The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, February 21, 1888, Image 4

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Fresh Garden Seed ! ONION SETS ANO SEED POTATOES. --AT- E. H. ANTHONY’S rHkwu R. J. DEANE, PHOTOGRAPHER. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. |ar Old Plcterw, Copied and Enlarged. ife firiSa, «»., Feb. si. If THE FINEST —GROCERIES- IN TOWN ■pU' J Both Plain and Fancy, EVERYTHING Guaranteed to be First and always I • FRESH K M. MILLS’. m RECEIVER’S f ! For cash only, will be sold The Eire Sleek of —OF- iy- STILWELL & KEITH m from this date until all is sold. Goods, Notions, Hats. Boots and I and without mention all goods in Mich Less Than Original Come first and get the best MT Also, one large iron safe store furniture and fixtures. Or will sell whole stock and at a bargain to any one desiring go into the business. f J.F. STILWELL, 23 Hill St, GRIFFIN. GA f- Jan. 3i»l, 18S8.-d.fcw MAH WANTS BUT LITTLE H«re below, but he Wants iha mighty quick. A x: f- LITTLE or a big one is promptly filled by : vertising in the Daily or Weekly NEWS. For Sale. One mule nine years old and twoliorse wagon in good repairs, m i will trade for a good family horse. feb.ITd&wlw C. S- I?HArTt\ i 1 We arc gomg to sell Fine Leu e is ‘.'oc. uoz this week. 25 lbs Buckwheat l-’iour. Toma toes 10c. Can and other goods as cheap. Fine Shad, String Fish audOoysters received every day. Blakely Breads out at 11 o’cloch. A shipment Choice Florida Oranges jost received. Jjjf" Fine N. O. Syrup, only 50c. per gallon. Try our Genuine Ceba Molasses. BLAKELY - f 'BOUND ABOUT. Jlalirr. C Pe»ple • ml Sc*l IS X.IXT. Fareweii to gay Terpsichore, and To masquerades german- The youth so brave and liquory 1b His lent quaffs only chicory. spree* his give place determine? to sermon# Till bock fate M hen bods are on the hickory. The sackcloth of I,cut should not cut decolettc. The man who adveitises i» not ed by off seasons. J. It, Fried, of Macao, a as iu city yeaterJaj, James E. Duke, ef Libeity Hill, here yesterday. J. J. Smith left yesterday evening a day’s visit to Columbus. Rov. G. R. McCall leaves this for a week's sojourn at Quitman. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Drake to Concord yesterday evening. ””Hon. J. P. Baker waa one of the pa seugers out to Pike yesterday evening. Winter has considerable left. Do not as yet predict its fracture. Mrs. Ltzz.e Mills aud Mrs. T. Mills left yesterday morning Ur nah. Clarence Cubbedge, of Macon, B«cday iu this city, flickering around Atlanta flame. Col. Ilemy R. Goetchius through yesterday on his way from Atlanta to Columbus. Mis. Bond.of Havannah, who has visiting Mrs. 8. M. Sims and Mrs. J. Kell for some time pagf, returned yesterday. The graud jury presentments considerable of our space today, should be read and considered by citizen. Milton Mitchell, J. M. Mills Fleming Bailey will bo among present at the Jasper celebration iu vanDah tomorrow. Judge W. C. Becks expects to home on or about the 20th of month, and will hold court next as anonneed elsewhere. v Ve regret that a further tion from Col. S. W. Bloodwor h the agricultural Convention is nu bly crowded out this morning. The session of Spalding Court which wi 1 be held iu the last days of March, will take up criminal docket, aud all jurors will expected to be present. The iuvitatious will hi out today the mairisgo of Miss Ruby L. Bacon George Nichols, nt Savannah, on day, tho28 1i lest. This wi 1 bo news to the many admirers that Bacon gained on her recent visit here. C. Ij. Drumbor, a Columbus well t pert, arrived iu the city yesterday will at once commence active on fhe well at tiie ice factory. A.l'r close txamioaiiou, he does u t pate any difficulty and expects to Lave gusher inside of two weeks. It is announced, curiously, that Mr. Bacchus is conducting a big tt-mj auce revival iu Laurel, Del., tho Mr. Stuyk. . is preaching smoking, a .1 il.o B v. Mr. Hu-b.mi!, ( I EuglauJ, has .•> in • against the I gy ni trryiug. ID iis tom*:h>..g iu i name, ?f:<-r a Rup: rado’.i.v. cured, a > > •,rs : i.u i. I’haiUphiet particu’.ai» 1 * c in s'.aii !>.'■ VO. i ,1 i )isi»ei,'.jrv M c A;*ss- f x V *•< arid Fever. I) - J ; hy f. 1 A ’ . -i lh» "e. t ii;t «•* >car>: l ev. -. U.vd as gargle it ’ rev • tie throat from dg-then'. .t .ii-tb :r.Sammit;on and dues the pain. U*Mt to eponge the body ah'aji tli( iU hsng -a'. of the and de-!roT“ .dec's >r:. FxpOaed spread of in the contagion, r. —... and will htep the the mostfitier ' *vl. j'vm nio ' GEO. E PRICE p FOSTER Price & Poster, HUOrCHHOI’H to G. " . -DEALER? IN- Bosts, Shoes, Upper and Sole Leather, French and American Calf Skins. Shoe Findings, Ac. teT Jas. Means' and W. L. Douglas’ $3.00 Shoes a Specialty. *J 4 Marietta Street, ATLANTA, OA. febllddtvVm The rclativeu and friends ol Miss zie Lou Veal,of Barnesvilli, were ed yesterday by the sad news of her den death. IDr uncle, B. P. left for Bax. lie on the train. M >s \ was a lovely girl just Id into womanhood, spent pai f 1 <»i summer here. death wi? caused by inflammation the stomach. President G. Gunby Jordan was the city yesterday or. his wey from Zebulon, where ha attended county court, where the railroad cases were set for trial. By consent all parties, an appt.J was taken of first c&te to ths Pik -iapericr which convene don on the Monday in Apr,,. - other Pike ty parties sued by the G. M. A G. have agreed to abide by the decision this test case. Rome should wri’e upon the hertzaa of its growing hrpes this striking suggestive fact: It is home capital till builds towns - 1 not out ida money, This is the L y of Birmingham, Chattanooga, < inistoa, axd all rest. It 13 wo» • ban foolish to for foreign to develop what mast of necessity do fur [Tribune. The above is a very maxim, and one tna* Gridin is * jearnieg to adopt. Dr. Chas. I. Davis, of Washington county, died Saturday the old family homestead near after several weeks illness of Dr. Davis was a devout Christian gent zen “■ and .UIWjPkJ*W.«“4 much beloved bv ail who hitn. Ho leaves a wife aud children to mourn bis death. Dr. vis was here at ihe marriage of brother, Profc T. J. Davis, to Katie Skipper last December. He also a brother to Mr. J. B. Davis, husband of Miss Mattie .Skipper, married in Tennille last Addeesd night. X Bltoiesaie orocryuian. 3Ir. T. D. Meador of the firm of by Sr Meador, tliinks it is jnst as ant to fortify against the sudden of the bowels, as against the robber invades the household. He says Bigger.-.' Huckleberry Cordial is f weapon, a dead shot to bowel troubles. Advice to Mothers. Mss. Winslow’s Soothing . for children tcetbii.g is the | of physicians one of the in best the United female States, nurses j has been used for forty with years f al jj n g gU e C es 3 by millions of for their children* During the of teething its value is It relieves the child from pain, cures entery and diarrhoea, griping in bowels, and wind colic. By health to the ihild. Price 2D cents bottle. augeodAwly i*ood as (lie Best! Cheap a the cheapest! A!! >f 1 ru 1 irets, \ int i and :ru ^ s ’ eEt " v, ' r,t J igh i vLoui- Wi.’l exchange fo; a good i cow. Cud and examine or .ddre.-s S. M. Wav'un. Dec.dsn &w3tu Pomona, Gr. House and Lol for Sale. The nine room li-xwe known ti;e Nall p! c. c( rner of E! and S xtb strr- : One .*:u k bn'tnr.-s pr*rtt.-M t: cdv. t : *-« r•; \"j or T. N ! For Sale. c h:i i f \ a f‘ !i s'lng t it • '' •• : 1> „... wel! wall r c .: : *■>? • x *- : t| cit i, .. v v t... h _ ;rd; ;.!- a ' 1 anil nice iittie barn and Mai !<•, terv conveniently arranged. This a very desirable home for any wishing to he near one < : th schools in the State. Also < honored a • s i f l.r.d ; Pike county in o; e mile >y’ .Jiiv the Georgia iltdiand rat'.n ad. one third of this land .s original ber, the remainder in high state cultivation, of which about 20 acres of the finest branch bottom. This an admirable place for a stock and any one wishino- to engage i the business would do w?i! to t chase, which can be done on very sosable terms, either cash or and remainder in 12 months. T. McAfee, at B. P. Blantons, Meriwether and 8ih streets, or dress through the mail, P. O. 219, Griffin. Ga. jan4d&w2m. Adveritfd Letter*, Advertised letters remaining in postoffice at Griffin, Ga., February gQtfc 1888, which will b? sent to ths Lelter fffice if not called for m u ’ ^ 15S \ ^ ^ ur ^’ Miss Victoria Bus..*, Miss Hittis Brown. Amos Brown, care of L?o S...p.e. Henry B.fbop. M ss Mollie----• care of Jas. . 3 ar £eld. P A Christian. M D & C M Dranley. Miss Servaner Coleman. Harry C Giay. Miss Sofia Heiington. Mrs Sarah Helms. Antter Jotes. j Miss Fannie Johnson. Lewis Jehnson. Geo L Johnson. i Mos Milner. W 11 Mills. Wru Miconl. Miss Blanch Miller. _ Mrs Bailie Drangr. 31 rs Nora Norwood, care- of Henry i Smith. Mrs Sioie O’Meal. j J R Richardson. j 3Iiss Florence Bilford. ! Mrs Salite Scott. j 31rs Eilcn A Smith. Clinton Tecbsteri. Persons calling for above letters ] .ill plcaso say Ibey are -AJrerli«J. , P. M. j M.O. Bowdoik. j ^juTwe RE iqht^a ! PU \ f j Its superior excellence proven in millions »f homes for more than a quarter of a cen tury. It isused by the United States Gov¬ ernment. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder does no’ contain Ammonia, Lime, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWHER CO. SEW TOBK. CHICAGO. «T LOUIS col.nrm Application for Charier. KINCAID MANUFACTURING CO. GEORGIA, * Si'ALDIKii C'ofXlY. Totl ,,„, due of the Superior Court 1 1 i The \s‘. peUtior f S. Gractlacd. W- J. Kiu- r aid E H >• ‘.rey f . -. M. Urawner, J. j *’• 1! r "f r; in, t). II. Ptden. A. S. C::ii ; . •! hi: I II i!l, IV. i E. - t>re - a it v, K. • ih.iley. J. PaiL-V, Jr., Mrs. xr. I . e", It '■ Birr \v, O. II Bon. V, M. H 'I •. the'. - ol - i .' late and Coun’v. 1 e;r • ,e- : vs :.r .: shot's thatt!:- *• . 1 iiito in tion order U” n. .1 -tv •• . •' “The Kiueaiff 3 famtfae(ur- iii 2 : (‘oinpaiiy • that the 'JiJcCt .if sh'h! i.rsovi it ion i- t«. treet | aud operate a • ittoa factory and f. r th# fur- tlit-r j urj'i>-r c<; inanu/aclurmg tihruu# #ub- ! Stances into doth, thread ort ti r fabrics; to gir. cotton •' '■ txj.ros? ml from cotton reed thereto appertau gas ' th ?y may see i>r*-'i*er to engage iu, with pureliafi hold ik>w- er to and rroperty rial :fi<d personal, to *ue and be sued, and to exercise ail power# usually conferred on corporations of similar character, at may be cm.sic tent with tiie law# of Georgia. Said factory is to have it# place of business in said Donuty. The capital stock of said < omj :;n 3 shali be ?75.000, with privilege of inert- ring to $35(1.000, in shares of One Hun¬ dred dolla'g each, to be called in as provided, may be determined on by tin directors, that said company shall cot commence busi- ness until at least ten per cent of capital stock is pai 1 in 5 a id nnpany shall have a hoard of nine directors, n ho shall elect from their Treasurer. number a I're«ident, Vice President ar.d Said board of directors shall continue in office until their successors are elected. Tour petitioners ; r y the pa#-lag of uu or dtr by srid honors' ie Court granting this their application »:,d^::;t they and their sue cessors be inc<«rp rWed for and during the term of not exceeding twenty years, for the purpose herein before set forth, and your pe¬ titioner* wiH ever r ray. ,tc. JOHN J. HCN'r, Att y. from I certify the minute# the foregoing of #aid is Court. a true February extract Term. 18S8, W. M. Thomas. ' fcbfJwi Clerk s C » C. ' FULL LINE NEW GGQDS. |L 1 LANDRETH GARDEN SEED-NEW CROP. i .1 . II. KEITH & CO ROBERT BUIST’S EASTERN SEED i IrishPotatoes! -AM)- m ALL KINDS GEKDEN SEED i ---AT 1 HOLMAN St CO.’S, xj H, W. HAfisELKUS, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Boots and Shoes, LEATHER AND FINDINGS. C2c» Hill {Street, - GRIFFIN, GA I again offer iny stock of Winter Boots and Shoes at Lowest posiblf prices. Best Home-made Farm Shoes in the State. H: W. HASSELKUS. ESTEY PIANOS ORGANS CASH. OR ON TIME. AT DEANE’S ART GALLERY WHIPS, WAGONS BUGCIES AND HARNESS —M~ - Studebaker Wagon i White Hickory Wagon! Jackson G. fmith Wagon! Jackson G. Smith Buggy! And the COLUMBUS BUGGY at the Lowest Prices possible. Repairs o old Buggies a Specialty. \V. H. SPENCE, nugJtdAwOm Cor. Hit: X Taylor Street#. GRIFFIN. GA. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A fresh It t Gf pr eserves. Jellies. Apples, Oranges. Canarnas. Cocoanuts. AND i r: 7 1VERYTHING A HOUSKEEPPER WILL NEED: inn! UTcs,. American The New ROLLER ORGAN is oper»t«d similtr to the finest French Music „' 1 PLAYS perfect: ‘260 and TUN i KS, from Gi«j a welt* totkJJJ* J® R • ffs C a ne t me. mQ-TN lb tioa musical instrunietits -r.",KSACRED and tbejrraodej> MUSIC, ana | ss'trsr LUS,JIR,KEa HMC 8 ES,WtLmS,P 0 CbaD diiireh h JUM ft?tlflA S*, If *"■ Ojxt» A n Selection*, * ■ * Nothing n Popoler 1.^ frandtr, Song*. eomomB— ai an j organ. or feetnres can be found in french or Swi«» in? $ 10 . WE WANT A SPEi EITHER SEX, IN INDUCEM EVERY I- OFFER SUCH IWfiniift ^r^month" ~ ..t* EARN EST WOR WOs^Q MAKE *100 TO _ joa order a sample in*tn»- ment -----------t¥ pel Special Terms. CAHTXP CAH CM®!; marie. Send for one. ft will fill y oa 1 w ... ,, and delipbi. In REA If I T! FFLIiV C.O.D. send $*2.50 T erder end 93.50 h a yoa want it sent U p«y . belencf ^“1 .____________ whir. WORLD M’F’G CO. 122 Nassau Street, Nei r or<ie t | Mason t(* Hamlin) Packard, ) j Bay State , ) i Cliickering ! j , Pianos. 3Iathushek. ; Anon , ! LOWEST BRAVVNEfc ! At PRICES, for CASH or on TIME. JAS. M dpc!l*« -,1