The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, March 28, 1888, Image 4

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STILWELL &» KEITH, Are biinj sold at a GREA SAC¬ RIFICE. These goods |Ml\ST BE HOLD! A^Jhe Most of them are Fresh. First-class Goods. Genuine Bargains May be had. Come while you can find what you want. J. F. STILWELL, Receiver 23 Hill St, GRIFFIN. GA Jan. 3l»t. 1888,-dJtw The Biggest Thing on Ice. Schlitz Celebrated Bottled Beer. This justly world-renowned bever age, as to excellency in quality and taste, is now for sale by Jamf.s Campbell, Georoe <fc Hartnett, and J. J. Isox. Give them a call, rn'ileu.\ved.4w House and Lot for Sale. The nine room bouse known ns the Nall place, corner of Solomon and Sixth streets. One square from business portion of city. Splendid place ply for day boarding Tho*. Nall. house. Ad tf to C. P. or Pike Superior Ceurt. Pike County Superior Court con vane* next Monday, with Judge Boyn toa on the bench. There is not a very full docket and it is expected that court will nd jonrn before the end of two weeks; unless, as is improbable, one of tb* Barneeville tire cases shall come up. There are six casss of assault with intent to murder Three cases of the Georgia Mid land railroad against its delinquent subscriber* are set for trial, one for each of the lawyers representing the diffarent parties to the defense, to wit, Cols. Mills. Hunt and Iverson, If tbay come to trial they will form the important feature of tho session, and will be watched with great interest. A seven hundred dollar fence is being put around the court house. The schedule now in operation will not make the new railroad much benefit to the lawyers from this section. The train reaches Zebulan at night and leaves early the next morning Southern Antidote for Malaria. It is generally kno** n that Munnone Liver Regulator is relied npon to secure immunity from all malarial disorder- This is proven by Its popularity, and anyone who lias lived i> the 8ontb has seen its curative effects and th* protection it gives against this weaken lag and dangerous malady. Jt acts more promptly than calomel or quinine, without Green Spring Cabbage P j Yellow Bananas. ice Cured Bellies, Apples, Lemons Still 20c. doz. 500 Cocoanuts. 5c. each. Tomatoes, 2 lb. Cans. JOc, Fine Yam ‘otatoes. SHAD. TROUT AND OYSTERS EVERY DAY. BLAKELY. Matt.ra t •mcrrmlmg PmsIf a«d Lm • rkl !••• Uawip. Ill* JULli BIADXD COOK. II* waikisiioat with a peaceful mi And * imile is on hi* phi*. For he know* if tome on* find* * h*ir In the *oup or butter he c*n swear It surely is not hi* ! Lent will soon be over. Fresh fish is in demand. Spring will soon begin. The smi is gaining power each day. Si. F. Morris spent yesterday in Ma on. Boiled eggs are now a seasonable breakfast dish. Ilenry Jones went down to Barnes vdle yesterday. It is said to ba a clothes call for Grif fin washerwomen every Monday. A debating society has been organized at Farmers Chapel, in the suburbs of Woodbury. Miss Leila Richardson arrived in the city yesterday and is the guest of Col, W. E. H. Bearey. The extra freight train on tho Carroll ton road is taken off today. Conductor Littleton will go on the main line. The general passenger agents have been going through here from Florida an special trains the last two mornings. W. J. McCaslan and wife, who have been spending a couple of days, with Dr. J T. Dixon, at Woodbury, return •J to Griflin yesterday. Trains on the Savannah. Florida A Western wer* discontinued yes’erday, the whole track being covered with water from the recent rains H. I. Starr, of Orchard Hill, charged with shooting Col. Cunningham’s cow, waived commitment trial yesterday and gave bond to appear before the grand jury- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen, of Boston, who have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. S. H: Deane, left yeater day for Atlanta, Chattanooga and other points. Mrs. Adams, of Brattleboro, Vt., who has been spend ng the winter in Griffin, started for home yesterday. She was accompanied ns far as Atlanta by Mrs. J. W. Boyd. The Odd Fellows appointed commit¬ tees on Monday night to make arrange meats for the anniversary celebration on the 26th of April. It has *ot been do ciJed whether they will have a ball or not. The Henry County Times will move from Hampton to McDonngb, th* cause assigned being lack of advertising patronage at the former place. We fail to see how the removal will remedy matters. Jim Mit.'hell says; "You wait until th* Rome and Carrollton road is finish ed to Chattanooga, which will be by July 1st. It will be the biggest thing for Griffiu that ever happened in the his terv of the town.' The Carrollton merchants do not know the use of gold as a currency. Some of the employe* on the Rome and Carroll ton road were paid off in gold on Sattir day, but were obliged to return and ex Change it for greenbacks before they could buy any goods. A negro woman named Anna Hall, near Rover, beat a young stepson ou Sat urday so badly that he died yesterday morning. The coroner's jury returned a verdict that the death was cans d by the treating and by exposure, and th* woman was brought here last night and put in jail. Uuhke other cathartics, Dr. Pierce s “Pellets” do not render the bowels cos tive after operation, but, on the contrary establish a permanently healthy action. Being entirely vegetable, no particular t eare is required while using them. By ’ druggists* j HOW JOHS H. MITC'HKLL HAS MADE HIMSELF 1SDEPESDEXT. The .Suere** of a Practical ani Well a* Known SpeltliB? Farmer-.A Valuable Snore*!loa. A News reperter stepped into the Ordinary’s office and asked Judge Hammond why he had those ho^se shoes up over bis door and received the following reply; Well, I put them up there to keep off the vritche*, and for good luck. Now, I ci^-. iy whether there is! any snch tbir. as luck, but there are mat y v- • believe that there is everyth!; j in it. This class never seems to be better satisfied than when they sit and hold their hands, wait iDg for something to turn up, like Wilkins Micawber, who bad the twins, or rather whose wife had the twins. He was always floating on the surface of the occasion, and trusting to the sub! uiity of luck. No doubt It:*. \ is an elegant thing provided that it ever comes at the right time. But the sounder principle is to make use of those taj ents with which Providence has en do wed us, and carve our own way through surrounding difficulties nn til we reach the goal set for our at taiument- N being horn great, let us Lend f our energies to one purpose, i with onr strength and will, achieve greatness rather than sit passively and trust to luck, to have greatness thrust upon ns. 1 bet us be up and doing, With a heart lor every /ate. Still achievint', still pursuing. Learn to labor and to wait.’' These thoughts have been suggest ed by a visit I made a week ago last Sunday, to John H Mitchll’s- I found this gentleman at home with his family, and my wife and I receiv ed a most hearty and cordial wel come and spent a happy day. We had everything good for dinner and I tried to do full justice to their bountiful hospitality and I guess I did it. Mr. Mitchell is one of our stirring, active, business farmers, who lets no grass grow under his feet. lie always says come on boys rather than go on. He moves and bis work moves with him; he does not wait for luck, but trusts to vim and energy. He is a practical as well as an experimental farmer -he works to utilize everything and waste nothing. \fter dinner we were sitting in his front piazza, smokiDg, and I diB covered some bees going in and out of a knot in one of the large oak trees in front of bis dwelling. This tree is known to bo over a hundred years old. I learned that several years ago a swarm of bees assembled in that tree as their new home, and they have lived and worked there ever since. After they had been there three years the colony Lad be come very large and strong and no attempt had ever been made to rob them of their honey. \t last Mr. Mitchell came to the conclusion that the tree must he full of honey f from seeing large numbers of flies and bees around the root of the tree; so he set to work to devise^some means to get the honey without cut ting tho tree down. After applying all the tests known to bee men, he satisfied himself that the tree was full and then decided to tap it like a fellow is tapped for dropsy. So he got him a faucet and an anger and bored a hole in the tree near the root amt then screwed in the faucet and to his surprise and great de light a solid stream of pare and ele gant honey as clear as crystal gush ed forth, and the supply seemed to be inexhaustible. It continued to pour out until he had filled six bar rels; and ho has drawn each vear since that time from three to four Carre'S , . , pute . strained honey , from , that old oak tree, and up to this thcr« SeClUS to l>« EO SigHS of a failure of the supply, as the bees are still a very strong and healthy colo i n J- The same year that Mr. Mitcheil tapped the old oak tree, there was a new thick growth sprung up all around the old oak of nu unusual appearance, having a smooth bark aud thick waxy leaves. Oce day ho pulled off one of the leaves aud put it in his mouth and found it to be very sweet, aud upon examining tuo from which he had plucked the he discovered that the plant was tou-WE PU R K &AKIM& Itgfuperior excellence proven in millions •f home* for more than a quarter of a cen tury. It isused by th* United State* Gov¬ ernment. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. I)r. Price’s Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKIKG POWDER CO. NKW TOHK. CHICAGO. ST. LOVES col.crin bleeding or emitting from the wound s clear thick looking juice, which upon tasting and examination, prov ed to lm honey. He then commenced to nurse tho new volunteer grow* h with the tenderesi care and atteu tion, looking aftc. t.iiem duily; and as the summer advanced the plants continued to grow, and in the fall be selected and transplanted three bun dreu of them iu very rich soil, thirty feet apart, and they grew very rapid ly, making a beautiful display with their straight, smooth trunks and their thick and glorsy wax-like leaves; and the grove was seen and admired by all for miles and miles around. Mr, Mitchell’s idea was that large money was made from the sugar maple, by boiling the juice, he ought to mak’e more, from a tree that would run pure honey, and he was right. When the trees were four years old in the fall of the the year, they were large enough to insert laucets: So he had three hundred faucets made to order and screwed them into the young trees; and the following spring, the result was remarkable. Each tree yielded an average of ten gallons cf the rich¬ est golden honey; the following year each tree yielded an average of twenty gallons, and now the average yield is about a barrel to each tree during the year; and the grove con tinues to grow and flourish, and shows no signs of failing to supply a bountiful yield in the years to come. The qua’ity of the honey is so fine and the flavor is so delicate, that it always commands the highest prices, and the demand is greater than the supply. If some of those enterprising arte- sian-well-men, who are always pros pecting and boring holes in our county for oil, could succeed in sink ing a well from which asoiid stream old mellow peach brandy woald flow continuously, then indeed, old Spald ing County would he a new and pilgrimages would be made from all over this broad country to l»ud which flows with “Peach and Honey.” But be that as it may,- the uncer¬ tainty of the fruit crop,—the corn crop,--the wheat crop,— nor the un¬ certainty of the price of cotton, any terrors I r Mr. uitchell, for so long as tin se g*lden streams of sweetness c titinue to flow from these natural fountains, his prosperity is assured. Woman ami Her Diseases is the title of a large illustrated treatise, by Dr. R V. Pierce, Buffa’o, N. Y , sent to any address for ten cents in stamps, ft teaches successful self-treat ment. < Ol \( II. PKOt'EEDIMLS. General Repairs of Sidewalk* (lie Or¬ der of the Day. Tho oily council met at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, that beiDg the summer hear and summer having commenced according to the city charter. Present. Mayor Grantland, Aldermen Hudson, Patrick, Word, Newton, Boyd and Deanf. The case of W. W. Wolcott, charg ed w ith assault, was again continued. A petition was read from W. E. George und others, asking for a sidewalk on East Solomon street A street lax ordinance was passed and every voter not exempt must pay three dollars or work ten days ou the streets. It was announced that the peti fieri of F,. ki M ale!) A Go . aekincr GEO. E. PRICE. / -. p FORTES Price & Poster, SnoccKRors to O.'^W, Price, -DEALERS IN- Bouts, Shoes, Upper and Sole Leather, Fmh and Americat Calf Skins. Shoe Findings, Sc. Jas. Means' and W. L. Douglas’ $3.00 Shoes a Specialty. 24 Marietta Street, ATLANTA, (*A. __ Sullivan’s Meal ON lAlways HAND ! ■J. H. Keith & Co. MATCHLESS GOODS! “THE MATCHLESS.” - And 31at chiess Prices . - J3PI have every shape and c-tlor in Hats, something to New suit every York face. The above is one of the latest styles direct from the largest wholesale house. With a go*d trimmer and always the very latest designs, I guarantee satisfaction. I can fill any SPECIAL ORDER FROM SEW YORK in from three to five days, ^r&ibbon* iu great variety of width and colon ; a larg* as¬ sortment of Feathers, blowers, Laces, Silks and Gauzes—all fresh and new Please give me a call. imar25d*w»l MRS. E. E. CROCKER. ROBERT BUIST’S EftSTERN SEED IrishPotatoes 1 -AND- ALL KINDS GARDEN SEED A T HOLMAN & CO.’S. leave to sell beer in quantities of two dozen and over, had been with drawn. Aldeiman Deane called attention to the miserrble e dtiou of the side walk in front of it. postoffice build ing. It was ordertid that the street committee notify the overseer and in default of actioD by him proceed ! to lay a side -a ilk md collect for same. Attention w calievl to the bad condition ; . i ie walks at the i corner of L> d.u/, Johnson ami Bridges places, u west Griffin from B. P. Biatj'.oL’s to Mrs. Bishops, on Chicken Bow; and along the Georgia Hotel. Attention w ts ca 1 to the first i shed on West Broad w< . which W as too low to allow No i , ffine to pass through. * Ordered rats J. The Mayor interjected . .... the suggest ion that all the sheds, misnamed awnings, io town be torn down. Adjourned. DP BULLS O ■ Cures Croup, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma. Bronchitis, Whoop¬ ing Cough, Incipient Consumption an d relieves consumptive persons in advanced stages of the disease. For sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 cts. C A rTT OXT' — The gs*nnin* I»r. Bull'* ton all F*.vr«i> iMold 0»!y in nhiteiirapptra, and bears onr rejistered rc u>E nits*. tOKit: A fo il'! Hand i in a Circle, a Kcd-Htrip CVi«. and the fac-stmile naocwW ” lisMlurwoDolin W. Bull ■aiA.i.XEVERSro., Bal»l»ore.Xi«i..I. X. A.,SolePropri c )ors. STOP CHEWING TOBACCO! Chew Lanare’s Pines, THE GREAT TOBACXT/ ANTUMVIX! v»*e« *o« eii*•- *.„!,! »|» Dll Dn.'iljf, Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Sr*w for children teething, is the prescription and of one of the best female nurses physicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never failing success by millions of raothara for their children. Daring incalculable. the proves* of teething its value is dva It relieves the child from pain, cures entery and diarrhoea, griping in the lic ' By giviog health to the ibild. p Price 25 - cents a bottle. augeoiWwly For Sale. A bargain can be had by a cadi mrchaser in the following named iroperty: One half acre lot on Tay or street near the Sam Bailey Insti tute, seven room dwelling with large kitchen attached and a well of water that cannot be excelled in tbe city, a very rich garden, also a lot and n ‘ ce barn and stable, all very conveniently arranged. Tins is desirable home lor , any .. one a very wishing to be near one of the best chools in the State. Also i hundred acres of land in 5 ike county in one mile of Jolly on he Georgia Midland railrrad. About >ne third of this land is original lim her, the remainder in high state o dtivation, of which about 20acres’ 5 the finest branch bottom. 1 his is i admirable place for a sto:k far® id any one wishing to engage in ie business would do weil to pur chase, w hich can be done ou very rea sonable terms, either cash or pa^ 1 and remainder in 12 months. T.G. McAfee, at B. P. Blantons, corner Meriwether and 8th streets, or o* dress through the mail, P. G- h°* 219, Griffin, Ga. jan4d&wdra. MRS. M. L. WHITE J FASHIONABLE Milliner and Dress Maker, Cor. Hill and Broadway Sts.. MUFFIN’. GA. --tot-- Low Prices and Satisfaction Gua ran ‘ teed. Please call on me when in want of anything in my line. We strive to please everyone. mar. l.xLtwttm.