The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, February 22, 1888, Image 2

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’ oorouts GLESSS1B, Editor M Prap’r ■'•All.T.^aUWMiiM UMa miur.ouiw............. QrlM», Georgia, FHh. i2, ISSs. Official Piper ol Spalding Co. Mti,l P.|>.r d U. Crt, .1 Or,Sin. -----H.......- .....~ Adrertlftlng oar- -On* dolUr I»*r oflaare t»r the - for each eab- tm |«6i*f*fa*a. tod __ 8B,iaioTl fifty cent* tob t | ;.J *“ * •°“ ‘ •reubu*-Miioe. «P1.- • SOTICES Kota«nrtt<»ntacii* .W «*»«• Vf r ; g»«d l<w lers thaa SCtoenta. AU m«ert»oa» te^Usaa eaedouar mart be paid «>r « : Iibeirai rate# will be made with lartice , ijbhiau nT “ to eoBtioa* their adTerUeestectc r ifeaa one week. Oaiiv. urBJtKJL.¥-«a*e raft ew for the | __ : COLORED TBIUKEBS A5D TOTERS. | "It may b« that neither Mr. Clew | land nor Mr.BlainawUl b# a candt date attbe November t lection, bnt ; indications all now point onmietaka bly to tbem As between the two J j men there will be found a large cam ber of colored thinker* tad Toier« who ». will __mi ___f.- prefer tf. Mr CleTelend r'LwAtwnd 4 to a \fr Mr. Blaine. And they will be amply j a* tified in making aacb preference.’ j The above i* an •ditorial txprea ■ton from the Griffin Echo, a paper j published bere for the colored peo ; pie, and edited by one of the moat eonaei vative and inteiligeD! cf bi»; race in this section. That its signifi j canc* i* fully appreciated by tte wri ter ia shown bv the prominent place given in bis columns And the soundness of tbe conclusion expres sod can not be gainssyed or snocees J folly controverted bv the most rabid * _ Republican ... Tbe while people of the South ; b*v* ulwavs been tbe colored man’s friend and ally—not in load words politician, and protestations but iu like art aDd the Northern in deed | Tbe two are bere together and we believe they are bere to str.y, and both are making the be it cf it. Iu every local election tbe colored voter votes with the Democrats. W'by should he not do so in ica tieual election! Mr. Cleveland has shown himself to be the friend of all tbe pjtople. without discrimination as to color, ami the alarm that had always previously been fade ever the election of a Democratic \ reti dent has been thoroughly d spelled. Tbe negro baa not oeen put back into slaveiy, hut is iu a freer t i - lion loan ever now that he b>is ceas eel to help keep down bis Dem era. ic neighbors. Too Republican sgita tors Lave been shown to be false prophets as well as false frittiels. and tbeir prestige is gene, so that it is little wondsr tLeir colored friend* should forsake them and turn toward the beneficent party in power. liat more tuan all this the negro has begun to think for Limeelf upon economic questions, ami so plain has the question of tho tariff been made that as a matter of obv. His self advantage ha embraces tbe poii cy of the Democratic party. As the Southern Florida Leader, tbe most promintDt organ of the race in F.on da, eayi: ••The cc-groc-s are not bfnsfitted by a high protective turiff. sntl consc quently they ought to favor n low tariff, which wouid. if adop!c*J, be more favorable to tbeir condition as poor agricultural laborers We fa vor a low tariff because onr people i need cheaper necessaries of life. We oppose any reduction in the tax on whisky and tobacco because titse are luxuries, and very filthy sn 1 l atrnetive at lhat Give tfar [ r people cheap woolen blankets . 1 goodj ; cheap sugar. r:ce. cr ktiy. tool*, farming iraplecicnts an 1 ;r*.n. and make whisky an 1 tob. j high acd ecaree. M Believing this. Low can iu } i bat “prefer ?»fr, Clevehn i t Bla no” or any other Rspub. Ah Imperative »cf*aiiv. V4 feat j are air i* to an unhea f j iov .“It j, - whit cleaning i# to th neat ‘ c , .. kecyi«rr, *o is Hood’s Sar-apar:ha t v every body, at this season. Tke body needs t > be tfiorua.tiiy renovated, the t»l -4 parifiedatid vitalized, tbe germ* t-f die- ire destroyed. Scrofula, Halt Rheum, and a 1 other bio«d disorders are cured fey Hood - Sar.-apar.Ba, the mo*; popular and successful spring tarJ ■ cine A YYboieaaie urocryman. Mr. T. D. Meador of the firm of O-U .* bj k Meador, thinks it is just as auj at ant to fortifv against the sudden attacks of tbe bowel*, a* against the r,-fiber that invades the household. He says Dr. i Biggere’ Huckleberry Cordial is Le i weapon, a dead shot to bowel troubl-e. to ewiTors traxsgbessioss. Within lb* last Jew lavs there bare Kcc |>ob-iSb«S ,-nb*i*w 5» u to* ihe Lotiia ix>nm Title IMptft tnoaatl ot two Jest* .tob ^ » b0«U mU have been considered deci.led.v ro mantie tad would Ute lx sc crifi Cited «©»• quarters a.s no» oa»y , SB hisfajy 7 Imprcfcfthle, * fc“.l ?? tracegrss the , *ho . •ions on part ©l *tj • . profesiel lo hate proper respect for ,b. legitim., m of rfce One of these was the ooxifessaou of George W . Leas, a convict sensing oat a a tear'# sentence , <BleB „ „ tta ’ 1 ~ xz Ken ^’- , aetI ,; BiKa;i .„ fo, , .,, «ho ToloBtarily claims tbst he com milted a horrible crime for which a _____ fellow convict ______ is serving ______„ a _ It one j«urs* sec ten Uulisnr, thus clearing ° the m,n on whom the courts t - ga! ] {) and fcabjec:ing Ltmedf to the j, { . aTy p eaa j tT bid U«n condemneel to pay, acd •. wi tch Tirtoally ^ rtna5U amonota Bmonn . a to , r . the , Kft sont-oder of a life titae, shoo'd the law deal M rigid]y wiu tu goiU y as it slid jj. e j E E CC c- n * - ; LK 0 f Mr. W:l - Keirbebc . o. . LnmsTille. T who was attacked acd overpowered ttf 0 {^ er eight bv ruffians in a - - rt< i j t if% * 0D the SLoriixe ruirci 1, robbed, tied hand an I foot, gauged, and securely 1 car. 1 scroes the rail raid trad, where Lt waaleft toawnit j death from the first tram. There he lay. enable to move or ex': for rwlief, and in agony of aospense and fear, as fce knew that an eiprew^ w dne every minnte. Indesper ate exertions to free himself and make himself hear 1. he passe J the horrible moments nntil two men tap; r.e 1 to con, - that way as \ o:s covered biro, releasing him jus* as the expected train shot info -** s aC ,,J Of’ This was a truly tbriilmg and dra mat. • a tuition, w. ici. if r.s 1 by a woa.d be laughed •/. t> our modern realists ss extr ,v; gr.t s -.1 t o . .. brain of a pieUr.-ltr whose vi r>d life and fiction -re rad;- r 1 hopt‘Sew»ly false and vicion*. One trouble wiih tliiv class of oar clever an i industrious writers is that they are a. r*:-,r ^^hlcJ i.:.d b'.Y': LO C0t.Cfpd.i03 -f tr08 pf 1 epvectivc. They ciul’l ne ver s:-e the Sphinx for its broken nose, and if they ...1 snideu Eli r-:-;v j cm on that r-ul-j* ' £. :.jirk j-ro ' don would doubdes s have Lave been a yerr paii.v!akicg d iscriptioD a 1 geologic;.! tLt-’-Sc.t; .. of ibe mater ini fiom whit 1. the Sptii.x r.-aa fari.ionei. T . ’me tint iti--;d-. like that .n which Mr K-: figmed arc not everyday > ;i r r r.i - and may be nothing like as cn a- t; e idioayhcrufiics of the man who e;.'r- his beans with a ki.,fe and wears a white vsli-i necktie **hen he ongb* to ;r a v. 1 ilo 1 -.wfe B:;! i- th.,t at y i >!, why such idiosy r-ro.sies «b0K t be Ugiiimatt* inaliri f ir the ii'* whi>.* if this identical individn H. tv n though having on h; - white 6 tie at the time, should get i Mr K .: . i. ( ] it ’ railroad tr; ck, be w 2 1 • prompt, t 1 :r.i 1 1 * 1 y - nov r,) • >— hut ].!e ;> a f”- r ! u u • ;! g t ■ tiff f t v ■. Me felt \ou Positiiei) : :.-i cimnsc:.-Live» iiegnl : ij -u f dy-j.or.fy raven.mala:d.*e.-r- your -j-tem. • nab; and you .- -:e*j » i. \ g ve jri . a t -.-k .id vir r t:- f ring it „ct- . r tlv on liver and kid it y- cle.. - *: -. _• ; fyinc, :r,v>g ,ra ! i -g* I fortify ingife- -j*i . .. d -'-i- . It Uill break v:J t.. . 1 - arid f«T-r ,-r.d j-r r-.r.-. their retarn—v, t,riy f- - f* -a calomel or quit me VINEGAR BITTERS’ III City t*-Akak:ii4 Vsfrtrilt c*d:— e r .\ -• u It all U;~i diseases f:r* m: iUrenni .--ares arisme from bil asness and bi,« <1 impurilie*. A safe, sure, a.-.d cerrie cathartic, cleausinc the svstera thoronj-hiv The cAt style is sli-ht;v bitter. The New is pleasant to the taste, and the best medicine in the worid f,«- children Price SI OO Hel>t»’AI.I» DRI «CO. N’ Y Ci*T I I ^ **•-?■ I***;'* amffrt*«• «* — , f «.**- jid, <-» t» tm»y *ai 4 ; • * a as usswswwairie arya&est a* tf j [ ,*«»*.*.but.* .; -zg*atturn#} ••• k*~* ^ r**« -rsiHyiwttaw** ( ia 4 ia at-sabasM*'®. prepart**. pro****. b^-^* asrsaja-v-n. ••* y**>auw <• r-- - > and <*»'.•-« we use Bwtf* «•« -v >:**. c. ftunrvrz*. tuSsL" » f-ir*.irina* takes few Hm* e~~i ' Uu *«••? t - ■ u- >; ;« say Tm , s;. eaaju>, x ".l eta, - t »» OflG OoIIBT : ;ty. drr' • • •-'■•e'-'- * heaca- ' rtvrtssar ••». k.sisrj *sfi Bwr ces i*1 »11 •"«Uas ca&sefi fey >4 «-.******. aafi ] £-srcr<*r :-«! j nanr-jr tores oa tr ' S >Kk i : £" 5 of II>i's Sirssfi- •ISa. as easa-rly r-.: . S It or ■ Ua*. j -K.. . . CU me as ixs. — jmKc t ■.? good. Myv :. ;e system has t» t? ir,4 ssreegshessed. E?y fiifwBjoc - ; coved, and my head reUrred of its? fe*d trol i,.c. 1 ceasifieT it the bfsl mc-it-: el', fact -w-d. ?x4 fiwM T ; k-.i-r t W ; ■ A-libc-st X“ Hast L Pejos, M - ■ Hood's Sarsaparilla 8 c*.« ty aH 4 r;;r:-f. «• . s^tcrfS. It:.- only fey C. L Ev 'O A ‘ - V”-;:;, Mass 100 Dos © Dollar UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! 1| /-» Over a _ Million •» r. — Disthbnted n:>i-:b~A CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. . Lid a vs Louisiana S 4 ate Lottery Company ^ ... eL , ri , lat ^ inl ^. fo . £>ia - &Uo::e: and CLariui e j arposes, *nJ ;W fraaetise made a cf tie j r« #. -i &ite CoxutitatioB, ic V-T- 1 by sr.k over¬ whelming pot ti.>r v.. Seftlwr Dr»«its It. (.rand lake pit i.- nsoBii y.sisdihe Gr&i.d three Qaartcrly Draw r- _• ...ri; every cud December n»ot<taj ■ March.'J .se. sep-u ntber • — ‘*Wt do her, y certify tbit we supervise th« orricgemetl* for ah the mbiitliiy a»<J Vest- xr.A tL- itr*wmz* ti.t®:.*vive*, *a4 tbai Vtt ^ j J f r . V 4 f*:iruward kli*p&rtiVk.and «•» .C -/ / $h y f ou - .xi*«ieoer». V.'e tn. ur.derricned Baivk* Ltd Banker, wilt pay r.'.i Prizes drawn in The Louisians Mate D t’.tries wVtvh may fee pre-sentei i’ onrcounlers: j. ii.ooi e-.jjv la. x#ri m 5u li l j. i\wV%!i*rr.Vv'«\“afi iu»t j 4 ' 4 n > KO,,> ^ ' *“«” ' * ,!anL Grand ; Quarterly : Drawing n, h* A- advmy of Ma-1 . N'<« ( !- L-. Tuesday. March 18, Capital rrize.SaOO.OOO 1 i«. («.. T: ktt- at Tvx i:ty Halve* SIC: te;arf* r* *5. T tieth* i-l. LIST OP i-,.:UL- 1 I'EIZECr N. N -J .000 1 p aizz or 100,000 i* HW.WJO I Peize of •Vu**} i.< .v .,o 00 1 Peize or 000 - Phize- or 10,000 arc. 5 Bkief.s t)» -VC' -' ,i r L-'.l 00 25 lTt;zi> or LOGO arc ■--'..000 j :J 100 v Prizes Prize- or of LOO S00 are arc cXVi coo i •VJO Prizes • 2W are. 1 0.000 ! ii'FIiOXIMATION rxlZE- > Hz.t Prizes of S-"> -0 apj roxlc,utiEZ t • A.. <>.000 Prize are . . ' 0.0 j 100 Prize* • $&•' apprexlinatiiiu' to ? 100.0.0 Prize art lt-'t Friz- - -f Sri” approxlnati-u- i *-j fPrixt’ we oO0 TEKMIXJL FR!Z£*. Br ■ -,t #1-*’ idtd fey X > 1 Brize sr< Prize.- of ?iCC ..idtd Prize ur ;,i 1 i - of ,.;.,o ...' i;g to -1 "A‘« r .<r C'rri Rr_tes, or any furti-r Inform a ti-*n apply to the uEder?igr.i-d. Y ur :.;-.r.d- ■».-iticg iu di-tirct ;md>:.*R*t .rt ] i. ,.n. M r- raplc return <t-r. very w. 1a*~ I tarred by .■ - ■ _ Envviopv iting ; j cur fob ad-lrv--. r m POSTAL N -TE.-. Ii ■:; M y Order#. or >Vw Y< rk txchan. ia t irtiinary j leu*.r d-- ( J uzr-. ccy v Expr, s* . : ur •. ip-.-r.-e t H *-• t > M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orieni,* ]-a t: y. A. i >A L'PHIN', »Va*h>.ngton. I>. C. Address Registered Letters tc t£H CRULX* SATOXAL BAA 8 New Orleans. La. REMEMBER Zf.'hT.f B'.—iA,",' act! Early. Mho a re in charts »f it»« j iru'-riDg*. i* a gausntev of afeaointe fa - ■ - and int grity. t! at the , ham - *. : ,1 << -•< and that no < ae can possibly u'r.j: - • ...a nunri •* wl',: draw a i’:;.-. . ' REMEM I ER ti ' 1 j . ; i Prize* ia GUARANI EED BY FOl B NAT I * N'AL BANKS of New Or'c&n*. sv i the I'd. * sienti fe» t! J'rt-'-ient ■; ,.n 1;. uticn wh« c chartered rights are r z j T in f the i.igt;cst Couit.*: therefore ar* , .' •. <r ,<n'Jl;y , vtm r - A PLRFECTFOUrsTAIH PEH i | hat i* nithic the mean.* of all. nulin’s New Amsterdam Fountain Pen (Fine, Medium and Ccar=e Alwaysr, ady, writes freely, and never c-;* out of order. Warranted 14-hara* t,. '.J acd give t- tire aii.*faction. Price St.‘J3 fey mail, s>ft‘i»iii«l Liberal discount to agents. Sen t for Ctr cular of our specialties JOHN S. HCLIN. No. 4U Bitovi w. v. N. v. Mtv .f rtui . S • r yJ5ddrwinj N, TMS „ ___' PAPER tuinz Lvc , »-f Jie*sri phi* W A fi* A CON, '.wra-uilicnved vreett _______ B 3R, O Q. ; # I 9 i 1 Hitt Last ww .k we bought, for cash the mammoth stock of Dry Goods, Boots. Sh*. Notion.. Ac., formerly owned by the large house ol Burgen A Going. llt ni, .» * Birmingham, nTUt__tlo Ala., part nort nflllPKP oniiesp ZOtids goons WPfP were ShiliDPtl snipped to to V V rum vale in the to Griffin and hy Thursday next we Mia , of them how on way • P’ ‘ part counters are of the OB on our one Ctapst Stocts Of Gils pypr offered in Middle Georgia. Yru may count on this. M e pay for what £ wa > iv w e nay it all in cash and we buy it where it costs as nearly nothing as po 1 t * ^ e are in a position to meet any kind of competioii < ome from where it It has Ion- been our their policy cost to that when not to>ew we secure loriv goods cost. i thalt W e*like price to sell to sell out thS these with reference to ns, when like opportunity special purchases <{Oiok so as to have room u a presuts. ) ottoiii M Drop (Jilt Of Prices! >Ve shall positively offer goods for Die next Thirty Bays lower than they were ever sold in Griffin, Come and see. have recently . purchased r^> Of the several stocks of Groceries we etailing 20c. we have left several barrels of pure Apple Vinegar that we are 1 at per gallon. Fifty boxes Laundry Soap at Factory prices. A large lot ot Tobacco and a good stock of Griffin Goods at Factory pricess. THEY MUS SELL! Wo have jnst received two ears of line Tennessee Mules. Come and see us sH® %sa^ KuJPm Harper’s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. I Harper* tveekty Las a »c.feestabiisJied 1 ! It* the leading '.ilustrated it* newspaper editor,a. in America The fairness of :,mra< cU on current polities has earned > for it ihe r-,petl and confidence of all im- i partial reader,, avid the variety and excel- let' e of its literary contents, wl»ub include serial and short storie- 5>y the feest and taost popular writers, sit it f.-r the p rn-ai of people of the wid«*t range of tastes at : Sot-p-retR-ents ere spared fre-jaentiy bring pro¬ the vided. and no expense is to highest ord-r of aitistie ability to hear upon tbe illustration of the chanceful phases of home and foreign history In 1 i!» features Hatj-et's We Kiy is admirably adap’ed to he a welcome gtte-t ia every household. Harper’s Periodicals. I EE E.VE HAKPLIi’S WEEKLY HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S BaZA !1 HARPrr.’S YOVN r PEOPLE Post*re free to all snb?crib<-: United State.*. Catiada, or Mexico. The volume- f the Weekly U-alr. with the first ctimt-er f-r Jarnaxy t-f each year. »’• hen no t;.-;: i* mettloEc't. *ab?e:lp-L(.-na tune will bezi vrith ll trober crrtt ‘ at of receipt of . ; Round v,.l -f ilarpe:’* Wttklj. fer three years Back, in neat t. th t-lndinz. will be sect fey n. • , ; stage r-.-vided paid, the or fey freight tx- pres.*, free of ext«ti*e (t -liar doe* not • xc<: -1 -1 per volume f r AT.'Js per v .cine. Cloth • a*< r 1 - r ■ ueh volume. > ■: tble for binding, will e ser.t fey ni.t :ft paid, or. receipt of Sri-" . h R ai e* ioulil be made fey post- office mone y e * ; 'raft, to arc id char- e of lo *. Xewspaj : thi adver- lisemect »i‘! l-.-r of Har pc r & Broii.,-r- Atidr rf er & Brc - N< w VorK EDUGA.i 1018. Cive Them a Printing Press. Ali Sizes from $2 up Complete with Type. '.i f. r Illustrated Price I.Nt ! JOHN S. HU LIS. Agent for the Biirimore Printing Pr€'-e*, No 41! Brc.-.dwa} N, Y ianu-VI.Vwwl; “SAMS SOUCI” BAR AfiD BILLIARD PARLOR, -)o{- -t- eked with the T, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc IMPORTED CIGARS a Specialty. -)Of ,ri BROAD STREET. COLI >im>, : : : <J,V j. H. LO Vi ARDS. T reprieior. vcpiV.fn - R.N m Phr R.IRRFR SPP COLfitBl .-. i FOR OTA, JOE YIeGin i> i*<»p* 1 *. The best place ir. C ,.n. - o get a Lath or clean Share Give us c call when ir. ;U city. JOK McGHBE l?Ss?fS. Haipers Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. llarjer's L-zar is a Lome ct, combine* choice literature and fit.e it 11 - lustrations with the latest Intelligence re¬ garding t fasti ns Et h nun t - clovers-rial und short storie-. pru- ficui ur d timely c.-sajs, iruht poects. humor u- skelches etc I's put’-.-n: -heet and fashfe-n plate supplements w ill alone help iaiit-s to save mazy times the t -t of stt: decoiative siription, and psjem ‘ on sc vial eticueite. trt, Lvt'Svkeej ii.g in ;•« -.. cl.- -, j cookery, etc. make it csefui it. ev- ry hov.-e- —» ho d, ax i a trn ntarked tr •. if t< t OL- L:_' editorials are e good *ct. --.. t.ot .. lit admitted to ;is colun.t-s could otlenc the most ft.-ti - - • ?t . Harper’s Periociic-als. I-Ei; TEC.. H.'.IT ER'S BAZiR. ■ - IIARI EL'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER’S YOUNG PE E i’CrfeTC- fo-ir to ell ■ r-. C;.i .1 rl' -:c 1 i.e v-riuK-* of the B. tirat nno-lvr for -U.' ... .. When no t:inc- ;= will Legit; with the-1.' of -ece.’ t of oi l. r E acd vol’ime- ; t r■'.- &zsr. tor three yv-.u- fee, k th 1 iLdir.g. v fee sen: ty c all, •aid, cr ty ex. f rt!«, free of ex, oruled the fiei igt-t d< t. * n< t , set d - ■ per Tolaro AT C<) ]-er volume Cloth . ' ' • for bindir: ., cu receij t - Rcndttane t)j . • . I monev otd- ivetd c!;;:t r- < ios*. New-paj i ■ opy order !• of dver- H. tisetn- :,-t v . xpres* r- j er A Bro- A id r- • - IiABPE’ E - .- Nt w u ii i 1 ifT ill p; AND— Take pleasure in uaconnting to tbeir ) riends and patrons *. they ar. ready to ezecctc erdt r* for Drawings. Patterns. Mill Gearing '.nd .Machinery of every Description. Pulleys. Hangers and Shafting BEPAIItS OX Statiosatj sod Portable Engines, Boilers and SacMaery. ’ipe Work. Pumps and injector- Presses. Syw tfills. Etc., Etc. :^“We respe-tfalH solicit vour orders C. H. OSBORN, i t Prc-nricTor. $|00 to $3000 A MONTH cr.r, fee m.. N* w irking for n* Agents referred who 'ar. furnish their own horses and give their own hots * and *ive their whole time to the bnsae-s. S are mo me t* may bs profitably employed also. A few vacancies ir. towns and citie-. l; F ;cbs*on A Co . ICC# Main Si , Bi< 1 iroi.v.Y Eclectic Magazine Literature. Science ar.ri Art, THE UTERATURE OF THE WORLD” !888-44th YEAR. ITer- ;gi; Magazine* embody thebetl igl Ecincrt. writer* of Esrope. It Jm of the Ml- ezisito w. acd rep-riot these articles. 11 he plan of e Eclectic induces Science Essaj*. Re. as. Bi graphs! tkei-.-hes, Historical P*. ers. Art Criticism, Travels. Poetry acf ,.-rt Stories. jt* Editorial Dei artments a.priseUtert- Notiv.r. ri- aling with current h( me bools ign l iterary Notes. Scierce and An, zii brtfily the new dscoverie&«d • :ev,ii tts in this field, and censistiogof c ixu. cU from new > ec-k- rnd fortijo :■ -. T he f Uovicj- arc tbe naotei of ri h-adiLg authors whose at tick* ...> <■ ei ; eclec to ap| ear ir. the jage* of E< Lic'iii. for the comice ve-r. authors. • Hor. B*. E. GladEtor,e, Alfred Ttcr.yson, Brofe**c»r Huxley. Tr f,.-.-o' 'I yndail, B. Rich. A. Proctor, A. J. Norman Lwkytr. __ V. L. S Dr. W. B Carjenter. L B.Tyler. Muller, Prof M^x Prof. Owen Matthew At-. J. . A. Fi tm-u, V. C. L. .’amts Act' try Fronde, 'ih, ms* Hugh***. A uenon L . Swinfeurr* V.'illiain Black, Mr* Cardinal Ulipbani, Newman. Cardinal ManniL^. Mi*s Thackeray. Hardy. Ihorca* Robert Bi'vh*u&r. Etc . Etc. Etc. IheEiFcTK er-u'ri.t* the Americanretdtt i kee; hin s< if informed on tbe creat ti* cf the day throughout the world. *n« intel: tv ot ‘American can afford to be it. STEEL ENCRAVINCS. The Ecle> tic comprises each year t*o volumes of over 1TW raff**- Each ol votunic* contains a fine steel engrav¬ which add? much to the attraction of magazine. TERMS —Single copies. C> cent*: one one year. §5: five copies, I- $A). The TLal At for three months. LEC tIC ai;d any ti magazine, E. R. PELTON, Publisher, Uo Bond Street. New York LADIES! Do Icur Omd at Hew® with PEERLESS DYES, yw;!l dye everythins. Tncy are *°^ Price 10c. a package—Wcolo^ Strenfflh, Bngat- have ro cqu&I for ox **, Amount ii ‘Packages aJities. or forFastnes* They dp no or i.on-fadit g (fr "• M ?' k i r smut. For sale fey S- ,n : ,r.i? St. Gri din G.v. tnardldi* : -X ADVERTISERS Am the exac. co-- ! an A a nroposed line aiismsf in Americ:. * by addressi; Rowell & C i 'e’.vspaper A ,; rlsin 3ur<?-*»•-» O C •'r»* , P'ffw 'i *ta- r"i l ,K>e 2OG*i'h a - ** 5 ' •* but* ^ r- * dC FT 1 rri* <-i r>* ojj ■ - v. . •t -f-r. ; cFii:r:. ,i ■ r a x.-v-.«»*"■ ' wfc* -- ?W ;