The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, April 04, 1888, Image 4

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PURE DRUGS! * H r. w -5»4<— - - PATENT MEDICINES. AttTEEB _ PAKOT TOILET ARTICLES. LEADING * REMEDIES, AND EVEBYTHINO KEPT IN* A First-Class - Drug - At «Umk *ad wrayrap <* Fig> i: I Hsmeikm* Wise. IV. -mp- ; thorn filled at ail boon of I>*J or Ni«bC al PR. E. R. ANTHONY’S DRUC STORE. R. J. DEANE, , PHOTOGRAPHER. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. yr OM Mona. Oop*4 aad EaUr-geR. HfiSH* 6a.» April «. ! JACK H. POWELL, j -PROPRIETOR OF--- M'S nitSHLISS Will * 8 TABLES,* W*. -tf broadwat strixt Finest Tvrawts nnfi Eett Horses tt be Had. |jgf* Ttrau XaW» Imuoi: at U • _ Strictly CAaSH to all! RMteTiti w , wt Tto Emn of to -r STILWELL & KEITH Aft bfitft) t»U Rt a 6REk SAC* 0 WFtCE 7bt*« TKrpa goodt nfafui* ' . | |MCST BE SOLI)! 4^.The Mast at them are Fresh. First-clat* Goods. . Genuine Bargains May be bafi- Come while you can find wbat you want J.P. STILWELL. Kooeiver 23 Hill St.. GRIFFIN. GA tom lin M8S.-4AW For Sale. A bargain can be bad by a cash in tbe following rimed teoperty: One half acre lot on Tay or street near the Sara Ba tov tote, seven room dwelling btt|fe kitchen sttacbed and a well of amter that camtot be exce ed in the city, a rerr nch garden, also a lot aad nice little b*rc ari stab to. al. very conveniently desirable arranged. This * a very home for any ere wishing to be near one of the best ebook in tbe State. Also £• hundred ac res c: .and a. JaeGew^iaMkiUnd^iuhrad*'About Nke countT in one mile of Jolly or »oe third of lim laud is crig ca. t as rier. tbe remainder ia high state o <lttT»t)Oo. of wbteh about 20 acre* * *lbe finest branch l^ottrtr Tbi* .* 1 adoirabie place for a stork farm, mI any ooe wishing tc engage <* business woohi do we. tc pu- rhawe, which can be done on very r* aoaable terms, either cash or part aad remainder in 12 months. T. G. McAfee, at B. P. Blanton?, forcer Meriwether and Sth streets, or ad dress through the mail. P. O- box 219, Griffin, Ga, janddAwdra. Vfir Low I'hits ! s.. 10 lbs. Lard # 1 . 00 , Arhuckles 22 1 - 2 * i hetse U lm . ™" Hams 13 l- 2 r.. iiananas 3 -kn. Fine Flonda and InifK»rtet 1 Oranges. Rosseft Applet. ★ FINE SHAD THIRTY TO FIFP CENTS ! ★ BLAKELY. 'ROUND ABOUT. ■aiisng*K«n a r**pi* ami *r»l f Mr. J. F. Rscjere, of IhcoastoB, » is the city. Z. T. Lawtecce, <4 Cps-:*, was ia the city yesterday. Jzigr R. M. Ljos. d Mace®, n.« ta th» city yesterday. Judge R. T. Danse; retarded from Pike Superior Coart yesterday. H. C. Ctaamf* ha* rented his bouse sutd sored back to Owhard Hill UoL Law:oo, son of 1 B. Lawton, passed threugh the cry yesterday. Judge Rcaweil, of Oakland. hi-, r iwetber czmate. was is the ritr roster dsy CoL J. D. Boyd and wife kft for Ssao»* yewteriay to riMt Rhtmi for a few dit*. * blinder* _, , tre now pat cc white ... bone* no they will not -tep to look xftrr red- bewded girls, Jadge A. M. bpt’fer, ci Ibdtsog, wts* is the city yesterdAT oa in* way L >mo from Pike Scpenor Gonrf. Every body has some veto of poetry is hiss, bot, in s:ne cases ont of tec. it wwiM b? money is ia.s pocket if that vein arm- filled with blood. Mrs. Senator Cameron Las ;avt *e cared a tnmspL in WaaLicgtoc—she made fartT eight calls in one afternoon, which beat* all former records. Wbea a Woman trie* to aboo ter hens % «Sf *,. me , T*ow=r _ beds _ _ J _ d _ .4 an je* c •ooreed. st may appropriately be termed failure in the shoo business. There are few dissapoiatesent* in life esiEfil to that experienced by a man who expects that he is going to sneeze and suddenly discovers that he can't. Several straw hate appeared down at yesterday morning a train, bn*, we prom tied not toiriw to give thp toe owners ,'i wr-t^r* away, a$ tli«r thar ware there uader a auaeppreheoaioos Chief Manley a*ya he is gving to en force the street tax ordinance strictly and parties who wish to save them selves $4210 additional c>-*-5 will do well to report a* ratified. itoe Dam-, st. lie fire case Lave been continued ia Pike Saper: -r Co«rt by the plea of the Central HR., who have tm&laia aome important pspera, and will be tried at an adjourned term, tie date al which has not yet been fixed, but which will occur some time during the summer. Cob E Blalock,, was in toe aty yestorday. He sak “I think Grii fin oegfct to hsvt another dep. L There k no use denying that it is the most im portent point tween Maoon and Allan ta, and u ha# the poorest depot. Gnir ia a city su: ;t c ught to have & p sew a ?fl ^ to Cccgrrmaw, J. D. Stewart «u 12 the city y«rem*y shaking is mi? wi-fi fc» fneuda. He says aulea* a genen hill po.#- 1 pr ntong f-r pjstoffic.a th# aiic of Gruff n. he latrcdace s hi. 1 for » $. •»> grvemneut bumtong nere. If be gets 1 ; through, st-bcGy wi.i J ire ? :x *r h - h- mi :a toss diatnrt. I have received fresa Jacob Leeds Soc’t. Pfiilaieiphte. a fall liwe A their ard S3a ^ ef f &:L : - W take c; teurtc tor Sait* aud guar ante* fit i-x no sale, tor about fame r less pr ce, than first < ready modi- clothing. Fxnmnav.on cf saspto* sr.2 fnees solicited, at E a. Fl?xi*re:to Tt ,:-a* ;.«i» cl j-K-t to lev kid.: g at;*-,* ;*c:urT* bt-.iwr*. of : r a.*; .nuax e' r«n»«f : -T'T Ttsvter* *y •n.c .* irtpaev. ; .# r bar.-nvs f wtathsr »»d the efeet* ,-f weathtr i.t>d the tfivrte of t it*o*b*- by pro vidiag tbetas* to* w.’i ,»r Bn'"* (; ok ajrrup “A eitr ia jadgvd by the eaw&bos of it* street*, si D walk, and fraEtvmrd* ” Mid * nut« to Oj’Js co jateriij, “not by it* potto c tmiMiag.’ There » mmeUuag ia this, unfits h»«t« * a large earn bet of vmton every day While it u tafoMibb Its the cations* to manage i-i street problm. entry adi Tjdc*.! e*s ctefce hi* presitsm tfttxwc : ire, aod if !fei» t» oac-<*£stioa*ij duee. the street* sill escape sistiee to • large « teat. *,od tW whole cite be beaatiful. With emytlueg the .ovwfsU North hi*, *sd tc-sd* «t a new * sr*l foe enter prise sail expaamoc, there is to be sath a d t iel o p ement to the Soath dar it? the srextetweatr five jeau as the world neve* before heard of. The nab and acrimbLe and overwhelming .f icin&na! waters say sot came tot? year, bat w’r *4 Cable mia saw a list'.e of us l>4b is .. • mighty toned al! down as?! the leys tad the plains of toe States nt to * Potomac and Ohio. Ad?t. tn a. Kell baa iteoei a cimltt to the stoitary coajatia el the State, calling their attention to toe tender f toe Branrcick Rifffs of tea acre#* ? laud c® St. StEKtt’s Island, for eoeaiup meet parp. : t a Tfatocirmlar states that is tc be hoped that the next genera, aaaeaably will uaU a genenms apj rc prsatios, so to ‘the ‘ ■ any be used e*ch year Dr f _pisrnt. An in fscpnr.: is t * : on St. Stm;n s Island on Jaiy 12, it which the military of the State is expected to be pres. nt. Will f-ite.-. ■ A toe Grtoto eempask* :1 UTcr-Worked Woiwea. F. r “wcni * ••raa down.' debto uted sehc*:.’; t if, antBaen, **-*.— *m-sscs, hens. -rs, and over work'd women getter* •r. Pietet'j Earor.te Prescription is ,«t of all lestorxnve teKUto It is n _t a •-Care tel, bat »i mirably iBaOiis a wngieness o# pupcae. being s most potent Spectfie for ail there Cbronie.. Weskn£-=■#€-? tnd Diseases p- eahar to women It is b powerful, gen era: a# well as uterine, bonk and cernne and imparts vigor and strength to tie •hole system. It promptly cures weak cess of stomach mdigesboa, bloating, weak back, nervoas prostration, debility and sleeplessness, fs either sex. Favor ite Prescription is sold by draggsst nn deronr positive gaarreBtee. See wrap Ff r *x>vod bottle. Price $1,00 a bot t - i ’; or £IS bottees tor $3.uu. A large , treatise on Diseases _ of , Women, profusely illustrated with color ed pktei and cumeroas wooi-cate, sent ^ f ^dK; w t r # **' f wSltofl!C*pen«ry iv. &_ m s>v.w*ta! Med.cto. A*i.<eixti>a, Ci Main Street. Buffal "* N.T Ordinary’s tburt. The following decisions were Lvd in tie Ordinary’s Court Monday. The wi.l cf rtocls H Doe. probit ed in oemnsct form and H. C- F.urr qnxItSed i as __ executor. . The will of Mrm. Janette Betbace. probated in common form and T. C. McLicurio qualified as executor. Dr. T. J. Mitchell was appointed ; guardian of Maud M Wi'toim*. kf plication for letter; of admiois trot:on on tie ests e of Mrs. -J W. Butler. Objections being filed tbe case was continued until Friday the 13th inst. Application cf W. B. Hnisrn letter* of diimission ca tie estate Thomas Lyon# continued noth 13th inst. Coart adjmrced no:I :Le day of April. A yafhwtlr coder’* r - - *c - v -: 1 lira tidy faff ;.;.r ueur*'gji A z w b sit. - rtshmer-. sh* r t>* : - ter hr- - :f 5 • ton . T - re i-’e - •. .i.—-.____cc . List cf Letter*. A ivert : -?: letters t«:: po*io£ce Grii Crs. 3rd. IsSS. which w 1 i e sen; : Dead Letter rd:s ’ n:t c 5 .l *. to? dsy* T-.-at kriders. to M Cfl-v-krt-fe. a* 31.-5 Wa C’-ecJj: . M ** Mato E C Dick. A I Girt v i ll:.i: z . 1 n , « ** <» ' g . B*rtc* . -g M. . *? to • toe .* >:s-».* Bet >t t„. M O B* w; -:v V M _____ ______ D*>et»r* Xr-*iBc. TL. Gr-.rr.u mti j< as 2 hiJ t very g. I t.m---. a Jibber :L* H. 1 C.m . fol.oe.T ' loci. :s : N r. I>rewry, T J D.’C M* 't. J 51. ft. T J. U.i-mN . T. Co. tei. E E A 1 L .' lor J. C BesucLnaps. J K j-r. M. J. Dsr(' I'.#- n . :i cf tLi r-r-'fcS v *-ie m i - iev -: ' ta.-u.a >03 -are r. to:5 t rt -i.1 « wirti a i-rv.t dee. *- X* m to;,* w,ih JWJ wry's t-rtotr by tf-r; 5 ;:>-« :. ite ttra.i-i«*-.«<c: ’ct -.*« ' - v. r« Safe? Wf-so --nsjef ^pou. WEtowrT^ PURE f&WDE* It# cwperior «!«!)*•(« proves ia bjaIAoc* of Loses for r.orr town a c.carter of a t ew Uirj- Is isneed fc-tod by the United States Got- j ; "rmrT,t- Un t y the newds of toe Grer.t Uaire-sit.-;# ** tie Stern j«t Pares* in i atosi Eetothfat Dr PrieeV Cream B»i -s Powder dceenor e ru-r. Asbcba I_ ate, r Aiiim. Sold only ir. Cau. PRICE BASING POWDER CO SEW T- Eli CWlCAOe. si too*. d4 f- StipAop eoLxrnj E*'tf r Seiries^ at rd. GeorcrV Uhorcb. E«. *t: d-'.T kw ned brjoj.t ned ben =t• ■ fit rc”?-:- ::t .*;»► of tte resc.icc’.. : ii-i-i. *.>c *> .tec;; 'be stone ii; : 1 fi<. i . te- f.: us. and the ri- c ?f .T.cBt * ike-lfo ;L to g._JJeo J.,-. .. - . . _‘il. ,1:5-.if.rr - 1; : - c _»t C2 ti e Lid Led i-tt ’.Cter: T .'eV--! r.ivd W; l* fi. terrs in-i cte-rtfutii?. axtoix* aod Nut lilies. In Jt-ccrdaLct wilt c-sicm beec-itog lu,a:e prr riknt ei. j ear. l . '* ^ 0 f gio t.Dg * i plant. 7 lht#e • * nenepteri - Ss tie u.;; tree#: types :! toe great event flat Easter cotanea:: rate-- Iii< - was a > .; ' _•: — toe orgac. under the skilifsl t.neb . of Mrs Hasseiko?. ! scr u.nn_a::ng antor :q nc. chords, and «gais - peaiicg forth tie sweliing tones of a ’ Gloria or a JcLmate. Tee selections 1 comprised to. Moz-art s Tweith Mass i sui Warren . _ Te D.tiai. r . ... tic : - t ?si jSS • Q5 £ 4 i chin is and Lyms- The solos t ______ . ! in tbe Tc- Denm were sang by Mrs Fow it: v* Los v r..i. swee: mezzj eopraco w s never heard ta better advseta-ge. For the- Offertory Miss 5 Briscoe sang I Know that My Be* 1 deetner LtvetL-. she p.sses&es a voice of great E=s;«:neis acd voiame. _nd atr I ' t< ^ ip ‘ Gn '* tbe selectiou -s-'te tL - ^ghly artkha The btlcTed Re.-tcr delivered an e-tnist and appropriate d.sccurie. &lo t_e service closed with toe eeie b: ::.a cf the Holy Communion. I . the uiternc on to 4 o’clock me San ..ay heno:-. ce.vbraiioa lock place Tbe church wes even more crossdei init :o the morning, nird.y t vacant ccu.d be- found ty tbe liroe sppettltd for toe rxerc;s«a to begin, A * jtmd cf u.tosnt music broke to*:-£'..1 _cse. uod limpet seem td to: •._o -f toe grand chorus rose * from every ato»r dedicated to toe meek an4 Itwiy Jesus. Nt::tr snd tester came toe sound, at I free, the vestry locta toe eltlJrtt c-tcLed n<rc-*s the c-hatcel, tIs r freveurg vt:c-e* forth in: r. . ,€:*.•. n... Oi-w&rd Cans': n t i.t:*' End. class Lai who c.rnei a the A : . SrlTIte. Ugitt ng Ctor.r: . to* e I s ■*. - fc'lowed by itoer-'i " -:.u Ac:.: . to — ‘ i - t toC. C . .‘1^5 ! to. . wry *■ v ;: flotter? .to-org wl.cit f: . - ... blfito <ITfl O T h *’ _ _ ; fferktote f tLe c -r t to 1 ' I. r:-rSf.5cr. These b I -i:. '• ■; fto •to*- coto ten: ■ : ' : **-' '■= ' il.t their fi :-r 1 c Tbe _ .1 -tug E-*>.r F.E -to: to'--:-: - .’ u -■*_.c-s cs:_ :_t - : to ■ s -to t U Cir. A W.Zt- _ ... ts . Lteto-to-j ccrc-rs tre cbaLf-to' ;.l 1 ...» .to.*t -tog 1 he letters - rue l y chiidrcu from e-. mm; tlhcea: «t:e il there f to -y ’ the «:rd Eeesr re. tic-c At.:.:: : *r* the ( re. i sti ;uea the «tf rc-:*es eooc tnvet by toe D'xc 1: gy -1 i Becf-3.-. t. r n A rr„ i-r is cue Mr. r-toff-r. the tfSc:-:: r.t 3 L s ih e atsistoLte f.r p*t* eg am- at cu:*r‘.ato.cuc&!- Ac t utLDftoftiC lady wieLed :i was .. to be ioce Hiysia text to: t-.toy Eves f t_ s ...... 2 a -j tu -*• - -■' " - r - - -. - cbrct-.c.; E strr. aadwT b. a Kaj-.-e. r.nga ..aa, tetter. ' -• the: scxifvstafiom - r ina~rs * <« i. — -crad ’ * f -* - *1 -*»?«.• ■* _____ GEO. A PRICE. 4 p l r«mt Snewaaorti to G..W, Priee, -DEALERS IX- Boats, Shoes, Upper and Sole Leather. French and Amerieu Calf Skins. Shoe Findings, Sc. tar j as. Means' and W. L. Ccugfas' $3.00 Shoes a Specialty. ^ •24 Marietta Street, ATLANTA, Sullivan’s Meal ox Always hand H. Keith Co. MATCHLESS GOODS ! “THE MATCHLESS." - Am/ Matchless Prices. - g3Tl of :he iwo«T4^c srest Kf'.m fiirsct »td . f* Jvr the . Hit#. Drgest s*:-methiag vloltfut to New salt Toilthoasr. .very Uu TL* With ti»Tt* on i .-m t ^-4 it - - .* *.ad alwsT* the very Iste#: d «hr-«.I rnarantec ssuslsctk®. less fil< tnv SPECIAL 0RDEK FROM _\EW YORK in iron, tire :o £ : . - QSTH.V 1 - :c gre*t vanety of width and tad color# : s Urj# u fj-tat-n: of F- ther* F. w c r- Lve*-. ?!k# .ad Gwase^—all fresh mv Plesse gm «'*«■' .. .srtS»-ilrw» MRS. E. E. CROCKER. ROBERT BUiST’S ESSTERN SEED IrishPotatoes! -AND- ALL KINDS GARDEN SEED --- at-- HOLMAN & CO.’S. (eutral Railroad Tim Table. XOBTHWjOU) Barnesville Specld Sunday only 7:45 a. m. Barr- - lie Accctcmoda ttc-a daily excer day 5:57 a. m Passenger >• „ ill a Passenger ! 1L 11:31 s m Pnssenger -and Mill No. 1. 4 "1 p. m Pass-:: r* f » . • Passenger N: H | "i a. m. Passenger N i-4. ,1:2(1 p m. Passengt to. 12, 4:05 r. tn Barnesvll.e Special ■'ueday only 4-55 p is. B ■■ ", Accost mods lion lai.y c-xc- . > n-dsy 71) p m. Passenger No. 4. * 43 p. zn. ■ res Ccm:’ *. C I t*. II : **. C lag r c * ur-. C toll: A s torua. Br on c. bit >. WL oop-1 : ::; ' : ai IrcL- vest tatr.-t tin j :* "r.sit F«r| £ 1 v:.u . 1 . sale by all I s C r__iu.. A F T ION !— Tbf _ ct».j rmlsM Dr. BcHM ocrib i* «• ■:. 2 £r r I* * b. ■-» ■?— rj-pert . I t:>h i to r rej, ^4' r- u ti>jlS’11 Tf uDi;‘ ?*T *. Jfrd-J&rxp .•< I ■ I n & CrvYwR. « C Bitijffiapcim Tm, h L«lv m ljk: f t£ih w £ac Beil -e | j - . LR4t0 .j PililistorY .31 .T. S. JL.. g f Frospr -: urff. stop csrwne tobuto: Chew -Zr‘7 Lange’s tV* aV' Plugs. Tt 7? Z *- -‘ - • ?Vn c Hr*. e-*WI **j as sI I'rxjfi'Ti h otice to Debtors and Creditors. All peracBB adaoeed ffpwkiirg tc- eetste of S "S’ Marghm-. t late of Core: A. s cerak ,are Wv e fcy notified:*.- ato ,-s tte wafieretgntd and make etVL'ttnem cf ft.. u .r. de*fiedx-»» Miofcoe: usd ah pe-*.j®» l,tv.t.g de»a»d« aesrast amd mtate tre r-otib-.-: ve pr—'-u; us*: iaiara prt»r«r jr prt-wae. - i V AV.-H W Ad -• rr.wTra-c*r r;rl <■' CUNNINGHAM. GFJFrrS. tiEOHGI*. Has Been Appointed Land Agent f&t Spalding County. a#: by tor use rgU Bareaa taad of for Iaa.igrau.--n, sak xrwsiw as4 part e» tbeir can ia ki* tot ssiv t-y {Aeti pre^erty hank*. FtsK pctkalm is resrard no tbs roast obtained rah aabk lands to this eoostr ear be by to dressing him as ab-nr. A fall list of L erases ito Irads and lots of ail desrr.ptiocs' Ordinary’s Advertisements. ( \ R’-iXARY 5 OFFICE. Sran.r.s » Cot v- V/ n. GiouGia. April Sd, IS**.—J. J Maigbam. as t dmiristratc r on estate of 5. W. V *.Tir - -.-r. de : eased, md has tot, applied aci foortaea to m* for .ear. to a bouse res of :st d. saoiv * r '.ess, on ext* taia* at Sixth ?:rte; s.n. land* *' I E, Mr*. E:r.,i.da:.'d onbera. kn-wv as to* late rtsideact of S W. MancbatE- dteeseA for i .siriboUon and to pi j debt* of tbe «tua. All t'ersteis •ot-oenied ata cited to sp?e*r at tbe Court oi Ordinary «f said .- 0 saty, with in tbe tst required bv law, to show came fb«iW * - any tbe-re be why sutfe ap'pii.a:..*n i-a: be rranted. E. W KAMMOXD. Ordinary - /NRDIXAET S OFFICE, Srain-rto- Corv- \J r*. Gaoaete. April 3d. lSife.—J. J. Msagutst as shmitoAtraUir oc estate of J ’ • Maugham, ae: ees-i-i ha? appliad to me for le*Ts to sell a h oase and Vot eortaining two a: res mete or lesa. n ti»e citv of Gri$a. site- site on r-roadvajr street thmodod. easa tt Mat :«rry too-ti. soath by an alley and west by an alley rut.ning firwu. B- wdwsy to So > ■so* street bel.ugicgto mid aatatf for tte ptrr-ose cd distnbatioa. a . persons eosceraed are cited u> appear at the Court of Ckdisaryof sa*d tewsty wit. ta tae time raqnirrd by law to show came If any there he- why *wch sppBcaSaosi abcwM act be granted. E VT. KAMMOXD. urdiaary MRS. M.L WHITE FASHIONABLE Milliner and Dress Maker, Cor. Hill atMl Broadway Sts.. bKimV. GA -;<*;-- Low Prices and Satisfaction Gaaran teec. Please call on »e wbw in nant o? anything in »y We strive to /&2&i everyone. 000 !y.h»V