest 179 mill* *itb 713 2 *S (3 tpietlk* *td 1 S .222 loom* it 1830. *Lowr;tg tt lucrttt* of eta: ©e* Lso 4 ii<l p*r east. To* b—•-* so* boi’diBg sod old mill* tzltrg i^g *111 take 212,000 tp.od.t-* tod 4 ,% 0 u lootst; so tit*, jo 18&S *t* jjoatb will Late in operat-of. 1,736, * 000 spiodl** wsd 38,800 loom Tt-a iBcreate of 100 par c*t! •: tU Scats it *pt cit.ij soiitasb,*, us *.*» of tbe fact that tt« ssert*** ss Lb* rati of it* coot.try dai;tg ibe s-u-t peiicd was only 20 par cast. Tbs vtiae of out too g&ui* nttc aftc? nrti so tbe .SoatL so 1^>7 *m 843.000. s 000 against 821,000,00*) in 1S80. fUporta pabistbad frc*ffi Sbe mou cotad cotton ataBciacterar# of the tfcere M B©aae fear of otet prodactioe. ass - lea* Sootbert mill* dtTsmfy *be ebaraefer of the.: goods, All soite io saying that bwiatw is so* Terr [uri'illf. s&d «Le fset it*t .ccb g.«l mill# as the Pied - 1 Orlesn*. and Weaaon. of Mississippi, ile.ia f heir fa*tb in f be fortune of the ^^ Sorm H ^j* of lbe Henry Timm , in speaking of oar frie , d SIjJ Congressman. Hon. John l> Stewart, says: "Daring the last congressional campaign in ilis dis tncf if -a* said by the enemiee of J«dge Stewart that be cva.J not fid J h- e position so eblj as Mr. Ham ®» 8 -. that he was a man of little *^y and would n.rer be of much serr cc How falfere baye these asser tions proten'. Georgia baa never aunt to Congress a man who went to work more earnestly, conscientioasly and inteiligently than bis Judge He w <COTenD( , more ^ tban Hammond ever did and j a i e . lfer *tyle. He i* lolly in ac«?rd * *m r»«w "■* *wv priceiplea of Democracy and has the kind of views on the tariff that suit ^ <tr *- ia g - Judge Stewart is unbaca pared K b* * roODopohht*, corporations and , each political ,.,. , coteries . as .. thrive around . out S‘.ate .. capitol, , amt , will , , labor 4 with all u s povre.r for the 'vreat , ! e „ , „ bi , ■■ ____ ___ _ “The growth of the South,” said Jodge Henry B. Tompkins, of Allan* ta, Saturday,to a New Turk reporter, “is o-ilf to be gauged by the condi tiot) in which it was left by the war, and not in c< m with ttie North and Wist. 1 ncre probably never has becti in ih*s country ru:h a rrur velousgrowth a* that of Birmingham, which is the u< n eetitre of Alabama. In 1^71 i; was a 4.000 acre tiact of de-st'rt land. A company ! -ughi it lor aim -st a - .g-. They issued 100, CHXJ shar.«<> >'<■ k which were- sold at 1 ,V. ii IS-, hater t(ie capital stock doubled. In 1882 the company lirsi began to pay dividends and the fctock rati up u,. to ... par. ...i • Be- ... - '"r” , ,SS 1 . a,,,J , * J lU- ”* K>'n 4 -thlflg „ over , rur - j->U p»-r cetit. in <iivi .• lends .__, on trie par 1 r value of the stock wa» declared. Last - year, 1887, on the same dtstrilotied capita! stock in c,f 1200 ,<Kk.l there were dividends 85,600,(KX>. There is no gold K°"* mine ,r,i, ‘ e,n in the l!,e country ” that has ^ nr,c ' " n, ' r ' an 1 ' ar Tbe .S'ate Agricultural Society wi 1 bold it* epring s*tjaiou at NV ay cross on Tuesday next. Waycross is preparing to give tbe delegates a re-jal we’eome. It is proposed to give I Bern - tree excursion to tbe subtropic 1 ; reposition at Jackson vill*-. 1 t.e cat.;* leport e.f Bistuarck’a speech in the Ileicbslag said so much about Ibe ejtetker’s brandy and vva ter, ti.d so little clout the speech, tbfri i! " •* difficult to get tbe Htsse of tbe '.’i(.lion. —[Atlanta Conatitn tio:. I m gi.t ! e supposed that io a pa per so mr.,-lj it; f tvor of fuc whisky. th»- ecetils • f tli>- brnr.dy witild hive if. 1 , t 1 t. j ■ 11 was to be ch-siit d Vic Marrftd People Happy J Du you Hunk married people are bap p\ I’s.cic Jake? • ar ‘pen-ia alto hi ge.» ,1 i,. r r I.ow ,i,, my T ..,,j mjuy ov .lemm-lvea- uemeeivee.ji if dev aey hub ehillus nu keep Dr, Diggers’ Huckle berry CordiuJ, dey arc certain to be, for bit will de bowel troubles anddechiiiun ccthinp.* Rheumatism It wm mvttti txre* *J It caaarta* ®* >«t»7 « I* a# «***# << the £aea*. *»i fWCj-n _ ~r5SLr~“ E ,.r* wmena ta* *«« *» «-« «e *« »:*. TSatsaCar*, 8 j« ks-i ^ **&» y&e arise* e< fWeoaaEsw. r ** tij» i-Msz nxumtf a isa SSst A Poaittre Owe- * j wa wxieite4 wj aa»:A *'*A *trws.i tSfws a ».•? *»a «*sks- 1 -*«S S*r «.7 aaSk, aa4 w* «— *—* * *e? J .,4 * f<e eesl <c :** c**e, »«W« r< loasM t* WT Wen** t Ji'i^ ertlia. J t:«* lacr S attWa tal a» perSaefiy **« I eBee?r !y »«•!— «s< H«el*i S*r*^*rS ,i - **«***«!»» Vwt psrXez* sa >:* * £rt4 W P. tPoae. E-. *26*3.5®. Bt F * T-waty 7a« Saac rte^sanaaa Sr as I U%- -i *c- rt. Wat gse* t &*- - Jxrj-nu.. E SsncsfucrSa, *a4 a &, k* mete ■ o , a» tSe eta** aw^ietor • ’^rrEaC.' T. ™ .viirenr, l£aas. - -Istf - J fr:«a *t*t 1®* ttortwe* caS*C BseeaCtr rtwssianaa*. I BaoTs »» . t a.:.,* i,x4 racteetj* ccre^. JL t. a. Wtter esarie*. CAj;a*sa. EL •ar ( fee g*»a to and. free et tSaurt V »2 *t» may aes*re,a»««* wo ta^a e g sail ,,s&ji&e-J liaKaseaa* esres Ij Hood’s Sarsaparilla fcM by »£ Cr*EP''*. : *i x ^ *t-.y by C L A V K Maw. lOO Poses r ^ Dollar. Georgia M!lM KilfH l 8CHEDILE. *“* lra - ”• ,888 - SO. r x . I '« " VGER—SOUTH Lt tre 8t0i»ot .....7.39 a m ! Lt&rt Lottie. ... 7.50am ! Qtifis,... .8 Sse Le-i-re Griftn..... _____6*5 Leare Wilfiamsoa'* .....Sr.«7 * tr. heir* OmeorA, .Veal,.........................9.IS a *b U«t* a in Ui»t M&leiu, ............ .....*-®» » ie LeaTe Weodbary, , w.STan; Srrin (Jotarats:^^o am SO 51. PASsESGER—SORTS. Ltav* Columbus, ..........12 35 p w. 1st art Woo4b:ry...................i*ipa 3.00 L*i?e Mo ena SXn pm U*tt Meat,.................. 3.1fepm pm Leave Concord. Uave WUliaau«e *,............S-40 -4£0 p ns Arrive GriSn, .4.15p p m Lea-re Art®*,.......... 4 43pm tc Leare Lnelia, Arrive McGonoiigb, p ib NO. l, ACCOM MO DAT I O' 1 *—NORTH. Leave W<y, j‘ ury, . ,...0,00a re Leave Moiena • d.a»ar& a ns Le.tve Neal, item I>are Concord,. . .....7 :2> Leave Williatcaon 1 ’ -B.0S a tn Arrive Griffin,... a tn LtraveGnffin, . .. iUSO a m b sv* Lueiia .....10 15 a m Arrive Mc-Uonough,.. .10.45 am NO. 2. ACCOMMODATION—SOUTH. Leave LseTV , .......2.$> p as Arrive Griffin,.. ..... 2.< 4pm l^eave Griffin, 4.2C p m Leave WiliUmsoi.’s.. ....... i 5-3 p CD Iatave Concord. ........5.:y p m {sent* N’l-a!... 5 52 p bj Leave Molena. . fi Cri p ta Arrive Woodbury..... ......p m JSTNo*. 50 and 51 an- daily; No*. I ar-d 2, daily except Sunday M K. GRAY Supt. r w CHEAP.?. <ien 1 Pa** A^t. Colambn*, G*. From Thursday’* flatly Feb. 2d >tl m- sa-AUiksCs T.?rtitU srl::i:> ps» ;; u U 41 U !^x r»er liximrii It .-or** all Joraae* aruin^ fr>.m bili-.cvn**-! *r. 1 fcl-erf imnur>t:«*. —— a .. safe,sure. ..... ar. i raU.vr.!C.*- the bf.ier *y»lem Ui.,r ,,..t >. T - 1 v > I* .1 .rhtie T-',. ihff f,"-a*a-.t ... UietaM--. ae.i Hie re*^t rn,..!, world lor children Pn«*v Prise SI r*rt 00 ♦f. IMi.N VI.D DltlO CO , S. V C.ty EDUCATE YOUR BOYS. Cive Thom a Printing Press. All Sizes from $2 up Complete with Type. ecud tor iiiDri.ratt:.! l J r, c- I,.*t j . 1 ;s .-*. Ill'US. A-eutfor the Bit- Printing Prt—se* So 411 Broadway N. V n'iVJA* wlm “SANS SOUCI” BAR AND BILLIARD PARLOR. -) 0 (- Saliva i-tocsed with the Bc-t Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Eic IMPORTED CIGARS a Specialty. - M 1030 BROAD STREET, COLUM11U8, : : : (;a J. H. EDWARDS. Proprietor. aep-JOtlOm Peck s Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums PERFECTLY RESTORE T11F. HEARING, *, ll ft he r deafne*? is cached by co:d», fev- rs of . . 10 the R*t»r*t drums. Always ,r, l urle * i a posjtio0| arT ts TIH bl« toothe*- and dam- forlabte to wear. Music, conversation, even whispers heard Write distinctly. H!SCOX,S49 We refer to those using them to F. Broad¬ way, cor. 14th Rt., New Tork. for illnatrated hook of proof# free __ BROS. mt m ■m m a 1 1 H*'*» >»tWM. W L fr.- to ^rb »o ™^ rl 7 owne!fb °7 ne l,^ "h"?^ ?o«ds were of BuL^'aiSS: shipped to R< " ^IheS K^Tthe'w.V t Griffin of these andV Thursday neat shat, ni<- p,.^ we on oar conntors one of the Larpst ii Cieapst Stocks Of Boots °we' mtM lllta'cashaS'^we hny itwLreIt mSs ^ newly MthLg Is jllwS SSSgj&srj^asssfsa- Tlic Bottom Must Drop Out Of Prices! shall positively offer goods for the next Thirty Days lower than they We Hflylmw^Vndr Griffin Goods "Sap at Factory at* Factory prices*. prices. A large lot of Tohaeeo and a good THEY MUST SELL! We hare just received two ears of line Tennessee Mules. C<nne and see ns. *ww American Serial! “THE BRETON MILLS.” A Romance of New England Life. _ mm ^----- BY CHARLES J. BELLAMY, Leutor or rne zvpnngtieia (Maos.) Daily 7New>. U \ w I <^ir The above Skelchca, takes fYom among tbe Pic ;re* appearing in the Story, will anfficlcstly Indi¬ cate the Chu: .icier of fhe Kllnsitratiou*.. ■am \ Jk \. \:*.n ■jmmmmas!mmmBK3ar , rjsi \zmMm^szA. m\ COPYRIGHTED JkV.D ILLUSTRATED. This paper will shortly begin the publication of a Serial Story with the above title, and of intense interest. Each chapter is alive witb excitement and the plot moves on with, a power and spirit which will, we believe, make this one of the most acceptable serials we have ever offered in these columns. THE BRETON MILLS Is a story that will satisf}’ the popular demand for intense interest in each installment. The scene is laid in a New England factory village. Both the employing class and the class of the employed furnish actors in the thrilling romance, and the reader’s interest will be closely held all through the changing scenes of the story. While not taking sides on the questions interesting working people, which are touched upon in the story, the author dissedts the pa¬ thetic elements of the life of the poor with fearless hand. Still his romance, after all, is a romance of love, and all else in the story is only introduced to solve the problem of oo® man’s devoted and faithful nature. ILLUSTRATED BY GUSAGHS And copyrighted under a special arrangement with the author. Look. Out for the Opening Chapters in this Paper i RMIJ RflfSE RlRREIi SHOP COLUMiJCS. GEORGIA, .top: mcghtie, Prop'r t - )of -- The best place in Columbus to get a bath j ^5- vte & -> -% LADIES ! IVokourOwo OrrlRg-.M* Hoi ■ r Kith PEERLESS DYES, | ' They vrill dye everything, -I -.,.. ... .-.ui t very* here. Price 10c. a They have r.o equal for Strength, Bright- IT,*’ Amount in Package* or for Fastness of |®9 Mi if' 5 -M .. ”» CONSUMPTIVE tins tverrt*-. i^Bui«tfi.7 00 SprDo»St jj iU-*alLfe > gn*f*Lt **;>f U